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SOFTWARE ISN’t a building
Designing technical architecture for change
by: David Fox, Director of Technical Architecture Design
• Buildings vs So!ware
• Tension Between Malleability and Complexity
• Barriers to Change in So!ware and Their Solu"ons
All they do is draw boxes and lines on whiteboards.
Who needs them?
building architecture

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Continuous integration. Short overview
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Continuous integration. Short overview

Short overview of Continuous integration: Reasons, Continuous Model, Continuous integration tools, Jenkins, Bamboo, Task types

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The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

A Continuous Delivery Safety Net for Databases
A Continuous Delivery Safety Net for DatabasesA Continuous Delivery Safety Net for Databases
A Continuous Delivery Safety Net for Databases

Continuous Delivery is hot. As we all increasingly compete using software, the business always wants more change faster. However, change is seen as risky. How do we deliver quickly while not exposing the business to excessive risk? What does this imply for how we update our mission critical databases? Successful continuous delivery efforts use quality as an enabler of rapid change. Rapid feedback on the quality of the application, and a disciplined, high quality process support frequent delivery of business value, rather than frequent outage. IBM UrbanCode’s Eric Minick and DBmaestro’s Yaniv Yehuda present how to build safety in to your delivery process. We will look at database change in some detail while delivering generally applicable lessons.

SOFTWARE architecture
What makes software
hard to change?
“If you pick any one aspect of so!ware then
you can make it easy to change…making
everything easy to change makes the en"re
system very complex. Complexity is what
makes so!ware hard to change.”
Ralph Johnson speaking with Mar"n Fowler - “Who Needs an Architect?”

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Confoo-Montreal-2016: Controlling Your Environments using Infrastructure as Code
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Slides from my talk at ConFoo Montreal, February 2016. A presentation on how to apply configuration management (CM) principles for your various environments, to control changes made to them. You apply CM on your code, why not on your environments content? This presentation will present the infrastructure as code principles using Chef and/or Ansible. Topics discussed include Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery/Deployment principles, Infrastructure As Code and DevOps.

DevOps introduction
DevOps introductionDevOps introduction
DevOps introduction

This document provides an overview of DevOps, including definitions, principles, challenges, and how DevOps addresses issues with traditional development models. Some key points covered include: - DevOps aims to unify development and operations teams to accelerate delivery through a collaborative culture, automation, measurement, and sharing. - Traditional models caused bottlenecks due to lack of alignment between teams. DevOps breaks down silos and improves coordination. - DevOps follows a continuous development lifecycle using practices like continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. - Automation, infrastructure as code, containers, and cloud platforms help optimize the development and deployment process in DevOps.

Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity ModelContinuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

How do measure our progress in a journey towards continuous integration? What are other people doing? This presentation provides an measuring stick for CD Maturity and simple pattern for reviewing your current situation and deciding what to work on next.

urbancodecontinuous deliverydevops
Barriers to change
• Lack of Design
• Coupling
• Invasive APIs
• Dehydra"on
• Infrastructure Investments
• Team
• Technical Debt
Turns out you do need that architect designer
• “Let’s just use Framework X” before star"ng to think about design
• “Let’s just start coding”
• No clear design leader(s)/ownership
• Developers le! to decide on components without overall direc"on
• Ge#ng bogged down in details
• Developers must have some idea of the overall design before coding begins
• Team must agree on design and be aware of general design and roles of
• Work “outside in”. Use the walking skeleton.
• Designer(s) must work with the team throughout development and review work
directly to ensure design is being followed
• Choose frameworks based on your architecture, not the other way around

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Devops online training ppt
Devops online training pptDevops online training ppt
Devops online training ppt

EduXFactor presents to you a comprehensive up-to-date DevOps certification program. This course will empower you with job-relevant skills and power you ahead in your career. With this course, master various aspects of software development, operations, continuous integration, continuous delivery, automated configuration management, test, and deployment using DevOps tools like Git, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, Puppet & Nagios.. Packed with hands-on exercise for every module, this course is suitable for software developers, technical project managers, architects, operations support, deployment engineers, IT managers, and development managers.

