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SEO and

Christian Heilmann, February 2008, London, UK /
Finding common
What are things that
both search engine
 robots and people
✓ Good page titles
✓ Headings
✓ Links to follow
✓ Data, Data, Data

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A Responsive Process
A Responsive ProcessA Responsive Process
A Responsive Process

This document discusses responsive web design and provides resources for designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes. It includes principles of responsive design like flexible grids and media queries. Links are also provided to articles and tools for wireframing, prototyping, testing responsive sites on different devices, and creating style guides.

responsive web designprocessdevelopment
Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design
Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web DesignMobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design
Mobile Monday Presentation: Responsive Web Design

Real world aspects of implementing flexible, mobile and future-friendly sites through responsive design.

user experienceioshtml5
Guest Lecture Tilburg University
Guest Lecture Tilburg UniversityGuest Lecture Tilburg University
Guest Lecture Tilburg University

Guest lecture at Tilburg University: From Design of Business Communication lecture to international startup in a year.

✓ Information upfront
         ✓ Easy to of in


Humans   ✓ Things that work
         ✓ No confusion
         ✓ No superfluous
What do we think
 humans want?
So this is how we
 build web sites.

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Truly Responsive Design Means Aligning to Business and User Goals
Truly Responsive Design Means Aligning to Business and User GoalsTruly Responsive Design Means Aligning to Business and User Goals
Truly Responsive Design Means Aligning to Business and User Goals

Perhaps the greatest sea-change in the industry since the “Web 2.0″ meme, Responsive Design has been the unavoidable theme of the web industry in 2011 and 2012. But too much of the focus in responsive design has been on the mechanics: media queries, responsive images, javascript polyfills, and techniques for progressive enhancement. Not enough attention has been paid to how responsive sites and applications should be designed to take into account the needs and contexts of users. In short, we’ve been designing sites that respond to the needs (and capabilities) of *browsers* and *devices* rather than the desires and contexts of users. In this talk I cover strategies and processes you can follow which help ensure your web applications are truly responsive to business goals and user needs, not just device capabilities.

user experiencecustomer experiencestrategy
Ten Lessons in Designing Content for Mobile
Ten Lessons in Designing Content for MobileTen Lessons in Designing Content for Mobile
Ten Lessons in Designing Content for Mobile

A look into ten ways to better equip yourself for the challenges of designing content for mobile. Presentation for BrightonSEO 2015.

m designwebbrightonseo
Google Apps for
Google Apps for Maine.eduGoogle Apps for
Google Apps for

The document discusses Google apps that can be used for collaboration including Google Sites for creating websites, Google Docs for writing and sharing documents and presentations, Google Calendar for scheduling events, Google Email, Google Chat, and Google Video Chat. It also mentions Google Groups for creating groups pages with others. Some limitations mentioned are that pictures cannot just be copied into presentations and controls sometimes do not work in presentations. It questions if these apps are really necessary since Microsoft Office and email are already commonly used.

✓ Make them pretty
✓ Make them engaging
✓ Big buttons, possibly animated
✓ Make them “something new”
✓ Social, oh yes!
✓ We got your social right here: “send to

✓ Set up a marketing plan, talk to the right
  people about them!
This is also how we
    make them
inaccessible and a
 pain to maintain.
SEO and Accessibility
The first thing we
 should think about
is environment and

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CSS3 vs Photoshop (remastered)
CSS3 vs Photoshop (remastered)CSS3 vs Photoshop (remastered)
CSS3 vs Photoshop (remastered)

Even If Photoshop was created for photo editing, it has always been the preferred tool for web designers. Yet the CSS3 arrival last year might have changed this. Indeed, CSS3's great success is partially due to its many "design related" functions. Since last year, we noticed that more people dare to design directly in the browser instead of using Photoshop. This raises important questions for the future of web design: is the web designer supposed to code ? With CSS3, it seems impossible to stay away from it. But on the other hand, will the front end developper accept to give away this part of his job or will developpers now start to design as well?

cssadobe photoshopcss3
EE Camp: CMS Training with Screencasts
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EE Camp: CMS Training with Screencasts

This document discusses creating video tutorials for clients as an alternative to written guides. It recommends recording screencasts using tools like Screenr or ScreenToaster, then uploading the videos and embedding them using a custom ExpressionEngine accessory. This allows clients to easily access tutorial videos directly from the control panel. The document provides instructions for installing the accessory and customizing it to display specific video titles, descriptions and files.

