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Empowering the SQL
Server Professional
with Linux Scripting
Kellyn Gorman,
Azure Data Platform Architect
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Kellyn Gorman
Azure Data Platform
Architect, Microsoft
Azure Data Platform Architect
Kellyn has been with Microsoft for over a year
now working in the Analytics and AI team in
Higher Education but spends a percentage of
her time migrating large Oracle environments
over to Azure bare metal.
Blogger, Author, Speaker
Kellyn writes on two of the top 50 database
blogs in the world, known for Oracle and
Microsoft technical content, has written five
books, including one on Diversity and
Inclusion. She mentors, sponsors and speaks
in both the Oracle and Microsoft communities
as part of giving back to the community.
President, Denver SQL Server User
Kellyn has been the president for over two
years now, continuing to support this
incredible user group while on the road in her
RV, traveling the US.
Pass Summit Linux Scripting for the Microsoft Professional
What This Session Is….
• Teach you the basics around Linux, (aka bash) scripting.
• Play along if you want, just need a Linux machine to log into or
log onto.
• Scripts and slides will be available post the session on
• This includes a VI(M) Cheatsheet!
One Way: Azure Cloud Shell
Supports both BASH and PowerShell
Can be used with persistent cloud storage
Choose Wisely How You Author Your
Scripts should be easy to:
• Read
• Edit
• Execute
Even if You Don’t
Already Know
How to BASH…
1. The following tips are good to
consider in any scripting language
when available
2. Are good practice to be a good
coding team member
3. May save your life some day, (or
keep you from getting killed by your
team members… )
Writing a Script Should be…
Like writing a paper. It should include the following:
• An Introduction
• A Body
• A Conclusion
The Introduction
Set the Shell to Use
Find out which shell is in use:
which bash
Setting it in your script is done at the very first line of your script:
#!/bin/sh -C Shell
#!/bin/ksh -Korn Shell
For many Linux machines, there may be more than one:
What Happens If You Don’t?
./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2>
Without shell set in script:
/bin/bash ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2>
The script must state what shell is to be used with the script EVERY TIME.
Normal Execution with the shell set in the script:
Exit When Mistakes are Made
Added at the top of the script under the designation of shell
set –e
set –o errexit
Saves from clean up, easier to recover from.
Also Exit if Undeclared Variables, etc.
Require declarations to be set completely or the script exits:
set -o nounset
set –u
set -euo pipefail
Blank answers for variables, (arguments) can leave a script
to execute incorrectly or worse.
Add Debugging to Your Script
Want to know what went wrong?
set -vnx
Arguments, (any or all) to be used:
Argument What it Does
-v Verbose mode- shows all lines as they are parsed by the
-n For syntax checking. The script doesn’t actually execute.
-x Shell tracing mode- will step through each step and report
any errors
Set up Alias’ and Environment Variables
Create .profile with a unique extension, (.profile_sql19, .profile_net) to support
unique applications.
This cuts down on significant variable setting and coding, requiring only one
location to update/manage.
Update the .bashrc with global alias’ and environment
variables that support anything that is used by the login
Write a Header for your Script
The # sign can help create a header and signal BASH that it’s for
informational purposes only:
# Title: #
# Purpose: Summit Demo script for Linux #
# Author: Kellyn Gorman #
# Notes: Script will need three arguments. #
Four Choices in Passing Environment
1. Declaration hard-coded in script
2. Passed as part of execution command for script
3. Interactively read as part of script execution
4. Dynamically generated from other values in script
Choose Wisely
Variable Type Pro Con
Hard-coded No typos Static, no interaction
Passed during
More interactive and code
is more dynamic, great for
Can suffer typos, no hints
of values required
Interactively read as
part of execution
Very interactive and can be
prompted with
Requires interaction and
not made for scheduling
or automation
generated from
other values
Dynamically happens,
requires no/little input
from users. Excellent for
Little/no control over
values, dependent on
values passed or existing
from sources.
Start of our Script
# Script Name: #
# Author: Kellyn Gorman #
# Usage: For Linux Scripting Demo #
# Notes: Hard coded values to begin #
export dir_name = summitdir
export file_name = summit.lst
export log_name = summit.log
How to use Variables Once Declared in
a Script
dir_name becomes $dir_name
file_name becomes $file_name
…and so on…
Any variables in the .bashrc or .profile can be used in scripts
and if reused often, should be considered set in these files.
