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Policy as code: What Helm
Developers Need to Know About
Cesar Rodriguez
Head of Developer Advocacy
CNCF Survey 2020 / Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
using containers
in production
Kubernetes in
Cloud Breaches
cloud breaches in
the last 24 months
records exposed due to
cloud infrastructure
➜ ~

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Exploiting IAM in the google cloud platform - dani_goland_mohsan_farid
Exploiting IAM in the google cloud platform - dani_goland_mohsan_faridExploiting IAM in the google cloud platform - dani_goland_mohsan_farid
Exploiting IAM in the google cloud platform - dani_goland_mohsan_farid

"Cloud infrastructure design is complex and makes even the most straight-forward topics, such as Identity and Access Management (IAM), non-trivial and confusing and therefore, full of security risk. While AWS IAM provides for access via console and API/CLI using access keys, there is also a temporary security tokens feature, designed for secure temporary access. However, temporary tokens have multiple security pot-holes that can lead to exploits. I'll explore the limitations of temporary tokens including: - the lack of visibility/management - minimal logging - limited remediation options and how this can be taken advantage of, especially in combination with other techniques such as assuming of roles, pre-signed URLs, log attacks, and serverless functions to achieve persistence, lateral movement, and obfuscation. In addition, I’ll look at common defensive techniques and best practices around lockdown, provisioning, logging and alerting to see whether these are practical and can shift the field."

cloudcloud securitycloud village
Pragmatic Cloud Security Automation
Pragmatic Cloud Security AutomationPragmatic Cloud Security Automation
Pragmatic Cloud Security Automation

"Automating cloud security operations takes a little more than slapping together a quick lambda to fix an open S3 bucket (but that isn't a bad start). In this workshop we will cover the major categories of security automations and present practical implementation techniques. Come prepared to build your own (or use our starter scripts) as we: Review the three major categories of automations- guardrails, workflows, and orchestrations. Build demo versions of each (in AWS, bring your own account), incorporating techniques including assessments, event-driven guardrails, and an incident response workflow. See demonstrations of cross-product orchestrations that integrate commercial tools. Learn the tricks of the trade, based on 10 years of hands-on research and implementation (for realz, check the intertubes if you don't believe us). See what it takes to implement automations at global scale."

cloudcloud securitycloud village
Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog
Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with DatadogMonitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog
Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog

Join Datadog for a webinar on monitoring Kubernetes with a focus on Amazon EKS. You'll learn how to get the most out of Datadog's intuitive platform and EKS's unique capabilities, including: How to monitor metrics, logs and traces from your EKS environment How to test the usability of your environment with features such as adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring How to find and fix user-facing issues with synthetic monitoring features like adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring

➜ ~ brew install mysql
➜ ~ brew install mysql
➜ ~ docker run --name cesar-mysql -e
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=super-secret-password -d mysql:latest
➜ ~ brew install mysql
➜ ~ docker run --name cesar-mysql -e
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=super-secret-password -d mysql:latest
➜ ~ helm install mysql bitnami/mysql
How do I secure Helm?

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Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool
Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool
Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool

This presentation presented at GDG Bangalore meetup give a star :-

cloud nativesecurityaccurics
Of CORS thats a thing how CORS in the cloud still kills security
Of CORS thats a thing how CORS in the cloud still kills securityOf CORS thats a thing how CORS in the cloud still kills security
Of CORS thats a thing how CORS in the cloud still kills security

This document discusses how Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is intended to allow cross-domain requests but can impact security if misconfigured. CORS uses HTTP headers to enable controlled cross-domain access and is supported by services like Amazon S3, CloudFront, API Gateway, and Lambda. While CORS allows legitimate cross-domain content sharing, misconfigurations can bypass the same-origin policy and allow attackers to steal user sessions, credentials, or other sensitive data across domains. The document provides examples of how CORS has been exploited in the past and cautions that even minor CORS issues can become major security vulnerabilities when user contexts are involved.

