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Digital First
Branding Bonding
How Digital First Brands are changing
the marketing landscape.
Dennis Yuscavitch
VP, Product Marketing
Reference Guide
Traditional Brands:
Legendary, Indirect
Digital First:
Direct Brands, Born Digital
Do I use any
of these

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Data analytics in_digitalmarketing
Data analytics in_digitalmarketingData analytics in_digitalmarketing
Data analytics in_digitalmarketing

Data analytics is transforming online marketing by allowing marketers to 1) predict customer intent based on their online behavior and interactions, 2) learn from customer behavior across different stages of the buying cycle, and 3) understand customer sentiments to improve marketing campaigns and drive higher conversions. Analytics tools analyze data from online customer interactions and traffic sources to provide insights that help marketers optimize their digital marketing strategies.

digital marketinganalyticsweb analytics
Your Current Customers: The Only Influencers and Prospects You’ll Ever Need -...
Your Current Customers: The Only Influencers and Prospects You’ll Ever Need -...Your Current Customers: The Only Influencers and Prospects You’ll Ever Need -...
Your Current Customers: The Only Influencers and Prospects You’ll Ever Need -...

The hype around big data and artificial intelligence has compounded the bloat of marketing budgets and technology stacks that fail to deliver customized content experiences and drive higher sales. The additional challenges of customer data privacy regulations have required brands to dramatically change course in programmatic advertising. • Grasp the need for customer data platforms and better data governance. • Know how to ask your key vendors for API access and build connections to other systems to reconcile customer data. • Gain a singular view of each customer, and an accurate analysis of the continuously-developing customer journey. • Learn the path to achieving better audience segmentation, and true individualization with content. • Improve conversions at lower costs and more efficient marketing operations.

digital marketingmarketingsocial media marketing
RoMT - Part 2 Marketing Technology Webinar
RoMT - Part 2 Marketing Technology WebinarRoMT - Part 2 Marketing Technology Webinar
RoMT - Part 2 Marketing Technology Webinar

RoMT is Return on Marketing Technology. Here Paul Lima of Lima Consulting Group explains their methodology for reviewing Martech deployments.

roimarketing technology
Big Market
Most Incumbents Lag the Direct Brand Revolution
Direct-to-consumer selling
We are selling some
products to the consumer
We are not selling any of our
products directly to the consumer
We are selling a significant amount of our
products to the consumer
We are exclusively a direct to
consumer business

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Mirakl webinar final review_30_nov2017
Mirakl webinar final review_30_nov2017Mirakl webinar final review_30_nov2017
Mirakl webinar final review_30_nov2017

With special guests Michelle Beeson, Digital Business Strategy Analyst at Forrester and David Staunton, Head of Product Marketing at Mirakl. 2018 will be the year when retailers combine their strategies to transform the relationship they have with their customers. Omnichannel and personalisation have long been at the top of the list for any retailer wanting to maintain their position - but with online pure-players moving to have physical stores, and retailers seeking to offer more experiences to their customers, how they use these innovations will change in 2018. It is no-longer as simple as providing products, retailers now have to fight to become the destination for their customer in an increasingly crowded market.

Machine Learning & AI in e-commerce
Machine Learning & AI in e-commerceMachine Learning & AI in e-commerce
Machine Learning & AI in e-commerce

The increasing complexity of digital landscape on one side and huge business expectations on the other side are the driving force of change in e-commerce. Fueled by tons of data machine learning and artificial intelligence are slowly becoming the norm. But algorithms themselves won't be able to change the companies and deliver success. Entire companies need to change as well. How to embrace this change? Where to start and what to expect? How to organize yourselves? We'll deep-dive into data-driven digital marketing framework, followed by insights and case studies from clients and finish up with a stack of tools and takeaways you can use to produce some quick wins.

aiecommercedigital marketing
Business Value of Performance - Ann Ruckstuhl CMO DOC
Business Value of Performance - Ann Ruckstuhl CMO DOCBusiness Value of Performance - Ann Ruckstuhl CMO DOC
Business Value of Performance - Ann Ruckstuhl CMO DOC