Move from Hard Coding to Passing
Variables at the Execution
Changed at the Introduction of the script
Makes script more robust and flexible
Makes script reusable
Can be done multiple ways
• Set at session/logon
• Set as part of script execution
Start of our Script
export dir_name = <generic dir path>
export file_name = <static file name>
export log_name = <static log name>
Export the summitdir variable and run the
export dir_name=summitdir
Update the Script to Interactive Values
export dir_name = <dir path>
export file_name = <generic_file_name>
export log_name = <generic_log_name>
To execute, we would change to execution path ./<script name> $1
Export the environment variables as part of a profile or part
of your .bashrc OR add to the script/session. This is one
more way to make the script easier to use.
Start of our Script
export acro=$1
# Directory is already set, just need to set the file/log name
# Note, the files are unique to the script, but generic to the
environment session:
export dir_name=${dir_name}/${acro}<dir_name>
export log_name = ${dir_name}/${acro}<log_name>
Pass Dynamic Values into our Script,
Step 1
usage() { echo "Usage: $0 -f <filename> -l
<logname>" 1>&2; exit 1; }
declare file_name=""
declare log_name=""
Pass Dynamic Values into our Script,
Step 2
# Initialize parameters specified from command line
while getopts ":f:l:" arg; do
case "${arg}" in
shift $((OPTIND-1))
Pass Dynamic Values into our Script,
Step 3
if [[ -z "$filename" ]]; then
echo “Type in the name of your file:"
read filename
[[ "${filename:?}" ]]
if [[ -z "$logname" ]]; then
echo “Type in your logname:”
read logname
[[ "${logname:?}" ]]
Script has changed on how we setup our
introduction, but body stays the same….
Save your file, (“Esc, :q!” in VIM/VI, which is listed in your VI(M)
cheat sheet)
Test your Environment Variables
Use the scripts you’ve created
Make sure they are executable:
chmod 744 *.sh
Run each of the scripts
Test the variables, are they set?
echo $<variable name>
Do this for each script for each variable…
The Body
The Body of the Script
This is where the code will perform the work as part of the main purpose of
the script.
As when writing a paper, this will be the largest section of your
Start simple
Add debugging and error exit options as you build out your
*Consider building a script as functions- easier to manage and test.
Don’t Leave Others in the Dark
Write in ideas for enhancements
Help explain the logic
Use the # sign to signal your script that it’s a comment.
# This step builds out the database logical objects.
# If the variables aren’t entered, the script will exit.
Comments in your scripts
Goal of Script
• Create a directory, (mkdir)
• Create an empty file, (touch)
• Confirm the creation of the directory with a list, (ls) and write
to a log file, ( >)
• Confirm the creation of the file with a list, (ls) and append to a
log file, (>>)
Create the Body, (Post the Variables)
export dir_name = summitdir
export file_name = ${summitdir}/summit.lst
export log_name = ${dir_name}/summit.log
# Create new directory
mkdir ./${summitdir}
# Create empty file
touch ./${file_name}
# Verify that directory and file exist
ls ./${summitdir} > $log_name
ls ./${file_name} >> $log_name
Don’t Make Users Guess
If there is a step that requires interaction between your script and
the user, make it clear what is required to promote success:
This can be done using the ECHO command and placing the
statement inside quotes.
echo “Please enter the name of the user:”
Don’t throw away your other scripts
Just as with .Net, Java, Perl, etc., you can run PowerShell
scripts from BASH:
pwsh <script name>
You worked hard on scripts or an existing example already
exists. Don’t recreate the wheel and consider reusing them,
calling them from your BASH script.
Build Out Functions
• Functions allow you to group commands and execute
them as part of a function name.
• Write in any order, execute in the order you want
• Place execution at the end of the script to make it easy
for managing, testing and understanding steps in a script
Example of Function
# Function Bodies:
function quit {
function hello {
echo Hello!
# Execute Function:
# First function touch files
function touch_func {
touch ${file}
touch ${log_file}
# Second function to Verify that directory and file exist
function write_log_func {
pwd ${home}/${dir_name} > $log_file
ls -ltr ${file} >> $log_file
ls -ltr ${log_file} >> $log_file
Our Functions
Function for Last Step- Commented
function clean_func {
rm -rf $dir_name/*
rmdir $dir_name
Be careful with rm –rf!!
The Conclusion
If Using Functions
Execute Functions and then-
• Add any last logging steps
• Clean up any files
• Email log files or notifications
Complete our Script
# Conclusion
# Execute Functions and clean up
#clean_func # function is commented out to
echo “Script has completed” >> $log_name
Always do Clean Up and Notify
• Remove any files that were created for script.
