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SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
Nichola Stott
Nine Things We’re
Checking for a Mobile
First Index
“experiment over the coming months
…and we’ll ramp up this change
when we’re confident that we have a
great user experience.”
Webmaster Central: Nov. 16
Opportunity to Blow Away Competitors
Opportunity to Blow Away Competitors
Site Speed
19 Seconds 
Average Load Time
>3 Seconds 
53% Abandonment Time
DoubleClick: SEP. 16
Make no assumptions
Check sample in device lab
01. Check Mobile Agent/Client Handling
Little to do:
•  Behavioural analysis –GA (desktop vs. mobile)
•  Commercial analysis
•  Speed, UX Content, UX Journey 

01. Mobile Handling/Responsive
This is for
01. Mobile /Dynamic/Different
02. Speed/HTTP2
“Multiplexing is a method… by
which multiple HTTP requests can
be sent and responses can be
received asynchronously via a
single TCP connection.”

Multiplexing Tutorial: QNIMATE - Link
02. Speed/HTTP2
Head of line – resources
 Multiplexed resources
Priority queue – ‘educated’ guess
 Prioritised by type & context
Queue held on client
 Browser to server
Keep-alive – stated
 Keep-alive enabled default
03. Speed/Front-End
•  Image optimisation –
change driver
•  Google’s RAIL
03. Speed/Front-End/Image Spriting
Image spriting - top 5
change-driving performance
03. Speed/Front-End/SPRITING
Image spriting HTTP/
1.1 still beat HTTP/2 in
these experiments.

Octo: Dec 15
03. Speed/Front-End
Google Developers: Link
03. Speed/Front-End/RAIL
 Response <100ms
 Frame 10ms (scrolling/touch drag)
 •  Use to complete deferred work
•  Keep pre-load to minimum
 Deliver <1000ms
03. Speed/Front-End/RAIL
04. Tag Handling
Make no assumptions
Check if different/dynamic
04. Tag Handling
•  Free Chrome Extension
•  Analyse and fix
•  Audit and compare
•  Navigate to URL
•  Use dev tools to spoof agent
04. Tag Handling/GTM
GTM takes tags out of inline code.
Speed down = site performance up.
05. Structured data
05. Structured data
Of mobile
searches are
voice search
SEL: May 16 Link
05. Structured data
•  Be top 3
•  Answer on the Page
•  structured data for lists,
tables, charts
Get into Featured
Featured Snippets :Rob Bucci - STAT
“star wars
06. Service Workers
Seek to solve biggest problem – no connectivity
Replacement to AppCache
Browser runs in background – separate to web page
06. Service Workers
SEE Pierre Far – Mobile SEO Guide: Link
06. Service Workers/More Reading
Service Worker API – W3C Schools
Using Service Workers – Mozilla
Service Workers: An Introduction - Google
07. URL Hierarchy/Ecosystem
Desktop AMP
Don’t Rely on Alternate/Canonical to infer hreflang!
08. Content Experience
Higher bounce
rate on mobile
DoubleClick: SEP. 16
08. Content Experience
•  Use words efficiently
•  Natural language helps voice and scan
•  If not mobile first – then mobile smart design
“…needs to provide the user with
journey(s) and functionality to
complete their priority tasks .”
09. Journey Experience
Think With Google
09. Journey Experience
Simple UX review and scoring system for
top revenue driving landing pages/
templates if wide-range ecommerce
Appendix: Ten Things We’re checking
01. Mobile Handling
02. HTTP/2
03. Front End Optimisation
04. Tag Management
05. Structured Data
06. Service Workers
07. URL Hierarchy/Rel
08. Content Experience
09. Journey Experience
Lost in Space
Deep Impact
Star Trek Insurrection
Appendix: Films of 1998
Thanks for listening: Nichola Stott, theMediaFlow, Opus House Stables, Herriard, +44(0)1256
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

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