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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Stephanie Wallace, Vice President, Owned Media, Nebo
Google Tag Manager Can
Do What?
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We are going to cover a lot!
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Google Tag Manager:
The best only way to deploy Analytics tracking.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
But, we’re not going to cover the basics.

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Create Powerful Custom Automations With AdWords Scripts By Frederick Vallaeys
Create Powerful Custom Automations With AdWords Scripts By Frederick VallaeysCreate Powerful Custom Automations With AdWords Scripts By Frederick Vallaeys
Create Powerful Custom Automations With AdWords Scripts By Frederick Vallaeys

From the SMX West Conference in San Jose, California, March 21-23, 2017. SESSION: How To Find, Hack & Build Great AdWords Scripts. PRESENTATION: Create Powerful Custom Automations With AdWords Scripts - Given by Frederick Vallaeys, @siliconvallaeys - Optimyzer, Inc., CEO. #SMX #32B

Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...
Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...
Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...

This document provides best practices for successfully migrating a website from HTTP to HTTPS. It recommends a granular, multi-step approach including thorough planning, documentation, testing, and preparation work. Key steps include updating internal and external links, XML sitemaps, structured data, headers, and more to reference the new HTTPS URLs. It also covers monitoring rankings, using search console tools, and redirecting URLs with 301 redirects after all changes are made before the official migration go-live. The goal is to minimize any potential negative SEO impacts from the migration.

seotechnical seorelaunch
SMX West 2015: Bing Ads UET
SMX West 2015: Bing Ads UET SMX West 2015: Bing Ads UET
SMX West 2015: Bing Ads UET

Are you struggling to implement Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET)? You're not alone. UET is not intuitive, so I'm breaking down insights on how to implement UET across your website so you'll be ready for the retirement of the existing campaign analytics and ready for the launch of Bing Remarketing.

bing adssmx westuet
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Are we using GTM to it’s full potential?
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
GTM allows you to make
changes to code on your site…
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Without touching your site’s code.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Puts us, the marketers, back in control.

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This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
Consumer driven contract testing
Consumer driven contract testingConsumer driven contract testing
Consumer driven contract testing

Creating a Rest API is simple these days. To be able to change your API and still keep it working for all consumers is much harder. When using Consumer Contracts, you can let your API evolve and verify you can still uphold the contract of your consumers. In this presentation I will be demonstrating this by using Spring Cloud Contract.

Google Tag Manager - 5 years. What have we learned?
Google Tag Manager - 5 years. What have we learned?Google Tag Manager - 5 years. What have we learned?
Google Tag Manager - 5 years. What have we learned?

Looking back on five years of Google Tag Manager. Has the tool changed? Have we? What's coming up in the next 5 years? My talk at MeasureCamp #11 (London).

google tag managermeasurecamp
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’re not relying on developers*.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’re not relying on developers*.
*Caveat: Developers have a process for a reason…
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Special features make GTM
a game changer.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
7 SEO Specific
Tactics to
Leverage GTM

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The document outlines 6 critical steps for optimizing a website for search engine optimization (SEO) during a redesign project. The steps are: 1) Don't reinvent the existing keyword rankings, 2) Create a keyword roadmap by grouping pages thematically, 3) Include social media signals by adding sharing buttons, 4) Select a content management system (CMS) that supports customization and SEO features, 5) Clarify the call to action with a clear path to conversion, and 6) Optimize pages for visitors by reviewing analytics and reducing bounce rate. Getting an SEO expert involved early in the redesign process can help avoid expensive changes and traffic losses after launch.

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Google change to Mobile-First Indexing and its effects on SEO! Learn about the future of Native and Progressive Web Apps.

Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
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Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
We’ll Review
How To:
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time

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Using AdWords Scripts to Create Your Own Ad Tech Landscape By Mitch Larson
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Using AdWords Scripts to Create Your Own Ad Tech Landscape By Mitch Larson

From the SMX West Conference in San Jose, California, March 21-23, 2017. SESSION: How To Find, Hack & Build Great AdWords Scripts. PRESENTATION: Using AdWords Scripts to Create Your Own Ad Tech Landscape - Given by Mitch Larson, @mitchperclick - AimClear, Ad Operations Lead. #SMX #32B

Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018
Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018
Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018

Bastian Grimm provides best practices for successfully relaunching a website through migration. He emphasizes thorough documentation, testing, and addressing all technical details. Common problems with migrations include missing or incorrect redirects. Post-migration, it is important to monitor performance, check for errors, and ensure proper indexing of the new site.

