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Design /o:
Creating Visual Interfaces 

for Digital Systems
Sam Moore
Senior Design Consultant
Visual & Interac"on Design,

User Experience

• Atomic Design & Systems Thinking
• Design i/o Framework
• Inputs
• Outputs
• Lean UX Principles
• Example Project
• Ques"ons
Atomic Design & 

Systems thinking

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Jakub Laskowski - Prototyping: a successful IT project recipe
Jakub Laskowski - Prototyping: a successful IT project recipeJakub Laskowski - Prototyping: a successful IT project recipe
Jakub Laskowski - Prototyping: a successful IT project recipe

The document discusses how creating prototypes can help solve common IT project problems like unclear specifications and misunderstandings between clients and developers. It notes that prototypes look and feel like the final product but use simpler forms, simulating key functions to get feedback early. This helps save time and money by avoiding unnecessary work, clarifying expectations, and demonstrating professionalism before full development begins. The document also introduces LabWireframe as a tool for easily creating interactive prototypes that allow for real-time collaboration.

Agile Not Fragile
Agile Not FragileAgile Not Fragile
Agile Not Fragile

This presentation was made by Adam Monago in China in 2009. It covers topics like Agile and Analysis: Common Misconceptions Agile Analysis Agile Analysis Life Cycle Defining Objectives and Trade-Offs

estimation and release planningagile analysisiteration level analysis
UserZoom Education Series - Research Deep Dive - Advanced - Task-Based TOL (b...
UserZoom Education Series - Research Deep Dive - Advanced - Task-Based TOL (b...UserZoom Education Series - Research Deep Dive - Advanced - Task-Based TOL (b...
UserZoom Education Series - Research Deep Dive - Advanced - Task-Based TOL (b...

Today you will learn about benchmarking studies. Specifically, you will learn how to conduct a competitor benchmarking study on live websites. After this session you will be able to: Know when to use benchmarking Know the type of data you can collect with benchmarking Create a benchmarking study in UserZoom Interpret the results of a benchmark

userzoom education seriesuser experience benchmarking
Atomic design by brad frost
Pages vs. Components
or Region
Device Type Time of Day
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems

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Clovis Six & Saskia Videler at WUD16
Clovis Six & Saskia Videler at WUD16Clovis Six & Saskia Videler at WUD16
Clovis Six & Saskia Videler at WUD16

World Usability Day 2016 in Antwerp (Belgium), Thursday, November 10th - Workshop by Clovis Six (UX Researcher at Internet Architects) & Saskia Videler (Content Strategist at The Dutchess) "Atomic design as a communication tool in design and stakeholder meetings" In this workshop we will approach your UI as re-usable building blocks and see how it can create sustainable value to the conversations within your organisation. The key focus areas will be to bring clarity, performance and fun to the meetings between you and your stakeholders. Clovis Six started of as a developer at Collibra, a highly successful data governance start-up, and gradually morphed into the UX Researcher and Product Manager at Internet Architects he is today. The roles he took on in between (Visual Design, UX Design, Project Management, Dev Team Lead) enabled him to experiment with various ways of transferring deliverables and optimising design communication. One of these methods he will share with you in the workshop.

atomic designux designdesign
What Tools Do You Use For Product Management Discussion Notes
What Tools Do You Use For Product Management Discussion NotesWhat Tools Do You Use For Product Management Discussion Notes
What Tools Do You Use For Product Management Discussion Notes

The document discusses tools and methods that product managers use for various activities like requirements management, collaboration, customer feedback, and UI mockups. It notes that common tools include wikis, bug trackers, mind mapping software, spreadsheets, online project management apps, and prototyping tools. The document also highlights goals around managing requirements clearly, prioritizing needs, and facilitating input from customers and internal teams.

Gear Up Product Management with Atlassian Tools
Gear Up Product Management with Atlassian ToolsGear Up Product Management with Atlassian Tools
Gear Up Product Management with Atlassian Tools

Atlassian tools that can be handy for the product managers while managing the product. This slide talks about some aspect of product management which can be empowered by Atlassian tools. For example, setting up the product vision, creating risk adjusted backlogs, managing feature requests and communication among the stakeholders.

