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IoT Cloud Platform
Transitioning from a monolith to micro services architecture
• Enable Scalable
• Support Entry into new
• Support innovation in
existing markets
Enterprise Capability
• Multi-tenancy
• Enterprise Reference
• Global customer issue
• Devices
communicating from
across the globe
• Monitoring
• FaultTolerance
• Simulation
• Deployment
Looking forward and
future Insights
• Monolithic to
• Team Structural
• DevOPS
• Advantages of
• Microservices logical
• Decentralized Data
• CAPTheorem
• Polyglot Persistence
• FaultTolerance
• Automated Failure
• Web Application
• Metering & Billing
IOT Cloud Service
• CSP Block Diagram
• CSP Architecture
• DDD and Practice
• CSP Event Sourcing
• CSPWorkflow
Execution Strategy
• AlignTeam and
• Standardization,Team
choice, Development
Tools, Options, Cross-
team coordination
• Microservices Interface
• Microservice internal
architecture and design
• Microservice Fault
Tolerant Design
• Repository Design
• DevOPS First
• UnitTests, Integration
Tests, UAT
• Microservices
Licenses Alerts
Time to Market
Driving architecture
Architecture Driving
Enable Scalable
Support Entry
into new
innovation in
Cloud Service – Data - Multi-tenancy
Service Multi-

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AWS Summit Auckland- Developing Applications for IoT
AWS Summit Auckland-  Developing Applications for IoTAWS Summit Auckland-  Developing Applications for IoT
AWS Summit Auckland- Developing Applications for IoT

This document summarizes a session on developing Internet of Things (IoT) applications with AWS IoT, AWS Lambda, and AWS Cognito. The session will include deep dives on AWS IoT, patterns for building IoT applications, creating applications using the listed AWS services, and a customer story from EROAD. There will also be demonstrations and audience participation.

Device Twins, Digital Twins and Device Shadow
Device Twins, Digital Twins and Device ShadowDevice Twins, Digital Twins and Device Shadow
Device Twins, Digital Twins and Device Shadow

The document discusses device twins in Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS IoT. It provides an overview of how each platform implements device twins and digital twins. Key differences noted include: - Azure and AWS only define a data model for device twins, not actions or events. Their formats are not uniform. - Azure uses device twins as JSON documents while AWS defines things as device models with additional attributes. - Protocols, SDKs, security methods, and pricing models differ between the platforms. - Azure recently introduced Digital Twins, which defines additional object types beyond devices and uses a spatial intelligence graph. - A unified device model across platforms could simplify integration tasks and accelerate IoT adoption.

cloud computingiotdevice shadow
What's new for Serverless Computing in Azure
What's new for Serverless Computing in AzureWhat's new for Serverless Computing in Azure
What's new for Serverless Computing in Azure

Serverless applications are transforming the ways that developers are solving problems by radically increasing productivity and reducing operational friction. In this session, we review the various Azure technologies enabling this trend, including Functions, Logic Apps, Event Grid, and more. Learn what Azure serverless platform can do for you with examples of successful serverless applications

azure functionsserverless
Reference Data & Master Data
Enterprise Reference & Master Data
Identity Enterprise
web apps
Duplicated Azure AD
Enterprise Soft Division
IT Services Division
EnterpriseTools Division
IT Services Division
Enterprise Reference & Master Data
Enterprise Reference
Data & Master Data
Managed By Enterprise
Reference DataTeam
Web Apps
Azure AD
Cloud Services
Device communication from across the
Has Huge Impact
on the service
Service should be
exposed always to
one region

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(MBL205) New! Everything You Want to Know About AWS IoT
(MBL205) New! Everything You Want to Know About AWS IoT(MBL205) New! Everything You Want to Know About AWS IoT
(MBL205) New! Everything You Want to Know About AWS IoT

AWS IoT is a new managed service that enables Internet-connected things (sensors, actuators, devices, and applications) to easily and securely interact with each other and the cloud. In this session, we will discuss how constrained devices can leverage AWS IoT to send data to the cloud and receive commands back to the device from the cloud using protocol of their choice. We will discuss how devices can connect securely connect using MQTT, HTTP protocols and how can developers and businesses leverage several features of AWS IoT Rules Engine, Thing Shadow to build a real connected product. You don't want to miss this session if you are a maker or manufacturer of a connected device. We have a cool giveaway for you at the end of the session!

cloudaws cloudmobile developer & iot
Connecting to the internet of things (IoT)
Connecting to the internet of things (IoT)Connecting to the internet of things (IoT)
Connecting to the internet of things (IoT)

FIWARE provides an IoT platform that connects IoT devices to applications through the FIWARE IoT stack. The IoT Broker acts as an abstraction layer between IoT devices and applications, organizing information flows and enabling applications to interact with "things" instead of individual sensors. The IoT Broker can be scaled and supports advanced features like an IoT Knowledge Server to add semantic information and federation to allow separate IoT domains to communicate through a common protocol.

