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Inviting you to my office  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
and to my library......... All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
This presentation is dangerous....  It will make people think  Innovation Important books/authors Cloud computing Neo-nomads METAweb Virtual Worlds
All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 change is the process by which the future invades our lives Alvin Toffler Change Resilience Creativity Innovation

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Mawuli Sablah, Chief Technical Advisor, CAADP Nutrition at FAO Regional Offic...
Mawuli Sablah, Chief Technical Advisor, CAADP Nutrition at FAO Regional Offic...Mawuli Sablah, Chief Technical Advisor, CAADP Nutrition at FAO Regional Offic...
Mawuli Sablah, Chief Technical Advisor, CAADP Nutrition at FAO Regional Offic...

This document discusses engaging businesses to improve nutrition in East and Southern Africa. It outlines the following key points: 1. Africa faces a double burden of malnutrition with both undernutrition and overnutrition issues. Food systems are challenged by pressures like urbanization and climate change. 2. There are opportunities for private sector involvement to positively influence food systems and nutrition. Food companies help determine food availability, affordability and quality as consumer demands change. 3. A multi-stakeholder approach is needed, including defining joint accountability between public and private sectors. The private sector can help improve food production, processing, storage and marketing of nutritious foods.

S. Al-Hassan & R. K. Amankwah & R. S. Nartey, University of Mines and Technol...
S. Al-Hassan & R. K. Amankwah & R. S. Nartey, University of Mines and Technol...S. Al-Hassan & R. K. Amankwah & R. S. Nartey, University of Mines and Technol...
S. Al-Hassan & R. K. Amankwah & R. S. Nartey, University of Mines and Technol...

Direct smelting of gold concentrates is proposed as an alternative to mercury amalgamation for small-scale gold mining in Ghana. Laboratory and field tests showed direct smelting recovered 99.9% of gold compared to 97% for amalgamation. It is cheaper and does not use hazardous mercury. Challenges include developing alternatives to charcoal fuel and improving crucible integrity for processing different concentrate types. Direct smelting is presented as a viable replacement for amalgamation in small-scale gold mining.

Church of Third Order of São Francisco da Penitência
Church of Third Order of São Francisco da PenitênciaChurch of Third Order of São Francisco da Penitência
Church of Third Order of São Francisco da Penitência

The Church of the Third Order of St. Francis of Penance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil began construction in 1715 and was completed in 1773. Its placement in the back of the property was due to the small size of the original churchyard, which was later expanded using a retaining wall. The interior of the church is luxuriously decorated in the peak Baroque style characteristic of the period, with magnificent carvings and gilded altars completed between 1726-1739.

All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 change is the process by which the future invades our lives Alvin Toffler
Resilience:   Not only t he  ability  to recover  from a  change  or shock. Resilience :   Not only t he   capacity   of people to  cope  with  change , stress or catastrophe. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
RESILIENCE:  The rate at which any system  returns  to a single steady state  following  a system  perturbation. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
RESILIENCE:  The rate at which any system  returns  to a single steady state  following  a system  perturbation. IT RESILIANCE :   The  ability  to  provide  an acceptable level of service in the  face of faults  and challenges to  normal  operation. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Donald and Melania Trump
Donald  and Melania TrumpDonald  and Melania Trump
Donald and Melania Trump

Donald Trump was born in 1946 and is currently president of the United States. He has been married three times and has five children - Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron. Some of his notable properties include Trump Towers in New York and one of his residences is located at the White House as the current US president.

2008 service based economy???? the future
2008 service based economy???? the future2008 service based economy???? the future
2008 service based economy???? the future

The document discusses the history and evolution of Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf's company STKI. It provides details about how STKI began as a market research firm in the 1980s, analyzing Israel's emerging IT market. Over time, STKI expanded its services to include consulting. It was later acquired by Gartner but continued operating in Israel under the STKI name. The document also references Dr. Schwarzkopf's research on technological revolutions and paradigm shifts in computing and their impact on business models and the economy.

Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009
Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009
Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009

The document discusses how technological innovations drive economic cycles and financial markets. It argues that major technological revolutions occur every 40-60 years and disrupt existing industries, leading to periods of instability and new growth opportunities. The current transition is from an industrial economy to a service economy driven by information technology. Executives need to understand these long-term cycles to manage businesses through periods of change and recession.

