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Containers, Microservices &
Serverless for Realists
Karthik Gaekwad
Keep Austin Agile 2017
• Principal Member of Technical Staff
• Oracle Container Cloud Team
• Previous:
• 10 years building cloud products
• Enterprise/Startup experience
Karthik Gaekwad
• Community Involvement:
• Devopsdays Core Organizer
• Container Days Core Organizer
• Cloud Austin
• Docker Austin meetup
• The most popular docker helloworld
Karthik Gaekwad
Audience Survey

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A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack. #CDS17
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack. #CDS17A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack. #CDS17
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack. #CDS17

This document provides an overview of cloud native applications and the cloud native stack. It discusses key concepts like microservices, containerization, composition using Docker and Docker Compose, and orchestration using Kubernetes. It provides examples of building a simple microservices application with these technologies and deploying it on Kubernetes. Overall it serves as a guide to developing and deploying cloud native applications.

cloudnativenerdkubernetescloud native stack
Docker in Production, Look No Hands! by Scott Coulton
Docker in Production, Look No Hands! by Scott CoultonDocker in Production, Look No Hands! by Scott Coulton
Docker in Production, Look No Hands! by Scott Coulton

In this session we will talk about HealthDirect’s journey with Docker. We will follow the life cycle of a container through our CD process to its home in our swarm cluster with just a git commit thanks to configuration management. We will cover the CD process for Docker, Docker swarm, Docker networking and service discovery. The audience will leave with a solid foundation of how to build a production ready swarm cluster (A github repo with code will be given). They will also have the knowledge of how to implement a CD framework using Docker.

dockerhealthdirectswarm cluster
Evénement Docker Paris: Anticipez les nouveaux business model et réduisez vos...
Evénement Docker Paris: Anticipez les nouveaux business model et réduisez vos...Evénement Docker Paris: Anticipez les nouveaux business model et réduisez vos...
Evénement Docker Paris: Anticipez les nouveaux business model et réduisez vos...

Au programme : la mise en place de plateformes agiles pour s’adapter aux nouveaux business models, l’optimisation des coûts IT dans le cadre de vos déploiements applicatifs, réussir la mise en oeuvre de Kubernetes, garantir la sécurité de vos applications tout au long de leur cycle de vie et bien plus encore.

containerscontainer technologydocker
• The Evolution of DevOps
• Rise of Microservices, Containers,
Serverless applications
• What are they?
• Why should you care?
• What are they used for?
Evolution of Devops
• Devops at least officially 8 years old
• Velocity 2009:
• 10 Deploys a day at flickr by John Allspaw, Paul
• Agile Infrastructure openspace: Andrew Shaefer &
Patrick Debois
• 2009: 1st Devopsdays conference, Ghent
• Today: ~150 official devopsdays conference
Evolution of Devops
Evolution of Devops
John Willis
Damon Edwards

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DockerCon SF 2015: Keynote Day 1
DockerCon SF 2015: Keynote Day 1DockerCon SF 2015: Keynote Day 1
DockerCon SF 2015: Keynote Day 1

The document summarizes key points from Day 1 of DockerCon. It discusses Docker's mission to build tools for mass innovation and how they are taking an incremental approach to reinventing the programmer's toolbox. New tools like Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Machine, Docker Swarm, Docker Networking plugins and Notary were introduced to help solve problems around runtimes, packaging, service composition, machine management, clustering, networking and security. Docker is also donating runC to the Open Container Project and forming the Open Container Project to establish open standards around container formats and governance.

start updockercondocker
Docker Registry V2
Docker Registry V2Docker Registry V2
Docker Registry V2

This document discusses Docker Registry API V2, a new model for image distribution that addresses limitations in the previous V1 API. Key changes include making layers content-addressable using cryptographic digests for identification and verification. Images are now described by manifests containing layer digests. The registry stores content in repositories and no longer exposes internal image details. Early adoption shows V2 providing significantly better performance than V1 with 80% fewer requests and 60% less bandwidth used. Future goals include improving documentation, adding features like pull-through caching, and developing the Docker distribution components to provide a foundation for more advanced distribution models.

docker distributiondocker registryopen source
Docker and Containers overview - Docker Workshop
Docker and Containers overview - Docker WorkshopDocker and Containers overview - Docker Workshop
Docker and Containers overview - Docker Workshop

Docker provides an open platform consisting of Docker Engine software and Docker Hub services to build, ship, and run distributed applications across any infrastructure. The platform includes tools to containerize any application and its dependencies into portable packages that can run on any infrastructure from physical and virtual machines to public and private clouds. This allows applications to be quickly and easily deployed and migrated between different computing environments.

Evolution of Devops
“System administrators participating in an
agile development process alongside
developers and using many of the same agile
techniques for their systems work.”
The Agile Admin Blog
Well Defined:
Evolution of Devops
• Training classes available:
• Devops Fundamental Course (Ernest Mueller,
James Wickett)
• Certifications available:
• AWS Certified Devops Engineer
• RedHat Certified Devops Architect
• Devops Foundations by the Devops institute
Containers & Microservices
…The next phase of Devops
Containers & Microservices
• Containers and Micro services fit the
devops paradigm!
• Microservices allows developers to build
applications in modular way
• Allows for containerization
• Containerization allows for collaboration
between dev and ops
• Common language spoken between 2
teams in an org

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DockerCon Keynote Ben Golub
DockerCon Keynote Ben GolubDockerCon Keynote Ben Golub
DockerCon Keynote Ben Golub

This document summarizes the key events and announcements from Day 1 of DockerCon. It highlights the large number of attendees, keynotes from Red Hat executives, and the official launch of Docker Engine 1.0 and Docker Hub 1.0. It also thanks the many contributors, users, partners and open source projects that have helped Docker grow rapidly in the last 15 months since its launch.

