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Mark Thomas
Why	auditing	your	
rel=canonical	configuration	
is	a	shrewd	move
The first unified suite to drive SEO success in each phase of the
organic search process
I would also like to add to this conversation
that we have learned the hard way that if we
use canonicals for pages that aren’t
duplicates or near-duplicates, we have
no impact at best and a ranking
drop at worst. Please don’t get clever
with canonicals in a market that I need to meet
my targets.
45 Million URLs are being tagged with an alternative
incorrect canonical tag. Which confuses Google and
forces the crawl of 45M unnecessary URLs:
When a query URL has a space, the canonical rule will
substitute the "+" character for the encoded character
(which has the internal links)
will canonicalize to

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How does SEO change on large websites? How do you work with mountains of data? How do you find problems when crawling is hard?

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This document discusses new techniques for SEO in the modern age. It covers the importance of data-driven approaches like split testing over following best practices. Machine learning is becoming more important for SEO due to its use in search algorithms. A hub and spoke content model is proposed to manage content across multiple platforms. Split testing and machine learning are positioned as essential SEO techniques, with the recommendation to learn categories of machine learning rather than trying to learn the techniques directly.

Why Audit Your Canonical Set Up?
1) Get More Inventory Ranking
2) Get The Right Inventory Ranking
Why Audit Your Canonical Set Up?
…a process for converting data
that has more than one
possible representation into a
"standard", "normal", or
canonical form.

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The document discusses using Screaming Frog, a technical SEO audit tool, to perform various SEO audits and analyses of a website. It describes several specific functions of Screaming Frog including detecting broken links, checking crawl errors, auditing metadata, and finding thin content. It then provides step-by-step instructions for using Screaming Frog to perform tasks like finding images missing alt text, auditing meta directives, auditing site migrations, and tracking link cleanup campaigns.

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Duplicate 98% Match
Partner Site
Including a rel=canonical link in
your webpage is a strong hint to
search engines about your
preferred version to index
among duplicate pages on the web.
rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
rel=canonical Fact File
An “Element” rather than a “Tag”
rel=canonical is a hint, not a directive
rel=‘canonical’ or rel=“canonical” are fine when placed in the <head>
Google processes rel=canonical as a 2nd/3rd step – not during crawl

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What does rel=canonical offer?
• Circumvents Duplicate Content
• Avoids diluting Link Authority
• Avoids Content Cannibalisation in SERPs
What does rel=canonical offer?
Specific cases for rel=canonical
Uppercase/lowercase URL paths, Session IDs, Tracking Codes
Product review pages with /review/product/list/
Multiple versions of category pages derived from dynamic filters
Product Page: Multiple versions
‘Show all’ category pages: if a different URL
Content Syndication
The cleaner you can make
your signals, the more
likely we'll use them.
John Mueller
Reddit AMA, April 2018

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Bernard San Juan's presentation on the SEO Summit 2016 touching base on pointers of how to best optimize your site technically.

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rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
Google chose different canonical
than user – There are many cases
where Google simply gets this wrong.
Are there any methods that would
force Google to honor the canonical
specified by the webmaster?
• Redirect to your preferred version
• Make internal links, hreflang, rel=next/prev/etc.
point to the preferred version
• Put it into a sitemap file, etc.
10 Common Issues
Abundance Too many pages Canonicalizing to a single page
Code rel=canonical in <body>, multiple declarations, etc.
Content Lack of parity between canonical and canonicalized
Duplication Too little canonicalization
hreflang Canonicalizing pages in a hreflang cluster to one language variant
HTTP Codes Canonicalizing to non-200 HTTP Status codes
Linking More links to canonicalized page rather than canonical
Noindex Noindex present on a canonicalized page
Canonicalizing component pages to the first page in a paginated
Tracking Parameters generating duplicate URLs

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machine learningdigital marketingsearch engine marketing
Non-canonical Gaining Impressions
11 Step Canonical Audit
Review GSC Index Coverage Report
Build Data Warehouse Including: Simulated Web Crawl, Logs, JS, GSC, GA/Adobe
Review Duplicate Content Situation
Assess Crawl Budget Impact
Assess Canonical Content Similarity
Check Internal Linking Signals (canonical should receive most internal links)
XML Sitemap Check (should only contain canonical URLs)
Check URLs with canonicals pointing to a 404 or noindex
Check URLs missing a canonical element
Check paginated URLs have a self-referencing canonical
Check hreflang clusters self-referencing canonical
Review GSC Index Coverage Report
Use Google’s Index Coverage Report
Valid - Indexed; consider marking as canonical: The URL was indexed. Because it has duplicate URLs, we
recommend explicitly marking this URL as canonical
Excluded - Duplicate page without canonical tag: This page has duplicates, none of which is
marked canonical. We think this page is not the canonical one. You should explicitly mark the
canonical for this page
Google chose different canonical than user: This page is marked as
canonical for a set of pages, but Google thinks another URL makes a better canonical. Google has indexed the page
we consider canonical rather than this one. We recommend that you explicitly mark this page as a duplicate of the
canonical URL
Submitted URL not selected as canonical: difference between this status
and "Google chose different canonical than user" is that, in this case, you explicitly requested indexing.
Data Warehouse
Build Data Warehouse Including: Simulated Web Crawl, Logs, JS, GSC, GA/Adobe

