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Introduction to Paid
Customer Acquisition
Andrew Krebs- Smith
Andrew Krebs-Smith is the
President/Founder of Social
Fulcrum, a digital marketing
agency in NYC and Boston.
Before founding Social
Fulcrum, he developed and
managed marketing
campaigns for accounts
including Pfizer, Ocean City
MD, The National Aquarium,
and Strayer University.
Andrew loves food, travel,
music, exercise, and tea.
Noah Freeman
Noah Freeman is the Vice President
of Acquisition and Analytics of Social
Fulcrum, a digital marketing agency in
NYC and Boston. In addition, he
manages the online customer
acquisition campaigns for Testive and
Working Advantage. Noah's an
expert in Facebook advertising, in
addition to having heavy experience
in search retargeting, site retargeting,
custom audiences, automated email
management, email marketing, & lead
nurturing. A graduate of Harvard,
Noah most recently attended Startup
Institute Boston in the technical
marketing track.
Intro  to  Paid  Customer  

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Whether you’re advertising online or reaching out to clients via email, landing pages can be your greatest online marketing asset. Learn how landing pages fit into your marketing arsenal, best practices for increasing conversions from any campaign, and proven techniques for implementing A/B tests that yield results. Presented by Jenny DeGraff, Director of Design Optimization at the Central Virginia AMA event on June 16, 2015.

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Using Pay Per Click to Create an Impact
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In this presentation, we outline the benefits of SEO and why you should use both paid and organic search for maximizing your revenue. Brought to you by and

What  we  will  be  going  over
• Intro	
• Key	
• LTV	
• ROI	

• Choosing	
Intro  to  customer  acquistion
• Marketing:	
• Free	


• Paid	
• Online	
• Offline	
• Direct	

• Sales-­‐	
What  are  you  trying  to  accomplish?
• Direct	
• Customers	
• Customers	

• Indirect	

Match  the  goal  to  the  product
• Tie	
• Online	
• Sell	
• Dropbox

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Inbound marketing your competitive advantage - the content marketing show - w...
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The document discusses inbound marketing and how it can help companies better target their marketing efforts towards buyers like Dave. It recommends using buyer personas to understand customers and create relevant content and marketing assets. It also stresses the importance of measuring marketing performance across the entire customer funnel, from attracting visitors to converting leads and closing sales. If done correctly through inbound marketing, companies can see significant increases in web traffic, leads, and customers over time.

inbound marketingcontent marketing
10 Ways You're Using AdWords Wrong and How to Correct Those Practices
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10 Ways You're Using AdWords Wrong and How to Correct Those Practices

