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How to Write an
Email that will make
Everyone Respond
We will be starting at 6:00 pm EST.


Brainstorm 1 person that you would like to approach for any
Why do you want to get in touch with
By Michael Pici
• Sales Prospecting

• Approaching Investors
• Co-Marketing Outreach
• Event Coordination
• Partnerships
• Business Development

• Recruiting
• Internal Communication
• Getting support for ideas

• Meeting a mentor
• What else?
Sales 101: How to Write an Email that Everyone Responds To

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How to Find, Influence & Convert More Prospects Into Customers (Loopfuse)
How to Find, Influence & Convert More Prospects Into Customers (Loopfuse)How to Find, Influence & Convert More Prospects Into Customers (Loopfuse)
How to Find, Influence & Convert More Prospects Into Customers (Loopfuse)

The document provides tips on how to find, influence, and convert more prospects into customers. It recommends engaging prospects early before they become active buyers through publishing your own content. It also stresses understanding your customers, products, and objectives. Additionally, it suggests practicing customer-centric selling daily as sales and marketing is too important to leave solely to sales and marketing teams. The document outlines developing a marketing plan by defining customer targets, their interests and goals, where to find them, and how to best engage them. It also provides examples of developing content calendars and strategies for repurposing content.

salespipelinelead nurturing
The Quick And Dirty Guide To Creating Blog Posts That Your Audience Craves
The Quick And Dirty Guide To Creating Blog Posts That Your Audience CravesThe Quick And Dirty Guide To Creating Blog Posts That Your Audience Craves
The Quick And Dirty Guide To Creating Blog Posts That Your Audience Craves

You've been reading about the importance of blogging for a long time. You might have started out with a blog post every now and then, but never got any traction. Most people fail at blogging because they're creating the wrong type of content. This presentation will show you how to create blog posts that your target audience CRAVES and is STARVING for. The type of content that people look for when they're further into the buying process. And the best part? It's just a simple 3 step process!

bloggingcontent marketingonline marketing
3 Proven Sales Email Templates Used by Successful Companies
3 Proven Sales Email Templates Used by Successful Companies3 Proven Sales Email Templates Used by Successful Companies
3 Proven Sales Email Templates Used by Successful Companies

76% of emails never get opened. That makes life for salespeople very difficult. So we've partnered up with Breakthrough Email to bring you email templates that are proven to engage prospects and close more deals. Start using them today and grow your revenue.

inbound salesemailsales
1. Preparing to write a great email + Try it Live
2. The formula + Try it Live
3. Hacks
4. Hit Send

Preparing to write a
great email.


Take 5 or 10 minutes…


Be curious


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How not to suck at working with bloggers
How not to suck at working with bloggersHow not to suck at working with bloggers
How not to suck at working with bloggers

This document provides guidance on effectively working with bloggers. It begins with an introduction of the author and their background in blogging. It then discusses the importance of high-quality, original content when bloggers review products. The document outlines reasons to work with bloggers, such as their influence and trusted perspective. It emphasizes treating work with bloggers like a relationship based on communication and mutual benefit. Finally, it provides a step-by-step process for properly approaching and collaborating with bloggers, including defining goals, finding the right partner, and respecting the blogger's expertise. The overarching message is to treat bloggers and their audiences with respect.

Finding Your Brand's Voice | Distilled |
Finding Your Brand's Voice | Distilled | Finding Your Brand's Voice | Distilled |
Finding Your Brand's Voice | Distilled |

This document provides a guide to developing a consistent tone of voice for business communications. It recommends identifying a company's core values, choosing appropriate vocabulary, and considering humor. Key steps include getting input from employees, analyzing customer language, limiting jargon, and governing tone of voice across all copy. The goal is to express a brand's personality in a distinctive yet understandable way.

brandingcommunicationscontent marketing
The Art & Science of a Successful Cold Email Strategy
The Art & Science of a Successful Cold Email StrategyThe Art & Science of a Successful Cold Email Strategy
The Art & Science of a Successful Cold Email Strategy

What 500,000 emails tell us about the science of cold emails, and how to adopt a storytelling approach in your email strategy.



