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Infrustructure DBA in the
aka “I Have Control Issues”
About me
Principal Data Engineer
SME for Oracle on Azure at Microsoft
“The best DBAs always
have control issues”
~Kellyn Gorman
Still a DBA
Why IaaS instead of PaaS/SaaS?

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Managing storage on Prem and in Cloud
Managing storage on Prem and in CloudManaging storage on Prem and in Cloud
Managing storage on Prem and in Cloud

This document discusses managing storage across public and private resources. It covers the evolution of on-site storage management, storage options in the public cloud, and challenges of managing hybrid cloud storage. Key topics include the transition from siloed storage to software-defined storage, various cloud storage services like object storage and block storage, challenges of public cloud limitations, and solutions for connecting on-site and cloud storage like gateways, file systems, and caching appliances.

cloudcloud storagestorage
Kudu: Resolving Transactional and Analytic Trade-offs in Hadoop
Kudu: Resolving Transactional and Analytic Trade-offs in HadoopKudu: Resolving Transactional and Analytic Trade-offs in Hadoop
Kudu: Resolving Transactional and Analytic Trade-offs in Hadoop

Kudu is a new column-oriented storage system for Apache Hadoop that is designed to address the gaps in transactional processing and analytics in Hadoop. It aims to provide high throughput for large scans, low latency for individual rows, and database semantics like ACID transactions. Kudu is motivated by the changing hardware landscape with faster SSDs and more memory, and aims to take advantage of these advances. It uses a distributed table design partitioned into tablets replicated across servers, with a centralized metadata service for coordination.

A brave new world in mutable big data relational storage (Strata NYC 2017)
A brave new world in mutable big data  relational storage (Strata NYC 2017)A brave new world in mutable big data  relational storage (Strata NYC 2017)
A brave new world in mutable big data relational storage (Strata NYC 2017)

The ever-increasing interest in running fast analytic scans on constantly updating data is stretching the capabilities of HDFS and NoSQL storage. Users want the fast online updates and serving of real-time data that NoSQL offers, as well as the fast scans, analytics, and processing of HDFS. Additionally, users are demanding that big data storage systems integrate natively with their existing BI and analytic technology investments, which typically use SQL as the standard query language of choice. This demand has led big data back to a familiar friend: relationally structured data storage systems. Todd Lipcon explores the advantages of relational storage and reviews new developments, including Google Cloud Spanner and Apache Kudu, which provide a scalable relational solution for users who have too much data for a legacy high-performance analytic system. Todd explains how to address use cases that fall between HDFS and NoSQL with technologies like Apache Kudu or Google Cloud Spanner and how the combination of relational data models, SQL query support, and native API-based access enables the next generation of big data applications. Along the way, he also covers suggested architectures, the performance characteristics of Kudu and Spanner, and the deployment flexibility each option provides.

How is IaaS
from PaaS
Benefits of IaaS
Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing
Over and Over Again and
Expecting Different Results
*Also Infrastructure folks who continually try to lift and
shift the infrastructure for database workloads…
Migrate the Workload, not the
Servers may not have been sized appropriately for the workload.
Workload of database may have changed over time.
May cost you more in licensing than what the workload actually
For different databases, there are
different tools to assist:
SQL Server: DMVs, PerfMon, Scripting, (Randal, Klee, etc) Redgate
SQL Monitor
Oracle: AWR, OEM, ASH, SASH, Statspack, Tracing
MySQL: Solarwinds DPA, Instrumental, Panopta

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Implement SQL Server on an Azure VM
Implement SQL Server on an Azure VMImplement SQL Server on an Azure VM
Implement SQL Server on an Azure VM

This presentation is for those of you who are interested in moving your on-prem SQL Server databases and servers to Azure virtual machines (VM’s) in the cloud so you can take advantage of all the benefits of being in the cloud. This is commonly referred to as a “lift and shift” as part of an Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solution. I will discuss the various Azure VM sizes and options, migration strategies, storage options, high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions, and best practices.

azurevirtual machinessql server
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-6: HBase at Meituan
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-6: HBase at MeituanHBaseConAsia2018 Track3-6: HBase at Meituan
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-6: HBase at Meituan

The document discusses HBase multi-tenancy features including RSGroup for compute resource isolation, DNGroup for storage isolation, and replication isolation. It also covers object storage solutions in HBase like MOB and YARN log storage, as well as techniques for isolating large queries. Bugs and fixes are mentioned relating to these features.

Software defined storage real or bs-2014
Software defined storage real or bs-2014Software defined storage real or bs-2014
Software defined storage real or bs-2014

This document discusses software defined storage and evaluates whether it is a real technology or just hype. It defines software defined storage as storage software that runs on standard x86 server hardware and can be sold as software or as an appliance. The document examines different types of software defined storage like storage that runs on a single server, in a virtual machine, or across multiple hypervisor hosts in a scale-out cluster. It also compares the benefits and challenges of converged infrastructure solutions using software defined storage versus dedicated storage arrays.

Architect for the Cloud
Deploy all tiers to the cloud
Avoid ingress or egress charges
Reduce latency
Remove complexity and centrally locate to
the cloud
Refactor processes that utilize
large percentages of resources
and network. In the cloud, this
has an impactful cost.
A lift and shift does not equal
taking what you have on-prem
and duplicating it. Success
means you take the database
and lift and shift it with the
support of cloud services.
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
• A and B-series commonly won’t work for
• D-series can work for some, but consider matching
series to production vms, but lesser resources
• L and H-series are outliers for database workloads.
• Identify workload needs
• D-series is for general use
• E-series and M-series are the most common VMs in the
database industry
• E-series for average production databases
• M-series, but verify IO storage/network limits!
VM Series

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Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen
Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr UnternehmenDie 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen
Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen

Dieses Webinar hilft Ihnen, die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Replikationsansätzen zu verstehen, die Anforderungen der jeweiligen Strategie zu erkennen und sich über die Möglichkeiten klar zu werden, was mit jeder einzelnen zu erreichen ist. Damit werden Sie hoffentlich eher in der Lage sein, herauszufinden, welche PostgreSQL-Replikationsarten Sie wirklich für Ihr System benötigen. - Wie physische und logische Replikation in PostgreSQL funktionieren - Unterschiede zwischen synchroner und asynchroner Replikation - Vorteile, Nachteile und Herausforderungen bei der Multi-Master-Replikation - Welche Replikationsstrategie für unterschiedliche Use-Cases besser geeignet ist Referent: Borys Neselovskyi, Regional Sales Engineer DACH, EDB ------------------------------------------------------------ For more #webinars, visit Download free #PostgreSQL whitepapers: Read our #Postgres Blog Follow us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Follow us on LinkedIn at Reach us via email at

by EDB

This document discusses migrating an Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) from a bare metal to a virtualized platform. It outlines the initial situation, desired target, challenges, and solution approach. The key challenges included system downtime during the migration, backup/restore processes, using external storage, and database reorganizations. The solution involved first converting to a virtual platform and then upgrading, using backup/restore, attaching an NGENSTOR Hurricane storage appliance for direct attached storage, and moving database reorganizations to a separate maintenance window. It also discusses the odaback-API tool created to help automate and standardize the migration process.

2015 deploying flash in the data center
2015 deploying flash in the data center2015 deploying flash in the data center
2015 deploying flash in the data center

Deploying Flash in the Data Center discusses various ways to deploy flash storage in the data center to improve performance. It describes all-flash arrays that provide the highest performance but also more expensive options like hybrid arrays that combine flash and disk. It also covers using flash in servers or as a cache to accelerate storage arrays. Choosing the best approach depends on factors like workload, budget, and existing infrastructure.
When one VM
is too Much-
• Allows for isolation of vCPU to application
licensing for database and app workloads
• Matched in existing series VMs in the Azure
Pricing Calculator
• Share storage between databases or apps
• Before choosing, ensure your product licensing
support constrained vCPU VMs
• Carefully match workloads on IO and memory,
not just vCPU usage when combining.
Name vCPU Specs
Standard_M8-2ms 2 Same as M8ms
Standard_M8-4ms 4 Same as M8ms
Standard_M16-4ms 4 Same as M16ms
Standard_M16-8ms 8 Same as M16ms
Standard_M32-8ms 8 Same as M32ms
Standard_M32-16ms 16 Same as M32ms
Standard_M64-32ms 32 Same as M64ms
Standard_M64-16ms 16 Same as M64ms
Standard_M128-64ms 64 Same as M128ms
Standard_M128-32ms 32 Same as M128ms
Standard_E4-2s_v3 2 Same as E4s_v3
Standard_E8-4s_v3 4 Same as E8s_v3
Standard_E8-2s_v3 2 Same as E8s_v3
Standard_E16-8s_v3 8 Same as E16s_v3
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
Architect for
the Cloud
• Maximum Availability Architecture
• Different names for different vendors.
• Get a clear understanding of the SLA uptime for the business
and environment.
• Onprem datacenters are not the same as cloud architecture.
• Pivot products and services to cover what you need.
• High Availability
• Identify what HA means to stakeholders.
• Often, it’s specific features, not a product, then marry these to
a cloud product which:
• Matches the IaaS architecture
• Doesn’t introduce overhead
• Has vendor support
• Identify what cloud services may duplicate or simulate
the same feature if unavailable.

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What's So Special about the Oracle Database Appliance?
What's So Special about the Oracle Database Appliance?What's So Special about the Oracle Database Appliance?
What's So Special about the Oracle Database Appliance?

A presentation most recently delivered by Simon Haslam at the UKOUG Tech14 conference, though given elsewhere in various forms including Oracle Gebruikersclub Holland and an online RAC SIG seminar. The slides introduce the Oracle Database Apppliance (ODA) and discusses how you can use it to easily deploy both databases and WebLogic Server. Three case studies are covered and the presentation wraps up considering when the ODA might be most suitable for your organisation. This latest Winter 2014 version includes ODA 12c updates (database and WebLogic).

oracleoracle database applianceoda
Select Stars: A DBA's Guide to Azure Cosmos DB (SQL Saturday Oslo 2018)
Select Stars: A DBA's Guide to Azure Cosmos DB (SQL Saturday Oslo 2018)Select Stars: A DBA's Guide to Azure Cosmos DB (SQL Saturday Oslo 2018)
Select Stars: A DBA's Guide to Azure Cosmos DB (SQL Saturday Oslo 2018)

Select Stars: A DBA's Guide to Azure Cosmos DB - Presented for SQL Saturday Oslo on 1 September 2018.

microsoftazurecosmos db
What is Trove, the Database as a Service on OpenStack?
What is Trove, the Database as a Service on OpenStack?What is Trove, the Database as a Service on OpenStack?
What is Trove, the Database as a Service on OpenStack?

Trove was integrated into the IceHouse release of OpenStack to provision and manage databases in an OpenStack Cloud. With Trove developers can spin up a database instance on-demand in an instant. Please sign up for upcoming OpenStack Online Meetups:

Azure Location Concepts
Concept Description
Region Multiple datacenters within a specific perimeter and connected
through a low-latency network
Geography A specific location area. The area may have more than one Azure
Availability Zone Physical regions located within a region. Each zone has one or more
datacenters equipped with independent power, cooling and
Geo-Region Current region recommended with the appropriate services and
redundancy for the database and other workloads.
Secondary Region Utilized to spread a workload for HA and/or recovery
Availability Sets
High Availability Zones (and Regions)
Use Availability Zones
• High Availability, (HA) offering to
protect data and apps from
datacenter failures.
• Contain multiple locations
within a single Azure region.
• Not all products or services are
available for AZ or in every
• No additional cost to deploy
VMs in an Availability Zone.