john vargheseaws community day
AnsibleFest 2020 - Automate cybersecurity solutions in a cloud native scenario
AnsibleFest 2020 - Automate cybersecurity solutions in a cloud native scenarioAnsibleFest 2020 - Automate cybersecurity solutions in a cloud native scenario
AnsibleFest 2020 - Automate cybersecurity solutions in a cloud native scenario

Roberto Carratalá and Diego Escobar will present on automating cybersecurity solutions in a cloud native scenario using Red Hat Ansible Tower. The presentation will cover 5 labs demonstrating how to provision Tower, deploy an Azure environment, automatically configure Checkpoint security management and gateways, deploy applications with cybersecurity rules, and deploy NAT and firewall access rules. Red Hat experts Adrienne, Leonardo, Asier, and German will assist during the presentation. Access details and passwords to the lab environments are provided.

Cesar Rodriguez
Developer Advocate
Cloud Security Architect
OSS Contributor
#1 Define
#2 Use Policy
as Code
3 Steps for Using Helm Securely
Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash
Step #1: Define
Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash

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HashiTalks 2020 - Chef Tools & Terraform: Better Together
HashiTalks 2020 - Chef Tools & Terraform: Better TogetherHashiTalks 2020 - Chef Tools & Terraform: Better Together
HashiTalks 2020 - Chef Tools & Terraform: Better Together

This document discusses how Chef and Terraform can be used together for infrastructure automation and compliance. It provides overviews of Chef Infra, Chef Habitat, Chef InSpec, and how each integrates with Terraform. Key points include the Chef Provisioner and Provider for Terraform, the Habitat Provisioner, using Kitchen-Terraform for testing, and InSpec-Iggy for generating compliance profiles from Terraform configs. The document emphasizes that these tools can work better together for provisioning, deploying applications, and verifying infrastructure and security compliance as code.

Alfredo Reino - Monitoring aws and azure
Alfredo Reino - Monitoring aws and azureAlfredo Reino - Monitoring aws and azure
Alfredo Reino - Monitoring aws and azure

This document provides an overview of monitoring Azure and AWS cloud environments. It discusses why monitoring is important for threat detection, hunting and response. It outlines what aspects should be monitored, including operating systems, applications, network traffic, and cloud service logs. Specific AWS and Azure monitoring options are described, such as CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and Azure Audit Logs. Integrating cloud logs with SIEMs and threat intelligence feeds is also covered. Endpoint monitoring tools are suggested to record process, file, registry and network activity on virtual machines.

(SACON) Madhu Akula - Automated Defense Using Cloud Service Aws, Azure, Gcp
(SACON) Madhu Akula  - Automated Defense Using Cloud Service Aws, Azure, Gcp(SACON) Madhu Akula  - Automated Defense Using Cloud Service Aws, Azure, Gcp
(SACON) Madhu Akula - Automated Defense Using Cloud Service Aws, Azure, Gcp

Here are the steps to set up the Azure CLI: 1. Install the Azure CLI using pip: ``` pip install azure-cli ``` 2. Log in to your Azure account: ``` az login ``` 3. Follow the prompts to log in through a browser and authenticate with your credentials. 4. Verify your login was successful by running: ``` az account show ``` 5. You can now run Azure CLI commands to manage your Azure resources. Some key points: - The Azure CLI credentials are stored locally so you only need to log in once per session. - You can have multiple subscriptions configured by running `az account

Frameworks, Compliance, & Benchmarks
Security Risk Categories
Enforcing encryption helps
protect data traversing
network boundaries and
Access to cloud resources
should be controlled
enforcing least privilege
and avoid accidental public
Security controls should be
applied at the network
layer to prevent
unintended exposure
Ensuring logging and
monitoring of cloud
systems is enabled and
accessible by security team
Example - Wordpress Architecture
Example Architecture Security Requirements

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Scaling Security in the Cloud With Open Source
Scaling Security in the Cloud With Open SourceScaling Security in the Cloud With Open Source
Scaling Security in the Cloud With Open Source

The programmability of the cloud has revolutionized infrastructure deployments at scale and, at the same time, has enabled the automation of both the attack and defense of these deployments. In this talk, I will discuss the open-source tools and the techniques that my organization has used to scale security in the cloud to keep pace with our deployments. I’ll also cover how we’ve used automation to adapt security processes to cloud strategies such as immutable servers. Some topics include: temporal leasing of API access keys and database credentials, automation of patching groups and scans, and automated enforcement of configuration policy.

