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Facebook Advertising: How to Launch
Campaign That Really Works
Carly Rodgers
Facebook  Advertising:
How  to  launch  a  campaign  that  really  works.
What  will  we  cover?
The  key  components  to  a  successful  Facebook  adverAsing  
• How  to  idenAfy  and  reach  your  target  audience
• Which  ad  units  to  buy  and  why
• Using  Power  Editor  for  best  results
• OpAmizing  to  your  performance  goals
Make  it  rain.
(aka  generate  revenue)

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Three Key Paid Marketing Tools
Three Key Paid Marketing ToolsThree Key Paid Marketing Tools
Three Key Paid Marketing Tools

This document summarizes three paid marketing tools: remarketing, Facebook ads, and Google's Keyword Planner. It introduces the speaker and his background in digital marketing. Remarketing is described as a way to nurture leads throughout the sales funnel by retargeting previous website visitors. Setting up remarketing involves placing tracking pixels on website pages. Facebook ads are suggested for boosting top social posts or reaching new audiences. The Keyword Planner is recommended for understanding target audiences based on search terms.

Paid Social
Paid SocialPaid Social
Paid Social

Paid social advertising expands brand awareness and recognition by targeting potential customers across social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. It helps turn unfamiliar users into leads and customers by identifying the ideal audience, creating targeted ads, remarketing to tagged users, and capturing qualified leads through a multistep process. Key benefits include improving organic performance over time as more users become familiar with the brand from seeing paid social ads.

Facebook advertising joel lumsden - new media breakfast - july 2010 - ex
Facebook advertising   joel lumsden - new media breakfast - july 2010 - exFacebook advertising   joel lumsden - new media breakfast - july 2010 - ex
Facebook advertising joel lumsden - new media breakfast - july 2010 - ex

Facebook advertising provides opportunities to target niche demographics and drive traffic at low cost. It works similarly to search advertising with cost-per-click bidding and tracking conversions. However, Facebook ads can include images and target users based on profiles, interests and behaviors. Advertisers can promote pages, events, apps and brands to specific locations and demographics. With testing and optimization, Facebook ads can increase website traffic, subscriptions and social media engagement while costs remain low.

attacatsjoel lumsdennmb
Who  are  you  trying  to  reach?
Start  with  what  you  know
•Likes  and  Interests

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Google Ads | Google Ads Tutorial 2019 | Google AdWords Tutorial 2019 | PPC Ad...
Google Ads | Google Ads Tutorial 2019 | Google AdWords Tutorial 2019 | PPC Ad...Google Ads | Google Ads Tutorial 2019 | Google AdWords Tutorial 2019 | PPC Ad...
Google Ads | Google Ads Tutorial 2019 | Google AdWords Tutorial 2019 | PPC Ad...

This Google Ads tutorial (formerly Google AdWords) talks about what Google Ads actually is, the various formats it provides, where Google shows your ads, how you can create an advertisement through Google Ads, the important metrics you need to track and how you can optimize your ads to ensure they accomplish your marketing goals. This Google Ads tutorial is designed for beginners who want to get started with advertising through Google Ads which is a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) platform. It goes into the details of the many ways Google offers to show your ads, the ease with which you can set up an advertisement and the various ways you can optimize your advertisements so that you can give yourself an upper hand over your competition and so much more. Now, let’s get started with understanding how you can make proper use of Google Ads. The below topics are explained in this Google Ads tutorial: 1) What are Google Ads? 2) What are the various formats in Google Ads? 3) Where is Google showing your ads? 4) How can you create a Google ad? 5) Important metrics to track 6) Optimizing your advertisements Why learn Digital Marketing? Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills, and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace. What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course? This course will enable you to: 1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation, and digital marketing strategy 2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing 3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more. 4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing 5 Create the right marketing messages tailored to the right audiences Learn more at

google adsgoogle ads tutorialgoogle adwords
How to Scale to 10k B2B Signups with Content Marketing and Low-cost Ads
How to Scale to 10k B2B Signups with Content Marketing and Low-cost AdsHow to Scale to 10k B2B Signups with Content Marketing and Low-cost Ads
How to Scale to 10k B2B Signups with Content Marketing and Low-cost Ads

