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Navigating the Intersections of
AI, Machine Learning, and
Economic Challenges as a
Technical Specialist
Adapting and Thriving:
Who am I?
 Director of Technical Advocacy at Silk
 30 Years in the Tech Industry
 DBA (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL…)
 DevOps, Analytics and AI
 Cloud Migrations and High IO Infrastructure
Various Social Media platforms as DBAKevlar!
In Last Year’s Episode…
Although we were being told our jobs were in jeopardy,
in truth, they would remain, just more cloud savvy.
”Clickbait” now tells us that AI will end our careers, but
there’s a lot of confusion around role vs. hype.
Layoffs to the tech industry were impactful, leading to
extensive stress in the community.
So how do we overcome it all?
Where We Were
and Where
We’re Going…

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Bringing Cloud Computing Out of the Shadows: Shine the light on Shadow IT wit...
Bringing Cloud Computing Out of the Shadows: Shine the light on Shadow IT wit...Bringing Cloud Computing Out of the Shadows: Shine the light on Shadow IT wit...
Bringing Cloud Computing Out of the Shadows: Shine the light on Shadow IT wit...

Cloud computing has proven revolutionary for organizations hoping to leverage technology, innovation and digital strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Business units can quickly provision up compute, storage and network resources as they need without IT bottlenecks. But easy access to cloud resources has a dark side—one that’s become a growing problem: Shadow IT. Engineers, developers and even business stakeholders are launching resources that IT is unaware of. And what IT doesn’t know can come back to haunt organizations, preventing the IT department from performing critical functions such as controlling security, compliance and costs.

shadowitcloud computingcloud
AI in Business - Key drivers and future value
AI in Business - Key drivers and future valueAI in Business - Key drivers and future value
AI in Business - Key drivers and future value

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly a hyped topic at the moment. But what is the reasoning for investors and digital platform players to bet very large amounts of money on this technology right now? To better understand the current market dynamics and to give an overview of renown predictions for the upcoming 2-3 years, we compiled a practical overview of this topic. This report covers the major driving forces of AI, assumptions for the future from the industry thought leaders as well as practical advice on how to start AI projects within your company.

aiai impactartificial intelligence
which technology is in demand 2023 pdf.pdf
which technology is in demand 2023 pdf.pdfwhich technology is in demand 2023 pdf.pdf
which technology is in demand 2023 pdf.pdf

which technology is in demand 2023 the fast-paced world of technology, staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations is not just an option; This is a necessary step

Pandemic and the Economy
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Workers who Went Remote*
Global Supply Chains Disrupted
Stalled Innovations for Business
Startup Failures
Impact of Pandemic
Links in References
Not Only to
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Economic Decline
Mental Health Impact (U.S.)
Average School Year Lost
Personal Impact
Reference Page has Links
Remote Work
 From 2020 on, Remote work was adopted.
 Most tools and software couldn’t handle the additional workload of so many
remote workers.
 Companies had to pivot to support remote work.
 Huge Real Estate impact considering the amount of office space.
 Benefits of less commuting, but also remote workers rights matured in 2022
 2023 saw an increase in pressure to bring workers back into the office, due to
infrastructure, cyber security threats, etc.
Supply Chain and Jobs
 Decreased workers, flights, shipping and ports
experienced congestion.
 Geopolitical tensions and trade restrictions
 Shift in consumer behavior due to increase in
online shopping and demand for new products.
 All this resulted in financial strains and

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Abi research over the edge
Abi research over the edgeAbi research over the edge
Abi research over the edge

Michael Dell predicts that by 2025, 75% of data will be processed outside traditional datacenters and clouds, pointing to huge growth in edge computing. Edge computing is being accelerated by advances in 5G technology and lower costs of intelligent devices. For edge computing to grow rapidly, various stakeholders like tower companies, network operators, manufacturers, and hyperscalers must collaborate and ensure technologies are integrated, consistent globally, and securely connect diverse edge devices using different protocols. Success at the edge will depend on 5G integration, open collaboration, global consistency, flexible connectivity, and strong security.

