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Profiling PHP

Sam Keen
@samkeen May 2009 Meeting
•   Huge topic, so we will settle on one aspect
    of it
•   Concentrate on the Code aspect of
•   We’ll concern ourselves more with ‘tools
    to get started’ rather than ‘Preferment
    code best practices’ (see last slide for that)
•   Will introduce a ‘secret ingredient’ that
    makes profiling super delicious!
The Scenario

You build a killer PHP site

Works great out of the gate
but then slowly degrades as
more people use it until...
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind

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This document discusses customizing and extending Plone 3 using buildout, eggs, GenericSetup profiles, and testing. Key points include: 1) Using buildout to manage dependencies and custom packages, including developing packages locally. 2) Creating a "policy product" that installs all customizations and dependencies in one step. 3) Customizing Plone through GenericSetup profiles using XML configuration files and custom import steps. 4) Writing tests to ensure customizations are properly installed and configured. 5) Customizing visual components like skins, views, and resources using layers and browser resources. Thorough testing and source control are emphasized.

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Xdebug - Your first, last, and best option for troubleshooting PHP code
Xdebug - Your first, last, and best option for troubleshooting PHP codeXdebug - Your first, last, and best option for troubleshooting PHP code
Xdebug - Your first, last, and best option for troubleshooting PHP code

In depth presentation on setting up, configuring, and trigger PHP Xdebug for step through debugging and code profiling. This presentation will not tell you how to configure your Xdebug client. It will help you understand how to configure and tune Xdebug for web and CLI based debugging and profiling in PHP.

How do we avoid this

  Or at least lesson the chance of it happening or at a
minimum reduce the amount of “material” hitting the fan
                when it inevitably occurs

                -       should be done during development
                -       allows you to spot inefficiencies and
                        bottlenecks in code rather than your
Facilitating Profiling
    During Development

•   Make it as easy as possible to set up and
•   This way it can become part of your daily
    (OK, maybe weekly) routine.
Many Aspects of

   Code       Db

   System   Network

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First steps for Db and
Query logs: slow and index-less

top, vmstat, dstat
$ dstat

Profiling Code
Before you make changes, you need to get some sort of
    baseline of the performance of the application

    Otherwise, you cannot measure improvement

      So start with profiling the site as a “whole”
Web Server
       Profiling Tools
                   Apache Bench

Web Server
tar -xzf http_load-12mar2006.tar.gz
cd http_load-12mar2006/
sudo make install

@see eZ Publish article for coverage of the others:

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This document summarizes JavaScript support on Google App Engine including frameworks like Rhino, Narwhal, Ringo, and JSGI/Jack that allow running JavaScript applications on App Engine. It also describes the AppengineJS stack which provides APIs for the App Engine datastore, memcache, and other services via CommonJS packages. Key features of AppengineJS include support for templating, HTML parsing, and the Nitro framework.

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Presentation by @aaronpeters at Dutch Web Performance Meetup on August 22 2012. The presentation covers new stuff in WPT UI, the WPT API, scripting and hidden gems. Awesome tool, but also room for improvement.

web performance
After creating for URL file (simple txt file with list o URLs
(one per line) that will be randomly chosen from by

The run something like: (runs for ten seconds, with five
parallel requests)

    $ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls.txt
$ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls.txt
90 fetches, 5 max parallel, 805770 bytes, in 10 seconds
8953 mean bytes/connection
8.99999 fetches/sec, 80576.9 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 241.704 mean, 958.418 max, 73.01 min
msecs/first-response: 252.075 mean, 1067.61 max, 83.833 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 90
Xdebug Profiling
Far more than just a profiler:
  * stack traces and function traces in error messages with:
       o full parameter display for user defined functions
       o function name, file name and line indications
       o support for member functions
  * memory allocation
  * protection for infinite recursions
  * profiling information for PHP scripts
  * code coverage analysis
  * debug your scripts interactively with a debug client

Xdebug Install

Install with pecl
sudo pecl install xdebug

Add this line to your php.ini

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odooodoo community association
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It is the last Plone age. The big and strong but lonely mammoth has led the way for eons. But now it is threatened by a pack of saber-tooth tigers who are quick, agile and work together. Can the friendly caveman save the mammoth and make piece with the sabers? Can Grok help making Zope and Plone more agile? Will Zope and the other web frameworks fall in love, and what do WSGI and Paste have to say about that? From the makers of "Zope on a Paste", coming this October, a comedy for the whole family (developers, integrators and newbiews). Rated PG-13.