This document discusses the business value of digital performance and the importance of website speed. It notes that every 100ms of load time improvement can result in 1% more conversions and $80M in additional revenue for Walmart. It also discusses how mobile traffic now accounts for 33% of orders and the increasing complexity of technology stacks, with the average page now making over 18 third party calls. The document advocates for a data-driven approach to performance management using predictive analytics to understand the business impacts of improvements and optimize site performance.

mobile testingmobile performancemobile performance testing
CPG Categories Have Seen Flat or Modest Growth
Growth continued but shifted from few incumbents
to thousands of start-up brands
Traditional Brands: Digital First Brands:
Kraft Heinz
Retail Locations
Store Economy Digital Economy
$2 Trillion retail
97% in-store
The Shift is Apparent
$5 Trillion retail
14.7% out-of-store

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Sarah Probert & Viven McKechnie, pt78 : The First 5 Steps to Creating a Marke...
Sarah Probert & Viven McKechnie, pt78 : The First 5 Steps to Creating a Marke...Sarah Probert & Viven McKechnie, pt78 : The First 5 Steps to Creating a Marke...
Sarah Probert & Viven McKechnie, pt78 : The First 5 Steps to Creating a Marke...

The document discusses creating a culture of marketing effectiveness. It emphasizes measuring effectiveness through achieving business outcomes and return on investment, rather than just efficiency. It provides examples of key performance indicators and metrics to track at different levels from commercial objectives down to marketing metrics. It also addresses common barriers to adopting effectiveness practices and the need to improve skills and close gaps in prioritizing effectiveness measurement.

LEUG Presentation
LEUG PresentationLEUG Presentation
LEUG Presentation

This document summarizes eCommerce trends, effective search strategies, and technology considerations for digital commerce. It discusses Gartner and Forrester reports on trends like price optimization, digital trustworthiness, and personalized experiences increasing profits by 15-20%. It provides an example search scenario and best practices for site search. Finally, it covers considerations for open source, on-premises, and cloud platforms as well as integration options and APIs.

p21magentogrey wolf systems
How The Platform Model is Transforming Retail
How The Platform Model is Transforming RetailHow The Platform Model is Transforming Retail
How The Platform Model is Transforming Retail

This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on how the platform model is transforming retail. It includes: 1. Discussions of current eCommerce trends seen by Publicis Sapient, including more spending centered around the home and the need for retailers to stimulate demand through digital experiences. 2. Predictions that behaviors emerging during lockdowns, like online shopping and working from home, will continue in many markets. 3. Observations that consumers will return to stores at varying paces, with some cautious about returning for some time. 4. Five big opportunity areas identified for retailers to navigate the future, including making online the primary storefront and realigning stores for safety, pricing

70% down to 54% 7.2% up to 12.2%
6-Year Market Share Changes
Growth of Craft Beer Industry – Farm to Consumer
5 years
2017 Revenue Growth for Contact Lenses
Per Year Per Year
Per Month
Digital First Mattress Company Market Share

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B2B Marketers: Sharpen Your Storytelling Skills (Workshop)
B2B Marketers: Sharpen Your Storytelling Skills (Workshop)B2B Marketers: Sharpen Your Storytelling Skills (Workshop)
B2B Marketers: Sharpen Your Storytelling Skills (Workshop)

For B2B marketers, great stories can mean the difference between marketing content that audiences love and content that fails to deliver results. It takes real storytelling skill to rise above the noise and grab the attention of busy audiences. These slides were presented by Ardath Albee, from Marketing Interactions, and Nick Edouard, from LookBookHQ, during a free 30 minute online workshop on 11th June 2013 designed to sharpen B2B marketers' storytelling skills. The slides cover: 1. Why storytelling matters to B2B marketers 2. How to get round the big 3 storytelling obstacles that even the pros face 3. 4 real-world examples of B2B storytelling that drove amazing business results 4. The 8 key storytelling success factors

b2b marketingstorytellingtransmedia
The Five Blessings from Customer Privacy - Tim Hayden, Brain+Trust Partners
The Five Blessings from Customer Privacy - Tim Hayden, Brain+Trust PartnersThe Five Blessings from Customer Privacy - Tim Hayden, Brain+Trust Partners
The Five Blessings from Customer Privacy - Tim Hayden, Brain+Trust Partners

