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Maturing from
Conversion Optimisation
to Business Optimisation
#measurefest @paulrouke
About PRWD & Me
> Optimising digital experiences since 2003
> Specialists in CRO, user-centered redesigns and user
> Contributors to Econsultancy & CXL
> Co-deliver MSc in Digital Marketing for Conversion
> Author of The Growth Strategy That’s Being Ignored
> International Keynote Speaker
#measurefest @paulrouke
PRWD’s Conversion Optimisation Experience
1. Why CRO ’s Value is Limited
2. The PRWD Solution
3. Client Success Story
4. The CTA
What you’ll hear today

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Clover Rings Up Digital Growth to Drive Experimentation
Clover Rings Up Digital Growth to Drive ExperimentationClover Rings Up Digital Growth to Drive Experimentation
Clover Rings Up Digital Growth to Drive Experimentation

Monil Shah from Clover presented on how Clover uses experimentation to drive digital growth. Clover started with walk experiments to test small changes and validate hypotheses. They then increased their experiment velocity by prioritizing high impact experiments and defining success metrics upfront. Clover also developed processes to conclude experiments early if clearly winning or losing, and to iterate based on experiment learnings. Clover evangelized experimentation across the company by finding executive sponsors, involving multiple teams, and educating and incentivizing experimentation.

experimentationproduct experimentationoptimizely
The Personalization Playbook: Secrets from successful real-world experiments
 The Personalization Playbook: Secrets from successful real-world experiments The Personalization Playbook: Secrets from successful real-world experiments
The Personalization Playbook: Secrets from successful real-world experiments

Personalization remains one of the most powerful techniques in the experience optimization arsenal but, according to Forrester, most companies fail to execute a comprehensive personalization approach. Join CROmetrics to learn how to unlock the power of your most important segments with an efficient, experimental approach to personalization.

Nicolas Visiers - User Experience Testing
Nicolas Visiers - User Experience TestingNicolas Visiers - User Experience Testing
Nicolas Visiers - User Experience Testing

This document discusses user experience testing and proactive digital experiences. It advocates for customizing experiences based on user behavior, context, and journey. Tools are needed to recognize users, build profiles, and recommend personalized experiences. The goal is to guide users and provide contextual offers. Having an engaged team of "artisans" who learn experientially is important for driving value beyond just tools.

by CXL
user experienceuxusability
#measurefest @paulrouke
What is Conversion Optimisation (CRO)?
In internet marketing, conversion optimisation,
or conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a system
for increasing the percentage of visitors to a
website that convert into customers, or more
generally, take any desired action on a webpage.
It is commonly referred to as CRO.
#measurefest @paulrouke
11 Reasons Why The Value of CRO is Often Limited
1. CRO is seen as just a tactic, rather than a growth strategy
2. There isn’t CEO and C-suite buy-in
3. Egotism and opinion drive decision making
4. Being “customer centric” is said, not really done
5. There isn’t a multi-disciplinary team
6. There is limited understanding of statistics
7. There is limited understanding of psychology
8. The business has a siloed mentality
9. The business has a fixed mindset
10. Experimentation isn’t embedded in to company culture
11. There is no improvement model or framework in place
#measurefest @paulrouke
The Conversion Optimisation Lightbulb Moment
We are not just running experiments to optimise for conversion & revenue…
We are introducing a mindset of customer centricity and
experimentation across the entire business
#measurefest @paulrouke
The Challenge We All Have
No clear guidelines
No structure or framework
No way to measure improvements
No way to benchmark your business
It is incredibly complex to change a business so that they embed
customer centricity and experimentation.
At PRWD we have found this is because there is:

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The Art of Responding to Reviews
The Art of Responding to ReviewsThe Art of Responding to Reviews
The Art of Responding to Reviews

This document summarizes a webinar about responding to reviews on Glassdoor. It provides tips on setting guidelines for responses, assigning responsibility for monitoring reviews across teams, and implementing feedback loops to inform employer branding and HR programs. Two company examples are highlighted - Home Depot responds to 80-90% of reviews and gleans insights to shape its employer value proposition, while Uber prioritizes issues and uses a rubric to guide response levels and transparency. The webinar concludes with a Q&A for the panelists.