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Max Prin - SMX West 2017 - What to do when Google can't understand your JavaS...
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This document discusses SEO best practices for JavaScript-heavy websites. It recommends using clean URLs that return HTML snapshots rather than fragment identifiers or hashbangs. It also suggests automatically loading all content within 5 seconds without requiring user interactions, avoiding JavaScript errors, and not blocking crawlers via robots.txt. Tools mentioned for testing renderings include Google Fetch & Render, Fetch & Render As Any Bot, Chrome DevTools, ScreamingFrog, Botify, and Scalpel.

#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We’ll Review
How To:
Add Structured Data Markup
Implement Custom Header Tags
Implement Canonical Tags
Define Metadata
Track Right Clicks
Measure Scroll Depth
Measure Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Data Markup

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SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm - Migrations Best Practices
SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm -  Migrations Best PracticesSEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm -  Migrations Best Practices
SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm - Migrations Best Practices

1. The document provides best practices and guidance for migrating websites, with a focus on search engine optimization. It emphasizes thorough preparation, testing changes gradually, and post-migration monitoring to ensure no issues occur. 2. Key steps include preparing the site by fixing errors, gathering URLs, benchmarking performance, and testing changes. All internal links, files, headers and technical elements need to be updated. 3. During implementation, changes should be made gradually and thoroughly tested. Search console needs to be configured for the new site. Post-migration, redirects, errors and performance must be monitored closely.

search engine marketingsearch marketingseo
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
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The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

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Technical SEO Checklist: How to Optimize a WordPress Site for Search Engine C...
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Tending to the technical side of SEO is crucial to ensure that search engine robots can effectively crawl, index, and understand your site. In this session, attendees will learn how to optimize WordPress sites for important technical SEO best practices. All levels of technical optimizations will be covered from basic to intermediate to advanced, including both traditional optimizations that have been around for a long time, as well as newer modern SEO optimizations including AMP and Schema markup. We will walk through a checklist of important technical SEO best practices, and I will highlight my favorite SEO plugins, tools, and resources along the way.

marketingsearch engine optimizationseo
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Use Schema to annotate elements on a page making it easier for search engines to
understand your content.
Structured Data Markup
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create your snippet of Schema in J-SON LD format.
Example: Organization Schema
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create a new tag using the Custom HTML type.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Paste the schema markup into GTM to dynamically insert J-SON LD on all pages you
Implementation: Tag Configuration

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Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, ParisMigration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris

My talk from SEARCHY 2019 in Paris covering best practices on how to successfully navigate through the various types of migrations (protocol migrations, frontend migrations, website migration, cms migration, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things technical SEO.

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The Essential Guide to Website Redesign - Slides
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The Essential Guide to Website Redesign - Slides

If you’re planning a redesign, make sure to integrate SEO at all critical levels – from site architecture and keyword mapping to the overall visitor experience. We’ve conducted hundreds of website redesigns and boiled down the best practices to help you succeed. In this live webinar, we will walk you through the blue print of a successful website design that not only protects your current SEO rankings, but will boost them as well. Register today!

website redesignwebsite designdigital marketing agency
SMX London: What Really Matters for SEO Success
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SMX London: What Really Matters for SEO Success

This document discusses optimizing an SEO strategy for machine and human factors. It recommends taking a human-centered approach to SEO by optimizing for consumer discovery through on-search engine result page optimization, voice engine optimization, and focusing on relevancy, accessibility and putting the user first. Key tactics include improving site engagement, leveraging structured data, optimizing for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, and addressing common questions through featured snippets and content. The overall message is that SEO has evolved and strategies must optimize for how people discover and interact with information across different platforms and devices.

seoadvanced seosmx
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Define your trigger pages for this
code to fire on.
Depends on the type of Schema
you’re implementing.
Click Save and Publish your
Implementation: Trigger Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Verify via Google’s Structured DataTestingTool.
Testing & QA
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Header Tags
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Implement directives via GTM to control crawling & indexing with the robots meta tags.
Custom Header Tags
Do not show this page in search results
Do not follow the links on this page
Do not show a “Cached” link in search results
Do not show a text snippet or video preview in SERPs
Do not use business info from Open Directory

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PubCon Vegas: Sustainable SEO
PubCon Vegas: Sustainable SEOPubCon Vegas: Sustainable SEO
PubCon Vegas: Sustainable SEO

The document discusses various tactics for "Barnacle SEO", which involves gaining visibility and links to a website through external sources. It provides many specific tactics across different platforms like Google, YouTube, Medium, SlideShare, Quora, Pinterest and more. The key message is that websites should pursue links and mentions from authoritative sources across multiple channels to improve their online presence and visibility beyond just search engine rankings. Diversifying link acquisition efforts can provide a competitive advantage over other businesses.