#team inspiration #product vision#collaboration #leadership #management #product s
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems

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Uar Able Presentation
Uar Able PresentationUar Able Presentation
Uar Able Presentation

Final presentation on UAR's 'ABLE' project management tool by Teamable from the University of Michigan

Barbara Kok at WUD16
Barbara Kok at WUD16Barbara Kok at WUD16
Barbara Kok at WUD16

The document discusses components of the design process and their relationship to perceived product quality. It summarizes research examining how elements like state of the art reviews, design methods, ergonomic studies, user involvement, and design tools affect user perceptions for redesigned versus new products. The research found some components positively or negatively correlated with quality ratings. It also compared designer and user evaluations, finding stronger alignment for general audiences than specialized products. The document advocates incorporating process elements shown to increase quality and differentiating approaches based on the design problem and target users.


This document provides an introduction to prototyping, including: - Prototypes range from rough sketches to interactive simulations and help represent the final product. - Prototyping is an iterative process that generates early feedback to improve the final design. - Reasons to prototype include reducing uncertainty, exploring design alternatives, and testing theories to confirm performance.

Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems

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Imitation: Sincerest Form of Flattery or Bad Move? (Adopting Web 2.0 Patterns)
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Imitation: Sincerest Form of Flattery or Bad Move? (Adopting Web 2.0 Patterns)

The document discusses the challenges of adopting Web 2.0 patterns and social media strategies for business applications. It provides examples of projects that tried to incorporate viral marketing, user tagging, reviews, and social networking elements but failed due to lack of user participation, inability to control user-generated content, and technical limitations. While some Web 2.0 constructs can boost engagement, businesses need to consider whether the audience is large enough and motivated to contribute ongoing content and interactions on their own platform.

information architectureuser experienceweb 20
Embedding UX In Any project, AMIS UX Event
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Embedding UX In Any project, AMIS UX Event

User experience (UX) design should be incorporated into all projects, regardless of size. For small projects, UX design can be informal through visualization and user feedback. Mid-sized projects benefit from clickable wireframes, weekly workshops, and just-in-time UX design. Large projects require design authority, regular UX meetings, proximity within teams, and high-fidelity simulations. Across all projects, the key is to quickly visualize and validate ideas through iteration and user involvement. UX design is not a separate role but a shared responsibility of the entire team.

Introducing Agile
Introducing AgileIntroducing Agile
Introducing Agile

A quick and basic introduction to Agile and I've derived my own agile processes from the first principles.

agile software developmentproduct management
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems
Atomic Design Process Tips
• Iden"fy the endpoints
• Consider costs and business impacts
• Focus on component rela"onships
Design /o Framework

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Refactoring Test Collaboration
Refactoring Test CollaborationRefactoring Test Collaboration
Refactoring Test Collaboration

Presented at Agile Testing Days US 2018 Collective ownership for testing starts with understanding testing. Rework your team dynamics to evolve past duplication and improve performance through whole team testing. Take home practical patterns for improving your team's collaboration on testing. Because teams who own testing have more confidence in the customer value of their results. As the Pragmatic Programmers say, "refactoring is an activity that needs to be undertaken slowly, deliberately, and carefully," so how do we begin? In this session, we will experience the complex interactions of an agile team focused on demonstrating customer value by answering a series a questions: Where do testers get their ideas? How are you planning to accomplish this proposed testing, tester? Why not automate all the things? Who is going to do this manual testing and how does it work? How do we know whether we're testing the right things? Build your own list of TODOs from these various practical collaboration approaches and begin deduping your team's testing for a better first day back at the office.

software testingagilecollaboration
Usability test
Usability testUsability test
Usability test

This document summarizes key aspects of usability testing based on a literature review. It defines usability testing as evaluating a product's ease of use and learnability through observing users. Usability testing identifies problems, aims to keep users central to the design process, and replaces opinions with empirical data. The document outlines methodologies, criteria for web design, interpreting data, and reporting results. It provides examples of usability testing principles, types of tests, and goals for user-centered design.