brandingnegative reviewsresponding to reviews
Opticon 2017 Driving Bottom Line Impact
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Opticon 2017 Driving Bottom Line Impact

Manan Singh, VP of Optimization at LendingTree, discusses how the company drives bottom line impact through mass-scale experimentation. He explains that they prioritize the biggest opportunities for improved ROI, run quick iterative experiments to learn fast, and measure success both quantitatively and qualitatively to understand why changes work. This comprehensive approach has helped LendingTree optimize its conversion funnel as a strategic initiative, with the stock price increasing 160% this year reflecting results translated to the bottom line.

Opticon 2017 From CRO to Experience
Opticon 2017 From CRO to ExperienceOpticon 2017 From CRO to Experience
Opticon 2017 From CRO to Experience

I. Clearhead was acquired by Accenture Interactive on July 12, 2017. The document discusses Matty Wishnow, CEO of Clearhead, and his experience optimizing and personalizing customer experiences over 300,000 hours from CRO to full-stack optimization. II. It discusses the challenges of experience optimization and why more experiments sometimes do not lead to better results. It also discusses how conversion optimization differs from experience optimization. III. The document presents frameworks and approaches for solving problems through experiments, including Problem Solution Mapping and mapping the full customer experience across stages and channels to increase optimization success.

#measurefest @paulrouke
The 4 Pillars of Conversion Optimisation Maturity
#measurefest @paulrouke
The Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model ™
#measurefest @paulrouke
The 21 Assessment Points of the Maturity Model ™
1.0 Strategy & Culture
1.01 Core Business Strategy
1.02 Business Mindset
1.03 Senior, Influential Champion
1.04 Continuous Learning
1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led
2.0 Tools & Technology
2.01 Analytics Tool Configuration
2.02 Voice of Customer & Behavioural Insight
2.03 Business-wide Access to Results & Learnings
2.04 Competence Operating the Testing Platform
3.0 People & Skills
3.01 Behavioural & User Research Resource
3.02 Data & Analytics Resource
3.03 UX Design Resource
3.04 Development Resource
3.05 Experienced Lead Strategist
3.06 Understanding of Statistics
4.0 Process & Methodology
4.01 Hypothesis Development
4.02 Test Prioritisation
4.03 Test Design Process
4.04 QA & UAT Process
4.05 Test Analysis
4.06 Test Results & Learnings Report
#measurefest @paulrouke
Audit Your Business in 10 Minutes

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Feature Prioritization Techniques for an Agile PMs by Microsoft PM

Main takeaways: -PMs don't need a lot of data points to prioritize the features for the upcoming sprint. They just need to identify the relevant one's. -PMs should be skilled to strike the balance between agility in making decisions and accuracy of perceived outcomes -PMs should be able to prioritize the feature requests with minimum data points available and optimum techniques

agile pmsmicrosoft pmprioritization
Forrester - Challenge thinking, lead change - SEE 2016
Forrester - Challenge thinking, lead change - SEE 2016Forrester - Challenge thinking, lead change - SEE 2016
Forrester - Challenge thinking, lead change - SEE 2016

Een van de belangrijkste factoren voor succes in uw enablement-strategie is de focus op uw werknemers en hoe zij het beste uit zichzelf kunnen halen. Om waarde te creëren voor dienstverlenende organisaties dienen we verder te kijken dan hun operationele kernprocessen en ervoor te zorgen dat medewerkers dienstverlening krijgen die probleemloos, productief, persoonlijk en voorspelbaar is.

[Elite Camp 2016] Karl Gilis - How to Make Sure Your New Website Won’t Be a F...
[Elite Camp 2016] Karl Gilis - How to Make Sure Your New Website Won’t Be a F...[Elite Camp 2016] Karl Gilis - How to Make Sure Your New Website Won’t Be a F...
[Elite Camp 2016] Karl Gilis - How to Make Sure Your New Website Won’t Be a F...

