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Data That Supports True
Sales & Marketing Alignment
Nashville Analytics Summit, August 2018
Co-founder, Beacon9
Co-founder, Beacon9
What do we know about sales & marketing alignment?
At ion interactive, the company we co-founded, Anna led the sales team and Justin led the marketing team. We
believe sales and marketing alignment doesn’t happen with status updates or “one hand knowing what the other is
doing”. Sales and marketing alignment comes from joint KPIs and agreements.
Let’s face it, the
sales and
marketing stuff is
Cisco’s 2017 MarTech Stackie is
just one example of the
complex set of systems
operated by sales & marketing.
Many of these collect data and
surface analytics.

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Sales Enablement Plan Playbook
Sales Enablement Plan PlaybookSales Enablement Plan Playbook
Sales Enablement Plan Playbook

The document outlines a 6-stage sales enablement plan to develop and implement a sales enablement strategy. Stage 1 involves getting project approval, including assessing organizational readiness, building a business case, and creating a strategy scorecard. Stage 2 prepares the company by surveying sales, aligning sales and marketing, and auditing assets. Stage 3 implements enabling solutions like CRM and marketing automation. Stage 4 builds a sales playbook. Stage 5 launches the strategy to sales. Stage 6 measures results and evolves the strategy. The plan provides templates, tools and resources to execute each stage.

sales enablementsalesdemand metric
Ecommerce and Digital Marketing Personalization
Ecommerce and Digital Marketing PersonalizationEcommerce and Digital Marketing Personalization
Ecommerce and Digital Marketing Personalization

- Setup required for personalized communication and customer-centric insights - Core ecommerce governance - Core ecommerce functions - Digital marketing initiatives and KPIs - Suggested initiatives per target goal - Personalization use cases - Top automated behavior-driven digital marketing paths - Top customer segmentations - Segmentation uses by channel - Data required for personalization - Customer 360 data warehouse specifications - Start and target tech environment

email marketingdigital marketingtechnology
Customer Success Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Customer Success Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides Customer Success Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Customer Success Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Measure customer success using Customer Success Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Make sure customers achieve their desired outcomes while using your products and services. Evaluate customer satisfaction by adding these relevant customer success model complete presentation slideshow. This content-ready customer success model presentation comprises of topics such as customer segmentation, customer success cycle, customer success maturity model, pillars of customer success, and more. Analyse your customer service strategy to increase upsell opportunities. Add customer success PowerPoint templates to manage the relationship between a vendor and its customers. These templates are completely customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon and font size as per your need. Download customer success model complete presentation to satisfy the customers’ requirements which in turn improves the customer lifecycle value for the company. Our Customer Success Model Powerpoint Presentation Slides enable a glocal approach. They allow close contact with customers anywhere.

customer achievementscs lifecyclecustomer success model
Is it any wonder sales & marketing
alignment is a challenge?
Typical Sales KPIs
‣ Calls, emails, connects
‣ Appointments set
‣ Demos given
‣ New pipeline generated
‣ Cross-sell, up-sell, renewals
‣ Bookings
Typical Marketing KPIs
‣ Number of leads / MQLs
‣ Cost-per-lead / opportunity / deal
‣ Traffic / unique visitors
‣ Inbounds / inbound ratios
‣ Activity / engagement
Radically different sets of KPIs with
virtually no overlap or intersection.

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A Digital Marketing Proposal for Warrior Hockey
A Digital Marketing Proposal for Warrior HockeyA Digital Marketing Proposal for Warrior Hockey
A Digital Marketing Proposal for Warrior Hockey

This digital marketing proposal outlines goals and challenges for the Warrior brand in competing with larger equipment companies. It proposes using social media like Facebook and YouTube, content marketing through blogging, and paid search advertising on Google to build brand awareness and online sales. Success will be measured through web traffic analytics and tracking online advertising campaigns. The $2 million budget will be allocated across staffing, paid internet marketing, mobile advertising, and app development over the course of the year with focus on peak sales periods.

