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Guide to actionable
speed audits;
getting your developer
to work with you.

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How to Build your Own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets for Free #WTSVirtual
How to Build your Own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets for Free #WTSVirtualHow to Build your Own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets for Free #WTSVirtual
How to Build your Own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets for Free #WTSVirtual

Leverage Google Sheets for SEO by building your own Workbook for free and using simple built-in functions and add-ons. Here's a step by step!

seogoogle sheetssearch engine optimization
How To Build Links To Product Pages Without Looking Like A Spammer | Brighton...
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How To Build Links To Product Pages Without Looking Like A Spammer | Brighton...

Linking to product pages – looks a little spammy and unnatural, right? Not necessarily. From anchor text analysis and technical link prospecting to asset identification and writing killer pitches, this is how to build savvy links to sales pages and get your products ranking.

seolink buildingoutreach
Search Engine Optimization (Seo)
Search Engine Optimization (Seo)Search Engine Optimization (Seo)
Search Engine Optimization (Seo)

The document discusses how search engines like Google work. It explains that search engines use web crawlers or spiders to index websites by following links and reading content. The spiders send this indexed information back to be stored in a central database. When a user searches, the search engine compares the query to this index to find relevant results. Google in particular runs on thousands of computers to allow parallel processing for fast searching of its large index. It uses Googlebot to crawl and fetch pages which are then indexed and stored for query processing. PageRank and other factors are used to determine the most relevant results.

itessearch engineseo

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How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated ContentHow to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content

This document contains the tweets from a presentation about optimizing forums for SEO. Some of the key points discussed include: - Using logical and consistent URL paths to improve crawling and trust. - Improving user experience through good internal linking, navigation and search. - Maintaining high quality content through moderation, relevance and preventing spam/duplicate content. - Building authority through links to expert user profiles and published work.

seocontent marketingcontent strategy
Internationalizing Your SEO By Aleyda Solis
Internationalizing Your SEO By Aleyda SolisInternationalizing Your SEO By Aleyda Solis
Internationalizing Your SEO By Aleyda Solis

From the SMX East Conference in New York City, September 27-29, 2016. SESSION: Internationalizing Your SEO. PRESENTATION: Internationalizing Your SEO: Setting Hreflang For International SERP Success - Given by Aleyda Solis, @aleyda - Orainti, International SEO Consultant. #SMX #22A3

SEO predavanje sa ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku
SEO predavanje sa ekonomskog fakulteta u OsijekuSEO predavanje sa ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku
SEO predavanje sa ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku

Toni Anicic's presentation form EFOS about SEO. Prezentacija Tonije Anicica sa ekonomskog fakulteta o SEO-u (search engine optimization, optimizacija za tražilice). Onsite & offsite SEO. Google Quality Guidelines. Whitehat, grayhat and blackhat SEO.

E R U D I T EI wanted to be a

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Developing Technical SEO Skills - Brighton SEO Sept 2021
Developing Technical SEO Skills - Brighton SEO Sept 2021Developing Technical SEO Skills - Brighton SEO Sept 2021
Developing Technical SEO Skills - Brighton SEO Sept 2021

The document is a slide presentation on developing stronger technical SEO skills. It covers what technical SEO is, why it's important to learn, and where someone should start in developing technical SEO skills. It discusses topics like page speed performance, crawling and indexing, internal link analysis, and structured data. It provides recommendations on areas to focus on like HTTP protocols, DNS configuration, and familiarizing oneself with HTML, CSS, and servers. It also lists some common technical SEO tools. The overall aim is to help guide learning technical SEO without providing specific tips.

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BrightonSEO Structured Data by Alexis Sanders
BrightonSEO Structured Data by Alexis SandersBrightonSEO Structured Data by Alexis Sanders
BrightonSEO Structured Data by Alexis Sanders

This document provides steps for implementing structured data markup on a website at different levels from beginner to advanced. At a beginner level, it recommends using a structured data generator to automatically output JSON-LD markup. At an intermediate level, it advises reviewing Google's documentation to understand required properties and view examples. For advanced implementation, it suggests exploring's full documentation to understand type hierarchies and property descriptions. The document stresses the importance of validating markup using Google's structured data testing tool.

brightonseostructured dataschema
Jon Cooper - Creative Link Building
Jon Cooper - Creative Link BuildingJon Cooper - Creative Link Building
Jon Cooper - Creative Link Building

This document discusses strategies for building backlinks for long-term search engine optimization results. It addresses questions about how many links are needed and what types of sites would link. Various link building tactics are presented such as researching sites horizontally, vertically and across different geographies. Content asset examples are provided and a formula for attracting links is given. Tools for backlink research are also mentioned. The overall document provides guidance on developing a long-term link building strategy.

