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Lucas Jellema (CTO AMIS & Oracle ACE Director)
20th April 2017, Oracle Code, London, UK
• Introduction of microservices - objectives, traits, implementation
• The making of a microservice (demo)
• The microservices platform - generic capabilities
• Using events for decoupled interaction and workflow choreography
• Introduction of Apache Kafka for implementing the Event Bus
• Microservices and Event Bus in a hybrid world – cross on-premises and clouds
• Implementing a multi-microservice workflow with event based choreography
• Design, architecture, implementation and live demo
• Music maestro – demonstrating event based workflow choreography by
• Logging on the microservices platform
• NodeJS & Java code
• Kafka Producer & Consumer
• Docker build files
• Kubernetes YAML
• Flexible, agile (Dev)
• Functionality evolves rapidly with little effort
• Easy quick rollout
• Low impact
• Manageable Non Functionally (Ops)
• Scalable – handle flexible workload (horizontal scaleout)
• Available – deal with failing nodes
• Comprehendable
• Dependencies, Impact, Implementation, deployment, operations
• Ownership (culture, organization, process)
• One team can do functional and technical evolution and deployment continuously
and independently

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AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 3- PaaS Database, Integration, Ident...
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 3- PaaS Database, Integration, Ident...AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 3- PaaS Database, Integration, Ident...
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 3- PaaS Database, Integration, Ident...

AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 3- PaaS Database, Integration, Identity Mgt, IT Ops and DevOps

amis oow15 revieworacle amis integrationpaas
Review Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and Future
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Review Oracle OpenWorld 2015 - Overview, Main themes, Announcements and Future

This presentation (part of the year AMIS Oracle OpenWorld Review session) discusses the main themes for this year's conference and introduces the all encompassing cloud strategy. It highlights some major changes at Oracle Corporation. It lists the major announcements, the hot terminology and the product roadmaps.

oraclesoftware in siliconoracle open world
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 2- Hardware & IaaS and PaaS Cloud Fo...
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 2- Hardware & IaaS and PaaS Cloud Fo...AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 2- Hardware & IaaS and PaaS Cloud Fo...
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 2- Hardware & IaaS and PaaS Cloud Fo...

The document provides an overview and review of Oracle's OpenWorld 2015 conference, focusing on Infrastructure as a Service offerings. Key topics covered include: Always-On Security in Silicon; Exadata Cloud Service; ExaLogic On-Premise Cloud Service; Compute Cloud Service; Storage Cloud; Oracle VM; Linux; Docker; WebLogic Server 12cR2; WebLogic Multitenancy; WebLogic Continuous Availability; Automated Elasticity for Dynamic Clusters; REST Management; and Coherence Federated Caching.

jcsoracle openworldwls
• Extremely decoupled (from other, non owned microservices | IT
• Functionally
• Non functionally – platform
• Stateless (especially session-state less)
• Stand alone
• Deployable, manageable, scalable
• Container
• DevOps team
• “You build it, you run it, you fix | evolve it”
• Monolith++
• Scale out
• Automated CI/CD
• SOA++
• Stateless
• HTTP native (REST)
• Multiple tiers & platform components included
• Deployable
• Public APIs in standardized protocols
• Deployable on enterprise standardized microservices platform
• Omnia mea porto mecum no external dependencies
• Except:
• Calls to public APIs (exposed for example by microservices)
• Usage of platform facilities
• Generically available via contract
• Injected via parameters
• No sharing of data or other private resources across microservices
• Stateless and Horizontally scalable
• No session state, no client stickyness
• Potentially micro-silo with multiple tiers (including UI)
• Any implementation technology
• that can run on the platform
• Receives microservice deployment
• Handles scale out & fail over
• Start/stop microservice instances based on
non functional requirements and live observed behavior
• Supports automated DevOps
• CD, monitoring, …
• Provides Capabilities – generic facilities available to microservices
from the run time platform
• Provided through public APIs whenever possible
• Injected meta-data at run time
• implemented by generic/platform level microservices
Microservices Platform
deploy, inject
dependencies, start,
watch, restart, stop,
API Gateway

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WSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at Uber
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WSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at Uber

The Marketplace data team at Uber has built a scalable complex event processing platform to solve many challenging real-time data needs for various Uber products. This platform has been in production for more than a year and supports over 100 real-time data use cases with a team of 3. In this talk, we will share the detail of the design and our experience, and how we employ Siddhi, Kafka and Samza at scale.

by WSO2
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Adoption of the cloud will not start with the core enterprise applications. There are several ways to start the adoption. One is to move in from training environments through development and test to production. Another takes the importance of applications into consideration, starting with secondary, supporting systems. The approach discussed in this session is to start with edge systems that are already in the DMZ, on the fringes of an enterprises, where they engage in interaction with the outside world. Systems on the edge of an enterprise have special challenges regarding availability, scalability, security and external interactions with systems or people. This applies for example to external portals, B2B interactions, workflows that involve external actors, mobile APIs and integrations with SaaS instances. These systems are obvious candidates to move to a public cloud - and handle these special requirements on the PaaS platform. This session discusses and demonstrates a number of Oracle PaaS Cloud Services, their mutual interaction and how they can be leveraged to move these systems over the edge and into the cloud: Java Cloud Service, Integration Cloud Service, Process Cloud Service, IoT CS, Mobile Cloud Service, SOA Suite Cloud Service and Message Cloud Service. We will go over a number of scenarios for moving edge systems from on premises to the public cloud. Essential in this discussion is of course the integration from the edge system in the Oracle Public Cloud to the on premises backend systems.

AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 4- PaaS Application Development, Jav...
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AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2015 Review – part 4- PaaS Application Development, JavaOne, Mobile, Collaboration and SaaS and User Experience

oracle amis paas saas ux mobile openworld javaone
Dockerfile Pod.yaml
docker build -t lucasjellema/tweet-validator .
docker tag tweet-validator lucasjellema/tweet-validator
docker push lucasjellema/tweet-validator

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Fast data arrives in real time and potentially high volume. Rapid processing, filtering and aggregation is required to ensure timely reaction and actual information in user interfaces. Doing so is a challenge, make this happen in a scalable and reliable fashion is even more interesting. This session introduces Apache Kafka as the scalable event bus that takes care of the events as they flow in and Kafka Streams and KSQL for the streaming analytics. Both Java and Node applications are demonstrated that interact with Kafka and leverage Server Sent Events and WebSocket channels to update the Web UI in real time. User activity performed by the audience in the Web UI is processed by the Kafka powered back end and results in live updates on all clients. This presentation includes a demonstration of remote database synchronization through Twitter.

apache kafkakafkaevent hub
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Michel Schildmeijer gave a keynote at the Oracle Middleware Summit on January 9th, 2019. He discussed the history and evolution of Oracle Fusion Middleware from traditional middleware to more modern, cloud-native approaches. He outlined Oracle's focus on containers, Kubernetes, and microservices and how WebLogic and other FMW products are adapting to these trends, including new options like Helidon for developing microservices. Schildmeijer concluded that WebLogic will still be foundational but the focus is shifting to hybrid cloud-native solutions.

oracle weblogic serveroracle soa suiteoracle fusion middleware

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Integrating Alfresco @ Scale (via event-driven micro-services)
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Integrating Alfresco @ Scale (via event-driven micro-services)

Alfresco DevCon 2018 (Lisbon) - Alfresco provides a rich set of options for integrating third-party systems with services across the Digital Business Platform. We will deep-dive into the architecture of the new Alfresco Integration Services framework – a set of event-driven micro-services that can be easily deployed & scaled.

by J V
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This document provides an overview of Weblogic multitenancy including key concepts, components, isolation, consolidation benefits, portability for DevOps, and the Java Cloud Service. It discusses how multitenancy allows optimal use of resources by consolidating applications into partitions within a single Weblogic domain rather than separate domains. Isolation is achieved through mechanisms like dedicated JNDI trees and pluggable databases. Portability is enabled by exporting and importing partitions between environments. The Java Cloud Service supports Weblogic multitenancy with minimal Enterprise edition features.

Oracle SOA suite and Coherence dehydration
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Oracle SOA suite and Coherence dehydration

Extreme performance with Oracle SOA Suite 12.2, Coherence and Exalogic can be achieved by configuring the platform to take advantage of the Exalogic infrastructure and optimizing SOA Suite and Coherence settings. Key aspects include using Coherence caching to minimize database transactions, configuring optimal WebLogic and JDBC settings for InfiniBand networking, and tuning SOA Suite dehydration and caching properties. This provides significant performance gains over a traditional architecture.

oracle weblogic serveroracle soa suitecoherence
• Microservices are isolated
• Not aware of each other (except through public APIs)
• Not sharing private resources
• Ideally each microservice brings its own platform
• To prevent run time environment from being out of synch and creating dependency/impact between
multiple platform users
• However: At some level, sharing is inevitable Storage, Compute, power supply, building
• In practice: having full blown RDBMS or Java EE server or Kafka cluster as part of a
microservice may be unfeasible
• Even if Docker images are light weight from layering – the run time resource usage is probably not
• One approach: forbid use of heavy platforms
• Alternative approach: provide generic ‘heavy duty’ platform capabilities, available for
use in any microservice in a standardized way
• If you need it, you can make use of your own private Oracle Database 12c Schema (or PDB) with
the following features available to you … ; recovery can be performed in the following ways and
under these conditions.
• Authentication
• Persistent Storage
• Cache
• Load balancing/API Gateway
• Discovery/Lookup
• Monitoring
• Functional/Business KPIs
• Non Functional Platform/Container & Infra
• Audit, Usage tracking, Billing
• Notifications and alerting
• Logging
• Relational Database Capability
Microservices Platform
Microservices Platform
Java /
NodeJS &
Express &
MongoDB Redis
Python &
& Oracle
NodeJS &
• Use of containers and container management
• Docker Containers – layered, packaged & shippable, registry
• Docker Container Management: Composer, Mesos, Swarm or Kubernetes
• Application Container platform such as Google App Engine, Azure App Service,
Oracle Application Container Cloud, AWS Beanstalk
• Serverless computing – AWS Lambda, Oracle Functions
• Use of cache for [state of] longer running conversations
• Transaction, session, workflow, business process
• New ways to consider data
• Every microservice owns the data it requires – data denormalization and
duplication of data across microservices is a logical consequence
• Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing
• Orchestration | Choreography across microservices

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This document provides an overview of a presentation given at CamelOne 2013 in Boston on June 10-11, 2013 about the internals of Apache ActiveMQ. The presentation covered the major subcomponents of ActiveMQ including transports, the broker core, persistence adapters, and networking brokers. It provided details on architecture, configuration, and implementation of these different aspects of ActiveMQ.

Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
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Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

The document discusses strategies for transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservice architectures. It outlines some of the challenges with maintaining large monolithic applications and reasons for modernizing, such as handling more data and needing faster changes. It then covers microservice design principles and best practices, including service decomposition, distributed systems strategies, and reactive design. Finally it introduces Lagom as a framework for building reactive microservices on the JVM and outlines its key components and development environment.

Introduction into Docker Containers, the Oracle Platform and the Oracle (Nati...
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Containers are increasingly popular to package, ship and run applications or microservices with their completely configured runtime environment including platform components such as application server and data store.Continuous Delivery and automated DevOps hinge on containers. Docker Containers are widely used and Oracle has long been involved in the Docker community.This session introduces the Docker Container images published by Oracle for flagship products such as Database, WebLogic, Linux and Java and demonstrates how these can be used in environment provisioning, automated delivery pipelines and microservices architectures. The session shows how containers are built, shipped and run based on these images and shows the Oracle Container Cloud, as well as Wercker Cloud (for automated build and delivery pipelines) and Oracle Cloud Engine - the managed Kubernetes cloud service..

• Report business events [without knowing to whom and without expecting a response]
• Allowing interested microservices to respond – for example trigger serverless functions
• Provide response to stateless caller – with conversation key
• Choreograph cross-microservice workflow | process
• Inform workflow | process orchestrator | job scheduler about activity status
• Enable distributed transaction – commit and rollback/compensate
• Make data events available for event sourcing
• Allowing microservices to maintain their own [derived] data set
• Synchronize cache refresh
• Informing any microservice caching data about the need to refresh specific records
• Hand systems events & metrics to monitoring service
• Extreme decoupling – microservice choreography
• Microservice never call each other, not even through public API;
all interactions are through events
• Multi step process
• Each step in different microservice
• Multiple approaches
• Orchestrator – running the process by invoking the required microservices
subsequently, responding either to synch response, asynch callback or event
• Choreography – allow the required microservices to react to relevant events
• Act when it is your turn (as determined by routing slip?)
• Share state through cache with claim check in routing slip
• When done, publish updated routing slip
• Possibly implement compensation handler
• Provide decoupling between publisher and consumer
• Generally accessible for all microservices
• Across the platform
• Using standardized protocols and formats for communications and event payload (http,
• Scalable (handle high loads)
• Available (allow speedy event publication)
• Reliable (do not lose events, at least once delivery)
• Event Ordering (deliver events in the order of publication)
• Retain Event History
• Manageable at scale
• Event Catalog – which events are published, what do they mean and what is
their payload
• Harvested from microservices

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This document provides an overview of using Node.js for backend integration. It discusses how Node.js uses a single thread model with asynchronous and non-blocking I/O to provide high performance. Common Node.js frameworks like Express and Hapi are presented. The document also covers integrating Node.js with databases like Oracle NoSQL and MongoDB using modules like node-oracledb and mongoose. It provides examples of calling PL/SQL functions and using connection pooling with Node.js and Oracle Database. Finally, it introduces Application Container Cloud as providing capabilities beyond what Node.js alone offers like high availability, management, and support.

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Find out what Jelastic is, where we are at the cloud market and what technical and business benefits we offer.

Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography - Lecture and W...
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Microservices are independent, encapsulated entities that produce meaningful results and business functionality in tentative collaboration. Events and pub/sub are great for allowing such decoupled interaction. Using Apache Kafka as robust, distributed, real-time, high volume event bus, this session demonstrates how microservices packaged with Docker and implemented in Java, Node, Python and SQL collaborate unknowingly. The microservices respond to social (media) events - courtesy of IFTTT - and publish results to multiple channels. The event bus operates across cloud services and on premises platforms such as Kubernetes: both the bus and the microservices can run anywhere. A microservices platform is discussed with generic capabilities. The resources for the accompanying workshop are in GitHub:

• ..- 2010 – creation at Linkedin
• Message Bus | Event Broker
• High volume, low latency, highly reliable, cross technology
• Scalable, distributed, strict message ordering, ….
• 2011/2012 – open source under the Apache Incubator/ Top Project
• Kafka is used by many large corporations:
• Walmart, Cisco, Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, eBay, Spotify, Uber, Sift Science
• And embraced by many software vendors & cloud providers
• Client libraries available for NodeJS, Java, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP
and many more
• Topic
• partition
• Message
• == ByteArray
• Broker
• replicated
• Producer
• Consumer
• Working together
in Consumer Groups
Producer Consumer

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Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...