cloudcloud securitycloud village
Getting Started with Runtime Security on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Getting Started with Runtime Security on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Getting Started with Runtime Security on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Getting Started with Runtime Security on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This document discusses runtime security on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It begins by introducing AKS and how it simplifies Kubernetes deployment and management. It then discusses the security concerns with containers and the need for runtime security. Runtime security involves monitoring activity within containers to detect unwanted behaviors. The document outlines how Sysdig provides runtime security for AKS through its agents that collect syscall data and Kubernetes audit logs. It analyzes this data using policies to detect anomalies and threats across containers, hosts, and Kubernetes clusters. Sysdig also integrates with other tools like Falco and Anchore to provide breadth and depth of security.

Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster SecureKeeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure

From NOVA Cloud and Software Engineering Group meetup, Feb. 17, 2021 Hardening a Kubernetes cluster happens at different levels. We have to examine the nodes where Kubernetes is running. We want to secure the Kubernetes objects and workloads and review the files we used to create them. And we need to look for vulnerabilities in the containers we are using. Gene will show you some open-source tools that can find issues and vulnerabilities at each layer. All of them can be used in a pipeline to build your Kubernetes cluster safely and keep it secure. Gene Gotimer is the meetup organizer and a DevSecOps Senior Engineer at Steampunk, focusing on agile processes, secure development practices, and automation. Gene feels strongly that repeatability, quality, and security are all strongly intertwined; each depends on the other two, making agile and DevSecOps that much more crucial to software development.

Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies
1. Secrets in environment vars
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1)
Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies
1. Secrets in environment vars
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1)
2. Containers running as root
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.6)
Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies
1. Secrets in environment vars
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1)
2. Containers running as root
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.6)
3. Privilege escalation setting
(CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.5)
Step #2: Use Policy as Code

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Secure Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform Cloud, Vault + GitLab CI
Secure Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform Cloud, Vault + GitLab CISecure Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform Cloud, Vault + GitLab CI
Secure Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform Cloud, Vault + GitLab CI

This document discusses using GitLab CI/CD to provision and manage infrastructure with Terraform Cloud (TFC). It begins with an agenda that includes an introduction to Terraform and TFC, integrating them with GitLab, and demos of using GitLab CI/CD pipelines with TFC for infrastructure as code. It then provides bios of two presenters and discusses how GitLab offers a single platform to plan, code, test, secure and release applications. The document concludes by pointing to additional resources on using GitLab CI with Terraform.

hashicorphashicorp terraformterraform
DevSecOps - CrikeyCon 2017
DevSecOps - CrikeyCon 2017DevSecOps - CrikeyCon 2017
DevSecOps - CrikeyCon 2017

DevSecOps, or SecDevOps has the ambitious goal of integrating development, security and operations teams together, encouraging faster decision making and reducing issue resolution times. This session will cover the current state of DevOps, how DevSecOps can help, integration pathways between teams and how to reduce fear, uncertainty and doubt. We will look at how to move to security as code, and integrating security into our infrastructure and software deployment processes.

AWS Security Week | Getting to Continuous Security and Compliance Monitoring ...
AWS Security Week | Getting to Continuous Security and Compliance Monitoring ...AWS Security Week | Getting to Continuous Security and Compliance Monitoring ...
AWS Security Week | Getting to Continuous Security and Compliance Monitoring ...

