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MySQL on Kubernetes with
Percona Kubernetes Operators
Dinh Tuan Phong
Support Engineer @ Percona
1. Introduction
2. Cloud-native Applications and Kubernetes
3. Running MySQL on Kubernetes
4. About Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL
5. Deploy MySQL with Percona Kubernetes Operators
• We build open source database strategies and software to help Customer reduce the
complexity, costs, and effort when managing the database environments.
• Our Products and Solutions
About Percona
Distribu(on for PostgreSQL

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Room 1 - 6 - Trần Quốc Sang - Autoscaling for multi cloud platform based on S...

The document discusses using Senlin, an OpenStack clustering service, to provide autoscaling capabilities for multicloud platforms. Senlin allows for managing clusters of nodes across different cloud providers and includes features like load balancing, auto-healing, and scaling policies. It describes how Senlin was implemented at a company to provide a centralized autoscaling solution across OpenStack and VMware cloud environments. Some drawbacks of Senlin are also outlined, along with potential future work like multi-region clusters and global load balancing.

Room 3 - 6 - Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Ứng dụng openzfs làm lưu trữ t...
Room 3 - 6 - Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Ứng dụng openzfs làm lưu trữ t...Room 3 - 6 - Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Ứng dụng openzfs làm lưu trữ t...
Room 3 - 6 - Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Ứng dụng openzfs làm lưu trữ t...

Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Ứng dụng openzfs làm lưu trữ tập trung

Room 3 - 2 - Trần Tuấn Anh - Defending Software Supply Chain Security in Bank...
Room 3 - 2 - Trần Tuấn Anh - Defending Software Supply Chain Security in Bank...Room 3 - 2 - Trần Tuấn Anh - Defending Software Supply Chain Security in Bank...
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Trần Tuấn Anh - Defending Software Supply Chain Security in Banking or Any Highly Regulated Industry

• Support Engineer at Percona
• APAC Support Team
• Based in Hanoi, Vietnam
• Worked as Infra engineer and DevOps Engineer before joined Percona
About me
Cloud Native Application and Kubernetes
“ Cloud native is an approach to building and running applications that fully exploit the advantages of
the cloud computing model. When companies build and operate applications using a cloud native
architecture, they bring new ideas to market faster and respond sooner to customer demands”
Source: Pivotal (VmWare)
Cloud native application
“ Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to be:
• Containerized: Each part (applications, processes, etc.) is packaged it its own container. This
facilitates reproducibility, transparency, and resource isolation.
• Dynamically orchestrated: Containers are actively scheduled and managed to optimize resource
• Microservices-oriented: Applications are segmented into microservices. This significantly increases
the overall agility and maintainability of applications.
Source: CNCF
Cloud native application

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Introduction to kubernetes
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Introduction to kubernetes

Those are the slides that were used to give an introduction to Kubernetes at the Nardoz Berlin Meetup on the 2018-06-28.

CI/CD trên Cloud OpenStack tại Viettel Networks | Hà Minh Công, Phạm Tường Chiến
CI/CD trên Cloud OpenStack tại Viettel Networks | Hà Minh Công, Phạm Tường ChiếnCI/CD trên Cloud OpenStack tại Viettel Networks | Hà Minh Công, Phạm Tường Chiến
CI/CD trên Cloud OpenStack tại Viettel Networks | Hà Minh Công, Phạm Tường Chiến

This document discusses using CI/CD and OpenStack cloud to automate development and operations processes. It outlines building a CI/CD infrastructure with OpenStack, including using an OpenStack cloud plugin to autoscale Jenkins slaves on demand. It also describes automating the provisioning and destruction of staging environments in OpenStack using Heat and Ansible to integrate with GitLab for merge request testing. The results showed improvements like continuous delivery, isolated ephemeral staging environments, faster and more reliable releases, and automatic scaling of resources. Challenges mentioned include scaling times in OpenStack and supporting non-containerized builds.

An Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to KubernetesAn Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to Kubernetes

Traditional virtualization technologies have been used by cloud infrastructure providers for many years in providing isolated environments for hosting applications. These technologies make use of full-blown operating system images for creating virtual machines (VMs). According to this architecture, each VM needs its own guest operating system to run application processes. More recently, with the introduction of the Docker project, the Linux Container (LXC) virtualization technology became popular and attracted the attention. Unlike VMs, containers do not need a dedicated guest operating system for providing OS-level isolation, rather they can provide the same level of isolation on top of a single operating system instance. An enterprise application may need to run a server cluster to handle high request volumes. Running an entire server cluster on Docker containers, on a single Docker host could introduce the risk of single point of failure. Google started a project called Kubernetes to solve this problem. Kubernetes provides a cluster of Docker hosts for managing Docker containers in a clustered environment. It provides an API on top of Docker API for managing docker containers on multiple Docker hosts with many more features.

iaaskubernetescloud computing
Cloud native application
Microservices Cloud-based
Kubernetes Data store per service
How Kubernetes works
Cloud native application
About Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL

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Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Proxmox VE và ZFS over iscsi

Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

raspberry pikubernetesdocker
Unrevealed Story Behind Viettel Network Cloud Hotpot | Đặng Văn Đại, Hà Mạnh ...
Unrevealed Story Behind Viettel Network Cloud Hotpot | Đặng Văn Đại, Hà Mạnh ...Unrevealed Story Behind Viettel Network Cloud Hotpot | Đặng Văn Đại, Hà Mạnh ...
Unrevealed Story Behind Viettel Network Cloud Hotpot | Đặng Văn Đại, Hà Mạnh ...

Viettel Networks operates a large OpenStack cloud called Cloud Hotpot. They mix different compute and storage resources by using techniques like CPU pinning, host aggregates, and Ceph configuration. Sensitive points in OpenStack like RabbitMQ and HAProxy settings also require tuning to handle Viettel's large scale cloud.

MySQL database in the cloud
Two options
DBaaS K8S with application
Cloud-vendor provided
• AWS RDS (Aurora) MySQL
• Google CloudSQL MySQL
• Azure Database for MySQL
• Oracle MySQL Database service
Need to consider the database pods
are transient, so the likelihood of
database restarts or failovers is
higher, DB tasks like backup,
replication are different due to added
abstractions from containerization
MySQL on Kubernetes
• One platform for everything
• No vendor lock-in, portability
• Cost-efficient
• Challenges and problems
• Complexity of Kubernetes
• Stateful set for Primary/Replicas
• DB replication
• High availabity and failover
• Storage (PVC/Hostpath)
• Services: Read/write and Read Only
• Load balancing and Proxy
• Configuration
• Monitoring agents
• Backups
• Updates
• DR
• ….
Operators is the key
• Operator is a pod and customer resource
• Reconcile loop checks K8S API for Customer
Resource (CR)
• K8S controller are aware of CR creation or
• Opreator’s code provisions and manages
v K8S privities
v DB and componets configurations
MySQL on Kubernetes
• One platform for everything
• No vendor lock-in, portability
• Cost-efficient
• It is easier with the operators

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Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes

If you’re working with just a few containers, managing them isn't too complicated. But what if you have hundreds or thousands? Think about having to handle multiple upgrades for each container, keeping track of container and node state, available resources, and more. That’s where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is an open source container management platform that helps you run containers at scale. This talk will cover Kubernetes components and show how to run applications on it.

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** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopskubernetesdevops edureka
Monitoring on Kubernetes using prometheus
Monitoring on Kubernetes using prometheusMonitoring on Kubernetes using prometheus
Monitoring on Kubernetes using prometheus

This document discusses using Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes clusters. It provides background on Kubernetes and Prometheus architectures. It then describes challenges with the previous monitoring setup and proposes using the Prometheus operator to more easily monitor Kubernetes and application metrics. The Prometheus operator allows automatically generating target configurations based on Kubernetes labels and provides Custom Resource Definitions for Prometheus and Service Monitors.