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Being Elastic -- Evolving Programming for the Cloud
Being Elastic -- Evolving Programming for the CloudBeing Elastic -- Evolving Programming for the Cloud
Being Elastic -- Evolving Programming for the Cloud

eBay Chief Engineer Randy Shoup's keynote at QCon 2010 outlines several critical elements of the evolving cloud programming model – what developers need to do to develop successful systems in the cloud. It discusses state management and statelessness, distribution- and network-awareness, workload partitioning, cost and resource metering, automation readiness, and deployment strategies

Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
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Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

Continuous Delivery presents a compelling vision of builds that are automatically deployed and tested until ready for production. Most teams aren't there yet. Some never want to go that far. Others want to push the envelope further. This deck presents a model for scoring yourself on the continuum and examples of how companies can decide what parts of CD to adopt first, later and not at all.

continuous deliverycontinuous integration
• So!ware quality metric and taxonomy of coupling
• Used by Meilir Page-Jones in ACM ar"cle
“Comparing Techniques by Means of
Encapsula"on and Connascence” in 1992
• Expanded in “What every programmer should
know about object-oriented design” in 1996
• Visit h$p:// for more info
• Name
• Type
• Meaning
• Posi"on
• Algorithm
• Execu"on
• Timing
• Values
• Iden"ty
• Strength
• Locality
• Degree
Connascences Proper!es
Image source:
Coupling recommendations
• Iden"fy strong connascence and refactor to weak wherever possible
• Boundaries between components, par"cularly foreign APIs, are essen"al
• Adding layers does add (some) complexity, but:
• Reveals intent in the ubiquitous language of the domain
• Eases re-implementa"on of components
• Improves testability
• Learn and follow good prac"ces, such as SOLID

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DevOps and the Future of IT Operations
DevOps and the Future of IT OperationsDevOps and the Future of IT Operations
DevOps and the Future of IT Operations

The increasing adoption of DevOps principles has led to greater integration between software development (both application and software engineering) and IT operations (both systems administration and infrastructure). In this online seminar, we will explore the DevOps approaches

information technologyit operationssoftware development
From the sandbox to production
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From the sandbox to production

The development process is an exciting and challenging process, however sooner or later a product need to be rollout on production environment. Often a development team in this moment opens a wonderful and a new world of the Ops. In my story, I want to share a few tips how to roll out successfully your product.

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Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release
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Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release

Slides from this webcast: Discussion of what DevOps is, why we need it, what sorts of shared tooling helps it, and how it fits in to an enterprise rollout.

devopscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Invasive APIs
and leaky abstrac"ons
• Dependencies on implementa"on reach up through layers
• Specialized implementa"on types are exposed in APIs
• Custom types are used when simple, built-in types would suffice
• Infrastructure is needed in other layers to support a leaky abstrac"on
INVASIVE API recommendations
• Always put boundaries between your domain and foreign APIs
• Translate data structures at boundary
• Ensure core of domain remains pure and free of external dependencies
• Use standard types that don’t require clients to import implementa"on details
• Prefer libraries that use open standards
• Unless the infrastructure really is transparent, favor designs where boundaries are
enforced, and don’t leak outside the component
• Prefer external mapping or configura"on over annota"ons
There is such a thing as too DRY

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IBM Innovate - Uderstanding DevOps
IBM Innovate - Uderstanding DevOpsIBM Innovate - Uderstanding DevOps
IBM Innovate - Uderstanding DevOps

This document provides an overview of DevOps and how to adopt a DevOps approach. It discusses that DevOps aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. The document outlines that adopting DevOps involves changes to an organization's people, processes and technologies. It provides strategies for building a collaborative culture and implementing shared goals and metrics. It also discusses implementing efficient processes for continuous integration, delivery, testing and monitoring. The document recommends technologies like infrastructure as code, collaboration tools, and release automation to support the DevOps approach.

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Digital Disruption with DevOps - Reference Architecture Overview

This presentation will introduce a new DevOps reference architecture published by IBM. This technology agnostic reference architecture was developed harvesting solution architectures from dozens of clients who have been successful in adopting DevOps at scale. The presentation will present the capabilities - across practices, tools, platforms and organizational considerations, that are required for large scale DevOps adoption in an enterprise.

