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<h2>The Chaotic Landscape of JavaScript </h4>
What is JavaScript SEO?
What it takes for a
modern JavaScript-
powered website to
be properly indexed
by search crawlers?
7 Random Statements
1. SEO was never this dynamic
2. Google is pushing more changes than ever, they aren’t as popular as
Penguin and Panda
3. I still see too many SEOs who live in a fantasy world made out out of
MOZ DA scores, keyword density and SEO “hacks”
4. That tiny pocket in jeans was designed to store pocket watches
5. Looking at some of the biggest websites in the world, it seems that most
didn’t hear about Technical SEO yet.
6. McDonald’s once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli
7. JavaScript is here to stay and JavaScript SEO is not a geeky option
anymore (YAY!)
Have you heard about the
2 waves of JavaScript

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As Google becomes a JavaScript crawler, GTM becomes an incredible way to improve your site for both users and bots. This goes through some very simple methods, and what they can be used for...

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Various browser changes that will impact SEO over the coming 6 months, and we should be aware, and prepare accordingly.

Three site speed optimisation tips to make your website REALLY fast - Brighto...
Three site speed optimisation tips to make your website REALLY fast - Brighto...Three site speed optimisation tips to make your website REALLY fast - Brighto...
Three site speed optimisation tips to make your website REALLY fast - Brighto...

The document discusses three tips for optimizing website speed: 1) Using new image formats like WebP that are smaller in file size than JPEG and PNG, 2) Optimizing custom webfonts to reduce file size and number of HTTP requests, and 3) Implementing HTTP/2 to enable multiple requests over a single connection and reduce latency. It also covers critical path rendering which involves optimizing the resources needed to render the initial view above the fold.

site speedsite performancespeed
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Web development
HTML → HTML + CSS → HTML + a little JS → HTML + a lot of JS → JS
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll
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The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Providing recommendations on how to optimize pagination (post rel=next and rel=prev) based on results of testing pagination and infinite scroll in the wild.

Migration to a JS Framework without Losing Your Rankings and Mind
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Migration to a JS Framework without Losing Your Rankings and Mind

This document discusses different approaches for migrating a website to a JavaScript framework while maintaining search engine optimization. It highlights the importance of server-side rendering or dynamic rendering to allow search engines to properly index single-page applications. Various solutions are presented, such as for smaller sites or hybrid rendering for larger sites. Key considerations for a successful migration include technical SEO basics, testing the migrated site, and ensuring content is properly indexed.

SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...
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Most marketers know that improving site speed leads to better engagement, conversion rates, and even improved performance in search engines. Still, many marketers don’t get involved in web performance optimization projects, expecting them to be handled entirely by developers. In this talk, you’ll learn about marketing’s critical role in measuring, auditing, and optimizing performance to drive greater impact for your business.

searchlovesearchlove boston
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Read more:
Read more:
Why isn’t this process instant?

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TFM - Using Google Tag Manager for ecom

Google Tag Manager is, essentially a manager for JavaScript, which means that you can use it to modify and enhance your website - sometimes to test sometimes when you have a CMS that can't do something as simple as a YouTube embed. Also, because of this, understand the risks.

Brighton SEO July 2021 How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...
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Do you want to find out, how inefficient use of JS is preventing you from passing CWV and what to do about it? Click through!

#CMC2019: Advanced SEO: Competitive intelligence, Web Scraping, and More.
#CMC2019: Advanced SEO: Competitive intelligence, Web Scraping, and More. #CMC2019: Advanced SEO: Competitive intelligence, Web Scraping, and More.
#CMC2019: Advanced SEO: Competitive intelligence, Web Scraping, and More.