1) The document discusses how AdStage scaled to 10k B2B signups using a combination of content marketing and low-cost paid ads. 2) It describes AdStage's content marketing strategy of creating newsletters, news articles, how-to guides and more to improve SEO, attract qualified leads and position the brand as a thought leader. 3) It also outlines AdStage's use of low-cost paid advertising like branded search ads, retargeting, and custom audiences on platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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2015 Google Adwords Training
2015 Google Adwords Training2015 Google Adwords Training
2015 Google Adwords Training

Google AdWords is Google's advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google's search results. Contact me If you need any help.

digital marketinggoogle adwordspay per click
Create  Custom  Audiences
•Find  you  current  customers  on  Facebook
•Match  email  addresses  or  phone  numbers
•Segment  by  demographic,  interests  and/or  acAons  for  best  
Build  Affinity  Models
Create  Lookalike  Audiences  from  Custom  Audiences
• Similarity  or  Reach
Leverage  3rd  party  data
Expand  your  reach  using  Partner  Categories
Over  500+  categories:
• Off  Facebook  acAvity
• Lifestyle
• Online  &  offline  purchase  behavior
• Job  role
What  do  you  want  them  to  do?

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Google Adwords
Google AdwordsGoogle Adwords
Google Adwords

This document discusses Google AdWords and its importance. It provides: 1) An overview of Google AdWords, how it works using pay-per-click advertising, and its position alongside organic Google search results. 2) Details several benefits of Google AdWords including targeted advertising, improved ROI, and enhanced user experience. 3) Lists 10 key reasons for using Google AdWords like small initial investment, defining budgets, high ROI, targeting traffic, and allowing test marketing campaigns.

reportgoogle adwordsgoogle
Facebook Ads 101 - Spring 2014
Facebook Ads 101 - Spring 2014Facebook Ads 101 - Spring 2014
Facebook Ads 101 - Spring 2014

FAcebook ads and promoted posts - how small and medium-sized businesses can leverage facebok ads to grow their business.

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How to Promote Content to Drive More Sales with Facebook Ads
How to Promote Content to Drive More Sales with Facebook AdsHow to Promote Content to Drive More Sales with Facebook Ads
How to Promote Content to Drive More Sales with Facebook Ads

Learn how promoting the right types of content with Facebook ads can help you grow your brand equity and generate more long term sales.

content marketingsocial mediafacebook ads
What  do  you  want  them  to  do?
What  do  you  want  them  to  do?
How  to  create  a  compelling  ad
• A^ract  eyeballs  with  engaging  imagery
• Ensure  relevancy  (targeAng  &  delivery  locaAon)
• Drive  purchase  intent  (strong  call  to  acAon)
• Focus  on  products
• Keep  messaging  to  the  point
• Focus  on  the  newsfeed
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works

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Dominating the Paid Media Universe
Dominating the Paid Media UniverseDominating the Paid Media Universe
Dominating the Paid Media Universe

Paid Media can and should be used to target people at every stage of the marketing funnel. This slide deck from The Inbounder in Valencia looks at strategies for each of the stages.

paid mediamarketing funnelppc
AdWords Academy Display Campaign/多媒體廣告優化
AdWords Academy Display Campaign/多媒體廣告優化AdWords Academy Display Campaign/多媒體廣告優化
AdWords Academy Display Campaign/多媒體廣告優化

In this course, we have covered have-to-know knowledge to do a good Display Campaign with AdWords including: 1) Some up-to-date marketing strategy to keep in mind; 2) Understanding General Display Campaign by its structure, format, targeting, bidding and performance evaluation; 3) Understanding Video Campaign by its structure, format, optimization approaches, and other extra ad functions of YouTube; 4) Introduction of Gmail Ads and some several useful tools to plan and optimize your Display AdWords Campaign. 在本次課程中,我們同大家分享了與多媒體展示廣告相關的基礎知識和優化策略,包括:1)如今網絡營銷的最新趨勢;2)從廣告結構、形式、定位以及成效評估等方面了解多媒體廣告;3)從廣告結構、形式、優化方法和額外功能了解如何利用YouTube製作多媒體廣告;4)認識其他可以幫助優化多媒體廣告的有效工具。

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Socialdealer 2013 Auto Dealer Presentation
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This document summarizes a dealership presentation about protecting a dealership's brand and reputation through review site monitoring, managing social media presence, and promoting positive reviews. It outlines services like monitoring review sites, responding to reviews, and using a reputation dashboard. It then discusses how the company's social media management services can help dealerships establish their brand, engage customers, and measure results to generate leads and increase traffic. Key services include local content creation, social advertising, and weekly planning meetings.

dealer reviewsreputation managementautomotive social media
The  20%  text  rule
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works
Who  am  I?

