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Application of Ontology in Semantic Information Retrieval 
Presentation for MyRENSeminar 
Berjaya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 
27 November 2014 
Brief speaker’s info 
Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah, Ph.D. 
Knowledge Technology Research Group 
Center for AI Technology (CAIT) 
Graduated in BSc(Mathematics) from UKM 
Graduated in MSc(IS) from Sheffield U. 
Graduated in PhD(IS) from Sheffield U. – 
knowledge-based systems 
From Muar, Johor
What is ontology? 
•Ontology may be considered as a kind of method to represent knowledge. 
•From a philosophical discipline –the science of “what is”; the kinds and structures of objects, properties, events, processes and relations in every area of reality. 
•Aristotle classification of animals is one 
the first ontology developed. 

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Taxonomies for Users
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Designing website and intranet taxonomies with a consideration to serving user experience. Presented at World IA Day 2020.

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Ontology in Computing 
•An ontology is an engineering artifact: 
–It is constituted by a specific vocabulary used to describe a certain reality, plus 
–A set of explicit assumptions regarding the intended meaning of the vocabulary. 
•Thus, an ontology describes a formal specification of a certain domain: 
–Shared understanding of a domain of interest 
–Formal and machine manipulablemodel of a domain of interest 
Ontology Definition 
Formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization 
commonly accepted understanding 
conceptual model of a domain (ontological theory) 
unambiguous terminology definitions 
machine-readability with computational semantics 
Source: Smith & Welty (2001) 
a catalog 
a set of 
text files 
a glossary 
a thesaurus 
a collection of 
a set of 
general logical 
a collection of 
An ontology is… 
Various approaches to classify ontologies 
Classify ontologies according to the information the ontology needs to express and the richness of its internal structure (Lassila& McGuiness, 2001) 
Classify into 2 orthogonal dimensions: the amount and type of structure and the subject (Van Heijstet al., 1997) 
Classify ontologies according to their level of dependence on a particular task (Guarino, 1998)

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This document discusses ontology-based data access. It begins by defining ontology as a representation of concepts and relationships that define a domain. It then provides examples of ontology elements like concepts, attributes, and relations. It describes how ontologies can be used to share understanding, enable knowledge reuse, and separate domain from operational knowledge. The document outlines the process for developing ontologies including scope, capture, encoding, integration, and evaluation. It discusses using ontologies to provide a user-oriented view of data and facilitate query access across data sources. The document concludes by discussing ongoing work on semantic query analysis and graphical ontology mapping tools.

What are ontologies (in computer science)
What are ontologies (in computer science)What are ontologies (in computer science)
What are ontologies (in computer science)

An ontology formally represents knowledge as concepts and relationships within a domain. It defines classes and subclasses of concepts, as well as properties and instances of classes. An ontology uses a structured format like RDF triples to define these components and can be used to model and reason about a domain. Popular ontology languages include RDF, RDFS, and OWL, which allow linking open data from different sources using common identifiers.

ontologyrdflinked data
SPARQL Cheat Sheet
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SPARQL Cheat Sheet

"SPARQL Cheat Sheet" is a short collection of slides intended to act as a guide to SPARQL developers. It includes the syntax and structure of SPARQL queries, common SPARQL prefixes and functions, and help with RDF datasets. The "SPARQL Cheat Sheet" is intended to accompany the SPARQL By Example slides available at .

Ontology language 
• Ontology languages are formal languages used to construct ontologies 
– allow the encoding of knowledge about specific domains and often 
– include reasoning rules that support the processing of that knowledge 
• Various languages have been proposed: CycL, KL-One, Ontolingua, F-Logic, 
OWL etc. 
• Usually based on Description Logic (DL). 
• Summarised as (Kalibatiene & Vasilecas, 2011): 
Example of ontologies 
•Top level ontology - 
Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO
Portion of SUMO ontology with 
USGS Geo-concepts inserted
Example of ontologies (cont.) 
•Lexical ontology -Wordnet 

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Text Similarity
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Presentation based on two papers published on text similarity using corpus-based and knowledge-based approaches like wordnet and wikipedia.

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Presentation given on March 12, 2013 by Marjorie M.K. Hlava of Access Innovations, Inc. as a webinar for the San Francisco chapter of the Special Libraries Association.

