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Software Testing for SEO
Has this ever happened to
What is Automated
So first, let’s talk just a little
bit about modern web
development and how it
Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
A lot of modern software frameworks follow this design pattern that allows for a separation of concerns between data, logic and
React + Laravel Example
In this example the PHP framework Laravel manages the Model and the Controller and the JavaScript framework React acts as
the View.
A URL is Converted
into a Route
URLs point to controllers
which then return the right
views featuring data from
the right models.
This is why segmented
crawls are important to
developers being able to
Waterfall Rarely Makes
Sense Anymore
It’s unlikely that the websites
you work on will follow a
waterfall methodology.
Everything is agile now.
Most Dev Teams
Follow Agile
Small pieces of functionality
are tackled in short time
frames or “sprints.”
Continuous Integration
Often engineering teams are following a Continuous Integration model where teams and individuals are
autonomously pushing their code as they complete it.
Continuous Integration means lots of people can break
Deployment Pipelines feature Automated Tests
Deployment pipelines allow for safeguards to be put in place to ensure that everyone is following the same process to get things
Tests Can Make the Build Fail
Certain tests are deemed as critical to the infrastructure of the website and will cause the deployment process to fail and the
developer has to go back and fix it before they can continue with their work.
Automated Testing
There are three flavors of testing that are most relevant to us as SEOs: Unit Tests, Integration Tests and GUI Tests.
Unit Testing
With Unit tests you are
testing an individual function
or procedure to ensure that
that it works.
These are generally small
and fast. Codebases can
have many of these.
Unit tests can be used to determine the presence of tags and attributes in structure of code to be served to the
client, but not the rendered code.
Integration Testing
With integration testing you’re
testing how your logic comes
together to build the bigger
system. It can involve external
data such as APIs and
databases or how the various
pieces of the systems work
This is significantly slower than
unit testing, but depends on
how much of the system needs
to be rendered in order to
complete the test.
Integration tests can be used to determine tags, features and content of completed HTML source being
served to the client. However, there can be overlap with what can be viewed in an UI test.
UI Testing
UI Testing is the testing of
the frontend interface of
your website. This is largely
used for ensuring front end
components work as
This is the slowest version of
testing because it requires
the page to be fully
UI tests can be used to determine tags, features and content of the rendered DOM being served to the client.
This is What Headless Browsers are Actually For
In SEO we primarily use headless browsers for scraping JavaScript-rendered content, but they are actually intended for
automated tests.
Read Why the Chrome DevTools Team Made Puppeteer
Test Driven Development
Some moderndevelopersfollow thismethodologywhereintheywritetheirtestsfirstandthenwrite theircode until the tests pass.Unit
testsare primarilyusedforthis,butanytype of test could be used.Note:UITestswill dramatically slow downdeployment.
How Does This Apply to
Last Year I Talked about Using Task Runners
I explained the Anderson-Alderson Scale
This is a scale of which the developers you interface with are somewhere between an underachieving known-it-all and
overachieving do-it-all.
@BritneyMuller brings
upp a great point
My goal with that post and
talk is to introduce you to
another way to integrate
developers and ensure we’re
all moving towards working
better together.
Let’s go back through those
horror stories.
A Test Can Catch This
Unit Test Failure Condition
– Presence of meta noindex
tag on functions that impact
the <head>.
Integration Test Failure
Condition – Presence of
meta noindex on routes that
should not have them.
This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
Not Sure I’d Test for
this One
Integration Test Failure
Condition – H1 tag is the same
in the HTML on every accessed
page in our test dataset.
UI Test Failure Condition -
H1 tag is the same in the
rendered DOM on every
accessed page in our test
I would not recommend having this test fail the build though.
Robots.txt Test
Unit Test Failure Condition
– Presence of “User-agent: *
Disallow: /” on prod in a
function for the robots.txt
Integration Test Failure
Condition – Presence of
“User-agent: * Disallow: /” on
prod in robots.txt URL.
This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
SSR Test
Integrated Test/UI Test
Failure Condition -
Key body content is not
available in the HTML version.
This one requires the rendered
DOM as a comparison so it
technically could be a UI and/or
Integrated Test.
This should definitely fail the build.
UI Test Failure Condition –
URLs that should have a self-
referencing canonical do not in
the DOM.
Integration Test Failure
Condition – URLs that should
have a self-referencing
canonical do not in the HTML.
Unit Test Failure Condition -
Route does not set canonical
tag on the server side.