Revenue Operations 101
Revenue Operations 101Revenue Operations 101
Revenue Operations 101

Overview of the Revenue Operations team including objectives, structure, and responsibilities. This team combines marketing, sales, and customer ops into a single groups that delivers a better customer experience and more efficient revenue organization.

Sales & Marketing Development Plan - a template for the CRO
Sales & Marketing Development Plan - a template for the CROSales & Marketing Development Plan - a template for the CRO
Sales & Marketing Development Plan - a template for the CRO

The document is a Sales & Marketing Development Plan template that outlines four major parts: Sales and Distribution Strategy, Customer Development Program, Strategic Marketing Framework, and Integrated Marketing Plan. It provides sample content and suggested key performance metrics for each section to help users develop their own customized plan. The template comes as a PowerPoint file that can be tailored for a user's specific needs.

sales leadershipsales planningchief revenue officer
Is it any wonder sales & marketing
alignment is a challenge?
And the data supports what we all
know about sales & marketing
alignment. It’s not good.
Only 30% of CMOs have a clear
program or process to make sales &
marketing alignment a priority.
CMO Council
Only 8% of companies have strong
alignment between their sales and
marketing departments.
Forrester Research

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Strategic Account Management (S.A.M.) Plans
Strategic Account Management (S.A.M.) PlansStrategic Account Management (S.A.M.) Plans
Strategic Account Management (S.A.M.) Plans

Consistent b-to-b account growth is often hindered by organizations creating barriers to cross-selling and up-selling. This white paper outlines the 3 critical components of Strategic Account Management (S.A.M.) Plans that high performing b-to-b organizations use to eliminate those barriers and excel at organic account growth.

salesb2b marketing
Product Strategy and Go to Market Model_Sample
Product Strategy and Go to Market Model_SampleProduct Strategy and Go to Market Model_Sample
Product Strategy and Go to Market Model_Sample

This product strategy document outlines elements of a company's product strategy including objectives, where to compete, how to compete, and future go-to-market models. It analyzes market segments, product variants, pricing, performance, differentiation, sales channels, and regional market sizes to guide strategic decisions around the company's portfolio. Key sections evaluate niche segments, product roles, sales and margins to inform strategies for developing and positioning the company's base, key, and pacing products.

Go-To-Market Strategy & Sales Enablement Framework
Go-To-Market Strategy & Sales Enablement FrameworkGo-To-Market Strategy & Sales Enablement Framework
Go-To-Market Strategy & Sales Enablement Framework

This document outlines a go-to-market strategy framework for a new product. It includes elements such as developing a clear product statement, conducting user research, creating marketing and sales plans, producing collateral like datasheets and videos, and establishing a lead qualification matrix to help sales qualify and move leads through the funnel. Regular meetings between sales and marketing are also recommended to coordinate activities and gather customer feedback. The goal is to bring the new product smoothly to market.

sales enablementgo-to-market strategyb2b
Sales reps ignore 50% of
marketing leads.
Just 56% of organizations validate
leads before passing to sales.
79% of marketing leads never
convert into sales.
Companies with poor 

sales & marketing alignment show 

revenue declines.
Aberdeen Research Group

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Digital Marketing Plan Slides
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Digital Marketing Plan Slides

This document outlines a digital marketing plan. It defines digital marketing as targeted, measurable marketing using digital technologies. It lists various digital marketing channels and examples. Personas for target audiences are described along with their interests and concerns. Goals, actions, content planning, and results tracking are components of the outlined plan. Key performance indicators and costs are evaluated to optimize the strategy over time.

workshopmarketingdigital marketing
Digital Marketing Trends for 2024
Digital Marketing Trends for 2024Digital Marketing Trends for 2024
Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

Uncover in this presentation, the 2023 in review digital trends, as well as the top emerging marketing trends in 2024.

digital marketingdigital marketing trendsdigital marketing trends 2024
Go to market planning
Go to market planningGo to market planning
Go to market planning

This document outlines a seven-step process for creating an effective go-to-market plan. It details the key questions that should be addressed at each step and the deliverables that result from completing each step. The seven steps include defining the product or service, target markets, value proposition, marketing and sales channels, sales process, required organizational structure, and supporting business processes. Following the seven steps will result in a comprehensive go-to-market plan that can be actionably implemented.

go-to-market planmarketmarketing
The 2nd highest area lacking alignment?
Metrics & analytics.
Corporate Visions
Is it any wonder sales & marketing
alignment is a challenge?
And yet…
…the business case for real sales
& marketing alignment is strong.