What are the Top Technology Trends For Your Business?
What are the Top Technology Trends For Your Business?What are the Top Technology Trends For Your Business?
What are the Top Technology Trends For Your Business?

Are you exploring the best way for your business to save expenses, enhance margin, or reinvest in the coming years? Check out the top technological advancements in business that are beneficial for business expansion and that result in a technology roadmap that has an impact on a number of the organization's strategic goals. For more information, see: #technology #technologytrends #webappdevelopment #mobileappdevelopment #softwaredevelopment

technologytechnology trendsweb app development
Cloud computing training what's right for me
Cloud computing training what's right for meCloud computing training what's right for me
Cloud computing training what's right for me

Cloud Computing is an information technology gold rush. Everything from social media and smart phones to streaming video and additive games come from the cloud. This revolution has also driven many to wonder how they can retool themselves to take advantage of this massive shift. Many in IT see the technology as an opportunity to accelerate their careers but in their attempt to navigate their cloud computing future, the question of what type of training, vendor-neutral or vendor-specific, is right for them

cloud computingtrainingeducation
Decrease in IT Budgets and
 During the pandemic, small businesses faced significant impact
and closures.
 2022 began the impact to the tech sector, an area that was the
most resilient.
 Many tech industries restructured, reallocated resources and
consolidated, leading to layoffs.
 Assumption around AI demand drove some decisions as well.
 Many roles that may not have had the assumption of AI
inclusion, now included AI features.
Where Does
That Leave Us?
The Crisis of Big Tech
Big Tech has had a large group of specialized roles.
 Needs skilled workers for consumers.
 Wants to decrease dependency on remote work.
 AI options for customer service, customer support.
In the short term, this may appear positive for Big Tech, but
customers and technologists may win in the long run.
As more organizations migrate to the
cloud, ensuring the security of data,
applications, and services and
infrastructure in ALL environments
becomes paramount as part of the AI
The Truth is…

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AI in Cloud Computing
AI in Cloud ComputingAI in Cloud Computing
AI in Cloud Computing

Since AI is becoming the first choice of most leading businesses in every vertical to take the advantage of the growing technology in recent times. Check out, all the benefits of AI in cloud computing along with the stated downside of using the same.

Transcending IT Planetary Boundaries: Future of cloud, By Pradeep Gupta, Cha...
Transcending  IT Planetary Boundaries: Future of cloud, By Pradeep Gupta, Cha...Transcending  IT Planetary Boundaries: Future of cloud, By Pradeep Gupta, Cha...
Transcending IT Planetary Boundaries: Future of cloud, By Pradeep Gupta, Cha...

- The document discusses the future of cloud computing and its potential benefits like cost savings, flexibility, and scalability compared to traditional IT models. However, some industry leaders like Richard Stallman and Larry Ellison have criticized cloud computing as hype. - Market forecasts predict that cloud computing revenues will grow significantly over the next few years and that 20% of businesses will own no IT assets by 2012. The public cloud computing market in India is currently small but expected to grow rapidly. - For companies considering cloud adoption, the document recommends starting with storage consolidation and virtualization before moving workloads to private and public clouds over time based on factors like security and control needs.

transcending it planetary boundariespradeep guptacyber media group
Raconteur: Cloud for Business Report
Raconteur: Cloud for Business ReportRaconteur: Cloud for Business Report
Raconteur: Cloud for Business Report

The future is in the cloud, or at least it's migrating there. Offering scalability, flexibility and agility, the cloud is the obvious solution for businesses seeking to make sense of the deluge of data. Cloud services can also help companies meet sustainability goals and even cut costs. But cloud strategies need to be carefully crafted to avoid the risks of remote storage and realise the potential of cloud-enabled efficiencies.

