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The Four Steps to Digital Transformation
What is Digital Transformation?
Digital Transformation is a significant change
to the core foundations of a business:
from its culture & mindset to its way of operating:
From product-led to customer-led thinking.
Why Is Digital Transformation Important?
Planning for and working on Digital
Transformation ensures a business will
achieve long term, sustainable success whilst
out-growing their biggest competitors.
PRWD & Digital Transformation

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Got Video?: Using Video to Speed up Sales
Got Video?: Using Video to Speed up SalesGot Video?: Using Video to Speed up Sales
Got Video?: Using Video to Speed up Sales

This document discusses how using video can speed up sales by engaging prospects and clients. It notes that including video in emails increases click-through rates by 96% and that 59% of executives prefer video to text. Companies using video see 2x higher revenue growth, 14% shorter sales cycles, and 30% larger deals. Creating custom videos does not have to be expensive if done with webcam and easy-to-use software rather than a professional studio. Personalizing videos for each prospect helps build stronger relationships and move deals through the sales funnel faster.

by PGi
sales acceleration toolvideosales
UX STRAT 2016 - Turning CX Strategy to CX Reality at Shell
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UX STRAT 2016 - Turning CX Strategy to CX Reality at Shell

This document outlines Shell Commercial Fleet's strategy to improve their customer experience (CX). It discusses: 1) Understanding the current poor state of CX through customer research and journey mapping which found CX impacts customer value. 2) Agreeing their intent to transform CX in 2015 with a leadership session defining priorities like improving expectations and outcomes. 3) Creating a CX strategy with principles like continuous improvement and making commitments through customer-engaged design. 4) Initial results showing improved customer satisfaction indexes since implementing the CX focus.

ux stratcxexperience design
Feature Prioritization Techniques for an Agile PMs by Microsoft PM
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Feature Prioritization Techniques for an Agile PMs by Microsoft PM

Main takeaways: -PMs don't need a lot of data points to prioritize the features for the upcoming sprint. They just need to identify the relevant one's. -PMs should be skilled to strike the balance between agility in making decisions and accuracy of perceived outcomes -PMs should be able to prioritize the feature requests with minimum data points available and optimum techniques

agile pmsmicrosoft pmprioritization
17 years experience in digital transformation, starting as
the 1st web designer at £2bn retailer Shop Direct in 1999
Brands We’ve Worked With…
Planning for Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation Across The Globe

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Business approaches to change can be complex and chaotic. Here however we take a different view - if there is one thing that could change everything what would that be? And yes there is! Review the short deck and gain access to a complimentary book, The Process Tactics Playbook (value $200 on Amazon).

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What is Experience Strategy? by Tim Loo for DesignSingapore Council
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What is Experience Strategy? by Tim Loo for DesignSingapore Council

On the 26 August 2014, Tim Loo, Strategy Director at Foolproof, presented "What is Experience Strategy?" at special event organised by DesignSingapore Council and hosted at the National Design Centre, Singapore. This is a shareable version on that presentation.

experience designexperience strategy
The Digital Transformation
Opportunity for Retailers
The Two Types of Digital Transformation
Talking the Talk
Walking the Walk
Why Are So Many Companies “Talking the Talk”?
Where Digital
Is Your Business
Inside or Outside
It’s Comfort Zone?

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This document discusses assessing the success of customer relationship management (CRM) projects and systems. It reports failure rates of CRM projects from various analyst reports ranging from 18% to 70% over time. CRM projects often fail due to poor implementation, overcomplex configurations, or requiring data re-entry into other systems. The document outlines three stages of CRM adoption - pilot, expected, and required - and provides questions to evaluate where a project is at in gaining user, management, and leadership buy-in and commitment. It emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, training, and governance to maximize the value and success of a CRM investment over time.