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How to Reduce Time to Market Using Microsoft DevOps Solutions
How to Reduce Time to Market Using Microsoft DevOps SolutionsHow to Reduce Time to Market Using Microsoft DevOps Solutions
How to Reduce Time to Market Using Microsoft DevOps Solutions

Microsoft DevOps toolset replaces error-prone manual processes with automation for improved traceability and repeatable workflows. Learn more about: - The benefits of Continuous Integration practice - Continuous Deployment as an accelerator to deliver high quality software - How to use Visual Studio Team Services and Microsoft Azure to decrease rework and increase team productivity

Dehydration SYMPTOMS
• Confla"ng persistence, domain, and presenta"on concerns
• “One Big Model”
• Sharing code between models in separate contexts
• Func"ons used by mul"ple clients contain special cases specific to those
• Don’t try to be DRY at the cost of strong coupling
• Denormaliza"on is OK
• Consider the true impact of eventual consistency
• Separate aspects of models into bounded contexts
• If a model is suppor"ng mul"ple concerns, and has code specific to those
use cases, it’s a sign mul"ple models might help, even if they end up being
very similar
• It’s OK to have similar code in mul"ple places, especially separate modules
We already paid for the support contract!
investments symptoms
• We already bought the license to “Database X”, so we have to use that
• All our code is wri$en to use “Middleware Y”, so it’s hard to change
• We already hired our team for their experience with “Framework Z”

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DevOps is not a Culture. It is about responsibility
DevOps is not a Culture. It is about responsibilityDevOps is not a Culture. It is about responsibility
DevOps is not a Culture. It is about responsibility

What is DevOps? Why is it so important for software organizations? This is a short intro to the problem that DevOps tries to solve and how DevOps offers an alternative model of responsibility in an organization that solves this problem.

The Challenges & Pitfalls of Database Continuous Delivery
The Challenges & Pitfalls of Database Continuous DeliveryThe Challenges & Pitfalls of Database Continuous Delivery
The Challenges & Pitfalls of Database Continuous Delivery

Practicing database Continuous Delivery saves time and money and prevents downtime in production. However, dealing with automating database deployments is tricky. In this presentation, you will learn how to overcome the challenges and potential pitfalls of database Continuous Delivery and proven best practices for automating database changes.

How to bluff your way through an interview on Information Architecture
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The document discusses information architecture and how to prepare for an interview for an information architecture role. It defines information architecture as making websites user-friendly and easy to navigate. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of an information architect, which include organizing a website's structure and content. It also provides tips for how to redesign a website, such as conducting stakeholder interviews, auditing content, analyzing user needs, and creating wireframes.

investments recommendations
• Wait un"l the “last responsible moment” to decide on specific technology
• “Fake it un"l you make it” to put off implementa"on of components un"l all
requirements are known
• Design in terms of classes of technology rather than specific technologies
• Prefer libraries over large, invasive frameworks - and/or -
• Segregate implementa"ons using boundaries
• Prefer open-source so!ware
• Our developers only know “Framework X”
• Our developers aren’t sophis"cated enough to use “Technology Y”
• Developers don’t want to learn how to write SQL correctly
• The front-end team is responsible for that
• We have to run all updates through the database team
• Only Steve knows that par"cular part of the code
TEAM recommendations
• Invest in and encourage training in broad skill areas, not just technologies
• Structure teams so that more experienced engineers work on design and
modeling with less-experienced engineers
• Less experienced engineers review more experienced engineers’ code
• Push engineers to become more full-stack
• Don’t choose technologies only based on “what the team knows”

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Pley Technical Architecture
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Pley Technical Architecture

This document discusses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification and recognition. It provides examples of using a CNN to determine if an image contains a human face or is a picture of George Clooney. It also discusses how CNNs are trained on images and can be used to classify images, such as finding a green LEGO flower brick in an image. The document outlines the architecture of a system using Laravel, AngularJS, Amazon Web Services, and other technologies for its website, warehouse, customer service, and mobile apps.