AI In Enterprise
AI Pioneers
 AI/ML is in production
69% 31%
AI Explorers
 AI/ML is in Pilot or
28% 30%
Implemented and
driving critical biz
for a few use
Single use
case or a
few depts.
components of
a broader
Global Trends in AI Report 2023
AI is Revenue Driven
$11M-$99M $100M-$499M $500M-$999M $1B-$4.9B $5B+
Company Revenue
AI Pioneers AI Explorers
Top Challenges for IT with AI
Data Management Security Compute Performance Storage
Percentage of Challenge
With More AI Comes More Cloud
Public Cloud Data Center 3rd Party Data Center IoT Device/Gtwy
Optimizing Infrastructure
AI Pioneers AI Explorers
All stats for these slides came from white paper from:

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Getting ready for the cloud sukhbir jasujaGetting ready for the cloud sukhbir jasuja
Getting ready for the cloud sukhbir jasuja

DigitalTrends2011, 5th December 2011, Athens Organizers: CEPIS & HePIS Speaker: Sukhbir Jasuja, CEO ITpreneurs Certification on Cloud Computing Skills

certification on cloud computing skillscloud credential councilcepis
A 'C' - level IT investment strategy
A 'C' - level IT investment strategyA 'C' - level IT investment strategy
A 'C' - level IT investment strategy

We are going through a crucial phase of IT innovations leading to business disruption forcing the ‘C’ Level executives to come out of their comfort zone. It is no more about “How to keep the lights on ?“ It is all about “How to survive this digital storm?” Shift in IT solutions from “Centralized to Distributed” , “Private to Public”, “Safe to Fail” , “Lean IT to Clean IT” drives the race.


The document discusses predictions for how cloud computing will impact businesses in 2017 and beyond. It predicts that (1) enterprise cloud computing will become the most secure place for IT processing, (2) digital transformation will become the norm for more companies, and (3) 60% of organizations will move their systems management to the cloud while 50% of development and testing workloads will move to the cloud.

Now the Good
AI’s Influence on the Tech
Professional’s Landscape
Automated Tasks: AI streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing technical professionals to focus on
complex problem-solving.
Data Analysis: Enhanced data analytics capabilities lead to more informed decision-making.
Continual Learning: AI's rapid evolution necessitates regular upskilling and adaptation.
New Opportunities: AI opens doors to innovative roles and projects, driving tech's frontier
Ethical and Security Considerations: Professionals must navigate the ethical implications of
AI deployment and usage.
Over 700K jobs
open, (as of two
weeks ago).
Tech industry
salaries are
also on the rise.

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The evolving CIO|CISO relationship
The evolving CIO|CISO relationship  The evolving CIO|CISO relationship
The evolving CIO|CISO relationship

The control points that CISOs were responsible for have largely disappeared so innovative CISOs have to deploy a risk-based security approach. And CIOs must move from thinking of their data center as the corporate epicenter, and admit that the Internet is their new corporate network.

cisociocloud security

This document provides an overview and outline for the course INSE 6620 (Cloud Computing Security and Privacy). It discusses prerequisites, course administration details, exam and grading policies, and projected topics. The course will require strong problem solving and research paper comprehension skills. Exams will focus on applying concepts from lectures and readings. The grading will be based on two exams and a project involving a proposal, report, and presentation. Academic integrity is strictly enforced. Late submissions are allowed with penalties.

cloud computing
Digital Businesses Need to Rethink Their Network Strategies
Digital Businesses Need to Rethink Their Network StrategiesDigital Businesses Need to Rethink Their Network Strategies
Digital Businesses Need to Rethink Their Network Strategies

This report from ZK Research explores why it’s critical that digital businesses rethink their network strategies and embrace a software-defined future. Access now to discover: The challenges of traditional networks Why SD-WANs are the foundation for new enterprise networks How you can chart a path to the SD-WAN Key criteria for evaluating SD-WAN solution providers

Average time an
unemployed tech
professional is
unemployed, secures
new employment of less
than 2 months.
z Of the 78 million jobs
that AI will eliminate,
there’s an estimated 97
million new jobs AI will
Where are the jobs and
Where aren’t they?
Cyber-Security Job Boom
The cybersecurity landscape is evolving rapidly, with old roles evolving quickly:
 Threat Hunter: Proactively seeks vulnerabilities before exploited by malicious
 Cloud Security Specialist: Focuses on securing data and applications in the cloud.
 Security Consultant: Advises businesses on how to protect themselves from
 Machine Learning/AI Security Specialist: Works at the intersection of AI and
 Zero Trust Architect: Builds and implements zero-trust security model.