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Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS
Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaSCloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS
Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS

Moving to the cloud is hard, and moving Postgres databases to the cloud is even harder. Public cloud or private cloud? Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), or Platform as a Service (PaaS)? Kubernetes for the application, or for the database and the application? This talk will juxtapose self-managed Kubernetes and container-based database solutions, Postgres deployments on IaaS, and Postgres DBaaS solutions of which EDB’s DBaaS BigAnimal is the latest example.

by EDB
How to Get a Game Changing Performance Advantage with Intel SSDs and Aerospike
How to Get a Game Changing Performance Advantage with Intel SSDs and AerospikeHow to Get a Game Changing Performance Advantage with Intel SSDs and Aerospike
How to Get a Game Changing Performance Advantage with Intel SSDs and Aerospike

Frank Ober of Intel’s Solutions Group will review how he achieved 1+ million transactions per second on a single dual socket Xeon Server with SSDs using the open source tools of Aerospike for benchmarking. The presentation will include a live demo showing the performance of a sample system. We will cover: The state of Key-value Stores on modern SSDs. What choices you make in your selection process of hardware that will most benefit a consistent deployment of Aerospike. How to run an Aerospike mesh on a single machine. How to work replication of that mesh, and what values allow for maximum threading and scale. We will also focus on some key learnings and the Total Cost of Ownership choices that will make your deployment more effective long term.

solid-state drivesssdaerospike
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DBAzure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is a multi-model database that supports document, key-value, wide-column and graph data models. It provides high throughput, low latency and global distribution across multiple regions. Cosmos DB supports multiple APIs including SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin to allow developers to use their preferred API based on their application needs and skills. It also provides automatic scaling of throughput and storage across all data partitions.

azurecosmos db
Availability Regions
Some SLAs will require both Regions and AZs
• Along with AZ/AG,
• Use DR products
that best support
• Always-on
Availability Groups
and Oracle
• Implement
automation features
to remove manual
• Clearly identify RPO,
(Recovery Point
Objective) and RTO,
(Recovery Time
Objective) for your
• Ensure that the HR,
DR, backup and
recovery decisions
meet these and
have been fully
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
Storage is
• Ensure you know the IO workload for your
database going to the cloud
• Understand both the MB/s and the IO
throughput for the database.
• Oracle has demonstrated, on average,
much higher demands for IO than MSSQL,
MySQL or PostgreSQL.
• Storage is separate to ensure the right
combination in IaaS can be reached.

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This document discusses database deployment automation. It begins with introductions and an example of a problematic Friday deployment. It then reviews the concept of automation and different visions of it within an organization. Potential tools and frameworks for automation are discussed, along with common pitfalls. Basic deployment workflows using Oracle Cloud Control are demonstrated, including setting credentials, creating a proxy user, adding target properties, and using a job template. The document concludes by emphasizing that database deployment automation is possible but requires effort from multiple teams.

Ahmedabad- Global Azure bootcamp- Azure Storage Services- Global Azure Bootca...
Ahmedabad- Global Azure bootcamp- Azure Storage Services- Global Azure Bootca...Ahmedabad- Global Azure bootcamp- Azure Storage Services- Global Azure Bootca...
Ahmedabad- Global Azure bootcamp- Azure Storage Services- Global Azure Bootca...

My present slides for my presentation about azure storage services at 2015 Global Azure boot camp, Ahmedabad

Azure DBA with IaaS
Azure DBA with IaaSAzure DBA with IaaS
Azure DBA with IaaS

This document provides guidance and best practices for using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on Microsoft Azure for database workloads. It discusses key differences between IaaS, Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The document also covers Azure-specific concepts like virtual machine series, availability zones, storage accounts, and redundancy options to help architects design cloud infrastructures that meet business requirements. Specialized configurations like constrained VMs and ultra disks are also presented along with strategies for ensuring high performance and availability of database workloads on Azure IaaS.

cloudoracle on azureazure
What is the storage to
be used for?
Data- OLTP,
Ensure that backups and data
refresh requirements are calculated
into the IO demands for the
• Know the difference between storage Account
• General Purpose V1 vs. V2
• Block Blob Storage
• File Storage- Premium?
• Blob Storage: Use Type v2 whenever
• Shared Storage/NFS Storage
• Most database workloads are going to requite
Premium SSD storage.
Premium SSD- Size and Limits
Name Capacity (GiB)
IOPS per
Max burstable
Throughput per disk
Max burstable
throughput per disk
Cache limit per
disk (GiB)
P1 4 120 3,500 25 170 4
P2 8 120 3,500 25 170 8
P3 16 120 3,500 25 170 16
P4 32 120 3,500 25 170 32
P6 64 240 3,500 50 170 64
P10 128 500 3,500 100 170 128
P15 256 1,100 3,500 125 170 256
P20 512 2,300 3,500 150 170 512
P30 1,024 5,000 200 1,024
P40 2,048 7,500 250 2,048
P50 4,096 7,500 250 4,095
P60 8,192 16,000 500 4,095
P70 16,384 18,000 750 4,095
P80 32,727 20,000 900 4,095
Source: Managed disks pricing
1000 MB/s
Ultra Disk
Ultra Disk Offerings
Disk Size
4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
65,536 (in
s of 1 TiB)
1,200 2,400 4,800 9,600 19,200 38,400 76,800 160,000 160,000
t Range
300 600 1,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

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Azure Databases with IaaS
Azure Databases with IaaSAzure Databases with IaaS
Azure Databases with IaaS

This document discusses best practices for migrating database workloads to Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Some key points include: - Choosing the appropriate VM series like E or M series optimized for database workloads. - Using availability zones and geo-redundant storage for high availability and disaster recovery. - Sizing storage correctly based on the database's input/output needs and using premium SSDs where needed. - Migrating existing monitoring and management tools to the cloud to provide familiarity and automating tasks like backups, patching, and problem resolution.

VMworld Europe 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Pract...
VMworld Europe 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Pract...VMworld Europe 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Pract...
VMworld Europe 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Pract...