In January of 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act will go into effect and change marketing forever. At the same time, a decade of increased marketing budgets and growing technology stacks have failed to deliver customized content experiences at scale that consistently lead to more conversions and higher sales. The struggle is real in dealing with media and data volatility, but there's no challenge that can't be leveraged for greater marketing success. Let's discuss five ways how you can be a compliant, lean and productive content marketer by the end of 2019. 5 Takeaways for Participants · Grasp the need for customer data platforms and better data governance, ready for tightening privacy regulations. · Obtain a holistic view of each customer and unique audience segments in the data you have today. · Forget personas, and turn customer journey mapping into real-time analysis of what customers want and how they behave. · Reduce operating expenses and drive higher sales. · Leverage machine-learning to develop better content and influence the product development process.

digital marketingmarketingsocial media marketing
How To Drive Exponential Growth Using Unconventional Data Sources
How To Drive Exponential Growth Using Unconventional Data SourcesHow To Drive Exponential Growth Using Unconventional Data Sources
How To Drive Exponential Growth Using Unconventional Data Sources

Meteor — one of the largest open source platforms for building web and mobile apps — lives or dies by community growth and project adoption. Meteor pulls together all dimensions of their customer data — from Github to Zendesk — to power critical platform growth and adoption. They’ve developed a unique analytics stack that processes and analyzes millions of rows of data to deliver the insights they need. See the full webinar here:

growthbusiness intelligencedata science
Shoe Industry Digital-First Challengers
Feb. 2017
Market Share 2017
Groceries 1% revenue growth
expected versus 10x meal kits
through 2022
When Did This Digital-First Trend Begin?
Fail Early, Fail Often
1st Party Data
Customer Obsessed

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How a lack of digital skills will break your business - Jonnie Jensen
How a lack of digital skills will break your business - Jonnie JensenHow a lack of digital skills will break your business - Jonnie Jensen
How a lack of digital skills will break your business - Jonnie Jensen

Business owners and leaders wonder why their digital marketing is not working. It is not the content marketing, social media or email marketing that is wrong. It is the people in the business who are leading and managing it. From business leaders down, here is why you need digital skills and a digital culture to make your digital marketing work

market leader strategyentrepreneurshipjonnie jensen
Data That Supports True Sales and Marketing Alignment
Data That Supports True Sales and Marketing AlignmentData That Supports True Sales and Marketing Alignment
Data That Supports True Sales and Marketing Alignment

The document discusses how to achieve true alignment between sales and marketing. It outlines 4 "watershed moments" for a company: 1) establishing joint criteria for assigned marketing-generated leads; 2) creating a shared sales and marketing operations role; 3) developing an explicit joint data strategy; and 4) moving from separate sales and marketing KPIs to shared KPIs like inbound pipeline created. By focusing on shared goals and metrics like customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, and the "magic number" ratio, companies can drive capital efficient scale and better growth. The document advocates for jointly aligning tools, data, and decision-making between sales and marketing teams.

Using Visuals
Using VisualsUsing Visuals
Using Visuals

Implementing recommendations over 4 years increased profits by 40% compared to the status quo, with projected profits of $15 million. Visualizations are easier to comprehend than text and can show composition and continuous data trends over time, such as decreasing subscriptions or changing sales sources from 2014 to 2018 with retail growing and resellers shrinking. Visuals convey complex patterns and variability better than text alone.

Digital First
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
Indirect Relationship Direct Relationship
Publisher Consumer
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
12+ months to plan
and launch product.
4-8 Months to
Launch & Learn.
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
Major Touchpoint
Is Through
Retail Locations.
All digital channels
all the time.