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Optimizing Your Business With LinkedIn Advertising
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There are various ways you can spend your digital advertising budget; but, have you considered LinkedIn? With its unique ability to reach an audience by targeting their professional identity, LinkedIn advertising is a great choice for many B2B marketers. Cheryl Rodrigues, through the presentation provides you with a simple, step-by-step guide on how to create your first LinkedIn ad campaign and how to optimize your business with it.

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How to convert fans into leads with facebook
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How to convert fans into leads with facebook

This document provides tips for using Facebook to convert fans into leads. It recommends using status updates with strong calls to action, video marketing, contests, and Facebook advertising. It also discusses targeting ads based on user profiles, choosing ad types like promoted posts and page post ads, testing ads, and provides examples of success stories from companies that increased sales using Facebook ads.

Day1 session7 ad_words_ragab
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Day1 session7 ad_words_ragab

A great deep dive into Google AdWords with Ahmad Ragab at ArabAffiliateSummit, discussing the ins & outs, best practices and well kept secrets of a successful account structure

• Female
• Born  on  March  11,  1985
• Living  in  Boston,  MA,  USA
• Married
• University  of  Delaware  Alumni
• Employed  at  Nanigans
• Interests:  
• The  Handle  Bar
• BostInno
• Back  Bay  Yoga
• Zappos
• Gilt  City
• Recent  AcAvity:
• Ran  10.94  miles  with  MapMyRun
• Favorited  Culture  at  Nanigans  on  Slideshare
Who  am  I?
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works

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Amway Corporate Identity and Image
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The document analyzes the corporate identity and image of Amway, a direct selling company established in 1959. It identifies gaps between Amway's identity, which emphasizes quality products and helping people, and its public image, which some see as a cult that sells expensive products. It recommends strategies like corporate social responsibility programs and improved customer relationship management to help close these perception gaps.

Promote your business with ad words express
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Brian Childers will cover three topics, starting with a brief overview about advertising on Google and an introduction to AdWords Express. Then we'll cover how to get the most out of your advertising campaign, including ad text, audiences, search phrases, and budget. Finally, we’ll talk about ways to evaluate campaign performance and measure success.

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Are you losing money with automatic ad placements?
Are you losing money with automatic ad placements?Are you losing money with automatic ad placements?
Are you losing money with automatic ad placements?

Facebook advertising options have quickly evolved from simple desktop ad placements, to mobile ads, to a wide variety of ad types and platforms to choose from. In order to streamline ad placements for advertisers, Facebook recommends using “Automatic Placements”—however selecting this option can cost Teespring sellers more money and result in fewer sales.

teespringonline advertisingecommerce
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Domain  Ad
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Domain  Ad
Link  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Link  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement

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How to Create a Killer Facebook Campaign
How to Create a Killer Facebook CampaignHow to Create a Killer Facebook Campaign
How to Create a Killer Facebook Campaign

This document summarizes a webinar on creating effective Facebook campaigns for nonprofits. It discusses optimizing Facebook pages, using insights to track engagement, scheduling community manager updates, designing targeted Facebook ads, and reviewing metrics to improve campaigns. Tips included posting at key times of day, asking questions to engage users, using rich media like photos and videos, and mapping donations to demonstrated impact. Resources for nonprofits using social media and online fundraising were also provided.

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Facebook strategy for your business
Facebook strategy for your businessFacebook strategy for your business
Facebook strategy for your business

Social media tools like Facebook are redefining how your customers and stakeholders interact online. Isn't it time to learn how your business can leverage this powerful platform? WIth these slides from a SmartCompany webinar, you'll get practical steps on how to develop and implement a Facebook strategy for your business - including what NOT to do.

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How to run a social media campaign on facebook - Social Media World Forum 2010
How to run a social media campaign on facebook - Social Media World Forum 2010How to run a social media campaign on facebook - Social Media World Forum 2010
How to run a social media campaign on facebook - Social Media World Forum 2010

The document discusses best practices for marketing brands on Facebook. It recommends four main approaches: extension, remix, share, and conduit. The social remix approach combines brand and Facebook content, such as mixing brand messages with user photos. Campaigns should target audiences, engage users, and drive viral growth. Facebook tools like ads, pages, and apps can help achieve goals like increasing fans or conversions. Analytics provide insights to improve campaigns.