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S wallace-pub con-austin-2018S wallace-pub con-austin-2018
S wallace-pub con-austin-2018

PubCon Austin 2018: Back to Our Technical Roots How do we align our technical SEO efforts with Google's goal of providing the best user experience?

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AMA Atlanta Marketing Series: SEO 101 with Stephanie Wallace
AMA Atlanta Marketing Series: SEO 101 with Stephanie WallaceAMA Atlanta Marketing Series: SEO 101 with Stephanie Wallace
AMA Atlanta Marketing Series: SEO 101 with Stephanie Wallace

The second 101 series hosted by AMA Atlanta will cover the basics of Search Engine Optimization. All facets of SEO will be discussed, including: a history of search engines, common terminology, on-page strategy, technical SEO, off-page campaign creation and general best practices. In addition, we'll highlight new trends and SEO opportunities on the horizon. If you're new to search engine marketing and want to learn the basics, or if you want to manage your own SEO campaign, this is the class for you!

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Implement header tags with JavaScript by creating a new tag using the custom HTML
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Paste your code and specify within the JavaScript to fire code in the head section.
Implementation: Tag Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Define a new trigger that specifies the page(s) to which the header tag will apply.
Implementation: Trigger Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Verify that the tag is firing usingView Source or via Chrome DevTools.
Testing & QA

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SEO Team Lunch & Learn - App Indexing
SEO Team Lunch & Learn - App IndexingSEO Team Lunch & Learn - App Indexing
SEO Team Lunch & Learn - App Indexing

App indexing allows apps to be discoverable through search engines like Google by deep linking relevant app content to webpages. It involves implementing deep links within mobile apps, using the App Indexing API for platforms like Android, and mapping webpages to corresponding app screens. Doing so provides opportunities to improve an app's visibility in search and can positively impact the ranking of associated websites. While technical implementation requires supporting HTTP URLs, adding API calls, and mapping links, app indexing's future benefits for discoverability are growing as apps become more integrated into search.

app indexingmobile appsmobile marketing
Connect | Search Engine Watch 2016 - Integrating PPC Data with SEO Strategies
Connect | Search Engine Watch 2016 - Integrating PPC Data with SEO StrategiesConnect | Search Engine Watch 2016 - Integrating PPC Data with SEO Strategies
Connect | Search Engine Watch 2016 - Integrating PPC Data with SEO Strategies

The key to effectively using PPC lies in understanding how to test SEO tactics and apply the results. Check out these actionable strategies for using PPC campaign data to influence on-page SEO & content strategies.

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AiMA Oct. 2016 Search SIG Event
AiMA Oct. 2016 Search SIG EventAiMA Oct. 2016 Search SIG Event
AiMA Oct. 2016 Search SIG Event

Welcome to the Google Machine: The Knowledge Graph, Machine Learning & the Future of Search Google is forever changing the landscape of SEO with things like the Knowledge Graph, Semantic Search, Voice Search and Machine Learning / Rank Brain. How will this impact SEO in 2017 and beyond? What are the key emerging trends? And what's the impact on mobile, multi-screen and the digital marketing funnel?

#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Canonical Tags
Use custom variables in GoogleTag Manager to create auto generated canonical URLs
for every page.
Canonical version
Duplicate version Parameter version
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create variables for the Page URL Canonical, Page Protocol, Page Hostname Canonical, &
Page Path.
Implementation: Start with Variables
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Hostname Path Query Fragment
Quick refresher on URL components these variables are referencing.