Like most people I fell
into SEO by accident
I didn’t know
anything about code
Link auditsBlogger

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The Future of Technical SEO | Women in Tech SEO 2019 | Rachel Costello
The Future of Technical SEO | Women in Tech SEO 2019 | Rachel CostelloThe Future of Technical SEO | Women in Tech SEO 2019 | Rachel Costello
The Future of Technical SEO | Women in Tech SEO 2019 | Rachel Costello

In this talk, Rachel will share her perspective on the key topics we need to be learning about and the main challenges we're up against today as technical SEOs, such as JavaScript rendering, web performance, and keeping up with developers.

seosemsearch engine optimization
BrightonSEO July 2021: Spilling the T in EAT- Easy CRO Tricks for User Trust
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Oliver Brett's BrightonSEO talk on how you can improve user trust of your site via UX tweaks. Provided by Screaming Frog.

seodigital marketingux
eCommerce SEO Shopping Spree - State of Search 2013
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eCommerce SEO Shopping Spree - State of Search 2013

The document discusses eCommerce SEO best practices for site architecture, content, duplicate content issues, structured data, social media integration, site speed, and analytics. It provides tips for using flat site structures, meaningful URLs, content on category pages, canonicalization, XML sitemaps, responsive design, and Google Analytics tagging to improve search engine optimization for eCommerce websites.

ecommercesemantic seoseo
Focus Deliver growth through…

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Automate your SEO checks with Python 2017
Automate your SEO checks with Python 2017Automate your SEO checks with Python 2017
Automate your SEO checks with Python 2017

The document discusses how simple Python scripts can be used to automate SEO checks. It provides an example of a Python script that parses HTML, compares meta data values to expected values, and sends an email alert if there are any discrepancies. This allows SEO tasks to be automated instead of done manually. The document encourages readers to think of other use cases for simple automation scripts and provides resources for learning Python and an example script.

productivityseo auditpython seo
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021

The document discusses strategies for SEO success in 2021. It recommends aligning SEO efforts with a website's product triangle to set strategic priorities. Understanding user search intent and connecting content to their search journeys is emphasized to better fulfill needs. Leveraging Google's search features and developing brand authority can help expand visibility and grow search popularity. Areas to focus on minimizing include poor user experience issues like slow site speed. Overall the document provides guidance on optimizing content, technical aspects, and link building to achieve SEO goals in 2021.

seosearch engine optimization
[US] 2014 Ranking Factors Webinar - Jordan Koene
[US] 2014 Ranking Factors Webinar - Jordan Koene[US] 2014 Ranking Factors Webinar - Jordan Koene
[US] 2014 Ranking Factors Webinar - Jordan Koene

Haven’t had time to read the SEO Ranking Factors and Rank Correlations 2014 – Google U.S? That’s OK; we’ve got you covered! Check out the slides from our one-hour live webinar, where we will cover the highlights from the report.

searchmetrics ranking factors study

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Tools of the Trade for Running SEO Audits - SMX East 2015: Essential Steps fo...
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Day 2 Session: Essential Steps for Performing an Effective SEO Audit Presentation: Tools of the Trade for Running SEO Audits by Benj Arriola #SMX #24A

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Competitive Analysis for SEO - SEMNE
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Competitive Analysis for SEO - SEMNE

This document provides tips on how to analyze competitors to better understand why they may be outranking you in search results. It recommends first examining the search results to understand what types of content are ranking. Tools like SEMRush, SERPstat and Google's AdWords keyword planner can help with this. Second, it suggests auditing competitors by looking at their website code, content, links, social media presence and employees to identify trends that may be contributing to their success. The goal is to gain insights on how to improve your own online marketing efforts.

search engine optimizationcompetitive analysissearch engine marketing
SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...
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SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...

How can you achieve results in your SEO process without having to wait for months? In this presentation I go through criteria to use to identify quick win opportunities!

seosearch engine optimization
53% of visits are
abandoned if a mobile
site takes more than
Source: Think with Google #SEARCHLOVE @MIRA_INA
Slow sites stress
Source: Ericsson #SEARCHLOVE @MIRA_INA
lost 10% of
users for

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Solving Complex SEO Problems When Standard Fixes Do Not Appl

My talk June 23rd at SMX Advanced about how to find Search Engine Optimization site issues when the obvious fixes don't work.

kristine schachingersmx advancedtechnical seo
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
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Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

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SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...

App-like websites can improve page speed and user engagement, but they also rely heavily on JavaScript and JS frameworks that can make many ‘SEO basics’ more technically complex. Emily will walk you through often-missed tactics to make web-apps indexable, optimised, and performant on mobile devices.

marketingdigital marketingprogressive web apps
time on
e in
Source: Googleblog
Get organisational
buy in

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From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...
From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...
From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...