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Example of ontologies (cont.) 
•Domain ontology -Simple News and Press Ontologies (SNaP) 
Linked Data…? 
Applications of ontology 
•Searching & browsing 
•Decision support system 
•Question answering system 
•Data integration 

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Ontology development 101
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Ontology development 101

Reference, Noy, N. F., & McGuinness, D. L. (2001). Ontology development 101: A guide to creating your first ontology.

Information retrieval 7 boolean model
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The Boolean model is a classical information retrieval model based on set theory and Boolean logic. Queries are specified as Boolean expressions to retrieve documents that either contain or do not contain the query terms. All term frequencies are binary and documents are retrieved based on an exact match to the query terms. However, this model has limitations as it does not rank documents and queries are difficult for users to translate into Boolean expressions, often returning too few or too many results.

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Tutorial on "Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs -- Constructing and Understanding Knowledge Graphs" presented at the 4th Joint International Conference on Semantic Technologies (JIST2014)

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•“Information retrieval (IR)is a field concerned with the structure, analysis, organization, storage, searching, and retrieval of information.” (Salton, 1968). 
•Applications of IR: recommendations, Q&A, filtering… and of course searching. 
Issues in IR 
•Some issues in IR: 
–Users and information needs 
•Context based search 
•Semantic search 
IR process 

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Information retrieval (introduction)
Information  retrieval (introduction) Information  retrieval (introduction)
Information retrieval (introduction)

The document discusses key concepts related to information retrieval including data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. It defines information retrieval as the tracing and recovery of specific information from stored data through searching. The main aspects of the information retrieval process are described as querying a collection to retrieve relevant objects that may partially match the query. Precision and recall are discussed as important measures for information retrieval systems.

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A Timeline to Semantic Web Developments at Google, including Google's Second Patent, the Knowledge Graph, Hummingbird and other inventions.

Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology
Introduction to Ontology Concepts and TerminologyIntroduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology
Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology

The document introduces an ontology tutorial that will cover basic concepts of the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and the Resource Description Framework data model as well as the ontology languages RDFS and OWL. The tutorial is intended for information professionals who want to gain an introductory understanding of ontologies, ontology concepts, and terminology. The tutorial will explain how to model and structure data as RDF triples and create basic RDFS ontologies.

Ontology and semantic search 
•Various ways to support semantic search: 
–Query expansion –users query are expanded with related terminological terms 
–Disambiguation –resolving terms or concepts when they refer to more than one topics 
–Classifying –classify documents such as ads into ontological topics to support semantic search 
–Enhanced IR model –embed ontology into existing IR model resulting a modified IR model 
Query Expansion 
•Query expansion (QE) is needed due to the ambiguity of natural language. 
•Main aim of QE –to add new meaningful terms to the initial query. 
Bhogal, J., Macfarlane, A. & Smith, A. 2007. A review of ontology based query expansion. Information Processing and Management, 43: 866-886.
Query Expansion 
Semantic index 
• Textual documents are indexed according to some ontology 
• Remember the concept of vocabulary in IR? 
computer science 
collection index terms or vocabulary 
of the collection 
Extract Indexing

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Ontology quality, ontology design patterns, and competency questions
Ontology quality, ontology design patterns, and competency questionsOntology quality, ontology design patterns, and competency questions
Ontology quality, ontology design patterns, and competency questions

This document discusses ontology quality and the role of ontology design patterns (ODPs) in improving quality. It addresses three dimensions of ontology quality: correctness, precision, and accuracy. While ODPs aim to improve reusability, their simplicity may decrease interoperability if connections between patterns are overlooked. The original intent of competency questions was for more complex queries than simple lookups. Properly defining terms and examples/counter-examples for a target community helps improve an ontology's quality.

Ontology and its various aspects
Ontology and its various aspectsOntology and its various aspects
Ontology and its various aspects

The document provides an overview of ontology and its various aspects. It discusses the origin of the term ontology, which derives from Greek words meaning "being" and "science," so ontology is the study of being. It distinguishes between scientific and philosophical ontologies. Social ontology examines social entities. Perspectives on ontology include philosophy, library and information science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and the semantic web. The goal of ontology is to encode knowledge to make it understandable to both people and machines. It provides motivations for developing ontologies such as enabling information integration and knowledge management. The document also discusses ontology languages, uniqueness of ontologies, purposes of ontologies, and provides references.

Applying a new subject classification scheme for a database by a data-driven ...
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Applying a new subject classification scheme for a database by a data-driven ...

