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Cloud &
Container Native
The application
server platform
of the future &
Serverless FaaS
Oracle OpenWorld
2017 - Review
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review – October 20171
Once upon a time –
a container based microservice
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 2
http requests
Where is the container running?
• Any Docker Host – on premises or cloud based VM - or a Container Cloud Service
• For example: Oracle Container Cloud Service
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 3
How did the container start running in
the runtime?
• Through a CI/CD Pipeline
• Build process
• Take a Basic runtime image – e.g. Linux plus Some Language VM
• Add application code
• Add runtime agents and tooling
• Add platform/runtime configuration
• Then Build the Image
• Test the Image
• Tag and Push Image to Registry
• Deploy the image plus applicable configuration to a specific destination
container runtime environment
• The CI/CD Process is managed manually or triggered by development
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 4

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Cloud Native Applications Maturity Model
Cloud Native Applications Maturity ModelCloud Native Applications Maturity Model
Cloud Native Applications Maturity Model

What does being "cloud native" mean? In this session, presented at the Austin Microservices Meetup, I explore the four levels of the ODCA Cloud Application Maturity Model and discuss how microservices and containers can help transform applications.

paasdockercloud native
Cloud Native Java Microservices
Cloud Native Java MicroservicesCloud Native Java Microservices
Cloud Native Java Microservices

In this talk, Kenny Bastani will introduce you to Spring Cloud, a set of tools for building cloud-native JVM applications. We will take a look at some of the common patterns for microservice architectures and how to use Cloud Foundry to deploy multiple microservices to the cloud. We will also dive into a microservices example project of a cloud-native application built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Using this example project, I'll show you how to use Cloud Foundry to spin up a microservice cluster. We will then explore what a cloud-native application looks like when using self-describing REST APIs that link multiple microservices together.

spring bootspringmicroservice
Forecast 2014: Cloud-Aware Applications
Forecast 2014: Cloud-Aware Applications Forecast 2014: Cloud-Aware Applications
Forecast 2014: Cloud-Aware Applications

Leveraging the unique benefits of the cloud requires a specialized approach to application architecture. The right design enables business agility, massive scaling, ability to burst, and high resiliency. Plus, it promotes resource efficiency and can minimize costs. If you are involved in providing applications or services in the cloud, attend this session to learn the principles of cloud-aware application design and to explore emerging architectural patterns which maximize cloud advantages.

iaasodcainformation technology
Wercker: Build, Test, Push and Deploy
Pipelines for Containers
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 5
Where is the container image stored
after build – prior to deploy?
• Somewhere in a registry
• That is secure (because runtime artefacts)
• Low latency to container runtime
• Scalable
• Smart (no duplicate images and image layers)
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 6
New component in container native platform:
Oracle Container Registry Cloud Service
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 7
How is availability - scaling, patching,
fail-over, load balancing – taken care of?
• Mapping of distributed physical resources to microservices and containers
• Container Management Platform
• Does deployment, scaling, (rolling) upgrades
• Also load balancing and routing
• Injection of run time settings
• Kubernetes!
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 8

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Cloud-native Data
Cloud-native DataCloud-native Data
Cloud-native Data

<November 2017 Updated from earlier presentations on Cloud-native Data> Cloud-native applications form the foundation for modern, cloud-scale digital solutions, and the patterns and practices for cloud-native at the app tier are becoming widely understood – statelessness, service discovery, circuit breakers and more. But little has changed in the data tier. Our modern apps are often connected to monolithic shared databases that have monolithic practices wrapped around them. As a result, the autonomy promised by moving to a microservices application architecture is compromised. What we need are patterns and practices for cloud-native data. The anti-patterns of shared databases and simple proxy-style web services to front them give way to approaches that include use of caches (Netflix calls caching their hidden microservice), database per service and polyglot persistence, modern versions of ETL and data integration and more. In this session, aimed at the application developer/architect, Cornelia will look at those patterns and see how they serve the needs of the cloud-native application.

cloud nativecloud patternsmicroservices
How Comcast Transformed the Product Delivery Experience
How Comcast Transformed the Product Delivery Experience How Comcast Transformed the Product Delivery Experience
How Comcast Transformed the Product Delivery Experience

This document summarizes Comcast's journey to transform their product delivery experience using Cloud Foundry. It discusses how Comcast was able to go from idea to feature in weeks instead of months, and scale products in minutes instead of months. Developers said Cloud Foundry allowed them to host multiple software versions, improve standardization and pipelining for faster delivery, and upgrade infrastructure with zero downtime. Comcast now has over 900 developers using Cloud Foundry to deploy over 4,100 applications and AI services.

springone platformspringone platform 2016
The Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform
The Making of a Cloud Native Application PlatformThe Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform
The Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform

Cloud Foundry CEO Sam Ramji (@sramji) discusses the evolution of modern cloud computing architecture in a keynote speech at O'Reilly's Software Architecture Conference in Boston on March 19, 2015.