The document discusses optimizing web apps for search engines. It covers indexing web apps by using clean URLs, canonical tags, and server-side rendering. It also discusses optimization techniques like making the app mobile friendly, adding structured data for search results, and improving speed by optimizing images, inlining critical CSS/JS, code splitting, and following the PRPL pattern. The document provides tips on rendering web apps for search engines and users to improve both indexing and user experience.

web app seopwa seodistilled
skillshare organic search strategy
skillshare organic search strategyskillshare organic search strategy
skillshare organic search strategy

And end-to-end introduction to building meaningful strategies for organic search. This course addresses: What is an organic search strategy? What you need to know and do before starting a project with a client? The research process Organizing and prioritizing action items Building, editing, and presenting presentation Along with general tips and tricks This class is targeted to SEO practitioners with 3-6 year of experience (particularly management to director levels). However, anyone can glean insights from this class, as it will be focused on building general critical, strategic thinking for the organic search channel. Materials Needed: Internet connection / Google search A Creative mind Whiteboard One of the following would help with keyword analysis: SEMrush/aHref/Moz/getStat/etc. Site crawlers: Screaming Frog/Sitebulb/DeepCrawl/OnCrawl/aHref/etc.

seodigital strategyseo strategy
How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...

Google conducts 800,000 experiments and improvements to search annually to optimize search results for users. In 2021 alone, Google made 5,000 improvements to search. As of August 2022, 92% of all search queries are handled by Google. The document then provides an in-depth overview of how to conduct a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) analysis, including competitor analysis, entity analysis, sentiment analysis, search intent analysis, language use analysis, and rank analysis. It recommends leveraging tools like Google APIs, Data for SEO, and GPT-3 to automate the analysis and provide classifications. The analysis is intended to guide content and keyword strategy execution rather than replace it.

Speed impact calculator
Speed impact calculator
conversion rates
for all channels
So… how do you get
your developer to work
with you?

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How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
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How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO

Develop your audits by making them actionable, prioritized & strategical to drive growth in your SEO Process.

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What Makes your SEO Fail (and how to fix it) #BrightonSEO
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What Makes your SEO Fail (and how to fix it) #BrightonSEO

In this session I'll go through the main causes of SEO processes failure and provide actionable tips to overcome the most common challenges to achieve SEO success.

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SEO Audit Tools, Tips and Tricks - SMX West 2016
SEO Audit Tools, Tips and Tricks - SMX West 2016SEO Audit Tools, Tips and Tricks - SMX West 2016
SEO Audit Tools, Tips and Tricks - SMX West 2016

Tools used for SEO Audits, from the technical side, content side and link profile analysis side. For all links going to the tools, they will be added on:

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Learn how to communicate with
Present your
information concisely
Who is in the

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5 SEO Mistakes You Can Fix Today
5 SEO Mistakes You Can Fix Today5 SEO Mistakes You Can Fix Today
5 SEO Mistakes You Can Fix Today

5 SEO Mistakes You Can Fix Today These are five very common SEO mistakes that our SEO Team sees on a regular basis as we review websites. Goal: To walk you through each of these five mistakes and show you step by step how you can IDENTIFY and CORRECT these issues to improve your organic search rankings. We will cover... 1) Duplicate Content Duplicate content is one of the most common mistakes we see on a website especially with Wordpress themed websites. Most webmasters and business owners don't have any idea that they have duplicate content or that it can negatively affect your search rankings. 2) Keyword Theming Keyword theming will help you eliminate keyword stuffing (which Google hates - think negative SEO and penalties) and enable you to get more keyword phrases ranked for an individual page on your website. We will walk you through how it works and how to use the Google AdWords Keyword tool (for free) to start keyword theming. 3) Competitor Tracking Knowing what keyword phrases your competitors are ranking for is great, but identifying the easy opportunities to move ahead of them because Google hasn't indexed specific content types or keyword themes is even better. Yup, we will teach how to do this too so you can start dominating your competitors. (Just don't share this with them) 4) User Experience Optimization It's great to improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your website, but happens once someone lands on your homepage, landing page, or blog? UX is critical to converting traffic to leads and customers. We provide you with good and bad examples as well as best practices regarding One-Click methodology, calls to action, page load speed, and navigation. 5) Images Yes, images play an integral role to your User Optimization, but also to your overall search engine optimization strategy. This isn't just about ALT Text, but you need to start by thinking about the filename of your images before you upload them to your website, how the image size will affect page load speed, and by all means please don't use stock images. Our SEO Team will guide you through all of these and drop in a few more. If you need more help, we are here for you and will provide with a free SEO Website Review. Inbound Marketing Agents SEO Team E: W: P: 615.600.4790

seosearch engine optimizationsem
Understanding The Power of Search Engine Optimization
Understanding The Power of Search Engine OptimizationUnderstanding The Power of Search Engine Optimization
Understanding The Power of Search Engine Optimization

