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Drupal Camp LA 2013	


Matthew Wrather	

Wrather Creative
• Freelance

Drupal Developer

and Web Generalist since 1997	

• Drupal
• Most

since 4.6	

Definitely Available for Work!

(510) WRA-THER
1. Overview of the history of front-end development	

2. Review of some awesome tools	

3. The part you all came to see
(and LESS, Stylus, etc.)	

$blue: #3bbfce;

$margin: 16px;

/* CSS */

.content-navigation {

border-color: $blue;


darken($blue, 9%);


.border {

padding: $margin / 2;

margin: $margin / 2;

border-color: $blue;


.content-navigation {

border-color: #3bbfce;

color: #2b9eab;


.border {

padding: 8px;

margin: 8px;

border-color: #3bbfce;

table.hl {

margin: 2em 0;

td.ln {

text-align: right;



li {

font: {

family: serif;

weight: bold;

size: 1.2em;



/* CSS */

table.hl {

margin: 2em 0;


table.hl td.ln {

text-align: right;


li {

font-family: serif;

font-weight: bold;

font-size: 1.2em;

@mixin left($dist) {

float: left;

margin-left: $dist;


#data {

float: left;

margin-left: 10px;


#data {

@include left(10px);


error {

border: 1px #f00;

background: #fdd;


.badError {

@extend .error;

border-width: 3px;


.error, .badError {

border: 1px #f00;

background: #fdd;


.badError {

border-width: 3px;

• Commonly

used mixins and @imports, including:	

• Typography

(vertical rhythm with auto-calculation

of line-height and margin)	

• CSS3

with vendor prefixes	

• Sprites

(though honestly, we’re using icon fonts, right?)
Modern Front-End Development
Modern Front-End Development
• Pre-build
• Built-in

CSS and JS to address 80% of use-cases 	

grid systems (fixed/fluid)	

• Good

type defaults, buttons, pretty forms, tables, code

• Commonly-used

elements like nav bars, menus with
dropdowns, thumbnail grids, etc.	

• Javascript

to power interactivity (menus, rotators)
Modern Front-End Development
Modern Front-End Development
• How

do you get jQuery?	

• Visit

the website, click to download the package, open the
zip, navigate, find the file that you want, copy it into the
codebase? Hell no!	

• Remember
• What

the URL and wget? Hell no!	

about vendor libraries that have other vendor libraries
as dependencies? Remember them? Hell no!
Modern Front-End Development
• So

now we’ve got all these things installed.	

• That’s

a lot of scripts. Especially since we’re good
developers and put our Backbone models, collections, and
views in separate files.	

• And
• So…
• Hell

we have to load them all in to the page.	

um…a lot of script tags? In a particular order?	

<script data-main="scripts/main"
// main.js!


function(util) {!




// This function is called when!
// scripts/helper/util.js!
// is loaded.!

// If util.js calls define(),!
// then this function is not fired!
// until util's dependencies load. !

// The util argument will hold!
// the module value for!
// "helper/util".!

• We

compile SASS and squash it down to one script	

• We

optimize images	

• We

compile any Coffeescript to JS 	

• We

lint the javascript using jsHint to catch problems	

• We

run any automated tests	

• We

concatenate and minify scripts and rewrite the script
tags in the HTML	

• We

run LiveReload (which requires a JS snippet on dev)
Modern Front-End Development
// gruntfile!
module.exports = function(grunt) {	

// Project configuration.	
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),	
uglify: {	
options: {	
banner: '/*! <%= %> */n'	
build: {	
src: 'src/<%= %>.js',	
dest: 'build/<%= %>.min.js'	

(used by npm)


// Load the plugin that provides	
// the "uglify" task.	

// Default task(s).	
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);	

Modern Front-End Development
One Tool
to Rule The All
Modern Front-End Development
$%% Gruntfile.js
$%% bower.json
$%% node_modules/
$%% package.json
$%% test
$%% index.html
$%% lib/
'%% spec/
$%% styles/
'%% main.scss
'%% app

$%% index.html
$%% 404.html
$%% favicon.ico
$%% robots.txt

$%% bower_components/
&   $%% jquery/
&   $%% modernizr/
&   '%% sass-bootstrap/
$%% images/
'%% scripts/
   $%% app.js
   $%% main.js
   '%% vendor/
$%% index.html
$%% 404.html
$%% robots.txt
$%% favicon.ico
$%% images
&   $%% 5d462625.glyphicons-halflings-white.png
&   '%% 9cc6609b.glyphicons-halflings.png
$%% scripts
&   $%% 349a65db.main.js
&   '%% vendor
'%% f7f27360.modernizr.js
'%% styles
'%% c04706fe.main.css
Matthew Wrather • @mwrather • (510) WRA-THER

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Modern Front-End Development