IT needs to run in production in order to generate business value. DevOps is among other things a way of thinking focusing on production software. A business application requires a tailor made platform to generate business value. The combination of application and its platform is a DevOps product. The DevOps team has full responsibility for that product through its entire lifecycle. The microservices architecture promises flexibility, scalability, and optimal use of compute resources. Via independent components with well-defined scope and responsibility, interface, and ownership that are evolved and managed in an automated DevOps process, this architecture leverages current technologies and hard-learned insights from past decades. This session defines the objectives of Business with IT, of microservices and DevOps and introduces Containers and the container platform Kubernetes as crucial ingredients for making DevOps happen.

Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native ApplicationsFlying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

cloud native applicationsspring cloudspring cloud netflix
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?
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JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

• Deployment API
• Injectable dependencies – reference to cache, logging, storage URL, …
• Configurable meta-data – run time parameters, log level, credential (key)
• Interraction API
• REST Resources & Operations – query and URL parameters, message
• Events Consumed – alternative way to call | activate a microservice
• Reference to entry in Event Catalog
• May include reference to shared Cache Resource
• Events Produced – alternative output from microservice
• Event can be an asynchronous response to a stateless consumer
• An event bus based on Apache Kafka can run on premises and in the cloud
• Various cloud vendors offer such an Apache Kafka service
• For example Oracle Event Hub CS
• In a hybrid landscape – both on premises and in-the-cloud microservices – two
event buses can be used with a bridge between the two
• Or more if multiple clouds are part of the landscape
EventHub CS
On premises
Event Bus
EventHub CS
Microservices Platform
EventHub CS
On premises
Event Bus
Tweet about
No simple retweet, no
black listed words used,
no known robot tweeter
or otherwise excluded
authors, no undesirable
Enrich Tweet
Details about author, location,
hashtags, acronyms and
abbreviations used in tweet
Add Tweet to
Add the tweet to the top
of the TweetBoard – a
list of recent, relevant
Publish the TweetBoard
through API and UI
(HTML web document)

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Microservices in the Enterprise
Microservices in the Enterprise Microservices in the Enterprise
Microservices in the Enterprise

This document provides an overview of microservices in the enterprise. It discusses factors driving the rise of microservices like SOA fatigue and the need for faster innovation. Examples of microservice architectures from companies like Netflix, Twitter and Gilt are presented. Key capabilities for building enterprise-ready microservices are described, including service discovery, description, deployment isolation using containers, data/verb partitioning, lightweight middleware, API gateways and observability. Open source technologies that support implementing these capabilities are also outlined. The document concludes that microservices are the future of distributed systems and enterprises should implement solutions from first principles using inspiration from internet companies.

enterprise softwarecloud computinggilt
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including: - The benefits of microservices compared to monolithic architecture like independent deployability and scalability. - Microservices are small, independently deployable services that work together and are modeled around business domains. - Implementing microservices requires automation, high cohesion, loose coupling, and stable APIs. - Potential downsides include increased complexity in testing, monitoring, and operations. Microservices are best suited to problems of scale.

Going Serverless with OpenWhisk
Going Serverless with OpenWhiskGoing Serverless with OpenWhisk
Going Serverless with OpenWhisk

Presentation on Serverless and OpenWhisk at Haifa Cloud meetup, 7/2/2017

Microservices Platform
Event Bus
EventHub CS
NodeJS &
Express in
On premises
Tweet API
Java SE
JSON Enrich
Java SE
Microservices Platform
Event Bus
EventHub CS Apache
On premises
API Enrich

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Serverless brewbox
Serverless   brewboxServerless   brewbox
Serverless brewbox

Lino Telera gave a presentation on serverless computing. He began with introductions and background. The presentation covered serverless concepts like Function as a Service, demonstrated building a simple microservice using AWS Lambda that interacts with S3, and discussed integrating functions with services like S3 using Boto. It also showed how functions can be called from devices using skills and discussed running serverless on-premise using OpenFaaS or Pivotal Container Service. The presentation concluded with a Q&A and thanks to sponsors.

The Application Server Platform of the Future - Container & Cloud Native and ...
The Application Server Platform of the Future - Container & Cloud Native and ...The Application Server Platform of the Future - Container & Cloud Native and ...
The Application Server Platform of the Future - Container & Cloud Native and ...

New architecture patterns are rapidly influencing many organizations. The march to the cloud is taking place. DevOps and microservices for true agility and containers as vehicle for delivery, testing and management. During Oracle OpenWorld 2017 - Oracle presented its vision and roadmap in the area of cloud native computing (which is based on container native) and announced its application server platform (container management runtime) of the future. This presentation summarizes that picture painted by Oracle.