iot agentsiotfiware lab
Real-time Visibility at Scale with Sumo Logic
Real-time Visibility at Scale with Sumo LogicReal-time Visibility at Scale with Sumo Logic
Real-time Visibility at Scale with Sumo Logic

Legacy monitoring and troubleshooting tools can limit visibility and control over your infrastructure and applications. Organizations must find monitoring and troubleshooting tools that can scale with the volume, variety and velocity of data generated by today’s complex applications in order to keep pace with business demands. Our upcoming webinar will discuss how Sumo Logic helped Scripps Networks harness cloud-native machine data analytics to improve application quality and reliability on AWS. Sumo Logic allows IT operations teams to visualize and monitor workloads in real-time, identify issues and expedite root-cause analysis across the AWS environment. Join us to learn: • How to migrate from traditional on-premises data centers to AWS with confidence • How to improve the monitoring and troubleshooting of modern applications • How Scripps Networks, a leading content developer, used Sumo Logic to optimize their transition to AWS Who should attend: Developers, DevOps Director/Manager, IT Operations Director/Manager, Director of Cloud/Infrastructure, VP of Engineering

awsaws cloudamazon web services
Service Monitoring and Monitoring
• Service Monitoring should never be an after-
• Service Monitoring solutions should be developed in
• Simulation service to
simulate hundreds and
thousands of devices
should also be developed
in parallel along with the
monitoring apps
Monolith Service Deployment
• Always involves deployment of the entire service
• For major schema changes the deployment might take long hours
• Deployment checklist is huge and only few people in the team might
know about it
Future Insights

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AWS re:Invent 2016: IoT State of the Union (IOT307)
AWS re:Invent 2016: IoT State of the Union (IOT307)AWS re:Invent 2016: IoT State of the Union (IOT307)
AWS re:Invent 2016: IoT State of the Union (IOT307)

In this general session, AWS IoT experts will present an in-depth look at the current state of the Internet of Things. Learn about trends and industry use cases. Hear how other organizations are using AWS IoT to connect devices to the cloud. Explore some of the most recent IoT announcements as we kick off the IoT re:Source Mini Con.

aws clouddirk didascalouaws reinvent
Deep Dive on the IoT at AWS
Deep Dive on the IoT at AWSDeep Dive on the IoT at AWS
Deep Dive on the IoT at AWS

AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. As an IoT developer, you will want to interact with AWS services like Kinesis, Lambda, and Amazon Machine Learning to get the most from your IoT application. In this session, we will do a deep dive on how to define rules in the Rules Engine, or retrieve the last known and desired state of device using Device Shadows, learn about the use cases and benefits of AWS Greengrass, and routing data from devices to AWS services to leverage the entire cloud for your Internet of Things application.

awsstartupsamazon web services
IoT Architecture - Are Traditional Architectures Good Enough or do we Need Ne...
IoT Architecture - Are Traditional Architectures Good Enough or do we Need Ne...IoT Architecture - Are Traditional Architectures Good Enough or do we Need Ne...
IoT Architecture - Are Traditional Architectures Good Enough or do we Need Ne...

Independent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. Dependent on the size and quantity of such events, this can quickly be in the range of Big Data. How can we efficiently collect and transmit these events? How can we make sure that we can always report over historical events? How can these new events be integrated into traditional infrastructure and application landscape? Starting with a product and technology neutral reference architecture, we will then present different solutions using Open Source frameworks and the Oracle Stack both for on premises as well as the cloud.

Conway’s Law
Any piece of software
reflects the organizational
structure that produced it
What is a Microservice?
Microservices are a loosely coupled Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) with bounded contexts
Complexity over time (Monolith vs
Complexity Over Time
Microservices - Trends
Who are using microservices?

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Azure IoT Summary
Azure IoT SummaryAzure IoT Summary
Azure IoT Summary

Overview of the Azure Internet of Things platform as delivered as part of the Microsoft IoT Cloud Workshops in Dec 2018.

iotazuremicrosoft cloud workshop
Compliance in the Cloud Using Security by Design
Compliance in the Cloud Using Security by DesignCompliance in the Cloud Using Security by Design
Compliance in the Cloud Using Security by Design

Up-front design of your AWS account can be done in a way that creates a reliably secure and controlled environment no matter how the AWS resources are used. This session will focus on "Secure by Design" principles and show how an AWS environment can be configured to provide a reliable operational security control capability to meet the compliance needs across multiple industry verticals (e.g. HIPAA, FISMA, PCI, etc.). This will include operational reporting through the use of AWS services (e.g. Config/Config Rules, CloudTrail, Inspector, etc.) as well as partner integration capabilities with partner solutions such as Splunk and Allgress for real-time governance, risk, and compliance reporting. Key takeaways from this session include: learning AWS Security best practices and automation capabilities for securing your environment, Automation accelerators for configuration, compliance, and audit reporting using CloudFormation, Config/Config Rules, CloudTrail, Inspector, etc., and ISV integration for real-time notification and reporting for security, compliance, and auditing in the cloud.