Help Desk Management & Multimedia
Help Desk Management & MultimediaHelp Desk Management & Multimedia
Help Desk Management & Multimedia

The document discusses common problems with help desks such as wasted potential of staff, inaccessibility, and recurring issues. It proposes a 3-pronged solution: 1) maximize staff potential by fostering collaboration and improving job descriptions, 2) increase accessibility through physical placement, virtual tools like Meebo and Skype, and a single phone number, and 3) help users help themselves through multimedia how-to guides on blogs and websites. These guides can be created inexpensively using free and low-cost screen recording, video editing, and graphic software. Contact information is provided for further assistance.

Titles: the first
 The business case for
 web standards | Main /
 Home Page
 The business case for
 web standards | Main /
 Home Page
 The business case for
 web standards | Main /
 Home Page

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Be A Builder - Keynote (YEOC)
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Be A Builder - Keynote (YEOC)

The document promotes becoming a builder and getting involved in product development. It encourages finding problems to solve, learning to code through online resources, and participating in startup weekends. The overall message is that by putting in the effort to build things over time through an iterative process, one can help create new products and benefits for customers.

Continuing-Ed Opportunities with Drupal
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Continuing-Ed Opportunities with Drupal

The document summarizes Gwyneth Stupar's experience learning Drupal over 10 months to redesign the website for the Northbrook Public Library. It provides ratings for various Drupal training resources and recommends allocating extra time for website redesign projects and learning how to use Drupal's capabilities before proposing projects.

libraries drupal chicago
Responsive code
Responsive codeResponsive code
Responsive code

This document discusses responsive web design. It introduces the concept that design should be responsive to different screen sizes rather than designing for specific devices. It provides examples of frameworks like Foundation that use a grid system of rows and columns to achieve responsive layouts. The document lists various tools, frameworks, and resources for learning responsive design including links to examples and tutorials. It emphasizes that responsive design makes web development easier to manage across devices but is not necessarily easy to implement.

 The business case for
 web standards | Main /
 Home Page
 The business case for
 web standards | Main /
 Home Page
Keywords &
SEO and Accessibility

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The Dropbox success story: the path to global expansion | Talent Connect Anaheim
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The Dropbox success story: the path to global expansion | Talent Connect Anaheim

Christy Childers, Employer Brand, Dropbox. Natalie Cramer, Talent Brand Consultant, LinkedIn. Kevin DuBay, Sr. Customer Success Consultant, LinkedIn Learn how Dropbox partnered with the LinkedIn Success Organization at a time of high growth and scaled their momentum by bringing the Dropbox name to life across a growing global family. Check out the best of Talent Connect:

linkedinlinkedin talent solutionstalent connect anaheim 2015
Online Tools to Monitor Competition - Do not re-invent the wheel
Online Tools to Monitor Competition - Do not re-invent the wheelOnline Tools to Monitor Competition - Do not re-invent the wheel
Online Tools to Monitor Competition - Do not re-invent the wheel

1. Study your competition thoroughly by taking notes on what you like and don't like about their designs, pricing, support, customers, analytics, advertising campaigns, social media presence, funding history, usage statistics, and customer feedback. 2. Research the design process, technology, and history of your competitors' products. 3. Learn from your competitors but develop your own unique product.

Whatever happened to Progressive Enhancement?
Whatever happened to Progressive Enhancement?Whatever happened to Progressive Enhancement?
Whatever happened to Progressive Enhancement?