This document provides an overview of automated end-to-end security for AWS. It discusses how the majority of compromises are due to credentials being compromised, failure to patch security flaws, insider threats, or human error. An example compromise is described where a developer at a company accidentally committed SSH keys to GitHub, allowing a hacker to access servers and exfiltrate customer data, resulting in a $148 million settlement. The document then outlines how Lacework can help secure workloads, containers, configuration, AWS accounts, and provide continuous auditing and compliance.

awsaws securityaws compliance
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
What is Policy as Code?
PaC Benefits
1. Low friction
2. Secure by default
3. Increased Security Visibility
Rego #1: Avoid Secrets in Env Variables
containerUsesSecretsInEnvironmentVar[] {
api = input.kubernetes_deployment[_]
spec = api.config.spec.template.spec
containers = spec.containers[_]
envVars := containers.env[_]

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All Your Containers Are Belong To Us
All Your Containers Are Belong To UsAll Your Containers Are Belong To Us
All Your Containers Are Belong To Us

Lacework Head of Research James Condon's BSidesSF19 presentation "All Your Containers Are Belong To Us."

container securitycontainerskubernetes
Integrating Security into DevOps and CI / CD Environments - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017
Integrating Security into DevOps and CI / CD Environments - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017Integrating Security into DevOps and CI / CD Environments - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017
Integrating Security into DevOps and CI / CD Environments - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017

AWS serverless architecture components such as Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, CloudWatch Logs, DynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis, and Lambda can be tightly constrained in their operation. However, it may still be possible to use some of them to propagate payloads that could be used to exploit vulnerabilities in some consuming endpoints or user-generated code. This session explores techniques for enhancing the security of these services, from assessing and tightening permissions in IAM to integrating further tools and mechanisms for inline and out-of-band payload analysis that are more typically applied to traditional server-based architectures, and generalising these techniques to APIs for all AWS services.

dave walkercloud computingpopuplofttlv17
Behind the Code 'September 2022 // by Exness
Behind the Code 'September 2022 // by ExnessBehind the Code 'September 2022 // by Exness
Behind the Code 'September 2022 // by Exness

The presentation discussed the evolution of hacks from 2009 to the present. Key hacks included the RockYou breach in 2009, Stuxnet in 2010, Shamoon in 2012, emergence of IoT hacks in 2014, Visa-Mastercard breach in 2015, WannaCry in 2017, Bangladesh Bank heist in 2016, and the FireEye hack in 2021. The presentation concluded that people will continue to be the main source of attacks, defenses need to move from reactive to resilient approaches, cloud security is important, and more interconnections will create new vulnerabilities as technology evolves.

cybersecurityinformation securitysecurity
Rego #1: Avoid Secrets in Env Variables
api = input.kubernetes_deployment[_]
spec = api.config.spec.template.spec
containers = spec.containers[_]
envVars := containers.env[_]
apiVersion: v1
kind: Deployment
name: secret-env-pod
- name: mycontainer
image: redis
name: mysecret
key: username
name: mysecret
key: password
restartPolicy: Never
Rego #2: Privilege Escalation
[] {
pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_]
secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true"
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") == "undefined"
Rego #2: Privilege Escalation
privilegeEscalationCheck[] {
pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_]
secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true"
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") == "undefined"
Rego #2: Privilege Escalation
privilegeEscalationCheck[] {
pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_]
secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true"
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined")== "undefined"

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10 Excellent Ways to Secure Spring Boot Applications - Okta Webinar 2020
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Spring Boot Applications - Okta Webinar 202010 Excellent Ways to Secure Spring Boot Applications - Okta Webinar 2020
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Spring Boot Applications - Okta Webinar 2020

Spring Boot is an efficient way to build Java applications with the Spring Framework. If you’re developing apps that handle sensitive data, you should make sure they’re secure. This session will cover HTTPS, dependency checking, CSRF, using a CSP to prevent XSS, OIDC, password hashing, and much more! You’ll learn how to add these features to a real application, using the Java language you know and love. * Blog post: * Cheat sheet: * OIDC demo:

Secure development on Kubernetes by Andreas Falk
Secure development on Kubernetes by Andreas FalkSecure development on Kubernetes by Andreas Falk
Secure development on Kubernetes by Andreas Falk