Fra sporadisk til strategisk
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Fra sporadisk til strategisk

Med en verden fuld af websites, e-butikker, kampagner, apps og sociale medier kan det være svært at vide, hvilke kanaler man skal satse på og hvor meget – uanset om man er en B2C- eller B2B-virksomhed. Ofte skyder man med spredehagl og får lagt en masse indhold ud i samtlige kanaler. Hør hvordan Creuna arbejder med digital strategi og få indsigt i, hvordan du selv kommer i gang med at skabe indsigt, formulere og eksekvere jeres egen digitale strategi. Oplev også, hvordan et strategisk roadmap giver dig mulighed for at prioritere og målrette dine indsatser over tid, så du kan ramme de rigtige mål på de rigtige tidspunkter.

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Conversion Optimisation - Stories from the Front Line - Paul Rouke from PRWD ...
Conversion Optimisation - Stories from the Front Line - Paul Rouke from PRWD ...Conversion Optimisation - Stories from the Front Line - Paul Rouke from PRWD ...
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Paul Rouke shares insights on the different cultures that exist within organisations that PRWD work with on their conversion optimisation programme, and shares what it takes to become a top conversion optimiser. Paul then talks through the hypotheses, results and learnings from 13 A/B tests that PRWD have run for clients, including radical homepage redesigns, form redesigns, sitewide proposition test, pop-up tests and button wording tests

conversion rateconversion optimisationuser experience
Start Asking These Challenging Questions
› Does your business have a growth mind-set?
› Are you a product-led or customer-led business?
› Do you invest in tools & technology without the
resources or expertise to harness them?
› How often do you speak to your users?
› Do you have someone senior within your business
championing customer centricity and digital
› Do you have an intelligent methodology behind
you’re A/B testing strategy?
What Do High Growth
Brands Do?
High Growth Characteristics
What High Growth Brands Do
Strategic Conversion
Listen to Customers
Break Down Silos
Embrace Change
Move Quickly
Instill a Growth Mindset
Think & Plan Long Term
Start Planning for Digital Transformation
To plan your digital transformation,
you need to know where your business is
now, and what are your biggest areas of
opportunities moving forward

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In this presentation: -Product Management is probably the most exciting function in technology organizations - it's an art and science that's well-suited for certain personalities -The goal of a good Product Manager is NOT to launch a product - rather, it's to move a planned metric in the right direction by the right amount -A good Product Manager can answer the question, "How did your product do yesterday?" We can't answer that without a well-defined analytics strategy and data requirements built into our products

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This document summarizes how a marketing organization applied Python and data analytics (PyData) to improve their marketing efforts. Some key results included tripling marketing efforts while reducing ad creation time by 90% and launching in 7 new markets without growing their team. The document outlines their approach, including setting up infrastructure to retrieve and store marketing data, then analyzing and automating processes. Examples provided include customer segmentation, estimating new market sizes, and using machine learning for tasks like sentiment analysis and forecasting sales. The overall message is that applying a data-driven approach using Python tools can significantly impact marketing results.

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Redesigning Business - A workshop with Tim Loo - WebVisions BCN 2014
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This is the workshop presentation from WebVisions BCN 2014 presented by Tim Loo, Strategy Director at Foolproof. In an increasingly complex and digitally centric world, consumers are quickly evolving their thinking and behaviour. Many organisations are struggling to keep up, often failing to coherently live up to their brand and service promises. In this workshop, we’ll explore the role of the experience strategist creating wider business change, and the challenges and opportunities for the strategist in “redesigning” organisational attitudes and thinking around the customer.

digital transformationcx strategyexperience design
The Four Steps of
Digital Transformation
The Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model™
› Hypothesis Development
› Test Prioritisation
› Test Design Process
› QA & UAT Process
› Test Analysis
› Test Results & Learnings
› Core Business Growth Strategy
› Business Mindset
› Influential Champion
› Continuous Learning
› Product-Led v Customer-Led
› Analytics Platform
› Voice of Customer
› Knowledge Sharing
› Testing Platform
› Behavioural Research
› Data & Analytics
› UX Design
› Development
› Statistics
› Influential Lead
The Five Levels of Maturity
Your business is at the
start of your journey of
introducing conversion
optimisation and you
want to know how to
build an effective
Your business has
established some
important foundations
in preparation for
starting to truly
become a customer
centric brand.
Your business
recognises that user
insight driven
optimisation is a
core driver of
business growth
and is starting
to see its impact.
Your business is using
intelligent, customer
insight driven
conversion optimisation
to both optimise and
deliver strategic
enhancements to your
online user experience,
in turn growing your
Your business is in the
elite - you have made
customer centricity
and intelligent
absolutely central to
your growth
ambitions, and you
are out-performing
your competition.