20151229 wnmp & phalcon micro app - part I
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Nginx, PHP, and Phalcon were installed and configured on Windows to serve web applications. Nginx was set up as a web server with PHP enabled through FastCGI. PHP and nginx processes were configured as Windows services using winsw. Phalcon was installed as a PHP extension. Testing involved accessing a phpinfo.php file to confirm PHP and Phalcon were installed correctly. Potential errors addressed included missing Visual C++ runtime libraries.

Xdebug Configure
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t-%s
;##### END XDEBUG SECTION ######;
Xdebug Local Setup
php.ini@ -> /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini.zenddebug

~/bin (in my PATH)
-rwxr-xr-x@   php-xdebug*
-rwxr-xr-x@   php-xdebug-profile*
-rwxr-xr-x@   php-zenddebug*

Contents of        php-xdebug-profile
rm /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini
ln -s /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini.xdebug.profile /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini
sudo apachectl restart

$ php-xdebug-profile
Now running php with Xdebug PROFILE: hurray for open source
Profiling a specific page
With Xdebug profiling enabled

Simply request the web page in question using browser

Look in your xdebug.profiler_output_dir for output
Examine the output

•   Traditionally: Kcachegrind
•   Install on Linux, or Windows: easy
•   Install on OSX: #&^!*&^!!

•   The Kcachegrind UI...

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More information about this HTTP caching talk can be found on

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Most of us are familiar with HTTP, but when it actually comes to creating cacheable web content, there is still a lot to be learned. In this presentation I will show you how to leverage specific mechanism to achieve a good hit rate without losing touch with some of the challenges of real-life web projects. Keywords: cache control, cache variations, conditional requests, stateful content, HTTP fragments, invalidation. The goals is to empower developers to control the behavior of reverse caching proxies like Varnish, Content Delivery Networks, or even browser cache, using the power of HTTP.

codemotion rome 2018
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
And the Secret

Webgrind is an Xdebug profiling web frontend in PHP5


Simple Installation on any platform that can run
WebServer/PHP5 stack

and the UI...
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind

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This document discusses integrating test automation and code coverage for web service applications. It introduces Postman for calling web services and testing responses, and Jenkins for build automation and tracking test results over time. It then demonstrates setting up a test automation workflow using these tools on a sample Laravel application, including starting and stopping coverage collection, running tests from Postman and PHPUnit, and merging the results. Some best practices and philosophies around test automation and code coverage are also discussed.

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Webgrind Install
Install (Typical WebApp install: put the folder in your webroot
and edit a config file)

 1. Download to your web root

 * edit config.php
 * be sure $storageDir is writable by web server
Extend UI
UI is HTML and js (jquery) so trivial to make changes
The victim
$ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls_could_improve.txt
1928 fetches, 5 max parallel, 1.92362e+07 bytes, in 10.0002 seconds
9977.27 mean bytes/connection
192.796 fetches/sec, 1.92358e+06 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 0.456549 mean, 9.326 max, 0.055 min
msecs/first-response: 21.7894 mean, 599.711 max, 0.862 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 1928

 *you would also be watching CPU and RAM with something like
 dstat during this test to determine if we are CPU and/or memory
 bound (see resources on last slide)

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The document discusses the new features of Apache HTTP Server version 2.4, including performance improvements through more efficient modules and data structures, enhanced configuration options, new modules for capabilities like Lua scripting and remote IP access, and improved proxy functionality for dynamic and cloud environments. Key areas covered are performance, configuration, new modules, and proxy features.

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High Performance Web Sites

The document provides recommendations for optimizing performance of high traffic web applications, including tuning Apache settings like MaxClients, enabling caching and compression, optimizing MySQL settings like query caching and indexing, improving PHP configurations for errors, sessions and uploads, and using tools to monitor and test performance. It also outlines best practices for page loading like reducing HTTP requests and moving scripts to the bottom.