• Parse log files for success or errors.
• Report on success or errors.
• Notify the script has finished, successfully or even if it
Executing Functions
Functions are executed as part of the conclusion and…
• Makes it easier to test and work with sections of scripts.
• Check out the full script:
• Run Script with CLEAN function commented out!
Test out the Scripts!
• Note the differences
• Note how more commands would be built in.
• Notice logging and how commands can be used as well as
• More advance utilities/commands: AWK, GREP, SED to do
advanced filtering and searching.
• Use email utilities like sendmail for notifications, alerting
• Learn Vi/Vim, Nano or another editor to make it easy to write
scripts in the Linux terminal.
• Use best practices from the beginning so as scripts mature,
already easy for others to read, manage and use.
• Use dynamic values to make code reusable
• Use functions to make easier to manage and test scripts
• Use exit codes for variables and errors to keep scripts from
running without the right information.
If You Want to Learn More:
Blog Posts, Writing Shell Scripts, Parts 1-4
PASS Summit Session, Empowering the SQL Server
Professional with Linux Scripting- Thursday, Nov. 7th,
1:30pm, RM 611-614
Web Tutorials, Linux Shell Scripting
Edx Class, Linux Command Line Basics
Linux Scripting Class, Linux Tutorials
Submit by 5pm Friday,
November 15th to
win prizes.
Download the GuideBook App
and search: PASS Summit 2019
Follow the QR code link on session
Go to
3 W A Y S T O A C C E S S
Thank You
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Pass Summit Linux Scripting for the Microsoft Professional

  • 1. Empowering the SQL Server Professional with Linux Scripting Kellyn Gorman, Azure Data Platform Architect Microsoft
  • 3. everything PASS has to offer Free online webinar events Free 1-day local training events Local user groups around the world Online special interest user groups Business analytics training Get involved Free Online Resources Newsletters Explore
  • 4. Kellyn Gorman Azure Data Platform Architect, Microsoft Azure Data Platform Architect Kellyn has been with Microsoft for over a year now working in the Analytics and AI team in Higher Education but spends a percentage of her time migrating large Oracle environments over to Azure bare metal. Blogger, Author, Speaker Kellyn writes on two of the top 50 database blogs in the world, known for Oracle and Microsoft technical content, has written five books, including one on Diversity and Inclusion. She mentors, sponsors and speaks in both the Oracle and Microsoft communities as part of giving back to the community. President, Denver SQL Server User Group Kellyn has been the president for over two years now, continuing to support this incredible user group while on the road in her RV, traveling the US. @DBAKevlar
  • 6. What This Session Is…. • Teach you the basics around Linux, (aka bash) scripting. • Play along if you want, just need a Linux machine to log into or log onto. • Scripts and slides will be available post the session on • This includes a VI(M) Cheatsheet!
  • 7. One Way: Azure Cloud Shell Supports both BASH and PowerShell Can be used with persistent cloud storage
  • 8. Choose Wisely How You Author Your Scripts Scripts should be easy to: • Read • Edit • Execute 8
  • 9. Even if You Don’t Already Know How to BASH… 1. The following tips are good to consider in any scripting language when available 2. Are good practice to be a good coding team member 3. May save your life some day, (or keep you from getting killed by your team members… ) 9
  • 10. Writing a Script Should be… Like writing a paper. It should include the following: • An Introduction • A Body • A Conclusion 10
  • 12. Set the Shell to Use Find out which shell is in use: which bash Setting it in your script is done at the very first line of your script: #!/bin/bash OR #!/bin/sh -C Shell #!/bin/ksh -Korn Shell For many Linux machines, there may be more than one:
  • 13. What Happens If You Don’t? ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2> Without shell set in script: /bin/bash ./<script name>/sh <arg1> <arg2> The script must state what shell is to be used with the script EVERY TIME. Normal Execution with the shell set in the script:
  • 14. Exit When Mistakes are Made Added at the top of the script under the designation of shell set –e set –o errexit Saves from clean up, easier to recover from.
  • 15. Also Exit if Undeclared Variables, etc. Require declarations to be set completely or the script exits: set -o nounset OR set –u set -euo pipefail Blank answers for variables, (arguments) can leave a script to execute incorrectly or worse.
  • 16. Add Debugging to Your Script Want to know what went wrong? #!/bin/bash set -vnx Arguments, (any or all) to be used: Argument What it Does -v Verbose mode- shows all lines as they are parsed by the execution. -n For syntax checking. The script doesn’t actually execute. -x Shell tracing mode- will step through each step and report any errors
  • 17. Set up Alias’ and Environment Variables Create .profile with a unique extension, (.profile_sql19, .profile_net) to support unique applications. This cuts down on significant variable setting and coding, requiring only one location to update/manage. Update the .bashrc with global alias’ and environment variables that support anything that is used by the login regularly.