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First People Solutions is a technical recruitment agency located in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Perth, Australia that has been operating for over 10 years. They specialize in recruiting for the aviation, construction, energy, science, and technical industries. Within construction, they supply staff to main contractors, engineers, civil contractors, project managers, architects, and mechanical and electrical contractors. They are currently looking to fill several architecture and design roles in Glasgow and Edinburgh, including an architecture technician, project architect for master planning, interior design team leader, conservation architect, architect, technician, and architecture assistant.

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The document discusses a case study of integrating Alfresco ECM and Liferay portal software to build an enterprise portal for Grupo Posadas, a large hotel chain in Latin America. Key points include: - CIGNEX Datamatics implemented the solution to address Posadas' challenges of poor performance, lack of workflows and duplication across its multiple brands. - The solution featured Alfresco for document management, web content management and other functions, integrated with Liferay portal for personalization, search and collaboration. - Benefits included increased revenue, improved guest experience, and 50% reduction in maintenance costs through the open source software.

“organiza"ons which design systems ... are
constrained to produce designs which are
copies of the communica"on structures of
these organiza"ons”
Melvin Conway
TEAM recommendations
• Base designs on the problem domain, not team structure, and shape the team
around it
• Group developers based on bounded contexts and func"onality, not applica"on
layers or technologies
• Create smaller mul"-disciplinary teams
• Allow for direct communica"on between groups
• Integrate constantly
Technical Debt
Adding features no ma$er what the cost
Technical Debt SYMPTOMS
• Velocity isn’t nearly what it was when the project began
• We have to add features, there’s no "me to refactor
• This part of the code is a mess! We need to rewrite it
• We can refactor that code without breaking something

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Use Solution Architecture as a tool to produce solid solutions that fully meet business needs, within budget, deploy on schedule, easy to maintain, and use fewer resources.

Technical Debt recommendations
• Pay down technical debt as you go
• If you must defer paying down debt to complete features, try:
• Refactor just enough to add a feature without incurring more debt (“the Boy
Scout Rule”)
• Have a “cleanup” phase a!er the feature push
• Ensure that there are tests in place so refactoring can be done regularly and with
• Prescrip"ve refactoring over “rewrites”. If you make it part of development, it isn’t
“extra expense”.
Do overall design up front and empower leaders to guide
developers in implementa"on.
Learn about connascence, reduce strong to weak, and add
boundaries to segregate components.
Translate 3rd party APIs into your domain model and add
boundaries to prevent leaky abstrac"ons.

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Sacrifice DRYness if it reduces coupling. Split up large
models by bounded contexts. Reduce scope of shared
Wait un"l the “last responsible moment” and “fake it un"l
you make it” to ensure procurements reflect actual needs
Invest in your team knowledge. Increase communica"on.
Your team structure is your architecture.
Pay it down as you go so it doesn’t grow out of control.
Refactoring is not rewri"ng and is part of development.

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Ten Advices for Architects
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The document provides 10 pieces of advice for software architects. It begins by introducing Eberhard Wolff and his background. Some of the key advice includes: understanding that the role of architect has changed with agile development and they are not managers; focusing on non-functional requirements and quality; caring about architecture and code quality rather than just diagrams; measuring code quality using tools; and ensuring proper dependency management to maintain architecture. The architect role is compared to that of a craftsman focusing on continual improvement rather than being separated from developers.

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How Buildings Learn: What Happens
A!er They're Built
By: Stewart Brand
About cantina
• Boston-based digital design and development agency
• Founded in 2007, 60+ employees
• We help clients like Putnam Investments, John
Hancock, CUNA Mutual Group, Epsilon, and Pearson
deliver be$er digital products for their customers
• Can"na’s people turn great ideas into digital reality,
execu"ng with the best design and development
techniques available
thank you
• “Who Needs an Architect?”

