SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Machine vs. Human
Stephanie Wallace, Vice President, Owned Media, Nebo
What do you visualize when we talk about
Google ranking factors?
Source: Pixelystic
Real people?
Or something else?

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This document discusses the importance of building customer-driven products and outlines ways to improve a company's customer development process. It notes that acquiring customers is getting more difficult due to increased competition and saturation in the market. To build better products, companies need to understand their buyers through techniques like buyer personas, customer development conversations, and testing. Data shows that focusing on retention and monetization has a bigger impact on growth than acquisition alone. The document provides examples of frameworks to quantify buyer preferences, willingness to pay, and develop stronger persona-product fits to ensure companies are building products their target customers truly value.

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Find out 3 Easy and Often-Missed Google Analytics reports that can you can use to help make your business money. Originally presented at Search Marketing Expo (SMX)

Opticon 2015-Personalization Using Optimizely Audience Integrations
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Opticon 2015-Personalization Using Optimizely Audience Integrations

Featuring speakers from Microsoft Store, Citrix, Access Intelligence Trevin Chow, Director of Product Management, Microsoft Store Ravi Venkatesan, Conversion Analyst, Citrix Stacy Hill, Analytics Manager, Access Intelligence Moderated by: Clarissa Bukhan, Technology Partner Manager, Optimizely This session will highlight how Optimizely's Audience integrations allow you to deliver personalized experiences to your visitors. We'll hear from a panel of Optimizely customers about how they've used Optimizely’s integrations with first and third-party data platforms, such as BlueKai, Demandbase, and Lytics, to create custom audiences for targeted testing and personalization.

opticonoptimizationconversion optimization
The search landscape is changing
Google doesn’t have just one algorithm running the show
We have to prepare for RankBrain, Deep Learning and
AI technology
The definition of a search engine has changed

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Awesome audiences: Eva Wilkes - SearchNorwich 5
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Eva gives a quick introduction to useful, high-converting audiences and how they prevent wasted spend, she explains how businesses of any size can use remarketing to leverage high quality site content, increasing return traffic and cementing brand awareness. Next, she takes an in-depth look at why, when and how to build Custom Affinity audiences, taking targeting decisions away from Google and putting it back in the hands of the advertiser for maximum ROI.

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Branchout 2017 - Day 2 Session - Alex Austin
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Branch Product Update By Alex Austin, Co-founder and CEO of Branch Branch co-founder and CEO Alex Austin takes us on a tour of new and exciting developments at Branch, including cross-platform, cross-channel People-based Mobile Attribution.

mobilemobile marketingmobile growth
Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It
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This document discusses the importance of keyword research for SEO and provides tips on how to conduct keyword research. It recommends brainstorming keywords, gathering keyword data from tools like Google AdWords and Trends, and interpreting the data to identify targeted keywords and create an optimization plan. The document also covers optimizing web pages and Google AdWords campaigns for keywords, using the Google Search Console to monitor keyword performance, and generating website content through blogging to attract more keywords.

seogoogle adwordskeyword research
And devices are getting smarter
Siri AlexaGoogle
SEO has evolved
The Answer:
Rethink your SEO strategy
We have to optimize for consumer discovery,
not traditional search

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Amazon Appstore - Driving Growth & Engagement through Triggers and Rewards Programs By Ankur Prasad, Head of Marketing for Amazon Appstore at Amazon Join Amazon's Ankur Prasad, Head of Marketing from Amazon Appstore, and learn how their team has successfully driven user growth and engagement through triggers and rewards.

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Presentation by Janna Bastow, co-founder & CEO of ProdPad. Delivered at the Turing Festival in Edinburgh on Thursday 18 August 2016.

