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Who am I?How to get up?How to stay awake?Tips to a good style of studying.Do ur best, …TOC
Who am I? A Muslim which also a Programming enthusiast
I found tranquility in programming

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Welcome to Challenge
Welcome to ChallengeWelcome to Challenge
Welcome to Challenge

Mrs. Trusty is an 11th year teacher who teaches Challenge class. She has three children and a dog named Biscuit. She loves to read mysteries, learn new things, and run long distances. The three main classroom rules are to be positive, responsible, and respectful. Students will be rewarded with dojo points that can be exchanged for prizes like candy or computer time. The class blog updates weekly on unit work like Shakespeare, bridges, and iconic America.

Syllabus game (Try Two)
Syllabus game (Try Two)Syllabus game (Try Two)
Syllabus game (Try Two)

This document appears to be an introductory course on teaching that includes multiple choice questions about the course syllabus, lesson facilitation, observations, use of technology, and course reflections. It provides feedback responses for right, wrong, and other answers.

5 Useful Tips for Passing Exams
5 Useful Tips for Passing Exams5 Useful Tips for Passing Exams
5 Useful Tips for Passing Exams

The document provides 5 useful tips for passing exams: 1. Read material well in advance of the exam to avoid cramming. 2. Eat healthy foods like fruits that aid memory and focus, instead of junk food. 3. Meet with classmates who are stronger in subjects you struggle with for extra help. 4. Have a positive mindset and believe you can pass instead of thinking the examiner is against you. 5. Practice mock exams to experience the exam setting and evaluate your performance. Following these tested tips can help students feel more prepared and less anxious for exams.

exam tipspass exams
AND I’m no motivator(To boldly go, where I’ve never been before- there always be the first time – this is my second)
Believe that for every down, there will be an up…Take your time and re-strategies.DO SOME BACKGROUD ANALYSISGET UP?
What is the best time to study?Where is the best place to study?What is you favorite subjects?Who are the scorers in the class?Do you communicate with your parents?STRENGTH
Do you play a lot?Do you sleep a lot?Does your friend helping you?What are subjects that you don’t like?What you do with your bike / car?Does your special friend annoying?WEAKNESSES

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This document summarizes an English learning community in Iran that provides a native environment for practicing English through fun activities. It offers workshops, coaching, and online resources to help improve members' English speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills based on their level. Members can choose how frequently and at what time they attend workshops each week. The community aims to make English learning enjoyable through interaction with others and a variety of exercises and materials tailored to each member's needs and abilities.

Love and logic
Love and logicLove and logic
Love and logic

This document discusses the Love and Logic philosophy for dealing with arguments and classroom management. [1] Love and Logic was founded in 1977 and focuses on using logic and empathy when dealing with students. [2] It recommends responding to arguments calmly and enforcing predetermined consequences consistently rather than getting angry. [3] The goal is to make one's classroom a place where students want to be through showing care, allowing expression of feelings, and holding students responsible for their own actions.

Successful students
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Successful students

The document outlines four key things college students need to do to be successful: 1) read assigned materials before class to be prepared and not look lost, 2) attend all classes and arrive on time to not interrupt and know what's going on, 3) participate in class discussions to stay engaged and enjoy class more, and 4) ask and answer questions during class to clarify understanding and show the teacher you're paying attention. The document stresses the importance of preparation, participation, and engagement for success in college courses.

Motivation/ reminderConcentrate for your aimRead motivational booksWatch motivational movieMingle with some motivated friendsHow to stay awake?
Study BuddySacrificeLess sleep, no more game, Less tv, or anything not importantClose to your lecturerWatch out for tipsDo your mind map notesDo final exam samplesTips to a good style of studying
SolatJamaah (Mosque)Always PRAY and ASK from ALLAH. Allah likes you ASK him for anything (good).Fasting (especially to bachelors).Ma’thuratSolatHajatImprove our Relationship with ALLAH
Don’t forget SolatBless from your parent, and local people.Syukur a lot.Taubat and cry infront of your CreatorThings that happen now, there’s always benefit in the future.Do your best, Allah will help the rest…

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This document provides tips for improving English skills and common English phrases for various situations: 1) It offers advice for those wishing to improve their English abilities, along with examples of ways to say one's English is not good. 2) Several polite expressions are presented for requesting things from others or responding to their requests. 3) Common phrases are given for expressing opinions, checking understanding, and discussing weight loss or gain. 4) The document concludes with stock positive responses someone might give at the end of a conversation or project.