Building Design Systems - Columbus Web Group
Building Design Systems - Columbus Web GroupBuilding Design Systems - Columbus Web Group
Building Design Systems - Columbus Web Group

The document discusses how to build a successful design system by defining the scope, developing reusable components through testing and tools, implementing the system across applications through documentation, and providing examples of design systems from companies like Atlassian, Microsoft, and Mailchimp. It emphasizes that a design system saves time and improves consistency, collaboration, and quality by establishing shared visual language, components, and guidelines for teams.

web designdesign systems
Visual Design
Inputs Outputs
Design i/o
Component Audit
Design Preference Test
Mood Boards
Brand Analysis
Metaphor Questions
Flows Prototype
Interaction Prototype
Full HTML Prototype
Pattern Library
Comps/Page Views
Inputs to design
Metaphor questions
If your website was a car, what
brand would it be?
If your product had a celebrity
spokesperson, who would it be
and why?
Metaphor questions
• Use familiar brands as guideposts
• Generate descriptors and perceived brand values
• Can uncover differences in opinion between various stakeholders
• Help get a discussion started about look and feel

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Product Design & Development Process By- Achia Nila
Product Design & Development Process  By- Achia NilaProduct Design & Development Process  By- Achia Nila
Product Design & Development Process By- Achia Nila

The document discusses the process of product design. It begins with defining what a product is and what product design entails. It then outlines the key steps in the product design process, including strategy, analysis, specification, design, evaluation, and development. Various aspects are discussed at each step, such as researching customer needs, creating specifications, developing prototypes, and testing usability. The overall process aims to efficiently generate and develop new product ideas based on customer needs and technical requirements.

product designproduct developmentmobile app development process
Zeeto Tech Exchange: Design for Scalability - UX
Zeeto Tech Exchange: Design for Scalability - UXZeeto Tech Exchange: Design for Scalability - UX
Zeeto Tech Exchange: Design for Scalability - UX

Zeeto is a technology platform that makes online properties and mobile apps money by asking their visitors smart questions and using their answers to display high-value ads. The Zeeto Tech Exchange is a leading San Diego tech community group that meets on a monthly basis to discuss, debate and network. "Design for Scalabality" was presented in February 2017.

Audits and Inventories: How To Mise en Place Your University's Website Redesign
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Audits and Inventories: How To Mise en Place Your University's Website Redesign

This document discusses how to conduct audits and inventories as part of redesigning a website. It recommends starting with content audits and interface inventories to identify all existing patterns and inconsistencies. This lays the groundwork for establishing an effective design system using the Atomic Design methodology. Key aspects of the methodology include defining a shared vocabulary through an atomic workflow and creating a style guide and pattern library as the cornerstone of the new design. Presenting fully designed mockups is suggested as the most effective way to get stakeholder buy-in. The benefits outlined are cohesive experiences, increased team workflow, and establishing an accessible and future-proof foundation.

universityhigher educationweb design
Brand analysis
Brand analysis
• Iden"fy reusable elements and uncover the backstory
• Understand what guidelines currently exist, and how
much they are adhered to
• Discover opportuni"es to be!er differen"ate from
component audit
component audit
• Iden"fy the types digital components needed
• Uncover inconsistencies amidst the UI
• Find gaps and pa!erns

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How to Integrate UX and Agile
How to Integrate UX and AgileHow to Integrate UX and Agile
How to Integrate UX and Agile

The document discusses integrating user experience (UX) design into agile development processes. It describes four common approaches: big upfront design, just-in-time design, design spikes, and sprint pairs. The sprint pairs approach has designers work one sprint ahead of developers. The document also discusses tailoring agile projects for UX work, creating UX release plans and roadmaps, conducting user research, and establishing a usability backlog to track and prioritize issues. Seven keys to success with integrating UX and agile are outlined.

agile uxux researchuserzoom
Lean UX in an Agency Environment
Lean UX in an Agency EnvironmentLean UX in an Agency Environment
Lean UX in an Agency Environment

Much of the thought around Lean UX focuses on design groups within product organizations (startups and enterprises). What happens when you try to use Lean design methodologies inside of an agency. This presentation was given at the Lean UX Meetup in San Francisco on May 30, 2012.

lean uxuser experience designlean startup
Designing Experiences that Drive Consumer Engagement
Designing Experiences that Drive Consumer EngagementDesigning Experiences that Drive Consumer Engagement
Designing Experiences that Drive Consumer Engagement

This document discusses user experience (UX) and why it is important for driving consumer engagement. It defines UX as everything that impacts the user, including usability, interfaces, workflows, errors and more. The document emphasizes that everyone in an organization is responsible for UX, including UX teams, developers, customer support, and management. It describes common UX team roles like UX designers, researchers, and architects. It also provides examples of metrics and methods for measuring the impact of UX, such as usability testing, analytics, and multivariate testing.

