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Whatever it takes
                Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process

 Diploma Thesis Outline        Seminar “Beiträge zum Software
Presentation, Florian Thiel   Engineering”, FU Berlin, 11/06/2008
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process
OWASP Top 10 2007

1. XSS
2. Injection Flaws
3. Malicious File Execution
4. Insecure Direct Object Reference
5. Cross-Site Request Forgery
OWASP Top 10 2007

1. XSS
2. Injection Flaws
3. Malicious File Execution
4. Insecure Direct Object Reference
5. Cross-Site Request Forgery
© by xckd:
© by xckd:
“SELECT firstname FROM Students
  WHERE (login = ‘%s’);” % login

                       © by xckd:
“SELECT firstname FROM Students
      WHERE (login = ‘%s’);” % login

                               © by xckd:

 SELECT firstname FROM Students WHERE
(login = ‘Robert’); DROP TABLE Students; -- ‘);
SQLIA threats

• data integrity
• confidentiality
• new attack vector
“UPDATE Users SET password = ‘%s’
  WHERE uid = ‘%s’;” % (pw, uid)
UPDATE Users SET password = ‘password’
   WHERE uid = ‘robert’ OR 1=1; --’;

“SELECT product FROM Products
 WHERE productid = ‘%s’;” % pid
SELECT product FROM Products
 WHERE productid = ‘0 UNION
 SELECT owner, balance FROM
        Accounts; --’;

“SELECT product, price FROM products
 WHERE category = ‘%s’;” % category
SELECT product, price FROM products
     WHERE categoryid = exec
  master..xp_cmdshell “format c:”-- ;

 New Attack Vector
Bad Mitigations

• PHP: addslashes()
• IDS blacklisting
• validation blacklisting
Decent Mitigations

stmt = prepare(“SELECT name
FROM Users WHERE uid = $1”)
db.execute(stmt, uid)
Why it’s hard

Control     Data
More problems

• validation context != execution context
• really tolerant DBs
 • “SEL”+”ECT”, anyone?
• DBs trying to fix illegal SQL
Something different!?

keyword=”<script>alert(‘you have
been XSSed!’)</script>”
Something different!?

keyword=”<script>alert(‘you have
been XSSed!’)</script>”
“This issue isn't just about scripting, and
there isn't necessarily anything cross site
about it. So why the name? It was coined
earlier on when the problem was less
understood, and it stuck. Believe me, we have
had more important things to do than think
of a better name. <g>. “
                    -- Marc Slemko,
eval(‘user                   input’)1,2

1) the essence of XSS
2) limited only by the execution environment

• code injection
• popular in ECMAScript/Web2.0
Got cookies?

Got cookies?
%62%69%6e %2f%63%6f%6f%6b
%69%65%3c %2f%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process
The   Worm
(Non-working) XSS

• blacklisting of cribs
• blacklisting of characters
helpful mitigations

• HTTPOnly cookies
• Whitelisting of characters
Common flaws

 • mix data and control
 • have no well-defined execution
Common flaws

 • mix data and control
 • have no well-defined execution
 • have no “API”
Failure to sanitize data
 into a different plane
Safe Query Objects

• “real” SQL API
 • adds static types
 • dynamic queries still runtime evaluated

• Policy-based sanitation for HTML entities
• “Types” (by RegEx)
• (no semantics)
Another job well
GET /en-us/library/aa287673(VS.71).aspx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092414 Firefox/3.0.3
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process
Hmm, are
we missing
The interesting* part

* what my thesis is really about
Make sure that the technical
solutions are thoroughly applied
1. Make developers use a reasonable
2. Make developers recognize a
   weakness when they meet one
3. Make developers find weaknesses
4. Make people actually fix things
1) (Architecture)

• centralization
• canonicalization
• have to be conservative
2) (Recognition)

• patterns?
• flawed code examples in the wild
3) (Detection)

• automated flow analysis
• code inspection
Code inspection

• need a reading technique
 • defect-based reading
• reviewer annotates suspicious code regions
 • e.g. @userinput, @output
• makes review work visible in the source
 • and more valuable since annotations can
    be reused
// @userinput(data)
// [insert data into query, ignore
def insertAlphaNum(query, data):
    // [make sure data is
    c_data = data.toCharSet(...)
        // [insert data into query]
4) (Repair)

• once weakness is known, developers should
  be motivated enough
• focus is on keeping the code secure,
  minimizing effort
My tasks

• provide practical architectural assumptions
• construct effective reading method
 • + awareness of potential weaknesses
• get a project to adopt my methods
This presentation is
          licensed under a Creative
          Commons BY-SA license.
            Attribution for pictures through links.

Slides, materials, progress etc. can be found @
Thank you!
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process

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Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the process