This is the presentation slides for the joint conference of the 134th SIG conference of Information Fundamentals and Access Technologies (IFAT) and 112th SIG conference of Document Communication (DC), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) March 22, 2019, at Toyo University, Hakusan Campus. Cite: Kei Kurakawa, Yuan Sun, and Satoko Ando, Applying a new subject classification scheme for a database by a data-driven correspondence, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol.2019-IFAT-134/2019-DC-112, No.7, pp.1-10, (2019).

bibliographic databasesubject classification schemetopological space
Semantic index 
• Textual documents are indexed according to some ontology 
• Remember the concept of vocabulary in IR? 
computer science 
collection Replace the index with ontological-index 
Extract Indexing 
•Three research projects that illustrate the applications of ontology-based IR: 
–Semantic digital library 
–Crime news retrieval 
–Multi modality ontology-based image retrieval 
Semantic digital library 
•Proposed an approach for managing, organizing and populating ontology for document collections in digital library. 
•The document metadata and content are inserted and populated to a knowledge base which allows sophisticated query and searching. 
•Firstly to propose an ontology based information retrieval model which is based on the classic vector space model which includes document annotation, instance-based weighting and concept-based ranking. 
Semantic digital library 
•General architecture 

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Semantic Web - Ontology 101
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Semantic Web - Ontology 101

A guide and a process for creating OWL ontologies. Semantic Web course e-Lite group ( Politecnico di Torino, 2017

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NIFSTD and NeuroLex: A Comprehensive Ontology Development Based on Multiple B...
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Fahim Imam Workshop on using Multiple Ontologies, International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2011), Buffalo, NY July 26, 2011

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Ontologies Fmi 042010
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Ontologies Fmi 042010

The document defines ontologies as explicit descriptions of a domain that define concepts, properties, attributes, and constraints. It discusses the history of categorization in philosophy and the development of knowledge models like semantic nets and conceptual graphs. The document outlines different methods for building ontologies and different types of ontologies. It also discusses ontology tools like Protege and TopBraid Composer and how ontologies are used on the semantic web through languages like OWL.

ontologyontology designowl
Semantic digital library 
•Involved three ontologies –ACM Topic hierarchies, Geo ontology and Dublin core metadata 
•Portion of domain ontology focusing on academic thesis 
Semantic digital library 
•Document annotation 
Semantic digital library 
•The process 
VSM Index 
#create Class Person 
#create instance of Class Student 
<Student rdf:ID="Student1"> 
<Student rdf:ID="Student2"> 
#Create Instance of Class Supervisor 
<Supervisor rdf:ID="Supervisor1"> 
<rdfs:label>PM Dr ShahrulAzman</rdfs:label> 
<rdfs:label>Prof. MadyaDr. ShahrulAzmanMohdNoah</rdfs:label> 
<Supervisor rdf:ID="Supervisor2"> 
<rdfs:label>Prof Aziz Deraman</rdfs:label> 
PMDr ShahrulAzman 

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Knowledge Representation on the Web
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Knowledge Representation on the Web

This document outlines a course on Knowledge Representation (KR) on the Web. The course aims to expose students to challenges of applying traditional KR techniques to the scale and heterogeneity of data on the Web. Students will learn about representing Web data through formal knowledge graphs and ontologies, integrating and reasoning over distributed datasets, and how characteristics such as volume, variety and veracity impact KR approaches. The course involves lectures, literature reviews, and milestone projects where students publish papers on building semantic systems, modeling Web data, ontology matching, and reasoning over large knowledge graphs.

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We describe a rule-based approach for the automatic acquisition of salient scientific entities from Computational Linguistics (CL) scholarly article titles. Two observations motivated the approach: (i) noting salient aspects of an article’s contribution in its title; and (ii) pattern regularities capturing the salient terms that could be expressed in a set of rules. Only those lexico-syntactic patterns were selected that were easily recognizable, occurred frequently, and positionally indicated a scientific entity type. The rules were developed on a collection of 50,237 CL titles covering all articles in the ACL Anthology. In total, 19,799 research problems, 18,111 solutions, 20,033 resources, 1,059 languages, 6,878 tools, and 21,687 methods were extracted at an average precision of 75%.

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The CSO Classifier: Ontology-Driven Detection of Research Topics in Scholarly...
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Classifying research papers according to their research topics is an important task to improve their retrievability, assist the creation of smart analytics, and support a variety of approaches for analysing and making sense of the research environment. In this paper, we present the CSO Classifier, a new unsupervised approach for automatically classifying research papers according to the Computer Science Ontology (CSO), a comprehensive ontology of re-search areas in the field of Computer Science. The CSO Classifier takes as input the metadata associated with a research paper (title, abstract, keywords) and returns a selection of research concepts drawn from the ontology. The approach was evaluated on a gold standard of manually annotated articles yielding a significant improvement over alternative methods.