visual designuser experienceux
design preference test
design preference test
• Compara"ve either/or survey of styled UI components
• O$en helpful following a Components Audit
• Helps establish data-based decision making
• Good for ge%ng feedback from a large group of stakeholders
Mood Boards
Mood Boards
• Focused on gathering inspira"on from other sources
• Good for exploring diverse direc"ons
• Quick to create, lots of tools available

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Initiating and Sustaining Design Systems for the Enterprise
Initiating and Sustaining Design Systems for the EnterpriseInitiating and Sustaining Design Systems for the Enterprise
Initiating and Sustaining Design Systems for the Enterprise

1. The document discusses athenahealth's efforts to establish an enterprise design system called Forge to improve design quality, velocity, and consistency across their 200+ product teams. 2. It outlines the challenges of the current state including design debt and wasted time recreating common interfaces. 3. The goals of Forge include focusing designer time on higher-value work, establishing design standards and guidelines, and enabling greater code and design reuse across teams.

UX Army of One
UX Army of OneUX Army of One
UX Army of One

This document provides guidance for solo user experience designers or "UX Armies of One". It recommends combining Agile and Lean UX methods by conducting user research throughout the design process. Key aspects of UX work are outlined, including user research tools, interaction design techniques, information architecture, visual design, and creating design guides. The document stresses the importance of user research to inform decisions and emphasizes collaboration across teams without silos. It also encourages failing quickly through sketching and sharing ideas early.

designproduct managementuser experience
Design Systems: Enterprise UX Evolution
Design Systems: Enterprise UX EvolutionDesign Systems: Enterprise UX Evolution
Design Systems: Enterprise UX Evolution

A design system is a framework of practices that bring designers and products together. It is a platform to identify, and document what to share, whether a visual style, design patterns, front-end UI components, and practices like accessibility, research, content strategy. The role of design with enterprise organizations is expanding, spreading across product teams and influencing decision-making at higher and higher levels. This scale, paired with the array of devices, browsers, screen sizes, locales, and environments, makes it increasingly challenging to align designers and developers to deliver cohesive user experiences. In this talk, I’ll discuss the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and best practices for creating and maintaining an effective interface design system.

web designdevelopmentdesign
Visual Design
Inputs Outputs
Design i/o
Component Audit
Design Preference Test
Mood Boards
Brand Analysis
Metaphor Questions
Flows Prototype
Interaction Prototype
Full HTML Prototype
Pattern Library
Comps/Page Views
Design outputs
comps/page views
• Show how atomic components add up to
template layouts
• Important for seeing the overall look and
feel on broad device types
pattern library/style guide
• Explains all the components and their
various states and modes
• Provides the building blocks for future
layouts and features
• Helps promote common understanding
of UI and visual style for teams

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Danforth Media Capabilities
Danforth Media CapabilitiesDanforth Media Capabilities
Danforth Media Capabilities

This document provides an overview of Danforth Media, a 7-year-old user experience design strategy firm. It outlines the founder's 20 years of experience in software design and user research. It also describes Danforth Media's process, which includes discovery, user research, design, implementation, user testing, and post-project support phases. The goal is to iteratively design products through a user-centered lens.

user experience designproduct designdesign research
SNOW Knowledge Management_SSP.ppt
SNOW Knowledge Management_SSP.pptSNOW Knowledge Management_SSP.ppt
SNOW Knowledge Management_SSP.ppt

The document describes a ServiceNow CMS implementation workshop over multiple days. Day 1 focuses on introducing the employee self-service portal concept and goals, assessing the current state, and reviewing best practices. The workshop approach is explained as understanding how the portal can help and documenting requirements. An executive summary states the workshop will provide support for a basic employee self-service portal implementation over 60 hours. The implementation approach covers planning and design, creating sites/layouts/pages, navigation, and testing/training.