The document discusses search engines and search engine optimization (SEO). It defines search as the pursuit of information and explains why people search online, such as to find a specific site or make a transaction. It describes what search engines are and provides examples like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It discusses key on-page SEO factors including title tags, meta tags, keywords, links, and images. It also discusses off-page factors like anchor text, social shares, white hat techniques, and black hat techniques. The document emphasizes that SEO is important for students to learn about as it can help them start blogs and websites to earn money.

seosearch engine optimization
Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engine...
Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engine...Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engine...
Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engine...

From the SMX West Conference in San Jose, California, March 1-3, 2016. SESSION: Search Engine Friendly Web Design. PRESENTATION: Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engines - Given by Shari Thurow, @sharithurow - Omni Marketing Interactive, Founder and SEO Director. #SMX #12D

Web Development
Lost in

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Presented during SMX Advanced 2016 the presentation covered what you need to know about Firebase App Indexing implementation, impacts and insights learnt.

mobilemobile application developmentgoogle
Actionable tips for the Modern Corporate SEO Manager
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Actionable tips for the Modern Corporate SEO Manager

Actionable tips on how to get the most from a tight budget, or working with difficult colleagues whose work can disrupt your best SEO efforts. How you can combine yours efforts in keyword research and content management with a keyword register. How low-priced, or free tools can help you deliver a great result. Ash will share a couple of spreadsheets he has used for many years to track dozens of small and large client accounts.

Leveraging the powers of Structured Data ✨
Leveraging the powers of Structured Data ✨Leveraging the powers of Structured Data ✨
Leveraging the powers of Structured Data ✨

There are many great resources out there on how to create Structured Data markup for your websites, and why this is beneficial for triggering Rich Results in Search. But I understand that getting Structured Data best implemented across your site requires buy-in from stakeholders and developer resources. In my new SMX Munich talk, I give advice on how you can implement an effective process that will ensure reliable testing and implementation of Schema mark-up and how this can benefit your website's goals.

Learn the lingo

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Social Media Maven Kate Frost will share her time-saving tricks, tips, apps and websites that will help you create a more streamlined social media presence for your dealership while also elevating the quality and delivery of your content. Attendees of this informative presentation will learn: How to use these 5 time saving tools How dealers are creating killer content with these tools How to look like a social media rockstar to your boss and be the envy of your competitors How to reach new and existing customers with better branding This jaw-dropping presentation is jam-packed with so much great information you’ll start saving 2-3 hours a week! That is valuable time you can then use to talk to more customers and sell more cars!

social media tipssocial mediaautomotive marketing
Actionable and Impactful SEO Audits #SearchNorwich
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How to maximize your SEO audits impact and facilitate its actionability? In this presentation Aleyda goes through the SP2 principles that you can easily apply to your SEO analysis and recommendations.

seoseo auditssearch engine optimisation
Top accessibility pitfalls and how to fix them
Top accessibility pitfalls and how to fix themTop accessibility pitfalls and how to fix them
Top accessibility pitfalls and how to fix them

Last year Erudite published the UK Accessibility Benchmark, which looked at the UK's most popular websites and assessed compliance against WCAG Accessibility Criteria. This talk will dive into some of the most common issues we encountered, and give you practical examples to help you identify and resolve accessibility issues on your own site!

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What is your sites
Do some research to
understand its

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10 no test cro wins
10 no test cro wins10 no test cro wins
10 no test cro wins

Matt Woods is a CRO consultant who gives tips on optimizing websites for search engines. He discusses the importance of above the fold content that entices users to scroll further. Reviews and trust signals like case studies and certifications can boost conversions. Checkout optimizations include adding a guest checkout, address autocomplete, and hiding unnecessary navigation. Accessibility, speed, and image optimization are also important site-wide considerations.

Utilizing the natural langauage toolkit for keyword research
Utilizing the natural langauage toolkit for keyword researchUtilizing the natural langauage toolkit for keyword research
Utilizing the natural langauage toolkit for keyword research

This document discusses using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) for keyword research and analysis. It provides instructions on installing NLTK and other Python libraries, preparing keyword data, and running scripts to classify and cluster keywords to identify trends and topics. The document demonstrates how to automate aspects of keyword research using NLTK to help analyze large datasets.

seo automation
TAD Digital - Beyond Rankings: Demonstrating the value of your SEO campaign ...
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Miracle has over 10 years of experience supporting major brands with technical SEO, content, and data strategies. They help clients achieve business goals and strategic directions for the next 1-2 years through data-driven insights. Data helps anticipate trends, engage in industry conversations, and make decisions backed by facts rather than feelings.

seoseo campaignseo roi
There is always somebody
who uses Lighthouse and
demands a 100 score on
everything… on a rich
application website.. ”

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How to Use Screaming Frog Custom Extractions
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How to Use Screaming Frog Custom Extractions

Practical guide to using Screaming Frog custom extractions to find new SEO opportunities and automate data collection tasks.