"Secure development on Kubernetes" With the rise of Kubernetes, the Java developer has arrived in the DevOps age as well. By the multitude of complex tasks, the necessary security is often neglected. Even in managed clusters of well-known cloud providers, there are many traps and points of attack lurking. In this presentation, essential security-critical components of a Kubernetes cluster will be presented. Security problems and corresponding measures to mitigate these will be shown. All steps are described using live demos with an exemplary Spring Boot Java application, that is deployed as a docker container in a Kubernetes cluster, taking into account recommended security patterns. Speaker: Andreas Falk, Novatec Consulting Talk language: English About the Speaker: ********************* Andreas Falk has been working in enterprise application development projects for more than twenty years. Currently, he is working as a managing consultant for Novatec Consulting located in Germany. In various projects, he has since been around as consultant, architect, coach, developer, and tester. His focus is on the agile development of cloud-native enterprise java applications using the complete Spring platform. As a member of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), he likes to have a closer look at all aspects of application security as well. Andreas is also a frequent speaker at conferences like Spring I/O, CloudFoundry Summit, Devoxx, and OWASP AppSec.

sbasba researchsba live academy
SEC301 - New AWS security services for container threat detection - final.pdf
SEC301 - New AWS security services for container threat detection - final.pdfSEC301 - New AWS security services for container threat detection - final.pdf
SEC301 - New AWS security services for container threat detection - final.pdf

1) The document discusses new AWS security services for container threat detection, including Amazon GuardDuty for EKS, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Security Hub. 2) It provides information on how these services can help secure containers by providing visibility, improving security posture, and automating responses to threats. 3) Recommendations are given on how to integrate and leverage these services for continuous threat monitoring, vulnerability management, and streamlining security workflows across container environments.

Rego #2: Privilege Escalation
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true"
podSecurityCheck(secContext) {
"allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") ==
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 3000
fsGroup: 2000
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
Rego #3 Running as Root
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false"
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "runAsNonRoot", "undefined") == "undefined"
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsUser == "0"
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "runAsUser", "undefined") == "undefined"
Rego #3 Running as Root
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false"
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "runAsNonRoot", "undefined") == "undefined"
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsUser == "0"
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "runAsUser", "undefined") == "undefined"
Rego #3 Running as Root
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false"
runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) {
"runAsNonRoot", "undefined") ==
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
secContext.runAsUser == "0"
runAsUserCheck(secContext) {
object.get(secContext, "runAsUser",
"undefined") == "undefined"
runAsNonRoot: false
runAsGroup: 3000
fsGroup: 2000
runAsUser: 0
runAsGroup: 3000
fsGroup: 2000

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Keeping Your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping Your Kubernetes Cluster SecureKeeping Your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping Your Kubernetes Cluster Secure

Many organizations are shifting to containers and Kubernetes, and that move means learning new ways to secure their environments. Kubernetes clusters have to be hardened at different levels. We have to consider the nodes where the Kubernetes control plane is running. We also need to secure the Kubernetes workloads and check the code that creates them. And we need to inspect the containers we are using for vulnerabilities and watch for unusual behavior. Gene will show you some open-source tools that can find issues and vulnerabilities at each layer. You will see how they can be used to build your Kubernetes cluster safely and keep it secure.

Evolution of security strategies in K8s environments.pdf
Evolution of security strategies in K8s environments.pdfEvolution of security strategies in K8s environments.pdf
Evolution of security strategies in K8s environments.pdf

In the latest versions of K8s there has been an evolution regarding the definition of security strategies at the level of access policies to the cluster by users and developers. The security contexts (securityContext) allow you to define the configurations at the level of access control and privileges for a pod or container in a simple way using keywords in the configuration files. To facilitate the implementation of these security strategies throughout the cluster, new strategies have emerged such as the Pod Security Policy (PSP) where the cluster administrator is in charge of defining these policies at the cluster level with the aim that developers can follow these policies. Other interesting projects include Open Policy Agent (OPA) as the main cloud-native authorization policy agent for creating policies and managing user permissions for access to applications. The objective of this talk is to present the evolution that has occurred in security strategies and how we could use them together, as well as analyze their behavior in accessing resources. Among the points to be discussed we can highlight: *Introduction to security strategies in K8s environments *Pod Security Admission(PSA) vs Open Policy Agent (OPA) *Combination of different security strategies together *Access to resources in privileged and non-privileged mode

kubernetessecurityopen policy agent
How to make a high-quality Node.js app, Nikita Galkin
How to make a high-quality Node.js app, Nikita GalkinHow to make a high-quality Node.js app, Nikita Galkin
How to make a high-quality Node.js app, Nikita Galkin

This document discusses how to build high quality Node.js applications. It covers attributes of quality like understandability, modifiability, portability, reliability, efficiency, usability, and testability. For each attribute, it provides examples of what could go wrong and best practices to achieve that attribute, such as using dependency injection for modifiability, environment variables for portability, and graceful shutdown for reliability. It also discusses Node.js programming paradigms like callbacks, promises, and async/await and recommends best practices for testing Node.js applications.