santa clara summit2016scsummit2016 aws summit santa clara
Event Grid Unplugged - Using events as the fuel powering your applications
Event Grid Unplugged - Using events as the fuel powering your applicationsEvent Grid Unplugged - Using events as the fuel powering your applications
Event Grid Unplugged - Using events as the fuel powering your applications

Come learn how Adobe is leveraging the latest serverless offering from Microsoft – Event Grid - to build event-driven solutions in the cloud. Hear a real customer story in their own words and get insights from the product experts as well

azure event hubsserverless
Conway’s Law in Action
Head Of IT
Head Of
Head Of
Head Of
Head Of
Head Of App
Head Of UI
Typical Enterprise Organization Structure
User Interface
Resulting Software
An Enormous Monolith
Microservices Organization Structure
Developer Developer
Sys Admin DBA
Resulting Software
Many small Microservices
Each team should treat other teams as external vendor
1. Clear Interfaces
2. Clear SLAs
Microservices logical architecture
Characteristics of different organization
Centralized Organizations
Focused onTechnology
• Product Monoliths
• Simple change requires
extensive coordination
across all of the layers
• Business logic is spread
everywhere because it’s
easier to bury it in the
layer you own
• No real ownership
Distributed Organizations
Focused on products
• Produce Microservices
• SmallTeams can make
any change they want to
an individual
• Architecture clean
because developers
have 100% control
• True ownership

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Seven Seas Technology
Seven Seas TechnologySeven Seas Technology
Seven Seas Technology

Seven Seas Technology is an IT services company with over 250 employees that provides a wide range of IT solutions and services to over 1000 customers. They have a mission to help customers become successful businesses by designing and delivering ICT solutions that provide value and enhance productivity. Their solutions include enterprise systems, infrastructure, information security, cloud solutions, and managed services. They also have expertise in many technology domains and partnerships with leading technology companies.

AWS re:Invent 2016: Enel E2E Smart Home Solution with Amazon Alexa (IOT308)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Enel E2E Smart Home Solution with Amazon Alexa (IOT308)AWS re:Invent 2016: Enel E2E Smart Home Solution with Amazon Alexa (IOT308)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Enel E2E Smart Home Solution with Amazon Alexa (IOT308)

The document discusses an end-to-end smart home solution using the Intel IoT Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Wind River Helix Device Cloud (HDC). It provides an overview of these technologies and how they can be used together, such as ingesting sensor data using AWS IoT and managing devices remotely using the Helix Device Cloud. The document also outlines an agenda for a workshop on connecting an Intel IoT gateway to Amazon Alexa using these various technologies.

iot308advanced (300 level)aws reinvent
2016, A new era of OS and Cloud Security
2016, A new era of OS and Cloud Security2016, A new era of OS and Cloud Security
2016, A new era of OS and Cloud Security

The global security landscape is changing, now more than ever. With cloud computing gaining momentum and advanced persistent threats becoming a common occurrence, the industry is taking a more focused and serious approach when it comes to security, especially after some of last years’ heavily publicized incidents. Join this session for a discussion on what Microsoft is doing to protect against these new security threats with fresh approaches taken both at the server & client OS level, as well as in Azure.

securityitcamp 2016tudor damian
Standardize where it makes sense
Teams do not have 100% freedomDevelopmentTooling
Data Format
Communication Protocol
Custom Code
Programming Language
Data Store
Team Has Complete Choice
Offer a menu of 2-3 options
Standardize on One
Benefits of Microservices
• Easier to understand and develop
• Faster to build and deploy
• Reduced startup time
• Scales development: Develop, deploy and scale each service independently
• Improves fault isolation
• Eliminates long-time commitment to a technology stack
• Microservice => something that could be rewritten in two weeks
• Decentralized Governance
Service integration
OrchestrationVs Choreography

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Intel SoC as a Platform to Connect Sensor Data to AWS
Intel SoC as a Platform to Connect Sensor Data to AWSIntel SoC as a Platform to Connect Sensor Data to AWS
Intel SoC as a Platform to Connect Sensor Data to AWS

This session will describe and demo methods to connect the Intel Edison to Amazon AWS in order to create a versatile IoT structure. The Intel Edison is a powerful system on chip module, the size of a postage stamp with powerful on board processing. It can be used as a sensor hub to gather data, a control board for actuators, and a gateway to connect to the cloud. When combined with the powerful services offered by AWS it can form the basis for many IoT solutions. AWS DevDay San Francisco, June 21, 2016. Presenter: Martin Kronberg, Intel oT Evengelist

cloud computingawsiot
Mobile apps and iot aws lambda
Mobile apps and iot aws lambdaMobile apps and iot aws lambda
Mobile apps and iot aws lambda