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MozCon 2015 - The Perfect Pair: Using PPC Data to Influence SEO
MozCon 2015 - The Perfect Pair: Using PPC Data to Influence SEOMozCon 2015 - The Perfect Pair: Using PPC Data to Influence SEO
MozCon 2015 - The Perfect Pair: Using PPC Data to Influence SEO

Everyone knows PPC and SEO compliment one another - increased visibility in search results help increase perceived authority and drive more clickthroughs to your site overall. But are you actively leveraging the wealth of PPC data available to build on your existing SEO strategy? The key to effectively using this information lies in understanding how to test SEO tactics and how to apply the results to your on-page strategies. This session will delve into actionable strategies for using PPC campaign insights to influence on-page SEO and content strategies. Key takeaways include: - How to us PPC campaigns to test effective meta data - How to use PPC keyword data to determine content gaps - How to use PPC data to define striking distance ranking opportunities - How to use PPC campaign data to determine conversion rate optimization opportunities

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A Look Into Search Engine Optimization
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A Look Into Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO? Why should you consider it as a career? And what skills will be most beneficial to you as a college student getting started in the industry?

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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim

It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

digital marketingmarketingsales
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Again, using the custom HTML
tag copy and paste this code.
Set code to fire code in the head
Trigger should fire on all pages.
Implementation: Tag Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Verify the tag via Chrome DevTools.
Testing & QA
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Add title tags and meta descriptions to your site when this cannot be done any other
<meta name="description"
content="This is an example of a
meta description.">

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Know about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptxKnow about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptx

Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

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Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee
Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin LeePaid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee
Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee

The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

digital marketingmarketingsales

CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
For a single page, implement the JavaScript as a Custom HTML tag, specified to fire in the
head section.
Implementation: Tag Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Implementation: Tag Configuration
Does it have to be this
For a single page, implement the JavaScript as a Custom HTML tag, specified to fire in the
head section.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Add title tags and meta descriptions to your site in bulk usingVariable LookupTables.
Alternate Implementation: Create a New Variable
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Testing & QA
This is admittedly pretty hacky… But sometimes it’s the only way.

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Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...
Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...
Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, yesterday's strategies simply won't suffice. Join us for a groundbreaking session on revenue based marketing where we'll explore cutting-edge approaches and the latest strategies that can supercharge your digital marketing plans. Discover how to leverage performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing to drive revenue, optimize your campaigns, and achieve measurable results. We'll dive into effective methods for building brand awareness, cultivating deep engagement, driving conversions, and fostering lasting customer loyalty. Prepare to gain fresh ideas, valuable insights, and innovative methodologies designed to elevate your digital marketing efforts to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your strategy and stay ahead of the curve! Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Revenue-Driven Strategies: Learn how performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can drive revenue and optimize your marketing efforts. 2. Building and Engaging Your Audience: Discover effective methods for increasing brand awareness and cultivating deep engagement with your target audience. 3. Driving Conversions and Loyalty: Gain insights into strategies for driving conversions and fostering lasting customer loyalty to sustain your brand's growth.

digital marketingmarketingsales
10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf
10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf
10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf

Managing payroll in SMEs can indeed be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to solve common problems. Invest in robust payroll software that automates calculations, tax deductions, and compliance requirements. This reduces errors and saves time.

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Track Right
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Track Right Clicks
Track right or middle clicks with custom tags to truly measure the number of events on a
Users often right click
to download or open in
a new tab.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create a Click ListenerTag using
JavaScript to fire on all non-left
clicks on links.
Set the trigger to DOM ready
The page is now “listening” for
the mousedown action from a
right or middle click.
Implementation: Tag Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create data layer variables to match the variables to be sent by the listener tag.
Implementation: Create Variables

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Discover how Eric Siu’s agency, Single Grain, drove over 1 million new website visitors at a +59% higher conversion rate in 90 days by integrating innovative AI-driven strategies into their CRO and SEO practices, known as programmatic CRO (pCRO) and SEO (pSEO). Imagine: At the click of a button, your landing pages dynamically adapt to feature content and elements specific to the keywords and products they are targeting. That’s the power of pCRO, transforming generic pages into highly personalized experiences. With pSEO, generate quality pages at scale that rank at the top of search results for relevant long-tail keywords, driving traffic that then converts. Excited? In this session, Eric will guide you through how to implement these game-changing techniques for your own business, enhancing your digital strategy and maximizing your ROI.

by VWO
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Define a new Custom Event trigger ready for ourGoogle Analytics tag to track users
clicking on non-left button links, right-button links, and middle-button links.
Implementation: Trigger Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create a new Universal Analytics
event tracking tag to fire on all
right-clicked links.
Use the defined variables to set
up the event and the defined
non-left trigger.
Now you’re tracking in Google
Implementation: Tracking in Google Analytics
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Testing & QA
Testing has shown we are missing somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of all clicks on a variety
of links and resources.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Scroll Depth