In the genes ? Stress: Brain releases serotonin Kills off neurons if not metabolized MAOA gene (with 5HTT) handles better stress: Produces molecules better at synthesizing serotonin All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
The future is really only an  innovation  problem How do we find the future we prefer? Innovation is the ability to move from the existing to the preferred
Innovation versus Creativity All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Innovation   is the engine  that drives  transformation..   Present Desired  Future Default Future Vision
INNOVATION All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Knowledge Management Jan2009
Knowledge Management Jan2009Knowledge Management Jan2009
Knowledge Management Jan2009

The document discusses knowledge management and issues around finding information efficiently. It notes that knowledge workers spend 15-30% of their time gathering information but are often unsuccessful. Traditional knowledge management approaches have limitations. Web 2.0 tools like wikis, blogs and RSS are gaining popularity for internal knowledge sharing, but bring challenges around consistency and information overload. Enterprise search is also an important trend, but users demand more than basic text search capabilities.

CIO Strategies 2008
CIO Strategies 2008CIO Strategies 2008
CIO Strategies 2008

The document discusses innovation and change in technology. It covers topics like resilience, the impact of cheap technology, virtual worlds like Second Life, and how search engines and social computing are changing how people access and share information. It provides examples of technologies and trends from 2007-2008 that were transforming how people use the internet.

Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008
Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008
Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008

The document discusses trends in the green IT market in Israel from 2007-2008. It covers topics like how IT contributes to global warming, green initiatives organizations are taking like consolidating servers and printers, and improving energy efficiency in data centers which typically use 50% of their power on cooling. A survey found that over half of organizations plan to build a new or refurbished data center within the next two years in order to improve energy efficiency.

Israel: Innovation Factory 1992-20?? All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Global Innovation Index *  Because of  HUMAN CAPITAL All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
IMD WORLD COMPETITIVENESS YEARBOOK 2007 (2006)  Professor  Stéphane Garelli IMD Business School *  Because of  HUMAN CAPITAL
This is what I call innovation  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Third Industrial Revolution Sept 2014
Third Industrial Revolution Sept 2014Third Industrial Revolution Sept 2014
Third Industrial Revolution Sept 2014

The document discusses trends related to the third industrial revolution including collaborative innovation, the sharing economy, cryptocurrencies, crowdfunding, and distributed manufacturing. It notes that these trends are challenging traditional institutions and models of value creation as knowledge becomes more distributed through open networks and platforms. Organizations will need to both explore new collaborative models and exploit opportunities in these emerging areas to remain competitive in the future.

social mediavalue creationcryptocurrency
Fad Or Future Second Life And Virtual Worlds
Fad Or Future  Second Life And Virtual WorldsFad Or Future  Second Life And Virtual Worlds
Fad Or Future Second Life And Virtual Worlds

This presentation discusses what is happening today in Second Life and other virtual worlds from a business perspective. It also presents four scenarios for the future as well as discusses what businesses should do.

Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009
Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009
Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009

This document discusses using Web 2.0 tools for internal knowledge management. It describes traditional KM approaches as expensive and complex compared to Web 2.0 tools like wikis and blogs, which are cheap and easy to use. Web 2.0 allows bottom-up collaboration but can result in inconsistent information. The document provides examples of companies using internal wikis and blogs and recommends starting with existing communities and experts. It also discusses supporting innovation with tools for idea generation, evaluation and brainstorming.

All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Innovation  IS  strategy:  from  BUILD  to  CREATE The New Economic Age All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create  uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the  competition irrelevant . Exploit existing demand. Create   and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off. Break  the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation  or  low cost. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in  pursuit of differentiation  and  low cost .
Innovation  IS  strategy:  from  BUILD  to  CREATE All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create  uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the  competition irrelevant . Exploit existing demand. Create   and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off. Break  the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation  or  low cost. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in  pursuit of differentiation  and  low cost .
Innovation:  water drum that is easy to pull

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post 2008 innovation economy (old version)
post 2008 innovation economy (old version)post 2008 innovation economy (old version)
post 2008 innovation economy (old version)

The document discusses the realities of the innovation economy and technological change. It notes that while hype should be resisted, the realities of technological disruption and paradigm shifts driven by successive technological revolutions cannot be ignored. Exponential growth and convergence of technologies are creating new opportunities but also uncertainty as the future invades the present through recurring waves of change. Resilience is needed to adapt to ongoing disruption and transformation across all sectors of the economy and society.

Second Life & Virtual Worlds Kbm Teigland
Second Life  & Virtual Worlds Kbm TeiglandSecond Life  & Virtual Worlds Kbm Teigland
Second Life & Virtual Worlds Kbm Teigland

The document discusses virtual worlds and organizations' activities in virtual worlds like Second Life. It summarizes what companies are doing in Second Life (marketing, branding, sales, recruiting), challenges (lack of return on investment and critical mass), and potential future scenarios for virtual worlds in 2012. It considers whether virtual worlds will become more widely used and integrated with real world or remain limited and fragmented.