Google Search


Personal Blog
• What do they care
about enough to write


Social Media Profiles
• Interesting Post?
• Follow anyone cool?
• Recent changes /
• Newsle


Company Website
• Team / management
• About us page
• News page


How are you connected?
Trigger Event:
“A trigger event is something that happens either internally or
externally to an organization that has the potential to create an
urgent and compelling need for your product, service or solution.
Suddenly new priorities emerge from this occurrence – ones that are
a catalyst for change.” – Jill Konrath


Leverage lead intelligence if

Pages viewed / last time on your site
Marketing emails read
Where they came from… (search phrase)
Website revisit alerts

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Become a Media Celebrity and Boost Your Authority and Traffic
Become a Media Celebrity and Boost Your Authority and TrafficBecome a Media Celebrity and Boost Your Authority and Traffic
Become a Media Celebrity and Boost Your Authority and Traffic

This document provides an overview of a webinar on how to become a media celebrity and boost authority and traffic. It introduces the speaker, Josh Elledge, who has experience as a newspaper columnist, TV expert, podcaster, and conference speaker. The webinar will cover growing a podcast business with media exposure, growing authority, finding media contacts, common influencer mistakes, and how to work with any influencer. It also promotes the speaker's PR firm upendPR and membership levels for media placement and profile services.

marketingsocial mediasmall business
Making Money Blogging
Making Money BloggingMaking Money Blogging
Making Money Blogging

A 40min cradle-to-grave presentation on how to pick a topic for a blog, fill it with good content, and monetize it.

30 Sales Tips to Build and Grow your Startup by Jon Woodroof and Enoch Pakanati
30 Sales Tips to Build and Grow your Startup by Jon Woodroof and Enoch Pakanati30 Sales Tips to Build and Grow your Startup by Jon Woodroof and Enoch Pakanati
30 Sales Tips to Build and Grow your Startup by Jon Woodroof and Enoch Pakanati

The document provides 30 tips on how to build and grow sales from startups. It discusses creating an ideal customer profile, leveraging tools for lead generation and outreach, defining sales processes, hiring salespeople, and asking the right questions. Tips include focusing on data before tactics, targeting the right customer, using tools like LinkedIn and email templates, and emphasizing core values when hiring sales representatives. The overall message is that startups should focus on defining customers and processes to efficiently generate and qualify leads through aligned sales and marketing strategies.

startup salesstartup growthsales tips
What are their


Identify multiple points of
Start with 1

Try it

The Formula.

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Startup MBA 3.0 - Growth, content marketing
Startup MBA 3.0 - Growth, content marketingStartup MBA 3.0 - Growth, content marketing
Startup MBA 3.0 - Growth, content marketing

This document provides advice on developing a sticky community funnel for marketing a startup. It discusses focusing on retaining existing users rather than acquiring new ones through paid or viral channels at an early stage. The community funnel process involves traffic arriving, being given a free gift to create value, exchanging contact permission for a larger gift, staying in touch through valuable content, converting subscribers to paid customers, and retaining/upselling customers. It stresses having clear goals and targets, a simple daily content creation process, and measuring results. Examples given include creating daily inspirational posts and weekly newsletters for writers to help authors. Batching content creation and outsourcing tasks is advised to reduce costs.

Foundations in Branding for Financial Advisors - Developing Unique Selling Pr...
Foundations in Branding for Financial Advisors - Developing Unique Selling Pr...Foundations in Branding for Financial Advisors - Developing Unique Selling Pr...
Foundations in Branding for Financial Advisors - Developing Unique Selling Pr...

This document provides a seven step exercise to help financial advisors develop a unique selling proposition (USP) to distinguish their brand. The steps include identifying one's passions, what clients value, unique skills, crafting short descriptions, articulating reasons for the USP, getting spouse feedback, and testing the USP. Developing a clear USP is presented as the basis for translating one's brand into new business opportunities.

How To Get Press For Your Startup
How To Get Press For Your StartupHow To Get Press For Your Startup
How To Get Press For Your Startup

The deck I used while presenting at CoCoon in Hong Kong on 16 January, 2014 on the topic of how startups can get press for their companies. I have since updated the presentation. I recommend you view the updated version which includes more helpful content on the slides.

startupspublic relationspress
Set a Goal:
Forget closing the sale…

Get a response
Subject Lines
• Mike, quick question
for you
• [Mutual connection]
recommended I get in
• Ideas for [thing that is
important to them]
• Question about
[recent trigger event
or goal they have]
• Thoughts about [title
of their blog post]
• Have you considered
[your thought or
Free, Final, Reminder, Sale, Tempting,
Specials, Complimentary, Help,
Donation, Don’t, [Company Name],
Exciting, Unique, Discount, Solution,
Partner, State of the art, Preview