Johnathan is the founder of KlientBoost, a no-nonsense, creative kick-ass PPC agency that hustles for results & ROI. He’s been named the 2015 “Conversion Marketer To Watch” by Unbounce’s readers. 1) Single Keyword Ad Groups 2) Ad Group Level Negatives 3) Multi Intent Keywords 4) The Five Ad Tests 5) Aggressive Ad Testing 6) AdWords is Your Carrot 7) Insane Importance of Design 8) Multi Step Landing Pages 9) Your Landing Page Offer 10) The Price Focus CTA Single Keyword Ad Groups 1 Google’s advice… That would mean… But it should be… keyword 1 keyword 2 What happens to your CTR Higher search-to-ad relevancy = higher CTR = higher quality scores = lower cpc = 
 lower cost per conversion. Your new ad group structure = Ad Group Level Negatives 2 Killing off internal competition What it means… Ad group = “web analytics”
 Ad group = “web analytics stripe” Ad group = “web analytics braintree” Ad group = “web analytics paypal” What it means… Ad group = “web analytics”
 Ad group level negative keywords - stripe - braintree - paypal Search terms should look like… See what’s holding you back Multi Intent Keywords 3 The Search Buying Cycle Search Buying Cycle Awareness Consideration Action “broken transmission” “whats my car worth” “sell my car” The Five Ad Tests 4 Proximity Source: Proximity Source: Hanapin Source: Engine Ready 30% increase in conversions Countdowns 32% CTR boost & 3% conv/rate improvement Specificity How to Get 6,312 Subscribers 
 to Your Business Blog in One Day How to Get Over 6,000 Subscribers 
 to Your Business Blog in One Day How to Get a Torrent of Subscribers 
 to Your Business Blog in One Day Specificity 88% CTR boost & 23% conv/rate improvement Timeliness 217% CTR boost & 23% conv/rate improvement Aggressive Ad Testing 5 Get Aggressive! Isolate and label Headline Display URL Description 1 Description 2 Let time pass, then filter 6 AdWords is Just Your Carrot “Cats are your customers,
 AdWords is your laser pointer” 7 Insane Importance of Design How fast do people judge you? Visual & Aesthetic Judgement Research at Google
 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 70(11) (2012), pp. 794-811 |——————————————| 1 full second 50 ms = 0.05 second Insane Important of Design 6 8 Multi Step Landing Pages Single step landing pages are threatening 9 Your Landing Page Offer Conversion Rate Optimization 101 “What makes a good value proposition? An offer that’s differentiated from your competitors.”
 — Peep Laja, CRO Expert at ConversionXL A lot more valuable than your competitors Make your offer 10 The Price Focus CTA Struggling with CTA ideas? Get Pricing & More Info 32 New Hacks To Get More
 Phone Leads With AdWords & CRO (60 pages deep!) The Price Focus CTA

ppcadwordsdisplay advertising
Marketing Your Radon Business
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How to build a powerful online presence and grow your business for companies in the radon mitigation and home inspection industry. Visit to learn more.

radon mitigationradon marketingmarketing radon mitigation
What  we  will  be  going  over
• Intro	
• Key	
• LTV	
• ROI	

• Choosing	
Cost  of  Customer  Acquisition  (COCA)

• Impressions	

• Priced	
• Determined	





• Who	


• Ad	



• Ad	

• Clicks	


• Click	
• Determined	


• Quality	




• Match	

• Post	


• Cost	
• Determined	



• Quality	


• Type	


• Match	

• Post	
• Some	



How  to  minimize  COCA
• Buy	

• Only	

• Get	

• High	
• Find	

• Get	

• Have	
• Different	

• Have	
Great  Landing  Pages
• Your	
• You	
• Components	


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In this talk, I focus on fixing these common AdWords Mistakes 1. Low Quality Scores 2. Low Exact Match Impression Share & Weak Negative Keyword Optimization 3. PPC Without a Sales Funnel 4. Not using RLSA 5. Not Bidding on your own Brand 6. Not using automated rules 7. Not being active and optimizing regularly

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Find out in what ways the PPC game is similar to a F&F race and discover the one thing that makes them different.

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Engage with the most qualified part of your sales funnel with this retargeting strategy. BOFU Retargeting involves hitting the bottom of your sales funnel, and serving them an offer to make it a no-brainer to convert.

A  great  landing  page
Exercise:  COCA
• Path	


• What	
• What	
Key  trick:  UTM  Tags
• What	
• Tags	

• When	
• Each	
• All	

• How	
• Lets	
What  we  will  be  going  over
• Intro	
• Key	
• LTV	
• ROI	

• Choosing	

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Online Advertising
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Exploring different online advertising mediums including Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. How to begin your strategic plan and troubleshoot common challenges.