It's all about getting ahead of the competition and winning the war on the web. Learn how to scrape your competitors top performing content and keywords, analyze the text with AI tools to find tone, style and consistent themes, and apply that intelligence to develop your own content strategy rooted in performance that will better appeal to your readers and fans and deliver results. Attend this session to learn advanced optimization secrets: •Key elements of a web page that can be extracted for research. •Top discovery tools to quickly find optimized topics, titles and tags. •How to use XPath and Screaming Frog Web Crawler to fuel research. •New tools to analyze content and predict the big five characteristics. •Sneak peek at some new tools for advanced search engine optimization.

seosearch engine optimizationxpath
Read more:
Source: Google I/O 2018
“…Rendering pages at the scale of the web
requires a lot of time and computational
resources. And make no mistake, this is a
serious challenge for search crawlers,
Googlebot included.”
“Rendering the JavaScript powered
web pages takes processor power
and memory. While Googlebot is very
powerful, it doesn’t have infinite

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Tom has long been fascinated with how the web works… and how he could break it. In this presentation, Tom will discuss some of the times that he has discovered security issues in Google, Facebook and Twitter. He will discuss compromising Search Console so that he could look up any penalty in the Manual Action tool, how he took control of tens of thousands of websites, and how he recently discovered a major bug that let him rank brand new sites on the first page with no links at all. Tom will outline how these exploits work, and in doing so share some details about the technical side of the web.

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SMX London Technical SEO in 2018.
SMX London Technical SEO in 2018. SMX London Technical SEO in 2018.
SMX London Technical SEO in 2018.

New metrics, new technologies and new challenges. JavaScript, Mobile First, and Performance as a ranking factor.

On-Page SEO EXTREME - SEOZone Istanbul 2013
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On-Page SEO EXTREME - SEOZone Istanbul 2013

My presentation from #SEOZone Istanbul 2013 covering advanced On-Page SEO optimization aspects such as crawl-ability, semantics, duplicate content issues as well as performance optimization stragies.

1 user = 60 Watt lightbulb
lit for 3 hours*
*Data from 2011
JavaScript “lives”
in your CPU
JavaScript HTML

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In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend £1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

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Emily Grossman's talk about PWAs from BrightonSEO September 2017 Video slides have been replaced by a screenshot with links to the videos or their original sources.

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AMP - SMX München 2018
AMP - SMX München 2018AMP - SMX München 2018
AMP - SMX München 2018

AMP has benefits for driving discussion on web performance and collaboration, but it also has significant limitations and drawbacks. While AMP pages load faster initially due to Google's pre-rendering, regular websites optimized for performance can also load very quickly and provide a better user experience through proper branding and interactivity. Overall web performance optimization should go beyond just AMP by focusing on fundamentals like optimizing images, CSS, JavaScript, and the critical rendering path to make entire websites fast for users on all devices.

ampaccelerated mobile pages
Enter JavaScript
1 100
USA TODAY Case Study
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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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Learn how to easily implement structured data ( in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag Manager. These are the slides from my talk at SEO-Day 2017 in Cologne, Germany.
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Why pull data out of Google Analytics and into Google docs - creating dashboards with it and analysis of Google updates including Penguin and Panda. Have you been hit using the SiteVisibility Penda tool

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A presentation I delivered at Search Marketing Summit in Sydney (May 2019) on JavaScript SEO. Testing and debugging tips. Enjoy.

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“The European Union Experience”
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This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann at ForwardJS in 2015. Heilmann discusses the state of web development technologies and how developers have focused too much on experimental features that are not ready for production use. This has led to a fragmented web where browsers implement features differently. He argues developers should focus on standardizing and improving existing web standards rather than constantly introducing new technologies. ES6 is highlighted as a priority for improving existing JavaScript.

Stefan Judis "Did we(b development) lose the right direction?"
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Keeping up with the state of web technology is one of the biggest challenges for us developers today. We invent new tools; we define new best practices, everything’s new, always... And we do all that for good user experience! We do all that to build the best possible web – it’s all about our users. But is it, really? Or do developers like to play with technology secretly loving the new and shiny? Or do we only pretend that it’s about users, and behind closed doors, it’s developer experience that matters to us? Did we lose direction? Is it time for a critical look at the state of the web and the role JavaScript plays in it?