#dockercon #docker
Docker meetup-20-apr-17-openshit
Docker meetup-20-apr-17-openshitDocker meetup-20-apr-17-openshit
Docker meetup-20-apr-17-openshit

This document provides an agenda and overview of a Docker Meetup on April 20, 2017 about using Openshift for production deployments. The agenda includes introductions to containers, Docker, Kubernetes, and Openshift, as well as demonstrations of Openshift installation, Docker orchestration using Openshift, auto-scaling with Openshift, source-to-image deployments, and CI/CD pipelines. It also includes brief introductions to container and Docker technologies, and how Kubernetes addresses problems with scheduling, lifecycles, discovery, monitoring, authentication, and scaling of containers.

Containers, OCI, CNCF, Magnum, Kuryr, and You!
Containers, OCI, CNCF, Magnum, Kuryr, and You!Containers, OCI, CNCF, Magnum, Kuryr, and You!
Containers, OCI, CNCF, Magnum, Kuryr, and You!

This document discusses container technology and its integration with OpenStack. It provides an overview of how containerization has evolved over time through various independent projects. It describes how several OpenStack projects like Nova, Heat, Kolla, Murano leverage containers. It focuses on how Magnum provides APIs for container orchestration engines and how Kuryr connects Docker and Kubernetes networks to OpenStack. It then introduces the Open Container Initiative (OCI) and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which aim to develop open standards for containers and cloud-native applications. The presenters encourage attendees to get involved in these standards bodies to help ensure the standards meet their usage scenarios.

“Independent processes
communicating with each other
with well defined API’s to form
larger more complex
• Do one thing, and do it well (fine
• Independently built- common
language to communicate
• Independently deployable
• Fault tolerant and reliable
• Based on 12 factor app principles
12 Factor App
•Use declarative formats for setup automation;
minimize time and cost for new developers joining
the project
•Clean contract with the underlying OS, offering
maximum portability between execution
•Suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms
•Minimize divergence between development and
production- enabling continuous deployment
•Scale up without significant changes to tooling,
architecture, or development practices.
Relationship with containers
• Microservices + containers are a great
• Single service on a container:
• Isolates service and makes it easy to
manage and debug
• Best practice for new architectures with
• Consider building your architecture in
this manner

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What's New in Docker - February 2017
What's New in Docker - February 2017What's New in Docker - February 2017
What's New in Docker - February 2017

This document provides an overview of Container as a Service (CaaS) with Docker. It discusses key concepts like Docker containers, images, and orchestration tools. It also covers DevOps practices like continuous delivery that are enabled by Docker. Specific topics covered include Docker networking, volumes, and orchestration with Docker Swarm and compose files. Examples are provided of building and deploying Java applications with Docker, including Spring Boot apps, Java EE apps, and using Docker for builds. Security features of Docker like content trust and scanning are summarized. The document concludes by discussing Docker use cases across different industries and how Docker enables critical transformations around cloud, DevOps, and application modernization.

Delivering Developer Tools at Scale
Delivering Developer Tools at ScaleDelivering Developer Tools at Scale
Delivering Developer Tools at Scale

This document discusses delivering developer tools at scale for Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services. It outlines the challenges of supporting many programming languages, tools, services, features and rapid innovation with a small team. The solutions discussed are using Swagger to declaratively describe APIs, open sourcing tools to engage the community, and maintaining API consistency. It also addresses handling multiple release scopes by using custom fields in the Swagger specification.

open sourcelinuxoracle
7+1 myths of the new os
7+1 myths of the new os7+1 myths of the new os
7+1 myths of the new os

The document discusses the promises and myths of new distributed computing platforms like Docker and Weave. It identifies 8 myths of how these new platforms position themselves, such as the idea that applications can be independent of the operating system or that platforms are better at designing apps than developers. The reality is that by "turning back the clock 30 years" to older distributed computing approaches, many of the skills and tools developers already use can apply when building apps on new platforms like Docker and Weave.

• Strong collaboration between dev and
• Initially championed by developers,
and now well liked by operations as
• 2 great surveys:
• Datadog docker adoption: https://
• & ClusterHQ survey:
Source: and clusterHQ survey 2016
2016: 10.8% of all Datadog customers use Docker (up from
8.2% in 2015)

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Docker in pratice -chenyifei
Docker in pratice -chenyifeiDocker in pratice -chenyifei
Docker in pratice -chenyifei

Lightweight virtualization uses container technology to isolate processes and their resources through namespaces and cgroups. Docker is a container management system that provides lightweight virtualization. Baidu chose Docker for its BAE platform because containers provide better isolation than sandboxes with fewer restrictions and lower costs. Docker meets BAE's needs but was improved with additional security and resource constraints for its PAAS platform.

DockerCon SF 2015: Using Docker to Keep Houses Warm: Highly Distributed Micro...
DockerCon SF 2015: Using Docker to Keep Houses Warm: Highly Distributed Micro...DockerCon SF 2015: Using Docker to Keep Houses Warm: Highly Distributed Micro...
DockerCon SF 2015: Using Docker to Keep Houses Warm: Highly Distributed Micro...

Eric Feliksik's Slides from his DockerCon presentation: Nerdalize is a Dutch start-up that provides affordable and green computing power with an innovative approach. We heat living rooms with CPUs, as high-performance computer hardware is fit into a beautiful design radiator. While home owners heat for free, a massive distributed compute infrastructure becomes available. In this talk, we give a detailed overview of how Docker, Rancher and other tools in the ecosystem enable us to leverage such a highly distributed micro-datacenter architecture. We discuss how our approach drastically eliminates data center infrastructure costs, and how we aim to change the environmental impact of the compute industry.