All You Can EAT - SMX London
All You Can EAT - SMX LondonAll You Can EAT - SMX London
All You Can EAT - SMX London

Find out what you can do to identify EAT related facets of your site that could be holding you back, and how to formalize an audit process to identify and remedy this.

Proving your worth - Demonstrating the value of your SEO campaign
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Proving your worth - Demonstrating the value of your SEO campaign

Measuring the success of your SEO campaign is important to ascertain whether your time, money and efforts are allocated effectively. Miracle will be sharing tips and takeaways on tracking and data analysis to ensure you are collecting the right data and presenting information that matters to stakeholders

Focus on trends
not numbers
Use a
combination of
Make your

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Are PWAs The Future of the Web?
Are PWAs The Future of the Web?Are PWAs The Future of the Web?
Are PWAs The Future of the Web?

Progressive web apps (PWAs) provide app-like experiences through the browser while taking advantage of the web's capabilities. PWAs load quickly, work offline, and can be installed on the home screen. Studies show PWAs significantly outperform mobile apps in speed and user experience. As mobile usage grows, PWAs allow developers to build once and deploy everywhere without app stores.

pwasseomobile optimisation
Let's Get Physical - Making the Journey Feel Better to Drive Growth
Let's Get Physical - Making the Journey Feel Better to Drive GrowthLet's Get Physical - Making the Journey Feel Better to Drive Growth
Let's Get Physical - Making the Journey Feel Better to Drive Growth

This talk explains why performance optimisation works and how positive physical neural responses drive this. We take a look at what improves user experience and the perception of speed in an offline state and how this can be translated to the web in order to drive performance and growth.

We Made Our Website a PWA & Why You Should Too - Brighton SEO
We Made Our Website a PWA & Why You Should Too - Brighton SEOWe Made Our Website a PWA & Why You Should Too - Brighton SEO
We Made Our Website a PWA & Why You Should Too - Brighton SEO

As an agency we're constantly exploring how to give our clients a competitive edge in the mobile-first index era - super charging mobile performance is a must and PWA's allow us to do just that. See the benefits, criteria and the kind of results you can expect from a PWA here.

Developers don’t
care about your
Sometimes SEOs recommend
a solution. Developers
that are used to coding
like robots follow this
solution even if is not
the right one!”
Avoid Solutionising
Developers might not
understand SEO, but they
understand performance”

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5,000 UK Websites Mobile Sitespeed Comparison - Search Elite
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5,000 UK Websites Mobile Sitespeed Comparison - Search Elite

In this presentation I go through why a wide range of data is useful in understanding the performance optimisation competitive landscape. It helps us know how fast is fast... helps us add context and boundaries to our projects, as well as helps us know when we're doing a good job or when we need to push harder to get faster.

mobilemobile marketingsite speed
Progressive Web Apps - Intro and State of Market in Australia
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Progressive Web Apps - Intro and State of Market in Australia

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (PWA) criteria, what makes a PWA; service worker protocol, using Lighthouse to audit; meta data in web app manifest for homescreen adds. Also features a deep dive into the top 100 Australian retail sites and five key PWA criteria.

pwasprogressive web appsmobile marketing
Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)
Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)
Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)

Hreflang is a convoluted solution to a common problem and scaling it can be a nightmare. Even Google's John Mueller agrees "it's one of the most complex aspects of SEO". Having pioneered Hreflang sitemaps in 2011 the Erudite team have supported over 3,000 clients and tool users to complete their Hreflang projects successfully. In this presentation Nichola goes through implementation types and differences. How to manage and scale solutions. How to benchmark and communicate project success with global teams. Common errors and quirks.

seotechnical seointernet marketing
Don’t say
Please convert all our
images to WebP. Just use
this picture code to
swap the images out
 We know that; heavy images slow sites
 We believe that; converting all images on
the homepage to WebP will reduce the sizes
 and will result in X seconds improvement in
 and Improve overall conversion rate by X%
leading to a revenue increase of X%

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UK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEO
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UK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEO

At Erudite we like to conduct our own R and D so that we truly understand the competitive landscape. We analysed the Lighthouse speed metrics of 5,000 of the UKs top websites, and categorised them by channel, so that we can better understand mobile site speed in the context of competition.