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1) JavaScript is widely used on modern websites to make pages more interactive and dynamic. It can impact search engine optimization (SEO) by modifying the HTML that search engines see. 2) Search engines like Google handle JavaScript by executing it to see the final rendered page, but this is complex and resource-intensive. It involves a two-pass indexing process where content is initially indexed from the static HTML then re-indexed after JavaScript rendering. 3) JavaScript can impact SEO positively or negatively depending on how it is used. Examples of positive impacts include rendering important product links or content, while negative impacts include missing metadata, errors during rendering, or slow performance.

USA Today without JavaScript
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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
The Guardian vs. CPU
A Case Study

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SearchLove Boston 2017 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs

In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend $1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

Swf search final
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This document summarizes a presentation on search engine optimization (SEO) for Flash content. It discusses how search engines index Flash, including breakthroughs that allow indexing of text, links, and interactions. It emphasizes the importance of dynamic page ranking and getting links over initial page rank. Testing over long periods is recommended to understand how content is indexed. Tips provided include using descriptive text, metadata, and linking to optimize Flash content for search engines.

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Rakuten Technology Conference 2013 "HTML5 in Rakuten" HTML5 Project Team (Creative & Web Design Department) (Rakuten)

It is believed that
The Guardian
& Amazon are
“…Many of us still look at sites
like Amazon’s or the Guardian’s in awe…”
How fast do you think
The Guardian loads?
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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This document discusses the rise of technical SEO due to changes in web technologies like JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS. It notes that search engines are now able to crawl sites rendered with JavaScript through headless browsers. It emphasizes the importance of log file analysis and ensuring sites are crawlable, including through proper prerendering setup. The document argues that technical SEO skills are now essential for SEO professionals due to the increased complexity of modern web development.

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Flash SEO Secrets
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Max 2009 presentation that I co-presented with Adobe\'s Duane Nickull. This was a featured top 3 MAX presentation. Watch at

A Guide to Log Analysis with Big Query
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A Guide to Log Analysis with Big Query

This is the slide deck on how to perform log analysis with BigQuery. The companion guide is here which has most of this information in written format.

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
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But this performance comes with a price…

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This document provides an overview of 11 advanced uses for the SEO tool Screaming Frog. It begins with an introduction to Screaming Frog and its history of updates. It then discusses using Screaming Frog to crawl tricky sites like those with JavaScript, large sites, or password protection. Other sections cover scheduling crawls, integrating APIs like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, and performing post-crawl analysis of things like pagination, Hreflang, and XML sitemaps. Later sections discuss visualizations, auditing structured data and page speed, and using Screaming Frog for content marketing tasks like scraping news sites. The document concludes with some bonus uses like reviving old Google Search Console reports and scraping SERP features.

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L’importance du crawl du JavaScript : pourquoi, comment et pour quels bénéfic...
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L’importance du crawl du JavaScript : pourquoi, comment et pour quels bénéfic...

Slides de la conférence 'L’importance du crawl du JavaScript : pourquoi, comment et pour quels bénéfices ?' lors du SEO Camp'us 2018

The New Renaissance of JavaScript - SMX London 2019
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The New Renaissance of JavaScript - SMX London 2019

This document contains advice from a presentation on JavaScript rendering and SEO. It recommends: 1) Being mindful that Google has not updated its tools yet to reflect improvements in JavaScript rendering. 2) Avoiding client-side JavaScript rendering and instead using server-side rendering or static sites, as client-side rendering can cause indexing issues. 3) Introducing and sticking to a web performance budget and limiting client-side JavaScript for reasons like performance, the crawler's technical limitations, and compatibility with other search engines and social media platforms.

technical seojavascript seojavascript
Go to Chrome Dev Tools → Performance
CAN HAVE IN A MACBOOK - 10 seconds
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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My talk at #SEOZone 2014 in Istanbul covering various aspects of crawl space optimization such as crawler control & indexation strategies as well as site speed.

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Javascript SEO Devs and SEOs playing nicely
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Javascript SEO Devs and SEOs playing nicely

With JavaScript SEO, we're crawling, rendering & indexing. We want to work together with Devs and SEOs to get the best outcome for the client.