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Ontology-based IR for crime news retrieval 
•Each crime news must be classified into categories: Traffic Violation, Theft, Sex Crime, Murder, Kidnap, Fraud, Drugs, Cybercrime, Arsonand Gang(Chen et al. 2004) 
•Useful entities need to be identified: Person, Location, Organisation, Date/Time, Weapon, Amount, Vehicle, Drug, Personel properties, and Age. 
•Clustering of crime news into topics, e.g. NurinJazlinmurder, Canny Ong, Sosilawatietc. 
•Clustering of specific topic into various 
and chronological events. 
•Mapping of named entities into news 
ontology to support semantic querying and retrieval. 
Canny Ong 
Investigation into Canny Ong case include medical report and trial 
Evidence/Suspect into Canny Ong case 
DNA test 
Family reacts into Canny Ong and negligence suit 
Court Sentence, plead guilty 
Cluster into topics
Required methods 
•In order to support the aforementioned requirements: 
–Conventional text processing -tokenizing, indexing, stopping, stemming etc. 
–Named entity recognition (NER) 
–Classification and clustering 
–Ontology mapping 
•Bag of words 
•Named entity recognition 
•Classification -AdaBoost 
•Clustering – KNN 
•Semantic mapping

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Use of probabilistic topic models to create scalable representation of documents aim to: (1) organize, summarise and search them, (2) explore them in a way that you can index of ideas contained in them, and (3) browse them in a way that you can find documents dealing specific areas

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This document proposes a methodology for discovering patterns in scientific literature using a case study of digital library evaluation. It involves: 1. Classifying documents to identify relevant papers using naive Bayes classification. 2. Semantically annotating papers with concepts from a Digital Library Evaluation Ontology using the GoNTogle annotation tool. Over 2,600 annotations were generated. 3. Clustering the annotated papers into coherent groups using k-means clustering. 4. Interpreting the clusters with the assistance of the ontology to discover patterns and trends in the literature. Benchmarking tests were performed to evaluate effectiveness of the methodology.

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Ron Daniel and Corey Harper of Elsevier Labs present at the Columbia University Data Science Institute:

Document representation 
•Documents will be presented into meaningful forms: 
–BoW–Bag of Words 
–Named Entity Recognition –used the GATE Annie and Jape rules 
–Adopt the Vector Space Model (VSM) but enhanced with ontological model 
Document representation 
Document organization 
•Documents need to be organised into categories, topics and events. 
–Classification –Adaboostalgorithm 
–Clustering –Used the KNN clustering 
–Ontology mapping –we have develop a crime news ontology by extending the existing SNaPontology. Includes classes/entities which are important to crime such as classification of crimes, locationand weapon. 
Asset ontology 
Event ontology

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Semantic Technologies for Big Sciences including Astrophysics
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Semantic Technologies for Big Sciences including Astrophysics

Amit Sheth with TK Prasad, "Semantic Technologies for Big Science and Astrophysics", Invited Plenary Presentation, at Earthcube Solar-Terrestrial End-User Workshop, NJIT, Newark, NJ, August 13, 2014. Like many other fields of Big Science, Astrophysics and Solar Physics deal with the challenges of Big Data, including Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity. There is already significant work on handling volume related challenges, including the use of high performance computing. In this talk, we will mainly focus on other challenges from the perspective of collaborative sharing and reuse of broad variety of data created by multiple stakeholders, large and small, along with tools that offer semantic variants of search, browsing, integration and discovery capabilities. We will borrow examples of tools and capabilities from state of the art work in supporting physicists (including astrophysicists) [1], life sciences [2], material sciences [3], and describe the role of semantics and semantic technologies that make these capabilities possible or easier to realize. This applied and practice oriented talk will complement more vision oriented counterparts [4]. [1] Science Web-based Interactive Semantic Environment: [2] NCBO Bioportal: , Kno.e.sis’s work on Semantic Web for Healthcare and Life Sciences: [3] MaterialWays (a Materials Genome Initiative related project): [4] From Big Data to Smart Data:

semantic interoperabilityastrophysics big datasolar-terrestrial big data
Survey of natural language processing(midp2)
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Document classification is a part of Natural language processing. We have different methodology and technique for processing the document classification. The purpose of this article is to survey some papers related to document classification. Those survey will help the researcher to understand which will be the best approach to use for natural language processing

natural language processingartificial intelligence

study or concern about what kinds of things exist what entities there are in the universe. the ontology derives from the Greek onto (being) and logia (written or spoken). It is a branch of metaphysics , the study of first principles or the root of things.