Photo  Page  Post
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Photo  Page  Post
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Photo  Page  Post
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Photo  Page  Post
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement

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Developing a marketing strategy for Kellogg's All Bran range of corn flakes
Developing a marketing strategy for Kellogg's All Bran range of corn flakesDeveloping a marketing strategy for Kellogg's All Bran range of corn flakes
Developing a marketing strategy for Kellogg's All Bran range of corn flakes

With over 80 years of legacy behind it, the Kellogg’s All-Bran brand is now one of the most significant trademarks of the company. What was once a name for cereals and cornflakes, now represents nutrition and healthy eating. Through this project we explore the different aspects of the Kellogg’s All-Bran brand and its future.

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Converse Facebook Case Study
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Converse Facebook Case Study

Converse Facebook Case Study This case study attempts to track the reasons behind Converse's success on Facebook, which is undoubtedly the biggest sneaker brand on Facebook. Also, a list of key take away of this Facebook Case Study has also been included.

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Kellogg's marketing strategy and marketing plans ppt @ mbabecdoms
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Kellogg's marketing strategy and marketing plans ppt @ mbabecdoms

Kellogg's is the global leader in cereal and convenience foods. It aims to provide nutritious, high-quality products and grow its business through innovation, strengthening key markets, cost reductions, and global expansion. In the cereal industry, Kellogg's faces competition from General Mills and other major players, and threats from private label brands and price competition. Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies cereal targets children ages 8-11 and aims to strengthen its market position through mass advertising, promotions, and colorful packaging that appeals to kids.

kellogg's marketing strategy and marketing plans p
Photo  Page  Post
qEngaging  imagery
qCreates  intent  to  purchase
qFocus  on  product
qMessage  is  short  &  sweet
qNewsfeed  placement
Bonus  points  for  Social  
Let’s  make  some  ads!
Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works
Tools  to  create  your  Facebook  ads
Basic:  Ads  Manager
More  Advanced:  Power  Editor
Most  Advanced:  Facebook  PMD

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The 4 Most Powerful Facebook Advertising Tools Marketers Aren't Using
The 4 Most Powerful Facebook Advertising Tools Marketers Aren't UsingThe 4 Most Powerful Facebook Advertising Tools Marketers Aren't Using
The 4 Most Powerful Facebook Advertising Tools Marketers Aren't Using

This is from a webinar that covers the following features: Conversion Tracking Conversion Specs Custom Audiences Facebook Ad Reports

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You Know You're a Marketer If... (17 Signs You're a Marketer)
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You Know You're a Marketer If... (17 Signs You're a Marketer)

MarketingProfs asked its Facebook group to finish this sentence: "You know you're a marketer if..." The responses that made us laugh the most were were illustrated and published in the following slideshow.

Online Marketing PPT
Online Marketing PPTOnline Marketing PPT
Online Marketing PPT

Online marketing involves promoting products and services over the Internet. It includes various digital marketing channels like email, search engine marketing, display ads, social media, and more. Effective online marketing requires building an email list, writing great content, using social media to drive people to the website, and optimizing paid search ads. Measurement of online marketing efforts is also important.

Overview  of  Ads  Manager
•Simple,  easy  to  use
•Auto-­‐generate  ads  from  the  content  on  your  page  or  website
•OpAmize  to  get  new  users,  increase  app  engagement,  or  manually  bid  
for  clicks
•Define  your  audience  using  demographic  informaAon,  broad  
categories,  and  precise  interests
•Track  conversions  off  Facebook
•Create  one  ad  at  a  Ame
Overview  of  Ads  Manager
•Simple,  easy  to  use
•Auto-­‐generate  ads  from  the  content  on  your  page  or  website
•OpAmize  to  get  new  users,  increase  app  engagement,  or  manually  bid  
for  clicks
•Define  your  audience  using  demographic  informaAon,  broad  
categories,  and  precise  interests
•Track  conversions  off  Facebook
•Create  one  ad  at  a  Ame
Benefits  of  Power  Editor
Custom  Audiences
Saved  Target  
Partner  Categories
Track  conversions  
off  Facebook
OpAmize  to  
conversions  off  
Ad  Placement  
Bid  Types:  CPM,  
CPC,  or  OpAmized  
Bulk  Ad  CreaAon
Benefits  of  Power  Editor
Custom  Audiences
Saved  Target  
Partner  Categories
Track  conversions  
off  Facebook
OpAmize  to  
conversions  off  
Ad  Placement  
Bid  Types:  CPM,  
CPC,  or  OpAmized  
Bulk  Ad  CreaAon

