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Legal Landmines – Raising Capital
Mick Bain
Janene Ásgeirsson
April 29, 2014
Setting the Stage – the Company
- Stage of the Company
- Funding needs of the Company: both today and
over time
- Key business objectives and milestones to be
- Future inflection points
Setting the Stage – the Investors
- Friends and Family
- Crowdfunding
- Social/ product funding (e.g., Kickstarter)
- Government grants
- Angel investors
- Venture Capital investors
- Strategic investors
Setting the Stage – What do Investors
Care About?
Angels and VCs rank their priorities in a deal very differently
Business Attributes Angel VC
Investor’s possible involvement 1 3
Investor’s strengths filling gaps in business 2 5
Geographically close 3 6
Potential exit routes (liquidity) 4 1
Investor’s understanding of business 4 2
Presence of (potential) co-investors 6 4
Source: Angel Investing: Matching Startup Funds with Startup Companies – A Guide for
Entrepreneurs, Individual Investors and Venture Capitalists (Jossey-Bass).

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The document discusses various types of early stage financings for startups, including bootstrapping, founder preferred shares, friends and family funding, customer funding, convertible debt/equity, SAFE instruments, incubators, angel investments, seed rounds, and Series A venture rounds. It provides brief descriptions of each type of financing, highlighting key elements like size, source of funding, security type used, valuation requirements, control rights implications, and liquidation preferences.

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Vesting provisions are typically put in place for founders and employees to incentivize them to remain with the company over time. With vesting, the shares/options are earned gradually, such as over a 4 year period, with a 1 year cliff. This helps ensure that the founders and key employees stay long enough to see the business grow and be valuable, rather than leaving shortly after joining. It also addresses the risk of multiple founders by making their ownership contingent on long-term service.

An Overview of the Venture Capital Process
An Overview of the Venture Capital ProcessAn Overview of the Venture Capital Process
An Overview of the Venture Capital Process

Since 2015, Scott Perlov has worked as an attorney at Brian Cave, LLP in Boulder, Colorado. Scott Perlov is well-versed in the ins and outs of venture capital and angel investor financing. Venture capital is a form of funding that is normally given to startups in exchange for equity in the business. This type of funding has become more popular as startups can struggle with bank loans and debt financing. Startups can focus on delivering products and reinvesting profits into the company instead of paying off debts. Companies of all sizes can take advantage of venture capital. It is usually handed out during venture rounds, which translate to installment payments of the capital. Each round of financing has expectations for company growth, and the amount being funded typically grows in each round. Firms that consist of venture capitalists and general partners decide on which companies to invest in, with the general partners normally having the final say. The typical lifespan of a venture capital investment is 10 years. Venture capital firms go through initial investment, growth, and follow-on investment, and exit phases accordingly.

scott perlov
Setting the Stage – What do Investors
Care About?
- Great Team
- Sound Business Proposition
- Solid Business Plan
- Technical/IP Advantage
- Customer and Market Due Diligence
- Execution
Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work
and What do they Want?
- Funds are partnerships (sometimes limited liability
- Where do they get their money?
 Capital Contributions: GPs – 1%. LPs – 99%
 Funds last 10 years. Therefore they need to raise money
about every 3- 5 years.
Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work
and What do they Want?
General Partner LLC
Limited Partners
(individuals and
1% of capital /
20% of Profit
99% of capital /
80% of ProfitFund
(2-2.5% total
General Partner LLC
Limited Partners
(individuals and
99% of capital /
Management Fee
Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work
and What do they Want?
- How do VCs decide what to invest in?
- What are their expectations?
 VC Funds want a 30% return to compensate for risk and liability
 This translates to a 3x return of capital over the life of the fund
 The home run (10x) pay-offs provide most of the return
% of
$ million
of Capital
Multiple Return
% of
Home Runs 10% $ 22 10 $ 220 72%
Other Wins 30% $ 28 3 $ 84 28%
Losers 60% $ 40 0 $ - 0%
Expenses $ 10
Total 100% $ 100 3 $ 304 100%

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BizON had the honour of sponsoring the Business Transition Forum! We would like to share some valuable information with our audience from the forum in case you did not have the opportunity to attend!

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Hedblom Capital is a Swiss investment bank that focuses on sustainable and socially responsible investment opportunities in Latin America. They provide strategic financial advisory and funding services to small and mid-sized companies in industries like clean tech, healthcare, green housing, food and agriculture. Some of their representative clients in 2015 included companies in the agriculture, food and beverage, and dairy sectors.