Extending the SNaP ontology and 
mapping to entities in news documents 
pns:Location pns:Organization 
<Event 1> 
The Application 
•What we need/desire. 
Ontology-based Image Retrieval 
•Rapid growth of visual information (VI) –lead to difficulty in finding and accessing VI. 
•Inability to capture the semantic content. 
•Problem arise –lack of coincidence between information extracted from VI and user needs. 
•Conventional approaches of image retrieval (IMR) -TBIR and CBIR have reached their limit in attempting to solve this problem. 
•As a result –SBIR approach, 
ontology-based provide an explicit 
domain oriented semantic for 
concept and relationship. 
Ontology-based Image Retrieval 
•Illustrate how images are describes based on it visual, textual and domain semantic features. 
•Proposed a multi-modality ontology: visual ontology, textual ontology and domain ontology. 
•Illustrate how such ontology can be integrated with open source knowledge base (DBpedia) to support a more comprehensive search. 

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Ontology Engineering

My seminar on ontology engineering, mainly targeting linguists with a basic background in Web ontologies.

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Representation of ontology by Classified Interrelated object model
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Representation of ontology by Classified Interrelated object model

1. The document discusses representing ontology using the Classified Interrelated Object Model (CIOM) data modeling technique. CIOM represents ontology components like classes, subclasses, attributes, and relationships between classes. 2. Key components of an ontology like classes, subclasses, attributes, and inter-class relationships are described and examples are given of how each would be represented using CIOM notation. 3. CIOM provides a general purpose methodology for representing ontologies using existing database technologies and overcomes limitations of specialized ontology languages and tools.

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Generating Lexical Information for Terminology in a Bioinformatics Ontology
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This document discusses generating lexical information for terms in a bioinformatics ontology. It proposes a model called LexInfo for associating linguistic information with ontologies. The authors lexicalize a bioinformatics ontology called myGrid by creating a LexInfo-based lexicon that captures morphological, syntactic and semantic properties of terms. They generate lexicons both semi-automatically using domain resources and automatically using LexInfo tools. The automatic lexicon has some errors due to POS tagging and tokenization issues that could be addressed using domain knowledge. The enriched ontology may help with automatic annotation of bioinformatics services.

Proposed Approach 
Example of multi-modality ontology 
Example of Multi-modality ontology with DBpedia 
Conclusion -Practical implementation of ontology-based IR 
Query Processing 
ranked docs

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This document summarizes an OKFN Korea hackathon event focused on open data. It discusses modeling Seoul open government data using ontologies, linking it to external datasets like cultural heritage data, and publishing the enriched data in RDF format. It covers topics like linked data, modeling with RDF/RDFS/OWL, reusing existing vocabularies, ontology development best practices, and triple store storage solutions.

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Understanding Information Architecture
Understanding Information ArchitectureUnderstanding Information Architecture
Understanding Information Architecture

Presented at DocTrain East 2007 by Joe Gelb, Suite Solutions -- Designing, building and maintaining a coherent information architecture is critical to proper planning, creation, management and delivery of documentation and training content. This is especially true when your content is based on a modular or topic-based model such as DITA and SCORM or if you are migrating to such a model. But where to start? Terms such as taxonomy, semantics, and ontology can be intimidating, and recognized standards like RDF, OWL, Topic Maps (XTM) and SKOS seem so abstract. This pragmatic workshop will provide an overview of the standards and concepts, and a chance to use them hands-on to turn the abstract into tangible skills. We will demonstrate how a well-designed information architecture facilitates reuse and how the information model is integrally connected to conditional and multi-purpose publishing. We will introduce an innovative, comprehensive methodology for information modeling and content development called SOTA Solution Oriented Topic Architecture. SOTA does not aim to be yet another new standard, but rather a concrete methodology backed up with open-source and accessible tools for using existing standards. We will demonstrate ֖and practice—hands-on—how this powerful methodology can help you organize and express information, determine which content actually needs to be created or updated, and build documentation and training deliverables from your content based on the rules you define. This workshop is essential for successfully implementing topic models like DITA and SCORM, multi-purpose conditional publishing, and successfully facilitating content reuse.