CEDA Top 10 Speeches Disruption Innovation 2011-2016
CEDA Top 10 Speeches Disruption Innovation 2011-2016CEDA Top 10 Speeches Disruption Innovation 2011-2016
CEDA Top 10 Speeches Disruption Innovation 2011-2016

This speech discusses how connectivity and digital technologies have transformed society over the past 15 years. It notes that Australia is the first "smartphone nation", with over 50% of Australians owning a smartphone in the next few weeks. By 2026, the speaker predicts that being connected will be synonymous with being human. The speech also discusses how constant connectivity through mobile devices can amplify helplessness in both children and adults. However, it argues that relying on connections to others is important for future success. Businesses will need to embrace sharing and empowering connections between employees to thrive in this new environment where organizational charts and silos break down.

Some background  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Books of the 1980-90s -” No institution can possibly survive if it  needs geniuses or supermen to manage it . It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a  leadership composed of average  human beings”- All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Books of the 1980-90s
BOOK OF THE 1990’s Introduced the business world to rethinking operations.  Demonstrated how process redesign can yield breakthroughs in performance  Put the word "reengineering" into the English language. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Plus 10,000 rebuttals And 20+ books

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Connected innovation
Connected innovationConnected innovation
Connected innovation

Cisco promotes a culture of innovation where innovation drives growth. As the world becomes more connected through technology, it enables greater innovation. The document discusses how the number of connected devices is growing exponentially and will soon outpace the global human population. It also notes how mobility and technology are converging to transform industries like healthcare, where genome sequencing has been revolutionized. The average lifespan of Fortune 500 companies is decreasing due to the need for constant innovation. The document proposes that Canada adopt an innovation framework through public-private partnerships and support for small- and medium-sized businesses to promote long-term economic growth and transformation.

SIC 2015 Welcome
SIC 2015 WelcomeSIC 2015 Welcome
SIC 2015 Welcome

By Todd Lavieri. ISG’s 2015 Americas SIC agenda is packed with informative, interactive sessions and plenty of opportunities for networking. We’ll set the pace with a lively discussion about how clients and service providers can ask new questions and take advantage of new opportunities.

STKI Israel's IT market 2017 v2
STKI  Israel's IT market 2017 v2STKI  Israel's IT market 2017 v2
STKI Israel's IT market 2017 v2

STKI is an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm covering the IT industry. It has over 25 years of experience conducting thousands of interviews annually with IT users and vendors. STKI provides research on IT trends, budgets, forecasts, vendor tiers and positioning to help clients make strategic decisions. It uses an equilibrium model to ensure IT spending reported by users equals sales reported by vendors. The document then provides details on STKI's research methodology and analysis of Israel's IT hardware, software and services markets.

information technologymarket studyerp
BOOK OF THE 1990’s Business Process enabled IT
BOOK OF 2003 copied: “The Myth of Real Time Information”, HBR 1966 Plus 2000+ rebuttals And 5 books
BOOK OF 2003 copied: “The Myth of Real Time Information”, HBR 1966 Tactical and Strategic IT  management
Book of 2005 Thomas Friedman 3 billion people (consumers & producers) entered the world economies Eastern Europe (ie: Rumania) Asia (ie: China, India) Now we have a “new” economy: Interconnected (fiber everywhere) Standardized (Open Source) Supply Chains Management Out-sourcing, In-sourcing, Off-shoring Info sourcing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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REDtone IoT and Unified Inbox partner to integrate IoT devices with Social Media
REDtone IoT and Unified Inbox partner to integrate IoT devices with Social MediaREDtone IoT and Unified Inbox partner to integrate IoT devices with Social Media
REDtone IoT and Unified Inbox partner to integrate IoT devices with Social Media

The document summarizes key financial results from Etisalat Group for the second quarter of 2016. Etisalat Group posted a 51% increase in net profit compared to the same period last year. Revenue increased 2% year-over-year to AED 13.3 billion. Earnings per share increased 51% to AED 0.27. The board approved an interim dividend of 40 fils per share. Etisalat maintained solid financial performance in the first half of 2016.

redtone iotcitisenselocal councils
Smart Markham 2014
Smart Markham 2014Smart Markham 2014
Smart Markham 2014

Creating a Smart City Together. #SmartMkm @CityofMarkham. The Smart City conference on April 11th, 2014.

markhamsmart markhamintelligent community
Sixt vision 2030 vincent everts presentation
Sixt vision 2030 vincent everts presentation  Sixt vision 2030 vincent everts presentation
Sixt vision 2030 vincent everts presentation

At the meeting in Amsterdam I did a mobility 2030 vision. 8 big tech trends and how they influence Mobility.