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Powering B2B Sales with Digital
Powering B2B Sales with DigitalPowering B2B Sales with Digital
Powering B2B Sales with Digital

1) B2B buyers have become omnichannel in their purchasing, using 10 or more channels, while sales organizations are adjusting to this change. 2) Technology could better enable both buyers and sellers by providing expertise on demand and analytics to prioritize efforts. 3) Companies may consider accelerating their adoption of sales technologies to improve performance metrics like revenue, pipeline conversion, and time to close, which could represent an added competitive advantage.

b2bdigitaldigital marketing
The Evolution of the Social buying Process
The Evolution of the Social buying ProcessThe Evolution of the Social buying Process
The Evolution of the Social buying Process

The document discusses the evolution of the social buying process. It describes how sales and marketing have changed from door-to-door salesmen and CRM systems to utilizing social networks and data. Professionals now face challenges of personalization, tactical messaging, marketing automation, and lead delivery across various social platforms and databases. The presentation outlines the key stages in the social buying funnel from initial customer profiling to feedback and ROI analysis to close more sales opportunities.

The Difference Between B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing | Seattle Interacti...
The Difference Between B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing | Seattle Interacti...The Difference Between B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing | Seattle Interacti...
The Difference Between B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing | Seattle Interacti...

B2B and B2C social media marketing approaches differ in some key ways. B2B companies typically have fewer but larger customers, longer and more complex sales cycles, and invest less in social media than B2C companies. However, B2B customers are also individuals who consume content and build relationships online. The document examines how various B2B companies effectively use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to engage customers, provide helpful content, and increase business opportunities. Examples are given of B2B companies that have successfully utilized social media campaigns, videos, and other engaging content to boost metrics like lead generation and pipeline growth.

b2b marketingb2c marketingmarketing
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
Amazing creative
and insights.
Great creative
combined with
and measurement.
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
Product and
branding led.
Data and
marketing led.
“What [traditional] CPGs lack more
than anything is actionable
consumer data,” says Brian Cohen,
head of digital integration at marketing
agency Catapult. “A DTC engine
allows them to collect insights
Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
People work their way
up the organization.
Come from consulting,
finance, and other
data-driven sectors

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eCommerce trends 2019 by
eCommerce trends 2019 by Divante.coeCommerce trends 2019 by
eCommerce trends 2019 by

Our new report is here! eCommerce Trends is our annual report, we've been doing for 6 years. This year we reached out to 10k eCommerce Managers and asked them to fill in our survey. Of those asked, 150 responded and we created this report based on the results. What's inside? Market Overview B2C eCommerce Sales Top eRetailers (Based on Revenue) Top eCommerce Sites (Based on Traffic) Capital Market eCommerce Startups to Watch Survey Results eCommerce Investments 2018 eCommerce Investments 2019 Changes in Investments 2018-2019 Which Investments Had the Biggest ROI in 2018? Most Impactful eCommerce Trends for the Next 5 years Trends Matrix Inspirations Marketplaces: Better Prices, Free or Discounted Shipping and a Broader Selection Voice Interfaces Big Data & Business Intelligence: IoT as a Source Chatbots: Growing Popularity Microservices & Headless: Micro Frontends Content Marketing & Digital Content CRM: AI & Social CRM Mobile CRO Free Shipping/Returns Mobile Approach: PWA Personalization: Hyper-Personalization Social Commerce: See. Tap. Shop. Customer Lifetime Value and Referral Programs Methodology Research Methodology Demography TL;DR - Quick Summary of the Report Content Marketing: Still Important Personalization & Loyalty for the Win Cryptocurrencies and the GDPR: Things of the Past Content Marketing With the Biggest ROI Voice Interfaces & Big Data Revolutionize eCommerce Quick Wins vs. Highest ROI What do experts say? Download full version:

automated pricing optimizationautomated promotion managementbig data
Institutional Presentation - July 2018
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Institutional Presentation - July 2018

Lojas Renner is a Brazilian retail company with over 500 stores in Brazil, Uruguay, and online. It operates stores under three brands: Renner, Camicado, and Youcom. In 2017, Lojas Renner had total gross revenue of R$9.6 billion. It has built a strong corporate culture focused on enchanting customers and has consistently positioned itself as the brand for the modern woman by offering fashionable styles at competitive prices. Lojas Renner's consistent market positioning, competitive advantages like its culture of enchantment, and business model focusing on the lifestyle of different customer groups have contributed to its success.