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M 12/14 Startup Equitable Equity: Carving Up the Ownership Pie

Setting the Stage – What do Companies
Care About?
- Money
- Help
- Limited dilution/High valuations
- Terms they can live with – today and tomorrow
- Speed, efficiency and limited expenses
Types of Financing Structures
- Cash Loan
- Common Stock
- Preferred Stock
- Convertible Debt
Compare Structures with Goals
Money? Help? Limited
Precedent for
Cash Loan Y N Y N N ?
Y N N N N ?
Y Y ? ? Y Y
Y Y ? ? Y N
Convertible Debt Terms
- How it works
- Benefits
- Postpones valuation discussion (but see “caps”)
- Postpones many terms
- Creditor status
- Fast
- Less expensive

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Convertible Debt Terms
- Typical terms
- Interest rate
- Maturity date
- Automatic conversion in a “Qualified Financing”
- Optional conversion at maturity (common or preferred?)
- Conversion discount
- Conversion cap
- Optional conversion if no financing (common or preferred?)
- Sale terms
- Warrant coverage
Preferred Stock Terms
3 categories of terms:
- Economic
- Control
- Everything Else (TSTDM)
Preferred Stock Terms
- Pre-money valuation
- Option Pool
- Liquidation Preference
- 1x
- Multiple
- Participating Preferred
- Accruing Dividends
Preferred Stock Terms
- Anti-Dilution
- Weighted-average
- Full ratchet
- Redemption Rights
- Preemptive/ Participation Rights

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Preferred Stock Terms
- Voting Rights and Covenants
- Board Composition and Representation
- Drag Along Rights
- Vesting
Preferred Stock Terms
Everything Else
- Registration Rights
- Information Rights
- Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale

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Legal Land Mines: Raising Capital

  • 1. Legal Landmines – Raising Capital Mick Bain Janene Ásgeirsson April 29, 2014
  • 2. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – the Company - Stage of the Company - Funding needs of the Company: both today and over time - Key business objectives and milestones to be achieved - Future inflection points
  • 3. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – the Investors - Friends and Family - Crowdfunding - Social/ product funding (e.g., Kickstarter) - Government grants - Angel investors - Venture Capital investors - Strategic investors
  • 4. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – What do Investors Care About? Angels and VCs rank their priorities in a deal very differently Business Attributes Angel VC Investor’s possible involvement 1 3 Investor’s strengths filling gaps in business 2 5 Geographically close 3 6 Potential exit routes (liquidity) 4 1 Investor’s understanding of business 4 2 Presence of (potential) co-investors 6 4 Source: Angel Investing: Matching Startup Funds with Startup Companies – A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Individual Investors and Venture Capitalists (Jossey-Bass).
  • 5. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – What do Investors Care About? - Great Team - Sound Business Proposition - Solid Business Plan - Technical/IP Advantage - Customer and Market Due Diligence - Execution
  • 6. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work and What do they Want? - Funds are partnerships (sometimes limited liability companies) - Where do they get their money?  Capital Contributions: GPs – 1%. LPs – 99%  Funds last 10 years. Therefore they need to raise money about every 3- 5 years.
  • 7. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work and What do they Want? General Partner LLC Limited Partners (individuals and institutions) 1% of capital / 20% of Profit portfolio company portfolio company portfolio company 99% of capital / 80% of ProfitFund (2-2.5% total commitments) General Partner LLC Limited Partners (individuals and institutions) portfolio company portfolio company portfolio company 99% of capital / Fund Management Fee
  • 8. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – How do VCs Work and What do they Want? - How do VCs decide what to invest in? - What are their expectations?  VC Funds want a 30% return to compensate for risk and liability  This translates to a 3x return of capital over the life of the fund  The home run (10x) pay-offs provide most of the return % of Deals $ million of Capital Return Multiple Return % of Return Home Runs 10% $ 22 10 $ 220 72% Other Wins 30% $ 28 3 $ 84 28% Losers 60% $ 40 0 $ - 0% Expenses $ 10 Total 100% $ 100 3 $ 304 100%
  • 9. WilmerHale Setting the Stage – What do Companies Care About? - Money - Help - Limited dilution/High valuations - Terms they can live with – today and tomorrow - Speed, efficiency and limited expenses
  • 10. WilmerHale Types of Financing Structures - Cash Loan - Common Stock - Preferred Stock - Convertible Debt
  • 11. WilmerHale Compare Structures with Goals Money? Help? Limited Dilution? Company Friendly Terms? Good Precedent for Future Rounds? Speed/Low Cost? Cash Loan Y N Y N N ? Common Stock Y N N N N ? Convertible Debt Y Y ? ? Y Y Preferred Stock Y Y ? ? Y N
  • 12. WilmerHale Convertible Debt Terms - How it works - Benefits - Postpones valuation discussion (but see “caps”) - Postpones many terms - Creditor status - Fast - Less expensive
  • 13. WilmerHale Convertible Debt Terms - Typical terms - Interest rate - Maturity date - Automatic conversion in a “Qualified Financing” - Optional conversion at maturity (common or preferred?) - Conversion discount - Conversion cap - Optional conversion if no financing (common or preferred?) - Sale terms - Warrant coverage
  • 14. WilmerHale Preferred Stock Terms 3 categories of terms: - Economic - Control - Everything Else (TSTDM)
  • 15. WilmerHale Preferred Stock Terms ECONOMIC TERMS - Pre-money valuation - Option Pool - Liquidation Preference - 1x - Multiple - Participating Preferred - Accruing Dividends
  • 16. WilmerHale Preferred Stock Terms ECONOMIC TERMS - Anti-Dilution - Weighted-average - Full ratchet - Redemption Rights - Preemptive/ Participation Rights
  • 17. WilmerHale Preferred Stock Terms CONTROL TERMS - Voting Rights and Covenants - Board Composition and Representation - Drag Along Rights - Vesting
  • 18. WilmerHale Preferred Stock Terms Everything Else - Registration Rights - Information Rights - Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale