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Andraž Štalec
UK E-commercial Conference 2015: Data driven road to success
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How AXA increased ROI on affiliates by 180%
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How AXA increased ROI on affiliates by 180%

Pavel Sima CEO Roivenue The case study won prizes at Marketing Grand Prix 2018 and Performance Diamonds CEE. Don't miss it. Separating affiliate partners who bring real value from those who are only cannibalizing your marketing budget can be a nightmare. That's why AXA decided to bring Data-Driven Attribution to shed lights on the matter. Let's see what steps were taken to evaluate real performance of all publishers followed by cutting out bad performers ultimately leading to an 180% increase in ROI. CEO of a data-driven attribution provider helping market leaders and innovators like Orange, Axa or Secret Escapes increase their marketing ROI; best selling author; marketing podcast producer and an overall marketer in <3

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Improve your eCommerce conversions by recovering the abandoned bookings through SaleCycle (presented at HSMAI meeting in HK)

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Playing the Long Game: Revitalize Your Digital Marketing by Spending on the R...Playing the Long Game: Revitalize Your Digital Marketing by Spending on the R...
Playing the Long Game: Revitalize Your Digital Marketing by Spending on the R...

Presentation by Kristen Judd, CEO at 3 Birds Marketing at the Digital Dealer Conference on August 8th, 2016.

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UK E-commercial Conference 2015: Data driven road to success
How to catch the important moments?
Only 15,15 % of website visitors start a checkout process

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Leading Edge Merchandising Best Practices
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This document discusses how dealerships can better understand and optimize their marketing efforts towards unique visitors. It notes that dealerships typically spend $8-15 to drive each unique visitor but only 1.6% of visitors convert into car sales. The document recommends that dealerships focus more on retargeting unique visitors and conversion optimization rather than broad traffic acquisition. It emphasizes measuring return on ad spend for different marketing channels and focusing advertising budget on channels that drive the lowest cost per conversion like retargeting.

Online trends & insights (Rebecca de Freitas)
Online trends & insights (Rebecca de Freitas)Online trends & insights (Rebecca de Freitas)
Online trends & insights (Rebecca de Freitas)

This document discusses online shopping trends and audience insights for the holiday season. It provides data on top shopping days in 2015 and key dates to focus on in 2016. Mobile search themes for retail are covered, including trending gift items. The document advocates taking an audience-centric approach to marketing by creating targeted gift guides. Top tips are given, such as starting campaigns earlier and taking a mobile-first strategy.

How AVON's 3-step on-site messaging strategy boosted its sales by 150%
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How AVON's 3-step on-site messaging strategy boosted its sales by 150%

Judit Pal CMO OptiMonk Although AVON spends a lot of time and money on visitor acquisition, they face the same problem as most online stores: 98% of visitors leave without buying. Their biggest challenge is to treat every visitor in a unique way and help them find the most relevant offer. Get to know AVON's easy-to-copy 3-step strategy allowing them to track the ever-changing visitor behaviour and display the right offer at the right time that resulted in 16,5% decrease in cart abandonment and 150% increase in sales. Judit is a growth marketing specialist obsessed with CRO, CMO of OptiMonk, who truly believes that "the only way to do great work is to love what you do". OptiMonk is an award-winning on-site message toolkit, which helps small and medium-sized businesses win more customers from their valuable visitors. Judit has been involved in online marketing including lead generation, PPC advertising, CRO, eCommerce, social media and analytics for over 6 years.

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This document presents a solution for gaining insights into e-commerce channel and customer profitability. It proposes a platform to identify the most profitable channels, customers, and products by analyzing metrics like contribution margin, variable marketing spend, and customer lifetime value. This would allow marketers to increase profitability and optimize spending. It provides examples of dashboards and analyses that could be created using the platform, including stacked cost per order, lifetime contribution margin by customer, and category performance over time. The goal is to understand true customer and channel profitability to make more informed marketing decisions.