DockerCon 15 Keynote - Day 2
DockerCon 15 Keynote - Day 2DockerCon 15 Keynote - Day 2
DockerCon 15 Keynote - Day 2

The document summarizes Day 2 of DockerCon. It discusses Docker being ready for production use with solutions for building, shipping, and running containers. It highlights Docker Hub growth and improvements to quality. Business Insider's journey with Docker is presented, covering lessons learned around local development and using Puppet and Docker Hub. Future directions discussed include orchestration tools and image security.

container technologydockercontainers
10% of all hosts monitored by Datadog have Docker
running on them
Containers, microservices and serverless for realists
• Portability
• Standardized Environments
• Scaling
• Continuous Delivery
• Dependency Management
•Idea of writing once and running anywhere.
•As long as your application is Dockerized,
you can run it anywhere that has the
Docker Engine installed.
•Easy to change from 1 host to another.
•Flexibility to change underlying
infrastructure/operating systems etc.
•Change from 1 cloud provider to another.

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Docker Federal Summit 2017 General Session
Docker Federal Summit 2017 General SessionDocker Federal Summit 2017 General Session
Docker Federal Summit 2017 General Session

This presentation explains the Docker Enterprise Platform capabilities and benefits for federal agency IT.

Containers and Microservices for Realists
Containers and Microservices for RealistsContainers and Microservices for Realists
Containers and Microservices for Realists

Talk for Oracle Code Conference- New York 2017. Container, Microservices, Serverless by Karthik Gaekwad

Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
• Coding environments can be made consistent
from development ->staging->QA->production.
• Per environment configurations are fed in the
same way to each container which reduces
configuration issues.
• Time spent debugging environmental issues is
reduced drastically.
• Developers understand the production
environment better, which leads to better code
•Containers take seconds to deploy.
•Scale up and down your infrastructure
is a lot faster than traditional
configuration management tools.
Continuous Delivery
•Docker API’s and Docker Hub make it
easy to build a deployment pipeline.
•After successful builds, a CI system
can build and push a Docker image to
the Hub/private Docker repo.
•Deploy new containers to desired
environment on a periodic basis/trigger
webhooks to deploy.
Dependency Management
• Dependency hell happens when:
• 2 running Java or Ruby applications that depend on
different versions of the same library…..
• How Docker can help:
• Isolate each application (along with it’s
dependencies) so that they can be loaded in their
own container.
• 1 container for 1 application or service (micro service

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Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015
Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015
Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015

WaveMaker Webinar: Cloud-based App Development and Docker: Trends to watch out for in 2015 - CIOs, IT planners and developers at a growing number of organizations are taking advantage of the simplicity and productivity benefits of cloud application development. With Docker technology, cloud-based app development or aPaaS (Application Platform as a Service) is only becoming more disruptive − forcing organizations to rethink how they handle innovation, time-to-market pressures, and IT workloads.

Why kubernetes matters
Why kubernetes mattersWhy kubernetes matters
Why kubernetes matters

We are on the cusp of a new era of application development software: instead of bolting on operations as an after-thought to the software development process, Kubernetes promises to bring development and operations together by design.

Intro to Docker at the 2016 Evans Developer relations conference
Intro to Docker at the 2016 Evans Developer relations conferenceIntro to Docker at the 2016 Evans Developer relations conference
Intro to Docker at the 2016 Evans Developer relations conference

Building large scale apps traditionally has traditionally meant building large monolithic apps to handle everything. In the new age of the cloud and on premise data centers, increasingly the world is looking to containers and microservices. This allows flexibility and agility. Individual teams can choose the tools they need and be assured they'll work in the environment they want. And it also has implications for how we do developer relations, making it easier to deploy samples without worrying about environment. This session will look at microservices and how they are changing both the enterprise, and our work in developer relations.

docker composecontainersdocker swarm
Real World Examples
Take existing (or new) applications,
containerize them, run them the same
way on dev/stage/production.
• Typical Pattern:
• Infrastructure/Applications run in containers.
• Every code push builds a new image for the
• All environments uses the same command to
run the application:
• sudo docker run -d -p 7777:7777 -e
SE_DB=‘db_val’ karthequian/helloworld
Standardization Example
• Write service RFC (Request for Comments)
• Wait for feedback
• Scaffolding work + Develop service
• Wait for infrastructure team to write service scaffolding
• Wait for infrastructure team to provision services
• Deploy to development servers and test
• Deploy to production
• Monitor, iterate
• Uber (In the past)

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DevOps and BigData Analytics
DevOps and BigData Analytics DevOps and BigData Analytics
DevOps and BigData Analytics

How to build "AutoScale and AutoHeal" systems using DevOps practices by using modern technologies. A complete build pipeline and the process of architecting a nearly unbreakable system were part of the presentation. These slides were presented at 2018 DevOps conference in Singapore.

big datadockerkubernetes
Why to docker
Why to dockerWhy to docker
Why to docker

Docker is an open source platform that allows developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications anywhere. It provides portability, standardized environments, and the ability to rapidly scale applications up and down. Many enterprises are using Docker to build continuous delivery pipelines where code commits trigger automated builds and deployment of new Docker containers. This allows applications to be deployed more frequently and consistently across development, testing, and production environments.

docker container coreos stackengine
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & KubernetesA curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes

Agenda 1. The changing landscape of IT Infrastructure 2. Containers - An introduction 3. Container management systems 4. Kubernetes 5. Containers and DevOps 6. Future of Infrastructure Mgmt About the talk In this talk, you will get a review of the components & the benefits of Container technologies - Docker & Kubernetes. The talk focuses on making the solution platform-independent. It gives an insight into Docker and Kubernetes for consistent and reliable Deployment. We talk about how the containers fit and improve your DevOps ecosystem and how to get started with containerization. Learn new deployment approach to effectively use your infrastructure resources to minimize the overall cost.

