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Khirulnizam Abd Rahman
Faculty of Science and Technology
    Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

1.   Introduction
2.   Previous Works
3.   The Design
4.   Discussions
5.   Conclusions
   A proverb is a short, generally known
    sentence of the folk which contains wisdom,
    truth, morals, and traditional views in a
    metaphorical, fixed and memorisable form
    and which is handed down from generation to
    generation” (Mieder 1993, p. 5 and 24f.).

   Proverbs (peribahasa) in Malay language are
    beautiful elements to deliver advices, Malay
    teachings, moral values and comparison
    through metaphoric phrases
   There are four categories of Malay proverbs
    (as described by Abdullah & Ainon, 2011)
    which are simpulan bahasa, perumpamaan,
    bidalan and pepatah.

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This lectures provides students with an introduction to natural language processing, with a specific focus on the basics of two applications: vector semantics and text classification. (Lecture at the QUARTZ PhD Winter School ( in Padua, Italy on February 12, 2018)

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call for paper 2012reserach and review articlesengineering journal
Malay Proverbs                 Meaning in English
Kalau kamu tunggu sehingga     Even if you waited forever,
kucing bertanduk sekali pun,   Aminah will not live again.
Aminah tidak akan hidup

Anak di rumah kelaparan kera   Helping others are more
di hutan disusukan.            important than helping your
                               own next to kin.

   Proverb Detection – the apps was developed
    to experiment the detection proverb in
    sentence/paragraph using the pattern
    matching approach.
   The mobile platform is just one of the
    environment to test.
   There’s also the web-based version.
   Multiword Malay Indexing (Rais et. al, 2011)
   Malay Proverb Dictionary (Supyan et. al, 2004)
   Hindi to Urdu Proverbs Translation
    (Brahmaleen et. al, 2010)
   German-English Idioms Treatment (Dmitra,
 Rais et. Al (2011) – Multiword Malay indexing
  using combination of query translation
  approach and weighting schemes.
 Dictionary is crucial in Multiword


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This document discusses reduplication in Hindi and proposes developing a tool to identify and translate reduplicated words from Hindi to Punjabi. It begins by defining reduplication and describing different types, including morphological, lexical, echo formation, compounds, word and discontinuous reduplication. It then states the problem of automatically identifying echo words in Hindi conversations to translate to Punjabi. Next, it discusses using rule-based and statistical approaches and choosing rule-based. Finally, it outlines the work to be done, including studying reduplication, past research, translating echo words, and rule-based approaches.

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This is our Preliminary Lesson in Communication Arts 2. I Hope this will help you cope your research problem! Hope you'll learned from this. God Bless.

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Summary of Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory...
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   Malay Proverb Dictionary – using structured
    query, Supyan et. al. 2004.
   Provides searchable database of Malay
    proverbs and idioms
   The application receives a complete or a part
    of proverb/idioms,
   using the pattern matching to search the list
    of the proverbs/idioms, and the outputs are
    all the proverbs/idioms that similar to the
    user’s request.
   Contains almost 24,000 entries.
   Brahmaleen (2010) – Pattern matching and
    structured query for Hindi proverbs.

   Dmitra (2010) – German-English Idioms
   Method - syntactic matching rules

Khirulnizam   malay proverb detection - mobilecase 19 sept 2012 - copy

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This document outlines effective strategies for teaching vocabulary to students. It recommends having students link new terms to their own life experiences to help retain meanings. It also suggests having students paraphrase terms in their own words for better understanding. Differentiation techniques are important, such as maintaining high expectations while allowing varying levels of support through examples, practice time, and repetition. Making connections to students' real-life situations helps ESOL and ESE learners. Interview strategies like knowledge rating guides, vocabulary webs, and word substitution activities provide ways to assess and expand students' vocabularies.