Book of 2005 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
My own “favorite”
What now ???
Three Laws of Computing: growth rate of network &  computing speed Moore ’ s Law.  Transistors on a single  chip doubles ~ every  18 – 24 months. Gilder ’ s Law.  Aggregate bandwidth triples ~ every year. Metcalfe ’ s Law.  The value of a network may grow exponentially with the number of participants. Source: Cambridge Energy Resource Associates All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Product development in a hyper-connected world
Product development in a hyper-connected worldProduct development in a hyper-connected world
Product development in a hyper-connected world

Lamentations over the predicament of our country’s manufacturing industry have dominated headlines over the past year. There is, however, a light behind the storm clouds. As Dr Glenn Stevens, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, pointed out, ‘Even as industries are shrinking, new industries can grow up’. This report – "Product Innovation in a hyper connected world: The Australian Maker Movement” – takes a different, more radical outlook. Our view is that the future of Australian manufacturing is fundamentally shifting, and could lie with our emerging ‘maker movement’. Australia finds itself at a disadvantage for labour- intensive, low-skilled manufacturing however, technologically voracious and interconnected Australians have collectively built a digital foundation for the vibrant maker movement. Business would be well advised to observe how the successful startups outlined in this report find ways to participate, learn, and shape the movement. Moreover, we urge Australians to take pride in the emerging movement, which showcases the good old Aussie ingenuity of making things happen.

maker movementaustraliainnovation
The Xcelerator Effect
The Xcelerator EffectThe Xcelerator Effect
The Xcelerator Effect

The document discusses how the pace of change is accelerating due to the 4th industrial revolution involving technologies like robotics, AI, and 3D printing. While improvements generally make life better, there are always winners and losers during periods of disruption. This time, large established corporations are more at risk because new technologies have lowered barriers to entry, making it easier for startups to access global markets. The document argues that corporations need to innovate more proactively through new ways of working, products, and thinking to adapt and avoid being disrupted themselves by more nimble competitors.

Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf main tent trend presentation 2017
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf main tent trend presentation 2017Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf main tent trend presentation 2017
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf main tent trend presentation 2017

The document discusses trends in information technology from 2007 to the present and future. It describes how computing advanced through integrated circuits and Moore's law, enabling communication technologies like the internet and mobile. Recent cost reductions in data storage are driving big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. The presentation argues that organizations must embrace digital disruption and innovation to gain competitive advantages, such as adopting platform business models and focusing on customer-centric experiences. Future technologies like blockchain may create new trust architectures as well.

information technology trends
Disruptive  technologies   Introduction of the IBM Mainframe ( 1960’s) Introduction of the Apple II (1978), IBM PC (1981), TCP/IP (1980’s), C/S Architectures (1980’s), SUN workstations (1980’s), Internet (1990’s) Introduction of XML-based Composite Applications (2006), Service Oriented Architectures (2005), Virtualized Infrastructures (2004),Web 2/internet 2 (2007), Cloud Computing (2008), METAweb (2008)  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Computing and Communication Technologies Evolution: 1960-2010! Control Centralised Decentralised Cloud  Computing
IBM Introduces 'Blue Cloud' Computing   CIO Today - Nov 15 2007    IBM, EU Launch RESERVOIR Research Initiative for Cloud Computing IT News Online - Feb 7 2008    Google and in cloud computing deal - Apr 14 2008    Cloud Computing  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
What is Cloud Computing? 4+ billion phones by 2010 Web 2.0-enabled PCs, TVs, etc. Businesses, from startups to enterprises 1.  data and services reside in massively scalable data centers  2.  accessed from any connected devices over the internet . All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
Wisdom of Clouds :  "cloud computing"  What's revolutionary is not cloud computing itself but  how the pieces have come together  to make doing business in the cloud seem increasingly like an  economic inevitability Cloud computing is a simple concept:  Software and services are delivered over the Web and through a browser.  No servers or client software to install. Available anytime, anywhere, from any device connecting to the Internet All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Cloud Computing Architecture Monitoring DBMS Management Stack Provisioning  Manager Application Server Monitoring Provisioning Baremetal & Xen VM Virtualized Infrastructure based on Open Source Linux & Xen Data Center – 64 bit  X86 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Open Source Linux with Xen Monitoring Agent Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Apache
All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