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NCET Blogging 101
NCET Blogging 101NCET Blogging 101
NCET Blogging 101

Presentation to NCET, February 25, 2015 on how to get started blogging for business or personal brand

social mediasocial businessblogging
Automotive News 1
Automotive News 1Automotive News 1
Automotive News 1

The document provides 10 things an auto dealer can do with social media to succeed, including putting a social media policy in place, creating a strategy, focusing on Google reviews, building relationships on Facebook, starting a blog, producing a radio show, creating a newsletter, writing an ebook, monitoring conversations, and creating dialogue. It also advertises a social media training summit that provides over 18 hours of training and access to resources for $325 for one week.

next generation dealer servicesautomotive social mediadealership social media
Taylored Restoration - Using Facebook
Taylored Restoration - Using FacebookTaylored Restoration - Using Facebook
Taylored Restoration - Using Facebook

The document provides tips for creating a Facebook marketing strategy. It recommends scheduling posts on topics of local interest to engage the target audience. Metrics like Facebook Insights should be used to measure results. The strategy suggests being interactive, entertaining, and helpful by posting things like contests, videos, questions and comments to engage followers and promote the business through Facebook and other social media outlets.

Notice Something

Start off by
something about
them…not you.

I noticed you…
Elon Musk mentioned…
Saw that we both…
I loved your post on…
Congratulations on..

How many emails do you
reply to that begin with, “My
name is….”?
Try it


What is your Value?
A typical value proposition sounds something
“We help web marketing firms increase their
lead generation by 400% and effortlessly prove
ROI to their clients.” – Potential HubSpot value proposition

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Content Is For Closers: How to Leverage Content For Sales Enablement
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Content Is For Closers: How to Leverage Content For Sales Enablement

Sales teams can provide valuable insights to help marketing create effective content. Asking sales about common questions, objections, and pain points they encounter can help marketing address these issues proactively through content. This allows sales to use relevant content throughout the sales process to educate prospects and overcome objections, expediting deals. The document provides examples of how one company leveraged sales insights to create helpful content on topics like content curation best practices and addressing IT bottlenecks. It recommends marketing and sales align through regular communication to ensure content meets prospect and sales needs.

Email Marketing: Seven tips for writing (really) effective subject lines
Email Marketing: Seven tips for writing (really) effective subject linesEmail Marketing: Seven tips for writing (really) effective subject lines
Email Marketing: Seven tips for writing (really) effective subject lines

According to MailChimp, the average open rate for marketing emails is 22%. At, we know that a good email marketing campaign has open rates up to 50%! If you want numbers like that, then you need to learn to write exceptional subject lines. Here's how.

sales emailsb2b marketingmarketing
Legal Land Mines: Raising Capital
Legal Land Mines: Raising CapitalLegal Land Mines: Raising Capital
Legal Land Mines: Raising Capital

Starting a new company is hard, but putting in place the right legal framework for your business doesn’t have to be... Dive deep into the most important issues relating to raising capital for your company with insight from Mick Bain and Janene Asgeirsson, two experts on start-up law from WilmerHale. Having worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and start-ups, Janene and Mick will answer the questions that you haven't even thought to ask. What You'll Learn: Financing structures and terms How to comply with security regulations Types of investors to work with and why

raising capitalcommon legal mistakesequity


You are not a commodity. Focus
on ideas and insights that will be a
value add to help your prospect
achieve their goals…


Use your research to align
with your prospect.


Create a bridge between
them and you
Try it

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Craft Your Marketing To-Do List Like a Growth Hacker
Craft Your Marketing To-Do List Like a Growth HackerCraft Your Marketing To-Do List Like a Growth Hacker
Craft Your Marketing To-Do List Like a Growth Hacker

Instructor: Shelley Steigerwald It’s easy to get lost in the marketing weeds. Social media, email, webinars, blogs, website updates, infographics, referral campaigns, events, contests, PPC, PR, SEO … What should you do first? How should you spend your limited limited resources for maximum impact? This class will help you prioritze, allocate your budget, and write your marketing plan like a growth hacker. It will be particularly helpful for entrepreneurs and startuppers who haven't done this before, but seasoned marketers will also learn some handy shortcuts and tricks to the trade. What You'll Learn How to hack your Customer Lifecycle to find the best marketing channles for your company. How to prioritize your marketing to-do list like a growth hacker. How to measure, optimize, and win during each phase of your Customer Lifecycle.