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This document discusses how marketing technologies can drive omnichannel sales. It notes that consumers expect seamless experiences across all touchpoints. While mobile commerce only accounts for 1% of retail sales currently, mobile influences 31% of offline purchases. Promotions strongly influence purchase decisions, with coupons driving purchases more than brand ads or suggestions. The document advocates using an omnichannel marketing strategy to reach consumers anytime on any device, and provides examples from RetailMeNot and DXL Group of how their multi-channel promotional campaigns have increased engagement, sales, and traffic.

retailmenotjohn theisssahal laher
UK E-commercial Conference 2015: Data driven road to success
Understanding user behavior throughout the entire CDJ
Number of interactions
Micro & macro conversions

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We asked 452 online marketers to have a go at guessing the best performing content from four options and only 21 got it right. Using case studies with our clients including LoopyLove, Alpharooms and National Express, we will show how the content on landing pages will make or break site performance and EPC (earnings per click) and share effective scientific strategies for improving them including multivariate testing and segment targeting.

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This presentation is from Affiliate Summit East 2016 (July 31-August 2, 2016 in New York City, NY). Session description: Learn how attribution modeling and other cross channel insights can help you more intelligently manage your affiliate program and determine which affiliates are driving the highest value.

15 Key Metrics Every E-commerce Business Should Track
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15 Key Metrics Every E-commerce Business Should Track

Tracking key metrics is important for ecommerce companies to analyze business performance and customer behavior. Some important metrics include sales conversion rate, customer acquisition cost, revenue by traffic source, new vs returning customers, conversion by device type, cart abandonment, percentage of returning customers, average order value, customer lifetime value, customer retention rate, average order size, email engagement, Google search performance, social media conversion rate, and number of transactions. Understanding these metrics can help companies improve marketing strategies, lower costs, increase sales and optimize the customer experience.

Micro & macro conversions
Micro & macro conversions matrix
Long term
Short term
Mid term
26 %
bounce rate
pageviews per visit
135 %
increase in CR
4 45 %
increase in number of transactions
Conversion optimization
Where are the benefits?

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This document discusses how auto dealerships are becoming e-commerce businesses and trends in online car sales. It provides examples of large dealership groups that have set up online storefronts and programs like General Motors' Shop-Click-Drive that allow customers to purchase vehicles entirely online. The document then discusses attracting the right online audiences, increasing conversion rates, and understanding advertising technology and data to optimize digital marketing efforts for auto dealerships.

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This document summarizes an e-commerce marketing presentation. It discusses: 1) The state of e-commerce and growth trends in online shopping. 2) The importance of business metrics, competitive intelligence, compelling marketing, SEO, and advanced PPC strategies. 3) Details on Google's Product Listing Ads and tips to increase sales through these listings. 4) Additional tips provided on conversion optimization and getting a free audit of marketing campaigns.

sem marketingseo servicesecommerce marketing
Pittsburgh Tech Meetup - Customer acquisition workshop
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The document discusses key metrics for measuring startup performance across customer acquisition, sales, marketing, and customer service. It covers metrics like conversion rates, churn rates, lifetime value, and ROI. Examples are given around using lifetime value to determine customer acquisition costs and forecasting revenue. The importance of understanding the buyer's journey and sales cycle through various touchpoints is also emphasized.

b2bcustomer servicecustomer experience
Metrics like CPA and CR don‘t say a lot…
Behaviour Outcomes
The key segments
Behaviour Outcomes
The key segments

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SEMrush — My Reports tool
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These slides were presented during the SEMrush webinar "Discover SEMrush: My Reports". You can view the recording here:

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Is your cms fit for purpose
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Is your cms fit for purpose

Whether you are looking to optimize your CMS or Re-platform to a new one, attend this webinar to walk away with actionable best practices. This webinar will also help you understand the latest cutting edge features available today in best of breed CMS systems and how to use these features to its maximum potential to drive real results.

digital experience platformscustomer experiencepersonalization
inOrbit 2015: poslovni kazalniki
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inOrbit 2015: poslovni kazalniki

Kazalnike lahko grupiramo med sabo. Pomembni so tudi kazalniki, ki nam predstavljajo razmerja med posameznimi kazalniki. Potrebno si je izračunati stroške med posameznimi koraki v lijaku. Ena dobljena stranka ne pomeni nujno le enega prodanega artikla, ampak jo ohranimo na dolgi rok.