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Capture how far down a given page users scroll to improve engagement tracking.
Measure Scroll Depth
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Use the native Scroll Depth trigger in GTM.
Implementation: Define New Trigger
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create a trigger based on
vertical or horizontal scroll
depths of 25%*, 50%, 75% and
Define pages on which to fire.
*The 25% mark will cause
bounce rate to artificially
Implementation: Trigger Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create a Universal Google
Analytics event tag to collect
scroll tracking data.
Use the Scroll Depth trigger we
just defined.
Implementation: Tag Configuration

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Testing & QA
To avoid affecting your site’s
bounce rate, when creating
events in GTM configure the
“non-interaction” field asTRUE
for 25%.
Or choose to exclude 25% from
the trigger altogether.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Dwell Time
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Use theTimer trigger to measure quality visits based on dwell time rather than average
time on page.
Measure Dwell Time
Trigger Fires
X Seconds
GTM Tag Fires,
Event Passes to
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Create theTimer trigger.
Define milliseconds between
events and set a limit on number
events to be fired.
Ideal to specify content heavy
pages, similar to scroll depth.
Implementation: Trigger Configuration

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Calculate ideal dwell time intervals per page based on number of words on the page.
Implementation: Trigger Configuration
on the page
15 * 1000
150 words
on the page
15 * 1000 = 10 second intervals
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Use thoseTimer triggers to
create Create a Universal Google
Analytics event tag to collect
scroll tracking data.
Define event tracking
Select “Enable override settings
in this tag”.
Implementation: Tag Configuration
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Testing & QA
Confirm the tag data is firing in GoogleAnalytics.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We covered a lot!

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Research on chemical industry with considering one of PSU as an example Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF). Chemical Industry trend, strengths, weaknesses. Chemical Industry market position as well as RCF position. RCF revenue, profit, EBITDA, forecast, technology, past performance. State wise revenue of chemical industry and RCF as well

#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
We covered a lot!
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!
We know that a large portion of
metrics from Google Analytics are
either bullsh*t, spam or plain wrong
GTM can help improve the quality of
metrics we’re tracking
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!
Google Tag Manager loads JavaScript
• Google may crawl these changes on a
page, but they are not the only search
Remember these are hacks
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!
Google Tag Manager Resources:
• Simo Ahava
• LunaMetrics GTM Recipes
• Moz Blog: SEO Changes Using GTM

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Google Tag Manager is a
game changer.
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Thank You!
Stephanie Wallace
Vice President, Owned Media
See You at the next #SMX!
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Custom Code
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Structured Data Markup Code
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "NeboAgency",
"sameAs": [
"brand": "Nebo",
"description": "Nebo is a full-service agency headquartered in Atlanta,GA.We believe great work comes from a deep understanding the needs, wants and desires of your audience.
Discover more about Nebo and our human-centered philosophy.",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "Atlanta",
"addressRegion": "GA",
"postalCode": "30318",
"streetAddress": "1000 MARIETTA ST NW SUITE 270" },
"telephone": "1.800.908.6326",

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#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Custom Header Tags / NOINDEX Code
Var meta = document.createElement ('meta');
meta .name = "robots";
Meta.content = "noindex";
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Canonical Tag Code
var c = document.createElement('link');
c.href = {{Page URL Canonical}};
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Metadata Code
var md_en = document.createElement('meta'); = 'description';
md_en.content - 'This is a test for Metadata replacement with GTM.';
var tt_en = document.createElement('title');
tt_en.text = 'GoogleTag Manager Can Do What? | SMX';
#SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO
Right Click Code
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (window.jQuery) {
jQuery('a').mousedown(function(event) {
if (event.which == 3)
dataLayer.push({ "nonleft.linkclick.href": this.href,
"nonleft.linkclick.linktext": this.text,
"event": "nonleft.linkclick.right"});
if (event.which == 2)
dataLayer.push({ "nonleft.linkclick.href": this.href,
"nonleft.linkclick.linktext": this.text,
"event": "nonleft.linkclick.middle"});

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SMX London: Google Tag Manager Can Do What?