.NET microservices with Azure Service Fabric
.NET microservices with Azure Service Fabric.NET microservices with Azure Service Fabric
.NET microservices with Azure Service Fabric

“Microservices” have become a trendy development strategy. Hosting and running such services used to be pretty painful... but here comes Service Fabric! Let’s take a closer look at this platform, its different development models and all the features it offers, and not only for microservices!
Microservices Platform
Event Bus
NodeJS &
NodeJS &
Express in
EventHub CS
NodeJS &
Express in
On premises
NodeJS &
Event Bus
Cloud Service
EventHub CS
App Container CS
Event Bus
EventHub CS
App Container CS
Log Analytics
Management Cloud

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Building Services with WSO2 Application Server and WSO2 Microservices Framewo...

This document summarizes a presentation about building microservices with WSO2 technologies. It introduces the microservices architecture and framework MSF4J, which allows developing microservices in Java using annotations. MSF4J provides high performance, metrics collection, and integration with Kubernetes for deployment. Hands-on examples are provided to demonstrate creating a sample stock quote microservice with MSF4J and deploying it to Kubernetes. The presentation also covers the WSO2 Application Server and its transition to being based on Tomcat rather than Carbon for improved performance and classloading.

microservicewso2con eu 2016wso2con
Kubernetes Infra 2.0
Kubernetes Infra 2.0Kubernetes Infra 2.0
Kubernetes Infra 2.0

The document outlines an infrastructure 2.0 approach based on cloud native technologies. It advocates for infrastructure as code, test-driven deployments, open source tools, and seamless developer workflows. The approach uses microservices, containers, service meshes, and orchestration with Kubernetes. It recommends tools like Terraform, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, Elasticsearch and Airflow for infrastructure provisioning, CI/CD, container management, service mesh, monitoring, logging, and job scheduling. It also discusses Docker, data pipelines, and processes for onboarding new applications.

App fabric introduction
App fabric introductionApp fabric introduction
App fabric introduction

Microsoft AppFabric provides services for building and managing composite applications at scale, including workflows, caching, and hosting services. It allows sharing of data and workflows across machines. Windows Server AppFabric provides service and workflow management capabilities while Azure AppFabric focuses on access control and a service bus in the cloud. The presentation discussed architectural choices using these technologies like caching sessions, hosting services, and a real-world example architecture integrating caching, hosting, and messaging.

• Dockerize NodeJS applications
• Run Docker container images in Kubernetes cluster
• Pass environment variables and disk volumes
• Expose services through ports
• Link NodeJS applications in Kubernetes to Kafka Cluster in
• Producing to and consuming from Topic
• Kafka host needs to be in /etc/hosts file in Node.JS Docker Container
• Leverage in-cloud cache from Kubernetes Pod members
• Share workflow instance state across microservices
• Create two-way EventBridge between local microservices and cloud
• Microservices are about rapid rollout of scalable, available functionality
• (session) Stateless, Continuous deployment, horizontal scale out
• One team is owner of a microservice and can evolve and deploy independently
• Microservice is understandable and manageable
• Microservices contain everything that is special for their implementation
• External dependencies only on generic platform capabilities and public APIs
• Microservices expose a public API
• REST resources & operations and events (consumed and produced)
• Decoupled, Event-based interaction is crucial for microservices
• Cache synchronization, Monitoring, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Choreographed workflows
• The microservices platform should provide an Event Bus capability
• Apache Kafka is a proven, popular Event Bus implementation – available in premises
and in the cloud (for example through Oracle Event Hub CS)
• Blog:
• Email:
• : lucasjellema
• : lucas-jellema
• :,
+31 306016000
Edisonbaan 15,
Source Code:

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Microservices deck
Microservices deckMicroservices deck
Microservices deck

This document discusses building event-driven, fault-tolerant microservices. It begins by discussing lessons learned from SOA architecture and defining microservices. It emphasizes that microservices need to be reactive and message-driven to achieve loose coupling and fault tolerance. The document then outlines challenges in implementing microservices at scale before proposing a design using Spring Boot, Kafka, Docker, and Elastic Stack. It provides an in-depth look at these components and how they address scalability, isolation, fault tolerance and monitoring of microservices.

Rami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker
Rami Sayar - Node microservices with DockerRami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker
Rami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker

The document discusses converting a monolithic Node.js application into microservices and deploying them using Docker. It begins by defining microservices and their benefits. It then describes converting a sample pizza ordering application into independent microservices for handling messages, serving the frontend, and providing an API. Next, it covers patterns for networking microservices, including using an API gateway. It concludes by demonstrating how to deploy the microservices to Docker containers and use an orchestration tool like Kubernetes to manage them.

WSO2 Workshop Sydney 2016 - Microservices
WSO2 Workshop Sydney 2016 - MicroservicesWSO2 Workshop Sydney 2016 - Microservices
WSO2 Workshop Sydney 2016 - Microservices

This document provides an agenda and overview of a workshop on microservices architecture. The agenda includes introductions to microservices architecture, WSO2 MSF4J, Kubernetes/Docker, and demonstrating MSF4J deployment with Kubernetes. It then discusses microservices architecture principles, inner and outer architecture, and the features and implementation of WSO2 MSF4J, a lightweight Java microservices framework. It covers developing microservices with MSF4J, deployment types, analytics and monitoring, security, and examples. The document concludes with discussions on production deployment with Kubernetes and Docker, and the current and future states of the WSO2 Application Server.