65,98 %
15,44 %
10,31 %
8,05 %
5,49 %
1,23 %
0,40 %
Organic Search
Paid Search
Income by digital channel
Outcomes report

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How to use growth hacking methods to optimize your revenues and profits on your website.

What does data driven marketing mean for your business
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What does data driven marketing mean for your business

This document discusses the importance and value of data-driven marketing for businesses. It notes that companies that invest more in data than their competitors see 20% better performance across key metrics like conversion rates, revenue, and sessions. However, the value of data decreases over time if it does not directly impact decisions or lead to improvements in the user experience. To maximize the value of data, marketers should use insights to make strategic decisions, continuously optimize campaigns and the user experience, and focus on immediacy, context, and intent rather than just user identity or loyalty alone.

context of datadatadata-driven
inOrbit 2015: Testing success
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inOrbit 2015: Testing success

Načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje je nujno že pred objavo spletne strani, saj na takšen način lahko zagotovimo boljši učinek spletnega marketinga. Pomembno je, da vsako spremembo na spletni strani testiramo.

inbound marketingseoux
Digital Channels
Behaviour Outcomes
The key segments
Enhanced Ecommerce
Content quality

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Measuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan Hozjan
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Measuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan Hozjan

The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are Detractors from the percentage of customers who are Promoters. With Google Analytics we can analyze individual segments from different perspective: acquisition, behaviour, conversions and we also can do remarketing on basis of all gathered data.

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Najpogostejše napake pri optimizaciji spletnih trgovin in kako jih odpravite

inOrbit 2015: Večkanalni marketing
inOrbit 2015: Večkanalni marketinginOrbit 2015: Večkanalni marketing
inOrbit 2015: Večkanalni marketing

Ciljanje kupcev preko več kanalov. Če bi imeli samo en kanal, se investicija v marketing ne bi obrestovala. Niso vsi kupci enako dobri. Razviti je potrebno dolgoročni odnos s kupci.

inorbitinbound marketingmultichannel marketing
Behaviour Outcomes
The key segments
New visitors
Returning visitors
Non-branded visits
Branded visits
Conversion rate based on user segment
0,44 %
0,78 %
All visitors
Visitors who clicked on a specific Ad
Influence of ad content on conversions
1,58 %
1,97 %
Visitors who came through channel A
Visitors who came through channel B
2,44 %
Visitors who came through channel A and B
2,81 %
Visitors who came through channel A and C
Influence of digital channels on conversions

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SEM Days 2015: Growth hacking your digital marketing
SEM Days 2015: Growth hacking your digital marketingSEM Days 2015: Growth hacking your digital marketing
SEM Days 2015: Growth hacking your digital marketing

At the end results are the only thing that matters. You need to ask yourselves how does my digital revenue stream look like? How can I establish advanced digital metrics and define KPIs to understand my customers better? How can I track them through whole consumer decision journey? Which areas should I focus on to improve my business results? Looking through the eyes of an CEO and adviser to numerous companies in the field of digital, participants will receive precious advice on how to growth hack their digital marketing.

growthecommercegoogle analytics
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon BelakTurn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak

This document discusses becoming a data-driven organization. It recommends investing in robust data extraction and loading processes. Quick wins should be obvious improvements that were overlooked previously. Analyses should minimize friction and experimentation is important. Measurements should be focused on distributions rather than single numbers, capturing external relationships. The checklist involves investing in data, finding quick wins, being methodical, focusing on one key performance indicator at a time while changing often, and avoiding stale metrics.

datamarket analysisanalytics
Magična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc Fajfar
Magična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc FajfarMagična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc Fajfar
Magična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc Fajfar

What insight can we get from report in Google Analytics, about report based on data in Enhanced Ecommerce.

digital marketingenhanced ecommercedata
Influence of weather on conversions
Behaviour Outcomes
+159 %
+17 %
+95 %
+122 %
+127 %
+14 %
Per Session Value
Average Order Value
Cost per transaction- 46 %
YTD results (2014 vs 2013)

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SEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketing
SEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketingSEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketing
SEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketing

Consumers are always changing. How can we adapt our digital marketing to their needs? Do we really know what their needs are? Do we know where we fail to satisfy them? Digital marketing in it's all glory and complexity can be overwhelming and marketeers get "lost" fast, spending money on the wrong things. With lean digital marketing approach we will take a look at how to approach digital marketing the smart way.