  • 1. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Stephanie Wallace, Vice President, Owned Media, Nebo Google Tag Manager Can Do What? G O I NG ABO VE & BEYO ND CO NVERSI O N TRACKI NG
  • 2. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We are going to cover a lot!
  • 3. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Google Tag Manager: The best only way to deploy Analytics tracking.
  • 4. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO But, we’re not going to cover the basics.
  • 5. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Are we using GTM to it’s full potential?
  • 6. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO GTM allows you to make changes to code on your site…
  • 7. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Without touching your site’s code.
  • 8. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Puts us, the marketers, back in control.
  • 9. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’re not relying on developers*.
  • 10. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’re not relying on developers*. *Caveat: Developers have a process for a reason…
  • 11. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Special features make GTM a game changer.
  • 12. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO 7 SEO Specific Tactics to Leverage GTM
  • 13. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time We’ll Review How To:
  • 14. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 15. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 16. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 17. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 18. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 19. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We’ll Review How To: Add Structured Data Markup Implement Custom Header Tags Implement Canonical Tags Define Metadata Track Right Clicks Measure Scroll Depth Measure Dwell Time
  • 21. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Use Schema to annotate elements on a page making it easier for search engines to understand your content. Structured Data Markup
  • 22. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create your snippet of Schema in J-SON LD format. Example: Organization Schema
  • 23. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create a new tag using the Custom HTML type. Implementation
  • 24. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Paste the schema markup into GTM to dynamically insert J-SON LD on all pages you define. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 25. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Define your trigger pages for this code to fire on. Depends on the type of Schema you’re implementing. Click Save and Publish your changes. Implementation: Trigger Configuration
  • 26. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Verify via Google’s Structured DataTestingTool. Testing & QA
  • 28. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Implement directives via GTM to control crawling & indexing with the robots meta tags. Custom Header Tags Directive noindex Meaning nofollow noarchive noodp nosnippet Do not show this page in search results Do not follow the links on this page Do not show a “Cached” link in search results Do not show a text snippet or video preview in SERPs Do not use business info from Open Directory Project
  • 29. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Implement header tags with JavaScript by creating a new tag using the custom HTML type. Implementation
  • 30. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Paste your code and specify within the JavaScript to fire code in the head section. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 31. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Define a new trigger that specifies the page(s) to which the header tag will apply. Implementation: Trigger Configuration
  • 32. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Verify that the tag is firing usingView Source or via Chrome DevTools. Testing & QA
  • 34. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Canonical Tags Use custom variables in GoogleTag Manager to create auto generated canonical URLs for every page. rel=“canonical” Canonical version Duplicate version Parameter version
  • 35. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create variables for the Page URL Canonical, Page Protocol, Page Hostname Canonical, & Page Path. Implementation: Start with Variables
  • 36. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Protocol Hostname Path Query Fragment Quick refresher on URL components these variables are referencing. Implementation
  • 37. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Again, using the custom HTML tag copy and paste this code. Set code to fire code in the head section. Trigger should fire on all pages. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 38. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Verify the tag via Chrome DevTools. Testing & QA
  • 40. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Metadata Add title tags and meta descriptions to your site when this cannot be done any other way. <title>ExampleTitle</title> <meta name="description" content="This is an example of a meta description.">
  • 41. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO For a single page, implement the JavaScript as a Custom HTML tag, specified to fire in the head section. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 42. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Implementation: Tag Configuration Does it have to be this manual? For a single page, implement the JavaScript as a Custom HTML tag, specified to fire in the head section.
  • 43. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Add title tags and meta descriptions to your site in bulk usingVariable LookupTables. Alternate Implementation: Create a New Variable
  • 44. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Testing & QA This is admittedly pretty hacky… But sometimes it’s the only way.
  • 46. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Track Right Clicks Track right or middle clicks with custom tags to truly measure the number of events on a website. Users often right click to download or open in a new tab.