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As organization's adopt Agile in the engineering organiztion it creates challenges for the rest of the organization. This talk introduces ways to up-level your product process to support agile teams. It introduces a framework for committing to dates and $$ for new features yet preserve the team agility.

Why ProdPad?
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Why ProdPad?

This deck helps you to communicate what you do, how you do it, and how you could use ProdPad to make everyone’s lives easier! * Pick the slides you need and remove the ones you don’t! * Change the content if you need to * Make the slides specific to your needs * We hope it helps!

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Developer Documentation Best Practices
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Developer Documentation Best Practices

Developer-focused tools can greatly improve organic discovery and conversion by ensuring that their documentation acts as a side-door to the product. Often, developer documentation is so product and feature focused that it doesn’t answer the question ”What’s in it for me with this product?” We researched 20+ developer-focused products’ documentation using the internet archive to understand trends and best practices used by top companies in the space. It’s important to note that this is a follow on to our Developer Buyer Journey, and we recommend reviewing that first.

software developmentsoftwaresaas
Strategy & Culture - £1.2bn Annual Revenue, £2bn Valuation
Questions For Your Business
› Does your CEO and C-suite understand and value
the importance of strategic conversion
optimisation to grow your business?
› How connected is your conversion optimisation
strategy with your core business growth strategy?
› Does your business put people first – both
employees and customers?
› Does your business have a fixed mindset, focusing
on what you have always done, or does it have a
growth mindset, embracing challenge & change?
Tools & Technology

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Push the button with continuous delivery

The document discusses continuous delivery and automation in software development. It promotes automating the entire delivery process from development to deployment to allow for reliable and rapid deployment of new features and fixes with just a single button push. Examples are given of companies deploying many times a day or hourly and seeing significant increases in revenues and user traffic through continuous delivery.

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360 degree marketing - A practical approach to brand building
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360 degree marketing - A practical approach to brand building

This document outlines Sairam Vedam's presentation on building a brand for Cigniti Technologies through 360 degree marketing efforts from 2012-2015. It discusses developing employer branding, leveraging analyst relations, events, digital marketing, content creation, and partnerships to transform Cigniti from an unknown startup to a global leader in independent software testing. The presentation highlights successes like developing an automated test migration tool, filing patents, and a corporate social responsibility project reaching over 6 million students.

Moss Bros + 30% Pre-Tax Profits in 2016
Moss Bros. User-Centered Redesign Impact
Uplift in desktop conversion
Uplift in mobile conversion
Questions For Your Business
› How well configured is your analytics platform to
track visitor behaviour at a granular level?
› How is your business utilising voice of customer
and behavioural insight tools to provide a rich
understanding of visitor experiences?
› How do you provide access to experiment results
and customer learnings to people from across
different areas of your business?
› What resources and capability do you have to
harness the features and functionality of your
testing tool?
People & Skills

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In this presentation at Measurefest 2017, PRWD Founder Paul Rouke explains why PRWD 1st created a Maturity Model for Conversion Optimisation, followed by demonstrated a case study of how the Maturity Model has being integral in helping a business mature from simple A/B testing to having an experimentation and customer centric mindset

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The document discusses Moss Bros.' journey to building an optimisation culture through conversion rate optimisation (CRO). It summarizes that Moss Bros. initially took an unstrategic approach to testing that lacked user insights and produced limited results. Moss Bros. then invested in user research, advanced analytics skills, and front-end development resources to support more sophisticated, insight-driven hypothesis testing. This strategic, people-powered approach led to a 25% increase in desktop conversion rate and 36% increase in mobile conversion rate. The document advocates that people and culture are more important than technology for successful CRO.

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Top-line Thoughts on Creating a Digital Organisation
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This document discusses considerations for transforming a communications business into a digital organization. It covers rethinking the business model, accelerating transformation by looking at trends and disruption, the four pillars of digital transformation being data, insight, ideas, and expression. It also discusses business model canvassing, goals and challenges of the transformation, possible new business lines, organizational structure, and ensuring audience connection during the change process.