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Lean Digital Marketing by Andraž Štalec - SemDays 2015
Lean Digital Marketing by Andraž Štalec - SemDays 2015Lean Digital Marketing by Andraž Štalec - SemDays 2015
Lean Digital Marketing by Andraž Štalec - SemDays 2015

This document discusses strategies for digital marketing and understanding customer behavior throughout the customer decision journey (CDJ). It provides insights into how customers use multiple devices and information sources before making purchases. Key metrics for tracking customer behavior and conversion rates at different stages of the CDJ are proposed. The importance of remarketing and targeting customers based on their behavior is emphasized to decrease costs and increase conversions. Case studies demonstrate how these approaches can increase sales, revenue, and return on investment.

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SEOzone 2015 - Andraz Stalec - Lean Digital MarketingSEOzone 2015 - Andraz Stalec - Lean Digital Marketing
SEOzone 2015 - Andraz Stalec - Lean Digital Marketing

Andraž Štalec is the CEO and Co-founder of Red Orbit, one of the leading digital performance agencies in Adriatic region. He is focusing on optimizing digital performance with strong focus on business goals.

Thank you

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Bootcamp 2015: Optimizacija konverzije in prihodkov
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inOrbit 2015: Testing success
inOrbit 2015: Testing successinOrbit 2015: Testing success
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Magična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc Fajfar

Similar to UK E-commercial Conference 2015: Data driven road to success

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Red Orbit digital marketing
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Red Orbit digital marketing
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Tatvic Analytics
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Google Analytics Intro
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OSF Commerce
Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008
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Alexandre Villeneuve
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The Perfect Storm
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Getting Actionable Insights From Tracking Users in Ecommerce
Andraz Stalec
Drive Revenue through Digital via Personalization
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Drive Revenue through Digital via Personalization
Maximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel Commerce
Maximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel CommerceMaximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel Commerce
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Kien Doan
The Revenue Engine - Drupal Commerce
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The Revenue Engine - Drupal Commerce
Copernica BV
The hidden power of micro-conversions - eCommday 2016
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Valentin Radu
The Revenue Engine Webinar
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The Revenue Engine Webinar

Similar to UK E-commercial Conference 2015: Data driven road to success (20)

SEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketing
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SEM Days 2015: Lean digital marketing
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SEOzone 2015 - Andraz Stalec - Lean Digital Marketing
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SEOzone 2015 - Andraz Stalec - Lean Digital Marketing
Lean digital marketing
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Lean digital marketing
Web Analytics Workshop - Verwijder die blinddoek
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Web Analytics Workshop - Verwijder die blinddoek
inOrbit 2015: Growth hacking your way to success
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inOrbit 2015: Growth hacking your way to success
How eCommerce Businesses Can Make Best Use of Google Analytics data
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Web business Models helpful for digital marketing process
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Google Analytics Intro
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Google Analytics Intro
Commerce Optimization by OSF GLOBAL SERVICES
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Commerce Optimization
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Commerce Optimization
Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008
Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008
Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008
Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process
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The Perfect Storm
The Perfect StormThe Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm
Getting Actionable Insights From Tracking Users in Ecommerce
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Drive Revenue through Digital via Personalization
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Maximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel Commerce
Maximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel CommerceMaximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel Commerce
Maximize Revenue & CX >With O2O Omnichannel Commerce
The Revenue Engine - Drupal Commerce
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The Revenue Engine - Drupal Commerce
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The hidden power of micro-conversions - eCommday 2016
The Revenue Engine Webinar
The Revenue Engine WebinarThe Revenue Engine Webinar
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Red Orbit digital marketing
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