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How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack
How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT StackHow to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack
How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack

The document discusses how to monitor digital dependencies across a modern IT stack. It notes the challenges of enabling digital services across hybrid work locations, networks, cloud infrastructure and more. When issues arise, outages can significantly impact organizations through lost revenue, customer churn and more. The presentation recommends taking a modern operations approach by collecting data across all infrastructure to identify problems, correlating alerts to prioritize issues, and defining workflows to quickly resolve problems. It demonstrates Cisco's ThousandEyes solution for enhancing operations with expanded visibility.

How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack
How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT StackHow to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack
How to Monitor Digital Dependencies Across Your Modern IT Stack

The document discusses how to monitor digital dependencies across a modern IT stack. It notes the challenges of enabling digital services across hybrid work locations, networks, cloud infrastructure and more. When issues arise, outages can significantly impact organizations through lost revenue, customer churn and productivity losses. The presentation recommends taking a modern operations approach by collecting data across all infrastructure to identify problems, correlating alerts to prioritize issues, and defining workflows to quickly resolve problems. It demonstrates Cisco's ThousandEyes solution for enhancing operations through expanded visibility across networks and applications.


This document discusses migrating high IO SQL Server workloads to Azure. It begins by explaining that every company has at least one "whale" workload that requires high CPU, memory and IO. These whales can be challenging to move to the cloud. The document then provides tips on determining if a workload's issue is truly high IO or caused by another factor. It discusses various wait events that may indicate IO problems and tools for monitoring IO performance. Finally, it covers some considerations for IO in the cloud.

azuresql saturdayhigh io
The Future of Data Science Jobs are
Promising and Multi-faceted:
 64% increase in roles in Data analysts
 180% increase in Data Scientists or specialization in data science.
 AI Model Trainers: Experts who fine-tune models
 Data Engineers: Prepare data for study
 Machine Learning Engineers: Design and implement ML apps
 Data Science Ethics Roles will be created.
Actual data analysis will become more automated.
The Relational Database for
the Win with Cyber Security
Principle of Least Privilege: Adopting a "never trust,
always verify" approach, where network access is
restricted based on need-to-know principles.
Micro-segmentation: Breaking up security
perimeters into smaller zones to maintain separate
access for separate parts of the network.
Existing security and policies: Protecting data will
become more prevalent to protect all the data.
Same DBA Channel, Different DBA Day
 Technical positions will be up 84% and database will continue on.
 Those with soft skills, along with superior tech skills will overcome.
 Don’t rely on just what you already know.
 Need to now know both cloud services and infrastructure, not just
database platform.
 Automation of tedious tasks will continue to shift the DBA role and the title
with it.
The Return of the Relational
 Structured data can assist in controlling ”data sprawl”.
 Data Quality and Integrity is more robust through decades of features.
 For advanced/complex AI and ML models, RDBMS scalability is often the go-to.
 New extensions for machine learning and AI are included in Oracle and SQL Server.
 Critical data and advanced RDBMS level security will win the day.
 Support of structured and unstructured data- the RDBMS becomes the evolved

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Oracle on Azure IaaS 2023 Update
Oracle on Azure IaaS 2023 UpdateOracle on Azure IaaS 2023 Update
Oracle on Azure IaaS 2023 Update

This document provides an overview of options for running Oracle solutions on Microsoft Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It discusses architectural considerations for high availability, disaster recovery, storage, licensing, and migrating workloads from Oracle Exadata. Key points covered include using Oracle Data Guard for replication and failover, storage options like Azure NetApp Files that can support Exadata workloads, and identifying databases that are not dependent on Exadata features for lift and shift to Azure IaaS. The document aims to help customers understand how to optimize their use of Oracle solutions when deploying to Azure.

oracle on azure iaasoracle
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
IaaS for DBAs in AzureIaaS for DBAs in Azure
IaaS for DBAs in Azure

This document provides guidance and best practices for migrating database workloads to infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in Microsoft Azure. It discusses choosing the appropriate virtual machine series and storage options to meet performance needs. The document emphasizes migrating the workload, not the hardware, and using cloud services to simplify management like automated patching and backup snapshots. It also recommends bringing existing monitoring and management tools to the cloud when possible rather than replacing them. The key takeaways are to understand the workload demands, choose optimal IaaS configurations, leverage cloud-enabled tools, and involve database experts when issues arise to address the root cause rather than just adding resources.