Kubernetes operators
• MySQL Operator for Kubernetes (Oracle)
• KubeDB
• PressLabs Operator
• Percona Operator for MySQL
Operator maturity model (source Redhat)
Percona Kubernetes Operators
Percona Kubernetes Operators
• 100% open source, compatible with various Kubernetes flavors
• Support MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL
• Support, maintain and develop continuously by Percona
Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL based on PXC
• Free and Open Source with easy scaling, smart update and backups with PITR
• Why PXC
v PXC= Galera + MySQL
v Ready-to-use HA solution
v Synchronous replication equals to data consistency

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Kubernetes and container security
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Kubernetes and container security

Everyone heard about Kubernetes. Everyone wants to use this tool. However, sometimes we forget about security, which is essential throughout the container lifecycle. Therefore, our journey with Kubernetes security should begin in the build stage when writing the code becomes the container image. Kubernetes provides innate security advantages, and together with solid container protection, it will be invincible. During the sessions, we will review all those features and highlight which are mandatory to use. We will discuss the main vulnerabilities which may cause compromising your system. Contacts: LinkedIn - GitHub - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Materials from the video: The policies and docker files examples: The repo with the helm chart used in a demo: Tools that showed in the last section: Further learning. A book released by CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency): O`REILLY Kubernetes Security: O`REILLY Container Security: Thanks for watching!

Kubernetes networking & Security
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Kubernetes networking & Security

This document discusses Kubernetes networking and security. It covers Docker networking and how all containers can communicate without NAT. It also discusses Kubernetes networking using Kubenet, Flannel, and Calico. Specifically, it explains how Kubenet provides networking between pods, how Flannel assigns each host a subnet and routes traffic between nodes, and how Calico uses IPIP encapsulation or routing to provide connectivity between pods.

Kubernetes Architecture
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Kubernetes Architecture

In this session, we will discuss the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. we will go through all the master and worker components of a kubernetes cluster. We will also discuss the basic terminology of Kubernetes cluster such as Pods, Deployments, Service etc. We will also cover networking inside Kuberneets. In the end, we will discuss options available for the setup of a Kubernetes cluster.

kubernetesconatinerizationcontainer- orchestration
How to deploy
• Kubernetes cluster
• kubectl configured
• Namespace created
How to deploy

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Helm - Application deployment management for Kubernetes
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Helm - Application deployment management for Kubernetes

Use Helm to package and deploy a composed application to any Kubernetes cluster. Manage your releases easily over time and across multiple K8s clusters.

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Designing a complete ci cd pipeline using argo events, workflow and cd products Presented at Cloud and AI DevFest GDG Montreal on September 27, 2019. Are you looking to get more flexibility out of your CICD platform? Interested how GitOps fits into the mix? Learn how Argo CD, Workflows, and Events can be combined to craft custom CICD flows. All while staying Kubernetes native, enabling you to leverage existing observability tooling.

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Deploy, manage and scale Kubernetes with Rancher - a session given in ContainerConf 2017 (7th April) in Bangalore

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How to deploy
High Availability
Monitor and alert with PMM in K8S
Percona Monitoring and Management can
be deployed in the same K8S cluster to
help monitor your DBs

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Why kubernetes matters
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Why kubernetes matters

We are on the cusp of a new era of application development software: instead of bolting on operations as an after-thought to the software development process, Kubernetes promises to bring development and operations together by design.

CNCF Projects Overview
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CNCF Projects Overview

This document discusses several open source projects from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The CNCF aims to accelerate adoption of containers, microservices, and cloud native applications. It hosts projects like Containerd, Kubernetes, CoreDNS, Linkerd, Prometheus, Fluentd, OpenTracing, and others. Containerd and rkt are container runtimes. Kubernetes is an orchestration system. CNCI, CoreDNS, and Linkerd provide container networking, DNS/service discovery, and service mesh capabilities. Prometheus, Fluentd, OpenTracing provide monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing.