AWS Lambda is a new compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you. AWS Lambda enables powerful application architectures that simplify and accelerate development of connected applications. Together with Amazon Cognito, AWS SNS Push Notifications and AWS DynamoDB, AWS Lambda is a powerful tool in your arsenal for developing IoT/mobile apps, and beyond. This session will show you how to get started quickly by covering key architectural design concepts and demonstrating the use of the AWS SDKs to simplify creating powerful applications for the always-on world that connects beyond the desktop. Speaker: Adam Larter, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

Essential Capabilities of an IoT Cloud Platform - April 2017 AWS Online Tech ...
Essential Capabilities of an IoT Cloud Platform - April 2017 AWS Online Tech ...Essential Capabilities of an IoT Cloud Platform - April 2017 AWS Online Tech ...
Essential Capabilities of an IoT Cloud Platform - April 2017 AWS Online Tech ...

Learning Objectives: • Learn what core capabilities are necessary for a successful IoT cloud platform • Understand how the core capabilities work together • Learn what and how standards are beginning to take shape As with any other trend in the history of computer software, IoT is being powered by a new generation of cloud platforms. In this tech talk, we will identify and explain what to look for when evaluating an IoT cloud platform to ensure a successful deployment of IoT strategies. Learn what core capabilities are necessary to look for when choosing an IoT cloud platform.

webinaramazon web servicescloud computing
Example: process of creating new customer
Downside of this approach
• Customer service
can become too
much of a central
governing authority
• Extremely brittle
• Higher cost of
Event driven architecture and Eventual
• Application has to handle eventually consistent data
• Application has to handle duplicate events
• How to generate events?
• Atomically publish an event since there could be failures

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Cloud Platform for IoT
Cloud Platform for IoTCloud Platform for IoT
Cloud Platform for IoT

This is presentation slide for OpenStack Summit Austin 2016. // Abstraction Internet of Things is a hot topic today. Many companies are trying to create new business applications on a concept of IoT such as smart city, connected vehicle or smart grid. The platform for IoT applications has some unprecedented characteristics: (1) needs to accept huge number of connections simultaneously (2) needs to be highly reliable and secure (3) needs to be highly scalable. We have designed, prototyped and evaluated a highly reliable IoT platform for collecting and storing large-scale data. We explained our use case and architecture of IoT platform. We are tackling the following very high requirements during the process of prototyping and evaluating the platform. • Receiving and storing messages from over 10M clients concurrently • Highly reliable architecture of message broking without losing messages • Instant scale-out to process burst traffic rapidly We also discussed how we can adopt OpenStack to IoT backend and share ideas for its enhancement.

big dataplatformiot
Effective IoT System on Openstack
Effective IoT System on OpenstackEffective IoT System on Openstack
Effective IoT System on Openstack

This document discusses building an effective IoT system on OpenStack. It describes key IoT use cases and requirements, such as high data volume, velocity, and variety. The proposed architecture uses OpenStack services like Nova, Neutron, Swift, and Ceilometer to provide scalable infrastructure, networking, storage, and monitoring for IoT workloads. The document outlines how OpenStack can support broker integration, device management, flexible data stores, external connectivity, and data federation to realize a full-featured IoT platform. Future work involves proof-of-concept testing of the integrated architecture.

openstackbig datacloud
IoT Platform Alliance Map 2017Sep.
IoT Platform Alliance Map 2017Sep.IoT Platform Alliance Map 2017Sep.
IoT Platform Alliance Map 2017Sep.

IoT Platform Vendors Alliance Map 2017 September

#iot#iot platform
Event Sourcing
• An event-centric approach to designing domain models
• Request becomes a command that is sent to anAggregate
• Aggregates handle commands by generating events
• Apply events to an aggregate to update state
• Persist events NOT state
• Replay events to recreate the current state of an aggregate
• Event Store = database + message broker
DevOPS Principle
Cultural movement enabled by technology
Paid to add
new feature
Paid to keep
system stable,
fast and

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Go-to-market services for IoT
Go-to-market services for IoTGo-to-market services for IoT
Go-to-market services for IoT

IoT Analytics is a leading market insights firm for the Internet of Things. The company operates in three areas: 1. Latest insights 2. Market reports 3. Go-to-market services for IoT. This is an overview of our approach and our services for go-to-market excellence in IoT.

internet of thingsindustrie 4.0go-to-market
Zig Bee
Zig BeeZig Bee
Zig Bee

The document provides an overview of the ZigBee wireless protocol. It discusses that ZigBee is a low power, low cost wireless standard targeted for automation and remote control applications. It then covers ZigBee features such as mesh networking, security, reliability and interoperability. The document also summarizes the ZigBee protocol stack including the physical, MAC and network layers and different device types in ZigBee networks.

zigbeeieee 802154wireless protocols
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This is a small introduction to microservices. you can find the differences between microservices and monolithic applications. You will find the pros and cons of microservices. you will also find the challenges (Business/ technical) that you may face while implementing microservices.