Standardization Example
• Write service RFC (Request for Comments)
• Wait for feedback
• Scaffolding work + Develop service
• Build containers for service
• Wait for infrastructure team to deploy containers to
development servers
• Deploy to development servers and test
• Deploy to production
• Monitor, iterate
• Uber (With Docker)
Standardization Example
• Implementing Docker got rid of:
• Wait for the infrastructure team to write service
• Wait for infrastructure team to provision
• Ops doesn’t rely on playbooks, but rather, just
deploy existing container images
• No fear of one set of dependencies for one app,
breaking another app
• Uber (With Docker)
CI/CD Pipeline
Most common usecase of how teams
use Docker
CI/CD Pipeline
create a

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Getting Started with Docker - Nick Stinemates
Getting Started with Docker - Nick StinematesGetting Started with Docker - Nick Stinemates
Getting Started with Docker - Nick Stinemates

This document summarizes a presentation about Docker and containers. It discusses how applications have changed from monolithic to distributed microservices, creating challenges around managing different stacks and environments. Docker addresses this by providing lightweight containers that package code and dependencies to run consistently on any infrastructure. The presentation outlines how Docker works, its adoption by companies, and its open platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It aims to create an ecosystem similar to how shipping containers standardized cargo transportation globally.

dockerbamboosummit training training training

This document provides an overview of Docker and cloud native training presented by Brian Christner of 56K.Cloud. It includes an agenda for Docker labs, common IT struggles Docker can address, and 56K.Cloud's consulting and training services. It discusses concepts like containers, microservices, DevOps, infrastructure as code, and cloud migration. It also includes sections on Docker architecture, networking, volumes, logging, and monitoring tools. Case studies and examples are provided to demonstrate how Docker delivers speed, agility, and cost savings for application development.

Serverless brewbox
Serverless   brewboxServerless   brewbox
Serverless brewbox

Lino Telera gave a presentation on serverless computing. He began with introductions and background. The presentation covered serverless concepts like Function as a Service, demonstrated building a simple microservice using AWS Lambda that interacts with S3, and discussed integrating functions with services like S3 using Boto. It also showed how functions can be called from devices using skills and discussed running serverless on-premise using OpenFaaS or Pivotal Container Service. The presentation concluded with a Q&A and thanks to sponsors.

CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
triggered in
CI system
CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
triggered in
CI system
CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
triggered in
CI system
Build & Test
Push to
Completed CI!

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DockerCon SF 2015: Docker Community in China
DockerCon SF 2015: Docker Community in ChinaDockerCon SF 2015: Docker Community in China
DockerCon SF 2015: Docker Community in China

1) The document discusses the Docker community in China, noting that early adopters like Baidu helped drive adoption. 2) Meetups and content contributed to scaling the community from 1 to over 19 cities with thousands of attendees. Chinese contributors are also among the top for the Docker project. 3) The market for Docker in China is driven by the "Internet Plus" strategy and sectors like e-commerce, social media, and IoT. This is creating opportunities for startups and traditional businesses to embrace mobile and cloud technologies. 4) The ecosystem involves startups building tools for CI/CD, container services, and management, and projects like Hyper focusing on running containers on any hypervisor. Developers are also using

Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides
Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker SlidesDocker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides
Docker Birthday #3 - Intro to Docker Slides

High level overview of Docker + Birthday #3 overview (app and challenge portion)! Learn more about Docker Birthday #3 celebrations here:

dockerlearn dockerdocker birthday
Docker Birthday #3 Slides - Overview
Docker Birthday #3 Slides - OverviewDocker Birthday #3 Slides - Overview
Docker Birthday #3 Slides - Overview

The document provides an agenda and information for Docker Birthday #3 event. The agenda includes an introduction to the Docker ecosystem, learning Docker with a birthday app training, a birthday app challenge, and socializing. The training involves building and deploying a simple voting app locally using Docker Toolbox to demonstrate Docker basics. Participants can then submit hacks or improvements to the app for prizes by the deadline. Mentors will be available to help beginners complete the training.

CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
triggered in
CI system
Build & Test
Push to
trigger to
CI/CD Pipeline
create a
Commit code
to source
triggered in
CI system
Build & Test
Push to
trigger to
Completed CD!
Other Usecases
•Hosting Legacy Applications
•Running a PaaS/ Datacenter using Docker.
•EngineYard/Yandex/Baidu are great examples of
•Containerizing hard to run applications is becoming
a frequent usecase.
•Single->multi tenant apps:
Container Management Trends

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Docker Birthday #5 Meetup Cluj - Presentation
Docker Birthday #5 Meetup Cluj - PresentationDocker Birthday #5 Meetup Cluj - Presentation
Docker Birthday #5 Meetup Cluj - Presentation

- Docker celebrated its 5th birthday with events worldwide including one in Cluj, Romania. Over 100 user and customer events were held. - The Docker platform now has over 450 commercial customers, 37 billion container downloads, and 15,000 Docker-related jobs on LinkedIn. - The event in Cluj included presentations on Docker and hands-on labs to learn Docker, as well as social activities like taking selfies with a birthday banner.

SS Introduction to Docker
SS Introduction to DockerSS Introduction to Docker
SS Introduction to Docker

Docker provides a platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications across environments using containers. It allows developers to quickly develop, deploy and scale applications. Docker DataCenter delivers Docker capabilities as a service and provides a unified control plane for both developers and IT operations to standardize, secure and manage containerized applications. It enables organizations to adopt modern practices like microservices, continuous integration/deployment and hybrid cloud through portable containers.

docker datacenter containers
DockerPenang Meetup#1
DockerPenang Meetup#1DockerPenang Meetup#1
DockerPenang Meetup#1

This document summarizes information about Docker Penang Meetup #1, including how to get involved in the Docker community and benefits of participation. It also announces Docker's 5th birthday celebration during the week of March 19-25, with guidelines and content for hosting workshops around playing with Docker. The document then provides introductions and overviews of containers, Docker, core Docker components, Docker Swarm, Docker Machine, Docker Hub, and Docker adoption at Seek Asia and Jabil.