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Value Creation and Customer Experience Management in Mobile VAS for an Enhanc...
Value Creation and Customer Experience Management in Mobile VAS for an Enhanc...Value Creation and Customer Experience Management in Mobile VAS for an Enhanc...
Value Creation and Customer Experience Management in Mobile VAS for an Enhanc...

Some of the topics covered in this slide deck: Mapping the Customer Experience and creating Value Customer experience as an ecosystem play Top business and process challenges for customer experience programs Deepen engagement over the lifecycle of the customer Importance of Self Service in better customer experience Objectives for Customer Experience Management (CEM) Comparing Traditional Customer Service vs. Next Gen Proactive Support

Digital marketing strategy
Digital marketing strategyDigital marketing strategy
Digital marketing strategy

This document provides an overview of multi-channel digital marketing strategies and techniques. It begins with the speaker's background and journey to success in digital marketing. It then discusses key concepts like touch points, ROI, and traffic channels. The document outlines a 4 step strategic approach to multi-channel digital marketing: market research, marketing strategy, implementation, and optimization. Specific digital marketing channels covered include SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and Facebook marketing. Case studies and examples are provided to illustrate concepts. The document emphasizes the importance of analysis and testing to improve marketing performance.

digital marketingdigital strategy

This document discusses digital marketing trends for 2022 that will impact businesses. It covers topics like consumer trends showing people prioritizing discovery, health, volunteering and education. Search trends are evolving to focus more on relevancy, experience and desire. Local search success depends increasingly on expertise, authority and trust. The presentation emphasizes the importance of digital experience and desire, including stitching together an omnichannel customer experience through approaches like conversational search and commerce. It provides a framework and considerations for an effective 2022 digital strategy.

Organizations with tightly aligned
sales and marketing functions enjoy
36% higher customer retention rates.
Aligning sales and marketing also
leads to 38% higher sales win rates.
B2B organizations with tightly aligned
sales and marketing operations achieve
24% faster three-year revenue growth and
27% faster three-year profit growth.
Companies with “dynamic, adaptable sales
and marketing processes” report an average
of 10% more sales people on-quota
compared to other companies.
CSO Insights

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The Five Elements of a Best-in-Class Integrated Campaign
The Five Elements of a Best-in-Class Integrated CampaignThe Five Elements of a Best-in-Class Integrated Campaign
The Five Elements of a Best-in-Class Integrated Campaign

View the full webcast on demand here: Many marketing organizations claim they’re running integrated campaigns, but what they’re often doing is running a series of tactics that are loosely connected at best, and working against each other at worst. In this Webcast, SiriusDecisions service director Craig Moore will share the five elements of an integrated campaign and how best-in-class companies approach the planning, implementation and execution of their campaigns. Craig will also: • Define what a campaign is and isn't; • Discuss the programs and job families that make up a campaign; • Provide a step-by-step approach to campaign planning; and • Offer guidance on how to adjust campaign structure for an ABM approach.