The document discusses the history and evolution of progressive enhancement and responsive web design principles from 2005 to 2012. It notes early issues with government websites not working properly and the emergence of techniques like CSS, Ajax, and responsive design. The document argues that responsive design, when done properly with a focus on progressive enhancement, can help address issues caused by over-reliance on JavaScript and provide robust experiences across devices.

web standardsprogressive enhancement
How is all of this
Even if the rest of
   your site is
... this information
 and mashups can
    make the data
What about

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QCon London 2010: Journey of a start-up
QCon London 2010: Journey of a start-upQCon London 2010: Journey of a start-up
QCon London 2010: Journey of a start-up

We set out with a vision - to build a great web-app. A simple and elegant alternative to the bloated monitoring and reporting systems that so many of us battle with every day. Here we share the challenges we encountered and the decisions we made to achieve our goal. The tools and technologies we used to deliver clear data presentation, where we took inspiration from, and our hopes for the future.

Speed as-a-feature
Speed as-a-featureSpeed as-a-feature
Speed as-a-feature

The document discusses how performance matters for websites and applications. It notes that additional page load time of 1 second can result in 7% lower conversion rates and 11% fewer page views, and that Amazon earns an additional $480 million per year from improving page load times by 100 milliseconds. It then provides tips to improve performance, such as reducing dependencies on external services, optimizing CSS, improving database queries, monitoring performance, and prioritizing performance work.

Resisting The Feature Creature
Resisting The Feature CreatureResisting The Feature Creature
Resisting The Feature Creature

Presentation at the Geekmeet in Craiova, Romania talking about the adoption of APIs and libraries as a way to prevent unmaintainable products.

Steps to a better developer life Getting
rid of existing problems Click the start
button on your Windows Select quot;Shut
Downquot; Replace with a Mac Taking your
first steps into a larger world Start Mac
Get Textmate Get VirtueDesktops Get
Quicksilver Linking back to the days or
olde Get Parallels, test on Windows
Steps to a better developer life
Getting rid of existing problems
•   Click the start button on your windows

•   Select quot;Shut Downquot;

•   Replace with a Mac

Taking your first steps into a larger world
•   Start Mac

•   Get Textmate

•   Get VirtueDesktops

•   Get Quicksilver

Linking back to the days of olde
•   Get Parallels, test on Windows
Provide hooks and
Do not overpromise,
  it causes grief.

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SEO for the Semantic Web
SEO for the Semantic WebSEO for the Semantic Web
SEO for the Semantic Web

A brief history of SEO from WWW to RDF, Microformats and SPARQL. First presented at GeekMeet #2 in Cluj Napoca on Mar 1st 2008

Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

Justin French Web Directions07
Justin French Web Directions07Justin French Web Directions07
Justin French Web Directions07

The document appears to be a transcript of a presentation discussing various topics related to web design and development. It touches on technologies like Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML, APIs and frameworks. It encourages the audience to expand their skills from just design to development practices like version control, build processes and tracking bugs in a database. It suggests specializing in an area like user experience, information architecture or a technology and becoming an expert in it to advance their career and earn respect. It concludes by thanking the audience for listening and providing contact details.

<a href=”javascript:boo()”>
    is not a link.
<script src=”magicbadge.js”>
     is not a link.
Do not expect
scripting to work.
  It might not!
Avoid confusion.

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Open Web Technologies and You - Durham College Student Integration Presentation
Open Web Technologies and You - Durham College Student Integration PresentationOpen Web Technologies and You - Durham College Student Integration Presentation
Open Web Technologies and You - Durham College Student Integration Presentation

The document provides an overview of open web technologies from the perspective of Darryl Lehmann, a director of technical services. It discusses Lehmann's career path from coding to various programming jobs to his current role pioneering new digital learning technologies. It also offers advice for web developers, emphasizing the importance of strong fundamentals over specific tools, choosing technologies with longevity, building accessible content, and constant learning. Interactive demos showcase uses of 3D modeling, animation, and responsive design for digital publishing and learning.

The DiSo Project
The DiSo ProjectThe DiSo Project
The DiSo Project

The document discusses the DiSo project, which aims to create an open and distributed social network as an alternative to centralized social platforms like Facebook and Google. It notes the lack of tools to effectively organize ourselves and the desire for a social space that brings our online and offline lives closer together. The document outlines some principles for an open social architecture, including user control over identity and data sharing, access between services, and portable user profiles and contacts. It argues that more open sharing leads to greater willingness to share, and envisions an "Open Social Stack" using open protocols and formats for cross-site social networking.