Most optimizers aren’t big fans of the traditional redesign cycle. They promote a continuous optimizing process. And that’s fine. But sometimes websites just suck donkey balls. And a new website is a must. Also: new companies need new websites too. So how can we stop those clients from making shitty websites? Which research methods and tools can you use in which stage of the development cycle? And how do you this?

by CXL
web designuser experienceconversionxl
in September 2016
#measurefest @paulrouke
Suntransfers vs 2017 Travel Industry Average
Travel Industry Average
#measurefest @paulrouke
Suntransfers Maturity Audit Scores
#measurefest @paulrouke
1.0 Strategy & Culture
1.01 Core Business Strategy
1.02 Business Mindset
1.03 Senior, Influential Champion
1.04 Continuous Learning
1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led
September 2016
0 50 100

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Take a deep dive into the Glassdoor Employer Center and learn how you can utilize Glassdoor Analytics develop recruiting strategies that deliver.

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You are the Catalyst: Optimization Champions’ Keys to Success
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You are the Catalyst: Optimization Champions’ Keys to Success

This document discusses keys to success for optimization champions and creating great experimentation programs. It emphasizes that experimentation is important for driving motivation, insights and innovation. Great experimentation programs have five fundamentals - process, accountability, culture, expertise and technology. It provides perspectives from optimization champions at various companies on how they implement experimentation programs and priorities like establishing true north metrics and goals.

How to Execute Your CX Vision
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How to Execute Your CX Vision

CXweek presentation by Jamie Morningstar. In this presentation, you will learn how to best execute your CX Vision.

qualtricscustomer experiencecxweek
#measurefest @paulrouke
The Biggest Challenges To Overcome
1. Speed to resolve problems
2. Lack of internal resources / experience
3. Culture of senior management designing websites
4. No experience of testing
5. Lack of data or user insight
6. Little history of agency investment
7. Too many issues - where do we start?
First 12 months
#measurefest @paulrouke
Key Activities which Fuelled Growth & Mindset Change
1. In-depth 1-1 user research in months 1-2
2. Collaborative sketching & ideation in month 3
3. Engaged with the CTO to get full stack developer buy-in
4. The use of HotJar to provide intelligent, continuous feedback
5. A very bold, insight driven redesign of the mobile search form
6. Communication and collaboration with customer service team
7. Continuous JDI changes alongside simple to complex A/B tests
#measurefest @paulrouke
Mobile Search Form Redesign

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Get introduced to Lead Generation methods and discover how inbound and outbound strategies to build complex systems that will maximize Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) for your business. This fun, data-driven evening workshop is a fast-paced mix of lecture, hands-on exercises, and discussion. Your instructor, Rachel Beisel, will deliver practical takeaways that startup founders, marketing and sales teams can start using immediately.

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Optimizely & FedEx - Setting North-Star Metrics to Drive ROI from Experimenta...
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Optimizely & FedEx - Setting North-Star Metrics to Drive ROI from Experimenta...

The document discusses the benefits of experimentation for companies. It highlights findings from a study of over 35,000 startups that found those that experimented saw a 12% increase in pageviews, 4% increase in time on site, and 9-18% increase in new products launched over a period of 3 years. The study also found experimentation was associated with a 10% increase in venture capital funds raised. The document advocates that companies set clear metrics and business cases for experimentation to ensure it continues to receive resources and support.

crodigital experimentationcustomer experience
WA-UX - data and strategies - Talk by Shivam
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A talk on how Web Analytics and User Experience research data can provide a lot of insights to derive an actionable strategy. Methodology - Reality - Suggestions - Challenges.

uxwauser experience
#measurefest @paulrouke
What Led To Thinking “Business Optimisation”?
✓ Some truly fantastic test results,
providing clear evidence as to the
growth opportunities that exist
across the customer experience
✓ Wider team engagement and results
sharing, leading to the other
departments becoming experimental
✓ A recognition of the importance of
gaining continuous user feedback,
embedding customer centric
✓ A combination of both iterative and
innovative thinking, often challenging
what has been the standard business
approach to date
✓ The rapid pace of change and
momentum due to Suntransfers
having a true growth mindset
✓ An inquisitive nature both internally
and with PRWD, asking the question
“what if we started optimising this
area of the business?”
#measurefest @paulrouke KPI Impact 2016-2017
#measurefest @paulrouke
Arresting the Rate of CR Decline from Traffic Growth
#measurefest @paulrouke Business Growth 2016-2017