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The Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO RenaissanceThe Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO Renaissance

This document provides a summary of Michael King's presentation on the technical SEO renaissance. It discusses how SEO has evolved over time from basic tricks to a more technical focus as search engines have advanced. Key points include the growing importance of JavaScript, single page applications, HTTP headers, log file analysis, headless browsing, scraping techniques, content optimization using entities, internal linking structures, page speed optimizations, and preloading directives. The presentation argues that technical skills are now essential for SEOs to understand new developments and effectively optimize websites.

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Slower CPU
Load Time – 90 seconds
CPUs 1-on-1
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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- GWT (Google Web Toolkit) allows developers to build applications for the web using Java instead of JavaScript. It compiles Java code into optimized JavaScript that runs across browsers. - GWT features include cross-browser compatibility, support for Ajax, widgets, internationalization, unit testing, and more. It produces lightweight, fast JavaScript code. - Google Gears provides additional features for building offline web applications, including local data storage, database support, and workers. It can be used with GWT for offline functionality. - The presenter discusses how GWT and Gears allow building rich web applications using a Java-based approach, cutting development costs and improving productivity over traditional web development. Many companies are now using

SEO vs Angular
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SEO vs Angular

This document discusses different options for migrating a website from traditional server-side rendering to a single-page application framework like Angular while maintaining SEO optimization. The main options covered are: 1. Making no architecture changes and optimizing for client-side rendering. 2. Using the AngularJS AJAX Crawling specification, but this is now deprecated. 3. Using a service like that renders the JavaScript in a virtual browser to provide static HTML snapshots for crawlers. 4. Using a newer alternative to Prerender called Rendertron that performs the same rendering but delivers snapshots on demand. 5. Implementing server-side rendering with Angular

seoangularsingle app application
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This document discusses using edge computing technologies like content delivery networks (CDNs) to overcome technical barriers to SEO implementation and perform edge SEO. CDNs allow SEO implementations to be done serverlessly at the edge without touching origin source code. Examples of edge SEO include dynamically generating meta titles and tags, redirecting, AB testing, collecting pseudo server logs, and dynamically rendering JavaScript to resolve issues. Edge SEO provides benefits like speed, security, and enables implementations that may otherwise be restricted by platforms. Potential issues include impacting all requests and introducing latency, but recent developments have reduced these concerns.

edge seoedge seo dan tayloroptimization 2020
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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Unfortunately not all websites are
like The Guardian…

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What is JavaScript? Why is it used? Why is JavaScript important for SEO? How does JavaScript affect the website ? What type of takeaways ?

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G4’s CPU)

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Fostanak dresses are crafted to make every woman feel like a queen, exuding confidence and embracing her unique beauty. Whether you're attending a special occasion or seeking everyday elegance, Fostanak offers a dress that captures your individuality and celebrates your femininity

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Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

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[Webinar - VWO] AI-First Strategies to Drive Traffic and Conversions for 2024...
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[Webinar - VWO] AI-First Strategies to Drive Traffic and Conversions for 2024...

Discover how Eric Siu’s agency, Single Grain, drove over 1 million new website visitors at a +59% higher conversion rate in 90 days by integrating innovative AI-driven strategies into their CRO and SEO practices, known as programmatic CRO (pCRO) and SEO (pSEO). Imagine: At the click of a button, your landing pages dynamically adapt to feature content and elements specific to the keywords and products they are targeting. That’s the power of pCRO, transforming generic pages into highly personalized experiences. With pSEO, generate quality pages at scale that rank at the top of search results for relevant long-tail keywords, driving traffic that then converts. Excited? In this session, Eric will guide you through how to implement these game-changing techniques for your own business, enhancing your digital strategy and maximizing your ROI.

by VWO
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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
• Technical SEO in 2018 - New metrics, new technologies and new challenges.