  • 47. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create a Click ListenerTag using JavaScript to fire on all non-left clicks on links. Set the trigger to DOM ready pageview. The page is now “listening” for the mousedown action from a right or middle click. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 48. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create data layer variables to match the variables to be sent by the listener tag. Implementation: Create Variables
  • 49. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Define a new Custom Event trigger ready for ourGoogle Analytics tag to track users clicking on non-left button links, right-button links, and middle-button links. Implementation: Trigger Configuration
  • 50. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create a new Universal Analytics event tracking tag to fire on all right-clicked links. Use the defined variables to set up the event and the defined non-left trigger. Now you’re tracking in Google Analytics! Implementation: Tracking in Google Analytics
  • 51. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Testing & QA Testing has shown we are missing somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of all clicks on a variety of links and resources.
  • 53. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Capture how far down a given page users scroll to improve engagement tracking. Measure Scroll Depth
  • 54. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Use the native Scroll Depth trigger in GTM. Implementation: Define New Trigger
  • 55. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create a trigger based on vertical or horizontal scroll depths of 25%*, 50%, 75% and 100%. Define pages on which to fire. *The 25% mark will cause bounce rate to artificially decrease. Implementation: Trigger Configuration
  • 56. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create a Universal Google Analytics event tag to collect scroll tracking data. Use the Scroll Depth trigger we just defined. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 57. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Testing & QA To avoid affecting your site’s bounce rate, when creating events in GTM configure the “non-interaction” field asTRUE for 25%. Or choose to exclude 25% from the trigger altogether. 25% 50% 75% 100%
  • 59. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Use theTimer trigger to measure quality visits based on dwell time rather than average time on page. Measure Dwell Time Trigger Fires After X Seconds GTM Tag Fires, Event Passes to Analytics Visitor Enters
  • 60. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Create theTimer trigger. Define milliseconds between events and set a limit on number events to be fired. Ideal to specify content heavy pages, similar to scroll depth. Implementation: Trigger Configuration
  • 61. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Calculate ideal dwell time intervals per page based on number of words on the page. Implementation: Trigger Configuration words on the page 15 * 1000 150 words on the page 15 * 1000 = 10 second intervals
  • 62. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Use thoseTimer triggers to create Create a Universal Google Analytics event tag to collect scroll tracking data. Define event tracking parameters. Select “Enable override settings in this tag”. Implementation: Tag Configuration
  • 63. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Testing & QA Confirm the tag data is firing in GoogleAnalytics.
  • 64. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We covered a lot!
  • 65. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO We covered a lot!
  • 66. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels! #SMXInsights We know that a large portion of metrics from Google Analytics are either bullsh*t, spam or plain wrong GTM can help improve the quality of metrics we’re tracking
  • 67. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels! #SMXInsights Google Tag Manager loads JavaScript • Google may crawl these changes on a page, but they are not the only search engine Remember these are hacks
  • 68. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels! #SMXInsights Google Tag Manager Resources: • Simo Ahava • LunaMetrics GTM Recipes • Moz Blog: SEO Changes Using GTM
  • 69. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Google Tag Manager is a game changer.
  • 70. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Thank You! Stephanie Wallace Vice President, Owned Media Nebo LEARN MORE: UPCOMING @SMX EVENTS See You at the next #SMX!
  • 72. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Structured Data Markup Code <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type": "Organization", "name": "NeboAgency", "sameAs": [ "", "", "", "" ], "brand": "Nebo", "description": "Nebo is a full-service agency headquartered in Atlanta,GA.We believe great work comes from a deep understanding the needs, wants and desires of your audience. Discover more about Nebo and our human-centered philosophy.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Atlanta", "addressRegion": "GA", "postalCode": "30318", "streetAddress": "1000 MARIETTA ST NW SUITE 270" }, "telephone": "1.800.908.6326", } </script>
  • 73. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Custom Header Tags / NOINDEX Code <script> jQuery('meta[name="robots"]').remove(); Var meta = document.createElement ('meta'); meta .name = "robots"; Meta.content = "noindex"; docuemnt.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(meta); </script>
  • 74. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Canonical Tag Code <script> var c = document.createElement('link'); c.; c.href = {{Page URL Canonical}}; document.head.appendChild(c); </script>
  • 75. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Metadata Code <script> jQuery('meta[name="description"]').remove(); jQuery((title').remove(); var md_en = document.createElement('meta'); = 'description'; md_en.content - 'This is a test for Metadata replacement with GTM.'; jQuery('head').append(md_en); var tt_en = document.createElement('title'); tt_en.text = 'GoogleTag Manager Can Do What? | SMX'; jQuery('head').append(tt_en); </script>
  • 76. #SMX #24B @SWallaceSEO Right Click Code <script type='text/javascript'> if (window.jQuery) { jQuery('a').mousedown(function(event) { if (event.which == 3) dataLayer.push({ "nonleft.linkclick.href": this.href, "nonleft.linkclick.linktext": this.text, "event": "nonleft.linkclick.right"}); if (event.which == 2) dataLayer.push({ "nonleft.linkclick.href": this.href, "nonleft.linkclick.linktext": this.text, "event": "nonleft.linkclick.middle"}); }); } </script>