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Anaphora resolution in hindi language using gazetteer method
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Anaphora resolution in hindi language using gazetteer method

Anaphora resolution is one of the active research areas within the realm of natural language processing. Resolution of anaphoric reference is one of the most challenging and complex task to be handled. This paper completely emphasis on pronominal anaphora resolution for Hindi Language. There are various methodologies for resolving anaphora. This paper presents a computational model for anaphora resolution in Hindi that is based on Gazetteer method. Gazetteer method is a creation of lists and then applies operations to classify elements present in the list. There are many salient factors for resolving anaphora. The proposed model resolves anaphora by using two factors that is Animistic and Recency. Animistic factor always represent living things and non living things whereas Recency describes that the referents mentioned in current sentence tends to have higher weights than those in previous sentence. This paper demonstrate the experiments conducted on short Hindi stories ,news articles and biography content from Wikipedia, its result & future directions to improve accuracy.

lappin leass approachdiscoursecentering approach
   While not-end-of-sentence
       words-combined = wi wi+1
       Search words-combine in proverb-database
       If found in proverb-database
      Put words-combined in the proverb-list-
             i=i+2
       Else
             i++
   Wend
   While not-end-of-sentence
       words-combined = wi wi+1 wi+2
       Search words-combined in proverb-database
       If found in proverb-database
      Put words-combined in the proverb-list-output
             i=i+number-of-words-in-proverb-
        Else
             i++
   Wend
Available at :
   Challenges in Malay proverbs
   Word with affixes – Example: “Kembang
    sayap” = “Mengembangkan sayap” (spread
    your wings).
   Another word in between (stopword)
   Example: “berpijak di bumi nyata” or
    sometimes “berpijak di bumi yang nyata”
    which means “do not day-dreaming”.

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This document discusses effective vocabulary teaching. It begins by explaining that communication is at stake with a limited vocabulary, so teachers should focus on vocabulary. It then outlines the objectives of effective vocabulary teaching, including exposing teachers to new strategies and reflecting on current practices. Finally, it discusses various theoretical approaches and strategies for presenting, practicing, and evaluating vocabulary, such as using visuals, examples, and varied activities for different learning styles. The key implication is that effective vocabulary instruction requires using a variety of teaching methods.

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Anaphora Resolution is a process of finding referents in discourse. In computational linguistic, Anaphora resolution is complex and challenging task. This paper focuses on pronominal anaphora resolution. It is a subpart of anaphora resolution where pronouns are referred to noun referents. Including anaphora resolution into many applications like automatic summarization, opinion mining, machine translation, question answering systems etc. increase their accuracy by 10%. Related work in this field has been done in many languages. This paper focuses on resolving anaphora for Punjabi language. A model is proposed for resolving anaphora and an experiment is conducted to measure the accuracy of the system. The model uses two factors: Recency and Animistic knowledge. Recency factor works on the concept of Lappin Leass approach and for introducing animistic knowledge gazetteer method is used. The experiment is conducted on a Punjabi story containing more than 1000 words and result is drawn with the future directions.

anaphoralappin leass approachnatural language processing
   The researchers found out that by using
    simple pattern matching, it failed to detect
    proverbs that have the aforementioned
   Another challenge is to determine the right
    meaning for proverb that has ambiguous
    meaning – the same proverbs may have more
    than one meaning. However in this
    experiment, all meanings are listed for
    proverb with ambiguous meaning.
   Next thing to do:
   Include stemming, stop-word removal prior
    to detection.
   Brief testing and observation has been done to
    the result of this application. The researchers
    concluded that there are more to improve, which
    is implementing another approach.
   One of the approaches to be studied is the
    syntactic matching rules proposed by Dmitra [4]
    for detecting Germany idioms.
   This Malay proverb detector is a prototype to
    experiment with the pattern matching approach
    on mobile platform.
   Though it is still in experimentation stage, the
    researchers hope that it could contribute to the
    public by facilitating the new Malay language
   Thank you
   Malay Proverb Detection; Implementation on Mobile Environment.