Being Successful with ADHD
Being Successful with ADHDBeing Successful with ADHD
Being Successful with ADHD

This document discusses strategies for managing ADHD as an adult. It begins by describing the three main types of ADHD - inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined. It then lists some of the biggest challenges of ADHD like executive dysfunction, disorganization, lack of attention, procrastination, and internal preoccupation. The document provides tips and strategies for overcoming each challenge through organization, scheduling, list-making, breaking large tasks into small ones, and using technology tools. It emphasizes finding accommodations that work for the individual and their specific ADHD presentation and challenges.

The DBA as the Cloud Specialist
 Cloud Solution Architect (CSA) in Data and AI OR infrastructure: Most
common role for DBAs transitioning.
 Cloud Developer/Engineer
 Cloud Site Reliability Engineer: 2nd most popular for DBAs, especially
backup/recovery specialists
Certifications can help, but only slightly.
Being the Bestest
 Go small tech and subcontract to Big Tech
 Know that big tech laid off the people they needed to ”keep the lights on”
 Need varying specialists and generalists.
 Learn Data Analytics and AI
 Learn Cloud- Azure and GCP, (similar) and AWS services and infrastructure.
Avoiding Layoffs- Make Yourself More
 Communicate the value you bring, including a weekly status.
 Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date.
 Network and network more- start looking for your next job a year+.
 DON’T overwork on hours. Outside of special situations, I recommend
45 hours a week to avoid burn-out.
 Don’t let others waste your time- justify what you spend time on.
Tips for For Everyone
 Your Network is your Lifeline
 Redo your CV/Resume and pepper AI in everywhere…
 Pursue certifications if they provide you value and you are learning
something you can use.
 Know cloud infrastructure and especially services.
 Pay more attention to what the role does than the title it’s been
granted in job searches.

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Azure DBA with IaaS
Azure DBA with IaaSAzure DBA with IaaS
Azure DBA with IaaS

This document provides guidance and best practices for using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on Microsoft Azure for database workloads. It discusses key differences between IaaS, Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The document also covers Azure-specific concepts like virtual machine series, availability zones, storage accounts, and redundancy options to help architects design cloud infrastructures that meet business requirements. Specialized configurations like constrained VMs and ultra disks are also presented along with strategies for ensuring high performance and availability of database workloads on Azure IaaS.

cloudoracle on azureazure
Turning ADHD into "Awesome Dynamic Highly Dependable"
Turning ADHD into "Awesome Dynamic Highly Dependable"Turning ADHD into "Awesome Dynamic Highly Dependable"
Turning ADHD into "Awesome Dynamic Highly Dependable"

Kellyn Gorman shares her experience living with ADHD and strategies for turning it into a positive. She discusses how ADHD impacted her childhood and how it still presents challenges as an adult. However, with the right tools and understanding of her needs, she is able to find success. She provides tips for organizing, prioritizing tasks, managing distractions, and accessing support. The key is learning about ADHD and how to structure one's environment and routine to play to one's strengths rather than fighting against the condition.

PASS Summit 2020
PASS Summit 2020PASS Summit 2020
PASS Summit 2020

Migrating Oracle workloads to Azure requires understanding the workload and hardware requirements. It is important to analyze the workload using the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) report to accurately size infrastructure needs. The right virtual machine series and storage options must be selected to meet the identified input/output and capacity needs. Rather than moving existing hardware, the focus should be migrating the Oracle workload to take advantage of cloud capabilities while ensuring performance and high availability.