growth hackingmarketinginternet marketing
Legal Land Mines: Raising Capital
Legal Land Mines: Raising CapitalLegal Land Mines: Raising Capital
Legal Land Mines: Raising Capital

Starting a new company is hard, but putting in place the right legal framework for your business doesn’t have to be... Dive deep into the most important issues relating to raising capital for your company with insight from Mick Bain and Janene Asgeirsson, two experts on start-up law from WilmerHale. Having worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and start-ups, Janene and Mick will answer the questions that you haven't even thought to ask. What You'll Learn: Financing structures and terms How to comply with security regulations Types of investors to work with and why

business lawstartupsfunding
Immigration Issues for Startups
Immigration Issues for StartupsImmigration Issues for Startups
Immigration Issues for Startups

The brain drain in Boston is a well known phenomena, and in the never-ending search for talent, it's no wonder why many Boston companies turn abroad to recruit some of the best minds to grow their companies. But even though this solution seems simple, it can open up a whole can of immigration issues that can be a headache for you AND your foreign-born job-seekers. Arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to recognize and understand these issues, and to best position yourself and your company to avoid immigration problems. Laura will address immigration law essentials most relevant to start-up companies considering the hire of foreign nationals. What You'll Learn: Principles of business immigration law Overview of the most common non-immigrant visas for employees of start-ups (H-1B, TN, O-1, etc.) Basics of immigrant visas (“green cards”) Considerations for foreign national founders of U.S. companies

visasbusiness lawstartup law
Ask a great question.
Be Different

How, if at all, would you like to improve your strategy?


Is [benefit to them] a priority for you right now?


Do you have any unanswered questions about [topic of learning]?


Are you after a lifestyle business, or world domination?


Are you alone on this?


Has it always been this way?


Where did you expect to be by now?


Would it be nice, or does it have to happen?


What would you recommend?  What would you do if you were me?


What are you hearing?


Was this all your idea?


Now what?
Credit: Rick Roberge


• Don’t distract
• Leave contact information, and a link
to view your online profile of choice

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Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition
Introduction to Paid Customer AcquisitionIntroduction to Paid Customer Acquisition
Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition

In the world of digital marketing there are lots of different options for acquiring customers. In the last few years the spotlight's been on inbound, with its focus on content and authentic interactions with the customer to drive sales. What we don't hear about as often though, is the enormous amount of manpower that goes into implementing a successful inbound strategy. Enter the paid customer acquisition route. Services like Google AdWords and Facebook Advertising, while costing money, have great reputations for a reason--they work. Andrew and Noah will walk you through the basics, and teach you how to craft a successful strategy. What You'll Learn An overview of paid customer acquisition channels The metrics to pay attention to How to identify the best strategy for your company

customer acquisitiongoogle adwordsdigital marketing
The UX Playbook: Tools, Tips, & Tricks
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The UX Playbook: Tools, Tips, & Tricks

Instructor: Amy Bucher In the world of UX design, there's a mound of resources and methodologies that provides the basic backbone of developing a great product. From research, to testing, to interviewing techniques, and surveys, there certainly isn't a shortage of tools to get the job done. But how do you sort through each tool and best apply it to fit your needs at hand? In this course we will review some of the methods you can use to better understand your users, what they want from your product, and what their experience is using your product. The focus is on the type of data you can gain through each approach and how it might impact your product, as well as some tips on getting the research done on a budget. You'll Learn the Fundamentals Heuristic testing Research techniques, including In-depth interview (IDIs) and focus groups Paper prototyping Ethnographic observation Surveys

user experience designmarket researchuser experience
After Google AdWords: How to Generate Sales, Not Just Clicks and Leads
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After Google AdWords: How to Generate Sales, Not Just Clicks and Leads