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How to Rethink the Way you use Instagram to Drive Sales and Customer Engagement If you’re using Instagram to build or grow your business this presentation is for you. Navigating Instagram campaigns doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the right strategies, you can turn engagement from a time-consuming task into a powerful tool for driving sales and a deeper understanding of your customers and fans. Key Takeaways: Running campaigns on Instagram can be and should be easy and effortless Every post is an opportunity to collect valuable information to empower you to make more strategic choices The power of giveaways on Instagram to drive engagement and first party data

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What did they need
React for?
Language switcher
Buttons on the bottom of
the page
Client side login library
~300 lines of code written
~200 kB removed
performance improvement
Netflix’s performance (and
SEO) doesn’t depend on the
client’s CPU that much

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Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven
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Foundations in Content Optimization: How to Optimize Your Content to Fuel Organic Traffic Growth A highly tactical introduction to best practices in optimizing your owned content to drive sustainable (and converting) organic traffic. In this Master Class, we'll cover everything from identifying the right keywords to use to how to strategically apply them to your content strategy to generate ROI. Key Takeaways: - A breakdown of key content-related factors Google and other Search Engines use when ranking content. - Understand the basics of keyword research and where to begin. - Learn how to apply those keyword learnings to optimize your content strategy and owned assets to maximize their organic visibility. - Learn what to measure to articulate ROI and feed back into your strategy.

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Importance of SEO to support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...
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A presentation for the Digital Marketing World Forum by Jessica Redman and Andrew Fox. Discussing how SEO supports across numerous marketing channels and how user search behaviour is changing. Discover how to optimise social media posts for discoverability and learn about Topical Domination.

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AMP – BBC.COM @ Moto G4
~200 KB to process
4 seconds
0.065 seconds
How about ~400KB?
Source: Google I/O 2018

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How do you ensure you are not caught up
between the waves?
You need to embrace chaos!
There are
And a lot of those “documents” are getting more and more
With the exponential
growth of JavaScript

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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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With the exponential
growth of JavaScript
How to be cool in 2018
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
The Big Three

Recommended for you

Notable frameworks
Rest of the pack
Are they OK for SEO?
JavaScript Frameworks

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?? ??
Let’s hear the framework
creators talk about
JavaScript & SEO
...if you care about
SEO, you still need to
have server-rendered
Jeff Whelpley
Angular U conference, June 22-25, 2015, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco Airport
“Angular 2 Server Rendering”
...we are generally able
to render and
understand your web
pages like modern

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Indexing vs. Ranking
Can you
rank with a
JS website?
As Googlers would say
“there are factors at play here”
client rendered JS

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Let’s search for Hulu’s exclusive shows.
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Everyone hates him for telling the truth!
Here’s why you’re
wasting your time on
client-rendered JS

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SEO – where the giants fight!
YouTube vs. Vimeo
Why is their
visibility declining?
without JS!

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I’m about to
reveal the
YouTube secret
no one ever
told you.
YouTube is a
JS website…
YouTube with JS disabled
…and they are
prerendering for

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Why would YouTube prerender
for Googlebot? Doesn’t
Google render JS just fine?
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
SEO – where the giants fight
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
Oh no!
JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
Oh no!
(…) Also, crawling &
indexing is currently
a bit slower than
static HTML (...)
Crawling and
JavaScript is not
a 0/1 thing

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External Ajax callInline
dozens of different frameworks
their different configurations
inline vs. external
On top of that, there are hundreds of factors
affecting crawling and indexing
?How about Search Engines other than

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Get ready for real chaos!
Search Engines
guy @ Pubcon
our experiment

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Fabrice Canel of
Bing said that
Bing processes
True story!
Patrick Stox @ DTD Conference 2018
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Rich media cautions
don’t bury links to
content inside JavaScript
Rich media cautions
Graceful degradation
enable a clean down-
level experience so
crawlers can see your

Recommended for you

Rich media cautions
Graceful degradation
Down-level experience
enhances discoverability
avoid housing content
inside Flash or JavaScript
– these block crawlers
from finding the content
It can process JS vs. It DOES process JS
1. Go to

Recommended for you

2. Copy any text from the website
3. Try to find it in
4. Find everything BUT the
Or search for any content from
Google vs. Bing

Recommended for you

Thanks, Dan Petrovic!
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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1,3% 0,8%
Google Bing Yahoo! Ask AOL
Search Engine market share
3,8% 0,8% 0,6%
Google Bing Yahoo! MSN DuckDuckGo
Search Engine market share
4,2% 1,0% 0,1% 0,1%
Google Bing Yahoo! T-Online
Search Engine market share