5 Steps to Lead Scoring
5 Steps to Lead Scoring5 Steps to Lead Scoring
5 Steps to Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a shared Sales and Marketing methodology for ranking leads to determine their sales-readiness. Our Marketo Marketing Operations expert, Jessica Kao, will equip you with helpful tips, step-by-step guide and customizable worksheets to get you started with lead scoring right away. Watch this recording to learn how to: -Build a global automated lead scoring program with minimal effort -Ensure success with a proven, standard scoring model used widely in the Marketo community -Avoid common pitfalls that delay or prevent lead scoring success

marketomarketing automationlead scoring
Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey
Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave ChaffeyDigital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey
Digital Marketing: Key Metrics with Jill Quick & Dave Chaffey

A webinar hosted by Smart Insights: Break down the jargon, and understand the concepts needed for a solid data driven approach for your marketing. Learn how to build a KPI dashboard with the right metrics, with insights from key industry influencers, for you to find nuggets of insights that drive your business in a profitable direction. To hear the accompanying audio:

metricsweb analyticsmarketing
56% of aligned organizations met their revenue
goals, and 19% beat their goals. Among misaligned
organizations, by comparison, just 37% met their
revenue goals, and just 7% beat them.
30% reduction in CAC and 20%
improvement in LTV.
When we prioritized strong sales and marketing alignment we
achieved significant business results. Here’s how.
4Watershed Alignment Moments
Watershed Moment #1:
Lead Scoring

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How to Be a Marketing Hero to Sales
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How to Be a Marketing Hero to Sales

Though marketing and sales have different objectives, greater collaboration can help both teams. When marketing and sales communicate more regularly and work as a unified team, sharing goals and responsibilities, companies see 20% more revenue. Regular meetings allow each side to understand how their work impacts opportunities and sales. By collecting and sharing common data through a joint dashboard, marketing and sales can better track leads from initial contact through closing deals.

Leeds Digital Festival: How to justify your marketing spend to your boss
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Leeds Digital Festival: How to justify your marketing spend to your boss

Research shows that many marketing managers and executives are frustrated with the constant budget restraints and pushback that they face when trying to plan their company's marketing.  Is this you? If so, we’re here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way. In this webinar, Danni and Fran will discuss the common concerns and priorities of bosses or upper management when it comes to marketing spend.  We'll also share some proven strategies for aligning marketing objectives with the overall business strategy, proving the ROI of your marketing efforts, and building strong relationships with your boss and stakeholders. By the end of this webinar, you'll have the tools and knowledge you need to justify your marketing budget and get the resources you need to succeed.

marketingdigital marketingmarketing budget
Stat bi corp services
Stat bi corp servicesStat bi corp services
Stat bi corp services

STAT BI Corp was established in 2008, started initially as a B2B & Technology marketing database compiling company. As our business evolved we added hundreds of clients, with growing marketing needs.   To meet our client expectations, we welcomed experienced marketers to our team; adding further services to our business. By 2011 STAT BI Corp became an end-to-end marketing solutions company with a wide range of marketing solutions:   • Marketing Database • Key Account Profiling • Content Marketing / Whitepaper Syndication • Lead Generation • Appointment Setting     STAT BI CORP – A better way to go to market   From established industry titans to the innovative start-ups disturbing the status quo, Technology leaders come to STAT BI CORP for the best in performance-based account intelligence, lead generation and appointment setting. Our team of highly skilled and experienced sales professionals provides the customized, scalable, real-time support that sales and marketing teams need to crack open new markets, land priority accounts, and unearth the most viable opportunities. We don’t just claim to be the best at what we do; We prove it!

b2b marketingoutsourcinglead generation
The most common cause 

of sales & marketing finger pointing?
Leads, of course.
Quantity & Quality
Sales doesn’t want MGLs.
(Marketing Generated Leads)
They just want good leads.
By their standards.

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Stat bi corp services
Stat bi corp servicesStat bi corp services
Stat bi corp services

STAT BI Corp was established in 2008, started initially as a B2B & Technology marketing database compiling company. As our business evolved we added hundreds of clients, with growing marketing needs.   To meet our client expectations, we welcomed experienced marketers to our team; adding further services to our business. By 2011 STAT BI Corp became an end-to-end marketing solutions company with a wide range of marketing solutions:   • Marketing Database • Key Account Profiling • Content Marketing / Whitepaper Syndication • Lead Generation • Appointment Setting     STAT BI CORP – A better way to go to market   From established industry titans to the innovative start-ups disturbing the status quo, Technology leaders come to STAT BI CORP for the best in performance-based account intelligence, lead generation and appointment setting. Our team of highly skilled and experienced sales professionals provides the customized, scalable, real-time support that sales and marketing teams need to crack open new markets, land priority accounts, and unearth the most viable opportunities. We don’t just claim to be the best at what we do; We prove it!

