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Heavy Web Optimization FRONT-END Vo Duy Tuan – CEO/Founder
$who_am_I? My Name is Võ Duy Tuấn PHP 5 Zend Certified Engineer Interests: PHP, Social Network, Optimize Web Works: Harvey Nash Technical Lead CEO/Founder Trainer Freelancer
$table_of_content Front-end Optimization Minification CSS Sprite Domain sharding Image Optimizing HTTP Caching
Front-end Optimization 1

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Optimize wordpress
Optimize wordpressOptimize wordpress
Optimize wordpress

This presentation was presented on October 31, 2012 at BarCamp Tampa Bay, FL. It was made to discuss the basics of Optimizing your WordPress Site.

WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101

WordPress Performance 101 provides tips to optimize WordPress site performance in 3 sentences: It discusses how poor performance can negatively impact users, money and SEO, and outlines steps to diagnose a site using tools to measure speed before and after installing caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and a CDN like Cloudflare. Proper server configuration, hosting, plugin usage, image optimization and caching are emphasized as ways to boost speed for a better user and search engine experience.

wordpressperformancewordpress performance
Front end optimization
Front end optimizationFront end optimization
Front end optimization

Front end optimization is important because 80% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end and front-end optimization can cut page load times by 25-50%. Page load times significantly impact user experience and business metrics. Tools like Yslow and Google PageSpeed can help identify optimization opportunities. Image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, and reducing payload sizes are some techniques that should be applied from the start of a project. Progressive page loading, splitting components across domains, browser caching, and preloading components can further improve performance.

drupaldrupal themingperformance
1.1. Where is Front-end? “ 80% of the end-user response time is spent on the front-end. Most of this time is tied up in downloading all the components in the page: images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc. Reducing the number of components in turn reduces the number of HTTP requests required to render the page. This is the key to faster pages.”
1.2. Front-end Optimize Theory Reduce request Reduce size Reduce duplicated
1.2. Performance testing tools Firefox with extension: Web developer YSlow Google Chrome Inspector Google chrome with pagespeed extension Charles: Web Debugging Proxy Application Online Testing:
Minification 2

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WordCamp SF 2011: Debugging in WordPress
WordCamp SF 2011: Debugging in WordPressWordCamp SF 2011: Debugging in WordPress
WordCamp SF 2011: Debugging in WordPress

The document discusses various debugging techniques in WordPress, including: 1. Using WP_DEBUG, SCRIPT_DEBUG, and SAVEQUERIES constants to enable debugging and view queries. 2. Installing plugins like the Debug Bar and Log Deprecated Notices to aid debugging. 3. Checking for issues like permissions, JavaScript errors, redirects, and rewrite rules when troubleshooting. 4. Tips for local development including using hosts files and output buffering to replace live URLs. 5. Mention of tools like Xdebug and unit testing to improve the debugging process.

Optimizing wp
Optimizing wpOptimizing wp
Optimizing wp

WordPress Optimization This presentation discusses optimizing WordPress sites for speed and performance. There are many layers that can be optimized including: 1. Front-end optimizations like using a CDN, image compression, browser caching, and minifying CSS and JavaScript. 2. Optimizing the theme and plugins by removing unused code and plugins, updating WordPress core, and ensuring good coding practices. 3. Back-end optimizations like caching pages and objects, using a reverse proxy, optimizing the database, and ensuring a fast web and database server. The presenter provides many specific techniques and tools to optimize at each level like W3 Total Cache, Nginx, Memcached, and MySQL

DrupalCon Barcelona 2015
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015DrupalCon Barcelona 2015
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015

The presentation focuses on providing information how to setup hosting servers to use Nginx/Varnish for caching Drupal websites. It features the SiteGround SuperCacher and gives valuable information about how reverse proxies work and how to make a Drupal 7/8 website cache-able by Nginx and Varnish.

drupal varnish nginx caching
2.1. What is Minification? Remove unnecessary characters. Do not change functionality. Good for Javascript, CSS. Merge multiple scripts. The superstar: Minify library Advice: Put CSS at the beginning of web page Put Javascript at the bottom of web page
2.2. Minification example: JS
2.2. Minification example: CSS
2.3. Minify library PHP 5 library Support Javascript, CSS Combine multiple files into a single file Caching Gzipping Download:

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WordPress Security & Backup
WordPress Security & Backup WordPress Security & Backup
WordPress Security & Backup

WordPress is my favorite computer asset, but it's very vulnerable to attack from the bad clowns ;-) This presentation from WordCamp Atlanta 2012 is my system of handling WordPress security without getting too geeky.

Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply. This presentation builds upon Dave’s “Optimization for Mobile” chapter in Smashing Magazine’s “The Mobile Book.” This talk was given at the Responsive Web Design Summit hosted by Environments for Humans.

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"Ensuring chances of theme acceptance in directory" on WordCamp...
"Ensuring chances of theme acceptance in directory" on WordCamp..."Ensuring chances of theme acceptance in directory" on WordCamp...
"Ensuring chances of theme acceptance in directory" on WordCamp...

This Slide was prepared for WordCamp Kathmandu 2016, I have already presented this and its topic is "Ensuring chances of theme acceptance in directory "

submitting wordpress themetheme reviewwordpress theme
2.3. Minify in APC
2.3. Minify library
CSS Sprite 3
3.1. CSS Sprite: Case study Menu with 3 icons & Hover change icon effect. Total 6 images.

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Firefox boss
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This document provides tips and tricks for customizing Firefox browser settings to improve privacy, security, and performance. It recommends changing various settings in about:config to enable features like HTTP caching, pipelining, and reducing RAM usage. The document also recommends privacy-focused browser extensions like Adblock Plus, Privacy Badger, and HTTPS Everywhere to block trackers and enhance security. It concludes by thanking the readers and providing credits.

firefoxwebopen web
How to Speed Up Your Joomla! Site
How to Speed Up Your Joomla! SiteHow to Speed Up Your Joomla! Site
How to Speed Up Your Joomla! Site

This document provides tips on how to speed up a Joomla site. It recommends both application level optimizations like enabling compression, caching, and minimizing images/CSS/JS, as well as server level optimizations such as using a CDN, opcode caching, and reverse proxy servers. Proper optimization can significantly improve page load times and site speeds. The document demonstrates the impact of various optimizations through metrics like load time, page size, and speed scores. Overall optimization is positioned as an ongoing process to keep sites running efficiently.

3.1. CSS Sprite: Case study Merge 6 icons & using CSS magical  background-position  property to use  CSS Sprite
3.1. CSS Sprite: Case Study After:
3.2. CSS Sprite Showcase
3.3. CSS Sprite Best Practice:  SPAN tag Horizontal & Vertical balance.  Horizontal better than vertical sprite. Make room for future Make sprite image small size.

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Wordpress horsepower

This document provides 10 tips to speed up a WordPress website. It recommends optimizing code by removing unnecessary elements, compressing files, reducing server calls by combining files, caching content, using content delivery networks (CDNs) to distribute content efficiently, upgrading servers, improving databases, optimizing .htaccess files, and using plugins to block spam. Images and other media should also be optimized, and unnecessary queries reduced. Implementing these tips can help speed up page loading and improve the user experience on WordPress sites.

Complete WordPress Setup (Description about Themes & Plugins Added)
Complete WordPress Setup (Description about Themes & Plugins Added)Complete WordPress Setup (Description about Themes & Plugins Added)
Complete WordPress Setup (Description about Themes & Plugins Added)

Step by Step guide is provided for WordPress Installation.This slide covers part about WordPress Theme Installation & Knowledge about themes and Plugins. Like if you find this a cool site.

Tour of sh404SEF - SEO and security for Joomla
Tour of sh404SEF - SEO and security for JoomlaTour of sh404SEF - SEO and security for Joomla
Tour of sh404SEF - SEO and security for Joomla

Sh404sef is a Joomla extension that improves SEO and security by creating search engine friendly URLs, optimizing page titles and descriptions, and protecting from exploits. It converts default Joomla URLs like "index.php?option=com_content" into readable pages URLs and handles URL rewriting through the web server. The document provides an overview of how to install, configure, and use the main features of the sh404sef extension for improved SEO and site security.

3.4. CSS Sprite
Domain Sharding 4
4.1. Domain Sharding
4.1. Domain Sharding

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This document provides an overview of Selenium and how to set it up and use it for automating tests in Perl. It discusses that Selenium is a web-based automation tool used for testing, how to set it up on Mac by installing dependencies and the Selenium server jar file, and provides examples of using Selenium to get a page, find elements, enter text, and click buttons. It also includes additional code snippets and references further documentation.

Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
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Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)

While the principles of responsive web design can make sites look better on mobile devices, they don’t necessarily load faster than a site designed for desktops. And as more and more sophisticated WordPress themes emerge, with their multiple options and fancy sliders, websites just keep getting more and more bloated. This presentation will help cut out the junk that’s larding up your sites so you can better meet the demand of users wanting fast-loading user experiences–no matter the device or connection. Presented at WordCamp Salt Lake City 2013 (

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Scale with Microservices

This document discusses scaling applications with microservices. It first introduces the speaker and their background. It then provides reasons for choosing microservices like separating concerns, resource allocation, and trends. It goes on to explain how to implement microservices through techniques like bounded context, service communication through REST, SOAP, and other protocols, using micro frameworks, and Docker containers. It finally discusses service discovery, configuration, logging, monitoring, and continuous integration/deployment to support microservices applications at scale.