Container Orchestration
Container Orchestration
• Methodologies:
• Nomad
• Docker Swarm
• Kubernetes
• Mesos + Marathon
• Custom!
Container Orchestration
• Compare & contrast: http://
orchestration/ via @lcalcote

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Docker in Production: How RightScale Delivers Cloud Applications
Docker in Production: How RightScale Delivers Cloud ApplicationsDocker in Production: How RightScale Delivers Cloud Applications
Docker in Production: How RightScale Delivers Cloud Applications

This document discusses how RightScale delivers cloud applications using Docker. It begins with an introduction to Docker and outlines three approaches to using Docker: containerizing code, composing applications, and deploying a sea of containers. It then details RightScale's plan of attack for using Docker which takes a gradual, phased approach. The document also covers RightScale's development to production workflow when using Docker and compares operations before and after adopting Docker. It concludes with discussing next steps such as improving monitoring, composition, and orchestration when using Docker.

Microservices and docker
Microservices and dockerMicroservices and docker
Microservices and docker

Docker concepts and microservices architecture are discussed. Key points include: - Microservices architecture involves breaking applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. Each service runs in its own process and communicates through lightweight mechanisms like REST/HTTP. - Docker allows packaging and running applications securely isolated in lightweight containers from their dependencies and libraries. Docker images are used to launch containers which appear as isolated Linux systems running on the host. - Common Docker commands demonstrated include pulling public images, running interactive containers, building custom images with Dockerfiles, and publishing images to Docker Hub registry.

Docker12 factor
Docker12 factorDocker12 factor
Docker12 factor

This document discusses modernizing apps using Docker and the 12 Factor methodology. It begins by thanking sponsors and introducing new organizers. It then provides an overview of the evolution of application architectures from the late 90s to today. It notes the benefits of using Docker, such as faster deployments, version tracking, and security. It discusses moving from a monolith application to a microservices architecture using Docker and following the principles of the 12 Factor App methodology to address challenges of distributed systems, rapid deployments, and automation. The 12 factors are then each explained in detail and how Docker can help implement them for building modern, scalable apps.

Source: and clusterHQ survey 2016
Container Orchestration
• My Opinions:
• Don’t build your own
• What are your infrastructure
• Consider team size and strength
of team
Serverless Applications
Serverless Applications

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DevSecOps in a cloudnative world
DevSecOps in a cloudnative worldDevSecOps in a cloudnative world
DevSecOps in a cloudnative world

This document provides an overview of 10 tips for cloud native security when using Kubernetes. It discusses reducing the attack surface by securing hosts, container images, and the Kubernetes cluster. It also covers security features in Kubernetes like secrets, authentication and authorization, audit logging, network policies, and pod security policies. Finally, it recommends several open source tools for assessing security like Clair, Kube-bench, Kubesec, and Kubeaudit. The overall message is that security needs to be an ongoing process of evaluating risks and hardening the environment over time.

Mental Health studies and devops
Mental Health studies and devopsMental Health studies and devops
Mental Health studies and devops

Karthik Gaekwad presents on the topic of mental health and burnout in DevOps communities. He defines burnout as a state of physical or emotional exhaustion involving reduced sense of accomplishment. Burnout is measured based on three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and personal efficacy. While commonly seen in medical and teaching professions, burnout can also affect those in technical fields like DevOps that emphasize constant learning and improvement. The talk provides suggestions for individuals and organizations to address burnout, such as prioritizing self-care, finding work-life balance, supporting peers, and addressing systemic issues.

This is your community
This is your communityThis is your community
This is your community

A talk on building a tech community that I gave at Scale 17x in LA. I covered the meetup and tech conference scene in Austin, Cloud Austin, Devopsdays Austin, and some best practices for meetups orgs and attendees

Serverless Applications
• First used to describe applications that
depended on 3rd party applications / services
(‘in the cloud’) to manage server-side logic and
• “Backend as a service applications”
Serverless Applications
Applications where some amount of server-side logic
is still written by the application developer
Unlike traditional architectures is run in stateless
compute containers that are event-triggered,
ephemeral (may only last for one invocation), and
fully managed by a 3rd party.
One way to think of this is “Functions as a service”.
AWS Lambda, Azure functions- most popular
implementations, but there are others.
Traditional Architecture
Client (Browser)
Load Balancer
Load Balancer
Load Balancer
Serverless Architecture
Client (Browser)
Auth Service Web DeliveryAPI Gateway
Function B
Function A
Function C

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Practical Approaches to Cloud Native Security
Practical Approaches to Cloud Native SecurityPractical Approaches to Cloud Native Security
Practical Approaches to Cloud Native Security

Karthik Gaekwad presented on practical approaches to cloud native security. He discussed reducing the attack surface by securing hosts, container images, and the Kubernetes cluster. He highlighted security features in Kubernetes like secrets, authentication, authorization, audit logging, network policies, and pod security policies. Gaekwad also recommended using open source tooling to help with security and provided examples like Open Policy Agent.

10 tips for Cloud Native Security
10 tips for Cloud Native Security10 tips for Cloud Native Security
10 tips for Cloud Native Security

A list of action items you want to keep in mind when you're devsecops'ing for your cloudnative environments. Given as a part of a talk on the Modern Security series (

Kube Apps in action
Kube Apps in actionKube Apps in action
Kube Apps in action

Karthik Gaekwad is a cloud native evangelist at Oracle Cloud who previously worked on Oracle's Managed Kubernetes team. He discusses his background in teaching and community building. Common challenges to adopting cloud native technologies include complexity, cultural challenges, lack of training, security, and monitoring. Oracle provides managed Kubernetes services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to help with managing Kubernetes control and data planes, container networking and storage, and security. Karthik demonstrates a sample ecommerce application deployed to Kubernetes.