  • 18. Write a Header for your Script The # sign can help create a header and signal BASH that it’s for informational purposes only: #################################################### # Title: # # Purpose: Summit Demo script for Linux # # Author: Kellyn Gorman # # Notes: Script will need three arguments. # ####################################################
  • 19. Four Choices in Passing Environment Variables 1. Declaration hard-coded in script 2. Passed as part of execution command for script 3. Interactively read as part of script execution 4. Dynamically generated from other values in script 19
  • 20. Choose Wisely 20 Variable Type Pro Con Hard-coded No typos Static, no interaction Passed during execution More interactive and code is more dynamic, great for automation Can suffer typos, no hints of values required Interactively read as part of execution Very interactive and can be prompted with hints/options Requires interaction and not made for scheduling or automation Dynamically generated from other values Dynamically happens, requires no/little input from users. Excellent for automation Little/no control over values, dependent on values passed or existing from sources.
  • 21. Start of our Script 21 #!/bin/bash ############################################# # Script Name: # # Author: Kellyn Gorman # # Usage: For Linux Scripting Demo # # Notes: Hard coded values to begin # ############################################# export dir_name = summitdir export file_name = summit.lst export log_name = summit.log
  • 22. How to use Variables Once Declared in a Script dir_name becomes $dir_name file_name becomes $file_name …and so on… Any variables in the .bashrc or .profile can be used in scripts and if reused often, should be considered set in these files. 22
  • 23. Move from Hard Coding to Passing Variables at the Execution Changed at the Introduction of the script Makes script more robust and flexible Makes script reusable Can be done multiple ways • Set at session/logon • Set as part of script execution 23
  • 24. Start of our Script 24 #!/bin/bash ############################################# ############################################# export dir_name = <generic dir path> export file_name = <static file name> export log_name = <static log name> Export the summitdir variable and run the export dir_name=summitdir ./
  • 25. Update the Script to Interactive Values export dir_name = <dir path> export file_name = <generic_file_name> export log_name = <generic_log_name> To execute, we would change to execution path ./<script name> $1 Export the environment variables as part of a profile or part of your .bashrc OR add to the script/session. This is one more way to make the script easier to use. 25
  • 26. Start of our Script 26 #!/bin/bash export acro=$1 ############################################# ############################################# # Directory is already set, just need to set the file/log name # Note, the files are unique to the script, but generic to the environment session: export dir_name=${dir_name}/${acro}<dir_name> export log_name = ${dir_name}/${acro}<log_name>
  • 27. Pass Dynamic Values into our Script, Step 1 usage() { echo "Usage: $0 -f <filename> -l <logname>" 1>&2; exit 1; } declare file_name="" declare log_name="" 27
  • 28. Pass Dynamic Values into our Script, Step 2 # Initialize parameters specified from command line while getopts ":f:l:" arg; do case "${arg}" in f) filename=${OPTARG} ;; l) logname=${OPTARG} ;; esac Done shift $((OPTIND-1)) 28
  • 29. Pass Dynamic Values into our Script, Step 3 if [[ -z "$filename" ]]; then echo “Type in the name of your file:" read filename [[ "${filename:?}" ]] fi if [[ -z "$logname" ]]; then echo “Type in your logname:” read logname [[ "${logname:?}" ]] fi 29
  • 30. Script has changed on how we setup our introduction, but body stays the same…. Save your file, (“Esc, :q!” in VIM/VI, which is listed in your VI(M) cheat sheet) 30
  • 31. Test your Environment Variables Use the scripts you’ve created Make sure they are executable: chmod 744 *.sh Run each of the scripts Test the variables, are they set? echo $<variable name> Do this for each script for each variable… 31
  • 33. The Body of the Script This is where the code will perform the work as part of the main purpose of the script. As when writing a paper, this will be the largest section of your script. Start simple Add debugging and error exit options as you build out your body. *Consider building a script as functions- easier to manage and test. 33
  • 34. Don’t Leave Others in the Dark Write in ideas for enhancements Help explain the logic Use the # sign to signal your script that it’s a comment. # This step builds out the database logical objects. # If the variables aren’t entered, the script will exit. Comments in your scripts
  • 35. Goal of Script • Create a directory, (mkdir) • Create an empty file, (touch) • Confirm the creation of the directory with a list, (ls) and write to a log file, ( >) • Confirm the creation of the file with a list, (ls) and append to a log file, (>>) 35
  • 36. Create the Body, (Post the Variables) 36 export dir_name = summitdir export file_name = ${summitdir}/summit.lst export log_name = ${dir_name}/summit.log # Create new directory mkdir ./${summitdir} # Create empty file touch ./${file_name} # Verify that directory and file exist ls ./${summitdir} > $log_name ls ./${file_name} >> $log_name
  • 37. Don’t Make Users Guess If there is a step that requires interaction between your script and the user, make it clear what is required to promote success: This can be done using the ECHO command and placing the statement inside quotes. echo “Please enter the name of the user:” 37
  • 38. Don’t throw away your other scripts Just as with .Net, Java, Perl, etc., you can run PowerShell scripts from BASH: pwsh <script name> You worked hard on scripts or an existing example already exists. Don’t recreate the wheel and consider reusing them, calling them from your BASH script.