performanceseotechnical seo
Fast Is The Only Speed
Fast Is The Only SpeedFast Is The Only Speed
Fast Is The Only Speed

Today most consumer website visitors use their mobile phones. A slow and unresponsive experience on a mobile device can be far more offputting than a desktop experience. Such a negative experience in fact, that one of the studies cited in the presentation reveals that a painfully slow website can be more stressful than watching a horror film! So what does matter to developers and technical marketers seeking to deliver a more useful and pleasant experience to visitors? In this deck we examine user-focused performance metrics; the main front and server-side optimisation works to improve the perceived performance of our site. Which tools are best for these new performance metrics. Finally we look at some really positive results that Erudite have achieved for clients, as well as a great way to use Element Visibility in Google Tag Manager, to measure improvements to performance elements with confidence!

Driving ROI with Technical SEO
Driving ROI with Technical SEODriving ROI with Technical SEO
Driving ROI with Technical SEO

This document discusses technical SEO strategies for driving ROI, including structuring content for better crawl and index performance, managing which URLs should be indexed, using robots.txt and other tools to manage robots, and measuring key metrics like ranking keywords, landing pages, conversion rates, and revenue growth. It also covers optimizing page speed through techniques like HTTP/2, image optimization, code audits, and simplifying pages.

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This is an example of
the code you need.
Do you think this is
the best solution?
Some of which you
should investigate

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Digital Gaggle 2017 - Mobile Index
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Digital Gaggle 2017 - Mobile Index

A talk about the most significant change to search since the launch of Google and why/how we should be prepared.

SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
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SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

seotechnical seousability
HREFLANG for International SEO: Lessons from 3,000 Implementations
HREFLANG for International SEO: Lessons from 3,000 ImplementationsHREFLANG for International SEO: Lessons from 3,000 Implementations
HREFLANG for International SEO: Lessons from 3,000 Implementations

In 2012 we pioneered the use of hreflang sitemaps within the SEO industry, and in being first found there was a lack of tools and process... so we made our own! Now our hreflang sitemap generator has contributed to our supporting or working directly on over 3,000 unique implementations globally. Here's a few tips on what we learned along the way.

ecommercehreflangtechnical seo
Percentage of
iPhone vs chrome
Location of your
Others only the
developer would know
What CDN & cost of
overheads on server

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User experience is driving change in search as younger generations have different preferences than older users. Generation Z, those born roughly from the mid-1990s onward, expect instant, mobile-friendly results that can be accessed and consumed across all devices. They also prefer visual content and experiences over text-heavy content. To better serve Generation Z, search providers are focusing on accelerating page speeds and delivering more direct, visual results.

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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Not so much to say

Maintenance issues
This would have cost loads of money
We don’t have time to
read lots of things when
a simple “put this tag,
with this info, add this
picture attribute, etc…”
will do.
Developers are
busy people they
have other

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

automotive self-driving car technology
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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

infrastructure as codeclouddevops
Issue Impact
n Rate
n Rate
Don’t send me a link to
the Google’s latest
recommendation unless
you are happy for my
client to pay for me to
become an expert in SEO”
Don’t expect
developers to
understand SEO
Give clear and
detailed request

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Request Log
Feature &
Who is
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Identifying unused
CSS & JavaScript
with Google chrome
dev tools
61% of the code loaded is
not used

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Use different
templates for
different types of
Detailed list
of unused code
and the

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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

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List of
pixels/tags on
site with use,
date uploaded to
Check regularly
Leverage browser caching
How much of the content is
How easy is it to clear
the cache if content

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Tabled list of
recourses to
be cached,
function and
for how long
Ask to make jQuery library
Ensure it’s the latest
I am sure it’s
easy, Netflix
does it! ”

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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Your examples
should be relevant,
realistic &
Speed test
How many users
visit your site
with simulated

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What is the cut
off point for
Old devices support
More code
Old prefixes

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What rich
are you going
to sacrifice
For 1 millisecond
The purpose of the
speed audit report

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Isn’t to show how
intelligent you are
It is to help your
client get the best
In conclusion

Recommended for you

It’s not in
learning to code
Yes that will
help you
diagnose better
Giving feedback
when something
hasn't worked

Recommended for you

Giving praise &
sharing results
when it has
Thank you
View my full
slides here
+44 (0) 1256 384890
M I R A C L E I N A M E T I - A R C H I B O N G
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talk to us?