  • 1. MODERN FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT Drupal Camp LA 2013 ! Matthew Wrather Wrather Creative
  • 2. ABOUT ME • Freelance Drupal Developer
 and Web Generalist since 1997 • Drupal • Most since 4.6 Definitely Available for Work!
 (510) WRA-THER
  • 3. AGENDA 1. Overview of the history of front-end development 2. Review of some awesome tools 3. The part you all came to see
  • 5. SASS (and LESS, Stylus, etc.) !
  • 6. VARIABLES $blue: #3bbfce;
 $margin: 16px;
 /* CSS */
 .content-navigation {
 border-color: $blue;
 darken($blue, 9%);
 .border {
 padding: $margin / 2;
 margin: $margin / 2;
 border-color: $blue;
 .content-navigation {
 border-color: #3bbfce;
 color: #2b9eab;
 .border {
 padding: 8px;
 margin: 8px;
 border-color: #3bbfce;
  • 7. MIXINS table.hl {
 margin: 2em 0;
 td.ln {
 text-align: right;
 li {
 font: {
 family: serif;
 weight: bold;
 size: 1.2em;
 /* CSS */
 table.hl {
 margin: 2em 0;
 table.hl td.ln {
 text-align: right;
 li {
 font-family: serif;
 font-weight: bold;
 font-size: 1.2em;
  • 8. NESTING/EXTENDING @mixin left($dist) {
 float: left;
 margin-left: $dist;
 #data {
 float: left;
 margin-left: 10px;
 } #data {
 @include left(10px);
 error {
 border: 1px #f00;
 background: #fdd;
 .badError {
 @extend .error;
 border-width: 3px;
 .error, .badError {
 border: 1px #f00;
 background: #fdd;
 .badError {
 border-width: 3px;
  • 9. COMPASS • Commonly used mixins and @imports, including: • Typography (vertical rhythm with auto-calculation
 of line-height and margin) • CSS3 with vendor prefixes • Sprites (though honestly, we’re using icon fonts, right?)
  • 12. FRONT-END FRAMEWORKS • Pre-build • Built-in CSS and JS to address 80% of use-cases grid systems (fixed/fluid) • Good type defaults, buttons, pretty forms, tables, code styles… • Commonly-used elements like nav bars, menus with dropdowns, thumbnail grids, etc. • Javascript to power interactivity (menus, rotators)
  • 15. FIRST PROBLEM: TOO MANY LIBRARIES • How do you get jQuery? • Visit the website, click to download the package, open the zip, navigate, find the file that you want, copy it into the codebase? Hell no! • Remember • What the URL and wget? Hell no! about vendor libraries that have other vendor libraries as dependencies? Remember them? Hell no!
  • 17. NEXT PROBLEM: TOO MANY <SCRIPT> TAGS • So now we’ve got all these things installed. • That’s a lot of scripts. Especially since we’re good developers and put our Backbone models, collections, and views in separate files. • And • So… • Hell we have to load them all in to the page. um…a lot of script tags? In a particular order? no!
  • 19. // main.js! ! index.html require(! ["helper/util"],! function(util) {! ! ! scripts/ main.js require.js ! helper/ util.js // This function is called when! // scripts/helper/util.js! // is loaded.! ! // If util.js calls define(),! // then this function is not fired! // until util's dependencies load. ! ! // The util argument will hold! // the module value for! // "helper/util".! ! });
  • 20. NEXT PROBLEM: TOO MANY THINGS TO DO • We compile SASS and squash it down to one script • We optimize images • We compile any Coffeescript to JS • We lint the javascript using jsHint to catch problems • We run any automated tests • We concatenate and minify scripts and rewrite the script tags in the HTML • We run LiveReload (which requires a JS snippet on dev)
  • 22. // gruntfile! ! module.exports = function(grunt) { ! // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), uglify: { options: { banner: '/*! <%= %> */n' }, build: { src: 'src/<%= %>.js', dest: 'build/<%= %>.min.js' } } }); package.json (used by npm) ! Gruntfile ! // Load the plugin that provides // the "uglify" task. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ! // Default task(s). grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']); ! };
  • 25. One Tool to Rule The All
  • 27. $ YO WEBAPP $%% Gruntfile.js $%% bower.json $%% node_modules/ $%% package.json $%% test & $%% index.html & $%% lib/ & '%% spec/ $%% styles/ &   '%% main.scss '%% app ! $%% index.html $%% 404.html $%% favicon.ico $%% robots.txt
 $%% bower_components/ &   $%% jquery/ &   $%% modernizr/ &   '%% sass-bootstrap/ $%% images/ '%% scripts/    $%% app.js    $%%    $%% main.js    '%% vendor/
  • 28. $ GRUNT BUILD $%% index.html $%% 404.html $%% robots.txt $%% favicon.ico $%% images &   $%% 5d462625.glyphicons-halflings-white.png &   '%% 9cc6609b.glyphicons-halflings.png $%% scripts &   $%% 349a65db.main.js &   '%% vendor &   '%% f7f27360.modernizr.js '%% styles '%% c04706fe.main.css
  • 29. DEMO
  • 30. THANK YOU! Matthew Wrather • @mwrather • (510) WRA-THER