Difference from PaaS?
• Way to code microservices does not change: 12
factor app mindset
• You still have to think of scaling in PaaS:
• “How many dynos do I need in Heroku to run this
• “How long does it take to scale from 2->4 servers?”
• Auto scaling on PaaS is great, but this is on a request
• Forces developers to write cleaner, more efficient
Difference from PaaS?
Difference from containers?
• FaaS is typically built with containers…
• Once again..Scaling is the core difference.
• Managed, transparent, fine grained.
• Need to invest time in container platforms
to perform scaling actions.
• Prediction: may not be true a year from
Serverless Use Cases
• Image Processing
• Data Transformation
• Log Analysis
• Authentication, Licensing

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Karthik Gaekwad gave a presentation on securing Kubernetes clusters. He discussed reducing the attack surface by hardening hosts, using official container images with specific versions, limiting privileges, and periodically checking for vulnerabilities. He explained how Kubernetes features like TLS, authentication, authorization, auditing, network policies and pod security policies can help. Open source tools like Clair, Kube-bench, Kubesec and Kubeaudit were presented to analyze vulnerabilities and check configuration best practices. The overall message was to take a layered approach to security using the platform capabilities and tooling available.

Kubernetes Security
Kubernetes SecurityKubernetes Security
Kubernetes Security

My cloud native security talk I gave at Innotech Austin 2018. I cover container and Kubernetes security topics, security features in Kubernetes, including opensource projects you will want to consider while building and maintaining cloud native applications.

Kubernetes security and you
Kubernetes security and youKubernetes security and you
Kubernetes security and you

A lightning talk I gave at CloudAustin in 2018 on Kubernetes security covering kube-bench, kubesec, and kubeAudit

Loved it? Hated it?
Send me feedback:
• Images: and
• State of devops whitepaper:
• Datadog docker adoption:
• & ClusterHQ survey:
• Oracle Docker Images:
• Oracle Container Cloud Service:
• Oracle Application Container Service:
• Microservices:
• 12 factor apps:
• Serverless:
• Legacy apps at Uber:
• @lcalcote:
• Uber story:
• Unikernels Paper:
Unikernels are specialised, single-
address-space machine images
constructed by using library operating

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Kube applications in action
Kube applications in actionKube applications in action
Kube applications in action

This document provides a summary of a presentation on using Kube Apps in action. It introduces the presenter Karthik Gaekwad and his credentials. It states that the document is intended for informational purposes only and outlines Oracle's product direction which is subject to change. The main topics that will be covered in the presentation include building a simple Java Spring application, deploying it on Oracle Kubernetes Engine, discussing different service strategies like Ingress, looking at application metrics with Prometheus, and debugging with Jaeger. Human: Thank you for the summary. Can you provide a shorter summary in 2 sentences or less?

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Devops and Dadops

Karthik Gaekwad gave a talk about his experience transitioning from devops to "dadops" as he prepares for the birth of his first child. He discussed how many aspects of parenting, such as learning on the job, sharing resources with other parents, automating tasks, and monitoring metrics are similar to the devops mindset of continuous learning, collaboration, automation, and measurement. He also humorously compared the challenges of on-call support for devops to being on-call as a parent.

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13 practical tips for writing secure golang applications13 practical tips for writing secure golang applications
13 practical tips for writing secure golang applications

Writing secure applications in a new language is challenging. Here are some tips to help get you started for writing secure code in golang. Presented at Lascon 2015

golangrugged softwaredocker
Unikernel benefits
• Tiny footprint compared to regular
• Reduced Attack Surface == Improved
• Optimized.
• Fast boot.
Things we are doing at
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• Dockerfiles:
• Weblogic:
• DB:
• Also for Dockerfiles for: Java, OpenJDK,
Coherance, MySQL etc

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Docker management

In this presentation, I talk about Docker and Container Management issues and solutions provided for them via StackEngine. I gave this talk at the CloudAustin meetup for the 12 Clouds of Christmas 2014.

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Agile 2014- Metrics driven development and devops
Agile 2014- Metrics driven development and devopsAgile 2014- Metrics driven development and devops
Agile 2014- Metrics driven development and devops

There are many facets of devops, and we will spend our time in this presentation focusing on collecting and using metrics (business, application, system, etc.) and building a metrics driven culture in organizations. We will define how we have seen devops progress in our organizations and how we’ve realized that different teams in our organizations can find common ground when teams (who have different roles) can work well together when they use metrics as the common language. Karthik will talk about how we are using the principles from the Lean Startup to define our development cycles, sprints and using metrics to quantify how successful the products we are trying to come out with in R&D. Initially we started practicing devops on the dev and ops side of the house but realized this was still a black box to the business side of the house, so we pivoted to what our business actually understood, and that was metrics; today, we focus more on metrics (business and system level), and can fail or succeed fast to achieve our business goals faster than before. Ernest will go into detail on how a large, mature SaaS organization uses metrics in conjunction with distributed agile development and DevOps to guide their development at scale. How much a product is used, how much each feature is used, and how much value each user gets out of it are key drivers for a business strategy - and it’s all information that’s emitted by a system. He'll show how large companies have invested time in collecting and using these metrics to guide their decisions and influence their culture.

Devopsdays Austin 2014 Ignite: Keep devops weird
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Devopsdays Austin 2014 Ignite: Keep devops weird

The document is recruiting for help in the "talent war" happening in Austin, Texas where there is high demand for tech talent. It promotes Austin as a great place for young entrepreneurs and notes the low cost of living where homeownerships is possible. It encourages keeping the DevOps community vibrant in Austin by attending local meetups, coworking, and using buddy systems to bring different roles together. Coffee shops, coworking spaces, and happy hours are recommended for networking.

web design and developmentdevopsdaysculture
Things we are doing at
• Container Registry
• Contains pre built Oracle images
• https://container-
• Docker 101 tutorial: https://
Things we are doing at
• Container Products for Oracle Public Cloud:
• Oracle Application Container Cloud
• Great for Java/Node/PHP applications
• Oracle Container Service
• Bring your own containers
• Container Management solution
Things we are doing at
• OCCS Stacks:
• ElasticSearch, Kibana, Logstash (ELK):
• Kafka microservices on OCCS: https://
Things we are doing at
• Free $300 credits to try out all the
different services:

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Cloud Austin 2013: Conferenced2013
Cloud Austin 2013: Conferenced2013Cloud Austin 2013: Conferenced2013
Cloud Austin 2013: Conferenced2013

Karthik reflects on the conferences and meetups they attended in 2013 related to cloud computing, DevOps, and Agile methodologies. They summarize key takeaways from each event, including that SXSW had too many hipsters, Velocity emphasized frontend JavaScript development, DevOpsDays discussed infrastructure as code and continuous integration, and AWS Re:Invent was worthwhile despite being a vendor event. They also highlight local Austin meetups and recommend speakers to listen to.