Step #3: Implement Guardrails
Photo by Aditya Rathod on Unsplash
What are security guardrails?
➜ ~ terrascan scan -p policies -i helm
Violation Details -
Description: Container uses secrets in environment variables
File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml
Line : 1
Severity : HIGH
Description: Containers Should Not Run with AllowPrivilegeEscalation
File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml
Line : 1
Severity : HIGH
Description: Minimize Admission of Root Containers
File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml
Line : 1
Severity : HIGH

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Taking advantage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Family
Taking advantage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) FamilyTaking advantage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Family
Taking advantage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Family

The document provides an overview of using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting applications and storing files. It summarizes key AWS services including Amazon S3 for object storage, Amazon EC2 for virtual servers, and Amazon CloudFront for content delivery. It also provides code examples for accessing S3 and EC2 using APIs and SDKs.

s3awsamazon elastic compute cloud
Session 3 - CloudStack Test Automation and CI
Session 3 - CloudStack Test Automation and CISession 3 - CloudStack Test Automation and CI
Session 3 - CloudStack Test Automation and CI

The document discusses CloudStack test automation and continuous integration using Jenkins. It describes using the Marvin testing framework to automate deploying CloudStack infrastructure and running tests. The continuous integration process involves building CloudStack, deploying it to hypervisors and storage, then using Marvin to run integration tests on the deployed environment. Jenkins is used as the continuous integration server to trigger builds, deployments, and tests on a schedule or with each code change. The goal is to automate testing to speed up the process and catch issues early in development.

iaascloud computingcloudstack
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application - Devoxx Belgium 2019
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application - Devoxx Belgium 201910 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application - Devoxx Belgium 2019
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application - Devoxx Belgium 2019

Spring Boot is an excellent way to build Java applications with the Spring Framework. If you’re developing apps that handle sensitive data, you should make sure they’re secure. This session will cover HTTPS, dependency checking, CSRF, using a CSP to prevent XSS, OIDC, password hashing, and much more! You’ll learn how to add these features to a real application, using the Java language you know and love. * YouTube video: * Blog post: * Cheat sheet:

spring bootspring securitysecurity
➜ ~ terrascan scan -p policies -i helm -r git -u
Violation Details -
Description: Container uses secrets in environment variables
File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml
Line : 1
Severity : HIGH
Description: Containers Should Not Run with AllowPrivilegeEscalation
File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml
Line : 1
Severity : HIGH
➜ ~ alias no_terrascan_highs='terrascan scan -p policies -i helm -o json | ((
$(jq ".results.scan_summary.high") == 0 ))'
➜ ~ no_terrascan_highs && helm install wordpress .
Continuous Integration
Continuous Deployment
Continuous Code
Posture Management
Continuous Cloud
Posture Management
Infrastructure as Code Secure Code
CI/CD Cloud Service Provider
Admission Controller

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Cloud-native .NET-Microservices mit Kubernetes @BASTAcon
Cloud-native .NET-Microservices mit Kubernetes @BASTAconCloud-native .NET-Microservices mit Kubernetes @BASTAcon
Cloud-native .NET-Microservices mit Kubernetes @BASTAcon

Cloud-Größen wie Google, Twitter und Netflix haben die Kernbausteine ihrer Infrastruktur quelloffen verfügbar gemacht. Das Resultat aus vielen Jahren Cloud-Erfahrung ist nun frei zugänglich, und jeder kann seine eigenen Cloud-nativen Anwendungen entwickeln – Anwendungen, die in der Cloud zuverlässig laufen und fast beliebig skalieren. Die einzelnen Bausteine wachsen zu einem großen Ganzen zusammen, dem Cloud-Native-Stack. In dieser Session stellen wir die wichtigsten Konzepte und aktuellen Schlüsseltechnologien kurz vor. Anschließend implementieren wir einen einfachen Microservice mit .NET Core und Steeltoe OSS und bringen ihn zusammen mit ausgewählten Bausteinen für Service-Discovery und Konfiguration schrittweise auf einem Kubernetes-Cluster zum Laufen. @BASTAcon #BASTA17 @qaware #CloudNativeNerd

qawarecloudnativenerdcloud native stack
Shifting security to the left with kubernetes, azure, and istio
Shifting security to the left with kubernetes, azure, and istioShifting security to the left with kubernetes, azure, and istio
Shifting security to the left with kubernetes, azure, and istio

This document discusses securing DevOps pipelines and Kubernetes clusters. It recommends practices like using multi-stage Docker builds to minimize images, running as non-root users, signing images, scanning for vulnerabilities, using Kubernetes namespaces and secrets safely, and implementing a service mesh like Istio for traffic management and encryption between services. The document emphasizes limiting attack surfaces by securing access to secrets, pods and cluster metadata, and implementing network policies and circuit breakers to control traffic.

Cloud-native .NET Microservices mit Kubernetes
Cloud-native .NET Microservices mit KubernetesCloud-native .NET Microservices mit Kubernetes
Cloud-native .NET Microservices mit Kubernetes

Mario-Leander Reimer presented on building cloud-native .NET microservices with Kubernetes. He discussed key principles of cloud native applications including designing for distribution, performance, automation, resiliency and elasticity. He also covered containerization with Docker, composing services with Kubernetes and common concepts like deployments, services and probes. Reimer provided examples of Dockerfiles, Kubernetes definitions and using tools like Steeltoe and docker-compose to develop cloud native applications.

#2 Use Policy
as Code
3 Steps for Using Helm Securely
#1 Define
Thank You

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Policy as code what helm developers need to know about security