• What Every Programmer Should Know About Object-Oriented Design

• Connascence

• How Buildings Learn: What Happens A!er They're Built


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Developing large apps is difficult. Ensuring that code is consistent, well structured, tested and has an architecture that encourages enhancement and maintainability is essential. When it comes to building large server-focused apps the solutions to this problem have been tried and tested. But, how do you achieve this when building HTML5 single page apps? BladeRunnerJS is an open source developer toolkit and lightweight front-end framework that has helped Caplin Systems ensure that a 200k LoC JavaScript codebase hasn’t become a tangled mess of unstable spaghetti code. This codebase is packaged and delivered to customers as an SDK. Additionally customers receive a getting started application of around 50k LoC for them to build upon, and they’re expected not to turn that into a tangled … you get the idea. In this talk you’ll learn the main concepts to apply when building a front-end app that scales and how BladeRunnerJS can support the development process.

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The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

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• Growing Object-Oriented So!ware, Guided by Tests


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  • 2. agenda • Buildings vs So!ware • Tension Between Malleability and Complexity • Barriers to Change in So!ware and Their Solu"ons
  • 3. Architects All they do is draw boxes and lines on whiteboards. Who needs them?
  • 8. “If you pick any one aspect of so!ware then you can make it easy to change…making everything easy to change makes the en"re system very complex. Complexity is what makes so!ware hard to change.” Ralph Johnson speaking with Mar"n Fowler - “Who Needs an Architect?” h#p://mar"!ware/whoNeedsArchitect.pdf
  • 9. Barriers to change • Lack of Design • Coupling • Invasive APIs • Dehydra"on • Infrastructure Investments • Team • Technical Debt
  • 10. LACK OF DESIGN Turns out you do need that architect designer
  • 11. DESIGN SYMPTOMS • “Let’s just use Framework X” before star"ng to think about design • “Let’s just start coding” • No clear design leader(s)/ownership • Developers le! to decide on components without overall direc"on • Ge#ng bogged down in details
  • 12. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS • Developers must have some idea of the overall design before coding begins • Team must agree on design and be aware of general design and roles of components • Work “outside in”. Use the walking skeleton. • Designer(s) must work with the team throughout development and review work directly to ensure design is being followed • Choose frameworks based on your architecture, not the other way around
  • 14. Connascence • So!ware quality metric and taxonomy of coupling • Used by Meilir Page-Jones in ACM ar"cle “Comparing Techniques by Means of Encapsula"on and Connascence” in 1992 • Expanded in “What every programmer should know about object-oriented design” in 1996 • Visit h$p:// for more info
  • 15. Connascence • Name • Type • Meaning • Posi"on • Algorithm • Execu"on • Timing • Values • Iden"ty • Strength • Locality • Degree Connascences Proper!es Image source:
  • 16. Coupling recommendations • Iden"fy strong connascence and refactor to weak wherever possible • Boundaries between components, par"cularly foreign APIs, are essen"al • Adding layers does add (some) complexity, but: • Reveals intent in the ubiquitous language of the domain • Eases re-implementa"on of components • Improves testability • Learn and follow good prac"ces, such as SOLID
  • 17. Invasive APIs and leaky abstrac"ons
  • 18. INVASIVE API SYMPTOMS • Dependencies on implementa"on reach up through layers • Specialized implementa"on types are exposed in APIs • Custom types are used when simple, built-in types would suffice • Infrastructure is needed in other layers to support a leaky abstrac"on
  • 19. INVASIVE API recommendations • Always put boundaries between your domain and foreign APIs • Translate data structures at boundary • Ensure core of domain remains pure and free of external dependencies • Use standard types that don’t require clients to import implementa"on details • Prefer libraries that use open standards • Unless the infrastructure really is transparent, favor designs where boundaries are enforced, and don’t leak outside the component • Prefer external mapping or configura"on over annota"ons
  • 20. Dehydration There is such a thing as too DRY
  • 21. Dehydration SYMPTOMS • Confla"ng persistence, domain, and presenta"on concerns • “One Big Model” • Sharing code between models in separate contexts • Func"ons used by mul"ple clients contain special cases specific to those clients