email marketingdemand generationlead generation
Part 3 How to be a Marketing Hero to Sales
Part 3 How to be a Marketing Hero to SalesPart 3 How to be a Marketing Hero to Sales
Part 3 How to be a Marketing Hero to Sales

This document discusses how marketing and sales can improve collaboration to achieve their shared goal of sustainable profitability. It recommends that the two departments communicate more through regular meetings to understand each other's work and align on goals like defining quality leads. By working together on initiatives like content marketing and lead nurturing, companies can generate more sales-ready leads at a lower cost and increase sales performance metrics.

What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation
What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing AutomationWhat Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation
What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation

Having trouble selling your sales leadership on the benefits of marketing automation? Don't miss this exciting presentation from Ian Michiels of Gleanster Research on the returns you and your business can expect from automated programs!

They have to trust the lead
scoring process.
Huge leap in alignment:
Assigned Leads
Joint sales & marketing criteria for
assigned leads.
Objective & Automated

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Creating A Data Strategy For Marketing Attribution Success
Creating A Data Strategy For Marketing Attribution SuccessCreating A Data Strategy For Marketing Attribution Success
Creating A Data Strategy For Marketing Attribution Success

Access the full webcast here: Successful attribution models start on a foundation of accurate data. Having the right data is crucial to making sure you’re tying the right campaigns back to revenue. So where do you start?  During this webinar, experts will discuss the need and the payoffs for lead-to-account matching and the importance of having the right intelligence on contacts and key accounts to build successful attribution.   Key takeaways include:  Top challenges for B2B brands around attribution;   Best practices for assessing your data;   How to apply and align lead records to accounts;   How to ensure data accuracy; and   Use case examples of B2B companies’ attribution success stories. 

The 2020 State of Digital - Altimeter - November 2020
The 2020 State of Digital - Altimeter - November 2020The 2020 State of Digital - Altimeter - November 2020
The 2020 State of Digital - Altimeter - November 2020

The document provides a summary of research on digital selling capabilities and maturity. Key findings include: - Top performers have significantly higher digital selling maturity (57%) compared to the average (35%). - Capabilities like sales planning, asset creation, and sales enablement show the largest gaps in maturity between top performers and others. - Top performers more readily embrace data-driven practices like leveraging customer journeys and trust data to make decisions. - Industries like technology and consumer products differ in their approaches, with technology prioritizing sales enablement and consumer products focusing more on customer experience.

social sellingdigitalsales
Databook White Paper - Precision Selling (Nov 2018)
Databook White Paper - Precision Selling (Nov 2018)Databook White Paper - Precision Selling (Nov 2018)
Databook White Paper - Precision Selling (Nov 2018)

This white paper distils two years of learning on how Professional Sales executives are using Technology to prioritize prospects, prepare for line of business meetings and present compelling solutions with value outcomes.

salesvalue based sellingstrategic selling
Assigned Lead Criteria
‣ ICP Country
‣ Not Agency
‣ $10M+ Revenue
‣ Role
‣ Verifiable
Assigned Lead performance used to 

align spend and efficacy — 

CPAL (aligned) instead of CPL (marketing).
Watershed Moment #2:
Shared Ops
Kill Alignment

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Sales KPIs for Sales Reps to Track in 2023.pdf
Sales KPIs for Sales Reps to Track in 2023.pdfSales KPIs for Sales Reps to Track in 2023.pdf
Sales KPIs for Sales Reps to Track in 2023.pdf

Sales teams are the driving force behind sales and profits, facing intense pressure to deliver. Successful teams strategically choose KPIs to measure the entire sales organization’s performance, gaining valuable insights into their progress toward goals.

salessales developmenttracking
If you can't measure or monitor it, you can't manage it !
If you can't measure or monitor it, you can't manage it !If you can't measure or monitor it, you can't manage it !
If you can't measure or monitor it, you can't manage it !

