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Why Becoming Customer-Centric
is the Biggest (& a 100% Timeless)
Competitive Advantage
– Plus The No. 1 Way To Get Started
Almost All Businesses…
1. Say they are customer centric, but simply aren’t
2. Don’t speak to and listen to their customers
3. Focus almost all of their attention on acquisition
4. Are HiPPO & product—led, not customer-led
5. Have never invested in 1-1 user research
Why Customer Centricity is your Biggest Competitive Advantage
Helping change company mindset
is the most valuable thing we do
Product &
Opinion Led

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The document provides an overview of developing a Net Promoter Score (NPS) program for client XYZ. It discusses the pros and cons of using NPS as a metric, as well as potential pitfalls to avoid. Key recommendations include building a more comprehensive customer feedback program, gaining organization-wide commitment, implementing timely follow-up processes, and clearly communicating goals, lessons learned, and actions taken.

Friday night slides - Customer-Problem fit - LaunchWeekend
Friday night slides - Customer-Problem fit - LaunchWeekendFriday night slides - Customer-Problem fit - LaunchWeekend
Friday night slides - Customer-Problem fit - LaunchWeekend

The document outlines an agenda for a LaunchWeekend workshop to help entrepreneurs start successful companies. It discusses concepts like lean startup, customer development, and product-market fit. The workshop teaches techniques like conducting customer interviews to identify problems, testing problem hypotheses through experiments, and iterating business ideas based on results. Attendees will participate in an activity called "" where they create business plans for random product ideas in a short time. The objective is for entrepreneurs to learn how to find problems customers will pay to solve and build products with a clear product-market fit.

launchweekendcustomer-problem fitlean startup
Product Management
Product ManagementProduct Management
Product Management

This document provides an overview of Scrum and the role of the Product Owner in Agile product management. It discusses key Scrum terms like sprint and Scrum Master. It describes the responsibilities of the Product Owner in maintaining the product backlog, prioritizing items, and collaborating with the team. It provides tips for the Product Owner on creating a product vision, grooming the backlog, planning releases, and transitioning into the role.

with scrumproduct managementproject management
The Value of 1-1 User Research
1-1 user research has been by far and away the
number 1 most influential service in helping
change company mindset over the last 14 years
We've had 3 big ideas at Amazon that
we've stuck with for 18 years, and
they're the reason we are successful:
1) Put the customer first
2) Invent
3) Be patient
The Biggest Competitive Advantage
for Any Business
Making the decision that your business
will walk the walk and become customer-
centric (like Amazon) .
The standard Beginner business has no real user research
budget or resources in place
The standard Aspiring business has a small budget for
user research, such as remote user testing
The standard Progressive business has a budget available
to invest in different user research techniques, including
moderated 1-1 research
The standard Strategic business sees that investing in
behavioural research is essential to the intelligence
behind its conversion optimisation strategy
The standard Transformative business has significant
budget or resources available for experienced user
research activities, including in-depth, multi-channel
moderated user research
People & Skills
3.01 Behavioural & User Research Resource
Why is this crucial?
For any business to become
customer-centric, they have to
invest in user research (aka user
testing), whether delivered
internally or externally.
A specialist in UX research
working through the end-to-
end customer experience
provides invaluable insight for
experimentation and is
influential in delivering a
seamless online experience.

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Get out of the way! The Product Manager's Identity Crisis | Mitchell Gillespie
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Get out of the way! The Product Manager's Identity Crisis | Mitchell Gillespie

PT Toronto #21: Mitchell Gillespie (Director of Product Management at Wave HQ) shares his talk “Get out of the way! The Product Manager's Identity Crisis."

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The document discusses leadership principles for guiding organizations through uncertain times. It outlines approaches taken at Amazon and Salesforce that focus on customer obsession, establishing clear principles and metrics, empowering experimentation, and learning from failures. Teams are given autonomy within established frameworks, there is tolerance for risk as long as lessons are learned, and feedback is gained from customers early through prototypes to build high-value products. The key is establishing principles for decision making, prioritizing the customer perspective, allowing autonomy balanced with accountability, and creating a culture of learning from experiments and mistakes.