oracleoracle on azuredatabase migrations
If You Want To Build Your Own Role
Are you hearing, “That’s outside your role” or ”We don’t have anyone to fill that role.” often?
You should be passionate about the main focus of the potential role.
It must encompass an area the business and a loss of revenue that can be proven.
You must have the knowledge, skill and initiative.
Carefully identify what the role should pay and be reasonable.
Build out a full job description and what the value the job role, if filled will bring, including
potential company revenue or savings.
Self Care (Yeah, it’s Part of This)
• Have hobbies outside of technical work,
(even if it’s doing geeky, technical stuff.)
• When you have a difficult day, do
something for you.
• Have a network of individuals that you
feel comfortable reaching out to for
• Control issues != true leadership skills
40% of
industry has
stated mental
health impact
since the
Remember, Don’t Stagnate
 Learn new skills/technologies
 Bridge out to new roles or challenges
 Never neglect soft skills
 Shift from Negative Online Presence
 Foster networking skills
 Acceptance that change is the one thing that is constant.
What We’ve Learned
 AI Isn’t REALLY Coming for Our Jobs
 AI May Change Many of Our Jobs
 AI Will Add More Jobs Than it Will Remove.
 We CAN Pivot to Make Ourselves More Resilient
to AI and Economic Downturn Change.
 We Can Reinvent Ourselves With New Titles
While Doing Much the Same Job We Already Do
 Keep Skills Current and Move With AI, not
Against It.

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DevOps in Silos
DevOps in SilosDevOps in Silos
DevOps in Silos

This document discusses overcoming silos when implementing DevOps for a new product at a company. The teams involved were dispersed globally and siloed in their tools and processes. Challenges included isolating workload sizes, choosing a Linux image, and team ownership issues. The solution involved aligning teams, automating deployment with Bash scripts called by Terraform and Azure DevOps, and evolving the automation. This improved communication, decreased teams from 120 people to 7, and increased deployments and profits for the successful project.

Azure Databases with IaaS
Azure Databases with IaaSAzure Databases with IaaS
Azure Databases with IaaS

This document discusses best practices for migrating database workloads to Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Some key points include: - Choosing the appropriate VM series like E or M series optimized for database workloads. - Using availability zones and geo-redundant storage for high availability and disaster recovery. - Sizing storage correctly based on the database's input/output needs and using premium SSDs where needed. - Migrating existing monitoring and management tools to the cloud to provide familiarity and automating tasks like backups, patching, and problem resolution.

How to Win When Migrating to Azure
How to Win When Migrating to AzureHow to Win When Migrating to Azure
How to Win When Migrating to Azure

This document provides an overview of how to successfully migrate Oracle workloads to Microsoft Azure. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and their experience. It then discusses why customers might want to migrate to the cloud and the different Azure database options available. The bulk of the document outlines the key steps in planning and executing an Oracle workload migration to Azure, including sizing, deployment, monitoring, backup strategies, and ensuring high availability. It emphasizes adapting architectures for the cloud rather than directly porting on-premises systems. The document concludes with recommendations around automation, education resources, and references for Oracle-Azure configurations.

azureoracleazure sql
Reference Links
Thank you!
Kellyn Gorman, Director of Technical Advocacy, Silk