4.2. Best practice More Domain/Sub-domain, more parallel download. 2-4 domains/sub-domain is good. (DNS Lookup problem) Consistent resource domain Cookieless domain/subdomain for static resource requests.
4.3. Domain sharding
Image Optimizing 5
5.1. Image Optimizing 5

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5.1. Image Optimizing 5
5.2. Photoshop Output 5
5.3. Best practice Do not use big image for thumbnail Multiple sizes of an image Using “ Save for web ” in Photoshop Re-use background pattern for button, menu 5
HTTP Caching 6

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This document discusses PHP standards and how case sensitivity can cause issues when following PSR-0 for autoloading. It covers the PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2 standards for namespaces, classes, methods and other PHP coding conventions. The main issue discussed is how case sensitivity in file paths can break PSR-0 autoloading if class names don't match file paths, requiring all URLs to be changed. The suggested solution is to use a classmap to map namespaces to file paths to resolve this issue.

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This document discusses microservices architecture and Docker. It begins with an overview of monolithic versus microservices approaches. Key lessons learned with microservices include bounded context, service communication using external requests, internal requests, and message queues. Other topics covered include centralized configuration, request logging, service monitoring, service discovery, distributed transactions, and deployment using Docker. Docker is introduced as a way to containerize microservices for scalability, reliability and portability.

Way #1: Automatic 6
Way #2: ETag - Automatic 6
Way #3: Manual with Apache Mods 6
6.2. Completed headers for cache Last-modified:  Thu, 18 Aug 2011 02:23:30 GMT ETag:  “5b8946-190ef-4aabe4c73ac80” Expires:  Sat, 26 Nov 2011 05:42:46 GMT Cache-control:  max-age=604800, public 6

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Front-End Web Performance Optimization by BucketSoft

Front-end optimization involves everything that's delivered to the browser. We're looking to optimize HTML, CSS, JS, and images in such a way as to allow the browser to download and render these objects as quickly as possible.

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The legendary-book

The Lengendary book about XML

Zingme practice for building scalable website with PHP
Zingme practice for building scalable website with PHPZingme practice for building scalable website with PHP
Zingme practice for building scalable website with PHP

This document discusses best practices for building scalable PHP websites, as demonstrated by ZingMe's architecture. It describes how ZingMe uses a scale-out approach with load balancing, centralized session storage, and an automated code deployment system. The key aspects covered are load balancing with HAProxy, overriding PHP's session handling to use Memcached, and configuring servers identically through version control and scripts. The goal is to gracefully handle increasing traffic by adding commodity servers within 5 minutes while maintaining a consistent environment.

6.3. Sample .htaccess caching with mod_headers & mod_expires <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault A0 <FilesMatch &quot;(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$&quot;>   Header set Cache-Control &quot;max-age=604800, public&quot; </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch &quot;(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$&quot;>   ExpiresDefault A604800   Header append Cache-Control &quot;public&quot; </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch &quot;(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$&quot;>   ExpiresDefault A604800 </FilesMatch> </IfModule> 6
6.4. Example: Before 6
6.4. Example: After 6
6.5. Caching Note Time of cache Way of clearing cache Other caching techniques: html cache, server cache… 6

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This document discusses various techniques for optimizing website performance, including: reducing page generation time through caching and opcode caching; minimizing round-trip times by leveraging browser caching, combining files, and parallel downloads; decreasing response sizes by gzipping files, image optimization, and cookieless domains; and tools for analyzing performance like XDebug. The document provides examples and explanations for each technique.

Javascript unit testing framework
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Javascript unit testing framework

The document discusses JavaScript unit testing frameworks. It provides an overview of JavaScript, unit testing concepts, and test-driven development approaches. Examples are given using the QUnit framework to demonstrate how to write unit tests in JavaScript. The presentation agenda includes an introduction to JavaScript, unit testing, JavaScript unit testing frameworks, and a coding session for hands-on experience with these concepts.

Microservices in production
Microservices in productionMicroservices in production
Microservices in production

Presentation abount microservices architect, focus on Devevelopment and Operations phase of microservices.

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It’s time to  query  … Contact: Fullname: Vo Duy Tuan Email:  [email_address] Phone: 0938 916 902 Thank you!

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Performace optimization (increase website speed)
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High Performance Web Sites
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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
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