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The Top 5 Ecommerce Tests You Should Run Right Now
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In this webinar, WiderFunnel CEO and conversion rate optimization expert, Chris Goward, and Optimizely's testing specialist, Ryan Lillis talk about the tests you should be running on your e-commerce site today to maximize revenue NOW and when online shopping peaks – Christmas time.

ecommerceconversion rateweb design and development
Human-centered SEO puts the user first and prioritizes
relevancy & accessibility
Optimizing for Consumer
On-SERP Optimization
Voice Engine Optimization
Today We’ll Cover
Optimizing for Consumer
On-SERP Optimization
Voice Engine Optimization
Today We’ll Cover
Optimizing for Consumer
On-SERP Optimization
Voice Engine Optimization
Today We’ll Cover

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Featuring speakers from Mode Analytics, American Medical Association, Upwork, Optimizely Benn Stancil, Chief Analyst, Mode Analytics Alek Toumert, Senior Digital Analyst, American Medical Association Jason Lin, Senior Director, Web Marketing, Upwork Rohan Karunakaran, Customer Success Manager, Optimizely Whether you're just getting started or are ready to take things to the next level, getting internal support and executive buy-in is instrumental in the success of any optimization program. In this interactive session, speakers will share stories from the trenches and best practices for gaining executive support and internal engagement. You'll learn how to use data to turn any naysayer into an experimentation evangelist, and build a culture where employees are encouraged to learn together, fail forward and take risks safely.

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This document provides 7 reasons why businesses should invest in SEO: 1) SEO strategies continue to work effectively despite changes in search algorithms; 2) As search engines evolve quickly, SEO methods will remain effective as long as keywords are used; 3) SEO can offer a good ROI without expensive advertising campaigns; 4) Competitors are using SEO, so businesses must also use it to maintain their ranking; 5) Maintaining a healthy content profile is important for SEO success as search algorithms change; 6) Most potential customers now search online, so SEO helps businesses be found; 7) Local and mobile search optimization work together given the rise of mobile internet usage.

John Peebles — Building Products: More than Meets the Eye (Turing Festival 2016)
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Presentation by John Peebles, CEO of Administrate. Delivered at the Turing Festival in Edinburgh on Thursday 18 August 2016.

for Consumer
Historically: Optimize for Algorithms
Traditional ranking factors are still important, but this is only the foundation
Unique Linking Domains
Quality Content AnchorText
Secure SitePage Speed
Mobile Usability Schematic Markup
Today: Links, Content and RankBrain
RankBrain measures how people interact with the SERPs and relies heavily on
“on-SERP” success metrics
Organic Click-Through Rates
Long vs. Short Clicks Shares / Amplification
Bounce RatesAdditional Searches
Scroll Depth Total Pageviews
RankBrain has been a ranking signal since
2015…but not in the way we think about
traditional ranking signals.
Source: ComScore

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The document discusses optimizing local search engine optimization (SEO) for brands with and without physical locations. It notes that one-third of all mobile searches are related to location and local searches have increased significantly. The document recommends features for local optimization, including location finders, local landing pages, schema markup, and reviews integration. It emphasizes the importance of geographical and local SEO pages for brands without owned locations. The best practices suggested include building a fully optimized local experience on-page for each market with seamless integration.

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Google Analytics - Getting Started and How to Measure Success
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This document provides an overview of using Google Analytics to measure the success of a website. It discusses setting up a Google Analytics account and filtering IP addresses to get clean data. It explains how to analyze audience overview data like sessions, users, pageviews and session duration. It also covers analyzing traffic sources, devices used by visitors, top pages on the website, and setting up goals to track important events and conversions. The overall purpose is to justify investment, understand what is working well and areas needing improvement, and improve results by measuring website usage and success metrics.

google analyticsdigital marketingsearch engine optimization
Taboola Partners - Launching your first campaign + Content that Converts
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On Monday, March 20, 2017 Taboola led the second session of “All Things Taboola." Lena and Jon from the agency team went through the platform, Backstage, and took the audience through steps on how to launch their first campaign. They were joined by content specialist, Sean Surdovel, who explained exactly what creative, headline, image and landing page best practices to use to boost performance. Part of an agency? Sign up for Taboola Partners at Start your campaign now!