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Guide to actionable speed audits; getting your developer to work with you

Editor's Notes

  1. I was having a bit of a difficult day at brain was dying a little so I too a bit of a break went for some coffee and got on tweeter to see if anything interesting was happening. When I saw this tweet from Brighton SEO
  2. I was browsing through tweeter on day and I came across a question posted by brightonSEO (pause).
  3. And I knew exactly what she was talking about because this was my life
  4. You see this is what I was taking a break from.
  5. So that job title pretty much sums up my life. And I actually said to myself I need to write a blogpost about this.
  6. So how did this become my life
  7. Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself
  8. I got into the industry just before the big penguin update and spent the first 2 years of my career doing mostly keyword research and backlink audits. Then I became an AM. And became a technical SEO to my list of jobs so obviously I made a lot of mistakes.
  9. I am from a marketing background so I wasn’t technical at all.
  10. I got into the industry just before the Google Penguin Update in April 2012 which was aimed at sitesbuying links or obtaining them through link networks
  11. and spent the first 2 years of my career doing mostly keyword research and backlink audits trying to get sites to recover from penalties. Then I became an Account Manager
  12. and technical SEO was added to my list of jobs so obviously I made a lot of mistakes.
  13. I tried to learn how to code
  14. There was never going to be enough time to become an expert in all of this.
  15. So back to the speed audit. And what have a learned over the years on how to get my recommendations implemented. By the way this also applies to getting any audit actioned by your even though the examples are specific to speed because that is what I was drowning in when this presentation was inspired.
  16. I
  17. On average mobile accounts for most of my clients visits in 2019 and that figure continues to grow and I know is probably similar for most of your clients. I have only seen had one client since 2018 whose desktop traffic is higher than mobile and they sell used haulage trucks.
  18. However only 35% of revenue is from mobile and one of the keys to improve that conversion rate is improving the speed on the site.
  21. 28
  22. Speed is now a ranking factor
  23. Great for explaining impact of speed to people who don’t understand SEO
  24. Good because it highlight revenue but ensure
  25. Emphasizing what your competitor is doing is a very effective way of getting buying from the top. Ensure you use competitors of a similar size not just the best case scenario
  26. Remember improving the site speed its not only beneficial for SEO its beneficial for all channels
  27. Let's start with the first C - Learning to communicate
  28. Are you wasting time talking to the wrong person?
  29. Talk about experience in first client meeting speaking to marketing managers and digital producers
  30. You need to understand which developers oversee specific parts of the website. Frontend, webadmin etc. Ask yourself am I speaking to the right person Front-end Developer (AKA Client-Side Developer) - user interfaces, including its aesthetics and layouts. Backend Developer (AKA Server-Side Developer) - This is a developer who specializes in the design, implementation, functional core logic, performance and scalability of a piece of software or system running on machines that are remote from the end-user. Digital Producer/Project Manager –in charge of scheduling Marketing Manager /Head of Digital
  31. 1) Read up on what it takes to implement these changes — they’re not easy fixes — so that you can discuss it knowledgeably. 2) I once had a call with a marketing manager and as I was explaining recommendations, the MM was googling some of the terms. Would the MM be able to effectively communicate your recommendations to the dev team?
  32. 1) Read up on what it takes to implement these changes — they’re not easy fixes — so that you can discuss it knowledgeably. 2) I once had a call with a marketing manager and as I was explaining recommendations, the MM was googling some of the terms. Would the MM be able to effectively communicate your recommendations to the dev team?
  33. Lost of developers just think SEO is just on-page. They don’t expect you to be interested in the technical stuff. You need to set this misconception straight. Builthwith is a good place to start Problems with cloudfare WordPress has a specific URL structure. Url, categories,product. Pushed for non-standard implementation loads of 404 errors on the site
  34. Lost of developers just think SEO is just on-page. They don’t expect you to be interested in the technical stuff. You need to set this misconception straight. Builthwith is a good place to start Problems with cloudfare WordPress has a specific URL structure. Url, categories,product. Pushed for non-standard implementation loads of 404 errors on the site
  35. 1) Read up on what it takes to implement these changes — they’re not easy fixes — so that you can discuss it knowledgeably.
  36. Stackover flow and other developer forums on facebook are good places to start
  37. It’s a collaboration
  38. Non of the tools ever report the same metric. Don’t be obsessed with tool score. Focus on the trend and its impact on metrics that matter like revenue.
  39. Non of the tools ever report the same metric. Don’t be obsessed with tool score. Focus on the trend and its impact on metrics that matter like revenue.
  40. Non of the tools ever report the same metric. Don’t be obsessed with tool score. Focus on the trend and its impact on metrics that matter like revenue.
  41. Developers don’t care about your rankings. That is your KPI not theirs Present the right metrics like CTR, Increase in users, better user experience and most important. More money
  42. Is your problem stimulating enough to be an obsession. Have you have you made the best revenue case for it?
  43. Is your problem stimulating enough to be an obsession. Have you have you made the best revenue case for it?
  44. Is your problem stimulating enough to be an obsession. Have you have you made the best revenue case for it?