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Schuh: £270m Revenue, Multi-channel Leader
Schuh User-Centered Redesign Impact
Uplift in mobile conversion
Questions For Your Business
› What budget do we have for investing in user
research and specialist behavioural research
› How specialised are the people who are analysing
your online performance?
› How open and humble are your designers for
collaborating with other people from across your
› What level of resource do you have in front end
development to increase testing velocity?
› Do you have someone senior and influential
leading your conversion optimisation strategy?
Process & Methodology

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Empired Convergence 2017 - Transforming you customer experience
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This document discusses transforming customer experience through digital transformation. It notes that while 84% of companies see digital transformation as important, only 3% have fully implemented it. The document then covers researching customer experience, what customer experience entails, developing a customer experience strategy in a digital world. It proposes a four step process: discover through research, ideate new experiences, create prototypes, deliver and evolve experiences. Finally, it notes that exceptional customer experiences can increase company revenues and brand loyalty while poor experiences can be costly.

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Marketo and SuccessFlow event May 17
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Discover the best practices and considerations for engagement marketing success! For digital transformation to be achieved, businesses need to think about their wider business strategies considering the people, processes and technology required to leverage an effective results-focused marketing strategy. This event from Marketo and digital consultancy partner, SuccessFlow, follows the trend of many marketers investing into marketing platforms with no digital strategy. Doing this can lead to wasted time and budget, and there is often limited ability to track success of your marketing automation investment.

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The Customer-Centricity Maturity Audit by Become Customer-Centric
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This is a full explanation of the Customer-Centricity Maturity Audit delivered by Paul Rouke and Paul Postance of Become Customer-Centric. It explains how the audit was developed, what it covers, how the audit is carried out, what the deliverables are and what investment options there are

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Skyscanner - $1.6bn Valuation Global Brand
Questions For Your Business
› Do you have a customer insight driven “why?”
behind you’re A/B test hypotheses?
› How does your business prioritise resources on
different tests that could impact the business?
› How do you go about designing test variations,
and how much does egotism play a part in
decision making?
› What level of analytics experience do you harness
for doing in-depth data analysis on completed
› What type of test results document do you
produce and how clear are the customer
learnings – if there are any?
How Strategic & Mature is
Your Approach to
Conversion Optimisation?
The Five Levels of Maturity
✔ No real research
✔ Basic A/B testing
✔ No buy-in
✔ Limited resources
✔ Doing remote
✔ Simple A/B testing
✔ Some appreciation
from senior
✔ Some resources
✔ Doing
✔ Testing big
✔ Senior director
✔ Increasing multi-
✔ Cross device and
regular moderated
✔ Testing strategic
changes to your UX
✔ C-suite buy-in to
✔ Harnessing
psychologists and
data scientists
✔ Muliti-channel in-
depth moderated
✔ Experimentation is
part of your DNA
✔ Company wide
buy-in & growth
✔ A complete multi-
growing team

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Transforming Customer and Client Outcomes Through Engaging User Experiences
Transforming Customer and Client Outcomes Through Engaging User ExperiencesTransforming Customer and Client Outcomes Through Engaging User Experiences
Transforming Customer and Client Outcomes Through Engaging User Experiences

User experience is a huge buzzword in the design world right now, but what does it really mean? The truth is it means lots of things, and can best be thought of as a philosophy for creating engaging experiences for digital points-of-contact. In my talk, I’ll introduce you to tools, best practices, and approaches to design that leverage user goals and needs to build better products of all stripes. Guiseppe Getto, Ph.D. is a college professor based in North Carolina and is President and Co-Founder of Content Garden, Inc., a digital marketing and UX consulting firm. He consults with a broad range of organizations who want to develop better customer experiences, better writing, better content, better SEO, better designs, and better reach for their target audience. He has taught at the college level for over ten years. During that time, he has also consulted and formed service-learning partnerships with many non-profits and businesses, from technical writing firms to homeless shelters to startups.