marketingconversionsmarketing strategy
Optimizing for RankBrain starts with writing in a
way that uses natural language and sounds
Source: ComScore
Beyond RankBrain
Different ranking signals
apply to different queries, and
no two sites are evaluated the
Today, basic on-page is no
longer sufficient
Google is more focused on
reputation and credibility
Authority Rules: Optimizing for E-A-T
Include authors & biographies
for all editorial content
Create expert content –
promote on social and share
on 3rd party sites
Protect visitor information &
offer accurate information
Content Depth over Breadth
Focus your content efforts
on niche topics you can
Provide value and deeper
expertise on specific topics
to be a subject matter

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Mobile metrics - eMetrics Berlin 2015
Mobile metrics - eMetrics Berlin 2015Mobile metrics - eMetrics Berlin 2015
Mobile metrics - eMetrics Berlin 2015

The document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for mobile app marketing and provides examples of KPIs to measure across different areas like campaigns, in-app events, screen flows, conversion funnels, user testing, demographics, bug tracking, and app store analytics. It emphasizes that mobile is different and recommends using a HEART framework to define goals, identify signals, and select metrics to measure progress towards goals. The framework focuses on Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task Success.

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Casting a Smarter Net: How to Leverage Programmatic and Paid Media Advertising
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Check out the slides from our sold-out October 2019 Beer + Learn on Programmatic Advertising. Learn the basics of applying targeted digital advertising to reach the exact set of job titles, regions, revenue size, skillsets, and more that you want in your sales pipeline.

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Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes
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How to successfully manage an SEO process? Is about having Influence to earn support, Be fast and agile and Be consistent and error free. I explain how in this presentation!

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Improving Site Engagement
Search engines have placed a greater emphasis not only on authority, but also
on user-experience
Create content that provides value
Make your content easily shareable Optimize internal links
Improve page load speeds Streamline navigation
Build a site that is mobile friendly
Over 34% of all desktop searches and 63% of
mobile searches result in no click.
Source: SparkToro & Jumpshot
But at a rate of 11% on mobile and only 9% on
desktop over the past 2.5 years,
it’s not growing as fast as it could be.
Source: SparkToro & Jumpshot

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PubCon Vegas: Sustainable SEO

The document discusses various tactics for "Barnacle SEO", which involves gaining visibility and links to a website through external sources. It provides many specific tactics across different platforms like Google, YouTube, Medium, SlideShare, Quora, Pinterest and more. The key message is that websites should pursue links and mentions from authoritative sources across multiple channels to improve their online presence and visibility beyond just search engine rankings. Diversifying link acquisition efforts can provide a competitive advantage over other businesses.

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PubCon Austin 2018: Back to Our Technical Roots How do we align our technical SEO efforts with Google's goal of providing the best user experience?

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BrightonSEO April'19 Key Takeaways
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BrightonSEO April'19 Key Takeaways

Missed #BrightonSEO or want to look through all the awesome stuff that you've learned? Here are the main takeaways of the conference!

brightonseoseocontent marketing
SERP features have evolved
into an interactive first
impression of your company, for
both branded and non-branded
We need to take the same
approach to optimizing branded
SERPs to increase visibility
SERP Features
Take advantage of local knowledge
panels by optimizing your listing in Search
& Maps via Google My Business and Bing
Places for Business
Go beyond the basics & add the data that
makes sense:
Restaurant? Add your menu.
Accept appointments? Add a link.
Local Panel
Google now allows users to
claim their brand panels
Once verified, it is easier to
maintain and edit the
information displayed
Owners can directly request
additional information that may
be beneficial for users
Brand Panel
Leverage structured data
markup: organization schema is
the most important markup for
optimizing knowledge panels
Call out social profiles, logo,
contact info, founding date,
website, products, blogs, videos,

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SEO for Travel Companies in 2018
SEO for Travel Companies in 2018SEO for Travel Companies in 2018
SEO for Travel Companies in 2018

SEO for Travel Companies in 2018. What's changed, what you need to know and do. These slides cover landscape changes and the current state of SEO for Travel Companies in 2018. It covers aspects of technical SEO for travel companies, content creation specific to the travel sector, as well as how to boost authority signals and link building for travel companies in 2018.