This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
SSR Test
Integrated Test/UI Test
Failure Condition -
Key body content is not
available in the HTML version.
This one requires the rendered
DOM as a comparison so it
technically could be a UI and/or
Integrated Test.
This should definitely fail the build.
Invalid Tag Tests
UI Test Failure Condition –
Rendered DOM features tags in
the <head> sub-tree that are
Integration Test Failure
Condition – HTML features
tags in the <head> that are
invalid or HTML does not pass
W3C validation.
Unit Test Failure Condition -
Function that returns the
<head> features tags that
don’t fit a list of valid <head>
This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
But Testing is Not a
Magic Bullet
Sure, we can develop tests
for to look for the presence
of structured markup and to
enforce metadata
specifications, but when
things go this wrong, you
have to put your team
member, project
management, consultant,
management hat on and get
to the bottom of what went
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKIn my experience, it’s usually developers writing their own tests, but I’ve heard of QA Engineers also writing tests after the fact to
help ensure quality moving forward.
Who Usually Does this Work?
Developer QA Engineer
Doing an SEO Audit is
basically doing similar work
to that of a QA Engineer.
Crawling HTML is
Somewhat like
Integration Testing
You’re looking at the results
of what the software spits
out when all the systems
come together.
Crawling JavaScript is
more like UI Testing
You’re looking at the results
when the user interface is
…And you should be comparing the differences
John Hogg from ClickConsult shared his diff comparison Chrome extension that computes the DIFF
between HTML and rendered DOM. When it’s released I encourage you to check it out.
Your Role is To Help Plan the Tests
You’ll want to work with a QA Engineer, a Product Manager or a Developer to develop test cases that can then be built into
Here are Few Examples
These examples of tests should be enough to get you started on defining your own potential tests for SEO.
Test Case ID Test
Test Type Test
Test Data Expected
Presence of Meta
Unit Test Check for presence
of meta
description tag in
Page template
All URLs should
have meta
Product Detail
Page is missing
meta description
Viable Internal
Functional Test 1. Render pages
2. Open all
internal links
3. Review
response codes
Crawled URL data All links return 200
response code
Many links to
redirects and 404s
Average Page
Speed Less than 2
ion Test
1. Render pages
2. Capture page
3. Determine
average page
speed per page
Render all page
types from URL list
All page types
should return an
average of 2
seconds load time
Homepage takes 5
seconds to load
Some tools you canuse to get your automated testing
for SEO off the ground
Meet Jenkins
If your developers are doing Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery, it’s likely that they are using Jenkins.
Get Failure Alerts in Slack
Or in Jenkins’ logs
You could also just regularly the logs that Jenkins provides.
Or Pipe it into MySQL
Sending the Jenkins logs
into MySQL gives you the
opportunity to monitor and
visualize failures and
successes of builds with
respect to SEO in a variety of
ways such as through
Google Data Studio.
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKYou’ll want a headless crawler and a text-based crawler to spin up pages and run tests on and a fixed list of pages that represent
all of the public-facing routes.
You’ll Also Need a Crawler
Consider Making them Serverless
Building your crawler with AWS Lambda, Azure Functions or Google Clouds Functions may be a great way to enjoy scale without
having to manage additional servers.
Shoutout to @vvgomes
Vini’s Blog Post on Serverless Architectures
Tips On Testing
Make only mission critical SEO tests potentially fail the build.
Most SEO issues will be spotted in your integration tests.
Include your SEO tests in every build.
Keep your testing suites separate.
Do all crawling in parallel.
Things to Play With
BecauseI never like to leaveyou without having
something you can do
Check out these Video Tutorials on Jenkins
Play with Jenkins:
Kantu Browser Automation Tool
See how Browser Automation tests work with a chrome extension:
If you dabble in PHP or have a WP site you want to play around with, check out Codeception.
Wrapping Up
Who am I and where am I from?
First and foremost.
Razorfish, Publicis Modem alum
Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Marketer
Moz Associate
Software Testing for SEO
We Do These Things
Paid Media Measurement
& Optimization
Machine Learning for Marketers Guide
Software Testing for SEO
Software Testing for SEO

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Software Testing for SEO

  • 1. @iPullRank iPullRank Software Testing for SEO
  • 2. Has this ever happened to you?
  • 13. So first, let’s talk just a little bit about modern web development and how it works.
  • 14. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Model-View-Controller Design Pattern A lot of modern software frameworks follow this design pattern that allows for a separation of concerns between data, logic and frontend.