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AX Paris Audit and Analysis

The document provides an audit of an AX Paris website identifying several technical issues that could be negatively impacting the site's search engine optimization. It finds issues such as duplicated content from layered navigation and color options, missing meta descriptions and H1 tags, and keyword cannibalization. The audit provides over 20 recommended high priority fixes, such as improving site speed, blocking duplicated pages from being indexed, rewriting duplicate text and tags, and creating a robots.txt file.

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We are pleased to introduce ourselves as reliable manufacturer and supplier of Temperature measurement and control systems. Our manufacturing program includes Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), Thermocouples (J, K, R, S, T, E, and B types), Thermowells (Bar stock, Fabricated and Customized), Temperature Indicators, Controllers, and PID Controllers.

"eureka engineering enterprises""thermocouple manufacturer ""thermowell manufacturer"
SEO Sample Report
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Regalix conducted an SEO audit of the client's website at The audit included checking if the site could be crawled, identifying any canonical URL issues, checking for excessive use of Flash/Frames/Ajax, verifying URLs were not banned by Google, analyzing the site structure and internal linking, and evaluating key on-page SEO elements like titles, descriptions, and keyword usage. Regalix also analyzed the top 5 competitor keywords, competitor traffic and rankings, backlink profiles, and social media presences. Regalix is an expert SEO and digital marketing firm with global delivery centers and services including SEO, SEM, website development, lead generation, and analytics.

Assess Crawl Budget Impact
Canonical Conversion
Canonical Similarity
Assess Canonical Content Similarity
How do sites compare?
Industry URLs Crawled Known URLs
Number of
URLs crawled
Canonical Not
Equal Volume
Meta Noindex +
Canonical Not
Equal or Bad
Status Code
Total Canonical
Not Equal
% Canonical
Not Equal
Content: No. of
Pages with
Similarity >
% of Pages
with Similarity >
Pages Less
Than 50%
Similar to
% of
Pages Less
Than 50%
Similar to
Number of
URLs Crawled
by Botify &
Number of
Pages crawled
by Botify &
% of of
Pages crawled
by Botify &
Number of
URLs Crawled
Number of
URLs Crawled
%of Compliant
Pages Crawled
Number of
URLs Crawled
No of Incoming
Canonical Tags
No of Incoming
Canonical Tags
No of Incoming
Canonical Tags
Canonical Not
Equal but
present in
Travel 4616 4616 3376 513 2 515 11 % 419 12 % 150 29 % 1061 850 25 % 186 161 5% 570 2 1 0 0
Retail 22161 22161 8010 8890 262 9152 41 % 1386 17 % 36 0% 10884 5830 73 % 1223 1099 14 % 2868 681 138 0 0
Retail 25720 25270 19216 2130 0 2130 8% 2770 14 % 57 3% 10681 9969 52 % 151 149 1% 2060 87 48 4 0
Retail 43,499 43,499 39,663 3751 16 3767 9% 1112 3% 3465 92 % 29328 29169 74 % 468 468 1% 3083 132 103 13 0
Classified 123,336 123,336 122,085 34 0 34 0% 7716 6% 20 59 % 103098 102492 84 % 6445 6442 5% 28623 0 0 0 0
316487 316487 220597 50278 4519
54797 17 %
11 %
132887 123466
56 %
8607 8603
38415 358 243 84 40
Travel 366068 366068 171113 71425 69354 140779 38 % 24256 14 % 4927 3% 163586 94749 55 % 6528 6376 4% 41905 205 100 27 3
Travel 421166 421166 115144 43855 72
43927 10 %
29 %
115783 69293
60 %
6312 6244
40874 297 181 1 3
1141182 1141182 654029 142920 21480 164400 14 %
73 %
318000 232201
36 %
8708 8392
26106 70 58 46 730
Retail 2798951 2798951 727844 911137 701798 1612935 58 % 15786 2% 280547 17 % 961585 704797 97 % 170270 166,363.00 23 % 479940 67966 40101 0 0
>0 Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged <80% Flagged <20% Flagged
How do sites compare?
Known URLs
Number of
URLs crawled
Canonical Not
Equal Volume
Meta Noindex
+ Canonical
Not Equal or
Bad Status
Canonical Not
Equal Volume
% Canonical
Not Equal
Content: No.
of Pages with
Similarity >
% of Pages
with Similarity
> 90%
Pages Less
Than 50%
Similar to
% of
Pages Less
Than 50%
Similar to
Travel 4616 4616 3376 513 2 515 11% 419 12% 150 29%
Retail 22161 22161 8010 8890 262 9152 41% 1386 17% 36 0%
Retail 25720 25270 19216 2130 0 2130 8% 2770 14% 57 3%
Retail 43,499 43,499 39,663 3751 16 3767 9% 1112 3% 3465 92%
Classified 123,336 123,336 122,085 34 0 34 0% 7716 6% 20 59%
Publishing 316487 316487 220597 50278 4519 54797 17% 4391 2% 5824 11%
Travel 366068 366068 171113 71425 69354 140779 38% 24256 14% 4927 3%
Travel 421166 421166 115144 43855 72 43927 10% 33293 29% 2649 6%
Retail 1141182 1141182 654029 142920 21480 164400 14% 53924 8% 120734 73%
Retail 2798951 2798951 727844 911137 701798 1612935 58% 15786 2% 280547 17%
>0 Flagged