Carl Larson Sales Best Practices - Sales KPI and Metrics Management As a sales leadership subject matter expert with deep, hands-on sales team management experience at small, medium and large high technology product and professional service organizations, I am responsible for exceeding annual corporate revenue objectives by growing year-over-year sales and profitability. To support sales revenue achievement, I am responsible for developing new business customers, growing existing customer revenues and introducing new product offerings to penetrate new markets. To profitably grow businesses, I am accountable for optimizing the cost of sales by segmenting the marketplace, hiring and developing the right sales personnel and skill sets and establishing consistent sales process that reduces the time to value for my customers and my company. These processes include effective sales prospecting, business-value qualification or disqualification, executive relationship building, proof of value, win-win contract negotiation and closing performance. I have experience building businesses that grew new business software license sales, built SaaS annual recurring revenues and achieved professional services success.

business applications|business analytics softwarebusiness|sales|marketing planning and strategycloud
Sales and Marketing Alignment: Collaborate or Die Trying
Sales and Marketing Alignment: Collaborate or Die TryingSales and Marketing Alignment: Collaborate or Die Trying
Sales and Marketing Alignment: Collaborate or Die Trying

Struggling to get your sales and marketing teams to work together? Are arguments of lead definition and hand offs causing you to lose deals? You're not alone. Get our top 9 recommendations for aligning your sales and marketing teams for efficient lead generation, prospect nurture, and revenue growth. Learn more at

businesscrmsales and marketing alignment
vs.SalesTech MarTech
SalesTech MarTech
A Single Sales & Marketing Ops Role
In Both Team Standups Every Day

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Concentration of sales effort data insight
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The document discusses research analyzing 121,465 sales visits that found concentrating efforts on the right contacts, products, purposes, and customers improved sales conversion ratios. Visits with directors converted 56% compared to 27% for branch managers, and focusing on the right product converted 59% versus 7% for another. Defining visit purposes also increased conversions. The data shows targeting efforts more effectively can significantly improve sales results compared to relying only on salesperson opinions.

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Sales & Marketing don't really get on... or do they?
Sales & Marketing don't really get on... or do they?Sales & Marketing don't really get on... or do they?
Sales & Marketing don't really get on... or do they?

Alignment between marketing & sales is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. So, how can you make them work together?

salesmarketinginbound marketing
Bridging the Gap: 6 Steps to Seamless Sales & Marketing Alignment - Slides
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Bridging the Gap: 6 Steps to Seamless Sales & Marketing Alignment - Slides

Sales and marketing are fundamentally separate departments, but their combined strength is an underestimated force. Learn 6 ways to drive more sales-qualified leads with cross-departmental alignment.

sales and marketing alignmentsales-qualfied leads
Aligned Data Strategy, Scoring,
Surfacing, Appending, Nurturing
Watershed Moment #3:
Data Strategy
Marketing needs to ask sales:
“What do you want to know?”
And then go get it.
Explicitly Declared Data
rather than inferred.

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DemandTec eBook: Optimize Trade Promotions
DemandTec eBook: Optimize Trade PromotionsDemandTec eBook: Optimize Trade Promotions
DemandTec eBook: Optimize Trade Promotions

This document discusses 5 key factors for companies to assess whether they are ready to optimize trade promotions. The 5 factors are: 1) being consumer-centric in trade promotion planning, 2) having effective promotion tactics, 3) measuring promotion success, 4) having an organizational culture receptive to change, and 5) demonstrating a strong return on investment from optimization. Adopting predictive trade analytics can help companies collaborate better with retailers, simulate promotion scenarios, and continually improve promotion performance.

consumer products companiesconsumer packaged goodstrade promotion optimization
Lead Scoring Aligning Sales Marketing
Lead Scoring Aligning Sales MarketingLead Scoring Aligning Sales Marketing
Lead Scoring Aligning Sales Marketing

Lead Scoring: Aligning Marketing and Sales with Effective Lead Scoring Techniques - Turning Marketing’s leads into Sales’ gold can be a challenge. The inability to generate and identify qualified leads negatively impacts the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, revenue growth, and company success. This presentation explores this challenge and provides information on how to align the expectations of sales and marketing, enabling marketing to deliver a continuous flow of qualified leads to the sales team for maximum ROI. This informative session will teach you how to accelerate the sales cycle through automated lead scoring.