  • 15. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK React + Laravel Example In this example the PHP framework Laravel manages the Model and the Controller and the JavaScript framework React acts as the View.
  • 16. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK A URL is Converted into a Route URLs point to controllers which then return the right views featuring data from the right models. This is why segmented crawls are important to developers being able to implement recommendations.
  • 17. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Waterfall Rarely Makes Sense Anymore It’s unlikely that the websites you work on will follow a waterfall methodology. Everything is agile now.
  • 18. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Most Dev Teams Follow Agile Methodology Small pieces of functionality are tackled in short time frames or “sprints.”
  • 19. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Continuous Integration Often engineering teams are following a Continuous Integration model where teams and individuals are autonomously pushing their code as they complete it.
  • 20. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Continuous Integration means lots of people can break things
  • 21. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Deployment Pipelines feature Automated Tests Deployment pipelines allow for safeguards to be put in place to ensure that everyone is following the same process to get things deployed.
  • 22. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Tests Can Make the Build Fail Certain tests are deemed as critical to the infrastructure of the website and will cause the deployment process to fail and the developer has to go back and fix it before they can continue with their work.
  • 24. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Automated Testing There are three flavors of testing that are most relevant to us as SEOs: Unit Tests, Integration Tests and GUI Tests.
  • 25. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Unit Testing With Unit tests you are testing an individual function or procedure to ensure that that it works. These are generally small and fast. Codebases can have many of these. Unit tests can be used to determine the presence of tags and attributes in structure of code to be served to the client, but not the rendered code.
  • 26. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Integration Testing With integration testing you’re testing how your logic comes together to build the bigger system. It can involve external data such as APIs and databases or how the various pieces of the systems work together. This is significantly slower than unit testing, but depends on how much of the system needs to be rendered in order to complete the test. Integration tests can be used to determine tags, features and content of completed HTML source being served to the client. However, there can be overlap with what can be viewed in an UI test.
  • 27. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK UI Testing UI Testing is the testing of the frontend interface of your website. This is largely used for ensuring front end components work as intended. This is the slowest version of testing because it requires the page to be fully rendered. UI tests can be used to determine tags, features and content of the rendered DOM being served to the client.
  • 28. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK This is What Headless Browsers are Actually For In SEO we primarily use headless browsers for scraping JavaScript-rendered content, but they are actually intended for automated tests.
  • 29. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Read Why the Chrome DevTools Team Made Puppeteer
  • 30. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Test Driven Development Some moderndevelopersfollow thismethodologywhereintheywritetheirtestsfirstandthenwrite theircode until the tests pass.Unit testsare primarilyusedforthis,butanytype of test could be used.Note:UITestswill dramatically slow downdeployment.
  • 31. How Does This Apply to SEO?
  • 32. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Last Year I Talked about Using Task Runners
  • 33. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK I explained the Anderson-Alderson Scale This is a scale of which the developers you interface with are somewhere between an underachieving known-it-all and overachieving do-it-all.
  • 34. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK @BritneyMuller brings upp a great point My goal with that post and talk is to introduce you to another way to integrate developers and ensure we’re all moving towards working better together.
  • 35. Let’s go back through those horror stories.
  • 36. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK A Test Can Catch This Unit Test Failure Condition – Presence of meta noindex tag on functions that impact the <head>. Integration Test Failure Condition – Presence of meta noindex on routes that should not have them. This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
  • 37. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Not Sure I’d Test for this One Integration Test Failure Condition – H1 tag is the same in the HTML on every accessed page in our test dataset. UI Test Failure Condition - H1 tag is the same in the rendered DOM on every accessed page in our test dataset. I would not recommend having this test fail the build though.
  • 38. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Robots.txt Test Unit Test Failure Condition – Presence of “User-agent: * Disallow: /” on prod in a function for the robots.txt route. Integration Test Failure Condition – Presence of “User-agent: * Disallow: /” on prod in robots.txt URL. This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
  • 39. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK SSR Test Integrated Test/UI Test Failure Condition - Key body content is not available in the HTML version. This one requires the rendered DOM as a comparison so it technically could be a UI and/or Integrated Test. This should definitely fail the build.
  • 40. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Rel-canonical UI Test Failure Condition – URLs that should have a self- referencing canonical do not in the DOM. Integration Test Failure Condition – URLs that should have a self-referencing canonical do not in the HTML. Unit Test Failure Condition - Route does not set canonical tag on the server side. This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
  • 41. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK SSR Test Integrated Test/UI Test Failure Condition - Key body content is not available in the HTML version. This one requires the rendered DOM as a comparison so it technically could be a UI and/or Integrated Test. This should definitely fail the build.