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Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (Oracle Code, April 20th 2017, London, UK)

  • 1. EVENT BUS AS BACKBONE FOR DECOUPLED MICROSERVICE CHOREOGRAPHY Lucas Jellema (CTO AMIS & Oracle ACE Director) 20th April 2017, Oracle Code, London, UK
  • 2. AGENDA • Introduction of microservices - objectives, traits, implementation • The making of a microservice (demo) • The microservices platform - generic capabilities • Using events for decoupled interaction and workflow choreography • Introduction of Apache Kafka for implementing the Event Bus • Microservices and Event Bus in a hybrid world – cross on-premises and clouds • Implementing a multi-microservice workflow with event based choreography • Design, architecture, implementation and live demo • Music maestro – demonstrating event based workflow choreography by microservices • Logging on the microservices platform
  • 3. SOURCE CODE • • NodeJS & Java code • Kafka Producer & Consumer • Docker build files • Kubernetes YAML
  • 4. MICROSERVICE OBJECTIVES (BECAUSE OF ENTERPRISE OBJECTIVES) • Flexible, agile (Dev) • Functionality evolves rapidly with little effort • Easy quick rollout • Low impact • Manageable Non Functionally (Ops) • Scalable – handle flexible workload (horizontal scaleout) • Available – deal with failing nodes • Comprehendable • Dependencies, Impact, Implementation, deployment, operations • Ownership (culture, organization, process) • One team can do functional and technical evolution and deployment continuously and independently
  • 5. MICROSERVICES HOW • Extremely decoupled (from other, non owned microservices | IT components) • Functionally • Non functionally – platform • Stateless (especially session-state less) • Stand alone • Deployable, manageable, scalable • Container • DevOps team • “You build it, you run it, you fix | evolve it”
  • 6. STANDING ON SHOULDERS OF GIANTS • Monolith++ • API • Scale out • Automated CI/CD • SOA++ • Stateless • HTTP native (REST) • Multiple tiers & platform components included • Deployable
  • 7. MICROSERVICES HOW • Public APIs in standardized protocols • Deployable on enterprise standardized microservices platform • Omnia mea porto mecum no external dependencies • Except: • Calls to public APIs (exposed for example by microservices) • Usage of platform facilities • Generically available via contract • Injected via parameters • No sharing of data or other private resources across microservices • Stateless and Horizontally scalable • No session state, no client stickyness • Potentially micro-silo with multiple tiers (including UI) • Any implementation technology • that can run on the platform
  • 8. MICROSERVICES PLATFORM • Receives microservice deployment • Handles scale out & fail over • Start/stop microservice instances based on non functional requirements and live observed behavior • Supports automated DevOps • CD, monitoring, … • Provides Capabilities – generic facilities available to microservices from the run time platform • Provided through public APIs whenever possible • Injected meta-data at run time • implemented by generic/platform level microservices Microservices Platform API deploy, inject dependencies, start, watch, restart, stop, scale API API API Gateway Authenticate Logging Cache
  • 9. THE MAKING OF A MICROSERVICE Dockerfile Pod.yaml Service.yaml Volume (Storage) Config&Depency Injection
  • 12. DOCKER FILE docker build -t lucasjellema/tweet-validator . docker tag tweet-validator lucasjellema/tweet-validator docker push lucasjellema/tweet-validator
  • 17. SHARED PLATFORM CAPABILITY • Microservices are isolated • Not aware of each other (except through public APIs) • Not sharing private resources • Ideally each microservice brings its own platform • To prevent run time environment from being out of synch and creating dependency/impact between multiple platform users • However: At some level, sharing is inevitable Storage, Compute, power supply, building • In practice: having full blown RDBMS or Java EE server or Kafka cluster as part of a microservice may be unfeasible • Even if Docker images are light weight from layering – the run time resource usage is probably not • One approach: forbid use of heavy platforms • Alternative approach: provide generic ‘heavy duty’ platform capabilities, available for use in any microservice in a standardized way • If you need it, you can make use of your own private Oracle Database 12c Schema (or PDB) with the following features available to you … ; recovery can be performed in the following ways and under these conditions.
  • 18. MICROSERVICES CROSS PLATFORM CAPABILITIES • Authentication • Persistent Storage • Cache • Load balancing/API Gateway • Discovery/Lookup • Monitoring • Functional/Business KPIs • Non Functional Platform/Container & Infra • Audit, Usage tracking, Billing • Notifications and alerting • Logging • Relational Database Capability Microservices Platform API API UI API UI Logging Cache Authentication Notification Usage Tracking
  • 19. EXAMPLE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Microservices Platform API API Logging Cache API API UI HTML 5 Web Component REST/ JSON Authentication API UI Java / Spring Boot NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Redis Widgets REST/ JSON Storage Python & MySQL REST/ JSON WebLogic & Oracle Database Legacy Application API UI Strangler NodeJS & Express Notification Usage Tracking
  • 20. TRENDS, CHALLENGES, COMMON • Use of containers and container management • Docker Containers – layered, packaged & shippable, registry • Docker Container Management: Composer, Mesos, Swarm or Kubernetes • Application Container platform such as Google App Engine, Azure App Service, Oracle Application Container Cloud, AWS Beanstalk • Serverless computing – AWS Lambda, Oracle Functions • Use of cache for [state of] longer running conversations • Transaction, session, workflow, business process • New ways to consider data • Every microservice owns the data it requires – data denormalization and duplication of data across microservices is a logical consequence • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing • Orchestration | Choreography across microservices
  • 22. MICROSERVICES AND EVENTS • Report business events [without knowing to whom and without expecting a response] • Allowing interested microservices to respond – for example trigger serverless functions • Provide response to stateless caller – with conversation key • Choreograph cross-microservice workflow | process • Inform workflow | process orchestrator | job scheduler about activity status • Enable distributed transaction – commit and rollback/compensate • Make data events available for event sourcing • Allowing microservices to maintain their own [derived] data set • Synchronize cache refresh • Informing any microservice caching data about the need to refresh specific records • Hand systems events & metrics to monitoring service • Extreme decoupling – microservice choreography • Microservice never call each other, not even through public API; all interactions are through events