What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation
What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing AutomationWhat Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation
What Sales Leaders Should REALLY Expect from Marketing Automation

Double the bid-to-win ratio for the top 20% highest performing sales reps as a result of marketing automation. If they used to close 2 out of 10 deals per period, they will close an average of 4 out of 10 qualified and prioritized deals within a year of investing in marketing automation (possibly more). According to research 68% of All Other organizations are passing unqualified leads to sales – which means sales has to search for the needles

act-on softwarewebinargleanster research
Ask Questions. Surface Answers.
Marketing alerts surface leads whose
explicit answers match what sales
wants to know.
We used interactive content to learn more about the leads.
Gathering prospect data through interactive content experiences such as
assessments, quizzes, calculators and interactive ebooks.
Explicit data increases lead velocity
by guiding sales to ready buyers.

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Trade smart case studies
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Trade smart case studies

What are you getting in return for "the cost of doing business" padding retailer margins with your Trade dollars? Let my team help you achieve WIN/WIN promotions between you and your retail partners.

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Proven Strategies to Reduce SaaS Customer Churn
Proven Strategies to Reduce SaaS Customer ChurnProven Strategies to Reduce SaaS Customer Churn
Proven Strategies to Reduce SaaS Customer Churn

In this 45 minute webinar for founders, you’ll learn about" The people, processes and playbook to reduce churn How to recognize the warning signs before churn happens Onboarding and training to help your customers get the most from your solution What’s worked, and what hasn’t for other SaaS companies What to do when it seems like nothing's working

saassaas managementcustomer churn
Building & Leading the SaaS Sales Team
Building & Leading the SaaS Sales TeamBuilding & Leading the SaaS Sales Team
Building & Leading the SaaS Sales Team

This document provides guidance for building and leading a startup sales team. It outlines three key focuses: finding and retaining the right people by hiring a few account executives and sales development reps initially; leading the team well through coaching, setting compensation plans and metrics; and enabling the team with tools like a CRM and sales playbook to lay the foundation for scalable and efficient sales. The guidance recommends starting the sales hiring process once 10 paying customers are acquired to help define the sales process based on early learnings.

sales managementsaas salessaas
Automated & Fast
Sales Gets Leads at 

Seducible Moments
Watershed Moment #4:
From Sales KPIs & Marketing KPIs to
Shared KPIs
vs.Sales KPIs Marketing KPIs
This was the real breakthrough…

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How to Build a Repeatable SaaS Sales Recruiting Process
How to Build a Repeatable SaaS Sales Recruiting ProcessHow to Build a Repeatable SaaS Sales Recruiting Process
How to Build a Repeatable SaaS Sales Recruiting Process

This document provides steps to build a repeatable sales recruiting process to avoid costly hiring mistakes. It recommends profiling the ideal candidate, using a scoring matrix to objectively rate candidates, creating standard interview questions, deciding on an interview process that may include role plays or mock calls, and carefully screening any recruiters. Building such a process can improve consistency and help form a successful sales team while minimizing the immense costs of a single bad hire, estimated to be as much as $2 million.

recruitingsales recruitingsales management
A/B Testing myths and quagmires
A/B Testing  myths and quagmiresA/B Testing  myths and quagmires
A/B Testing myths and quagmires

Avoid common A/B testing pitfalls and use this powerful approach to help fuel your growth vie more leads, and better marketing results.

optimizationtestinglead generation
How to create a SaaS sales compensation plan.
How to create a SaaS sales compensation plan.How to create a SaaS sales compensation plan.
How to create a SaaS sales compensation plan.