Editor's Notes

  1. I am going to assume you already know & love tag manager And we’re not going to cover how to write javascript
  2. Things like version control, security, avoiding collection of PII, etc…
  3. Special features like real time testing and the ability to customize make GTM a game changer.
  4. Implement Schema in JSON-LD format via Google Tag Manager.
  5. For anyone not familiar, Schema is a structured data markup that helps search engines better understand your content Schema is the vocabulary, is the dictionary. Historically, this code was added inline.
  6. Using, create your snippet of Schema in J-SON LD format.
  7. Implement structured data markup using Google Tag Manager. Be sure to name your tags appropriately to easily keep track
  8. Paste the schema markup that you have already written into GTM to dynamically insert J-SON LD on all pages you define.
  9. And define your trigger - which pages you want this code to fire on. For something like standard organization schema we can select All Pages And Click Save! And of course, don’t forget to Publish your changes.
  10. Once live, you can easily check to see that it’s firing correctly using Google’s structured data testing tool.  There is no easier way to implement additional code on your site A single script for thousands of pages with the same data type.
  11. Implement noindex tags, nofollow tags & more via Google Tag Manager.
  12. Implement noindex tags, canonical tags & more when inline edits aren’t feasible. Noindex, nofollow, noarchive, canonical, even NOODP when that was a thing Historically, these were changes that had to be made inline – edits to the live code on your site. But not anymore.
  13. Start by selecting “New Tag” and name it so you can easily track all of the different tags on your site the type will be a custom HTML tag - b/c we want to add a snippet of custom code to the header of each page.
  14. Simply Copy/paste the schema markup that you have written Specify within the Javascript to fire code in the head section.
  15. And define your trigger - which pages you want this code to fire on. For something like standard organization schema we can select All Pages And Click Save! And of course, don’t forget to Publish your changes. Be cautious with the trigger here – you don’t want to accidentally NOINDEX your whole site!
  16. Once live, you can easily check to see that it’s firing correctly using Google’s structured data testing tool.  There is no easier way to implement additional code on your site A single script for thousands of pages with the same data type.
  17. Implement auto-generated, sitewide canonical tags via Google Tag Manager.
  18. Define www or not in hostname Define HTTP or HTTPS Remove query parameters
  19. Simply Copy/paste the schema markup that you have written
  20. Add title tags and meta descriptions to your site via GTM.
  21. This is made possible by Google’s recent advancements in rendering client-side scripting, but keep in mind that there’s a big ”if” here. You can use GTM to update your metadata, IF your site doesn’t have a lot of other JavaScript complexity going on. Google’s only going to deal with so much JavaScript before it moves on, so it’s the simpler websites that can get away with this.
  22. Simply Copy/paste the schema markup that you have written The trigger is that page with which you are updating…
  23. Simply Copy/paste the schema markup that you have written For a single page
  24. This is admittedly pretty hacky…and John Mueller has cautioned against it. But sometimes it’s the only way. you didn’t have CMS access, or, worse yet, your client was using a homegrown website that couldn’t be easily updated
  25. Track right or middle clicks to truly measure the number of events on a website.
  26. Built in Click Triggers in GTM only track traditional clicks and linkclicks. Track right or middle clicks to truly measure the number of events on a website.
  27. DOM ready pageview - DOM ready trigger fires when browser has built the skeleton of the page = parsed HTML and CSS. So the page may not look that good yet, but there is something rendered to a page.
  28. The Regex is because in the Listener Tag – you are listening for both right and middle clicks. The Regex will capture both.
  29. The Regex is because in the Listener Tag – you are listening for both right and middle clicks. The Regex will capture both.
  30. Measure engagement that matters with scroll depth.
  31. Capture how far down a given page users scroll to improve engagement tracking. Get more insight than standard time on page metrics. Ideal for content heavy pages. How users are really interacting with your content, even if they bounce.
  32. This works best when content fills most of the page, top to bottom Set for content heavy pages *The 25% mark will cause bounce rate to artificially decrease as “non-sticky” users may trigger an event.
  33. You have to think about the average length of content – if users don’t scroll at all will the 25% event fire anyway?
  34. Measure interaction with your content beyond bounce rate.
  35. Use the Timer trigger to measure quality visits based on dwell time rather than average time on page. Often, quality visits may still be considered a bounce with traditional measurement.
  36. This works best when content fills most of the page, top to bottom Set for content heavy pages
  37. 5 seconds, 15 seconds?
  38. If I leave you with one thing – I hope it’s the thought that Google Tag Manager can be a Game Changer for you.