LASCON 2013 Talk: User Auth for Winners, how to get it right the first time!
LASCON 2013 Talk: User Auth for Winners, how to get it right the first time!LASCON 2013 Talk: User Auth for Winners, how to get it right the first time!
LASCON 2013 Talk: User Auth for Winners, how to get it right the first time!

In this talk, I will outline the best practices to build out a secure user management and authentication platforms for your products. At the end of this talk, you’ll have the knowledge to implement (or fix) a stronger user authentication system for your startup or enterprise!

authenticationapicloud computing
Agile 2013 Talk: How DevOps Changes Everything
Agile 2013 Talk: How DevOps Changes EverythingAgile 2013 Talk: How DevOps Changes Everything
Agile 2013 Talk: How DevOps Changes Everything

The most important DevOps things I’ve learned over the last 4 years. I presented this at Agile 2013 in Nashville, TN. This talk is the talk and story referenced in Gene Kim's Devops Handbook ( #agile #devops #automation #culture #distributedTeams #measurement #sharing #bestPractices

#agile #devops #automation #culture #distributedte
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Containers, microservices and serverless for realists

  • 1. Containers, Microservices & Serverless for Realists Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1 Keep Austin Agile 2017
  • 2. • Principal Member of Technical Staff • Oracle Container Cloud Team • Previous: • 10 years building cloud products • Enterprise/Startup experience Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1
  • 3. • Community Involvement: • Devopsdays Core Organizer • Container Days Core Organizer • Cloud Austin • Docker Austin meetup • The most popular docker helloworld image: helloworld Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1
  • 5. Overview • The Evolution of DevOps • Rise of Microservices, Containers, Serverless applications • What are they? • Why should you care? • What are they used for?
  • 6. Evolution of Devops • Devops at least officially 8 years old • Velocity 2009: • 10 Deploys a day at flickr by John Allspaw, Paul Hammond • Agile Infrastructure openspace: Andrew Shaefer & Patrick Debois • 2009: 1st Devopsdays conference, Ghent • Today: ~150 official devopsdays conference
  • 9. Evolution of Devops “System administrators participating in an agile development process alongside developers and using many of the same agile techniques for their systems work.” The Agile Admin Blog Well Defined:
  • 10. Evolution of Devops • Training classes available: • Devops Fundamental Course (Ernest Mueller, James Wickett) • Certifications available: • AWS Certified Devops Engineer • RedHat Certified Devops Architect • Devops Foundations by the Devops institute
  • 11. Containers & Microservices …The next phase of Devops
  • 12. Containers & Microservices • Containers and Micro services fit the devops paradigm! • Microservices allows developers to build applications in modular way • Allows for containerization • Containerization allows for collaboration between dev and ops • Common language spoken between 2 teams in an org
  • 13. Microservices “Independent processes communicating with each other with well defined API’s to form larger more complex applications”
  • 14. Microservices • Do one thing, and do it well (fine grained) • Independently built- common language to communicate • Independently deployable • Fault tolerant and reliable • Based on 12 factor app principles
  • 15. 12 Factor App •Use declarative formats for setup automation; minimize time and cost for new developers joining the project •Clean contract with the underlying OS, offering maximum portability between execution environments; •Suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms •Minimize divergence between development and production- enabling continuous deployment •Scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture, or development practices.
  • 16. Relationship with containers • Microservices + containers are a great fit • Single service on a container: • Isolates service and makes it easy to manage and debug • Best practice for new architectures with containers • Consider building your architecture in this manner
  • 17. Containerization • Strong collaboration between dev and ops. • Initially championed by developers, and now well liked by operations as well.
  • 18. Trends • 2 great surveys: • Datadog docker adoption: https:// • & ClusterHQ survey: state-of-container-usage-june-2016.pdf
  • 19. Source: and clusterHQ survey 2016
  • 20. 2016: 10.8% of all Datadog customers use Docker (up from 8.2% in 2015)
  • 21. 10% of all hosts monitored by Datadog have Docker running on them
  • 23. Fundamentals • Portability • Standardized Environments • Scaling • Continuous Delivery • Dependency Management
  • 24. Portability •Idea of writing once and running anywhere. •As long as your application is Dockerized, you can run it anywhere that has the Docker Engine installed. •Easy to change from 1 host to another. •Flexibility to change underlying infrastructure/operating systems etc. •Change from 1 cloud provider to another.
  • 25. Standardization • Coding environments can be made consistent from development ->staging->QA->production. • Per environment configurations are fed in the same way to each container which reduces configuration issues. • Time spent debugging environmental issues is reduced drastically. • Developers understand the production environment better, which leads to better code quality.
  • 26. Scaling •Containers take seconds to deploy. •Scale up and down your infrastructure is a lot faster than traditional configuration management tools.
  • 27. Continuous Delivery •Docker API’s and Docker Hub make it easy to build a deployment pipeline. •After successful builds, a CI system can build and push a Docker image to the Hub/private Docker repo. •Deploy new containers to desired environment on a periodic basis/trigger webhooks to deploy.
  • 28. Dependency Management • Dependency hell happens when: • 2 running Java or Ruby applications that depend on different versions of the same library….. • How Docker can help: • Isolate each application (along with it’s dependencies) so that they can be loaded in their own container. • 1 container for 1 application or service (micro service architecture)