Decentralized Data Management
Rules of distributed computing
CAP Theorm – pick any two
• Consistency
• Each node shows the same
data all times
• Availability
• Each node is available for
writes at all times
• PartitionTolerance
• Able to handle network
• PickA or P
• Partition tolerance is non-negotiable because we
have networks that can always fails
• Enterprise IT Systems
• Often CP
• Microservices Systems
• Often AP
Decomposition MicroserviceA
Microservice A Microservice B
Impedence mismatch problem in RDBMS
• We want to show and store
in two different ways

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Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolithStay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

The document discusses strategies for transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservice architectures. It outlines some of the challenges with maintaining large monolithic applications and reasons for modernizing, such as handling more data and needing faster changes. It then covers microservice design principles and best practices, including service decomposition, distributed systems strategies, and reactive design. Finally it introduces Lagom as a framework for building reactive microservices on the JVM and outlines its key components and development environment.

Alex Thissen (Xpirit) - Een verschuiving in architectuur: op weg naar microse...
Alex Thissen (Xpirit) - Een verschuiving in architectuur: op weg naar microse...Alex Thissen (Xpirit) - Een verschuiving in architectuur: op weg naar microse...
Alex Thissen (Xpirit) - Een verschuiving in architectuur: op weg naar microse...

This document discusses microservices architecture as a modern approach to application development. It begins by outlining some of the challenges with monolithic architectures and how microservices address needs for scalability, agility, availability and efficiency. Key characteristics of microservices are that they are independently deployable, use lightweight protocols for communication, and are organized around business capabilities rather than technical boundaries. The document provides examples of how to decompose a monolithic application into microservices and discusses considerations for designing services, service communication, and hosting microservices using containers and orchestration platforms.

Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscapeExploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape

Presentation for Dutch Microsoft TechDays 2015 with Marcel de Vries: During this session we will take a look at how to realize a Microservices architecture (MSA) using the latest Microsoft technologies available. We will discuss some fundamental theories behind MSA and show you how this can actually be realized with Microsoft technologies such as Azure Service Fabric. This session is a real must-see for any developer that wants to stay ahead of the curve in modern architectures.

azureservice fabricarchitecture
SQL was designed to run in a single big
• It doesn’t work very well with large
• Too much of operations involved in
maintaining large clusters
• Many gave up designing large relational
• It is cluster friendly
• Non-relational
• Schema-less
NoSQL - Implicit schema
• Build relationship out of
the implicit schema
NoSQL - Advantages
• Aggregate oriented database
• Store Every aggregate as a single unit
• Aggregate storage is useful when it is stored in clusters
• Runs efficiently in clusters and way more straightforward

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Grokking microservices in 5 minutes
Grokking microservices in 5 minutesGrokking microservices in 5 minutes
Grokking microservices in 5 minutes

Comparing and contrasting monolithic systems to Lego pieces (microservices) at the 50,000 foot view. In this presentation we will compare and contrast monolithic systems to microservices. We will then take a look at some of the down sides to microservices. And then we will discuss some strategies for building microservices.

managing complexityddddmicroservices
Microservice intro
Microservice introMicroservice intro
Microservice intro

This document provides an overview of microservices and monolithic architectures. It discusses how monolithic applications are self-contained and execute end-to-end tasks, while microservices are small, independent services that communicate to perform tasks. The document outlines characteristics of each approach and compares their advantages and disadvantages, such as improved scalability, deployment and innovation with microservices versus better performance with monolithic architectures. Examples of companies using microservices are also provided.

Microservices Architecture
Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture

A quick glance into the Microservices architecture and what the architecture offers over its precursor - Monolith Architecture

Scalability and Performance (NoSQL vs
Polyglot persistence
• Polyglot persistence is all about choosing the right persistence option for
the task at hand
• Polyglot persistence is needed since the volume of data is exploding
• What options do we have?
• Document Stores
• Key-Value pairs
• BLOB Storage
• Table Storage
• Graph DBs
• Message Queues
Fault Tolerance
• FaultTolerance is a Requirement, Not a Feature
• Network timeouts and retries
• Using Semaphores to control resource usage
• Circuit breakers
Automated Failure Testing
• Chaos Monkey
• A tool that randomly disables our production instances to make sure we can survive this
common type of failure without any customer impact
• Latency Monkey
• Induces artificial delays in our RESTful client-server communication layer to simulate
service degradation and measures if upstream services respond appropriately
• Conformity Monkey
• Finds instances that don’t adhere to best-practices and shuts them down
• Doctor Monkey
• Taps into health checks that run on each instance as well as monitors other external signs
of health (e.g. CPU load) to detect unhealthy instances.
• Once unhealthy instances are detected, they are removed from service and after giving
the service owners time to root-cause the problem, are eventually terminated.
• Janitor Monkey
• Ensures that our cloud environment is running free of clutter and waste. It searches for
unused resources and disposes of them.
• Chaos Gorilla
• is similar to Chaos Monkey, but simulates an outage of an entire Cloud availability zone

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Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-ServicesConcurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services

Most large-scale web companies have evolved their system architecture from a monolithic application and monolithic database to a set of loosely coupled micro-services. Using examples from Google, eBay, and KIXEYE, this talk outlines the pros and cons of these different stages of evolution, and makes practical suggestions about when and how other organizations should consider migrating to micro-services. It concludes with some more advanced implications of a micro-services architecture, including SLAs, cost-allocation, and vendor-customer relationships within the organization.

