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Tips and Tricks
Kellyn Gorman, Azure Data Platform Architect
Scripting for Success on
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PASS’ flagship event takes place in Seattle, Washington
November 5-8, 2019
PASS Marathon: Career Development
October 8, 2019
Kellyn Gorman
Azure Data Platform
Architect, Microsoft
Azure Data Platform Architect
Kellyn has been with Microsoft for over a year
now working in the Analytics and AI team in
Higher Education, but spends a percentage of
her time migrating large Oracle environments
over to Azure bare metal.
Blogger, Author, Speaker
Kellyn writes on two of the top 50 database
blogs in the world, known for Oracle and
Microsoft technical content, has written five
books, including one on Diversity and
Inclusion. She mentors, sponsors and speaks
in both the Oracle and Microsoft communities
as part of giving back to the community.
President, Denver SQL Server User
Kellyn has been the president for over two
years now, continuing to support this
incredible user group while on the road in her
RV, traveling the US.

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This document summarizes how to use open source tools like Jenkins, Git, Ubuntu dpkg, node.js, and others to improve a node.js web application release process and ensure better release quality. Key aspects covered include continuous integration, automated testing, configuration management, and packaging and deploying code.

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Perforce Helix Never Dies: DevOps at Bandai Namco Studios
Perforce Helix Never Dies: DevOps at Bandai Namco StudiosPerforce Helix Never Dies: DevOps at Bandai Namco Studios
Perforce Helix Never Dies: DevOps at Bandai Namco Studios

Traditionally at Bandai Namco Studios, there has been no unified version control system in place and teams could choose to use any VCS system for their game titles—Subversion, Git, AlienBrain, or none at all. I’ll talk about why Bandai Namco Studios chose to standardize on Perforce Helix, show how we develop LiveOps-type mobile applications using the Unity game engine, and the advantages we gain from centrally managing code and assets in Helix.

devopsperforce helixartifact management
Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman
Moderated By: Carlos Lopez
Scripting for Success on Linux-
Top Tips and Tricks
What This Session Is….
• Additional session to go with the Linux Scripting session at
PASS Summit
• Tips and Tricks to be used with Shell Scripting
• Best Practices for those already familiar with BASH Scripting
• This is NOT a session to teach you Linux Scripting, but the
valuable tips will help you once you learn BASH to be a better
script author.
Scripts are Representations of the Author:
They have patterns and styles that can be recognized as the
“To be or not to be…”
Choose Wisely How You Author Your
• The difficult to navigate script
• The unsure of what is expected script
• The “did it actually run?” script
• The difficult to work with script
• The “everything and the kitchen sink” script
• The “I would rather pull my own teeth than have to update,
enhance, execute” script

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Cloudy with a Chance of Databases
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This document discusses trends related to databases and cloud computing. It notes that 85% of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy and that workloads are increasingly being run in public and private clouds. It also discusses the growth of various cloud vendors and databases like PostgreSQL. The document emphasizes that organizations should optimize databases before migrating to the cloud in order to reduce costs related to things like data transfers and storage. It also stresses the importance of securing data during non-production usage by encrypting and masking sensitive information.

Opinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan Fosberry
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Opinionated containers and the future of game servers by Brendan Fosberry

The document discusses opinionated containers and containerizing game server applications. Containerizing simple applications like TeamSpeak is straightforward, but complex games like Team Fortress 2 pose unique challenges due to requirements for specific configuration files, port mappings, and handling of persisted state. While containerizing opinionated applications is becoming more common, the game server ecosystem presents difficulties around proprietary assets, obscured documentation, and hacker behavior that promote inflexible environments. Standardizing configuration methods and allowing external persisted state could help containerized game servers become more compatible and deployable at scale.

Enterprise Docker Requires a Private Registry
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Enterprise Docker Requires a Private Registry

From a webinar I did with Sonatype. In it I discuss the importance of a private registry to make sure Docker adoption is successful and sustainable in the Enterprise.

devopssoftware developmentdocker
Even if You Don’t Already Know How to
• The following tips are good to consider in any scripting
language when available
• Are good practice to be a good coding team member
• May save your life some day, (or keep you from getting killed
by your team members…)
Set your choice in shell
• For many Linux machines, there may be more than one:
• Find out which shell is in use:
which bash
Setting it in your script is done at the very first line of your script:
#!/bin/sh -C Shell
#!/bin/ksh -Korn Shell
What Happens If You Don’t?
Normal Execution with the shell set in the script:
./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2>
Without shell set in script:
/bin/bash ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2>
The script must state what shell is to be used with the script EVERY
Set up Alias’ and Environment Variables
• Update the .bashrc with global alias’ and environment
variables that support anything that is used by the login
• Create .profile with a unique extension, (.profile_sql19,
.profile_net) to support unique applications.
This cuts down on significant variable setting and coding,
requiring only one location to update/manage.