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  • 2. 2 CNCF Survey 2020 / Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash 92% organizations using containers in production 83% organizations using Kubernetes in production
  • 3. Cloud Breaches 3 200 cloud breaches in the last 24 months 30B+ records exposed due to cloud infrastructure misconfigurations
  • 5. 5 ➜ ~ brew install mysql
  • 6. 6 ➜ ~ brew install mysql ➜ ~ docker run --name cesar-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=super-secret-password -d mysql:latest
  • 7. 7 ➜ ~ brew install mysql ➜ ~ docker run --name cesar-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=super-secret-password -d mysql:latest ➜ ~ helm install mysql bitnami/mysql
  • 8. How do I secure Helm?
  • 9. Cesar Rodriguez Developer Advocate Cloud Security Architect OSS Contributor
  • 10. #3 Implement Guardrails #1 Define Requirements #2 Use Policy as Code 3 Steps for Using Helm Securely
  • 11. Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash Step #1: Define Requirements
  • 12. Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash Security Functionality Usability
  • 14. Security Risk Categories 14 Data Protection Enforcing encryption helps protect data traversing network boundaries and at-rest Access Management Access to cloud resources should be controlled enforcing least privilege and avoid accidental public exposure Network Security Security controls should be applied at the network layer to prevent unintended exposure Visibility Ensuring logging and monitoring of cloud systems is enabled and accessible by security team
  • 15. Example - Wordpress Architecture 15
  • 16. Example Architecture Security Requirements 16
  • 17. Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies 17 1. Secrets in environment vars (CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1)
  • 18. Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies 18 1. Secrets in environment vars (CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1) 2. Containers running as root (CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.6)
  • 19. Example - Wordpress Architecture Policies 19 1. Secrets in environment vars (CIS k8s benchmark 5.4.1) 2. Containers running as root (CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.6) 3. Privilege escalation setting (CIS k8s benchmark 5.2.5)
  • 20. Step #2: Use Policy as Code
  • 21. Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash What is Policy as Code?
  • 22. PaC Benefits 22 1. Low friction 2. Secure by default 3. Increased Security Visibility
  • 24. Rego #1: Avoid Secrets in Env Variables 24 containerUsesSecretsInEnvironmentVar[] { api = input.kubernetes_deployment[_] spec = api.config.spec.template.spec containers = spec.containers[_] envVars := containers.env[_] envVars.valueFrom.secretKeyRef } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 25. Rego #1: Avoid Secrets in Env Variables 25 containerUsesSecretsInEnvironmentVar[]{ api = input.kubernetes_deployment[_] spec = api.config.spec.template.spec containers = spec.containers[_] envVars := containers.env[_] envVars.valueFrom.secretKeyRef } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 apiVersion: v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: secret-env-pod spec: containers: - name: mycontainer image: redis env: - name: SECRET_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mysecret key: username - name: SECRET_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: mysecret key: password restartPolicy: Never 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  • 26. Rego #2: Privilege Escalation 26 privilegeEscalationCheck [] { pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_] secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext podSecurityCheck(secContext) } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true" } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") == "undefined" } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  • 27. Rego #2: Privilege Escalation 27 privilegeEscalationCheck[] { pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_] secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext podSecurityCheck(secContext) } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true" } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") == "undefined" } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  • 28. Rego #2: Privilege Escalation 28 privilegeEscalationCheck[] { pod := object.get(input, "kubernetes_deployment", "undefined")[_] secContext := pod.config.spec.template.spec.securityContext podSecurityCheck(secContext) } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true" } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined")== "undefined" } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  • 29. Rego #2: Privilege Escalation 29 podSecurityCheck(secContext) { secContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation == "true" } podSecurityCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "allowPrivilegeEscalation", "undefined") == "undefined" } securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 3000 fsGroup: 2000 allowPrivilegeEscalation: true 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  • 30. Rego #3 Running as Root 30 runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false" } runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsNonRoot", "undefined") == "undefined" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsUser == "0" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsUser", "undefined") == "undefined" } 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  • 31. Rego #3 Running as Root 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false" } runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsNonRoot", "undefined") == "undefined" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsUser == "0" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsUser", "undefined") == "undefined" }
  • 32. Rego #3 Running as Root 32 runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsNonRoot == "false" } runAsNonRootCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsNonRoot", "undefined") == "undefined" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { secContext.runAsUser == "0" } runAsUserCheck(secContext) { object.get(secContext, "runAsUser", "undefined") == "undefined" } 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 securityContext: runAsNonRoot: false runAsGroup: 3000 fsGroup: 2000 securityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 3000 fsGroup: 2000 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 33. Step #3: Implement Guardrails
  • 34. Photo by Aditya Rathod on Unsplash What are security guardrails?
  • 36. 36 ➜ ~ terrascan scan -p policies -i helm Violation Details - Description: Container uses secrets in environment variables File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml Line : 1 Severity : HIGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Containers Should Not Run with AllowPrivilegeEscalation File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml Line : 1 Severity : HIGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Minimize Admission of Root Containers File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml Line : 1 Severity : HIGH
  • 37. 37 ➜ ~ terrascan scan -p policies -i helm -r git -u Violation Details - Description: Container uses secrets in environment variables File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml Line : 1 Severity : HIGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Containers Should Not Run with AllowPrivilegeEscalation File : wordpress/templates/deployment.yaml Line : 1 Severity : HIGH -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 38. 38 ➜ ~ alias no_terrascan_highs='terrascan scan -p policies -i helm -o json | (( $(jq ".results.scan_summary.high") == 0 ))' ➜ ~ no_terrascan_highs && helm install wordpress .
  • 39. CI/CD 39 Build Continuous Integration Deploy Continuous Deployment Develop Continuous Code Posture Management Run Continuous Cloud Posture Management RUNTIME DEVELOPMENT Cloud Infrastructure as Code Secure Code Management CI/CD Cloud Service Provider
  • 41. Demo
  • 42. #3 Implement Guardrails #2 Use Policy as Code 3 Steps for Using Helm Securely #1 Define Requirements