Monolithic to Microservices Architecture
Monolithic to Microservices ArchitectureMonolithic to Microservices Architecture
Monolithic to Microservices Architecture

I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable propagating errors or intentionally causing problems.

Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric ArchitecturesCloser Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures

The document discusses the cloud architecture of Presence Insights, a service that provides analytics for physical locations. Some key points: - Presence Insights migrated from a traditional on-premises JEE architecture to a cloud-native microservices architecture on Bluemix using 29 microservices and 317 Node.js instances. - The new architecture utilizes various technologies like Node.js, MQLight for messaging, Redis for caching and real-time eventing, and Cloudant for persistence. - Lessons learned include deciding how to break services into actors, testing complex cloud architectures, optimizing for different scaling needs, and choosing the right data store for read/write patterns. - The evolution

mobile lean startup node angular kafka
Emerging Technologies
• Service Fabric
• Distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and
manage scalable and reliable micro services
• VMs, Containers, and Processes
• Windows Server 2016 – Has container support
IoT Cloud Service Platform
IoT Domain Modeling
• Difficult to conceive domain
modelling in IoT
Web Application Decomposition
(Partitioned Web Application)

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DCEU 18: From Monolith to Microservices
DCEU 18: From Monolith to MicroservicesDCEU 18: From Monolith to Microservices
DCEU 18: From Monolith to Microservices

Jeff Nickoloff - Co-founder, Topple Growth can be challenging to address once monolithic systems begin to fail under strain or internal software development processes begin to slow the release cadence. Many organizations are looking to microservices architecture to solve these application issues, whether they plan to write new applications or rewrite the monoliths into microservices. This talk will highlight the common technical and cultural issues that will make microservice architectures a challenge to adopt and maintain. Issues include impact of Dunbar's Number and Conway's Law, build-time vs runtime continuous integration, evolution of testability, API versioning impact, logistics overhead, artifact management, and strategies for iteration in a distributed environment. Attendees will learn: - How and why microservice architectures and ownership end up falling along organizational lines (and why that is a good thing) - How we can learn from monolith tooling to inform our tooling in a microservice environment - How you can achieve operational excellence at scale taking a logistical approach with Docker.

How to achieve Continous Delivery
How to achieve Continous DeliveryHow to achieve Continous Delivery
How to achieve Continous Delivery

1) Continuous delivery is the ability to get changes into production safely and quickly in a sustainable way. It provides benefits like increased availability, manageability, quality and satisfaction. 2) Research found that high performing organizations deploy code more frequently with shorter lead times and recovery times from incidents. 3) Continuous delivery requires architecting systems to flow work continuously from concept to cash through the value stream. This involves setting up deployment pipelines and eliminating bottlenecks.

continous-integration dev/ops continous-delivery
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and KubernetesAccelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes

The business case for MicroServices, DevOps / Agile, adopting CI/CD, and Kubernetes with best practices.

leanlean managementkubernetes
No longer a single base URL
Browser Content Router
Products UI
Checkout UI
Order Management
Management UI
Partitioned Web Application
Products UI
Checkout UI
Order Management
Management UI
REST Client
Products Info Service
Review Service
Order Service
Service Registry
1. Single Entry Point
2. Protocol
3. Reduces chatty
network calls
s Registers
when they
Execution Strategy
• Identify one microservice for POC
• Write interface specification for the microservice (Swagger)
• Identify the core services needed for implementing one microservice
• Implement core services
• Develop one microservice and make it as reference implementation for other
• Demo DevOPS
• Demo Fault isolation and Fault tolerance

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Building Big Architectures
Building Big ArchitecturesBuilding Big Architectures
Building Big Architectures

This document provides an overview of microservices architecture compared to monolithic architecture. It discusses key concepts like SOA, containers with Docker, principles of microservices including loose coupling and decentralization, and industry examples from Netflix, Twitter, and others. The presenter's goal is to explain why microservices are important and how organizations can transition applications from monolithic to microservices using tools like Docker and orchestration.

Migrating from Java EE to cloud-native Reactive systems
Migrating from Java EE to cloud-native Reactive systemsMigrating from Java EE to cloud-native Reactive systems
Migrating from Java EE to cloud-native Reactive systems

A lot of businesses that never before considered themselves as “technology companies” are now faced with digital modernization imperatives that force them to rethink their application and infrastructure architecture. On the path to becoming a digital, on-demand provider, development speed is the ultimate competitive advantage.