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Docker in a big company
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Docker in a big company

Hey curious friend, let's play a game. How can we bring together two different companies, an established enterprise with traditional dev and ops having cultural differences when working together with a DevOps champion startup. In the middle exists a number of real use cases on how we are bringing DevOps culture with Docker to Atos Worldline. In my talk I will discuss the first use cases for Docker at Atos Worldline, where we are today, learnings and benefits until now, our future technology stack and how Docker is changing our human stack a.k.a. how we communicate and work together.

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Devoxx 2016 - Docker Nuts and Bolts

Docker is the developer-friendly container technology that enables creation of your application stack: OS, JVM, app server, app, database and all your custom configuration. So you are a Java developer but how comfortable are you and your team taking Docker from development to production? Are you hearing developers say, “But it works on my machine!” when code breaks in production? And if you are, how many hours are then spent standing up an accurate test environment to research and fix the bug that caused the problem? This workshop/session explains how to package, deploy, and scale Java applications using Docker.

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The document summarizes Alfresco's Software Provisioning Kit (SPK) which helps define, build, and integrate Alfresco stacks. SPK uses Chef to automate Alfresco installation and configuration. It provides reusable templates and stacks that can be run locally using Vagrant or built into immutable images using Packer. SPK aims to simplify Alfresco provisioning across cloud providers and orchestration tools through infrastructure as code.

Write a Header for your Script
• The # sign can help create a header and signal BASH that it’s for
informational purposes only:
# Title: #
# Purpose: Creates a VM from image supporting #
# SQL Server DB #
# Author: Kellyn Gorman #
# Notes: Requires 4 args as part of execution. #
Don’t Leave Others in the Dark
• Comment in your scripts
• Write in ideas for enhancements
• Help explain the logic
• Use the # sign to signal your script that it’s a comment.
# This step builds out the database logical objects.
# If the variables aren’t entered, the script will exit.
Don’t Make Users Guess
If there is a step that requires interaction between your script
and the user, make it clear what is required to promote success:
This can be done using the ECHO command and placing the
statement inside quotes.
echo “Please enter the name of the user:”
Exit When Mistakes are Made
• Saves from clean up, easier to recover from.
• Added at the top of the script under the designation of shell
set –e
set –o errexit

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This presentation "Chef vs Puppet vs Ansible vs Saltstack" will compare the DevOps configuration management tools Chef, Puppet, Ansible and Saltstack in terms of their capabilities, architecture, performance, ease of setup, language, scalability and pros and cons. The chef is a configuration management tool written in Ruby and Erlang. Puppet is an open-source software configuration management tool that runs on many Unix-like systems and also Windows. Ansible is yet another tool that automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. Saltstack is a Python-based open-source configuration management tool. Now, let us get started and get to know which is the best configuration management platform among Chef, Puppet, Ansible and Saltstack. Below are the contents of our "Chef vs Puppet vs Ansible vs Saltstack" configuration management tools comparison slides: 1) Need for Configuration Management Tools 2) Chef - Infrastructure, Architecture, Pros and Cons 3) Puppet- Infrastructure, Architecture, Pros and Cons 4) Ansible - Infrastructure, Architecture, Pros and Cons 5) Saltstack - Infrastructure, Architecture, Pros and Cons 6) Comparison on the basis of architecture, ease of setup, language, scalability, management and interoperability. Why learn DevOps? Simplilearn’s DevOps training course is designed to help you become a DevOps practitioner and apply the latest in DevOps methodology to automate your software development lifecycle right out of the class. You will master configuration management; continuous integration deployment, delivery and monitoring using DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, Jenkins, Puppet and Nagios in a practical, hands-on and interactive approach. The DevOps training course focuses heavily on the use of Docker containers, a technology that is revolutionizing the way apps are deployed in the cloud today and is a critical skillset to master in the cloud age. After completing the DevOps training course you will achieve hands-on expertise in various aspects of the DevOps delivery model. The practical learning outcomes of this Devops training course are: An understanding of DevOps and the modern DevOps toolsets The ability to automate all aspects of a modern code delivery and deployment pipeline using: 1. Source code management tools 2. Build tools 3. Test automation tools 4. Containerization through Docker 5. Configuration management tools 6. Monitoring tools Who should take this course? DevOps career opportunities are thriving worldwide. DevOps was featured as one of the 11 best jobs in America for 2017, according to CBS News, and data from shows that DevOps Managers earn as much as $122,234 per year, with DevOps engineers making as much as $151,461. Learn more at

