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ASP.NET Performance TipsGettingThings Right on the ClientChris Lovehttp://ProfessionalASPNET.comCopyright Extreme Web Works -
ASP.NET Performance Tips on the Server IASP.NET Performance Tips on the Server IIASP.NET Performance Tips on the Client-SideCopyright Extreme Web Works -
High Performance Web SitesEssential Knowledge for Front-End EngineersSteve Souders Extreme Web Works -
Front-End Performance ToolsFireBug and YSlow

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The document discusses Blazor, a new web framework that uses C# and .NET to build client-side web UI using WebAssembly. It begins with background on JavaScript and WebAssembly. It then covers the key aspects of Blazor like components, routing, dependency injection. It addresses concerns about older browser support and downloading the .NET runtime. Overall, the document provides an introduction to Blazor highlighting its benefits and community projects while also addressing some potential concerns.

HTML5 CSS3 The Future of Web Technologies
HTML5 CSS3 The Future of Web TechnologiesHTML5 CSS3 The Future of Web Technologies
HTML5 CSS3 The Future of Web Technologies

The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.

Building fast webapps, fast - Velocity 2010
Building fast webapps, fast - Velocity 2010Building fast webapps, fast - Velocity 2010
Building fast webapps, fast - Velocity 2010

The document discusses techniques for building fast third-party web applications. It recommends initializing scripts asynchronously and non-blocking to avoid impacting page load. Specifically, it suggests loading scripts through an iframe to defer execution until needed and reduce blocking. The document also recommends deferring content downloads, combining files to reduce requests, embedding images in CSS, and using vector graphics to improve performance.


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Website performance optimisation
Website performance optimisationWebsite performance optimisation
Website performance optimisation

This document discusses the importance of web performance optimization and techniques for improving page load speeds, particularly around optimizing JavaScript loading. It notes that speed is a critical user experience factor and outlines strategies like progressive rendering, loading scripts without blocking, and techniques like ControlJS for asynchronously downloading and delaying script execution. The document emphasizes the growing importance of mobile optimization and speed given rising usage on mobile devices.

What’s New in ASP.NET 4
What’s New in ASP.NET 4What’s New in ASP.NET 4
What’s New in ASP.NET 4

With the recent release of ASP.NET 4.0, there are many new tools in the WebForms developer toolbox that make it possible to build faster, more standards-compliant web applications. In this session, you'll be introduced to all of the new major features in ASP.NET 4.0 and shown how these features can be leveraged to build better WebForms applications. From improved ViewState handling to powerful control over client IDs and caching, this session is your primer for making the upgrade to 4.0.

Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For SpeedPerformance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed

This document discusses the importance of web page speed and provides tips to optimize performance. It emphasizes that speed is important for user experience and engagement. Slow pages can lead to high bounce rates and negatively impact SEO. It then provides the "golden rules" of optimization, which include reducing HTTP requests, minimizing file sizes, caching assets, and using techniques like lazy loading. Specific tools are recommended for measuring performance, including PageSpeed, Speed Tracer, and Dynatrace Ajax. Browser limitations and upcoming technologies that may improve speed are also briefly covered. The goal is to make the web faster by optimizing code, images, assets and more.

web apps tuningweb apps optimizationsweb apps speed
Web Development Helper Extreme Web Works -
Front-End Performance RulesMake Fewer HTTP RequestsUse a Content Delivery NetworkAdd an Expires Header *Compress Content *StyleeSheets On Top *Scripts at Bottom *Avoid CSS ExpressionsMake JavaScript and CSS External *Reduce DNS LookupsMinify JavaScript *Avoid Redirects *Remove Duplicate Scripts *Configure EtagsMake AJAX Cacheable *Copyright Extreme Web Works -
Make Fewer HTTP RequestsEach Request Adds More Overhead

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How to investigate and recover from a security breach in WordPress
How to investigate and recover from a security breach in WordPressHow to investigate and recover from a security breach in WordPress
How to investigate and recover from a security breach in WordPress

This document summarizes Otto Kekäläinen's talk about investigating and recovering from a WordPress security breach at his company Seravo. On November 9th, 2018 four WordPress sites hosted by Seravo were compromised due to a vulnerability in the WP GDPR Compliance plugin. Seravo's security team launched an investigation that uncovered malicious user accounts, identified the vulnerable plugin as the entry point, and cleaned up the sites. The experience highlighted the importance of having an incident response plan even when security best practices are followed.

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How fast are we going now?
How fast are we going now?How fast are we going now?
How fast are we going now?

The document discusses the speed of the modern web. It summarizes key metrics around connection speeds, browser speeds, page weights, adoption of best practices, and page load times based on data from various sources. While some metrics like connection speeds and page load times are improving, pages overall are getting heavier and adoption of best practices is flat. The document advocates watching video growth, developing better performance metrics, promoting best practices more widely, utilizing multiple CPUs, and improving caching.

State of the resource timing api
State of the resource timing apiState of the resource timing api
State of the resource timing api

Presentation at WebPerfDays Amsterdam, May 18 2013. This newish browser API can be used to gain insight in the load time of individual page resources. Does the API behave consistently and as expected? Short answer: no, not really. Long answer: view the presentation ;-)

apiresource timingweb performance
Avoid Slicing Images that are not Reused
Image Maps
CSS Sprites
Inline Images

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do u webview?
do u webview?do u webview?
do u webview?

Every URL visited from the Facebook iPhone app is done through a webview. Same with Twitter. Even if you don't have a mobile app, your website gets a lot of traffic from webviews. And yet, testing on webviews is challenging. There are significant performances differences between UIWebView vs WkWebView, and similarly for Android webview vs the new Chromium webview. And what about home screen apps?! In this talk, Steve Souders discusses the differences across webviews and how that affects performance of mobile web apps.

[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. It discusses using feature testing versus browser sniffing to determine the appropriate image to serve, including testing browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth. It then covers various techniques for serving adaptive images, such as using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, srcset attributes, and JavaScript libraries. It emphasizes using a mobile-first approach and progressive enhancement to provide the best experience for all devices.

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Battling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed InsightsBattling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed Insights

This document discusses how to improve website speed by optimizing page loading performance. It provides tips for reducing render-blocking scripts, minifying files, prioritizing visible content, lazy loading below the fold content, optimizing images, leveraging browser caching with custom expire headers, reducing server response time, and enabling GZIP compression. Tools mentioned for measuring site speed include Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix.

Combine Scripts and CSSCopyright Extreme Web Works -
Use a Content Delivery Network
More Geographically Dispersed

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Editor's Notes

  1. Entity Tags (ETags) are commonly used in Web applications to effectively leverage the power of using web farms, which is a non-fancy term for HTTP/S load balancing.  In web farms, a common practice is to set what is called ETags as it helps enhance performance in web farm scenarios.  ETags is controlled in IIS by a metabase property (ETAG_CHANGENUMBER) and this value is sent back to clients via response headers as instructed by the HTTP RFC 2616.