  • 39. Build Out Functions • Functions allow you to group commands and execute them as part of a function name. • Write in any order, execute in the order you want • Place execution at the end of the script to make it easy for managing, testing and understanding steps in a script 39
  • 40. Example of Function # Function Bodies: function quit { exit } function hello { echo Hello! } # Execute Function: hello quit 40
  • 41. # First function touch files function touch_func { touch ${file} touch ${log_file} } # Second function to Verify that directory and file exist function write_log_func { pwd ${home}/${dir_name} > $log_file ls -ltr ${file} >> $log_file ls -ltr ${log_file} >> $log_file } 41 Our Functions
  • 42. Function for Last Step- Commented Out! function clean_func { rm -rf $dir_name/* rmdir $dir_name } Be careful with rm –rf!! 42
  • 44. If Using Functions Execute Functions and then- • Add any last logging steps • Clean up any files • Email log files or notifications 44
  • 45. Complete our Script # Conclusion # Execute Functions and clean up touch_func write_log_func #clean_func # function is commented out to begin! echo “Script has completed” >> $log_name 45
  • 46. Always do Clean Up and Notify Completion • Remove any files that were created for script. • Parse log files for success or errors. • Report on success or errors. • Notify the script has finished, successfully or even if it hasn’t. 46
  • 47. Executing Functions Functions are executed as part of the conclusion and… • Makes it easier to test and work with sections of scripts. • Check out the full script: • Run Script with CLEAN function commented out! 47
  • 48. Test out the Scripts! • Note the differences • Note how more commands would be built in. • Notice logging and how commands can be used as well as checks. • More advance utilities/commands: AWK, GREP, SED to do advanced filtering and searching. • Use email utilities like sendmail for notifications, alerting 48
  • 49. Summary • Learn Vi/Vim, Nano or another editor to make it easy to write scripts in the Linux terminal. • Use best practices from the beginning so as scripts mature, already easy for others to read, manage and use. • Use dynamic values to make code reusable • Use functions to make easier to manage and test scripts • Use exit codes for variables and errors to keep scripts from running without the right information. 49
  • 50. If You Want to Learn More: Blog Posts, Writing Shell Scripts, Parts 1-4 PASS Summit Session, Empowering the SQL Server Professional with Linux Scripting- Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1:30pm, RM 611-614 Web Tutorials, Linux Shell Scripting Edx Class, Linux Command Line Basics Linux Scripting Class, Linux Tutorials 50
  • 51. Session Evaluations Submit by 5pm Friday, November 15th to win prizes. Download the GuideBook App and search: PASS Summit 2019 Follow the QR code link on session signage Go to 3 W A Y S T O A C C E S S

Editor's Notes

  1. [Moderator Part] This 24 Hours of PASS session is presented by Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman. Kellyn is a member of the Oak Table Network and an Idera ACE and Oracle ACE Director alumnus. She is a Data Platform Architect in Power BI with AI in the EdTech group at Microsoft. Kellyn is known for her extensive work with multi-database platforms, DevOps, cloud migrations, virtualization, visualizations, scripting, environment optimization tuning, automation, and architecture design. Kellyn has spoken at numerous technical conferences for Oracle, Big Data, DevOps, testing, and SQL Server. Her blog ( and social media activity under her handle, DBAKevlar, is well respected for her insight and content. [move to next slide]
  2. Lets the usage be set, there must be two arguments to pass in the declaration or exit.
  3. Let the script know that values will be passed in for the arguments in the following section.
  4. Asking our questions of the person executing the script