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Dr. Guiseppe Getto discusses the importance of user experience (UX) for digital products and services. He outlines how to create a UX strategy blueprint with sections for challenges, aspirations, focus areas, guiding principles, activities, and measurements. The strategy aims to achieve high customer satisfaction through an ongoing process of designing prototypes, testing them with users, and refining based on feedback. Regular design, test, and refine sessions should continue post-launch to maintain satisfaction. Tools mentioned include services for usability testing, rapid prototyping, and content strategy.

Roig Intro 2011
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Roig Intro 2011

The ROIG Group provides management consulting services focused on helping clients identify and create value through a singular focus on the customer. They were formed by experienced practitioners with expertise in retail, commercial products, and services. Their services include improving the customer experience, driving growth, understanding connectivity strategies, and transforming organizations.

Assess Your Business Maturity in 10 Minutes
Its FREE Start your ACTION plan today21 questions across the 4 steps
In all honesty, the maturity audit was a wake-up call.
Since the audit we have re-organised the Ecommerce team
to better support optimisation, and while we still have a way
to go, I think we’re already seeing a more mature CRO effort.
Stuart McMillan
Deputy Head of ECommerce

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The Four Steps to Digital Transformation - PRWD Founder & CEO Paul Rouke

  • 1. MORE THAN A/B TESTING The Four Steps to Digital Transformation #GrowthLeaders
  • 2. What is Digital Transformation? Digital Transformation is a significant change to the core foundations of a business: from its culture & mindset to its way of operating: From product-led to customer-led thinking. #GrowthLeaders
  • 3. Why Is Digital Transformation Important? #GrowthLeaders Planning for and working on Digital Transformation ensures a business will achieve long term, sustainable success whilst out-growing their biggest competitors.
  • 4. PRWD & Digital Transformation #GrowthLeaders
  • 5. 17 years experience in digital transformation, starting as the 1st web designer at £2bn retailer Shop Direct in 1999 #GrowthLeaders
  • 6. Brands We’ve Worked With… #GrowthLeaders
  • 7. Planning for Digital Transformation #GrowthLeaders
  • 8. Digital Transformation Across The Globe #GrowthLeaders
  • 9. The Digital Transformation Opportunity for Retailers #GrowthLeaders
  • 10. The Two Types of Digital Transformation Talking the Talk Walking the Walk to #GrowthLeaders
  • 11. Why Are So Many Companies “Talking the Talk”? Comfort Zone Where Digital Transformation Happens #GrowthLeaders
  • 12. Is Your Business Inside or Outside It’s Comfort Zone? #GrowthLeaders
  • 13. Start Asking These Challenging Questions › Does your business have a growth mind-set? › Are you a product-led or customer-led business? › Do you invest in tools & technology without the resources or expertise to harness them? › How often do you speak to your users? › Do you have someone senior within your business championing customer centricity and digital transformation? › Do you have an intelligent methodology behind you’re A/B testing strategy? #GrowthLeaders
  • 14. What Do High Growth Brands Do? #GrowthLeaders
  • 15. High Growth Characteristics What High Growth Brands Do Digital Transformation Strategic Conversion Optimisation Listen to Customers Break Down Silos Embrace Change Move Quickly Instill a Growth Mindset Think & Plan Long Term #GrowthLeaders
  • 16. Start Planning for Digital Transformation To plan your digital transformation, you need to know where your business is now, and what are your biggest areas of opportunities moving forward #GrowthLeaders
  • 18. #GrowthLeaders The Four Steps of Digital Transformation
  • 19. The Conversion Optimisation Maturity Model™ #GrowthLeaders › Hypothesis Development › Test Prioritisation › Test Design Process › QA & UAT Process › Test Analysis › Test Results & Learnings › Core Business Growth Strategy › Business Mindset › Influential Champion › Continuous Learning › Product-Led v Customer-Led › Analytics Platform › Voice of Customer › Knowledge Sharing › Testing Platform › Behavioural Research › Data & Analytics › UX Design › Development › Statistics › Influential Lead BEGINNER ASPIRING STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATIVEPROGRESSIVE
  • 20. The Five Levels of Maturity BEGINNER ASPIRING STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATIVEPROGRESSIVE Your business is at the start of your journey of introducing conversion optimisation and you want to know how to build an effective process. Your business has established some important foundations in preparation for starting to truly become a customer centric brand. Your business recognises that user insight driven conversion optimisation is a core driver of business growth and is starting to see its impact. Your business is using intelligent, customer insight driven conversion optimisation to both optimise and deliver strategic enhancements to your online user experience, in turn growing your business. Your business is in the elite - you have made customer centricity and intelligent conversion optimisation absolutely central to your growth ambitions, and you are out-performing your competition. #GrowthLeaders
  • 22. - £1.2bn Annual Revenue, £2bn Valuation #GrowthLeaders
  • 23. Questions For Your Business › Does your CEO and C-suite understand and value the importance of strategic conversion optimisation to grow your business? › How connected is your conversion optimisation strategy with your core business growth strategy? › Does your business put people first – both employees and customers? › Does your business have a fixed mindset, focusing on what you have always done, or does it have a growth mindset, embracing challenge & change? #GrowthLeaders
  • 25. Moss Bros + 30% Pre-Tax Profits in 2016 #GrowthLeaders
  • 26. Moss Bros. User-Centered Redesign Impact +25% Uplift in desktop conversion +36% Uplift in mobile conversion #GrowthLeaders
  • 27. Questions For Your Business › How well configured is your analytics platform to track visitor behaviour at a granular level? › How is your business utilising voice of customer and behavioural insight tools to provide a rich understanding of visitor experiences? › How do you provide access to experiment results and customer learnings to people from across different areas of your business? › What resources and capability do you have to harness the features and functionality of your testing tool? #GrowthLeaders
  • 29. Schuh: £270m Revenue, Multi-channel Leader #GrowthLeaders
  • 30. Schuh User-Centered Redesign Impact 30 +45% Uplift in mobile conversion
  • 31. Questions For Your Business #GrowthLeaders › What budget do we have for investing in user research and specialist behavioural research resources? › How specialised are the people who are analysing your online performance? › How open and humble are your designers for collaborating with other people from across your business? › What level of resource do you have in front end development to increase testing velocity? › Do you have someone senior and influential leading your conversion optimisation strategy?
  • 33. Skyscanner - $1.6bn Valuation Global Brand #GrowthLeaders
  • 34. Questions For Your Business #GrowthLeaders › Do you have a customer insight driven “why?” behind you’re A/B test hypotheses? › How does your business prioritise resources on different tests that could impact the business? › How do you go about designing test variations, and how much does egotism play a part in decision making? › What level of analytics experience do you harness for doing in-depth data analysis on completed tests? › What type of test results document do you produce and how clear are the customer learnings – if there are any?
  • 35. #GrowthLeaders How Strategic & Mature is Your Approach to Conversion Optimisation?
  • 36. The Five Levels of Maturity BEGINNER ASPIRING STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATIVEPROGRESSIVE ✔ No real research ✔ Basic A/B testing ✔ No buy-in ✔ Limited resources ✔ Doing remote research ✔ Simple A/B testing ✔ Some appreciation from senior managers ✔ Some resources ✔ Doing moderated research ✔ Testing big changes ✔ Senior director buy-in ✔ Increasing multi- disciplinary resources ✔ Cross device and regular moderated research ✔ Testing strategic changes to your UX ✔ C-suite buy-in to optimisation ✔ Harnessing psychologists and data scientists ✔ Muliti-channel in- depth moderated research ✔ Experimentation is part of your DNA ✔ Company wide buy-in & growth mindset ✔ A complete multi- disciplinary, growing team #GrowthLeaders
  • 37. Assess Your Business Maturity in 10 Minutes #GrowthLeaders Its FREE Start your ACTION plan today21 questions across the 4 steps BEGINNER ASPIRING STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATIVEPROGRESSIVE
  • 38. #GrowthLeaders In all honesty, the maturity audit was a wake-up call. Since the audit we have re-organised the Ecommerce team to better support optimisation, and while we still have a way to go, I think we’re already seeing a more mature CRO effort. Stuart McMillan Deputy Head of ECommerce