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26 Product Launch Strategies
26 Product Launch Strategies 26 Product Launch Strategies
26 Product Launch Strategies

26 topline marketing strategies to launch a new brand, product or service. Includes a 1 page summary outlining the pros and cons of each approach as well as best in class examples. Designed as flashcards so that it can be printed out to help stimulate brainstorm sessions.

product launchlaunch strategiesmarketing
Growing Your Business With Social Media
Growing Your Business With Social MediaGrowing Your Business With Social Media
Growing Your Business With Social Media

With over a billion people using social media to connect with businesses, brands, celebrities and politicians every day, it is almost unheard of for business owners to not have a presence on at least one social media platform. In this workshop we will break down the top social media platforms including: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. We will discuss which of these platforms are optimal for your business, and discuss the steps to building a robust social media marketing strategy. This workshop will be answering questions such as: What social media channels should I be using to grow my business? What is the difference between a boosted post and an advertising campaign, and when should I use them? What types of content should I be posting? Can I post the same content across multiple channels? What tools can I use to make social media marketing easier? How can I develop real sales leads from my social media accounts? How many times do I need to post on social media a day?

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Audience Targeting: Strategy, Optimization, Expansion
Audience Targeting: Strategy, Optimization, ExpansionAudience Targeting: Strategy, Optimization, Expansion
Audience Targeting: Strategy, Optimization, Expansion

Michelle Morgan presented on audience targeting best practices. She discussed building target audiences through positive and negative targeting, gaining insights from analysis tools, and structuring campaigns around audience types. She emphasized shaping audiences by layering them in a priority order and excluding down the hierarchy. Cross-channel targeting was also covered, leveraging audiences across platforms like search, display, and social media based on their strengths.

audience targetingppc audiencesaudience marketing
Setting  up  your  campaign
qSet  up  conversion  tracking
qUpload  Custom  Audiences,  create  Lookalikes,  and  build  
Saved  Target  Groups
qBuild  campaigns  &  ads
qDefine  budgets  and  select  bid  type
Conversion  Tracking
Saved  Target  Groups
•Likes  and  Interests
•Partner  Categories
Custom  Audiences  

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Social Media Basics for Business
Social Media Basics for Business Social Media Basics for Business
Social Media Basics for Business

This document provides an overview of a workshop on growing a business with social media and smart consulting and coaching. It discusses Lisak's company which offers business coaching and consulting to help owners develop social media, marketing, advertising, and technology skills. The workshop covers creating a social media strategy and goals, defining the target audience, social media advertising, content marketing, and a question and answer session. It also discusses the social media acquisition model and setting SMART goals.

social mediasocial media marketing

Check out our other AdWords Training videos: ================================================= Book a free digital marketing consultation ($200 Value): Call Us: (888) 846-4937 ================================================= Visit Our Website: Like Us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow Us on LinkedIn: Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel! #googleadwordscertificationtraining #googleadwordstraining #googleadwordsfundamentalstraining #googleadwordstrainingforsmallbusiness #googleadwordsessentialtraining #ultimategoogleadwordstraining2020 #googleadwordscertificationtraining2020

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Paid Traffic That Converts
Paid Traffic That ConvertsPaid Traffic That Converts
Paid Traffic That Converts

Guide to optimizing Adwords and Bing Ads pay per click ad campaigns for a lower average cost per click and more qualified leads and sales conversions. To learn more about how to generate more qualified leads from search advertising and content marketing, check out

adwordsgoogle adwordsppc
Lookalike  Audiences
Ad  Placement  Customization
Bid  Options
Best  practices
•Segment  your  target  audience  
•Set  up  one  campaign  per  audience  segment
•Test  2-­‐4  ads  per  audience  segment  (depending  on  budget)
•Use  oCPM  bids  to  opAmize  to  an  event  that  occurs  at  least  1/10  

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This document provides guidance on using social media marketing, particularly Facebook ads, to raise brand awareness, promote apps, drive local sales, and increase online sales. It discusses targeting audiences based on location, age, gender, interests and behaviors. Specific ad formats are recommended for different objectives, such as newsfeed ads to raise awareness, mobile app install ads to promote apps, local awareness ads and boosted posts to drive local foot traffic, and retargeting ads and website tracking pixels to increase online conversions. Similar targeting strategies using keywords, topics, interests and remarketing are outlined for search, display and YouTube ads. The overall aim is to engage and convert target audiences at each stage of the customer journey through social media advertising.