  • 23. MICROSERVICE WORKFLOW CHOREOGRAPHY • Multi step process • Each step in different microservice • Multiple approaches • Orchestrator – running the process by invoking the required microservices subsequently, responding either to synch response, asynch callback or event • Choreography – allow the required microservices to react to relevant events • Act when it is your turn (as determined by routing slip?) • Share state through cache with claim check in routing slip • When done, publish updated routing slip • Possibly implement compensation handler
  • 24. REQUIREMENTS FOR EVENT CAPABILITY IN MICROSERVICES PLATFORM • Provide decoupling between publisher and consumer • Generally accessible for all microservices • Across the platform • Using standardized protocols and formats for communications and event payload (http, JSON) • Scalable (handle high loads) • Available (allow speedy event publication) • Reliable (do not lose events, at least once delivery) • Event Ordering (deliver events in the order of publication) • Retain Event History • Manageable at scale • Event Catalog – which events are published, what do they mean and what is their payload • Harvested from microservices
  • 25. INTRODUCING APACHE KAFKA • ..- 2010 – creation at Linkedin • Message Bus | Event Broker • High volume, low latency, highly reliable, cross technology • Scalable, distributed, strict message ordering, …. • 2011/2012 – open source under the Apache Incubator/ Top Project • Kafka is used by many large corporations: • Walmart, Cisco, Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, eBay, Spotify, Uber, Sift Science • And embraced by many software vendors & cloud providers • Client libraries available for NodeJS, Java, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP and many more
  • 26. KAFKA TERMINOLOGY • Topic • partition • Message • == ByteArray • Broker • replicated • Producer • Consumer • Working together in Consumer Groups Producer Consumer Topic Broker Key Value Time Message
  • 29. EXTENDED API OF MICROSERVICE • Deployment API • Injectable dependencies – reference to cache, logging, storage URL, … • Configurable meta-data – run time parameters, log level, credential (key) • Interraction API • REST Resources & Operations – query and URL parameters, message formats • Events Consumed – alternative way to call | activate a microservice • Reference to entry in Event Catalog • May include reference to shared Cache Resource • Events Produced – alternative output from microservice • Event can be an asynchronous response to a stateless consumer API
  • 30. EVENT BRIDGE TO CONNECT CLOUD & ON PREMISES EVENT BUS • An event bus based on Apache Kafka can run on premises and in the cloud • Various cloud vendors offer such an Apache Kafka service • For example Oracle Event Hub CS • In a hybrid landscape – both on premises and in-the-cloud microservices – two event buses can be used with a bridge between the two • Or more if multiple clouds are part of the landscape EventHub CS On premises Event Bus EventHub CS
  • 31. EVENT BRIDGE TO CONNECT CLOUD & ON PREMISES EVENT BUS Microservices Platform API EventHub CS On premises EventBridge API API API API API API API API Event Bus API EventBridgeEventBridge
  • 32. DESIRED WORKFLOW Tweet about OracleCode Validate Tweet No simple retweet, no black listed words used, no known robot tweeter or otherwise excluded authors, no undesirable location Enrich Tweet Details about author, location, hashtags, acronyms and abbreviations used in tweet Add Tweet to TweetBoard Add the tweet to the top of the TweetBoard – a list of recent, relevant tweets Publish TweetBoard Publish the TweetBoard through API and UI (HTML web document) done
  • 33. MICROSERVICES TO MAP WORKFLOW TO Microservices Platform API Event Bus REST/ JSON APIUI Cache Oracle Coherence EventHub CS Apache Kafka NodeJS & Express in ACCS On premises Tweet Board Validate Tweet API Java SE REST/ JSON Enrich Tweet Java SE
  • 35. CONFIGURE THE IFTTT RECIPE #oraclecode API EventBri
  • 36. CHOREOGRAPHED WORKFLOW #hashtag Microservices Platform API API API EventBridge Event Bus APIUI Cache Oracle Coherence EventHub CS Apache Kafka On premises TweetBoard Validate Tweet EventBridge API Enrich Tweet Workflow Launcher
  • 38. CHOREOGRAPHED WORKFLOW #hashtag Microservices Platform API API API EventBridge REST/ JSON Event Bus NodeJS & Express REST/ JSON NodeJS & Express in ACCS APIUI Cache Oracle Coherence EventHub CS Apache Kafka NodeJS & Express in ACCS On premises TweetBoard Validate Tweet EventBridge REST/ JSON API REST/ JSON Enrich Tweet Workflow Launcher NodeJS & Express
  • 39. Event Bus MICROSERVICE CHOREOGRAPHY TOPOLOGY EventBridge Workflow Launcher Tweet Validator Tweet Enricher Tweet Board Cache Cloud Service EventHub CS EventBridge App Container CS
  • 40. Event Bus LOGGING IN THE MICROSERVICE PLATFORM EventBridge Workflow Launcher Tweet Validator Tweet Enricher Tweet Board Cache EventHub CS EventBridge App Container CS Log Analytics Oracle Management Cloud Logger
  • 42. MAIN TECHNICAL CHALLENGES • Dockerize NodeJS applications • Run Docker container images in Kubernetes cluster • Pass environment variables and disk volumes • Expose services through ports • Link NodeJS applications in Kubernetes to Kafka Cluster in VirtualBox • Producing to and consuming from Topic • Kafka host needs to be in /etc/hosts file in Node.JS Docker Container • Leverage in-cloud cache from Kubernetes Pod members • Share workflow instance state across microservices • Create two-way EventBridge between local microservices and cloud
  • 43. SUMMARY • Microservices are about rapid rollout of scalable, available functionality • (session) Stateless, Continuous deployment, horizontal scale out • One team is owner of a microservice and can evolve and deploy independently • Microservice is understandable and manageable • Microservices contain everything that is special for their implementation • External dependencies only on generic platform capabilities and public APIs • Microservices expose a public API • REST resources & operations and events (consumed and produced) • Decoupled, Event-based interaction is crucial for microservices • Cache synchronization, Monitoring, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Choreographed workflows • The microservices platform should provide an Event Bus capability • Apache Kafka is a proven, popular Event Bus implementation – available in premises and in the cloud (for example through Oracle Event Hub CS)
  • 44. • Blog: • Email: • : lucasjellema • : lucas-jellema • :, +31 306016000 Edisonbaan 15, Nieuwegein Happy Coding! Source Code:

Editor's Notes

  1. Microservices are independent, encapsulated entities that produce meaningful results and business functionality in tentative collaboration. Events and pub/sub are great for allowing such decoupled interaction. Using Apache Kafka as robust, distributed, real-time, high volume event bus, this session demonstrates how microservices implemented in Java, Node, Python and SQL collaborate unknowingly. The microservices respond to social (media) events - courtesy of IFTTT - and publish results to multiple channels. The event bus operates across cloud services and on premises platforms: both the bus and the microservices can run anywhere. presentation summary - intro microservices objectives, focus on decoupled collaboration - demo four mservices in different technologies; no direct dependencies - outline desired choreography, use of events and need of event bus - intro Kafka - demo pub and sub from each mservice to Kafka - link IFTTT to Kafka (for demo: use ngrok to expose local Kafka to IFTTT cloud) - demo end-to-end Social event=>IFTTT=>Kafka=>choreographed mservices=> final result - discuss cloud deployment of event bus + mservices
  4. End-to-end autonomy (each microservice leverages event sourcing to maintain the state it needs (even though it does not own it)
  5. Workflow initiator responds to NewTweetEvent Workflow Initiator - When tweet is for hashtag oraclecode then create routingslip document with tweet data, store in cache under key and publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Validate Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if ValidateTweet should act; if so, validate tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Enrich Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if EnrichTweet should act; if so, enrich tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload TweetBoard – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if TweetBoard should act; if so, add tweet to tweet list, update routing slip, retrieve-and-store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload All microservices publish logging about their actions with the conversation identifier as part of the logging
  6. Workflow initiator responds to NewTweetEvent Workflow Initiator - When tweet is for hashtag oraclecode then create routingslip document with tweet data, store in cache under key and publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Validate Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if ValidateTweet should act; if so, validate tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Enrich Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if EnrichTweet should act; if so, enrich tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload TweetBoard – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if TweetBoard should act; if so, add tweet to tweet list, update routing slip, retrieve-and-store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload All microservices publish logging about their actions with the conversation identifier as part of the logging
  7. Workflow initiator responds to NewTweetEvent Workflow Initiator - When tweet is for hashtag oraclecode then create routingslip document with tweet data, store in cache under key and publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Validate Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if ValidateTweet should act; if so, validate tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload Enrich Tweet – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if EnrichTweet should act; if so, enrich tweet, update routing slip, retrieve and store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload TweetBoard – when OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow event – fetch workflow state from cache based on event payload, check routingslip to see if TweetBoard should act; if so, add tweet to tweet list, update routing slip, retrieve-and-store in cache; publish workflow event for OracleCodeTwitterWorkflow with cache key for workflow state in payload All microservices publish logging about their actions with the conversation identifier as part of the logging