[Workshop] Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation ...
[Workshop] Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation ...[Workshop] Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation ...
[Workshop] Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation ...

Presented by Nicki Bleiel at Documentation and Training LIfe Sciences, June 23-26, 2008 in Indianapolis. Documentation deliverables have evolved beyond manuals and online help in recent years, and with the emergence of Web 2.0, things are changing faster than ever. Technical communicators have many more options to enhance the user experience, and developing many of them provide the opportunity to work with other departments to find a more holistic approach to content development and delivery. But there is no one-size-fits-all set of solutions. This workshop will review the types of analysis you need to do to determine which deliverables are right for your project, your customer, and your company. Other factors that can’t be ignored, such as translation needs, staff/time constraints, file size limitations, corporate image and control, and proprietary concerns will also be discussed, including: Analyzing the Product * Intended audience; delivery method (desktop, web application, etc.); competitor offerings; software development methodology. The UI as part of the Help system. Product Management expectations. Identifying User Wants and Needs * Preferences and expectations for information; work environment; knowledge and experience levels. Ascertaining Internal Needs and Opportunities * Working with Training, Support, and Marketing to reduce duplication and provide the user with consistent, useful information. * Finding ways to incorporate information from other departments to improve documentation. Accessing Deliverable Options * What is the optimum mix for the product? * The traditional: online help, manuals, embedded help, job aids, forums, web sites, technical support knowledgebases. * Emerging trends: wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, software demonstrations, podcasts, and other collaborative tools. They can supplement and/or enhance the traditional. Or, they may be a better fit for internal knowledge management or marketing use. Optimizing the Library * Single-sourcing; best practices for structuring information; continuous publishing

Don’t understand an
Not sure if it’ll load?
Alternative text to
    the rescue!
Common Sense

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Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation Library
Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation LibraryAnalyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation Library
Analyzing Your Deliverables: Developing the Optimal Documentation Library

Presented Nicki Bleiel at Documentation and Training Life Sciences, June 23-26, 2008 in Indianapolis. Documentation deliverables have evolved beyond manuals and online help in recent years, and with the emergence of Web 2.0, things are changing faster than ever. Technical communicators have many more options to enhance the user experience, and developing many of them provide the opportunity to work with other departments to find a more holistic approach to content development and delivery. But there is no one-size-fits-all set of solutions. This workshop will review the types of analysis you need to do to determine which deliverables are right for your project, your customer, and your company. Product analysis, user expectations and needs, internal needs, deliverable options, and optimizing your library will all be discussed; as well as translation needs, staff/time constraints, file size limitations, corporate image and control, and proprietary concerns.

Silverlight won't save your user experience - you will!
Silverlight won't save your user experience - you will!Silverlight won't save your user experience - you will!
Silverlight won't save your user experience - you will!

The document discusses user experience design and provides three key takeaways. It emphasizes that user experience design starts before visual design by focusing on user research, personas, scenarios and workflow diagrams. It stresses that the first design should not include a user interface. It recommends prototyping early using paper or digital tools and conducting usability testing to fail early. The overall message is that a good user experience requires understanding users before implementing visual design or functionality.

10 Simple Rules for Making My Site Accessible
10 Simple Rules for Making My Site Accessible10 Simple Rules for Making My Site Accessible
10 Simple Rules for Making My Site Accessible

From the basic principle that the web should be great for everyone, Chris Albrecht and Helena Zubkow team up to present an informative accessibility demo that will rock your world. The goal of this session is to introduce developers to web accessibility – what it is, why it’s important, and how to build and test sites to make them as accessible as possible. This includes a demo of how to do things the right way and the wrong way, some great tools, and a walkthrough of basic standards for accessibility. - Intro - What is web accessibility? - Why does web accessibility matter? - Accessibility fundamentals (web accessibility in practice / code demo) - Web accessibility tools to assess and improve your projects - Q&A session

web accessibilitya11yaccessibility
Flickr Thnks
Shiny thing:

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UTEP AITP Presentation - 10/17/2012

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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
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Taking the "vile" out of privilege
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Taking the P out of PWA
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