Research issues 
•Index representation –most still based on the conventional VSM. 
•Ranking –weighting and ranking mechanisms 
•Automatic population –supervised and unsupervised 
•Extraction & annotation 
•Multilingual and cross-language 
•Castells, P., Fernandez, M.,Vallet, D. 2007. An Adaptation of Vector Space Model for Ontology Based Information Retrieval. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19(2): 
•Shahrul Azman Noah, Nor AfniRaziahAlias, NurulAida Osman, ZuraidahAbdullah, NazliaOmar, YazrinaYahya, MaryatiMohd Yusof: Ontology-Driven Semantic Digital Library. AIRS2010: 141-150. 
•Shahrul Azman Noah, DatulAida Ali: The Role of Lexical Ontology in Expanding the Semantic Textual Content of On-Line News Images. AIRS2010: 193-202. 
•Fernández, M., Cantador, I., López, V. , Vallet, D., Castells, P., & Motta, E. 2011. Semantically enhanced information retrieval: an ontology-based approach. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 9: 434-452. 
•Kara, S. Alan, O., Sabuncu, O., Akpınar, S., CicekliN.K., & Alpaslan, F.N. 2012. An ontology-based retrieval system using semantic indexing. Information Systems, 37: 294-305. 
•Kohler, J., Philippi, S., Specht, M., & Ruegg, A. 2006. Ontology based text indexing and querying for the semantic web. Knowledge-Based Systems, 19: 744-754. 
Watson –the science behind an answer 

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Group members: 
1.Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah 
3.Masnizah Mohd 
4.Nazlia Omar 
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Application of Ontology in Semantic Information Retrieval by Prof Shahrul Azman from FSTM, UKM