Test taking strategies
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The document provides test taking strategies for standardized tests. It recommends getting a good night's sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and being well prepared with pencils and materials. During the test, students should listen carefully, read all questions and answers thoroughly, pace themselves, use process of elimination when unsure, and relax by not gripping their pencil too tightly. Additional tips include filling in bubbles completely, writing neatly, and being confident in their abilities on the exam.

Mr cox's classroom orientation
Mr cox's classroom orientationMr cox's classroom orientation
Mr cox's classroom orientation

This document provides an orientation for a physical science classroom. It outlines the topics that will be covered in physical science including physics and chemistry concepts. It discusses expectations for students to be independent learners and responsible. It describes teaching techniques the teacher will use like cold calling, stretching answers, and requiring everyone to write. It outlines procedures, discipline policies, notebook guidelines, hand signals, internet resources, and maintaining a cooperative classroom culture and environment.

Study Buddy
Less sleep, no more game, Less tv, or anything not important
Focus in class

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Practice Slideshare
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This document outlines classroom expectations and behaviors for a Year 7 English class. Students are expected to listen when others are talking, complete all work to the best of their abilities, and behave ambitiously. A quick classroom quiz asks students how they should behave upon entering the classroom, what is important when working in groups, how to act towards other students, what to do when the teacher gives instructions, and what to check before leaving the room. Students are then instructed to discuss in groups their first day of primary school, sharing how they felt, what the people were like, and how it differed from their first day at their current school.

Uni acronyms every high school student needs to know
Uni acronyms every high school student needs to knowUni acronyms every high school student needs to know
Uni acronyms every high school student needs to know

Does it feel like your brain is going to explode from trying to keep the meaning of one end-of-high-school acronym straight from the next? Want to know what your teachers are on about when they mention OPs, SAIs and QCAA? We've got your back!

uniuniversityuniversity of southern queensland
Persuading and convincing
Persuading and convincingPersuading and convincing
Persuading and convincing

The document provides examples of language structures that can be used to persuade or convince someone, including imperatives, conditional structures, future tenses, and phrases like "there is/are" to introduce problem-solving scenarios. It also gives an example dialogue where a girl is trying to convince a boy to study for an exam by using positive language and maintaining eye contact. Finally, the document lists some typical words used in persuading and convincing such as "you will be better" and "I do not think you should".

Watch out for tips
Be friend with your classmates
Be friend with your lecturersMy friends, who were my students
Mind mapping is good

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Ncvps orientation part i

1) To be successful in an online class requires managing distractions, communicating carefully with teachers, and taking effective notes. 2) Proper time management is crucial, such as completing assignments throughout the week rather than waiting until the deadline. 3) Students must have reliable internet access, check their registered email daily, and follow instructions from their online teacher.

What kind of student are you?
What kind of student are you?What kind of student are you?
What kind of student are you?

The document is a quiz that asks students to self-assess their study habits, classroom participation, and academic performance by selecting either "always," "sometimes," or "never" in response to statements. It tells students to award themselves 2 points for "always" answers, 1 point for "sometimes," and 0 for "never" to calculate a total score that will determine what kind of student they are.

english class
The Blog Challenge1
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The Blog Challenge1

The document outlines a blog challenge that encourages teachers to write blog posts answering prompts about their favorite teacher, best and worst teaching/vacation moments, things they love about teaching, and favorite books and movies. It directs participants to respond to the challenge on the provided WordPress blog or create their own blog and share the link so others can comment and respond. the final exam samples the final exam samples
What is this? Can u tell me?

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