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Measure Your Way To Maturity
Measure Your Way To MaturityMeasure Your Way To Maturity
Measure Your Way To Maturity

Measuring your experimentation program’s success is fundamental to improving your organization's maturity. Operational metrics and Optimizely’s Maturity Model provide insight and direction on how experimentation is impacting your business and where you can make operational and organizational improvements. In this session, you'll learn about Optimizely's Maturity Model and where experimentation organizations measure across it. Come join and see how organizations have progressed from each level and improved on the most important operational metrics.

An Experimentation Framework: How to Position for Triple Digit Growth
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An Experimentation Framework: How to Position for Triple Digit Growth

You’ve done the button color A/B test, you’ve optimized your landing pages for better conversion. What next? At B2B organizations large and small, there is still tremendous potential for experimentation to drive innovation and growth. Learn how Brion’s growth team enables rapid iteration across a variety of different domains, teams, and organizations within Cisco. With an organization of 70,000 employees and many distributed divisions, enabling experimentation can be a complex initiative. Learn the framework for upleveling from random testing to explicit strategy to position your org for triple digit growth.

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From Conversion Optimisation to Business Optimisation - Suntransfers Client C...
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In this presentation Marketing Director Nathan Timmins and PRWD Founder Paul Rouke present a case study of what it took to go from starting A/B testing to establishing a mindset of experimentation and customer centricity within 12 months - using PRWD's Maturity Model

mindsetconversion optimisationcustomer experience
in September 2017
#measurefest @paulrouke
Suntransfers Maturity Audit Scores
#measurefest @paulrouke
1.0 Strategy & Culture - Maturity Improvements
0 50 100
1.01 Core Business Strategy
1.02 Business Mindset
1.03 Senior, Influential Champion
1.04 Continuous Learning
1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led
September 2017
1.01 Core Business Strategy
1.02 Business Mindset
1.03 Senior, Influential Champion
1.04 Continuous Learning
1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led
September 2016
0 50 100
Year 2….
Business Optimisation
#measurefest @paulrouke

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Opticon 2015- Benchmark Your Optimization Program
Opticon 2015- Benchmark Your Optimization ProgramOpticon 2015- Benchmark Your Optimization Program
Opticon 2015- Benchmark Your Optimization Program

Benchmark Your Optimization Program ❯ Featuring speakers from Optimizely Shana Rusonis, Content Marketing Manager, Optimizely What does 'normal' look like for an optimization program? What about best-in-class? What are the opportunities and challenges facing teams that are optimizing, and how do they allocate their manpower and budget towards them? We sought out the answers to these tough questions for our first industry benchmark report. Join Optimizely for an in-depth discussion of how to quantify and benchmark optimization performance.

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People Power - How Moss Bros built their optimisation culture - Paul Rouke at...
People Power - How Moss Bros built their optimisation culture - Paul Rouke at...People Power - How Moss Bros built their optimisation culture - Paul Rouke at...
People Power - How Moss Bros built their optimisation culture - Paul Rouke at...

The document discusses Moss Bros.' journey to building an optimisation culture through conversion rate optimisation (CRO). It summarizes that Moss Bros. initially took an unstrategic approach to testing that lacked user insights and produced limited results. Moss Bros. then invested in user research, advanced analytics skills, and front-end development resources to support more sophisticated, insight-driven hypothesis testing. This strategic, people-powered approach led to a 25% increase in desktop conversion rate and 36% increase in mobile conversion rate. The document advocates that people and culture are more important than technology for successful CRO.