  • 1. Application of Ontology in Semantic Information Retrieval Presentation for MyRENSeminar Berjaya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 27 November 2014 1
  • 2. Brief speaker’s info 2 Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah, Ph.D. Knowledge Technology Research Group Center for AI Technology (CAIT) Graduated in BSc(Mathematics) from UKM Graduated in MSc(IS) from Sheffield U. Graduated in PhD(IS) from Sheffield U. – knowledge-based systems From Muar, Johor
  • 4. What is ontology? •Ontology may be considered as a kind of method to represent knowledge. •From a philosophical discipline –the science of “what is”; the kinds and structures of objects, properties, events, processes and relations in every area of reality. •Aristotle classification of animals is one the first ontology developed. 6
  • 5. Ontology in Computing •An ontology is an engineering artifact: –It is constituted by a specific vocabulary used to describe a certain reality, plus –A set of explicit assumptions regarding the intended meaning of the vocabulary. •Thus, an ontology describes a formal specification of a certain domain: –Shared understanding of a domain of interest –Formal and machine manipulablemodel of a domain of interest 7
  • 6. 8 Ontology Definition Formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization commonly accepted understanding conceptual model of a domain (ontological theory) unambiguous terminology definitions machine-readability with computational semantics [Gruber93]
  • 7. Source: Smith & Welty (2001) a catalog a set of text files a glossary a thesaurus a collection of taxonomies a set of general logical constraints a collection of frames Complexity An ontology is… 9
  • 8. Various approaches to classify ontologies 10 Classify ontologies according to the information the ontology needs to express and the richness of its internal structure (Lassila& McGuiness, 2001) Classify into 2 orthogonal dimensions: the amount and type of structure and the subject (Van Heijstet al., 1997) Classify ontologies according to their level of dependence on a particular task (Guarino, 1998)
  • 9. Ontology language • Ontology languages are formal languages used to construct ontologies – allow the encoding of knowledge about specific domains and often – include reasoning rules that support the processing of that knowledge • Various languages have been proposed: CycL, KL-One, Ontolingua, F-Logic, OCML, LOOM, Telos, RDF(S), OIL, DAML+OIL, XOL, SHOE, OWL etc. • Usually based on Description Logic (DL). • Summarised as (Kalibatiene & Vasilecas, 2011): 11
  • 10. Example of ontologies •Top level ontology - 12 Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO
  • 11. 13 Portion of SUMO ontology with USGS Geo-concepts inserted
  • 12. Example of ontologies (cont.) •Lexical ontology -Wordnet 14
  • 13. Example of ontologies (cont.) •Domain ontology -Simple News and Press Ontologies (SNaP) 15
  • 15. Applications of ontology •Searching & browsing •Decision support system •Question answering system •Recommendation •Data integration •Etc. 17
  • 17. Concepts •“Information retrieval (IR)is a field concerned with the structure, analysis, organization, storage, searching, and retrieval of information.” (Salton, 1968). •Applications of IR: recommendations, Q&A, filtering… and of course searching. 20
  • 18. Issues in IR •Some issues in IR: –Relevance –Evaluation –Users and information needs •Context based search •Semantic search •Etc. 21
  • 21. Ontology and semantic search •Various ways to support semantic search: –Query expansion –users query are expanded with related terminological terms –Disambiguation –resolving terms or concepts when they refer to more than one topics –Classifying –classify documents such as ads into ontological topics to support semantic search –Enhanced IR model –embed ontology into existing IR model resulting a modified IR model 25
  • 22. Query Expansion •Query expansion (QE) is needed due to the ambiguity of natural language. •Main aim of QE –to add new meaningful terms to the initial query. 26 Bhogal, J., Macfarlane, A. & Smith, A. 2007. A review of ontology based query expansion. Information Processing and Management, 43: 866-886.
  • 24. Semantic index • Textual documents are indexed according to some ontology model. • Remember the concept of vocabulary in IR? 31 architecture bus computer database …. xml computer science collection index terms or vocabulary of the collection Extract Indexing
  • 25. Semantic index • Textual documents are indexed according to some ontology model. • Remember the concept of vocabulary in IR? 32 computer science collection Replace the index with ontological-index Extract Indexing architecture bus computer database …. xml
  • 26. Examples •Three research projects that illustrate the applications of ontology-based IR: –Semantic digital library –Crime news retrieval –Multi modality ontology-based image retrieval 35
  • 27. Semantic digital library •Proposed an approach for managing, organizing and populating ontology for document collections in digital library. •The document metadata and content are inserted and populated to a knowledge base which allows sophisticated query and searching. •Firstly to propose an ontology based information retrieval model which is based on the classic vector space model which includes document annotation, instance-based weighting and concept-based ranking. 36
  • 28. Semantic digital library •General architecture 37
  • 29. Semantic digital library •Involved three ontologies –ACM Topic hierarchies, Geo ontology and Dublin core metadata •Portion of domain ontology focusing on academic thesis 38
  • 30. Semantic digital library •Document annotation 39
  • 31. Semantic digital library •The process 40