No matter your marketing goal, Google Adwords is the quickest and easiest way to grow your business. Period. But what happens after a user clicks on your ad and starts investigating your product? Prospective customers don't automatically become paying customers, and oftentimes it takes a bit of nurturing in order to get them to actually buy, which requires the marketing team passing these leads off to the sales team. That's where things get tricky, and in order to successfully bring a prospect down the sales funnel, there needs to be an orderly process and effective communication. Chad Larson and Elliot Reid will draw upon their experience at WordStream and show you how to implement this sales process in your own company. What You'll Learn PPC best practices to fuel a successful sales funnel The internal infrastructure necessary to close more deals How to create a successful sales process How to make the connection

marketinginternet marketingsales
Probably best off if…
Keep it short., aka no need to

Plain text, black and white

No links or attachments
Try it

Sales 101: How to Write an Email that Everyone Responds To

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Intelligently 2012 Year In Review
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Intelligently 2012 Year In Review

This document summarizes the accomplishments of an organization in 2012. It opened its doors to provide skills training to help people succeed, taught over 115 classes attended by a community that grew to over 3,000 members. Experts from local companies volunteered their time and insights to teach classes for free or at low cost, helping the organization educate hundreds on topics like coding, law, and finance. The organization is thankful for the support of its community and looks forward to another successful year ahead.

internet marketingstartupsboston
Product Management and the Search for Product Market Fit
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Product Management and the Search for Product Market Fit

Jeff Bussgang on Product Management and the Search for Product-Market Fit Startup product management is both an art and a science. We're thrilled to host Jeff Bussgang - author, blogger, professor, VC partner, and generally one of the best all round startup minds we know - for an in-depth dive into best practices in product management as well as tactics to achieve product-market fit. You'll Learn: -The skills that characterize great product managers -Tactics and techniques for finding product-market fit About Jeff Bussgang: Jeff Bussgang is a general partner at Flybridge Capital, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and an author/blogger (book: Mastering the VC Game, blog: Seeing Both Sides). He was previously an entrepreneur, cofounding Upromise (acquired by SallieMae) and serving as VP of marketing and products at Open Market (IPO 1996).

new product developmentstartupsproduct management
Tech for the Non Technical - Anatomy of an Application Stack
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Building technology is a practiced skill and indeed an art, but it's not magic. You hire craftsmen and you trust them with the details. But in order to command their respect and sleep well at night, you deserve to have a big-picture understanding of what they're building and why. A little knowledge will go a long way towards confidently leading your technical product team.

Track your Email Opens:
Know when your message is being read in
real time…
Try Signals – a free
chrome extension
that shows who has
opened and clicked
your emails.
Try Signals – a free
chrome extension
that shows who has
opened and clicked
your emails.

Sales 101: How to Write an Email that Everyone Responds To

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Fundamentals of Facebook Advertising
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Fundamentals of Facebook Advertising

Instructor: Noah Freeman As a digital marketer, its essential to have a knowledge of all the available advertising channels to choose from. Among the plethora of services currently out there, Facebook has risen as a force to be reckoned with. With over 1 billion users, it's vast knowledge of its users' personal details and interests, and its ability to highly target ads to specific groups, Facebook makes an attractive option for any company. Noah will teach you all you need to know in order to make the most out of your Facebook advertising strategy. What You'll Learn Types of Facebook ad offerings How to target your ad Using page promotion and boosted posts The elements of a great ad

internet marketingdigital marketingfacebook advertising
Business writing 3.0
Business writing 3.0Business writing 3.0
Business writing 3.0

This document summarizes a training on business writing. It covers 6 modules: understanding your audience, crafting clear messages, making effective emails, using push vs. pull marketing approaches, online presence, and writing concisely. The training emphasizes tailoring communication for the audience, having a clear point, and evolving with changing technologies and marketing models. It provides tips for each area and recommends keeping learning to improve writing skills.

writingbusiness writingcontent marketing
How to Write Emails People WANT to Respond to [Sales Template]
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How to Write Emails People WANT to Respond to [Sales Template]

The document provides a 5-part formula for writing emails that people want to respond to. The formula includes preparing the email with relevant information about the recipient, writing effective subject lines, starting with a personalized opening line about the recipient, asking questions in the body that relate to the recipient's goals, and keeping the signature short and simple with contact details.

salesinbound salesemail


Google Alerts – great for prospecting and
help curate trigger events.

News about a person or their interests
Company news
Industry News
Mentions of your company
Sales 101: How to Write an Email that Everyone Responds To
Should I stay or should I go?
One of my best performing emails,
reaching reply rates of 40%

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