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Planning Your Conversion Optimisation for 2017
Planning Your Conversion Optimisation for 2017 Planning Your Conversion Optimisation for 2017
Planning Your Conversion Optimisation for 2017

Planned your CRO strategy for 2017 yet? In this presentation Paul Rouke (CEO and Founder, PRWD) and Sushant Sharma (Marketing Manager, VWO) share what are the essential elements for successful CRO and business growth in the new year.

strategyconversion optimisationcro
#measurefest @paulrouke
Year 2 = Business Optimisation at
1. Customer service optimisation
2. My account optimisation
3. Site performance optimisation
4. Operational efficiency optimisation
5. Acquisition investment optimisation
6. Country by country optimisation
7. Seasonality optimisation
8. LTV optimisation
#measurefest @paulrouke
What Potential does Conversion Optimisation have?
Conversion optimisation has the potential to establish a
mindset transformation within a business:
maturing to becoming a truly customer centric
organisation that embraces experimentation, innovation
and long term thinking to outperform their competitors
Audit your business or your clients
in 10 minutes for FREE
Will you join companies &
agencies around the world?
#measurefest @paulrouke

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Maturing from Conversion Optimisation to Business Optimisation - Paul Rouke from PRWD

  • 1. Maturing from Conversion Optimisation to Business Optimisation #measurefest @paulrouke
  • 2. #measurefest @paulrouke About PRWD & Me > Optimising digital experiences since 2003 > Specialists in CRO, user-centered redesigns and user research > Contributors to Econsultancy & CXL > Co-deliver MSc in Digital Marketing for Conversion Optimisation > Author of The Growth Strategy That’s Being Ignored > International Keynote Speaker
  • 4. 1. Why CRO ’s Value is Limited 2. The PRWD Solution 3. Client Success Story 4. The CTA What you’ll hear today @paulrouke#measurefest
  • 5. #measurefest @paulrouke What is Conversion Optimisation (CRO)? In internet marketing, conversion optimisation, or conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers, or more generally, take any desired action on a webpage. It is commonly referred to as CRO.
  • 6. #measurefest @paulrouke 11 Reasons Why The Value of CRO is Often Limited 1. CRO is seen as just a tactic, rather than a growth strategy 2. There isn’t CEO and C-suite buy-in 3. Egotism and opinion drive decision making 4. Being “customer centric” is said, not really done 5. There isn’t a multi-disciplinary team 6. There is limited understanding of statistics 7. There is limited understanding of psychology 8. The business has a siloed mentality 9. The business has a fixed mindset 10. Experimentation isn’t embedded in to company culture 11. There is no improvement model or framework in place
  • 7. #measurefest @paulrouke The Conversion Optimisation Lightbulb Moment We are not just running experiments to optimise for conversion & revenue… We are introducing a mindset of customer centricity and experimentation across the entire business
  • 8. #measurefest @paulrouke The Challenge We All Have No clear guidelines No structure or framework No way to measure improvements No way to benchmark your business It is incredibly complex to change a business so that they embed customer centricity and experimentation. At PRWD we have found this is because there is:
  • 9. #measurefest @paulrouke The 4 Pillars of Conversion Optimisation Maturity 1.0 STRATEGY & CULTURE 2.0 TOOLS & TECHNOLOGY 3.0 PEOPLE & SKILLS 4.0 PROCESS & METHODOLOGY TRANSFORMATIVE 81-100 STRATEGIC 61-80 PROGRESSIVE 41-60 ASPIRING 21-40 BEGINNER 0-20
  • 10. #measurefest @paulrouke The Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model ™ #CROelite17
  • 11. #measurefest @paulrouke The 21 Assessment Points of the Maturity Model ™ 1.0 Strategy & Culture 1.01 Core Business Strategy 1.02 Business Mindset 1.03 Senior, Influential Champion 1.04 Continuous Learning 1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led 2.0 Tools & Technology 2.01 Analytics Tool Configuration 2.02 Voice of Customer & Behavioural Insight 2.03 Business-wide Access to Results & Learnings 2.04 Competence Operating the Testing Platform 3.0 People & Skills 3.01 Behavioural & User Research Resource 3.02 Data & Analytics Resource 3.03 UX Design Resource 3.04 Development Resource 3.05 Experienced Lead Strategist 3.06 Understanding of Statistics 4.0 Process & Methodology 4.01 Hypothesis Development 4.02 Test Prioritisation 4.03 Test Design Process 4.04 QA & UAT Process 4.05 Test Analysis 4.06 Test Results & Learnings Report