Docker for the enterprise
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Docker for the enterprise

A presentation about container technology for the enterprise held at Ekito's geek breakfast the 4th of November 2016.

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Thank you!
Room 2 - 6 - Đinh Tuấn Phong - Migrate opensource database to Kubernetes easier with Percona Kubernetes Operators

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Room 2 - 6 - Đinh Tuấn Phong - Migrate opensource database to Kubernetes easier with Percona Kubernetes Operators

  • 1. MySQL on Kubernetes with Percona Kubernetes Operators Dinh Tuan Phong Support Engineer @ Percona
  • 2. Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Cloud-native Applications and Kubernetes 3. Running MySQL on Kubernetes 4. About Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL 5. Deploy MySQL with Percona Kubernetes Operators
  • 4. • We build open source database strategies and software to help Customer reduce the complexity, costs, and effort when managing the database environments. • Our Products and Solutions About Percona Distribu(on for PostgreSQL
  • 5. • Support Engineer at Percona • APAC Support Team • Based in Hanoi, Vietnam • Worked as Infra engineer and DevOps Engineer before joined Percona About me
  • 6. Cloud Native Application and Kubernetes
  • 7. “ Cloud native is an approach to building and running applications that fully exploit the advantages of the cloud computing model. When companies build and operate applications using a cloud native architecture, they bring new ideas to market faster and respond sooner to customer demands” Source: Pivotal (VmWare) Cloud native application
  • 8. “ Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to be: • Containerized: Each part (applications, processes, etc.) is packaged it its own container. This facilitates reproducibility, transparency, and resource isolation. • Dynamically orchestrated: Containers are actively scheduled and managed to optimize resource utilization • Microservices-oriented: Applications are segmented into microservices. This significantly increases the overall agility and maintainability of applications. Source: CNCF Cloud native application
  • 9. Cloud native application Microservices Cloud-based Kubernetes Data store per service
  • 12. About Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL
  • 13. MySQL database in the cloud Two options DBaaS K8S with application Cloud-vendor provided • AWS RDS (Aurora) MySQL • Google CloudSQL MySQL • Azure Database for MySQL • Oracle MySQL Database service Need to consider the database pods are transient, so the likelihood of database restarts or failovers is higher, DB tasks like backup, replication are different due to added abstractions from containerization
  • 14. MySQL on Kubernetes • One platform for everything • No vendor lock-in, portability • Cost-efficient • Challenges and problems • Complexity of Kubernetes • Stateful set for Primary/Replicas • DB replication • High availabity and failover • Storage (PVC/Hostpath) • Services: Read/write and Read Only • Load balancing and Proxy • Configuration • Monitoring agents • Backups • Updates • DR • SSL • ….
  • 15. Operators is the key • Operator is a pod and customer resource definition • Reconcile loop checks K8S API for Customer Resource (CR) • K8S controller are aware of CR creation or changes • Opreator’s code provisions and manages v K8S privities v DB and componets configurations
  • 16. MySQL on Kubernetes • One platform for everything • No vendor lock-in, portability • Cost-efficient • It is easier with the operators
  • 17. Kubernetes operators • MySQL Operator for Kubernetes (Oracle) • KubeDB • PressLabs Operator • Percona Operator for MySQL Operator maturity model (source Redhat)
  • 19. Percona Kubernetes Operators • 100% open source, compatible with various Kubernetes flavors • Support MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL • Support, maintain and develop continuously by Percona
  • 20. Percona Kubernetes Operators for MySQL based on PXC • Free and Open Source with easy scaling, smart update and backups with PITR • Why PXC v PXC= Galera + MySQL v Ready-to-use HA solution v Synchronous replication equals to data consistency
  • 22. How to deploy Prerequisites • Kubernetes cluster • kubectl configured • Namespace created
  • 28. Monitor and alert with PMM in K8S Percona Monitoring and Management can be deployed in the same K8S cluster to help monitor your DBs