  45. Because there might be other things to consider
  46. Because there might be other things to consider
  47. Which you can get from google analytics
  48. You can get your google analytics. Do your users have access to 3g network?
  49. Because there might be other things to consider
  50. Costs to do this work and then storage the additional images (considering that a 100kb jpeg is likely to almost certainly take over 200kb of space if stored in the 3 formats) will also be a big factor to Paultons.
  51. Developers are busy people chances are they have a long list of things to do that is quite critical to revenue. Be specific in your recommendations. However be open to discussion. Asks how many open tickets are there What do I need to do to get my ticket to the top of the queue
  52. I always use overall conversation rates because an improvement in site speed is not beneficial to SEO its bbeneficial to the entire site - Ensure you are measuring the right thing. Time to first interactive.
  53. Most front-end developers might not necessarily understand SEO but they understand performance. They want it to work well. But they don’t need to be sent on a lesson. Just as you wouldn’t want to be sent a bunch of code to say this is our implementation. Keep it simple.
  54. Most front-end developers might not necessarily understand SEO but they understand performance. They want it to work well. But they don’t need to be sent on a lesson. Just as you wouldn’t want to be sent a bunch of code to say this is our implementation. Keep it simple.
  55. Along with images, CSS and JavaScript are two of the most common reasons for code bloat and slow loading pages. This can happen for several reasons including those listed below: (1) Scripts being called in the head section of a template that are required for some pages but are being called for every page on the site. (2) Scripts and styles that are only used when a certain part of the page is interacted with such as tabs, accordions, faceted navigation. (3) Poor coding.
  56. One of the major problems with website is loading unused code this often happens when site is updated, support for old operating systems that haven’t been updated. This is the process I use when checking for unused code. Don’t just run the coverage test and say delete all this code - Hopefully, your developer will say no 64% is not being used on this page on initial load.
  57. By clicking on an individual row in the bottom pane you can also see the specific blocks of code that aren’t being used in the top page.
  58. By clicking on an individual row in the bottom pane you can also see the specific blocks of code that aren’t being used in the top page. By looking at a more granular level it may be possible to split code up into that which is parsed at the start of the page load process and unused scripts and styles that can be deferred until after the above the fold content has loaded.
  59. I recently audited a site that had a social sharing widget called which was slowing down the speed on a client site. The script was also path of the critical loading path . The page also has its own share buttons hardcoded into the template so someone had clearly forgotten about this widget.
  60. jQuery is a powerful and simple JavaScript library that you can use to select elements in your Web page, add impressive special effects, and insert content. Jquery is a heavy library you should never load more than one jQuery library. Its has an API so make sure you are not calling different versions of the API on a single page
  61. Always pick examples that are similar to your client in size or even business objectives. Basically your examples should be relevant, realistic and obtainable. read performance profiles with understanding. There are some changes that can be easily done some that are not.
  62. Most Speed tools text with Nexus 5. Lighthouse, Webpage test.
  63. How many people visit your site with those devices/browser? Especially if your site isn’t an international site? Are you going to sacrifice your rich application so that 7 more people can visit your site. The code you might need to add to make it fast on these devices might slow the entire site down in the long run For a new site build will the site get outdated because your are prioritising speed over new technology?
  64. you will save time by deleting old browser support
  65. CSS browser or vendor prefixes are nothing but a means through which the makers of web browsers (vendors as they’re known) add support for the latest CSS features, for an experimentation and testing period. These browser prefixes are basically used for addition of new features, which may or may not be a part of the formal specifications. Furthermore, they’re used for implementation of new features in a specification which hasn’t yet been finalized. Some of the CSS browser prefixes are as follows: - Safari: -webkit- - Chrome: -webkit- - Internet Explorer: -ms- - Opera: -o- - Firefox: -moz- - Android: -webkit- - iOS: -webkit-
  66. How many people visit your site with those devices/browser? Especially if your site isn’t an international site? Are you going to sacrifice your rich application so that 7 more people can visit your site. The code you might need to add to make it fast on these devices might slow the entire site down in the long run For a new site build will the site get outdated because your are prioritizing speed over new technology?
  67. How many people visit your site with those devices/browser? Especially if your site isn’t an international site? Are you going to sacrifice your rich application so that 7 more people can visit your site. The code you might need to add to make it fast on these devices might slow the entire site down in the long run For a new site build will the site get outdated because your are prioritizing speed over new technology?
  68. Most times. This is the hardest thing to admit. Your client is paying you loads of money and you are under pressure to come up with a solution. It is better to say. I don’t know. Than to recommend something that will have a detrimental impact on the site. . I don’t know the answer
  69. Working together with your developer. Asking them for the best way to send recommendations for feature change