  • 12. #measurefest @paulrouke Audit Your Business in 10 Minutes
  • 14. #measurefest @paulrouke Suntransfers vs 2017 Travel Industry Average TRANSFORMATIVE 81-100 STRATEGIC 61-80 PROGRESSIVE 41-60 ASPIRING 21-40 BEGINNER 0-20 75% Travel Industry Average 34%
  • 15. #measurefest @paulrouke Suntransfers Maturity Audit Scores 34% STRATEGY & CULTURE 33% TOOLS & TECHNOLOGY 34% PEOPLE & SKILLS 36% PROCESS & METHODOLOGY
  • 16. #measurefest @paulrouke 1.0 Strategy & Culture 1.01 Core Business Strategy 1.02 Business Mindset 1.03 Senior, Influential Champion 1.04 Continuous Learning 1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led 34% September 2016 ASPIRING 0 50 100
  • 17. #measurefest @paulrouke The Biggest Challenges To Overcome 1. Speed to resolve problems 2. Lack of internal resources / experience 3. Culture of senior management designing websites 4. No experience of testing 5. Lack of data or user insight 6. Little history of agency investment 7. Too many issues - where do we start?
  • 19. #measurefest @paulrouke Key Activities which Fuelled Growth & Mindset Change 1. In-depth 1-1 user research in months 1-2 2. Collaborative sketching & ideation in month 3 3. Engaged with the CTO to get full stack developer buy-in 4. The use of HotJar to provide intelligent, continuous feedback 5. A very bold, insight driven redesign of the mobile search form 6. Communication and collaboration with customer service team 7. Continuous JDI changes alongside simple to complex A/B tests +
  • 20. #measurefest @paulrouke Mobile Search Form Redesign CONTROL VARIATION +14.3% INCREASE IN TRANSACTIONS
  • 21. #measurefest @paulrouke What Led To Thinking “Business Optimisation”? ✓ Some truly fantastic test results, providing clear evidence as to the growth opportunities that exist across the customer experience ✓ Wider team engagement and results sharing, leading to the other departments becoming experimental ✓ A recognition of the importance of gaining continuous user feedback, embedding customer centric thinking ✓ A combination of both iterative and innovative thinking, often challenging what has been the standard business approach to date ✓ The rapid pace of change and momentum due to Suntransfers having a true growth mindset ✓ An inquisitive nature both internally and with PRWD, asking the question “what if we started optimising this area of the business?”
  • 23. #measurefest @paulrouke Arresting the Rate of CR Decline from Traffic Growth
  • 24. #measurefest @paulrouke Business Growth 2016-2017 +36% REVENUE GROWTH +37% INCREASE IN TOTAL BOOKINGS +117% INCREASE IN MOBILE BOOKINGS
  • 26. #measurefest @paulrouke Suntransfers Maturity Audit Scores 69% STRATEGY & CULTURE 57% TOOLS & TECHNOLOGY 65% PEOPLE & SKILLS 62% PROCESS & METHODOLOGY
  • 27. #measurefest @paulrouke 1.0 Strategy & Culture - Maturity Improvements 0 50 100 1.01 Core Business Strategy 1.02 Business Mindset 1.03 Senior, Influential Champion 1.04 Continuous Learning 1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led 69% September 2017 STRATEGIC 1.01 Core Business Strategy 1.02 Business Mindset 1.03 Senior, Influential Champion 1.04 Continuous Learning 1.05 Product-Led versus Customer-Led 34% September 2016 ASPIRING 0 50 100
  • 29. #measurefest @paulrouke Year 2 = Business Optimisation at 1. Customer service optimisation 2. My account optimisation 3. Site performance optimisation 4. Operational efficiency optimisation 5. Acquisition investment optimisation 6. Country by country optimisation 7. Seasonality optimisation 8. LTV optimisation
  • 30. #measurefest @paulrouke What Potential does Conversion Optimisation have? Conversion optimisation has the potential to establish a mindset transformation within a business: maturing to becoming a truly customer centric organisation that embraces experimentation, innovation and long term thinking to outperform their competitors
  • 31. Audit your business or your clients in 10 minutes for FREE Will you join companies & agencies around the world? #measurefest @paulrouke