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Inbound Certification Class 2: Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines
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Inbound Certification Class 2: Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines

This document summarizes an online course about search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses doing keyword research to understand what potential customers search for. Keywords are categorized by the buyer's journey and optimized on pages by including them in page titles, URLs, headings and content. Internal and external links are included to related pages and resources. Pages should be optimized for mobile and promote a good user experience. Building relationships with industry leaders can help earn backlinks, increasing a site's authority. Successfully optimized pages will mimic customer language, address their interests, and optimize and promote content around targeted keywords.

SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl
SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - DeepcrawlSearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl
SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl

"How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing" Presentation from SearchStars - Swedens largest search marketing conference.

deepcrawlrachel costellodigital marketing
Posts appear on your brand panel and may be used to highlight events, blog
posts, products, offers or announcements
Google Posts
Answer questions that
consumers post and flag
answers from users that are
Go above & beyond by
posting your own FAQs
Questions & Answers
65% of 25-49 year olds speak to their voice-
enabled devices at least once per day.
Source: PWC

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What is Voice Search Optimization?
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What is Voice Search Optimization?

nvesting in voice search optimization will, without a doubt, offer a progressive and safe investment for your ad campaign and marketing strategy or business. A recent study found that choice search in eCommerce results in $1.8 billion in Amazon revenue. And researchers predict that this number will increase by up to $40 billion by 2022.

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PR In A Web 2.0 World - Updated 10-08PR In A Web 2.0 World - Updated 10-08
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PR Newswire Director of Emerging Media, Michael Pranikoff presents "PR In A Web 2.0 World" (updated 10-08)

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Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Eager to enhance your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic? Explore the Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024 and keep pace with the competition! From optimizing for voice search to prioritizing user-centric content, this presentation shares the strategies that will skyrocket your search engine rankings. Take action now – click here to delve into the full presentation and elevate your SEO game! Full blog here -

digital marketingseo trends 2024video seo
Half of all online searches will be voice searches
by 2020.
Source: PWC
Voice Search vs. Voice Answers
Voice search includes any
device where different
options or results are given
in response to a query
Voice answers are specific
instances where a single,
audio answer is provided –
changing the marketing
Optimizing for Voice Search
Understand the types of queries
affected and use the appropriate
mix of content
Google queries related to local
services or businesses pull from
the local search pack, results for
purely informational queries pull
from featured snippets
Google Assistant / Home Optimization
Invest in Google My Business
to reach users searching for
location based queries and
specific services
Invest in Google Actions,
extensions of Google Assistant,
to provide solutions for direct
informational queries

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The most Damaging SEO Mistakes & Issues in 2021 and How to Avoid Them #EngagePDX
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The document discusses common mistakes and issues that can negatively impact SEO processes and outcomes. It recommends establishing a quality assurance framework to avoid execution errors from a lack of stakeholder understanding. This includes educating teams, setting guidelines, implementing validation workflows before and after changes, and monitoring metrics to catch issues early. Regular communication across teams and aligning SEO goals with business goals can help gain support and resources to avoid common challenges.

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How can you achieve results in your SEO process without having to wait for months? In this presentation I go through criteria to use to identify quick win opportunities!

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Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality
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Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality

Discover how LLMs can enhance the efficiency of your SEO activities and workflows while maintaining SEO quality. Credit: Aleyda Solis.