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Regalix conducted an SEO audit of the client's website at The audit included crawling the site, checking for canonical and technical issues, analyzing on-site elements like titles and keywords, and benchmarking against competitors. Regalix identified top keywords, analyzed traffic and search rankings, and made recommendations to improve various on-site and off-site SEO factors. Regalix is an expert in SEO and other digital marketing services with global delivery centers.

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How do sites compare?
Number of
Crawled by
Botify &
Number of
crawled by
Botify &
% of of
crawled by
Botify &
Number of
Number of
Number of
Crawled 20%-
No of
Tags >5
No of
Tags >10
No of
Tags >50
Canonical Not
Equal but
present in
Travel 1061 850 25% 186 161 5% 570 2 1 0 0
Retail 10884 5830 73% 1223 1099 14% 2868 681 138 0 0
Retail 10681 9969 52% 151 149 1% 2060 87 48 4 0
Retail 29328 29169 74% 468 468 1% 3083 132 103 13 0
Classified 103098 102492 84% 6445 6442 5% 28623 0 0 0 0
Publishing 132887 123466 56% 8607 8603 4% 38415 358 243 84 40
Travel 163586 94749 55% 6528 6376 4% 41905 205 100 27 3
Travel 115783 69293 60% 6312 6244 5% 40874 297 181 1 3
Retail 318000 232201 36% 8708 8392 1% 26106 70 58 46 730
Retail 961585 704797 97% 170270 166,363.00 23% 479940 67966 40101 0 0
Fix Upstream Where Possible
rel=canonical Fixes
Standardised URLs
Get shot of: event tracking,
session IDs, query strings, etc.
Consistent Internal Links Use 301 if absolutely necessary
Robots.txt Disallow: /*?query=
GSC Exclude Parameters
Downstream rel=canonical Consistent Signals

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Be consistent:
“Consistency is the
mother of all good SEO.”
Matt Cutts 2009 | John Mueller 2016

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rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018