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Kubernetes can run application containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines. It can also do much more than that. Kubernetes satisfies a number of common needs of applications running in production, such as co-locating helper processes, mounting storage systems, distributing secrets, application health checking, replicating application instances, horizontal auto-scaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and resource monitoring. However, even though Kubernetes provides a lot of functionality, there are always new scenarios that would benefit from new features. Ad hoc orchestration that is acceptable initially often requires robust automation at scale. Application-specific workflows can be streamlined to accelerate developer velocity. This is why Kubernetes was also designed to serve as a platform for building an ecosystem of components and tools to make it easier to deploy, scale, and manage applications. The Kubernetes control plane is built upon the same APIs that are available to developers and users, implementing resilient control loops that continuously drive the current state towards the desired state. This design has enabled Apache Stratos and a number of other Platform as a Service and Continuous Integration and Deployment systems to build atop Kubernetes. This presentation introduces Kubernetes’s core primitives, shows how some of its better known features are built on them, and introduces some of the new capabilities that are being added.

kubernetes docker containers cloud
Also Exit if Undeclared Variables, etc.
Blank answers for variables, (arguments) can leave a script to
execute incorrectly or worse. Require declarations to be set
completely or the script exits:
set -o nounset
set –u
set -euo pipefail
Don’t throw away your other scripts
• Just as with .Net, Java, Perl, etc., you can run PowerShell
scripts from BASH:
pwsh <script name>
You worked hard on scripts or an existing example
already exists. Don’t recreate the wheel and consider
reusing them, calling them from your BASH script.
Azure Cloud Shell
• Supports both BASH and PowerShell
• Can be used with persistent cloud storage
Add Debugging to Your Script
• Want to know what went wrong?
set -vnx
Arguments, (any or all) to be used:
Argument What it Does
-v Verbose mode- shows all lines as they are parsed by the
-n For syntax checking. The script doesn’t actually execute.
-x Shell tracing mode- will step through each step and report
any errors

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Enable BASH History on the Host
Allows you to monitor history of BASH commands on the host,
even when there are multiple sessions open:
shopt -s histappend
This is just a good idea to have enabled so that you can use
the arrow keys for history of commands.
Typing Less
• Hit the TAB key once to auto-complete commands
• Hit the TAB key twice to show all options for a command
Implement Command Correct
• Nothing worse than having to correct typos, so make the
host correct them for you by enabling cdspell:
$ /bin/bsah
shopt -s cdspell
Setting Colors in Text in .bashrc
• # enable colors
eval "`dircolors -b`"
# make the dir command work similar to windows
alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# make grep highlight results using color
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto’
*This is already turned on in the Azure Cloud Shell

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Slides from the 2015 Cloud Foundry Summit on May 12. Virtualization and global distribution are great when it comes to cloud computing and open source. In both cases, physical location is irrelevant. But one of the best ways to join the Cloud Foundry community is to participate in a local meetup. The presenters will share their experience running user groups over the past decade and lessons learned from recent Cloud Foundry events. This session will teach you how to: 1. Find an active Cloud Foundry (or related cloud computing) user group 2. Contribute your own knowledge at an upcoming event 3. Organize - and sustain - a strong Cloud Foundry community After this presentation, you will: 1. Appreciate the professional (and social) benefits of attending a meetup 2. Know how to share your expertise and establish your eminence as a Cloud Foundry expert 3. Be prepared to effectively organize a sustainable Cloud Foundry user group

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Pass Summit Linux Scripting for the Microsoft Professional
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This is the second session of the learning pathway at PASS Summit 2019, which is still a stand alone session to teach you how to write proper Linux BASH scripts