israel market researchinformation technologyerp
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Defining the new world
ABILITIES in an outsourced/automated world infrastructure makes it possible for people to work where they want, when they want, how they want SIX  abilities needed: Design  – Beauty and uniqueness  Story  – More than mere facts  Symphony  – Seeing the big picture  Empathy  – Understanding others  Play  - Enjoyment  Meaning  – Fulfillment  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
OLDENBURG:  The “third” place  Time is primarily spent in : First  (home)  place: isolated Second  (work)  place: isolated Third places :  neutral public space  to connect and establish bonds.  Big Changes now: Between 1990-2006 : people went to  anonymous  locations such as  malls Starting in 2007:  good third place makes  admission free or cheap  (the price of a cup of coffee), offers comforts, is within walking distance and  draws a group of regulars.  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Neo-nomads :  new Bedouins flourishing in the coffeehouses of central Israel All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 A new breed of worker , fueled by caffeine and using the tools of modern technology They are typically armed with laptops and cell phones,  paying for their office space and Internet access by buying coffee and muffins   This neo-nomads see themselves  changing the nature of the workplace , if not the world at large.
Nomad Worker (2008) vs.  Paris Existentialist (1950s) Tel-Aviv geek with earphones and laptop in Arcaffe (2008) simultaneously cramming for exams, napping, instant-messaging, researching, reading and discussing, listening to music, browsing and e-mailing Paris existentialist watching the world go by at the café Les Deux Magots (1950s)  puffing a Gitane, napping and jotting down notes about being and nothingness All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Nomad worker: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Nomad worker: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

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Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
and the effect on IT……. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
The Peopleware Ecosystem Peopleware WCM Security Application Servers EAI Web Services E-Forms/Workflow Search Development Tools E-Learning Directory Collaboration Expertise Location & Mgmt. SSO Wireless Business Intelligence Knowledge Mgmt. DM BPM Identity Management Composite App. Framework BAM
2007:  the year of my discovery “ SACRED ORDER OF THE EXTERNAL MIND” I could outsource mental tasks Life is a math problem and I have a calculator MAGIC OF THE INFORMATION AGE Not that it allows us to know more It really allows us to know less All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
An example:  my romantic attachment to my “GPS” All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

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Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
I have  outsourced  part of my life  to  external cognitive servants : No longer need a memory Google Yahoo Wikipedia Personal Information Smartphone tells me about birthdays, phones, addresses Musical taste: ITunes Books and others: Amazon Social Capital LinkedIn Xing Facebook All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

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“ A Pattern Language”, Christopher Alexander Each  pattern describes a problem  that occurs over and over again in our environment Then describes the  core of the solution to that problem , in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over Without ever doing it the same way twice All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
And with access to these tools I can answer  ANY question in less then 30 minutes All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
A powerful global conversation has begun Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. Networked markets are beginning to self-organize faster than the companies that have traditionally served them.  As a direct result and thanks to the web, markets are becoming better informed, smarter, and more demanding of qualities missing from most business organizations.  markets are getting smarter and getting smarter faster than most companies All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Companies wake up !!!!!!! Customers are: writing about products on blogs recutting commercials on YouTube  defining companies on Wikipedia ganging up in social networking sites like Facebook  MOST COMPANIES SEE IT AS A THREAT All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 CHARLENE LI   JOSH BERNOFF

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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Social Technographics™  Josh Bernoff, co-author of  Groundswell All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
METAweb METAweb phenomenon  (fi-nom- uh -non) -noun a rare or significant fact or event in the web that happened in 2007 something that is impressive or extraordinary that happened in 2007 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
METAweb All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
METAweb pushes need for “new CIO” Time Innovation METAweb All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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METAweb  definition:  leverage  customer-self service  and  algorithmic data management  to reach out to the  entire web , to the edges and not just the center, to the  long tail  and not just the head All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
METAweb site has 7 basics:  Services , not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability  Control over unique,  hard-to-recreate data sources  that get richer as more people use them  Trusting users  as co-developers  Harnessing  collective intelligence  Leveraging the  long tail  through  customer self-service  Software  above the level of a single  device  Lightweight  user interfaces, development models, AND business models  All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
METAweb: user Transaction Sites Multimedia Sites Game Sites Social Sites Average person: 10-15 intimate 150 social 500-1500 weak links All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 Banks Insurance Travel “ Amazon” “ e-bay” YOUtube Slideshare Blogs Newspapers WIKIPEDIA Business Simulations Training Second Life Sales
All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Internet2: 2.4 Gbps plumbing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Leveraging the Web for  Measureable Business Results   Gone  are the days when merely having an  online presence  was a  business breakthrough . Today's companies  MUST  leverage the power of the Web   if they're to gain and  maintain a competitive advantage . All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
In 2010: all new WEB experience Soon each website will become a 3 dimensional room that can be experienced alone or with friends All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000
Second Life is the  biggest virtual world 40,000 concurrency (at any time) 450,000 active users (last 7 days) 1.4 m  active users (last 2 months) 10.6 m total accounts 2 m assets created per day 35 TB of user-created data 800,000 unique items sold or traded per month  500 events per day 15 m concurrent scripts 10 Gbps peak bandwidth Source: Million Square Meters of Second Life Land  Total User Hours (millions) Source: Linden Lab
Currency: Linden$ LindeX exchange operated by Linden Lab Buy: USD $.30 transaction fee  Sell: 3.5% transaction fee Monetary policy US$ Spent by Users (in Millions)  US $ Exchanged on Lindex (in Millions)  270 L$ =$1 USD
Economy Reuters Banking and credit Stock markets SL Capital Exchange (US, 20 listings) World Stock Exchange (Australia, 15 listings) VSTEX (Italy, 7 listings) Ancapex (US, 3 listings)