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on virtualizing SQL Server workloads on VMware vSphere. The presentation will cover designing SQL Server virtual machines for performance in production environments, consolidating multiple SQL Server workloads, and ensuring SQL Server availability using vSphere features. It emphasizes understanding the workload, optimizing for storage and network performance, avoiding swapping, using large memory pages, and accounting for NUMA when configuring SQL Server virtual machines.

best practicesvmworldsql
Running Oracle EBS in the cloud (DOAG TECH17 edition)
Running Oracle EBS in the cloud (DOAG TECH17 edition)Running Oracle EBS in the cloud (DOAG TECH17 edition)
Running Oracle EBS in the cloud (DOAG TECH17 edition)

This presentation is based on a real life experience migrating Oracle E-Business Suite production to AWS. We will talk about: - Certification basics. Overview on supported configurations. - How to build. Recommendations based on migration and 2 year production runtime experience. - Advanced configurations. - R12.2. - Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud review. Quick comparison outline of main alternative platforms. How ready is Oracle's own cloud service. - Scaling. This is a very client demanding topic. Many are looking into cloud migration options and how they can optimize the cost compared to the on-premise hosting, and many misunderstand the complexity of Oracle EBS stack being capable for cloud deployment.

• Often the first recommendation by Infra
• Be aware of the limitations before
recommending for database workloads:
• Oracle 12.2 later is supported
• Only supports un-cached reads and un-cached writes
• Doesn't support disk snapshots, VM images, availability
sets, Azure Dedicated Hosts, or Azure disk encryption
• No integration with Azure Backup or Azure Site Recovery
• Offers up to 16 TiB per region per subscription
unless upped via support.
• Isn’t available in all regions.
per disk
IOPS per
per disk
Mininum 4 100 1
Maximum 65536 160000 2000
GiB * .05, MBPs * 1.01, IOPs * .12, vCPU * 4.83
Types of cache
• Available to Premium Storage
• A Multi-tier caching technology, aka BlobCache
• OS Disk- ReadWrite is fine, which is the default,
but not for datafiles.
• ReadOnly Cache is, as it caches reads, while
letting writes pass through to disk.
• Limit of 4095Gib on per individual premium disk
• Results in any disk above a P40 for entirety
will silently disable read caching.
• Larger disks are preferably used without
caching, otherwise additional space is
wasted. P50, just allocate 4095 of the 4096
• Use smaller disks and choose to stripe and
• M-series available and VM series dependent.
IO Throttling
• Why it happens?
• No, you can’t have all the
resources for yourself.
• What all can be involved?
• It’s not just the database.
• How to identify it?
• What do to when it is
Bring in
• High IOPS-
• MBPs: Azure NetApp
• Higher IO
Consider Silk,
Flashgrid Storage,
Pure Storage or
• Consider disk
striping of smaller
disks and parallel
processing at the
database level.
• Backups, batch loading
and other challenges:
• Offload backups
with secondary
backup solutions.
• Refactor batch
processing with
other services,
(Azure Data Factory,
Azure Analysis
Services, Databricks,

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Sql Start! 2020 - SQL Server Lift & Shift su Azure
Sql Start! 2020 - SQL Server Lift & Shift su AzureSql Start! 2020 - SQL Server Lift & Shift su Azure
Sql Start! 2020 - SQL Server Lift & Shift su Azure

Slide of the session delivered during SQL Start! 2020, where I illustrate different approaches to determine the best landing zone for you SQL Server workloads. Video (ITA):

Maaz Anjum - IOUG Collaborate 2013 - An Insight into Space Realization on ODA...
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The document provides an overview of Maaz Anjum, a solutions architect specializing in Oracle products like OEM12c, Golden Gate, and Engineered Systems. It lists his email, blog, and experience using Oracle products since 2001. It also provides details about Bias Corporation, the company he works for, including its founding date, certifications, expertise, customers, and implementations.

odastorage savingsadvanced compression
SQL PASS Taiwan 七月份聚會-1
SQL PASS Taiwan 七月份聚會-1SQL PASS Taiwan 七月份聚會-1
SQL PASS Taiwan 七月份聚會-1

This document proposes a virtual heterogeneous database platform to address challenges with physical database servers like low utilization and high costs. It would provide a virtualization platform to host multiple database types and high availability solutions in virtual machines, improving efficiency through automated provisioning and management. The document discusses database server models, high availability solutions like Datakeeper and clustering, operations team concerns about flexibility and testing, and monitoring tools.

sql servervirtualizationalwayson
Azure NetApp
• Fully Managed, PaaS,
Microsoft Azure Storage
• All Flash Baremetal Storage
• Only dependent on Nic, not
• *Available in Standard,
Premium, (common) and
Ultra, (optimal)
• ANF is native to Azure
Azure NetApp
Performance 1K IOPs 100K IOPs 320K IOPs 20K IOPs
Capacity Pool 5TB 100TB 500TB 32TB
AD Integration Azure AD N/A Bring Your Own
/ Azure AD
Protocol SMB SMB NFS & SMB Disk
Data Protection LRS Only Snapshots
Back Up Tools
*Be aware of pricing with scaling to meet IO
FAQs About Azure NetApp Files | Microsoft Docs
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
Silk Performance
When To Go
• Depending on the combination of storage, striping
and RAID, performance can vary greatly.
• Verify that disk is striped correctly, (log creation
commands and document.)
• Consider smaller disk size and stripe vs. larger,
single drive to offer better performance.
• In Linux, consider huge pages and use LVM,
(Linux Volume Manager) or Oracle ASM,
(Automatic Storage Management) to provide
advanced features for diskgroup layout.
• Keep an eye on disk sector size, (there’s a bug
requiring 512 byte sector size in Oracle 12.1)

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Azure IaaS Tanıtım - Uzun Anlatım
Azure IaaS Tanıtım - Uzun AnlatımAzure IaaS Tanıtım - Uzun Anlatım
Azure IaaS Tanıtım - Uzun Anlatım