UX in Action: IBM Watson
UX in Action: IBM WatsonUX in Action: IBM Watson
UX in Action: IBM Watson

Carol Smith, Senior Design Manager at IBM Watson, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at all things related to UX and design.

uxux toolsuser research
flows prototype
• Sta"c screens synced together with
clickable hotspots
• Very quick and easily editable
• Helps uncover user flow issues
• InVision, Marvel
interaction prototype
• Specific anima"ons and micro-interac"ons
• Helps demonstrate final visual polish
• Flashy, but focused
• Atomic, Principle
full html prototype
• The real thing, built right in the browser
• Helps to avoid risk, by working directly in
the final medium
• Especially important for complex or
unproven func"onality
Visual Design
Inputs Outputs
Design i/o
Component Audit
Design Preference Test
Mood Boards
Brand Analysis
Metaphor Questions
Flows Prototype
Interaction Prototype
Full HTML Prototype
Pattern Library
Comps/Page Views

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Building Design Systems
Building Design SystemsBuilding Design Systems
Building Design Systems

Design systems help organizations build products consistently by defining shared design languages. They include style guides, pattern libraries, and components. Key benefits are time savings, brand unity, and easier collaboration. Areas of focus are purpose, UX, and DX. To build one, define your scope, develop reusable components, implement them consistently, and document everything well. Tools include Tailwind CSS and documentation sites show best practices. Design systems promote efficient, consistent product development at scale.

uidesign systemsweb design
Tools of the UX Trade
Tools of the UX TradeTools of the UX Trade
Tools of the UX Trade

This is an overview of the tools used by User Experience Designers. Software is important, but in UX you need to master a wide variety of techniques. This presentation covers an overview of the UX workflow, Discovery, Synthesis, Interaction, and Refinement, and outlines the tools that are critical to each step. In the end, the emphasis is not on mastering all the tools, but understanding their strengths and weaknesses, so the right tool can be chosen based on the situation.

Rapid Prototyping in UX Design
Rapid Prototyping in UX DesignRapid Prototyping in UX Design
Rapid Prototyping in UX Design

Prototyping is a great way of developing, communicating and validating design ideas and requirements in a quick and cost-effective manner, when devising a user experience. This presentation discusses what prototypes are, why they are useful, the various tools that can be used and some basic principles to adopt. This presentation was delivered by Stephen Denning as part of the User Vision Breakfast Briefing series in 2012.

user experience designweb designusability
Lean ux
Lean UX Principles
• Frame the vision, be explicit about
• Select lightweight, appropriate tools
• Work collabora"vely, bringing
everyone into the design process
• Share progress earlier, explain
thinking and direc"on
• Test and validate quickly, ensure that
the user is the focus
Lean Process Tips
• Work in a war room, at least part "me
• Setup regular checkins - not presenta"ons of deliverables
• Give context, be clear which problems you’re trying to solve
example project

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05 DIGI CREATIVE people&process
05 DIGI CREATIVE people&process05 DIGI CREATIVE people&process
05 DIGI CREATIVE people&process

The document discusses the process of creating digital work. It covers the key players involved, including agencies, clients, strategists, digital producers, production companies, coders, and UX/UI designers. It emphasizes collaboration between these groups. The document also outlines the project process, including phases like discovery, define, design, build, and testing. Key documents in the process are mentioned like functional requirements, technical requirements, site maps, wireframes, and design comps. Tips are provided for going live with the work and managing it after launch. Various online resources for inspiration and tools are also listed.

UX basics inception to experience delivery
UX basics  inception to experience deliveryUX basics  inception to experience delivery
UX basics inception to experience delivery

Identify, create and iterate! UX design is incomplete without these three things. To deliver a great user experience, identifying the usability flaws, addressing to them and re-iterating with design solutions is the only way!

user experience design
WordPress for Designers
WordPress for DesignersWordPress for Designers
WordPress for Designers

The document provides an overview of considerations for designers working on WordPress websites. It discusses website structure using HTML and CSS, fonts and mobile design. It also covers WordPress themes, templates, plugins and implications for designers, such as designing for navigation, footers, forms and more. Designers are advised to involve WordPress developers early in the process to understand template needs and functionality.

wordpresswebsite designdesigner
Multi-Level Assessment App
Version 1.0
Metaphor Questions
Brand Analysis
Preference Test
Style Guide
Component Audit
KEy Takeaways
• Clearly define the design problem to solve
• Select and execute the appropriate input exercises
• Emphasis Lean UX principles and Atomic Design methods
• Always be thinking about the system of components
• Focus on gathering user feedback
About cantina
• Boston-based digital design and development agency
• Founded in 2007, 60+ employees
• We help clients like Putnam Investments, John
Hancock, CUNA Mutual Group, Epsilon, and Pearson
deliver be!er digital products for their customers
• Can"na’s people turn great ideas into digital reality,
execu"ng with the best design and development
techniques available