Migrating From Java EE To Cloud-Native Reactive Systems
Migrating From Java EE To Cloud-Native Reactive SystemsMigrating From Java EE To Cloud-Native Reactive Systems
Migrating From Java EE To Cloud-Native Reactive Systems

This webinar will discuss migrating from Java EE applications to cloud-native reactive systems. It will cover how reactive and microservice architectures are better suited for today's applications that need to efficiently handle streaming data and frequent updates. The webinar will explore how to utilize reactive principles like messaging and isolation to build resilient distributed systems. It will also provide resources on modernizing Java EE applications using Lightbend technologies and patterns for reactive microservices.

cloud nativejava eereactive systems

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Iot cloud service v2.0

  • 1. IoT Cloud Platform Transitioning from a monolith to micro services architecture BY VINOD WILSON – ARCHITECT – CRESTRON ELECTRONICS
  • 2. Agenda Goals • Enable Scalable Business • Support Entry into new markets • Support innovation in existing markets Enterprise Capability • Multi-tenancy • Enterprise Reference Data • Global customer issue • Devices communicating from across the globe • Monitoring • FaultTolerance • Simulation • Deployment Looking forward and future Insights • Monolithic to Microservices • Team Structural Problems • DevOPS • Advantages of Microservices • Microservices logical architecture • Decentralized Data Management • CAPTheorem • Polyglot Persistence • FaultTolerance • Automated Failure Testing • Web Application Decomposition • Metering & Billing IOT Cloud Service Platform • CSP Block Diagram • CSP Architecture • DDD and Practice • CSP Event Sourcing • CSPWorkflow • CSP POC Execution Strategy • AlignTeam and organizational structure • Standardization,Team choice, Development Tools, Options, Cross- team coordination • Microservices Interface specification • Microservice internal architecture and design • Microservice Fault Tolerant Design specification • Repository Design • DevOPS First • TDD • UnitTests, Integration Tests, UAT • Microservices Development
  • 3. Goals Device Program Ancillary Device Telemetry File Storage Policies Licenses Alerts Change Logs API Exposure Email SMS Time to Market Organization Driving architecture Architecture Driving organization Enable Scalable Business Support Entry into new markets Support innovation in existing markets
  • 4. Cloud Service – Data - Multi-tenancy Cloud Service Multi- tenancy
  • 5. Reference Data & Master Data Management
  • 6. Enterprise Reference & Master Data Dealers Products Identity Enterprise web apps Product Lines Enterprisereference&MasterData Duplicated Azure AD Enterprise Soft Division IT Services Division EnterpriseTools Division IT Services Division
  • 7. Enterprise Reference & Master Data Enterprise Reference Data & Master Data Dealers Products Identity Product Lines Enterprisereference&MasterData Moved Managed By Enterprise Reference DataTeam Pushed A z u r e S e r vi c e B u s Enterprise Web Apps EnterpriseTools Azure AD Cloud Services
  • 8. Device communication from across the globe Has Huge Impact on the service Service should be exposed always to one region
  • 9. Service Monitoring and Monitoring Apps • Service Monitoring should never be an after- thought • Service Monitoring solutions should be developed in parallel
  • 10. Simulation • Simulation service to simulate hundreds and thousands of devices should also be developed in parallel along with the monitoring apps
  • 11. Monolith Service Deployment • Always involves deployment of the entire service • For major schema changes the deployment might take long hours • Deployment checklist is huge and only few people in the team might know about it
  • 13. Conway’s Law 1968 Any piece of software reflects the organizational structure that produced it
  • 14. What is a Microservice? Microservices are a loosely coupled Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) with bounded contexts
  • 15. Complexity over time (Monolith vs Microservices) COMPLEXITY TIME Complexity Over Time
  • 16. Microservices - Trends Who are using microservices?
  • 17. Conway’s Law in Action Head Of IT Head Of Operations Head Of DBA’s Head Of Infrastructure Head Of Development Head Of App Dev Head Of UI Typical Enterprise Organization Structure Infrastructure DataStore Application User Interface Resulting Software An Enormous Monolith
  • 18. Microservices Organization Structure Product Lead Developer Developer Developer Sys Admin DBA NoSQL Admin Javascript Developer Graphic Artist Infrastructure DataStore Application API Resulting Software Infrastructure DataStore Application API Infrastructure DataStore Application API Infrastructure DataStore Application API Many small Microservices Each team should treat other teams as external vendor 1. Clear Interfaces 2. Clear SLAs
  • 20. Characteristics of different organization types Centralized Organizations Focused onTechnology Layers • Product Monoliths • Simple change requires extensive coordination across all of the layers • Business logic is spread everywhere because it’s easier to bury it in the layer you own • No real ownership Distributed Organizations Focused on products • Produce Microservices • SmallTeams can make any change they want to an individual microservice • Architecture clean because developers have 100% control • True ownership