                                        Available at :

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Khirulnizam malay proverb detection - mobilecase 19 sept 2012 - copy

  • 1. Khirulnizam Abd Rahman Faculty of Science and Technology Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • 2. 1. Introduction 2. Previous Works 3. The Design 4. Discussions 5. Conclusions
  • 3. A proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorisable form and which is handed down from generation to generation” (Mieder 1993, p. 5 and 24f.). 3
  • 4. Proverbs (peribahasa) in Malay language are beautiful elements to deliver advices, Malay teachings, moral values and comparison through metaphoric phrases  There are four categories of Malay proverbs (as described by Abdullah & Ainon, 2011) which are simpulan bahasa, perumpamaan, bidalan and pepatah.
  • 5. Malay Proverbs Meaning in English Kalau kamu tunggu sehingga Even if you waited forever, kucing bertanduk sekali pun, Aminah will not live again. Aminah tidak akan hidup kembali. Anak di rumah kelaparan kera Helping others are more di hutan disusukan. important than helping your own next to kin. 5
  • 6. Proverb Detection – the apps was developed to experiment the detection proverb in sentence/paragraph using the pattern matching approach.  The mobile platform is just one of the environment to test.  There’s also the web-based version.
  • 7. Multiword Malay Indexing (Rais et. al, 2011)  Malay Proverb Dictionary (Supyan et. al, 2004)  Hindi to Urdu Proverbs Translation (Brahmaleen et. al, 2010)  German-English Idioms Treatment (Dmitra, 2010)
  • 8.  Rais et. Al (2011) – Multiword Malay indexing using combination of query translation approach and weighting schemes.  Dictionary is crucial in Multiword detection. 8
  • 9. Malay Proverb Dictionary – using structured query, Supyan et. al. 2004.  Provides searchable database of Malay proverbs and idioms  The application receives a complete or a part of proverb/idioms,  using the pattern matching to search the list of the proverbs/idioms, and the outputs are all the proverbs/idioms that similar to the user’s request.  Contains almost 24,000 entries. 9
  • 10. Brahmaleen (2010) – Pattern matching and structured query for Hindi proverbs. 10
  • 11. Dmitra (2010) – German-English Idioms Treatment  Method - syntactic matching rules  METIS II 11
  • 13. While not-end-of-sentence  words-combined = wi wi+1  Search words-combine in proverb-database  If found in proverb-database  Put words-combined in the proverb-list- output  i=i+2  Else  i++  Wend
  • 14. While not-end-of-sentence  words-combined = wi wi+1 wi+2  Search words-combined in proverb-database  If found in proverb-database  Put words-combined in the proverb-list-output  i=i+number-of-words-in-proverb- detected  Else  i++  Wend
  • 15. Available at :
  • 16. Challenges in Malay proverbs  Word with affixes – Example: “Kembang sayap” = “Mengembangkan sayap” (spread your wings).  Another word in between (stopword)  Example: “berpijak di bumi nyata” or sometimes “berpijak di bumi yang nyata” which means “do not day-dreaming”.
  • 17. The researchers found out that by using simple pattern matching, it failed to detect proverbs that have the aforementioned problems.  Another challenge is to determine the right meaning for proverb that has ambiguous meaning – the same proverbs may have more than one meaning. However in this experiment, all meanings are listed for proverb with ambiguous meaning.
  • 18. Next thing to do:  Include stemming, stop-word removal prior to detection.
  • 19. Brief testing and observation has been done to the result of this application. The researchers concluded that there are more to improve, which is implementing another approach.  One of the approaches to be studied is the syntactic matching rules proposed by Dmitra [4] for detecting Germany idioms.  This Malay proverb detector is a prototype to experiment with the pattern matching approach on mobile platform.  Though it is still in experimentation stage, the researchers hope that it could contribute to the public by facilitating the new Malay language learner.
  • 20. Thank you  Malay Proverb Detection; Implementation on Mobile Environment.    Available at :