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Advisory/Analyst  firms H&R Block Island BDO Stoy Hayward Island KAWG&F (Baltimore MD CPA firm), CPA Island Accenture We hope that during 2009  STKI  will be present there and will have it’s first  SUMMIT
Business Motorati SpokesAvatar: caLLie cLine  H&R Block IBM Dr. Dobbs Life 2.0 Conference Cisco Best Buy’s Geek Squad Preen Principal: Aimee Weber Preen
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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METAweb REVOLUTION The real, long-term change is just beginning to be felt, and anyone thinking about our economic future should consider this:  access to information is a democratizing force makes it inexpensive and easy to collaborate and share information.  even the smallest companies can now have as big a presence online as a multinational corporation All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000 The revolution may have started in a garage in California  but it has already crossed every border moving as freely around the globe as a cloud
Thank You! All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI  Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel  +972 9 790 7000

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Einat Shimoni
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Einat Shimoni
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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2008 service based economy???? the future
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Where Can I Take You

  • 1. Inviting you to my office All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 2. and to my library......... All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 3. This presentation is dangerous.... It will make people think Innovation Important books/authors Cloud computing Neo-nomads METAweb Virtual Worlds
  • 4. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 change is the process by which the future invades our lives Alvin Toffler Change Resilience Creativity Innovation
  • 5. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 change is the process by which the future invades our lives Alvin Toffler
  • 6. Resilience: Not only t he ability to recover from a change or shock. Resilience : Not only t he capacity of people to cope with change , stress or catastrophe. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 7. RESILIENCE: The rate at which any system returns to a single steady state following a system perturbation. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 8. RESILIENCE: The rate at which any system returns to a single steady state following a system perturbation. IT RESILIANCE : The ability to provide an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 9. In the genes ? Stress: Brain releases serotonin Kills off neurons if not metabolized MAOA gene (with 5HTT) handles better stress: Produces molecules better at synthesizing serotonin All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 10. The future is really only an innovation problem How do we find the future we prefer? Innovation is the ability to move from the existing to the preferred
  • 11. Innovation versus Creativity All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Innovation is the engine that drives transformation.. Present Desired Future Default Future Vision
  • 12. INNOVATION All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 13. Israel: Innovation Factory 1992-20?? All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 14. Global Innovation Index * Because of HUMAN CAPITAL All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 15. IMD WORLD COMPETITIVENESS YEARBOOK 2007 (2006) Professor Stéphane Garelli IMD Business School * Because of HUMAN CAPITAL
  • 16. This is what I call innovation All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 17. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 18. Innovation IS strategy: from BUILD to CREATE The New Economic Age All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the competition irrelevant . Exploit existing demand. Create and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off. Break the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost .
  • 19. Innovation IS strategy: from BUILD to CREATE All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the competition irrelevant . Exploit existing demand. Create and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off. Break the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost .
  • 20. Innovation: water drum that is easy to pull
  • 21. Some background All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 22. Books of the 1980-90s -” No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it . It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings”- All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 23. Books of the 1980-90s
  • 24. BOOK OF THE 1990’s Introduced the business world to rethinking operations. Demonstrated how process redesign can yield breakthroughs in performance Put the word "reengineering" into the English language. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Plus 10,000 rebuttals And 20+ books
  • 25. BOOK OF THE 1990’s Business Process enabled IT
  • 26. BOOK OF 2003 copied: “The Myth of Real Time Information”, HBR 1966 Plus 2000+ rebuttals And 5 books
  • 27. BOOK OF 2003 copied: “The Myth of Real Time Information”, HBR 1966 Tactical and Strategic IT management
  • 28. Book of 2005 Thomas Friedman 3 billion people (consumers & producers) entered the world economies Eastern Europe (ie: Rumania) Asia (ie: China, India) Now we have a “new” economy: Interconnected (fiber everywhere) Standardized (Open Source) Supply Chains Management Out-sourcing, In-sourcing, Off-shoring Info sourcing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 29. Book of 2005 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 32. Three Laws of Computing: growth rate of network & computing speed Moore ’ s Law. Transistors on a single chip doubles ~ every 18 – 24 months. Gilder ’ s Law. Aggregate bandwidth triples ~ every year. Metcalfe ’ s Law. The value of a network may grow exponentially with the number of participants. Source: Cambridge Energy Resource Associates All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 33. Disruptive technologies Introduction of the IBM Mainframe ( 1960’s) Introduction of the Apple II (1978), IBM PC (1981), TCP/IP (1980’s), C/S Architectures (1980’s), SUN workstations (1980’s), Internet (1990’s) Introduction of XML-based Composite Applications (2006), Service Oriented Architectures (2005), Virtualized Infrastructures (2004),Web 2/internet 2 (2007), Cloud Computing (2008), METAweb (2008) All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 34. Computing and Communication Technologies Evolution: 1960-2010! Control Centralised Decentralised Cloud Computing