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  • 1. z Navigating the Intersections of AI, Machine Learning, and Economic Challenges as a Technical Specialist Adapting and Thriving:
  • 2. z z Who am I?  Director of Technical Advocacy at Silk  30 Years in the Tech Industry  DBA (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL…)  DevOps, Analytics and AI  Cloud Migrations and High IO Infrastructure Various Social Media platforms as DBAKevlar!
  • 3. z In Last Year’s Episode… Although we were being told our jobs were in jeopardy, in truth, they would remain, just more cloud savvy. ”Clickbait” now tells us that AI will end our careers, but there’s a lot of confusion around role vs. hype. Layoffs to the tech industry were impactful, leading to extensive stress in the community. So how do we overcome it all?
  • 4. z z Where We Were and Where We’re Going…
  • 5. z Pandemic and the Economy 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Workers who Went Remote* Global Supply Chains Disrupted Stalled Innovations for Business Startup Failures Impact of Pandemic Links in References
  • 6. z Not Only to Our Professional Lives… 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Economic Decline Unemployment/Joblessness Mental Health Impact (U.S.) Average School Year Lost Personal Impact Reference Page has Links
  • 7. z Remote Work  From 2020 on, Remote work was adopted.  Most tools and software couldn’t handle the additional workload of so many remote workers.  Companies had to pivot to support remote work.  Huge Real Estate impact considering the amount of office space.  Benefits of less commuting, but also remote workers rights matured in 2022  2023 saw an increase in pressure to bring workers back into the office, due to infrastructure, cyber security threats, etc.
  • 8. z Supply Chain and Jobs  Decreased workers, flights, shipping and ports experienced congestion.  Geopolitical tensions and trade restrictions resulted.  Shift in consumer behavior due to increase in online shopping and demand for new products.  All this resulted in financial strains and bankruptcies.
  • 9. z Decrease in IT Budgets and Layoffs  During the pandemic, small businesses faced significant impact and closures.  2022 began the impact to the tech sector, an area that was the most resilient.  Many tech industries restructured, reallocated resources and consolidated, leading to layoffs.  Assumption around AI demand drove some decisions as well.  Many roles that may not have had the assumption of AI inclusion, now included AI features.
  • 11. z The Crisis of Big Tech Big Tech has had a large group of specialized roles.  Needs skilled workers for consumers.  Wants to decrease dependency on remote work.  AI options for customer service, customer support. In the short term, this may appear positive for Big Tech, but customers and technologists may win in the long run. the-disconnect-between-perception-and-reality
  • 12. z z As more organizations migrate to the cloud, ensuring the security of data, applications, and services and infrastructure in ALL environments becomes paramount as part of the AI movement. The Truth is…
  • 13. z AI In Enterprise AI Pioneers  AI/ML is in production 69% 31% AI Explorers  AI/ML is in Pilot or POC 28% 30% 16% 27% Widely Implemented and driving critical biz Implemented for a few use cases Single use case or a few depts. Minor components of a broader strategy Global Trends in AI Report 2023
  • 14. z AI is Revenue Driven 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% $11M-$99M $100M-$499M $500M-$999M $1B-$4.9B $5B+ Company Revenue AI Pioneers AI Explorers
  • 15. z Top Challenges for IT with AI 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Data Management Security Compute Performance Storage Percentage of Challenge
  • 16. z With More AI Comes More Cloud 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Public Cloud Data Center 3rd Party Data Center IoT Device/Gtwy Optimizing Infrastructure AI Pioneers AI Explorers All stats for these slides came from white paper from:
  • 18. z AI’s Influence on the Tech Professional’s Landscape Automated Tasks: AI streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing technical professionals to focus on complex problem-solving. Data Analysis: Enhanced data analytics capabilities lead to more informed decision-making. Continual Learning: AI's rapid evolution necessitates regular upskilling and adaptation. New Opportunities: AI opens doors to innovative roles and projects, driving tech's frontier forward. Ethical and Security Considerations: Professionals must navigate the ethical implications of AI deployment and usage.
  • 19. z z Over 700K jobs open, (as of two weeks ago).
  • 20. z z Tech industry salaries are also on the rise.
  • 21. z z Average time an unemployed tech professional is unemployed, secures new employment of less than 2 months.
  • 22. z z Of the 78 million jobs that AI will eliminate, there’s an estimated 97 million new jobs AI will create. to-be-created-by-ai.html