The document discusses various considerations for deploying applications and solutions using Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). It covers VM sizing configurations including CPU, memory, storage, and I/O capabilities for different VM series. It also discusses deployment strategies like availability sets and resource groups. Other topics include networking, security, costs, limits, and best practices.

azureazure networkingazure vm
VMworld 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Practices
VMworld 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best PracticesVMworld 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Practices
VMworld 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Practices

This document provides an overview of advanced SQL Server techniques and best practices when running SQL Server in a virtualized environment on vSphere. It covers topics such as storage configuration including VMFS, block alignment, and I/O profiling. Networking techniques like jumbo frames and guest tuning are discussed. The document also reviews memory management and optimization, CPU sizing considerations, workload consolidation strategies, and high availability options for SQL Server on vSphere.

best practicessqladvanced
V mware virtual san 5.5 deep dive
V mware virtual san 5.5 deep diveV mware virtual san 5.5 deep dive
V mware virtual san 5.5 deep dive

Virtual SAN 5.5 provides a technical deep dive into VMware's Virtual SAN software-defined storage technology. Key points include: - Virtual SAN runs on standard x86 servers and provides a policy-based management framework and high performance flash architecture. - It delivers scale of up to 32 hosts, 3,200 VMs, 4.4 petabytes, and 2 million IOPS. - Virtual SAN is integrated with VMware technologies like vMotion, vSphere HA, and vSphere replication and simplifies storage management. - It offers flexible configurations, granular scaling, and reduces both capital and operating expenses for improved total cost of ownership.

Failure Due to
• Modernize the way the database is backed up and
restore if RMAN is 40% of total IO in AWR or
database has small window to backup.
• Archaic backup and data refresh strategies can
impact a cloud environment heavily in IO and
network latency
• Snapshot technology with database consistency
should be your FIRST choice in backup solutions for
large databases.
• Oracle AWR can demonstrate the impact on the
overall database workload of RMAN and
datapump jobs.
• The Profiler can identify the workload impact in
SQL Server.
IaaS for DBAs in Azure
Simplify the
Shift to the
• Migrate your tools that you already use to
monitor and manage the database on-prem into
the cloud whenever possible.
• For Oracle, we implement Oracle Enterprise
Manager, (Cloud Control) to ensure the
cloud environment looks just like their
onprem one.
• Redgate SQL Monitor, Solarwinds SQL
Sentry, Dynatrace, Idera Uptime
Infrastructure Monitor, etc.
• Use features to automate OS patching using
Azure Linux/Windows automated patching
• Incorporate DevOps automation to the cloud
changes FIRST.
It’s Not Just
• No matter if during the migration or when there are
• Infrastructure support will be the first line of
• Database workload will be an afterthought.
• Data support may be a request only option.
• First inclination is to “throw iron” at the problem.
• Demand to look at the code, database design,
• If you fix the real cause, you fix it once vs.
revisiting it over and over.
• Do have support take advantage of advanced
Azure tools to help identify where the problem
is, (IO, memory, CPU)

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VMworld 2015: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere
VMworld 2015: Advanced SQL Server on vSphereVMworld 2015: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere
VMworld 2015: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere

Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most widely deployed “apps” in the market today and is used as the database layer for a myriad of applications, ranging from departmental content repositories to large enterprise OLTP systems. Typical SQL Server workloads are somewhat trivial to virtualize; however, business critical SQL Servers require careful planning to satisfy performance, high availability, and disaster recovery requirements. It is the design of these business critical databases that will be the focus of this breakout session. You will learn how build high-performance SQL Server virtual machines through proper resource allocation, database file management, and use of all-flash storage like XtremIO. You will also learn how to protect these critical systems using a combination of SQL Server and vSphere high availability features. For example, did you know you can vMotion shared-disk Windows Failover Cluster nodes? You can in vSphere 6! Finally, you will learn techniques for rapid deployment, backup, and recovery of SQL Server virtual machines using an all-flash array.

vmwarevmworld 2015vsphere
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph all-flash array design based on NUMA architecture
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph all-flash array design based on NUMA architectureCeph Day Beijing - Ceph all-flash array design based on NUMA architecture
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph all-flash array design based on NUMA architecture

This document discusses an all-flash Ceph array design from QCT based on NUMA architecture. It provides an agenda that covers all-flash Ceph and use cases, QCT's all-flash Ceph solution for IOPS, an overview of QCT's lab environment and detailed architecture, and the importance of NUMA. It also includes sections on why all-flash storage is used, different all-flash Ceph use cases, QCT's IOPS-optimized all-flash Ceph solution, benefits of using NVMe storage, and techniques for configuring and optimizing all-flash Ceph performance.

cephopen software-defined storageintel
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph All-Flash Array Design Based on NUMA Architecture
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph All-Flash Array Design Based on NUMA ArchitectureCeph Day Beijing - Ceph All-Flash Array Design Based on NUMA Architecture
Ceph Day Beijing - Ceph All-Flash Array Design Based on NUMA Architecture

This document discusses an all-flash Ceph array design from QCT based on NUMA architecture. It provides an agenda that covers all-flash Ceph and use cases, QCT's all-flash Ceph solution for IOPS, an overview of QCT's lab environment and detailed architecture, and the importance of NUMA. It also includes sections on why all-flash storage is used, different all-flash Ceph use cases, QCT's IOPS-optimized all-flash Ceph solution, benefits of using NVMe storage, QCT's lab test environment, Ceph tuning recommendations, and benefits of using multi-partitioned NVMe SSDs for Ceph OSDs.

storage modernizationred hatqct
Manage with
What You Know
• Use the cloud services of what you already use on-
• If you can deploy your existing, on-prem tool on a
VM, consider doing this, (Oracle Enterprise Manager,
Redgate, Idera, Solarwinds, etc.- and its cloud ready,
do it!)
• Keep backup, replication tools as often as you are
able- don’t create larger learning curves than what is
Simulate PaaS in
• Use Azure Managed Instance for SQL Server
• Use Lifecycle Management Pack with Oracle
Enterprise Manager to automate
monitoring, management and database
• Use Linux Automated Patching, (preview) to
automate OS patching of VMs.
• Introduce Azure services to simplify the
current products used onprem
• Automate using DevOps, including
deployment builds with Terraform, Ansible,
Review: Database Workloads on IaaS
Know the
Migrate the
workload, not the
onprem hardware.
Know what is the
cause of the
problem- don’t
Bring in
Bring in existing
tools that are cloud
Know what tools are
available in the
cloud and when
stuck, bring in Azure
SQL Server Performance Guidelines on Azure: Checklist: Best practices & guidelines - SQL Server on
Azure VM | Microsoft Docs
Oracle on Azure: Oracle solutions on Microsoft Azure - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs
Understanding AZ and AS: Availability options for Azure Virtual Machines - Azure Virtual Machines |
Microsoft Docs
Virtual Machine and Disk Performance: Virtual machine and disk performance - Azure Virtual
Machines | Microsoft Docs
Azure Premium Storage: Azure Premium Storage: Design for high performance - Azure Virtual
Machines | Microsoft Docs
Azure Network Performance for IaaS: Optimize VM network throughput | Microsoft Docs
Infrastructure Automation: Use infrastructure automation tools - Azure Virtual Machines |
Microsoft Docs
Ultradisks for Azure Linux VMs:

Recommended for you

Virtualizing Tier One Applications - Varrow
Virtualizing Tier One Applications - VarrowVirtualizing Tier One Applications - Varrow
Virtualizing Tier One Applications - Varrow

This document provides best practices for virtualizing mission critical applications like Exchange and SQL Server. It discusses the top 10 myths about virtualizing business critical applications and provides the truths. It then discusses best practices for virtualizing Exchange, including starting simple, licensing, storage configuration, and high availability options. For SQL Server, it covers starting simple, licensing, storage configuration, migrating, and database best practices. It also discusses tools that can be used for database performance analysis when virtualized like Confio IgniteVM and vCenter Operations.

Varrow Q4 Lunch & Learn Presentation - Virtualizing Business Critical Applica...
Varrow Q4 Lunch & Learn Presentation - Virtualizing Business Critical Applica...Varrow Q4 Lunch & Learn Presentation - Virtualizing Business Critical Applica...
Varrow Q4 Lunch & Learn Presentation - Virtualizing Business Critical Applica...

This document provides a summary of a presentation on virtualizing tier one applications. The presentation covered the top 10 myths about virtualizing business critical applications and provided best practices for virtualizing mission critical applications. It also discussed real world tools for monitoring virtualized environments like Confio IgniteVM and vCenter Operations. The presentation aimed to show that virtualizing tier one applications is possible and discussed strategies for virtualizing SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange environments.

Should I move my database to the cloud?
Should I move my database to the cloud?Should I move my database to the cloud?
Should I move my database to the cloud?

So you have been running on-prem SQL Server for a while now. Maybe you have taken the step to move it from bare metal to a VM, and have seen some nice benefits. Ready to see a TON more benefits? If you said “YES!”, then this is the session for you as I will go over the many benefits gained by moving your on-prem SQL Server to an Azure VM (IaaS). Then I will really blow your mind by showing you even more benefits by moving to Azure SQL Database (PaaS/DBaaS). And for those of you with a large data warehouse, I also got you covered with Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Along the way I will talk about the many hybrid approaches so you can take a gradual approve to moving to the cloud. If you are interested in cost savings, additional features, ease of use, quick scaling, improved reliability and ending the days of upgrading hardware, this is the session for you!

sql dbsql dwazure
Thank you!
Kellyn Gorman
Twitter: @DBAKevlar

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IaaS for DBAs in Azure

  • 1. Infrustructure DBA in the Cloud aka “I Have Control Issues”
  • 2. About me Principal Data Engineer @DBAKevlar SME for Oracle on Azure at Microsoft
  • 3. “The best DBAs always have control issues” ~Kellyn Gorman Still a DBA
  • 7. Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results ~Einstein *Also Infrastructure folks who continually try to lift and shift the infrastructure for database workloads…
  • 8. Migrate the Workload, not the Hardware Servers may not have been sized appropriately for the workload. Workload of database may have changed over time. May cost you more in licensing than what the workload actually requires. For different databases, there are different tools to assist: SQL Server: DMVs, PerfMon, Scripting, (Randal, Klee, etc) Redgate SQL Monitor Oracle: AWR, OEM, ASH, SASH, Statspack, Tracing MySQL: Solarwinds DPA, Instrumental, Panopta
  • 9. Architect for the Cloud Deploy all tiers to the cloud Avoid ingress or egress charges Reduce latency Remove complexity and centrally locate to the cloud Refactor processes that utilize large percentages of resources and network. In the cloud, this has an impactful cost. A lift and shift does not equal taking what you have on-prem and duplicating it. Success means you take the database and lift and shift it with the support of cloud services.
  • 11. us/pricing/details/virtual-machines/series/ Understand IaaS VM Series • A and B-series commonly won’t work for databases. • D-series can work for some, but consider matching series to production vms, but lesser resources • L and H-series are outliers for database workloads. • Identify workload needs • D-series is for general use • E-series and M-series are the most common VMs in the database industry • E-series for average production databases • M-series, but verify IO storage/network limits!
  • 13. machines/windows/constrained-vcpu When one VM is too Much- Constrained VMs • Allows for isolation of vCPU to application licensing for database and app workloads • Matched in existing series VMs in the Azure Pricing Calculator • Share storage between databases or apps • Before choosing, ensure your product licensing support constrained vCPU VMs • Carefully match workloads on IO and memory, not just vCPU usage when combining.
  • 14. Specialized Constrained vCPU VMs Name vCPU Specs Standard_M8-2ms 2 Same as M8ms Standard_M8-4ms 4 Same as M8ms Standard_M16-4ms 4 Same as M16ms Standard_M16-8ms 8 Same as M16ms Standard_M32-8ms 8 Same as M32ms Standard_M32-16ms 16 Same as M32ms Standard_M64-32ms 32 Same as M64ms Standard_M64-16ms 16 Same as M64ms Standard_M128-64ms 64 Same as M128ms Standard_M128-32ms 32 Same as M128ms Standard_E4-2s_v3 2 Same as E4s_v3 Standard_E8-4s_v3 4 Same as E8s_v3 Standard_E8-2s_v3 2 Same as E8s_v3 Standard_E16-8s_v3 8 Same as E16s_v3
  • 16. Architect for the Cloud • Maximum Availability Architecture • Different names for different vendors. • Get a clear understanding of the SLA uptime for the business and environment. • Onprem datacenters are not the same as cloud architecture. • Pivot products and services to cover what you need. • High Availability • Identify what HA means to stakeholders. • Often, it’s specific features, not a product, then marry these to a cloud product which: • Matches the IaaS architecture • Doesn’t introduce overhead • Has vendor support • Identify what cloud services may duplicate or simulate the same feature if unavailable.
  • 17. Azure Location Concepts Concept Description Region Multiple datacenters within a specific perimeter and connected through a low-latency network Geography A specific location area. The area may have more than one Azure region Availability Zone Physical regions located within a region. Each zone has one or more datacenters equipped with independent power, cooling and network. Geo-Region Current region recommended with the appropriate services and redundancy for the database and other workloads. Secondary Region Utilized to spread a workload for HA and/or recovery
  • 19. High Availability Zones (and Regions)
  • 20. Use Availability Zones • High Availability, (HA) offering to protect data and apps from datacenter failures. • Contain multiple locations within a single Azure region. • Not all products or services are available for AZ or in every region. • No additional cost to deploy VMs in an Availability Zone.
  • 21. Availability Regions Some SLAs will require both Regions and AZs
  • 22. Disaster Recovery • Along with AZ/AG, etc. • Use DR products that best support cloud • Always-on Availability Groups and Oracle DataGuard • Implement advanced, automation features to remove manual intervention • Clearly identify RPO, (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO, (Recovery Time Objective) for your business. • Ensure that the HR, DR, backup and recovery decisions meet these and have been fully TESTED.
  • 24. Storage is SEPARATE and Important • Ensure you know the IO workload for your database going to the cloud • Understand both the MB/s and the IO throughput for the database. • Oracle has demonstrated, on average, much higher demands for IO than MSSQL, MySQL or PostgreSQL. • Storage is separate to ensure the right combination in IaaS can be reached.
  • 25. Storage Considerations What is the storage to be used for? Data- OLTP, DSS, OLAP, Big Data? Logging Backup Ensure that backups and data refresh requirements are calculated into the IO demands for the database.
  • 26. us/azure/virtual-machines/premium- storage-performance Storage Accounts • Know the difference between storage Account Types: • General Purpose V1 vs. V2 • Block Blob Storage • File Storage- Premium? • Blob Storage: Use Type v2 whenever possible. • Shared Storage/NFS Storage • Most database workloads are going to requite Premium SSD storage.
  • 27. Premium SSD- Size and Limits Name Capacity (GiB) IOPS per disk Max burstable IOPS Throughput per disk (MB/s) Max burstable throughput per disk (MB/s) Cache limit per disk (GiB) P1 4 120 3,500 25 170 4 P2 8 120 3,500 25 170 8 P3 16 120 3,500 25 170 16 P4 32 120 3,500 25 170 32 P6 64 240 3,500 50 170 64 P10 128 500 3,500 100 170 128 P15 256 1,100 3,500 125 170 256 P20 512 2,300 3,500 150 170 512 P30 1,024 5,000 200 1,024 P40 2,048 7,500 250 2,048 P50 4,096 7,500 250 4,095 P60 8,192 16,000 500 4,095 P70 16,384 18,000 750 4,095 P80 32,727 20,000 900 4,095 Source: Managed disks pricing 1000 MB/s
  • 28. Ultra Disk Ultra Disk Offerings Disk Size (GiB) 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1,024- 65,536 (in increment s of 1 TiB) IOPS Range 1,200 2,400 4,800 9,600 19,200 38,400 76,800 160,000 160,000 Throughpu t Range (MB/s) 300 600 1,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
  • 29. Ultradisks • Often the first recommendation by Infra • Be aware of the limitations before recommending for database workloads: • Oracle 12.2 later is supported • Only supports un-cached reads and un-cached writes • Doesn't support disk snapshots, VM images, availability sets, Azure Dedicated Hosts, or Azure disk encryption • No integration with Azure Backup or Azure Site Recovery • Offers up to 16 TiB per region per subscription unless upped via support. • Isn’t available in all regions. Capacity per disk (GiB) IOPS per disk Throughput per disk (MB/s) Mininum 4 100 1 Maximum 65536 160000 2000 GiB * .05, MBPs * 1.01, IOPs * .12, vCPU * 4.83