  • 2. TECHNICAL SEO CONTENT REAL RANKINGS & CTR The first unified suite to drive SEO success in each phase of the organic search process
  • 3. I would also like to add to this conversation that we have learned the hard way that if we use canonicals for pages that aren’t duplicates or near-duplicates, we have no impact at best and a ranking drop at worst. Please don’t get clever with canonicals in a market that I need to meet my targets.
  • 4. 45 Million URLs are being tagged with an alternative incorrect canonical tag. Which confuses Google and forces the crawl of 45M unnecessary URLs: When a query URL has a space, the canonical rule will substitute the "+" character for the encoded character "%20” (which has the internal links) will canonicalize to https://www.
  • 5. Why Audit Your Canonical Set Up?
  • 6. 1) Get More Inventory Ranking 2) Get The Right Inventory Ranking Why Audit Your Canonical Set Up?
  • 8. …a process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a "standard", "normal", or canonical form.
  • 10. Including a rel=canonical link in your webpage is a strong hint to search engines about your preferred version to index among duplicate pages on the web.
  • 12. rel=canonical Fact File An “Element” rather than a “Tag” rel=canonical is a hint, not a directive rel=‘canonical’ or rel=“canonical” are fine when placed in the <head> Google processes rel=canonical as a 2nd/3rd step – not during crawl
  • 14. • Circumvents Duplicate Content • Avoids diluting Link Authority • Avoids Content Cannibalisation in SERPs What does rel=canonical offer?
  • 15. Specific cases for rel=canonical Uppercase/lowercase URL paths, Session IDs, Tracking Codes Product review pages with /review/product/list/ Multiple versions of category pages derived from dynamic filters Product Page: Multiple versions ‘Show all’ category pages: if a different URL Content Syndication
  • 16. The cleaner you can make your signals, the more likely we'll use them. John Mueller Reddit AMA, April 2018
  • 18. Google chose different canonical than user – There are many cases where Google simply gets this wrong. Are there any methods that would force Google to honor the canonical specified by the webmaster?
  • 19. • Redirect to your preferred version • Make internal links, hreflang, rel=next/prev/etc. point to the preferred version • Put it into a sitemap file, etc.
  • 20. 10 Common Issues Abundance Too many pages Canonicalizing to a single page Code rel=canonical in <body>, multiple declarations, etc. Content Lack of parity between canonical and canonicalized Duplication Too little canonicalization hreflang Canonicalizing pages in a hreflang cluster to one language variant HTTP Codes Canonicalizing to non-200 HTTP Status codes Linking More links to canonicalized page rather than canonical Noindex Noindex present on a canonicalized page Pagination Canonicalizing component pages to the first page in a paginated set Tracking Parameters generating duplicate URLs
  • 22. 11 Step Canonical Audit Review GSC Index Coverage Report Build Data Warehouse Including: Simulated Web Crawl, Logs, JS, GSC, GA/Adobe Review Duplicate Content Situation Assess Crawl Budget Impact Assess Canonical Content Similarity Check Internal Linking Signals (canonical should receive most internal links) XML Sitemap Check (should only contain canonical URLs) Check URLs with canonicals pointing to a 404 or noindex Check URLs missing a canonical element Check paginated URLs have a self-referencing canonical Check hreflang clusters self-referencing canonical
  • 23. Review GSC Index Coverage Report Use Google’s Index Coverage Report Valid - Indexed; consider marking as canonical: The URL was indexed. Because it has duplicate URLs, we recommend explicitly marking this URL as canonical Excluded - Duplicate page without canonical tag: This page has duplicates, none of which is marked canonical. We think this page is not the canonical one. You should explicitly mark the canonical for this page Google chose different canonical than user: This page is marked as canonical for a set of pages, but Google thinks another URL makes a better canonical. Google has indexed the page we consider canonical rather than this one. We recommend that you explicitly mark this page as a duplicate of the canonical URL Submitted URL not selected as canonical: difference between this status and "Google chose different canonical than user" is that, in this case, you explicitly requested indexing.
  • 24. Data Warehouse Build Data Warehouse Including: Simulated Web Crawl, Logs, JS, GSC, GA/Adobe
  • 25. Assess Crawl Budget Impact Canonical Conversion