Oracle Container Engine Cloud ==
Managed Kubernetes Service
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 9
Container Registry, CI/CD Pipelines
and Engine
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 10
Container Native Microservices
Runtime Platform
Managed Kubernetes
Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry
Operations for container native runtime platform
From ‘service mess’ to Service Mesh
• Support insight in and control over [micro]service interaction
• Service discovery, intelligent routing, staged rollouts
• Load balancing, rate limiting, circuit breaker, time out & retries
• Access policies, auditing
• Monitoring & error analysis
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 12
Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry

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What Every MSP Needs to Know for Cloud Success
What Every MSP Needs to Know for Cloud SuccessWhat Every MSP Needs to Know for Cloud Success
What Every MSP Needs to Know for Cloud Success

The use of cloud infrastructure is now a given for almost every enterprise. Managed services providers, including hosters, outsourcers, and systems integrators, are finding that their customers want to use cloud services, but monetization requires new approaches and skills. This deck covers: • Why will cloud disrupt MSPs?
 • The key challenges facing MSPs in a cloud world
 • The skills gap and what it means
 • Four critical requirements for every MSP to adapt
 • MSP use cases for monetizing cloud
 • Tips to market and sell your cloud services

cloud computingmspsmanaged hosters
Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
Cloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A Service
Cloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A ServiceCloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A Service
Cloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A Service

This talk will provide an overview of the PaaS (Platform as a Service) landscape, and will describe the Cloud Foundry open source PaaS, with its multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model. Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ. It can be used as a public PaaS on and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM. The talk will end with a demo of Cloud Foundry in action, showing the end to end development workflow, from developing locally with Micro Cloud Foundry to deploying on Cloud If you want to get started with Cloud development, bring your laptops, check the requirements and download pre-requisites at, and we'll help you setup your environment and get started with Cloud Foundry on your local machine.

Oracle Container Native
Microservices Architecture
Managed Kubernetes
Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry
Block Storage
Cloud Native & Vendor Neutral
• Cloud Native Computing Foundation - CNCF
• Oracle is a platinum member since July 2017
• Cloud Native: container packaged, dynamically managed, microservices oriented
• Open technology for running container based workloads in a cross cloud vendor neutral
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 14
“Carry water and
chop wood”
(that is how Oracle will approach
open source projects
and developer communities)
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 15
Container Native at Oracle - Low PaaS
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 16

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Vidispine - Managing Digital Assets with Vidispine, a cloud native content management platform for developers and media professionals.

Cloud Foundry OpenTour Kiev Keynote
Cloud Foundry OpenTour Kiev KeynoteCloud Foundry OpenTour Kiev Keynote
Cloud Foundry OpenTour Kiev Keynote

This document discusses Cloud Foundry, an open platform as a service. It is presented by Patrick Chanezon, senior director of developer relations at VMware. Some key points discussed include that Cloud Foundry allows developers to build and deploy their applications to the cloud, and that it is open source and supports multiple programming languages and frameworks. Cloud Foundry aims to provide portability between clouds and avoid vendor lock-in through its open and standards-based approach.

Managing Container-as-a-Service and Docker Clusters in the Cloud with RightScale
Managing Container-as-a-Service and Docker Clusters in the Cloud with RightScaleManaging Container-as-a-Service and Docker Clusters in the Cloud with RightScale
Managing Container-as-a-Service and Docker Clusters in the Cloud with RightScale

As companies look to orchestrate Docker in the cloud, they have several options for container orchestration. We delve into both container-as-a-service options from AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform as well as running your own Kubernetes cluster in the cloud.

rightscalerightscale webinarscloud computing
Stack for Full Life Cycle of Containers
(and Microservices)
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 17
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 18
Open Source Serverless
Function Platform
• Functions can be implemented in any
• Java, Go, PHP, JavaScript/Node,
Python, Ruby
• Functions run in their own container
• Functions can be accessed via HTTP calls
• Routing, load balancing, running is
taken care of by Fn Server platform
• Platform runs locally, on prem & in cloud
• Fn Flow orchestrates workflows across
multiple functions
• Workflow described in Java
• Includes business logic (conditional,
parallel execution, exceptions)
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 19
Managed Serverless Platform on
Oracle Public Cloud
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 20

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Lo Scenario Cloud-Native (Pivotal Cloud-Native Workshop: Milan)
Lo Scenario Cloud-Native (Pivotal Cloud-Native Workshop: Milan)Lo Scenario Cloud-Native (Pivotal Cloud-Native Workshop: Milan)
Lo Scenario Cloud-Native (Pivotal Cloud-Native Workshop: Milan)

This document discusses cloud-native application development. It describes how DevOps practices like continuous delivery and microservices allow for faster, higher quality software development. It introduces a cloud native maturity model and discusses how a platform with the right abstractions can help organizations adopt cloud native patterns. The document outlines Pivotal's platform capabilities and services and how they can help organizations transform applications to be cloud native and achieve outcomes like speed, stability, scalability and security. Real-world examples of organizations adopting cloud native practices are also provided.