  • 21. Standardize where it makes sense Teams do not have 100% freedomDevelopmentTooling SourceControl ConfigurationManagement Data Format Communication Protocol Alerting Monitoring Custom Code Programming Language Messaging Data Store Infrastructure Team Has Complete Choice Offer a menu of 2-3 options Standardize on One
  • 22. Benefits of Microservices • Easier to understand and develop • Faster to build and deploy • Reduced startup time • Scales development: Develop, deploy and scale each service independently • Improves fault isolation • Eliminates long-time commitment to a technology stack • Microservice => something that could be rewritten in two weeks • Decentralized Governance
  • 25. Example: process of creating new customer
  • 26. Orchestration Downside of this approach • Customer service can become too much of a central governing authority • Extremely brittle • Higher cost of change
  • 28. Event driven architecture and Eventual Consistency • Application has to handle eventually consistent data • Application has to handle duplicate events • How to generate events? • Atomically publish an event since there could be failures
  • 29. Event Sourcing • An event-centric approach to designing domain models • Request becomes a command that is sent to anAggregate • Aggregates handle commands by generating events • Apply events to an aggregate to update state • Persist events NOT state • Replay events to recreate the current state of an aggregate • Event Store = database + message broker
  • 32. DevOPS Principle Cultural movement enabled by technology Dev Paid to add new feature OPS Paid to keep system stable, fast and available DevOPS
  • 34. Rules of distributed computing CAP Theorm – pick any two Theory C Consistency A Availability Pick Any Two P Partition Tolerance • Consistency • Each node shows the same data all times • Availability • Each node is available for writes at all times • PartitionTolerance • Able to handle network outages Practice • PickA or P • Partition tolerance is non-negotiable because we have networks that can always fails • Enterprise IT Systems • Often CP • Microservices Systems • Often AP
  • 36. Impedence mismatch problem in RDBMS • We want to show and store in two different ways
  • 37. SQL was designed to run in a single big boxes • It doesn’t work very well with large clusters • Too much of operations involved in maintaining large clusters • Many gave up designing large relational clusters
  • 38. NoSQL • It is cluster friendly • Non-relational • Schema-less
  • 39. NoSQL - Implicit schema • Build relationship out of the implicit schema
  • 40. NoSQL - Advantages • Aggregate oriented database • Store Every aggregate as a single unit • Aggregate storage is useful when it is stored in clusters • Runs efficiently in clusters and way more straightforward
  • 41. Scalability and Performance (NoSQL vs RDBMS)
  • 42. Polyglot persistence • Polyglot persistence is all about choosing the right persistence option for the task at hand • Polyglot persistence is needed since the volume of data is exploding • What options do we have? • RDBMS • Document Stores • Key-Value pairs • BLOB Storage • Table Storage • Graph DBs • Message Queues
  • 43. Fault Tolerance • FaultTolerance is a Requirement, Not a Feature • Network timeouts and retries • Using Semaphores to control resource usage • Circuit breakers
  • 44. Automated Failure Testing • Chaos Monkey • A tool that randomly disables our production instances to make sure we can survive this common type of failure without any customer impact • Latency Monkey • Induces artificial delays in our RESTful client-server communication layer to simulate service degradation and measures if upstream services respond appropriately • Conformity Monkey • Finds instances that don’t adhere to best-practices and shuts them down • Doctor Monkey • Taps into health checks that run on each instance as well as monitors other external signs of health (e.g. CPU load) to detect unhealthy instances. • Once unhealthy instances are detected, they are removed from service and after giving the service owners time to root-cause the problem, are eventually terminated. • Janitor Monkey • Ensures that our cloud environment is running free of clutter and waste. It searches for unused resources and disposes of them. • Chaos Gorilla • is similar to Chaos Monkey, but simulates an outage of an entire Cloud availability zone
  • 45. Emerging Technologies • Service Fabric • Distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable micro services • VMs, Containers, and Processes • Windows Server 2016 – Has container support
  • 46. IoT Cloud Service Platform
  • 47. IoT Domain Modeling • Difficult to conceive domain modelling in IoT
  • 49. No longer a single base URL Browser Content Router Products UI Checkout UI Order Management UI Account Management UI /products /checkout /Orders /account<service>
  • 50. Partitioned Web Application Browser Content Router Products UI Checkout UI Order Management UI Account Management UI /checkout /Orders /account<service> API Gateway REST Client Products Info Service Recommendation service Review Service Order Service Service Registry 1. Single Entry Point 2. Protocol Translation 3. Reduces chatty network calls Microservice s Registers when they startup
  • 51. Execution Strategy • Identify one microservice for POC • Write interface specification for the microservice (Swagger) • Identify the core services needed for implementing one microservice • Implement core services • Develop one microservice and make it as reference implementation for other teams • Demo DevOPS • Demo Fault isolation and Fault tolerance