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Design i/o - Creating Visual Interfaces for Digital Systems

  • 1. Design /o: Creating Visual Interfaces 
 for Digital Systems
  • 2. Sam Moore Senior Design Consultant Visual & Interac"on Design,
 User Experience
  • 3. Agenda • Atomic Design & Systems Thinking • Design i/o Framework • Inputs • Outputs • Lean UX Principles • Example Project • Ques"ons
  • 4. Atomic Design & 
 Systems thinking
  • 5. Atomic design by brad frost
  • 19. Atomic Design Process Tips • Iden"fy the endpoints • Consider costs and business impacts • Focus on component rela"onships
  • 21. Visual Design Process Inputs Outputs Design i/o Component Audit Design Preference Test Mood Boards Brand Analysis Metaphor Questions Flows Prototype Interaction Prototype Full HTML Prototype Pattern Library Comps/Page Views
  • 23. Metaphor questions If your website was a car, what brand would it be? If your product had a celebrity spokesperson, who would it be and why?
  • 24. Metaphor questions • Use familiar brands as guideposts • Generate descriptors and perceived brand values • Can uncover differences in opinion between various stakeholders • Help get a discussion started about look and feel
  • 26. Brand analysis • Iden"fy reusable elements and uncover the backstory • Understand what guidelines currently exist, and how much they are adhered to • Discover opportuni"es to be!er differen"ate from compe"tors
  • 28. component audit • Iden"fy the types digital components needed • Uncover inconsistencies amidst the UI • Find gaps and pa!erns
  • 30. design preference test • Compara"ve either/or survey of styled UI components • O$en helpful following a Components Audit • Helps establish data-based decision making • Good for ge%ng feedback from a large group of stakeholders
  • 32. Mood Boards • Focused on gathering inspira"on from other sources • Good for exploring diverse direc"ons • Quick to create, lots of tools available
  • 33. Visual Design Process Inputs Outputs Design i/o Component Audit Design Preference Test Mood Boards Brand Analysis Metaphor Questions Flows Prototype Interaction Prototype Full HTML Prototype Pattern Library Comps/Page Views
  • 35. comps/page views • Show how atomic components add up to template layouts • Important for seeing the overall look and feel on broad device types
  • 36. pattern library/style guide • Explains all the components and their various states and modes • Provides the building blocks for future layouts and features • Helps promote common understanding of UI and visual style for teams
  • 37. flows prototype • Sta"c screens synced together with clickable hotspots • Very quick and easily editable • Helps uncover user flow issues • InVision, Marvel
  • 38. interaction prototype • Specific anima"ons and micro-interac"ons • Helps demonstrate final visual polish • Flashy, but focused • Atomic, Principle
  • 39. full html prototype • The real thing, built right in the browser • Helps to avoid risk, by working directly in the final medium • Especially important for complex or unproven func"onality
  • 40. Visual Design Process Inputs Outputs Design i/o Component Audit Design Preference Test Mood Boards Brand Analysis Metaphor Questions Flows Prototype Interaction Prototype Full HTML Prototype Pattern Library Comps/Page Views
  • 42. Lean UX Principles • Frame the vision, be explicit about assump"ons • Select lightweight, appropriate tools • Work collabora"vely, bringing everyone into the design process • Share progress earlier, explain thinking and direc"on • Test and validate quickly, ensure that the user is the focus
  • 43. Lean Process Tips • Work in a war room, at least part "me • Setup regular checkins - not presenta"ons of deliverables • Give context, be clear which problems you’re trying to solve
  • 45. Multi-Level Assessment App Flows Prototype Version 1.0 Product Metaphor Questions Brand Analysis Design Preference Test Style Guide Component Audit
  • 46. KEy Takeaways • Clearly define the design problem to solve • Select and execute the appropriate input exercises • Emphasis Lean UX principles and Atomic Design methods • Always be thinking about the system of components • Focus on gathering user feedback
  • 47. About cantina • Boston-based digital design and development agency • Founded in 2007, 60+ employees • We help clients like Putnam Investments, John Hancock, CUNA Mutual Group, Epsilon, and Pearson deliver be!er digital products for their customers • Can"na’s people turn great ideas into digital reality, execu"ng with the best design and development techniques available