Featured Snippets
Understand common questions for your product/service to optimize FAQ and
direct answer content via formatting and structured data
Speakable Schema
New schema that just came
out of “pending” on
It is still in BETA in Google
Use to highlight text that
provides a succinct answer
to a conversational
Amazon Alexa / Echo
Alexa provides answers using a
combination of search results
and skills and has significantly
more gaps in the accuracy and
availability of results
Identify voice-driven queries
and create and optimize content
to address them

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Seo what you should know
Seo what you should knowSeo what you should know
Seo what you should know

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. It discusses keeping up with changes in search algorithms, the importance of optimizing sites for mobile, and ranking factors like fresh content and backlinks. Key recommendations include developing a content management plan with keywords optimized for search, and conducting keyword research to identify opportunities and gaps to improve organic search rankings. Ongoing testing and monitoring of analytics is also advised to refine SEO strategies.

search engine optimizationseowriting for web
SEO is Dead
SEO is DeadSEO is Dead
SEO is Dead

Check out this presentation from Will Scott, CEO and co-founder of Search Influence at New Orleans Entrepreneur Week 2016.

entrepreneurseo servicesentrepreneurship
Web Sites for Small Businesses
Web Sites for Small BusinessesWeb Sites for Small Businesses
Web Sites for Small Businesses

The documents provide statistics from surveys on internet usage in the United States in 2012. The surveys found that 81% of all adults used the internet, with slightly more men using it than women. Usage was highest among those aged 18-21 and 30-49 and decreased with age. Usage also decreased with lower income and education levels. By 2014, more people were expected to access the internet from smartphones than desktop computers.

Take a human
centered approach
We have to strike
a balance
Establishing a
While optimizing
for discoverability

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Marketing Your Radon Business

How to build a powerful online presence and grow your business for companies in the radon mitigation and home inspection industry. Visit to learn more.

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Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
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Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...

Rather than chasing after the latest search trends or churning out content just to try and target a wider audience of new customers, you need to take a step back. Instead, start by assessing your website’s onsite journey and the experience it’s currently delivering to the people who are already interested enough in your brand to click through to it. In this talk, Rachel will share her own tried-and-tested methods of improving onsite user experience, conversions and keyword rankings by utilising CRO and UX techniques to get actionable insights into user behaviour and any roadblocks impeding the customer journey. Examples of some of the methods that will be covered are customer feedback collection, website heat mapping, customer journey mapping, website crawling, A/B testing and more. Learn how to reverse the decision-making process and build your retail strategy around the customers you actually have by opening up a dialogue with them, rather than building your business around the types of users you think you have.

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Selling An SEO Strategy
Selling An SEO StrategySelling An SEO Strategy
Selling An SEO Strategy

At the enterprise level, it takes more than just functional expertise to run a successful SEO program. Much of your time, energy and effort must be focused on building relationships, educating and communicating with non-SEO experts in your organization. In December 2014 at the annual Digital Summit in Dallas, I shared my first-hand experience in launching an in-house SEO program and tips on how to approach gaining buy-in for your strategy.

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Thank You!
Stephanie Wallace
Vice President, Owned Media
See You at the next #SMX!

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SMX London: What Really Matters for SEO Success