  • 35. IBM Introduces 'Blue Cloud' Computing CIO Today - Nov 15 2007    IBM, EU Launch RESERVOIR Research Initiative for Cloud Computing IT News Online - Feb 7 2008    Google and in cloud computing deal - Apr 14 2008    Cloud Computing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 36. What is Cloud Computing? 4+ billion phones by 2010 Web 2.0-enabled PCs, TVs, etc. Businesses, from startups to enterprises 1. data and services reside in massively scalable data centers 2. accessed from any connected devices over the internet . All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 37. Wisdom of Clouds : "cloud computing" What's revolutionary is not cloud computing itself but how the pieces have come together to make doing business in the cloud seem increasingly like an economic inevitability Cloud computing is a simple concept: Software and services are delivered over the Web and through a browser. No servers or client software to install. Available anytime, anywhere, from any device connecting to the Internet All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 38. Cloud Computing Architecture Monitoring DBMS Management Stack Provisioning Manager Application Server Monitoring Provisioning Baremetal & Xen VM Virtualized Infrastructure based on Open Source Linux & Xen Data Center – 64 bit X86 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Open Source Linux with Xen Monitoring Agent Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Apache
  • 39. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 40. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 41. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 43. ABILITIES in an outsourced/automated world infrastructure makes it possible for people to work where they want, when they want, how they want SIX abilities needed: Design – Beauty and uniqueness Story – More than mere facts Symphony – Seeing the big picture Empathy – Understanding others Play - Enjoyment Meaning – Fulfillment All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 44. OLDENBURG: The “third” place Time is primarily spent in : First (home) place: isolated Second (work) place: isolated Third places : neutral public space to connect and establish bonds. Big Changes now: Between 1990-2006 : people went to anonymous locations such as malls Starting in 2007: good third place makes admission free or cheap (the price of a cup of coffee), offers comforts, is within walking distance and draws a group of regulars. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 45. Neo-nomads : new Bedouins flourishing in the coffeehouses of central Israel All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 A new breed of worker , fueled by caffeine and using the tools of modern technology They are typically armed with laptops and cell phones, paying for their office space and Internet access by buying coffee and muffins This neo-nomads see themselves changing the nature of the workplace , if not the world at large.
  • 46. Nomad Worker (2008) vs. Paris Existentialist (1950s) Tel-Aviv geek with earphones and laptop in Arcaffe (2008) simultaneously cramming for exams, napping, instant-messaging, researching, reading and discussing, listening to music, browsing and e-mailing Paris existentialist watching the world go by at the café Les Deux Magots (1950s) puffing a Gitane, napping and jotting down notes about being and nothingness All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 47. Nomad worker: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • 48. Nomad worker: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • 49. and the effect on IT……. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 50. The Peopleware Ecosystem Peopleware WCM Security Application Servers EAI Web Services E-Forms/Workflow Search Development Tools E-Learning Directory Collaboration Expertise Location & Mgmt. SSO Wireless Business Intelligence Knowledge Mgmt. DM BPM Identity Management Composite App. Framework BAM
  • 51. 2007: the year of my discovery “ SACRED ORDER OF THE EXTERNAL MIND” I could outsource mental tasks Life is a math problem and I have a calculator MAGIC OF THE INFORMATION AGE Not that it allows us to know more It really allows us to know less All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 52. An example: my romantic attachment to my “GPS” All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 53. Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 54. Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 55. Pinpoints a supermarket in MEXICO ? my son is calling from there All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 56. I have outsourced part of my life to external cognitive servants : No longer need a memory Google Yahoo Wikipedia Personal Information Smartphone tells me about birthdays, phones, addresses Musical taste: ITunes Books and others: Amazon Social Capital LinkedIn Xing Facebook All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 57. “ A Pattern Language”, Christopher Alexander Each pattern describes a problem that occurs over and over again in our environment Then describes the core of the solution to that problem , in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over Without ever doing it the same way twice All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 58. And with access to these tools I can answer ANY question in less then 30 minutes All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 59. A powerful global conversation has begun Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. Networked markets are beginning to self-organize faster than the companies that have traditionally served them. As a direct result and thanks to the web, markets are becoming better informed, smarter, and more demanding of qualities missing from most business organizations. markets are getting smarter and getting smarter faster than most companies All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 60. Companies wake up !!!!!!! Customers are: writing about products on blogs recutting commercials on YouTube defining companies on Wikipedia ganging up in social networking sites like Facebook MOST COMPANIES SEE IT AS A THREAT All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 CHARLENE LI JOSH BERNOFF