  • 22. Dehydration RECOMMENDATIONS • Don’t try to be DRY at the cost of strong coupling • Denormaliza"on is OK • Consider the true impact of eventual consistency • Separate aspects of models into bounded contexts • If a model is suppor"ng mul"ple concerns, and has code specific to those use cases, it’s a sign mul"ple models might help, even if they end up being very similar • It’s OK to have similar code in mul"ple places, especially separate modules
  • 23. Infrastructure investments We already paid for the support contract!
  • 24. investments symptoms • We already bought the license to “Database X”, so we have to use that • All our code is wri$en to use “Middleware Y”, so it’s hard to change • We already hired our team for their experience with “Framework Z”
  • 25. investments recommendations • Wait un"l the “last responsible moment” to decide on specific technology investments • “Fake it un"l you make it” to put off implementa"on of components un"l all requirements are known • Design in terms of classes of technology rather than specific technologies • Prefer libraries over large, invasive frameworks - and/or - • Segregate implementa"ons using boundaries • Prefer open-source so!ware
  • 26. Team
  • 27. TEAM SYMPTOMS • Our developers only know “Framework X” • Our developers aren’t sophis"cated enough to use “Technology Y” • Developers don’t want to learn how to write SQL correctly • The front-end team is responsible for that • We have to run all updates through the database team • Only Steve knows that par"cular part of the code
  • 28. TEAM recommendations • Invest in and encourage training in broad skill areas, not just technologies • Structure teams so that more experienced engineers work on design and modeling with less-experienced engineers • Less experienced engineers review more experienced engineers’ code • Push engineers to become more full-stack • Don’t choose technologies only based on “what the team knows”
  • 29. “organiza"ons which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communica"on structures of these organiza"ons” Melvin Conway
  • 30. TEAM recommendations • Base designs on the problem domain, not team structure, and shape the team around it • Group developers based on bounded contexts and func"onality, not applica"on layers or technologies • Create smaller mul"-disciplinary teams • Allow for direct communica"on between groups • Integrate constantly
  • 31. Technical Debt Adding features no ma$er what the cost
  • 32. Technical Debt SYMPTOMS • Velocity isn’t nearly what it was when the project began • We have to add features, there’s no "me to refactor • This part of the code is a mess! We need to rewrite it • We can refactor that code without breaking something
  • 33. Technical Debt recommendations • Pay down technical debt as you go • If you must defer paying down debt to complete features, try: • Refactor just enough to add a feature without incurring more debt (“the Boy Scout Rule”) • Have a “cleanup” phase a!er the feature push • Ensure that there are tests in place so refactoring can be done regularly and with confidence • Prescrip"ve refactoring over “rewrites”. If you make it part of development, it isn’t “extra expense”.
  • 34. LACK OF DESIGN Do overall design up front and empower leaders to guide developers in implementa"on.
  • 35. COUPLING Learn about connascence, reduce strong to weak, and add boundaries to segregate components.
  • 36. INVASIVE APIS Translate 3rd party APIs into your domain model and add boundaries to prevent leaky abstrac"ons.
  • 37. DEHYDRATION Sacrifice DRYness if it reduces coupling. Split up large models by bounded contexts. Reduce scope of shared dependencies.
  • 38. INFRASTRUCTURE Wait un"l the “last responsible moment” and “fake it un"l you make it” to ensure procurements reflect actual needs
  • 39. TEAM Invest in your team knowledge. Increase communica"on. Your team structure is your architecture.
  • 40. TECHNICAL DEBT Pay it down as you go so it doesn’t grow out of control. Refactoring is not rewri"ng and is part of development.
  • 41. evolving architecture How Buildings Learn: What Happens A!er They're Built By: Stewart Brand
  • 42. About cantina • Boston-based digital design and development agency • Founded in 2007, 60+ employees • We help clients like Putnam Investments, John Hancock, CUNA Mutual Group, Epsilon, and Pearson deliver be$er digital products for their customers • Can"na’s people turn great ideas into digital reality, execu"ng with the best design and development techniques available
  • 44. References • “Who Needs an Architect?”
 h$p://mar"!ware/whoNeedsArchitect.pdf • What Every Programmer Should Know About Object-Oriented Design
 h$p:// dp/0932633315/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1446730637 • Connascence
 h$p:// • How Buildings Learn: What Happens A!er They're Built
 h$p:// 0140139966
  • 45. References • Growing Object-Oriented So!ware, Guided by Tests
 h$p://!ware-Guided-Tests/dp/ 0321503627/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446730723