cloud native
Building Cloud Native Architectures with Spring
Building Cloud Native Architectures with SpringBuilding Cloud Native Architectures with Spring
Building Cloud Native Architectures with Spring

Cloud-native architectures are an emerging practice of software development and delivery. This deck was presented at the Pivotal Cloud Native roadshow and teaches developers how to build modern cloud-native applications using the popular JVM-based application framework: Spring Boot. You'll be provided with a walk through from the monolith application architecture into the more modern microservices architecture. Two open source reference architectures are introduced for building cloud-native microservices. Learn the basics of cloud native platforms and also the approaches for integrating and strangling legacy systems.

spring cloudspringlegacy system
Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian
Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas KurianOracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian
Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian

This document provides an overview of Oracle Cloud's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Data as a Service (DaaS) offerings. It describes the various cloud computing models and services such as compute, storage, databases, analytics and more. It also outlines Oracle's hybrid cloud strategy of providing on-premises access to cloud services and enabling workload portability. The document announces a new partnership with Pluralsight to deliver Oracle Cloud training courses through their online learning platform.

The application platform foundation
of tomorrow – according to Oracle
Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 21

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The Application Server Platform of the Future - Container & Cloud Native and Serverless - key take aways from Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review

  • 1. Cloud & Container Native & The application server platform of the future & Serverless FaaS Oracle OpenWorld 2017 - Review AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2017 Review – October 20171 C l o
  • 2. Once upon a time – a container based microservice Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 2 µ http requests
  • 3. Where is the container running? • Any Docker Host – on premises or cloud based VM - or a Container Cloud Service • For example: Oracle Container Cloud Service Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 3 µ
  • 4. How did the container start running in the runtime? • Through a CI/CD Pipeline • Build process • Take a Basic runtime image – e.g. Linux plus Some Language VM • Add application code • Add runtime agents and tooling • Add platform/runtime configuration • Then Build the Image • Test the Image • Tag and Push Image to Registry • Deploy the image plus applicable configuration to a specific destination container runtime environment • The CI/CD Process is managed manually or triggered by development event Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 4 µ
  • 5. Wercker: Build, Test, Push and Deploy Pipelines for Containers Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 5 µ µ µ
  • 6. Where is the container image stored after build – prior to deploy? • Somewhere in a registry • That is secure (because runtime artefacts) • Low latency to container runtime • Scalable • Smart (no duplicate images and image layers) Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 6
  • 7. New component in container native platform: Oracle Container Registry Cloud Service Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 7 µ
  • 8. How is availability - scaling, patching, fail-over, load balancing – taken care of? • Mapping of distributed physical resources to microservices and containers • Container Management Platform • Does deployment, scaling, (rolling) upgrades • Also load balancing and routing • Injection of run time settings • Kubernetes! Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 8
  • 9. Oracle Container Engine Cloud == Managed Kubernetes Service Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 9
  • 10. Container Registry, CI/CD Pipelines and Engine Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 10 µ µ µ µ µ
  • 11. Container Native Microservices Runtime Platform Managed Kubernetes Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry Foo2 ISTIO Developer Cloud Cache RDBMS LDAP/IdM NoSQL Billing EngineBlock Storage Voice Recognition µ
  • 12. Operations for container native runtime platform From ‘service mess’ to Service Mesh • Support insight in and control over [micro]service interaction • Service discovery, intelligent routing, staged rollouts • Load balancing, rate limiting, circuit breaker, time out & retries • Access policies, auditing • Monitoring & error analysis Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 12 µ µ µ µ µ µ µ Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry
  • 13. Oracle Container Native Microservices Architecture Managed Kubernetes Open Service BrokerEvent ManagementAPI Registry Foo2 ISTIO Diagnostics/Monitoring ISTIO Developer Cloud Prometheus ISTIO µ Cache RDBMS LDAP/IdM NoSQL Billing Engine Block Storage Voice Recognition
  • 14. Cloud Native & Vendor Neutral • Cloud Native Computing Foundation - CNCF • Oracle is a platinum member since July 2017 • Cloud Native: container packaged, dynamically managed, microservices oriented • Open technology for running container based workloads in a cross cloud vendor neutral way Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 14
  • 15. “Carry water and chop wood” (that is how Oracle will approach open source projects and developer communities) Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 15
  • 16. Container Native at Oracle - Low PaaS Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 16
  • 17. Stack for Full Life Cycle of Containers (and Microservices) Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 17
  • 18. Serverless Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 18 µ
  • 19. Open Source Serverless Function Platform • Functions can be implemented in any language • Java, Go, PHP, JavaScript/Node, Python, Ruby • Functions run in their own container • Functions can be accessed via HTTP calls • Routing, load balancing, running is taken care of by Fn Server platform • Platform runs locally, on prem & in cloud • Fn Flow orchestrates workflows across multiple functions • Workflow described in Java • Includes business logic (conditional, parallel execution, exceptions) Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 19 µ
  • 20. Managed Serverless Platform on Oracle Public Cloud Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 20 µ
  • 21. The application platform foundation of tomorrow – according to Oracle Container and Cloud Native & Serverless 21

Editor's Notes