  • 24. z Cyber-Security Job Boom The cybersecurity landscape is evolving rapidly, with old roles evolving quickly:  Threat Hunter: Proactively seeks vulnerabilities before exploited by malicious actors.  Cloud Security Specialist: Focuses on securing data and applications in the cloud.  Security Consultant: Advises businesses on how to protect themselves from cyberattacks,  Machine Learning/AI Security Specialist: Works at the intersection of AI and cybersecurity.  Zero Trust Architect: Builds and implements zero-trust security model.
  • 25. z The Future of Data Science Jobs are Promising and Multi-faceted:  64% increase in roles in Data analysts  180% increase in Data Scientists or specialization in data science.  AI Model Trainers: Experts who fine-tune models  Data Engineers: Prepare data for study  Machine Learning Engineers: Design and implement ML apps  Data Science Ethics Roles will be created. Actual data analysis will become more automated.
  • 26. z The Relational Database for the Win with Cyber Security Principle of Least Privilege: Adopting a "never trust, always verify" approach, where network access is restricted based on need-to-know principles. Micro-segmentation: Breaking up security perimeters into smaller zones to maintain separate access for separate parts of the network. Existing security and policies: Protecting data will become more prevalent to protect all the data.
  • 27. z Same DBA Channel, Different DBA Day  Technical positions will be up 84% and database will continue on.  Those with soft skills, along with superior tech skills will overcome.  Don’t rely on just what you already know.  Need to now know both cloud services and infrastructure, not just database platform.  Automation of tedious tasks will continue to shift the DBA role and the title with it. highlights-2022-32.htm
  • 28. z The Return of the Relational Database…  Structured data can assist in controlling ”data sprawl”.  Data Quality and Integrity is more robust through decades of features.  For advanced/complex AI and ML models, RDBMS scalability is often the go-to.  New extensions for machine learning and AI are included in Oracle and SQL Server.  Critical data and advanced RDBMS level security will win the day.  Support of structured and unstructured data- the RDBMS becomes the evolved solution.
  • 29. z The DBA as the Cloud Specialist  Cloud Solution Architect (CSA) in Data and AI OR infrastructure: Most common role for DBAs transitioning.  Cloud Developer/Engineer  Cloud Site Reliability Engineer: 2nd most popular for DBAs, especially backup/recovery specialists Certifications can help, but only slightly.
  • 30. z Being the Bestest Consultant  Go small tech and subcontract to Big Tech  Know that big tech laid off the people they needed to ”keep the lights on”  Need varying specialists and generalists.  Learn Data Analytics and AI  Learn Cloud- Azure and GCP, (similar) and AWS services and infrastructure.
  • 31. z Avoiding Layoffs- Make Yourself More Bulletproof  Communicate the value you bring, including a weekly status.  Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date.  Network and network more- start looking for your next job a year+.  DON’T overwork on hours. Outside of special situations, I recommend 45 hours a week to avoid burn-out.  Don’t let others waste your time- justify what you spend time on.
  • 32. z Tips for For Everyone  Your Network is your Lifeline  Redo your CV/Resume and pepper AI in everywhere…  Pursue certifications if they provide you value and you are learning something you can use.  Know cloud infrastructure and especially services.  Pay more attention to what the role does than the title it’s been granted in job searches.
  • 33. z If You Want To Build Your Own Role Are you hearing, “That’s outside your role” or ”We don’t have anyone to fill that role.” often? You should be passionate about the main focus of the potential role. It must encompass an area the business and a loss of revenue that can be proven. You must have the knowledge, skill and initiative. Carefully identify what the role should pay and be reasonable. Build out a full job description and what the value the job role, if filled will bring, including potential company revenue or savings.
  • 34. z Self Care (Yeah, it’s Part of This) • Have hobbies outside of technical work, (even if it’s doing geeky, technical stuff.) • When you have a difficult day, do something for you. • Have a network of individuals that you feel comfortable reaching out to for support. • Control issues != true leadership skills 40% of technical industry has stated mental health impact since the pandemic.
  • 35. z Remember, Don’t Stagnate  Learn new skills/technologies  Bridge out to new roles or challenges  Never neglect soft skills  Shift from Negative Online Presence  Foster networking skills  Acceptance that change is the one thing that is constant.
  • 36. z What We’ve Learned  AI Isn’t REALLY Coming for Our Jobs  AI May Change Many of Our Jobs  AI Will Add More Jobs Than it Will Remove.  We CAN Pivot to Make Ourselves More Resilient to AI and Economic Downturn Change.  We Can Reinvent Ourselves With New Titles While Doing Much the Same Job We Already Do  Keep Skills Current and Move With AI, not Against It.
  • 37. z Reference Links   they-want-more-of-it  february-2021-briefing-no-146/    
  • 38. Thank you! Kellyn Gorman, Director of Technical Advocacy, Silk