Social Selling: How to Connect with the Modern Buyer
Social Selling: How to Connect with the Modern BuyerSocial Selling: How to Connect with the Modern Buyer
Social Selling: How to Connect with the Modern Buyer

The buyer's journey has changed significantly in the past years, close to 60% is completed without input from your Sales Representatives. Influencing, thought leadership and social listening are more important than ever. In this session we will inspire you on the methodology we LinkedIn calls "Social Selling". Are you a social seller?, check your Social Selling Index at

Traditional Brands: Direct Brands:
Traditional Brands: Bonding:
Functional Symbolic
Emotional Transparent &
The New
Source: IAB
Digital First Brands
ConsumerDigital First
Payment processing,
management, order
Data Stack
2nd, 3rd party
data, analysis,
reporting and
SEO, social
media, content

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Evento Xenesys - Social Analytics Conference (edizione Firenze)

Dopo il successo della Social Analytics Conference di Milano, abbiamo replicato l'evento a Firenze. Il 28 maggio, nella nuova sede fiorentina di Xenesys, in collaborazione con MicroStrategy, Roambi, Decisyon e Gummy Industries abbiamo presentato case history, best practice e le ultime tecnologie su big data e social media per migliorare il business delle imprese marketing-intensive attraverso le analytics.

Digital Business Acquisition: How to Perform?
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Digital Business Acquisition: How to Perform?

With web giants leading the pack, marketplaces growing exponentially and DNVBs that keep raising the bar, how can your company improve, its digital acquisition performance? That's the very topic of this study and applies to both B2C and B2B!

digital business acquisitionbusiness acquisitiondigital marketing
Digitalise your SME business: Digital marketing for the Covid/post-Covid era
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Digitalise your SME business: Digital marketing for the Covid/post-Covid era

SMEs contribute a huge amount to overall GDP in the European Union. Although 2020 has brought challenges, it has also brought opportunities for these businesses to accelerate digital transformation for 2021. Consumers will continue to buy products and services from small and medium-sized enterprises, but their behaviours and demands have changed and SMEs must adapt. This workshop will discuss the impact of Covid on e-commerce, before providing digital marketing tips for small business in search and social media.

digital marketingdigitalmarketing and advertising
Source: IAB
The Stack-Your-Own Supply Chain: Overview
Four Big Take-aways:
Fail Early, Often Direct = Data
Bonding NOT
Why They
Love Outbrain.
These Brands Love:
Scale Performance Native

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2018 State of B2B Digital Marketing
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2018 State of B2B Digital Marketing

The document is a summary of a survey of 200 B2B marketing professionals about digital marketing goals, challenges, budgets, and tactics. Some key findings include: 1) The top digital marketing goal is delivering quality leads, followed by driving more leads. The biggest challenge is delivering quality leads, surpassing measuring ROI. 2) Nearly half of marketers expect to increase their digital budgets in 2017, while only 6% expect decreases. Over a third plan to spend 60% or more of budgets on digital. 3) The most popular content tactics are blogs and videos, while white papers produce the most revenue followed by webinars.

b2b digital marketingseosem
Marketing trends shaping industries in 2018
Marketing trends shaping industries in 2018Marketing trends shaping industries in 2018
Marketing trends shaping industries in 2018

Marketing trends in 2018 will focus on a holistic approach rather than just digital efforts. As new technologies like AI and home automation are marketed, products will need to be well-developed through testing and bug removal before launch to ensure marketing success. Key trends include new product development, customer service, programmatic buying, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, corporate culture, and the big data revolution.