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Inbound Marketing Cheat Sheet
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Inbound Marketing Cheat Sheet

Inbound marketing is the process of helping potential customers find a company through helpful content before they are looking to purchase. It relies on creating high-quality, non-promotional content like articles, videos, and whitepapers to engage and educate prospects. When done effectively, this approach generates better results than interruptive traditional marketing by building relationships and allowing buyers to come to the company when they are ready to buy. Content must be relevant to target personas and address their challenges. Common inbound tactics include search engine optimization, social sharing, blogging, and social media engagement to spread content and visibility.

inbound marketing
Inbound Marketing Overview
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Inbound Marketing Overview

This document outlines an inbound marketing approach that uses blogging, social media, targeted offers, landing pages, calls to action, email nurturing, and email blasts to generate more traffic, leads, and customers. It emphasizes using analytics to measure the performance of each campaign element and continuously improve the inbound marketing strategy. The goal is to implement a metrics-based approach that delivers real marketing ROI through an analyze-and-optimize cycle.

inbound marketingleadgen
Lifetime  Value  of  Customer
• Revenue	

• #	

• Gross	

• Profit	

• #	

• Over	
• If	

• LTV	
• LTV	
LTV  Exercise
• Selling	
• $25/tie,	
• 2.5	
• What	

• How	
Ways  to  maximize  LTV
• Increase	
• Sell	
• Sell	

• Increase	

• Increase	

• Actively	
• Sell	
• Good	
What  we  will  be  going  over
• Intro	
• Key	
• LTV	
• ROI	

• Choosing	

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Why HubSpot
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We sometimes get asked why we would recommend a paid end-to-end platform when there are so many other options out there, like Wordpress, Marketo, LinkedIn, Unbounce and more. It's a great question, and one we asked ourselves before moving onto the platform ourselves. Here are the stats that helped us decide that this is the best solution for our clients.

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Marketing  Return  on  Investment
• ROI	

• ROI	
• <1:	
• You	

• =1:	
• >1:	
• Beware	
What  we  will  be  going  over
• Intro	
• Key	
• LTV	
• ROI	

• Choosing	
Which  channels  to  choose


Facebook Social



• Demand	

• Who	
• with	
  who. are	

   • Demand	
• Demand	
   • identity/interest	
   • What	
• What	




• Demand	
• Demand	
• well	
• Demand	

• What	
• What	
Which  channels  to  choose  (Part  2)



Facebook Social

• Cheap	












facebook” challenging	
volume can	

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Exercise:  What  Channels  to  use:
• Heating	
• SAT	
• Card	
• Discount	
• Necktie	
Course Title
Course Title



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Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition

  • 1. presents Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition ANDREW KREBS-SMITH NOAH FREEMAN
  • 2. Andrew Krebs- Smith Andrew Krebs-Smith is the President/Founder of Social Fulcrum, a digital marketing agency in NYC and Boston. Before founding Social Fulcrum, he developed and managed marketing campaigns for accounts including Pfizer, Ocean City MD, The National Aquarium, and Strayer University. Andrew loves food, travel, music, exercise, and tea.
  • 3. Noah Freeman Noah Freeman is the Vice President of Acquisition and Analytics of Social Fulcrum, a digital marketing agency in NYC and Boston. In addition, he manages the online customer acquisition campaigns for Testive and Working Advantage. Noah's an expert in Facebook advertising, in addition to having heavy experience in search retargeting, site retargeting, custom audiences, automated email management, email marketing, & lead nurturing. A graduate of Harvard, Noah most recently attended Startup Institute Boston in the technical marketing track.
  • 4. Intro  to  Paid  Customer   Acquisition Andrew  Krebs-­‐Smith  -­‐  @AndrewKS   Noah  Freeman  -­‐  @noah_freem
  • 5. What  we  will  be  going  over • Intro  to  customer  acquisition   • Key  Metrics   • COCA   • LTV   • ROI   • Choosing  the  right  Channel
  • 6. Intro  to  customer  acquistion • Marketing:  Customer  Acquisiton   • Free  (ish)   • • • • Organic  search   Inbound  Referrals   Word  of  mouth   PR   • Paid   • Online  Ads   • Offline  Ads  (newspaper,  TV,  Radio,  magazines)   • Direct  Mail   • Sales-­‐  Turn  leads  into  sales  (only  used  for  some   products)
  • 7. What  are  you  trying  to  accomplish? • Direct  sales   • Customers  go  online,  see  an  ad,  go  to  your  site,  buy  a  product   • Customers  sign  up  for  a  free  trial  with  path  to  revenue  later   ! • Indirect  sales   • • • • Leads:  Customers  give  phone  #/email,  then  do  a  sales  call   Trials:  Customers  sign  up  online  to  trial  something  in  the  real  world   Email  list  signup:  Customers  sign  up  for  emails   Customers  become  regular  readers  of  your  site,  then  buy  something  later
  • 8. Match  the  goal  to  the  product • Tie  of  the  month  club-­‐  $25/month   • Online  SAT  tutoring:  $1K/3  months,  unknown  brand   • Sell  a  Ferrari:  $200K  one  time  sale   • Dropbox
  • 9. What  we  will  be  going  over • Intro  to  customer  acquisition   • Key  Metrics   • COCA   • LTV   • ROI   • Choosing  the  right  Channel
  • 10. Cost  of  Customer  Acquisition  (COCA) Steps  in  the  funnel:   • Impressions   • Priced  as  CPM  =  “Cost  per  1,000  impressions” • Determined  by     Impressions   • Who  the  audience  is   • Ad  platform CTR   • Ad  type  (newsfeed  vs  sidebar,  etc) • Clicks     • Click  through  rate  x  cost  per  impression  =  cost  per  click • Determined  by:   • Quality  of  ad   Clicks   • Match  of  ad  to  audience • Post  click  conversion     • Cost  per  click  x  conversion  rate  =  cost  per  acquisition • Determined  by     • Quality  of  site   • Type  of  action  required  (signup  for  email  list  vs  buy  a  ferrari  online)   • Match  of  audience  to  site • Post  conversion  sales   • Some  products  require  post-­‐convsersion  sales  step   • COCA  =  (CPM/1000)  x  (1/click  through  rate)  x  (1/conversion  rate)  x  (1/post  conversion  sales  rate) Conversio n  Rate Convert  once   on  site
  • 11. How  to  minimize  COCA • Buy  as  few  impressions  as  necessary   • Only  show  ads  to  people  with  a  high  likelihood  of  buying   ! • Get  a  lot  of  clicks   • High  quality  ads  well  matched  to  channel   • Find  the  audience  most  likely  to  click   ! • Get  post  click  conversion   • Have  great  landing  pages   • Different  audiences  will  have  different  conversion  rates   ! • Have  as  few  steps  as  necessary
  • 12. Great  Landing  Pages • Your  home  page  is  NOT  a  landing  page   • You  may  need  a  lot  of  different  landing  pages   • Components  of  a  great  landing  page:   • • • • Short  description  of  what  you  are  selling   VERY  LARGE  calls  to  action   Very  few  options  that  are  not  desired  action   Very  short  #  of  clicks  between  landing  &  completing  action