  • 42. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Invalid Tag Tests UI Test Failure Condition – Rendered DOM features tags in the <head> sub-tree that are invalid. Integration Test Failure Condition – HTML features tags in the <head> that are invalid or HTML does not pass W3C validation. Unit Test Failure Condition - Function that returns the <head> features tags that don’t fit a list of valid <head> tags. This is a critical issue so this test should fail the build.
  • 43. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK But Testing is Not a Magic Bullet Sure, we can develop tests for to look for the presence of structured markup and to enforce metadata specifications, but when things go this wrong, you have to put your team member, project management, consultant, management hat on and get to the bottom of what went wrong.
  • 44. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKIn my experience, it’s usually developers writing their own tests, but I’ve heard of QA Engineers also writing tests after the fact to help ensure quality moving forward. Who Usually Does this Work? Developer QA Engineer
  • 45. Doing an SEO Audit is basically doing similar work to that of a QA Engineer.
  • 46. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Crawling HTML is Somewhat like Integration Testing You’re looking at the results of what the software spits out when all the systems come together.
  • 47. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Crawling JavaScript is more like UI Testing You’re looking at the results when the user interface is rendered.
  • 48. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK …And you should be comparing the differences John Hogg from ClickConsult shared his diff comparison Chrome extension that computes the DIFF between HTML and rendered DOM. When it’s released I encourage you to check it out.
  • 49. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Your Role is To Help Plan the Tests You’ll want to work with a QA Engineer, a Product Manager or a Developer to develop test cases that can then be built into
  • 50. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Here are Few Examples These examples of tests should be enough to get you started on defining your own potential tests for SEO. Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Type Test Steps Test Data Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail SEO01 Presence of Meta Descriptions Unit Test Check for presence of meta description tag in HTML Page template code All URLs should have meta description Product Detail Page is missing meta description PASS SEO02 Viable Internal Links Functional Test 1. Render pages 2. Open all internal links 3. Review response codes Crawled URL data All links return 200 response code Many links to redirects and 404s FAIL SEO03 Average Page Speed Less than 2 Seconds Functional/Integrat ion Test 1. Render pages 2. Capture page speed 3. Determine average page speed per page type Render all page types from URL list All page types should return an average of 2 seconds load time Homepage takes 5 seconds to load FAIL
  • 51. Tools Some tools you canuse to get your automated testing for SEO off the ground
  • 52. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Meet Jenkins If your developers are doing Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery, it’s likely that they are using Jenkins.
  • 53. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Get Failure Alerts in Slack
  • 54. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Or in Jenkins’ logs You could also just regularly the logs that Jenkins provides.
  • 55. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Or Pipe it into MySQL Sending the Jenkins logs into MySQL gives you the opportunity to monitor and visualize failures and successes of builds with respect to SEO in a variety of ways such as through Google Data Studio.
  • 56. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKYou’ll want a headless crawler and a text-based crawler to spin up pages and run tests on and a fixed list of pages that represent all of the public-facing routes. You’ll Also Need a Crawler headless-chrome-crawler js-crawler
  • 57. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Consider Making them Serverless Building your crawler with AWS Lambda, Azure Functions or Google Clouds Functions may be a great way to enjoy scale without having to manage additional servers.
  • 59. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Vini’s Blog Post on Serverless Architectures
  • 60. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Tips On Testing Make only mission critical SEO tests potentially fail the build. Most SEO issues will be spotted in your integration tests. Include your SEO tests in every build. Keep your testing suites separate. Do all crawling in parallel.
  • 61. Things to Play With BecauseI never like to leaveyou without having something you can do
  • 62. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Check out these Video Tutorials on Jenkins Play with Jenkins:
  • 63. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Kantu Browser Automation Tool See how Browser Automation tests work with a chrome extension: browser-automation/gcbalfbdmfieckjlnblleoemohcganoc?hl=en
  • 64. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Codeception If you dabble in PHP or have a WP site you want to play around with, check out Codeception.
  • 65. Wrapping Up Who am I and where am I from?
  • 66. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK I’M #ZORASDAD First and foremost.
  • 67. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK MY NAME IS MIKE KING Razorfish, Publicis Modem alum Full Stack Developer Full Stack Marketer Moz Associate
  • 69. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK We Do These Things Machine Learning SEOContent Strategy Paid Media Measurement & Optimization Marketing Automation
  • 70. IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANK Machine Learning for Marketers Guide