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Speed Dating on Advertising
Speed Dating on AdvertisingSpeed Dating on Advertising
Speed Dating on Advertising

Get ready to move quickly through 7 different tables, where you’ll get to meet and learn about a handful of digital advertising tactics: Contextual advertising Lookalike advertising CRM targeting Search engine marketing (SEM) Retargeting Social media advertising Content Distribution We’ll move through each 6-minute round quickly and cover the benefits, uses and available platforms. If you’ve never experimented with online advertising or you’re a pro, this is your chance to learn it all or learn a few things in just under an hour.

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Ultimate Guide to Bing Ads Remarketing by Christi Olson
Ultimate Guide to Bing Ads Remarketing by Christi OlsonUltimate Guide to Bing Ads Remarketing by Christi Olson
Ultimate Guide to Bing Ads Remarketing by Christi Olson

Christi is the Search Evangelist at Microsoft in Seattle, Washington. Christi is passionate about digital and has spent her career helping businesses solve their marketing challenges and goals through studying and analyzing data to develop actionable insights and strategies.Prior to joining the team at BingAds within Microsoft, Christi has worked both at agencies and in-house at Point It, PointMarc, Expedia, Harry & David, and at MSN, Bing, Windows teams at Microsoft.

Need  more?  Work  with  a  PMD
•Make  opAmizaAon  adjustments  in  real  Ame
•Leverage  custom  bidding  and  budgeAng  algorithms
•Robust  tracking  and  reporAng
•OpAmize  to  and  report  on  revenue  earned
•Boost  return  with  FBX  retargeAng
•Professional  services
Key  takeaways
•To  start,  use  what  you  know  about  your  current  customers  and  build  from  
•Focus  on  creaAng  high  quality  ads  that  will  be  relevant  to  your  target  
•Put  your  ads  where  the  eyes  are  (in  the  newsfeed!)
•Not  all  audience  segments  are  the  same
•Leverage  oCPM  bidding  and  offsite  conversion  pixels  for  the  be^er  return
Carly  Rodgers
AddiAonal  Resources:
Thank  You!
• h^ps://
• h^p://
• h^p://

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Facebook Advertising: Launch a Campaign That Really Works