  • 32. VSM Index #create Class Person #create instance of Class Student <Student rdf:ID="Student1"> <rdfs:label>ArifahAlhadi</rdfs:label> </Student> <Student rdf:ID="Student2"> <rdfs:labelrdf:datatype="" >AsyrafArifin</rdfs:label> </Student> #Create Instance of Class Supervisor <Supervisor rdf:ID="Supervisor1"> <rdfs:label>PM Dr ShahrulAzman</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label>Prof. MadyaDr. ShahrulAzmanMohdNoah</rdfs:label> </Supervisor> <Supervisor rdf:ID="Supervisor2"> <rdfs:label>Prof Aziz Deraman</rdfs:label> </Supervisor> Concept Instance Documents Supervisor1 Doc1 Student1 Doc1 Student2 Doc1 Id Term TFIDF Frq Doc Id 1 ArifahAlhadi 0.11 2 Doc1 2 AsyrafArifin 0.123 1 Doc1 3 PMDr ShahrulAzman 0.45 1 Doc1
  • 33. Ontology-based IR for crime news retrieval •Each crime news must be classified into categories: Traffic Violation, Theft, Sex Crime, Murder, Kidnap, Fraud, Drugs, Cybercrime, Arsonand Gang(Chen et al. 2004) •Useful entities need to be identified: Person, Location, Organisation, Date/Time, Weapon, Amount, Vehicle, Drug, Personel properties, and Age. •Clustering of crime news into topics, e.g. NurinJazlinmurder, Canny Ong, Sosilawatietc. •Clustering of specific topic into various and chronological events. •Mapping of named entities into news ontology to support semantic querying and retrieval. 42
  • 34. Example 43 Murder Kidnap Theft Gang NurinJazlin Sosilawati Canny Ong Investigation into Canny Ong case include medical report and trial Evidence/Suspect into Canny Ong case DNA test Family reacts into Canny Ong and negligence suit Court Sentence, plead guilty (17) (6) (3) (9) (13) ……………….. Classification Clustering Cluster into topics
  • 35. Required methods •In order to support the aforementioned requirements: –Conventional text processing -tokenizing, indexing, stopping, stemming etc. –Named entity recognition (NER) –Classification and clustering –Ontology mapping 44
  • 36. 46 PRE-PROCESSING TASK DOCUMENT REPRESENTATION DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION + + •Stopwordremoval •Stemming •Parsing •Indexing •Bag of words •Named entity recognition •Classification -AdaBoost •Clustering – KNN •Semantic mapping
  • 37. Document representation •Documents will be presented into meaningful forms: –BoW–Bag of Words –Named Entity Recognition –used the GATE Annie and Jape rules –Adopt the Vector Space Model (VSM) but enhanced with ontological model 48
  • 39. Document organization •Documents need to be organised into categories, topics and events. –Classification –Adaboostalgorithm –Clustering –Used the KNN clustering –Ontology mapping –we have develop a crime news ontology by extending the existing SNaPontology. Includes classes/entities which are important to crime such as classification of crimes, locationand weapon. 50
  • 40. 51 Asset ontology Event ontology
  • 41. Extending the SNaP ontology and mapping to entities in news documents 52 SNaP Crime pne:Event pna:Asset pns:Stuff pns:Tangible pns:Location pns:Organization pns:Person event:Event rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf pns:Weapon pns:Vehicle pnc:Classification <Murder> <Kidnap> rdf:type rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf pne: subeventOf rdfs:domain rdfs:range <Event 1> rdf:type pnt:Tag rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf pnc:Classifiable pnc: isClassifiedBy rdfs:subClassOf rdf:domain rdf:range rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf
  • 42. The Application •What we need/desire. 53
  • 43. Ontology-based Image Retrieval •Rapid growth of visual information (VI) –lead to difficulty in finding and accessing VI. •Inability to capture the semantic content. •Problem arise –lack of coincidence between information extracted from VI and user needs. •Conventional approaches of image retrieval (IMR) -TBIR and CBIR have reached their limit in attempting to solve this problem. •As a result –SBIR approach, ontology-based provide an explicit domain oriented semantic for concept and relationship. 55
  • 44. Ontology-based Image Retrieval •Illustrate how images are describes based on it visual, textual and domain semantic features. •Proposed a multi-modality ontology: visual ontology, textual ontology and domain ontology. •Illustrate how such ontology can be integrated with open source knowledge base (DBpedia) to support a more comprehensive search. 56
  • 47. Example of Multi-modality ontology with DBpedia 59
  • 48. Conclusion -Practical implementation of ontology-based IR 60 TBox ABox Ontology Documents Index Extraction build Population Annotation Query Processing query ranked docs
  • 49. Research issues •Index representation –most still based on the conventional VSM. •Ranking –weighting and ranking mechanisms •Automatic population –supervised and unsupervised •Extraction & annotation •Multilingual and cross-language 61
  • 50. References •Castells, P., Fernandez, M.,Vallet, D. 2007. An Adaptation of Vector Space Model for Ontology Based Information Retrieval. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19(2): •Shahrul Azman Noah, Nor AfniRaziahAlias, NurulAida Osman, ZuraidahAbdullah, NazliaOmar, YazrinaYahya, MaryatiMohd Yusof: Ontology-Driven Semantic Digital Library. AIRS2010: 141-150. •Shahrul Azman Noah, DatulAida Ali: The Role of Lexical Ontology in Expanding the Semantic Textual Content of On-Line News Images. AIRS2010: 193-202. •Fernández, M., Cantador, I., López, V. , Vallet, D., Castells, P., & Motta, E. 2011. Semantically enhanced information retrieval: an ontology-based approach. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 9: 434-452. •Kara, S. Alan, O., Sabuncu, O., Akpınar, S., CicekliN.K., & Alpaslan, F.N. 2012. An ontology-based retrieval system using semantic indexing. Information Systems, 37: 294-305. •Kohler, J., Philippi, S., Specht, M., & Ruegg, A. 2006. Ontology based text indexing and querying for the semantic web. Knowledge-Based Systems, 19: 744-754. •Etc. 62
  • 52. Watson –the science behind an answer 65
  • 53. 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Group members: 1.Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah 2.JuhanaSalim 3.Masnizah Mohd 4.Nazlia Omar 5.Mohd Juzaiddin Ab Aziz 6.Nazlena Mohamad Ali 7.Saidah Saad 8.Shereena Mohd Arif 9.LailaltulqadriZakaria 10.Sabrina Tiun 11.Maryati Mohd. Yusof