Editor's Notes

  1. What do you visualize when we talk about Google ranking factors? Or Google’s algorithm?
  2. Do you think
  3. Do you think
  4. The search landscape is changing as searches focus more on semantic relationships, context and user experience.
  5. Today, Google uses a combination of algorithms, machine learning and ongoing updates to curate search results 
  6. We have to prepare for RankBrain, Deep Learning and AI technology to run search by doing the work the right way
  7. We have to understand that the definition of a search engine has changed
  8. Proactive suggestions leverage your website content or voice skills/apps And that’s on top of other signals like location and personalization
  9. As SEOs we’re facing some big questions: How are artificial intelligence and machine learning impacting search? How do we optimize for non-traditional search engines like Pinterest, Amazon, and voice? What does this evolution mean for the future of search marketers?
  10. The Answer: Rethink your SEO strategies & tactics.
  11. If you only take away 1 thing from my talk today, I want it to be this idea that the most effective strategies will be the result of changing our approach to think through the lens of optimizing for consumer discovery as opposed to optimizing for traditional search. This is how we bridge the gap and take a human-centered approach with strategies that aren’t about us or selling products, and aren’t focused on chasing Google’s algorithms, but rather focused on adding value. 
  12. Optimizing for search and virtual assistants
  13. Optimizing for search and virtual assistants
  14. Optimizing for search and virtual assistants
  15. How to Optimize for Consumer Discovery vs. Traditional Optimization Tactics
  16. Traditional ranking factors are still important, but we’re talking about optimizing for humans
  17. Today, we’re optimizing for those foundational elements as well as RankBrain – which is what we’re focusing on today So we’re optimizing less for traditional ranking inputs like keywords, anchor text, pgae speed, etc. and really focusing more on those searcher outputs
  18. quick on-page optimization tactics are no longer sufficient to obtain top positions in the search results, especially if the website contain Google is now honing in on the reputation and credibility of both the website itself, as well as the creators who contribute to its content. I
  19. Authority Rules: Optimizing for EAT (Beyond “Produce Great Content”) Expertise – Authoritativeness – Trust invest in personal branding Links & unlinked mentions are measured
  20. Focus your content efforts on niche topics you can own Provide value and deeper expertise on specific topics to be a subject matter expert Deeper expertise shared via robust and unique articles will win the rankings battle everytime
  21. Capturing User Attention with On-SERP Optimization: SERP Features & Ranking in the Knowledge Graph
  22. Published in late 2018
  23. Thankfully
  24. SERP features are near universal and massively impact click through rates These features have evolved into an interactive first impression of your company, for both branded and non-branded queries We need to take the same approach to optimizing branded SERPs to increase visibility Your New Homepage is Off-page
  25. Even if you’re national/global. NAP, photos, reviews, Google Posts, Questions & Answers Then add other data that makes sense. Are you a restaurant? Add your menu. Can a customer make an appointment? Add a link.
  26. Brand knowledge panels on Bing & Google largely rely on Wikipedia for the content they display Claim it! Suggest edits Add organization schema to your site Name your social profiles
  27. Posts appear on the brand panel They last 7 days (then they move to the recent posts tab on the panel) They can be used to highlight events, blog posts, products, offers or announcements
  28. This is potentially the least understood feature of the local knowledge panel ----- Ultimately, all of these on-serp optimizations add value for consumers and tie back to that human centered approach by reducing friction for smaller conversions, like calls, and building out trust signals to make decisions easier
  29. Optimizing for search and virtual assistants
  30. Voice Search & Voice answers are different - A machine that responds with a single, audio answer vastly changes the marketing landscape and how we optimize for that and especially measure that is a bit of a black hole. So what we’re focusing on is a device that still shows options on a screen of results (like most Google Voice searches on mobile or desktop device)
  31. Google queries related to locating services or businesses primarily pull from the local search pack, results for purely informational voice queries are primarily pulled from featured snippets. 
  32. Earn featured snippets or go home
  33. Optimize for voice search by using Schema to package your conversational content SPEAKABLE moved out of pending – it’s official as of late march / early April Google’s recognition still says in beta, but on it is officially published The support for this new markup is currently limited to News content. However, it is likely that support for the speakable attribute will inevitably expand as Google gains experience with this new structured data markup.
  34. Alexa provides answers using a combination of search results and skills and has significantly more gaps in the accuracy and availability of results. Despite gaps in the smart assistant’s knowledge, Alexa does pull some answers from high-ranking pages and content Like Google Actions, the primary purpose of Alexa’s Skills is to provide a solution to a problem or question, and direct informational queries toward Arrow’s customer funnel.  
  35. Taking a human-centered approach is not about us or selling products, and isn’t focused on chasing Google’s algorithms, but rather focused on adding value for consumers
  36. The future of SEO is in optimizing for authority, discoverability and voice capabilities