• CRON is a table, containing a schedule of tasks to run on
intervals or a one-time execution
• -e argument is most common or –u, (user) to edit
• -l to list
crontab -e
Scheduling in the Cron File
• Syntax is important
• Minute, Hour, Day, Month
• Intervals, multiple hours and other advance options can be
15 18 * * * /home/mssql/
• Script msbackup will run everyday at 6:15pm.
Guaranteeing Scripts Continue to Run
Execute in one line, the script name, any arguments, send the
output to dev/null and the ampersand asks the script to be run
in the background.
<scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2> &>/dev/null &
Disown the Script
• Allows the system to own and run the process, run it in the
background, even if you are disconnected:
disown <scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2> &
• You can then check the script is running from the JOBS
[1]+ Running <scriptname>.sh

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Utilities to Support Script Execution
• Screen
• screen -A -m -d -S <screenname> ./<scriptname>.sh &
• Rsync with SSH
• Rsync ssh user@hostb 'bash -s’ < <scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2>
• Nohup
• nohup ./<scriptname>.sh > log.out 2> log.err < /dev/null &
Always note the TIME ZONE of the host with the “date”
• Comment and comment often.
• Make your scripts interactive when a user is the one
executing them.
• Set up environments with variables and alias’ to save on
• Use utilities to ensure that if you are disconnected, your script
won’t be!
• Don’t reinvent the wheel- if the script already exists, execute
it from inside your script, don’t rewrite it.
If You Want to Learn More:
Blog Posts, Writing Shell Scripts, Parts 1-4
PASS Summit Session, Empowering the SQL Server Professional
with Linux Scripting- Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1:30pm, RM 611-614
Web Tutorials, Linux Shell Scripting
Edx Class, Linux Command Line Basics
Linux Scripting Class, Linux Tutorials
Section break

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This document introduces using Jupyter Notebooks or .NET Interactive Books to create interactive troubleshooting guides and documentation for Kubernetes deployments. Notebooks allow including executable code blocks alongside Markdown text in a way that supports collaboration and version control. They provide benefits over traditional static documentation formats by allowing readers to execute code and see output. Examples are given of using Notebooks to manage local and Azure Kubernetes Service clusters through demonstrations of common Kubernetes tasks like plotting metrics from kubectl. PowerShell is used as the shell language but other options like bash are also supported.

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I don't know any other languages with more pitfalls, perils and gotchas than Bash. Still, we use it in almost every larger project for deployment or maintenance scripts, because there is no better, more powerful and more universal choice on Unix platform. However, there is ridiculous amount of things that could go wrong if you don't have deep understanding of shell scripting. Your experience about typical issues with Java or other JVM languages is definitely not enough here. You need to deeply understand Linux ecosystem and its history in order to write correct script... or you don't? I will prove to you that Bash could be tamed and made easy if proper code quality standards and static analysis tools are applied and enforced in your delivery pipelines. I'll share my opinions and experiences from a large banking project and I'll tell you which tools and style guides we use.

Coming up next…
Why You Need Query Store
Erin Stellato
Thank you for attending
Learn more from Kellyn Gorman
PASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and Tricks

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PASS 24HOP Linux Scripting Tips and Tricks