  • 14. Exercise:  COCA Crossfit  Gym   • Path  to  sale   • • • • • • Customers  see  a  facebook  ad  ($10  CPM)   They  click,  go  to  a  landing  page  (2%  CTR)   They  give  their  email  address/phone  to  get  a  free  class  (5%  conversion)   Sales  person  calls  them,  schedules  free  class  (70%  never  get  in  touch)   They  go  to  free  class  (50%  show  up)   They  sign  up  for  a  membership  (50%  sign  up  from  free  class)   • What  is  COCA   • What  changes  could  they  make  to  decrease  COCA?
  • 15. Key  trick:  UTM  Tags • What  they  are:   • Tags  at  the  end  of  URLs  that  identify  ad   • When  to  use  them   • Each  ad  should  have  its  own  UTM  code   • All  ads  should  have  a  code   • How  to  use  them   • Lets  you  calculate  CTR,  conversion  rate,  COCA  BY  AD   •  (google  “UTM   builder”)
  • 16. What  we  will  be  going  over • Intro  to  customer  acquisition   • Key  Metrics   • COCA   • LTV   • ROI   • Choosing  the  right  Channel
  • 17. Lifetime  Value  of  Customer • Revenue  per  sale   • #  of  items  per  sale  x  revenue  per  item   • Gross  margin   • Profit  per  item  /  Revenue  per  item   • #  of  sales  per  customer   • Over  lifetime  of  customer,  how  many  purchases  do  they  make?   • If  it’s  a  subscription,  how  many  months  do  they  stay  around?   ! • LTV  =  Revenue  per  sale  x  gross  margin  %  x  #  of  repeats   • LTV  =  (#  of  items  per  sale)  x  (revenue  per  item)  x  ((item  sales  price  –  item  cost)/ (item  sales  price))  x  (#  of  sales  per  customer  over  lifetime)
  • 18. LTV  Exercise • Selling  Neckties  Online:   • $25/tie,  $10  cost/tie,  average  2  ties/checkout.       • 2.5  repeats  per  customer   • What  is  LTV?   ! • How  can  we  increase  this  LTV?
  • 19. Ways  to  maximize  LTV • Increase  dollars  per  checkout   • Sell  higher  cost  items   • Sell  bundles  of  many  items   ! • Increase  Gross  Margin   ! • Increase  repeat  rates   • Actively  market  to  your  past  customers  to  remind  them   • Sell  subscriptions  and  auto-­‐renewals!   • Good  products  &  customer  service
  • 20. What  we  will  be  going  over • Intro  to  customer  acquisition   • Key  Metrics   • COCA   • LTV   • ROI   • Choosing  the  right  Channel
  • 21. Marketing  Return  on  Investment • ROI  =  (LTV)  /  (COCA)   ! • ROI  decision  making:   • <1:  you  are  losing  money  on  your  ads.       • You  need  to  increase  LTV,  or  decrease  COCA   • =1:  breakeven.       • >1:  You  are  making  more  money  than  you  put  in.    Advertise  more!   • Beware  cash  flow  issues  with  long-­‐period  LTV
  • 22. What  we  will  be  going  over • Intro  to  customer  acquisition   • Key  Metrics   • COCA   • LTV   • ROI   • Choosing  the  right  Channel
  • 23. Which  channels  to  choose Channel Subtype Facebook Social Demand  Creation  vs   Fulfillment Audience  Selection • Demand  Creation • Who  is  fan  of  what   page,  who  is  friends   Who  they   • with  who. are   Facebook   Targeted   • Demand  Creation   Paid (demographics)   • Demand  fulfillment  for   Google   Adwords   • identity/interest  based   • What  they  search  for Demand  fulfillment • What  they  are   Google   Display Other   Sites Display • Demand  creation   • Demand  fulfillment  if   Demand  creation   • well  matched  to  site • Demand  fulfillment  if   well  matched  to  site • What  site  they  are  on   (interest) • What  site  they  are  on   (interest)
  • 24. Which  channels  to  choose  (Part  2) Channel Subtype Pro Facebook Social • Cheap  to  free Facebook   Targeted   Paid Google   Adwords   • Google   Display • • Other   Sites Display • • • Con • • Insanely  niche  targeting   • capabilities   Very  effective  when   • Very  effective  for  right   • product   • Simple  creative Good  for  non  time   • sensitive  products Great  for  very  targeted   • niches Very  labor  intensive   Less  functional  in  “new   facebook” challenging   Technically   interface   Only  works  iexpensive   Clicks  often   f  well   Needs  sufficient  search   volume can  be   Creative   challenging Negotiated  individually,   requires  creative
  • 25. Exercise:  What  Channels  to  use: • Heating  Oil  Delivery   • SAT  Tutoring   • Card  that  combines  all  your  credit  cards   • Discount  shopping  browser  plugin   • Necktie  of  the  Month
  • 26. Course Title Course Title   INSTRUCTOR NAME