ECRDA: Loan officer training - Session 1
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Must Be Games is seeking £70,000 for a Bollywood-themed Trivial Pursuit game. The founder has an MBA from Stanford and has self-funded the startup so far. However, investors may question whether the business model and financial projections are realistic given the niche market and lack of traction or sales to date.

Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model
Instant Download –
1. Build report with the participant
2. Emphasise “there are no right or wrong answers”
3. Encourage them to “be open & share their ideas”
4. Start with 3-5 open questions about the subject area
5. Say you want this to feel as natural as possible
6. Ask them to ”think-aloud”
7. Keep eye contact
8. Don’t take notes – leave that to an observer
9. Make it feel like a natural conversation
Top 9 tips for 1-1 user research moderation
- at the start of the session
1. Listen over 95% of the time
2. Don’t ask leading questions
3. Show you are genuinely interested in what they are saying
4. Stay neutral in your responses when listening
5. Be comfortable with silences
6. Ask further questions to understand deeper insights
7. Use a competitor website to provide a comparison
8. Ask post session questions to help consolidate insights
Top 8 tips for 1-1 user research moderation
- during the session
CRO Maturity Model
+ Linkedin

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Why Customer Centricity is your Biggest Competitive Advantage

  • 1. Why Becoming Customer-Centric is the Biggest (& a 100% Timeless) Competitive Advantage – Plus The No. 1 Way To Get Started
  • 2. 2 Almost All Businesses… 1. Say they are customer centric, but simply aren’t 2. Don’t speak to and listen to their customers 3. Focus almost all of their attention on acquisition 4. Are HiPPO & product—led, not customer-led 5. Have never invested in 1-1 user research
  • 4. Helping change company mindset is the most valuable thing we do Product & Opinion Led Mindset Customer Led Mindset
  • 5. 5 The Value of 1-1 User Research 1-1 user research has been by far and away the number 1 most influential service in helping change company mindset over the last 14 years
  • 6. We've had 3 big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and they're the reason we are successful: 1) Put the customer first 2) Invent 3) Be patient
  • 7. 7 The Biggest Competitive Advantage for Any Business Making the decision that your business will walk the walk and become customer- centric (like Amazon) .
  • 8. 8 The standard Beginner business has no real user research budget or resources in place The standard Aspiring business has a small budget for user research, such as remote user testing The standard Progressive business has a budget available to invest in different user research techniques, including moderated 1-1 research The standard Strategic business sees that investing in behavioural research is essential to the intelligence behind its conversion optimisation strategy The standard Transformative business has significant budget or resources available for experienced user research activities, including in-depth, multi-channel moderated user research People & Skills 3.01 Behavioural & User Research Resource Why is this crucial? For any business to become customer-centric, they have to invest in user research (aka user testing), whether delivered internally or externally. A specialist in UX research working through the end-to- end customer experience provides invaluable insight for experimentation and is influential in delivering a seamless online experience.
  • 9. Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model 9 Instant Download –
  • 10. 1. Build report with the participant 2. Emphasise “there are no right or wrong answers” 3. Encourage them to “be open & share their ideas” 4. Start with 3-5 open questions about the subject area 5. Say you want this to feel as natural as possible 6. Ask them to ”think-aloud” 7. Keep eye contact 8. Don’t take notes – leave that to an observer 9. Make it feel like a natural conversation #BrightonCRO Top 9 tips for 1-1 user research moderation - at the start of the session
  • 11. 1. Listen over 95% of the time 2. Don’t ask leading questions 3. Show you are genuinely interested in what they are saying 4. Stay neutral in your responses when listening 5. Be comfortable with silences 6. Ask further questions to understand deeper insights 7. Use a competitor website to provide a comparison 8. Ask post session questions to help consolidate insights Top 8 tips for 1-1 user research moderation - during the session