  • 30. Standardization Take existing (or new) applications, containerize them, run them the same way on dev/stage/production.
  • 31. Standardization • Typical Pattern: • Infrastructure/Applications run in containers. • Every code push builds a new image for the application. • All environments uses the same command to run the application: • sudo docker run -d -p 7777:7777 -e SE_DB=‘db_val’ karthequian/helloworld
  • 32. Standardization Example • Write service RFC (Request for Comments) • Wait for feedback • Scaffolding work + Develop service • Wait for infrastructure team to write service scaffolding • Wait for infrastructure team to provision services • Deploy to development servers and test • Deploy to production • Monitor, iterate • Uber (In the past)
  • 33. Standardization Example • Write service RFC (Request for Comments) • Wait for feedback • Scaffolding work + Develop service • Build containers for service • Wait for infrastructure team to deploy containers to development servers • Deploy to development servers and test • Deploy to production • Monitor, iterate • Uber (With Docker)
  • 34. Standardization Example • Implementing Docker got rid of: • Wait for the infrastructure team to write service scaffolding • Wait for infrastructure team to provision services • Ops doesn’t rely on playbooks, but rather, just deploy existing container images • No fear of one set of dependencies for one app, breaking another app • Uber (With Docker)
  • 35. CI/CD Pipeline Most common usecase of how teams use Docker
  • 38. CI/CD Pipeline create a dockerfile Commit code to source control Build triggered in CI system
  • 39. CI/CD Pipeline create a dockerfile Commit code to source control Build triggered in CI system Build container image
  • 40. CI/CD Pipeline create a dockerfile Commit code to source control Build triggered in CI system Build & Test container image Push to docker registry Completed CI!
  • 41. CI/CD Pipeline create a dockerfile Commit code to source control Build triggered in CI system Build & Test container image Push to docker registry Webhook trigger to Orchestrator
  • 42. CI/CD Pipeline create a dockerfile Commit code to source control Build triggered in CI system Build & Test container image Push to docker registry Webhook trigger to Orchestrator New containers online! Completed CD!
  • 43. Other Usecases •Hosting Legacy Applications •Running a PaaS/ Datacenter using Docker. •EngineYard/Yandex/Baidu are great examples of this. •Containerizing hard to run applications is becoming a frequent usecase. •Single->multi tenant apps:
  • 47. Container Orchestration • Methodologies: • Nomad • Docker Swarm • Kubernetes • Mesos + Marathon • Custom!
  • 48. Container Orchestration • Compare & contrast: http:// orchestration/ via @lcalcote
  • 49. Orchestration Source: and clusterHQ survey 2016
  • 50. Container Orchestration • My Opinions: • Don’t build your own • What are your infrastructure goals? • Consider team size and strength of team
  • 53. Serverless Applications • First used to describe applications that depended on 3rd party applications / services (‘in the cloud’) to manage server-side logic and state • “Backend as a service applications”
  • 54. Serverless Applications Applications where some amount of server-side logic is still written by the application developer Unlike traditional architectures is run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral (may only last for one invocation), and fully managed by a 3rd party. One way to think of this is “Functions as a service”. AWS Lambda, Azure functions- most popular implementations, but there are others.
  • 55. Traditional Architecture Client (Browser) Load Balancer Load Balancer Load Balancer Server Database
  • 56. Serverless Architecture Client (Browser) Auth Service Web DeliveryAPI Gateway Database Function B Function A Function C
  • 58. • Way to code microservices does not change: 12 factor app mindset • You still have to think of scaling in PaaS: • “How many dynos do I need in Heroku to run this app?” • “How long does it take to scale from 2->4 servers?” • Auto scaling on PaaS is great, but this is on a request basis • Forces developers to write cleaner, more efficient code Difference from PaaS?
  • 59. Difference from containers? • FaaS is typically built with containers… • Once again..Scaling is the core difference. • Managed, transparent, fine grained. • Need to invest time in container platforms to perform scaling actions. • Prediction: may not be true a year from now…
  • 60. Serverless Use Cases • Image Processing • Data Transformation • Log Analysis • Authentication, Licensing
  • 61. Loved it? Hated it? Send me feedback: @iteration1
  • 62. Attributions • Images: and • State of devops whitepaper: • Datadog docker adoption: • & ClusterHQ survey: • Oracle Docker Images: • Oracle Container Cloud Service: • Oracle Application Container Service: • Microservices: • 12 factor apps: • Serverless: • Legacy apps at Uber: • @lcalcote: • Uber story: • Unikernels Paper:
  • 64. Unikernels Unikernels are specialised, single- address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems.
  • 66. Unikernel benefits • Tiny footprint compared to regular application. • Reduced Attack Surface == Improved Security. • Optimized. • Fast boot. •
  • 67. Things we are doing at Oracle
  • 68. Things we are doing at Oracle • Dockerfiles: images • Weblogic: images/tree/master/OracleWebLogic/ dockerfiles/ • DB: tree/master/OracleDatabase/dockerfiles • Also for Dockerfiles for: Java, OpenJDK, Coherance, MySQL etc
  • 69. Things we are doing at Oracle • Container Registry • Contains pre built Oracle images • https://container- • Docker 101 tutorial: https://
  • 70. Things we are doing at Oracle • Container Products for Oracle Public Cloud: • Oracle Application Container Cloud • Great for Java/Node/PHP applications • Oracle Container Service • Bring your own containers • Container Management solution
  • 71. Things we are doing at Oracle • OCCS Stacks: • ElasticSearch, Kibana, Logstash (ELK): oracle/docker-images/tree/master/ContainerCloud/stacks/ elk • Kafka microservices on OCCS: https:// cloud-developer-solutions/blog/2017/03/20/running-docker- based-kafka-streams-microservices-on-oracle-container- cloud • infrastructure-as-a-service-iaas/oracle-container-cloud-service
  • 72. Things we are doing at Oracle • Free $300 credits to try out all the different services: •