  • 61. Social Technographics™ Josh Bernoff, co-author of Groundswell All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 62. METAweb METAweb phenomenon (fi-nom- uh -non) -noun a rare or significant fact or event in the web that happened in 2007 something that is impressive or extraordinary that happened in 2007 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 63. METAweb All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 64. METAweb pushes need for “new CIO” Time Innovation METAweb All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 65. METAweb definition: leverage customer-self service and algorithmic data management to reach out to the entire web , to the edges and not just the center, to the long tail and not just the head All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 66. METAweb site has 7 basics: Services , not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them Trusting users as co-developers Harnessing collective intelligence Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service Software above the level of a single device Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 67. METAweb: user Transaction Sites Multimedia Sites Game Sites Social Sites Average person: 10-15 intimate 150 social 500-1500 weak links All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 Banks Insurance Travel “ Amazon” “ e-bay” YOUtube Slideshare Blogs Newspapers WIKIPEDIA Business Simulations Training Second Life Sales
  • 68. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 69. Google versus ??? Humanity emits the data (words, pictures, clicks, and searches are the raw material) Handful of cloud-wielding Internet giants like Google, Yahoo! or transform the info into insights, services, and, ultimately, revenue. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 70. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 71. Why does it bother me ? All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 72. IBM Introduces 'Blue Cloud' Computing CIO Today - Nov 15 2007    IBM, EU Launch RESERVOIR Research Initiative for Cloud Computing IT News Online - Feb 7 2008    Google and in cloud computing deal - Apr 14 2008    Cloud Computing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 74. Google 10 years of innovation 1995 1998 2000 2003 2005 2004 2007 ? Core Search Ads Monetization Communications Collaboration ? All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 75. Internet 2 is not Web 2 All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 76. WEB 2 are WEB Technologies All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 77. Internet2: 2.4 Gbps plumbing All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 78. Leveraging the Web for Measureable Business Results Gone are the days when merely having an online presence was a business breakthrough . Today's companies MUST leverage the power of the Web if they're to gain and maintain a competitive advantage . All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 79. In 2010: all new WEB experience Soon each website will become a 3 dimensional room that can be experienced alone or with friends All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 80. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 81. All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000
  • 82. Second Life is the biggest virtual world 40,000 concurrency (at any time) 450,000 active users (last 7 days) 1.4 m active users (last 2 months) 10.6 m total accounts 2 m assets created per day 35 TB of user-created data 800,000 unique items sold or traded per month 500 events per day 15 m concurrent scripts 10 Gbps peak bandwidth Source: Million Square Meters of Second Life Land Total User Hours (millions) Source: Linden Lab
  • 83. Currency: Linden$ LindeX exchange operated by Linden Lab Buy: USD $.30 transaction fee Sell: 3.5% transaction fee Monetary policy US$ Spent by Users (in Millions) US $ Exchanged on Lindex (in Millions) 270 L$ =$1 USD
  • 84. Economy Reuters Banking and credit Stock markets SL Capital Exchange (US, 20 listings) World Stock Exchange (Australia, 15 listings) VSTEX (Italy, 7 listings) Ancapex (US, 3 listings)
  • 85. Advisory/Analyst firms H&R Block Island BDO Stoy Hayward Island KAWG&F (Baltimore MD CPA firm), CPA Island Accenture We hope that during 2009 STKI will be present there and will have it’s first SUMMIT
  • 86. Business Motorati SpokesAvatar: caLLie cLine H&R Block IBM Dr. Dobbs Life 2.0 Conference Cisco Best Buy’s Geek Squad Preen Principal: Aimee Weber Preen
  • 87. Academia, museums, non-profits Princeton Art Gallery Science Friday International Spaceflight Museum Computer History Museum American Cancer Society Relay for Life
  • 88. Government, politics and collective action US Congress European Community US Congress – hot topic legislation Campaign HQs Davos protest
  • 89. METAweb REVOLUTION The real, long-term change is just beginning to be felt, and anyone thinking about our economic future should consider this: access to information is a democratizing force makes it inexpensive and easy to collaborate and share information. even the smallest companies can now have as big a presence online as a multinational corporation All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000 The revolution may have started in a garage in California but it has already crossed every border moving as freely around the globe as a cloud
  • 90. Thank You! All Rights Reserved 2008@STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 790 7000

Editor's Notes

  1. STKI Company Confidential for STKI clients only @STKI Moshav Bnei Zion Israel +972 (0) 9 790 7000