The document provides tips for creating a sales compensation plan for a SaaS company. It recommends determining on-target earnings for the sales team based on market norms and a split between base salary and commissions. It also suggests including incentives and bonuses to encourage competition and goal achievement. Additionally, it advises considering all details like commission rates, experience levels, and strategically incentivizing desired sales outcomes. The document stresses keeping the plan simple and remembering that incentives will drive desired sales behaviors.

salessales managementsaas
Sales Marketing
Where are the intersections of
marketing KPIs and sales KPIs?
‣ Calls, emails, connects
‣ Appointments set
‣ Demos given
‣ New pipeline generated
‣ Cross-sell, up-sell, renewals
‣ Bookings
‣ Number of leads / MQLs
‣ Cost-per-lead / opportunity / deal
‣ Traffic / unique visitors
‣ Inbounds / inbound ratios
‣ Activity / engagement
Sales KPIs Marketing KPIs
For Example
We moved from marketing being measured on inbounds, and sales being measured on overall
pipeline created, to a new joint KPI of inbound pipeline created. Each team depended on each other to
achieve the goal. Joint KPIs bring true alignment because both teams are equally responsible.

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A Simple Guide to Leading Your Company with Transparency

As an entrepreneur, company transparency can feel tricky to navigate. Keep it simple when deciding what to share and how. This simple guide will help.

SaaS MVP Product Development
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SaaS MVP Product Development

Effective steps and important reminders for launching a minimally viable product (MVP) for your SaaS application, without overinvestment in the wrong resources.

product managementproductsaas

DevOps has emerged as a key practice that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams.

Joint Sales

& Marketing KPIs
‣ Inbound Pipe
‣ Marketing Generated Pipe
‣ Normalized Closed-Lost Reasons
‣ Lead Velocity
‣ CAC, LTV, and Magic Number
Our Joint KPIs Included Joint Decision Making
Data tells most of the story, but humans perspective brings it all together. Most budgeting decisions were made
with input from both sales and marketing, based on both the numbers and the experience with the leads. Which
trade shows to attend is a perfect example of joint decision making.
The Ultimate 

Shared Metrics
Customer Acquisition Cost
The sales & marketing dollars required

to acquire a new customer.

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How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design ThinkingHow AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Design Thinking are two powerful tools that, when used together, can revolutionize the service industry. By combining these approaches, businesses can develop innovative solutions that enhance customer experience, increase efficiency, and drive growth. Here's how AI and Design Thinking are disrupting the service industry

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BeMetals Presentation_July 2 2024 .pdf
BeMetals Presentation_July 2 2024    .pdfBeMetals Presentation_July 2 2024    .pdf
BeMetals Presentation_July 2 2024 .pdf

A 21-slide overview of BeMetals for investors.

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Customer Lifetime Value
The total lifetime revenue expected from a customer.
Magic Number
The ratio of acquisition cost to annualized revenue. In other
words, what it costs to acquire a dollar in annual revenue.
Alignment = Capital Efficient Scale
We attribute our 30% reduction in Customer Acquisition Cost and
20% improvement in Lifetime Value to sales & marketing alignment.
1. CPAL Aligns Spend & Efficacy
2. Shared Ops Aligns Tools, Scoring, Surfacing, Appending & Nurturing
3. Joint Data Strategy Aligns What Drives Pipe
4. Shared KPIs Align Customer Acquisition with the Business
5. Business Metrics Align Everything to Growth

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TPH Global Solutions Overview: Successful Strategies for Selling to Mass Merc...
TPH Global Solutions Overview: Successful Strategies for Selling to Mass Merc...TPH Global Solutions Overview: Successful Strategies for Selling to Mass Merc...
TPH Global Solutions Overview: Successful Strategies for Selling to Mass Merc...

TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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Cheslyn Jacobs, Chief Commercial Officer, at TymeBank on Building Consumer Trust in Digital Banking at Digital Finance Africa 2024 conference.

Thank you!
SaaS Business Advisory
We’re Different Because We’ve Done It.

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