  • 1. Tips and Tricks Kellyn Gorman, Azure Data Platform Architect Microsoft Scripting for Success on Linux
  • 2. If you require assistance during the session, type your inquiry into the question pane on the right side. Maximize your screen with the zoom button on the top of the presentation window. Please fill in the short evaluation following the session. It will appear in your web browser. Technical Assistance
  • 3. PASS’ flagship event takes place in Seattle, Washington November 5-8, 2019 PASS Marathon: Career Development October 8, 2019 Upcoming Events 10
  • 4. Kellyn Gorman Azure Data Platform Architect, Microsoft Azure Data Platform Architect Kellyn has been with Microsoft for over a year now working in the Analytics and AI team in Higher Education, but spends a percentage of her time migrating large Oracle environments over to Azure bare metal. Blogger, Author, Speaker Kellyn writes on two of the top 50 database blogs in the world, known for Oracle and Microsoft technical content, has written five books, including one on Diversity and Inclusion. She mentors, sponsors and speaks in both the Oracle and Microsoft communities as part of giving back to the community. President, Denver SQL Server User Group Kellyn has been the president for over two years now, continuing to support this incredible user group while on the road in her RV, traveling the US. @DBAKevlar
  • 5. Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman Moderated By: Carlos Lopez Scripting for Success on Linux- Top Tips and Tricks
  • 6. What This Session Is…. • Additional session to go with the Linux Scripting session at PASS Summit • Tips and Tricks to be used with Shell Scripting • Best Practices for those already familiar with BASH Scripting • This is NOT a session to teach you Linux Scripting, but the valuable tips will help you once you learn BASH to be a better script author.
  • 7. Scripts are Representations of the Author: They have patterns and styles that can be recognized as the authors: “To be or not to be…” 7
  • 8. Choose Wisely How You Author Your Scripts • The difficult to navigate script • The unsure of what is expected script • The “did it actually run?” script • The difficult to work with script • The “everything and the kitchen sink” script • The “I would rather pull my own teeth than have to update, enhance, execute” script 8
  • 9. Even if You Don’t Already Know How to BASH… • The following tips are good to consider in any scripting language when available • Are good practice to be a good coding team member • May save your life some day, (or keep you from getting killed by your team members…) 9
  • 10. Set your choice in shell • For many Linux machines, there may be more than one: • Find out which shell is in use: which bash Setting it in your script is done at the very first line of your script: #!/bin/bash OR #!/bin/sh -C Shell #!/bin/ksh -Korn Shell
  • 11. What Happens If You Don’t? Normal Execution with the shell set in the script: ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2> Without shell set in script: /bin/bash ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2> The script must state what shell is to be used with the script EVERY TIME.
  • 12. Set up Alias’ and Environment Variables • Update the .bashrc with global alias’ and environment variables that support anything that is used by the login regularly. • Create .profile with a unique extension, (.profile_sql19, .profile_net) to support unique applications. This cuts down on significant variable setting and coding, requiring only one location to update/manage.
  • 13. Write a Header for your Script • The # sign can help create a header and signal BASH that it’s for informational purposes only: #################################################### # Title: # # Purpose: Creates a VM from image supporting # # SQL Server DB # # Author: Kellyn Gorman # # Notes: Requires 4 args as part of execution. # ####################################################
  • 14. Don’t Leave Others in the Dark • Comment in your scripts • Write in ideas for enhancements • Help explain the logic • Use the # sign to signal your script that it’s a comment. # This step builds out the database logical objects. # If the variables aren’t entered, the script will exit.
  • 15. Don’t Make Users Guess If there is a step that requires interaction between your script and the user, make it clear what is required to promote success: This can be done using the ECHO command and placing the statement inside quotes. echo “Please enter the name of the user:” 15
  • 16. Exit When Mistakes are Made • Saves from clean up, easier to recover from. • Added at the top of the script under the designation of shell set –e set –o errexit
  • 17. Also Exit if Undeclared Variables, etc. Blank answers for variables, (arguments) can leave a script to execute incorrectly or worse. Require declarations to be set completely or the script exits: set -o nounset OR set –u set -euo pipefail
  • 18. Don’t throw away your other scripts • Just as with .Net, Java, Perl, etc., you can run PowerShell scripts from BASH: pwsh <script name> You worked hard on scripts or an existing example already exists. Don’t recreate the wheel and consider reusing them, calling them from your BASH script.
  • 19. Azure Cloud Shell • Supports both BASH and PowerShell • Can be used with persistent cloud storage
  • 20. Add Debugging to Your Script • Want to know what went wrong? #!/bin/bash set -vnx Arguments, (any or all) to be used: Argument What it Does -v Verbose mode- shows all lines as they are parsed by the execution. -n For syntax checking. The script doesn’t actually execute. -x Shell tracing mode- will step through each step and report any errors
  • 21. Enable BASH History on the Host Allows you to monitor history of BASH commands on the host, even when there are multiple sessions open: shopt -s histappend This is just a good idea to have enabled so that you can use the arrow keys for history of commands.
  • 22. Typing Less • Hit the TAB key once to auto-complete commands • Hit the TAB key twice to show all options for a command
  • 23. Implement Command Correct • Nothing worse than having to correct typos, so make the host correct them for you by enabling cdspell: $ /bin/bsah /bin/bash $ shopt -s cdspell
  • 24. Setting Colors in Text in .bashrc • # enable colors eval "`dircolors -b`" # make the dir command work similar to windows alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=long' # make grep highlight results using color export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto’ *This is already turned on in the Azure Cloud Shell 24
  • 25. Schedulers • CRON is KING • CRON is a table, containing a schedule of tasks to run on intervals or a one-time execution • -e argument is most common or –u, (user) to edit • -l to list crontab -e 25
  • 26. Scheduling in the Cron File • Syntax is important • Minute, Hour, Day, Month • Intervals, multiple hours and other advance options can be used. 15 18 * * * /home/mssql/ • Script msbackup will run everyday at 6:15pm. 26
  • 27. Guaranteeing Scripts Continue to Run • NoHUP Execute in one line, the script name, any arguments, send the output to dev/null and the ampersand asks the script to be run in the background. <scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2> &>/dev/null &
  • 28. Disown the Script • Allows the system to own and run the process, run it in the background, even if you are disconnected: disown <scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2> & • You can then check the script is running from the JOBS command: Jobs [1]+ Running <scriptname>.sh 28
  • 29. Utilities to Support Script Execution • Screen • screen -A -m -d -S <screenname> ./<scriptname>.sh & • Rsync with SSH • Rsync ssh user@hostb 'bash -s’ < <scriptname>.sh <arg1> <arg2> • Nohup • nohup ./<scriptname>.sh > log.out 2> log.err < /dev/null & Always note the TIME ZONE of the host with the “date” command! 29
  • 30. Summary • Comment and comment often. • Make your scripts interactive when a user is the one executing them. • Set up environments with variables and alias’ to save on typing. • Use utilities to ensure that if you are disconnected, your script won’t be! • Don’t reinvent the wheel- if the script already exists, execute it from inside your script, don’t rewrite it. 30
  • 31. If You Want to Learn More: Blog Posts, Writing Shell Scripts, Parts 1-4 PASS Summit Session, Empowering the SQL Server Professional with Linux Scripting- Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1:30pm, RM 611-614 Web Tutorials, Linux Shell Scripting Edx Class, Linux Command Line Basics Linux Scripting Class, Linux Tutorials 31
  • 34. Coming up next… Why You Need Query Store Erin Stellato
  • 35. Thank you for attending @sqlpass #sqlpass @PASScommunity Learn more from Kellyn Gorman @DBAKevlar