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The document provides tips and best practices for developing Joomla sites as part of a team. It discusses using version control like SVN or Git, following coding standards for naming conventions and formatting, and leveraging tools for code review and team development. Additional suggestions are given for debugging, moving sites, testing for injections, and speeding up sites through techniques like removing Mootools and using content delivery networks. The presenter encourages sharing ideas to improve Joomla development.

joomlajoomla day chicago 2011steven pignataro
Explore the output
 using WebGrind
Lots of MDB2 at
the top of the list
Static Candidate
   (no code)
Push Work to Client

Push all this work to the client
        '<span style=quot;color:red;font-weight:800;quot;>$1</span>')

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Caching has been a 'hot' topic for a few years. But caching takes more than merely taking data and putting it in a cache : the right caching techniques can improve performance and reduce load significantly. But we'll also look at some major pitfalls, showing that caching the wrong way can bring down your site. If you're looking for a clear explanation about various caching techniques and tools like Memcached, Nginx and Varnish, as well as ways to deploy them in an efficient way, this talk is for you.

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What's New and Newer in Apache httpd-24
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Jim Jagielski presents an overview of new features and enhancements in Apache HTTP Server version 2.4, including configuration and runtime improvements, new modules and capabilities, cloud and proxy enhancements, performance increases, and support for HTTP/2. Key highlights include finer-grained configuration controls, new modules like mod_lua and mod_macro, improved proxy and load balancing functionality, better performance through optimizations and new MPMs like Event, and initial HTTP/2 support.

apacheopen source
Make Adjustments
•   Switch to PDO
    •   typically lean towards php built-ins that abstract a
        great deal of functionality (rather than libs built in

•   Use static (.htm) pages if we don’t need DB
    •   output buffer caching another alternative

•   Use js to ‘markup’ content
    •   fastest way a web server can do work is not to
        do it

        changes took about 40 min of work
$ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls_better.txt
5008 fetches, 5 max parallel, 3.40076e+07 bytes, in 10.0003 seconds
6790.65 mean bytes/connection
500.785 fetches/sec, 3.40066e+06 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 0.401153 mean, 9.334 max, 0.055 min
msecs/first-response: 8.39298 mean, 259.332 max, 0.141 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 5008

fetches/sec: ~250%
first-response: ~275%
Profiling articles form eZ Publish

Profiling articles form IBM

Excellent Open Source PHP IDE which utilizes Xdebug (step through, profile, code coverage)

Profiling Presentation from core PHP folks

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Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind

  • 1. Profiling PHP Applications Sam Keen @samkeen May 2009 Meeting
  • 2. Summary • Huge topic, so we will settle on one aspect of it • Concentrate on the Code aspect of profiling • We’ll concern ourselves more with ‘tools to get started’ rather than ‘Preferment code best practices’ (see last slide for that) • Will introduce a ‘secret ingredient’ that makes profiling super delicious!
  • 3. The Scenario You build a killer PHP site Works great out of the gate but then slowly degrades as more people use it until...
  • 5. How do we avoid this Or at least lesson the chance of it happening or at a minimum reduce the amount of “material” hitting the fan when it inevitably occurs
  • 6. Profiling - should be done during development - allows you to spot inefficiencies and bottlenecks in code rather than your clients Photo:
  • 7. Facilitating Profiling During Development • Make it as easy as possible to set up and use • This way it can become part of your daily (OK, maybe weekly) routine.
  • 8. Many Aspects of Profiling Code Db System Network CPU/RAM
  • 9. First steps for Db and System/Network Query logs: slow and index-less top, vmstat, dstat $ dstat @see
  • 10. Profiling Code -Baseline- Before you make changes, you need to get some sort of baseline of the performance of the application Otherwise, you cannot measure improvement So start with profiling the site as a “whole”
  • 11. Web Server Profiling Tools Apache Bench HTTP_load Siege Web Server
  • 12. HTTP_Load Install wget tar -xzf http_load-12mar2006.tar.gz cd http_load-12mar2006/ make sudo make install @see eZ Publish article for coverage of the others:
  • 13. HTTP_Load After creating for URL file (simple txt file with list o URLs (one per line) that will be randomly chosen from by http_load) The run something like: (runs for ten seconds, with five parallel requests) $ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls.txt
  • 14. HTTP_Load Output $ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls.txt 90 fetches, 5 max parallel, 805770 bytes, in 10 seconds 8953 mean bytes/connection 8.99999 fetches/sec, 80576.9 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 241.704 mean, 958.418 max, 73.01 min msecs/first-response: 252.075 mean, 1067.61 max, 83.833 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 90
  • 15. Xdebug Profiling Far more than just a profiler: * stack traces and function traces in error messages with: o full parameter display for user defined functions o function name, file name and line indications o support for member functions * memory allocation * protection for infinite recursions * profiling information for PHP scripts * code coverage analysis * debug your scripts interactively with a debug client @see
  • 16. Xdebug Install @see Install with pecl sudo pecl install xdebug Add this line to your php.ini zend_extension=quot;/usr/local/php/modules/xdebug.soquot;
  • 17. Xdebug Configure ;##### START XDEBUG SECTION ######; zend_extension=/usr/lib/php/extensions/ xdebug.remote_enable=on xdebug.remote_handle=dbgp xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.profiler_enable = 1 xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t-%s xdebug.profiler_output_dir=quot;/Users/sam/grind-outquot; ;##### END XDEBUG SECTION ######;
  • 18. Xdebug Local Setup php.ini@ -> /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini.zenddebug php.ini.xdebug php.ini.xdebug.profile php.ini.zenddebug ~/bin (in my PATH) -rwxr-xr-x@ php-xdebug* -rwxr-xr-x@ php-xdebug-profile* -rwxr-xr-x@ php-zenddebug* Contents of php-xdebug-profile #!/bin/sh rm /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini ln -s /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini.xdebug.profile /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini sudo apachectl restart $ php-xdebug-profile Now running php with Xdebug PROFILE: hurray for open source
  • 19. Profiling a specific page With Xdebug profiling enabled Simply request the web page in question using browser Look in your xdebug.profiler_output_dir for output cachegrind.out.1242152836-_Library_WebServer_Documents_persist_better_see_signups_php
  • 20. Examine the output • Traditionally: Kcachegrind • Install on Linux, or Windows: easy • Install on OSX: #&^!*&^!! • The Kcachegrind UI...
  • 22. And the Secret Ingredient
  • 23. Webgrind Webgrind is an Xdebug profiling web frontend in PHP5 @see Simple Installation on any platform that can run WebServer/PHP5 stack and the UI...
  • 25. Webgrind Install Install (Typical WebApp install: put the folder in your webroot and edit a config file) 1. Download to your web root * edit config.php * be sure $storageDir is writable by web server
  • 26. Extend UI UI is HTML and js (jquery) so trivial to make changes
  • 28. BaseLine $ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls_could_improve.txt 1928 fetches, 5 max parallel, 1.92362e+07 bytes, in 10.0002 seconds 9977.27 mean bytes/connection 192.796 fetches/sec, 1.92358e+06 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 0.456549 mean, 9.326 max, 0.055 min msecs/first-response: 21.7894 mean, 599.711 max, 0.862 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 1928 *you would also be watching CPU and RAM with something like dstat during this test to determine if we are CPU and/or memory bound (see resources on last slide)
  • 29. Explore the output using WebGrind
  • 30. Lots of MDB2 at the top of the list
  • 31. Static Candidate (no code)
  • 32. Push Work to Client Push all this work to the client $('dd.note').each(function(i){ $(this).html($(this).text().replace(/(eb)/ig, '<span style=quot;color:red;font-weight:800;quot;>$1</span>') ); });
  • 33. Make Adjustments • Switch to PDO • typically lean towards php built-ins that abstract a great deal of functionality (rather than libs built in php). • Use static (.htm) pages if we don’t need DB • output buffer caching another alternative • Use js to ‘markup’ content • fastest way a web server can do work is not to do it changes took about 40 min of work
  • 34. Re-profile $ http_load -parallel 5 -seconds 10 urls_better.txt 5008 fetches, 5 max parallel, 3.40076e+07 bytes, in 10.0003 seconds 6790.65 mean bytes/connection 500.785 fetches/sec, 3.40066e+06 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 0.401153 mean, 9.334 max, 0.055 min msecs/first-response: 8.39298 mean, 259.332 max, 0.141 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 5008 Improvement fetches/sec: ~250% first-response: ~275%
  • 35. Resources Profiling articles form eZ Publish * * ez_publish_performance_optimization_part_2_of_3_identifying_trouble_spots_by_debugging * ez_publish_performance_optimization_part_3_of_3_practical_cache_and_template_solutions Profiling articles form IBM * * * Excellent Open Source PHP IDE which utilizes Xdebug (step through, profile, code coverage) * Profiling Presentation from core PHP folks *