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Let’s take a closer look at Google
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
JavaScript is REALLY easy to break
It’s all very shaky,
based on duct tape rather than…

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Let’s start from
and their GitHub issue
noindex meta tag?
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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url / / url /
The only thing [those] pages (…)
have in common is the number of
path segments in the url.
Igor Minar
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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SEO Visibility
url / / url /
How much would that cost you? – is partial indexing in Google possible?
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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vs. Developers
vs. Search Engines
vs. Framework creators
Developers are confused af…
…We’ve created what will be
remembered as the world’s
most confusing JavaScript
survey ever.
…it contained only
1 question…

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…but proved to be the most
difficult question you can
ask your developer.
Can client-side rendered JavaScript
websites rank high in Google?
Node.js developers group
ReactJS group

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Angular2+ group
JavaScript group

Recommended for you

Can you rank well with a Client
Rendered JavaScript Website?
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Quick check

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JavaScript Enabled
JavaScript Disabled
React Native
How about
their rankings?

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#1 for
Is there hope for client-rendered JS websites?

Recommended for you

Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Ranking with a CSR JavaScript
Ranking without it
Google Flights
Google Flights

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
A look behind the curtain
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Source: Google I/O 2018

Recommended for you

Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
What is partial indexing?
This means that if your site is using a heavy amount of client side
JS, you can be tripped up at times when the content is being
indexed due to this two phase indexing process.
It’s possible that some details may
be missed.
And this effectively means that if
your site is using a heavy amount of
client-side JavaScript for rendering,
you could be tripped up at times
when your content is being indexed
due to the nature of this two phase
indexing process.
…it’s possible some details might be
Tom Greenaway
2 waves
• JS dependent
content only
• HTML content
• Canonicals
• Meta data
• HTTP Codes

Recommended for you

Indexing of modern JavaScript
websites is a challenge.
John Mueller
Client Side rendering
Source: Google I/O 2018
Server-side rendering
Source: Google I/O 2018

Recommended for you

Hybrid Rendering*
*Google’s Long-Term
Source: Google I/O 2018
Google’s policy change?
Dynamic Rendering
(aka prerendering)
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

Recommended for you

Prerendering/Dynamic Rendering issues
1. Computing power – A LOT of servers
2. Prone to issues (often load related)
3. Downtime = ranking loss
4. More complex and difficult from an SEO perspective (crawls, 2 sets
of code, etc.)
5. Requires a lot of SEO knowledge
6. Requires a great dev team to make it run smoothly
When to use dynamic
rendering (according
to Google)
A dynamic website
“Is if your site is large and
rapidly changing for, example
if you have a news website.”
Your website is relying on
features that are not
supported in Chrome 41
Libraries that cannot be
transpiled back to ES5, APIs
that don’t suport Chrome 41
Troubleshooting JavaScript indexing
Google Search
Console – fetch
and render

Recommended for you

Google Search
Console – fetch
and render
Google mobile-friendly test
Google mobile-friendly test
Google mobile-friendly test

Recommended for you

Diff Checker
Google mobile-friendly test
Google mobile-
friendly test

Recommended for you

#SMX #XXA @McCieslak
1. The Source Code vs. DOM
Source code DOM
#SMX #XXA @McCieslak
InlineInlineV2 Inline
2. Crawling - server log
#SMX #XXA @McCieslak
#SMX #XXA @McCieslak

Recommended for you

Make sure your content is indexed
Under the right URL
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
To Do:
1. Diff Check is your new best friend
2. Experiment and make sure to monitor
your server logs
3. Compare your setup with Chrome 41
4. Make sure that your content is indexed
in Google
5. Under the right URL

Recommended for you

Wrap up JS
Wrap up JS
JS can kill
crawler budget
Wrap up JS
JS can kill a
crawler budget
JS websites have
ranking problems
Ranking well with
CSR JavaScript
websites is very
hard if not

Recommended for you

Make sure you choose a right frawework
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
We are still looking for a pioneer!

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