Editor's Notes

  1. [Moderator Part] Hello and welcome everyone to this 24 Hours of PASS: Summit Preview 2019! We’re excited you could join us today for Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman’s session, Scripting for Success on Linux- Top Tips and Tricks. This 24 Hours of PASSconsists of 24 consecutive live webinars, delivered by expert speakers from the PASS community. The sessions will be recorded and posted online after the event. You will receive an email letting you know when these become available. My name is Carlos Lopez [you can say a bit about yourself here if you’d like] I have a few introductory slides before I hand over the reins to Kellyn. [move to next slide]
  2. [Moderator Part] If you require technical assistance please type your request into the question pane located on the right side of your screen and someone will assist you. This question pane is also where you may ask any questions throughout the presentation. Feel free to enter your questions at any time and once we get to the Q&A portion of the session, I’ll read your questions aloud to Kellyn. You are able to zoom in on the presentation content by using the zoom button located on the top of the presentation window. Please note that there will be a short evaluation at the end of the session, which will pop-up after the webinar ends in your web browser. Your feedback is really important to us for future events, so please take a moment to complete this. [Note to Carlos Lopez: You need to determine which questions are the most relevant and ask them out loud to the presenter]. [move to next slide]
  3. [Moderator Part] Our next scheduled PASS Marathon event is focused on Career Development and will take place on October 8th. Watch your inbox for an email when registration opens. Also, PASS Summit 2019 will be happening on November 5th in Seattle Washington. Head over to and register today!   [move to next slide]
  4. [Moderator Part] This 24 Hours of PASS session is presented by Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman. Kellyn is a member of the Oak Table Network and an Idera ACE and Oracle ACE Director alumnus. She is a Data Platform Architect in Power BI with AI in the EdTech group at Microsoft. Kellyn is known for her extensive work with multi-database platforms, DevOps, cloud migrations, virtualization, visualizations, scripting, environment optimization tuning, automation, and architecture design. Kellyn has spoken at numerous technical conferences for Oracle, Big Data, DevOps, testing, and SQL Server. Her blog ( and social media activity under her handle, DBAKevlar, is well respected for her insight and content. [move to next slide]
  5. And without further ado, here is Kellyn with Scripting for Success on Linux- Top Tips and Tricks. {speaker begins} **[Speaker takes over]**
  6. You an kill the job by typing in Kill and the job number shown at the left of “Running”
  7. [Moderator Part] The moderator’s script will be added in this section after deck submission.
  8. Stay tuned for our next session, Why You Need Query Store with Erin Stellato. [move to next slide]
  9. [Moderator Part] The moderator’s script will be added in this section after deck submission.
  10. [Moderator Part] The moderator’s script will be added in this section after deck submission.