  • 1. presents Facebook Advertising: How to Launch Campaign That Really Works Carly Rodgers @crodgers11
  • 2. Facebook  Advertising: How  to  launch  a  campaign  that  really  works. @crodgers311
  • 3. What  will  we  cover? The  key  components  to  a  successful  Facebook  adverAsing   campaign • How  to  idenAfy  and  reach  your  target  audience • Which  ad  units  to  buy  and  why • Using  Power  Editor  for  best  results • OpAmizing  to  your  performance  goals
  • 4. Make  it  rain. (aka  generate  revenue)
  • 7. Who  are  you  trying  to  reach?
  • 8. Start  with  what  you  know •LocaAon •Demographic •Likes  and  Interests •RelaAonships •EducaAon •Workplaces
  • 9. Create  Custom  Audiences •Find  you  current  customers  on  Facebook •Match  email  addresses  or  phone  numbers •Segment  by  demographic,  interests  and/or  acAons  for  best   results
  • 10. Build  Affinity  Models Create  Lookalike  Audiences  from  Custom  Audiences • Similarity  or  Reach
  • 11. Leverage  3rd  party  data Expand  your  reach  using  Partner  Categories Over  500+  categories: • Off  Facebook  acAvity • Lifestyle • Online  &  offline  purchase  behavior • Job  role
  • 12. What  do  you  want  them  to  do?
  • 13. What  do  you  want  them  to  do?
  • 14. What  do  you  want  them  to  do?
  • 15. How  to  create  a  compelling  ad • A^ract  eyeballs  with  engaging  imagery • Ensure  relevancy  (targeAng  &  delivery  locaAon) • Drive  purchase  intent  (strong  call  to  acAon) • Focus  on  products • Keep  messaging  to  the  point • Focus  on  the  newsfeed
  • 19. Link  to  FB’s  Grid  Tool
  • 21. • Female • Born  on  March  11,  1985 • Living  in  Boston,  MA,  USA • Married • University  of  Delaware  Alumni • Employed  at  Nanigans • Interests:   • The  Handle  Bar • BostInno • Back  Bay  Yoga • Zappos • • • Gilt  City • • Recent  AcAvity: • Ran  10.94  miles  with  MapMyRun • Favorited  Culture  at  Nanigans  on  Slideshare Who  am  I?
  • 25. qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement Domain  Ad
  • 26. qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement Domain  Ad
  • 27. Link  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 28. Link  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 29. Photo  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 30. Photo  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 31. Photo  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 32. Photo  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement
  • 33. Photo  Page  Post qEngaging  imagery qRelevant qCreates  intent  to  purchase qFocus  on  product qMessage  is  short  &  sweet qNewsfeed  placement Bonus  points  for  Social   Context!
  • 36. Tools  to  create  your  Facebook  ads Basic:  Ads  Manager More  Advanced:  Power  Editor Most  Advanced:  Facebook  PMD
  • 37. Overview  of  Ads  Manager •Simple,  easy  to  use •Auto-­‐generate  ads  from  the  content  on  your  page  or  website •OpAmize  to  get  new  users,  increase  app  engagement,  or  manually  bid   for  clicks •Define  your  audience  using  demographic  informaAon,  broad   categories,  and  precise  interests •Track  conversions  off  Facebook •Create  one  ad  at  a  Ame
  • 38. Overview  of  Ads  Manager •Simple,  easy  to  use •Auto-­‐generate  ads  from  the  content  on  your  page  or  website •OpAmize  to  get  new  users,  increase  app  engagement,  or  manually  bid   for  clicks •Define  your  audience  using  demographic  informaAon,  broad   categories,  and  precise  interests •Track  conversions  off  Facebook •Create  one  ad  at  a  Ame
  • 39. Benefits  of  Power  Editor Custom  Audiences Lookalike   Audiences Saved  Target   Groups Partner  Categories Track  conversions   off  Facebook OpAmize  to   conversions  off   Facebook Ad  Placement   CustomizaAon Bid  Types:  CPM,   CPC,  or  OpAmized   CPM   Bulk  Ad  CreaAon
  • 40. Benefits  of  Power  Editor Custom  Audiences Lookalike   Audiences Saved  Target   Groups Partner  Categories Track  conversions   off  Facebook OpAmize  to   conversions  off   Facebook Ad  Placement   CustomizaAon Bid  Types:  CPM,   CPC,  or  OpAmized   CPM   Bulk  Ad  CreaAon
  • 41. Setting  up  your  campaign qSet  up  conversion  tracking qUpload  Custom  Audiences,  create  Lookalikes,  and  build   Saved  Target  Groups qBuild  campaigns  &  ads qDefine  budgets  and  select  bid  type
  • 43. Saved  Target  Groups •LocaAon •Demographic •Likes  and  Interests •RelaAonships •EducaAon •Workplaces •Partner  Categories
  • 48. Best  practices •Segment  your  target  audience   •Set  up  one  campaign  per  audience  segment •Test  2-­‐4  ads  per  audience  segment  (depending  on  budget) •Use  oCPM  bids  to  opAmize  to  an  event  that  occurs  at  least  1/10   clicks
  • 49. Need  more?  Work  with  a  PMD •Make  opAmizaAon  adjustments  in  real  Ame •Leverage  custom  bidding  and  budgeAng  algorithms •Robust  tracking  and  reporAng •OpAmize  to  and  report  on  revenue  earned •Boost  return  with  FBX  retargeAng •Professional  services
  • 50. Key  takeaways •To  start,  use  what  you  know  about  your  current  customers  and  build  from   there •Focus  on  creaAng  high  quality  ads  that  will  be  relevant  to  your  target   audience •Put  your  ads  where  the  eyes  are  (in  the  newsfeed!) •Not  all  audience  segments  are  the  same •Leverage  oCPM  bidding  and  offsite  conversion  pixels  for  the  be^er  return
  • 52. Carly  Rodgers AddiAonal  Resources: Thank  You! • h^ps:// • h^p:// • h^p:// @crodgers311 h^p://­‐rodgers/8/122/b93