Study of "Snapdeal & Infibeam"
Study of "Snapdeal & Infibeam"Study of "Snapdeal & Infibeam"
Study of "Snapdeal & Infibeam"

This document provides an overview of Snapdeal and Infibeam, two major Indian e-commerce companies. For Snapdeal, it summarizes their founding and growth, business model as a marketplace, financial results, logistics improvements, and promotional strategies using social media. For Infibeam, it outlines their hybrid business model, profitability, supply chain and logistics network, customer segmentation, pricing approach, and promotional campaigns. Both companies aim to offer large product assortments and leverage social media for customer acquisition.

What’s Next for
Thank You

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Kyle Porter Rainmaker 2015
Kyle Porter Rainmaker 2015Kyle Porter Rainmaker 2015
Kyle Porter Rainmaker 2015

The document discusses the future of sales development and how SalesLoft helps with this. It notes that sales development used to rely on legacy data sources that were inaccurate and non-targeted, but now tools like SalesLoft allow companies to leverage vast amounts of social data to improve their sales development processes. Specific metrics are provided showing improved results for SalesLoft clients that adopted a more agile prospecting approach enabled by the SalesLoft platform. The document concludes by thanking attendees of the #Rainmaker2015 event for their participation.

What the hell is digital transformation anyway ! - webinar - 25 april 2018 (1)
What the hell is digital transformation anyway ! - webinar - 25 april 2018 (1)What the hell is digital transformation anyway ! - webinar - 25 april 2018 (1)
What the hell is digital transformation anyway ! - webinar - 25 april 2018 (1)

What the hell is digital transformation anyway?” a webinar presented by Mark Ralphs, partner at Good Rebels, on the 25th of April 2018. Learn about the challenge of creating a digital first culture and organisation, the forces driving digital transformation, and practical insights and advice on delivering a transformation programme.

#digital transformation#goodrebels#brand
10 Digital Trends for 2016
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10 Digital Trends for 2016

The document outlines 10 digital trends for 2016, as presented by Carlo Biggi in February 2016. The trends discussed include: 1) Very big vs very small brands, and the importance of both large and small online presences. 2) Digital goes local, with people using maps and searching for big brands near them. 3) Sales 2.0, with cold calling being replaced by social selling techniques on LinkedIn and other platforms.

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SEMPL20 - DENNIS YUSCAVITCH, VP of Global Product Marketing, Outbrain

Editor's Notes

  1. In 2014 entire craft brewing industry (farm to consumer) contributed $55.7B Annual growth over craft beer industry in the past 5 years: 18.8%, Typically craft beer brewer produces less than 2 million barrels each year.
  3. Creative & Insight to Experimentation and measurement enabled by social media platforsm
  4. Functional – does the product work? Symbolic – did it show others I’m not an idiot? Emotional - makes me feel good? Transparent and authentic – do you have ppl that can connect with audience? One big difference in this approach is how DFB leverage influencers and micro-influencers. Orators not customers- want ppl willing to tell your story (bulletproof). Micro-influencers to help with authenticity and this is why digital first brands aren’t just e-commerce companies and they have the gross margin to prove it. Brands are doing these things today, DFB are doing them faster with more touchpoints and more data as part of the new digital first brand economy
  5. Production is warehousing, logistics, packaging. Attention is SEO, social media, content marketing Fullfillment is payment processing, inventory management, order fulfillment, return processing Data stack – 2nd and 3rd party, analytics, reporting, planning
  6. Idea – does it meet the 6 criteria for great Is it a billion dollar market? Is it growing? Is purchase frequency hgh Currently dominated by few incumbents? High gross margins? Limited product innovation in the category which means marketing is the differentiator
  7. Germany/Austria/Switzerland spend for DFBs is about 60% of revenue We’re seeing spend of $10MM+ per quarter in select markets US - 136 with spend YTD (506 accounts/records classified in total) Spend - about ~$10 million per quarter so ~$40 million per year (~15% of spend)