  • 27. How do sites compare? Industry URLs Crawled Known URLs Number of Compliant URLs crawled Canonical Not Equal Volume Meta Noindex + Canonical Not Equal or Bad Status Code Total Canonical Not Equal Volume % Canonical Not Equal Duplicate Content: No. of Pages with Similarity > 90% % of Pages with Similarity > 90% Pages Less Than 50% Similar to Canonical % of Canonicalised Pages Less Than 50% Similar to Canonical Number of URLs Crawled by Botify & Google Number of Compliant Pages crawled by Botify & Google % of of Compliant Pages crawled by Botify & Google Number of URLs Crawled >80% Number of Compliant URLs Crawled >80% %of Compliant Pages Crawled >80% Number of URLs Crawled 20%-79% No of Incoming Canonical Tags >5 No of Incoming Canonical Tags >10 No of Incoming Canonical Tags >50 Canonical Not Equal but present in Sitemap Travel 4616 4616 3376 513 2 515 11 % 419 12 % 150 29 % 1061 850 25 % 186 161 5% 570 2 1 0 0 Retail 22161 22161 8010 8890 262 9152 41 % 1386 17 % 36 0% 10884 5830 73 % 1223 1099 14 % 2868 681 138 0 0 Retail 25720 25270 19216 2130 0 2130 8% 2770 14 % 57 3% 10681 9969 52 % 151 149 1% 2060 87 48 4 0 Retail 43,499 43,499 39,663 3751 16 3767 9% 1112 3% 3465 92 % 29328 29169 74 % 468 468 1% 3083 132 103 13 0 Classified 123,336 123,336 122,085 34 0 34 0% 7716 6% 20 59 % 103098 102492 84 % 6445 6442 5% 28623 0 0 0 0 Publishing 316487 316487 220597 50278 4519 54797 17 % 4391 2% 5824 11 % 132887 123466 56 % 8607 8603 4% 38415 358 243 84 40 Travel 366068 366068 171113 71425 69354 140779 38 % 24256 14 % 4927 3% 163586 94749 55 % 6528 6376 4% 41905 205 100 27 3 Travel 421166 421166 115144 43855 72 43927 10 % 33293 29 % 2649 6% 115783 69293 60 % 6312 6244 5% 40874 297 181 1 3 Retail 1141182 1141182 654029 142920 21480 164400 14 % 53924 8% 120734 73 % 318000 232201 36 % 8708 8392 1% 26106 70 58 46 730 Retail 2798951 2798951 727844 911137 701798 1612935 58 % 15786 2% 280547 17 % 961585 704797 97 % 170270 166,363.00 23 % 479940 67966 40101 0 0 >0 Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged <80% Flagged <20% Flagged
  • 28. How do sites compare? Industry URLs Crawled Known URLs Number of Compliant URLs crawled Canonical Not Equal Volume Meta Noindex + Canonical Not Equal or Bad Status Code Total Canonical Not Equal Volume % Canonical Not Equal Duplicate Content: No. of Pages with Similarity > 90% % of Pages with Similarity > 90% Pages Less Than 50% Similar to Canonical % of Canonicalised Pages Less Than 50% Similar to Canonical Travel 4616 4616 3376 513 2 515 11% 419 12% 150 29% Retail 22161 22161 8010 8890 262 9152 41% 1386 17% 36 0% Retail 25720 25270 19216 2130 0 2130 8% 2770 14% 57 3% Retail 43,499 43,499 39,663 3751 16 3767 9% 1112 3% 3465 92% Classified 123,336 123,336 122,085 34 0 34 0% 7716 6% 20 59% Publishing 316487 316487 220597 50278 4519 54797 17% 4391 2% 5824 11% Travel 366068 366068 171113 71425 69354 140779 38% 24256 14% 4927 3% Travel 421166 421166 115144 43855 72 43927 10% 33293 29% 2649 6% Retail 1141182 1141182 654029 142920 21480 164400 14% 53924 8% 120734 73% Retail 2798951 2798951 727844 911137 701798 1612935 58% 15786 2% 280547 17% >0 Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged >10% Flagged
  • 29. How do sites compare? Industry Number of URLs Crawled by Botify & Google Number of Compliant Pages crawled by Botify & Google % of of Compliant Pages crawled by Botify & Google Number of URLs Crawled >80% Number of Compliant URLs Crawled >80% %of Compliant Pages Crawled >80% Number of URLs Crawled 20%- 79% No of Incoming Canonical Tags >5 No of Incoming Canonical Tags >10 No of Incoming Canonical Tags >50 Canonical Not Equal but present in Sitemap Travel 1061 850 25% 186 161 5% 570 2 1 0 0 Retail 10884 5830 73% 1223 1099 14% 2868 681 138 0 0 Retail 10681 9969 52% 151 149 1% 2060 87 48 4 0 Retail 29328 29169 74% 468 468 1% 3083 132 103 13 0 Classified 103098 102492 84% 6445 6442 5% 28623 0 0 0 0 Publishing 132887 123466 56% 8607 8603 4% 38415 358 243 84 40 Travel 163586 94749 55% 6528 6376 4% 41905 205 100 27 3 Travel 115783 69293 60% 6312 6244 5% 40874 297 181 1 3 Retail 318000 232201 36% 8708 8392 1% 26106 70 58 46 730 Retail 961585 704797 97% 170270 166,363.00 23% 479940 67966 40101 0 0 <80% Flagged <20% Flagged
  • 30. Fix Upstream Where Possible
  • 31. rel=canonical Fixes TECHNIQUE DETAIL Upstream Standardised URLs Get shot of: event tracking, session IDs, query strings, etc. Consistent Internal Links Use 301 if absolutely necessary Robots.txt Disallow: /*?query= GSC Exclude Parameters Downstream rel=canonical Consistent Signals
  • 33. Be consistent: “Consistency is the mother of all good SEO.” Matt Cutts 2009 | John Mueller 2016