  • 30. Types of cache Settings • Available to Premium Storage • A Multi-tier caching technology, aka BlobCache • OS Disk- ReadWrite is fine, which is the default, but not for datafiles. • ReadOnly Cache is, as it caches reads, while letting writes pass through to disk. • Limit of 4095Gib on per individual premium disk • Results in any disk above a P40 for entirety will silently disable read caching. • Larger disks are preferably used without caching, otherwise additional space is wasted. P50, just allocate 4095 of the 4096 size. • Use smaller disks and choose to stripe and mirror. • M-series available and VM series dependent.
  • 31. IO Throttling • Why it happens? • No, you can’t have all the resources for yourself. • What all can be involved? • It’s not just the database. • How to identify it? • What do to when it is identified? machines/linux/toc.json&bc=/azure/virtual-machines/linux/breadcrumb/toc.json
  • 32. Bring in Additional Solutions • High IOPS- • MBPs: Azure NetApp Files • Higher IO throughput: Consider Silk, Flashgrid Storage, Pure Storage or Excelero. • Consider disk striping of smaller disks and parallel processing at the database level. • Backups, batch loading and other challenges: • Offload backups with secondary backup solutions. • Refactor batch processing with other services, (Azure Data Factory, Azure Analysis Services, Databricks, etc.)
  • 33. Azure NetApp Files • Fully Managed, PaaS, Microsoft Azure Storage Service • All Flash Baremetal Storage • Only dependent on Nic, not VM. • *Available in Standard, Premium, (common) and Ultra, (optimal) • ANF is native to Azure Azure Files Premium Files Azure NetApp Files Premium Disk Performance 1K IOPs 100K IOPs 320K IOPs 20K IOPs Capacity Pool 5TB 100TB 500TB 32TB AD Integration Azure AD N/A Bring Your Own AD / Azure AD N/A Protocol SMB SMB NFS & SMB Disk Data Protection LRS Only Snapshots Back Up Tools Snapshots *Be aware of pricing with scaling to meet IO FAQs About Azure NetApp Files | Microsoft Docs
  • 36. When To Go Old-School • Depending on the combination of storage, striping and RAID, performance can vary greatly. • Verify that disk is striped correctly, (log creation commands and document.) • Consider smaller disk size and stripe vs. larger, single drive to offer better performance. • In Linux, consider huge pages and use LVM, (Linux Volume Manager) or Oracle ASM, (Automatic Storage Management) to provide advanced features for diskgroup layout. • Keep an eye on disk sector size, (there’s a bug requiring 512 byte sector size in Oracle 12.1)
  • 37. Failure Due to Backups • Modernize the way the database is backed up and restore if RMAN is 40% of total IO in AWR or database has small window to backup. • Archaic backup and data refresh strategies can impact a cloud environment heavily in IO and network latency • Snapshot technology with database consistency should be your FIRST choice in backup solutions for large databases. • Oracle AWR can demonstrate the impact on the overall database workload of RMAN and datapump jobs. • The Profiler can identify the workload impact in SQL Server.
  • 39. Simplify the Shift to the Cloud • Migrate your tools that you already use to monitor and manage the database on-prem into the cloud whenever possible. • For Oracle, we implement Oracle Enterprise Manager, (Cloud Control) to ensure the cloud environment looks just like their onprem one. • Redgate SQL Monitor, Solarwinds SQL Sentry, Dynatrace, Idera Uptime Infrastructure Monitor, etc. • Use features to automate OS patching using Azure Linux/Windows automated patching service. • Incorporate DevOps automation to the cloud changes FIRST.
  • 40. It’s Not Just Infrastructure • No matter if during the migration or when there are issues: • Infrastructure support will be the first line of defense. • Database workload will be an afterthought. • Data support may be a request only option. • First inclination is to “throw iron” at the problem. • Demand to look at the code, database design, etc. • If you fix the real cause, you fix it once vs. revisiting it over and over. • Do have support take advantage of advanced Azure tools to help identify where the problem is, (IO, memory, CPU)
  • 41. Manage with What You Know • Use the cloud services of what you already use on- prem. • If you can deploy your existing, on-prem tool on a VM, consider doing this, (Oracle Enterprise Manager, Redgate, Idera, Solarwinds, etc.- and its cloud ready, do it!) • Keep backup, replication tools as often as you are able- don’t create larger learning curves than what is required.
  • 42. Simulate PaaS in IaaS • Use Azure Managed Instance for SQL Server • Use Lifecycle Management Pack with Oracle Enterprise Manager to automate monitoring, management and database patching. • Use Linux Automated Patching, (preview) to automate OS patching of VMs. • Introduce Azure services to simplify the current products used onprem • Automate using DevOps, including deployment builds with Terraform, Ansible, etc.
  • 43. Review: Database Workloads on IaaS Know Know the infrastructure Know Migrate the workload, not the onprem hardware. Know Know what is the cause of the problem- don’t guess. Bring in Bring in existing tools that are cloud enabled Know Know what tools are available in the cloud and when stuck, bring in Azure support.
  • 44. References SQL Server Performance Guidelines on Azure: Checklist: Best practices & guidelines - SQL Server on Azure VM | Microsoft Docs Oracle on Azure: Oracle solutions on Microsoft Azure - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs Understanding AZ and AS: Availability options for Azure Virtual Machines - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs Virtual Machine and Disk Performance: Virtual machine and disk performance - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs Azure Premium Storage: Azure Premium Storage: Design for high performance - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs Azure Network Performance for IaaS: Optimize VM network throughput | Microsoft Docs Infrastructure Automation: Use infrastructure automation tools - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs Ultradisks for Azure Linux VMs: •
  • 45. Thank you! Kellyn Gorman Twitter: @DBAKevlar

Editor's Notes

  1. P10 is my favored OS Disk- try to always use Premium SSD, available in the VM series with the designation of “S” in the name. 30-P50 is the most common for datafiles and we turn on readonly Host caching to achieve what we need. The P50 is over the limit of 4095, so just don’t allocate the last 1g and capture a huge performance benefit!
  2. Azure Premium Storage have a multi-tier caching technology called BlobCache, which uses a combination of the host vRAM and local SSD for caching I/O. By default, this cache setting is set to Read/Write for OS disks, which is the disk on which the Linux OS resides, and ReadOnly for data disks, which are the disks on which Oracle database files might reside. As the name suggests, ReadWrite caches both read I/O and write I/O from the VM, and because writes are not persisted directly to storage, this is unsuitable for database applications. Also as the name suggests, ReadOnly caches only read I/O, allowing write I/O to write-through directly to storage, which is appropriate for databases.
  3. No one can have it all. One of the benefits of the cloud is also one of the challenges- how to give everyone a share. Throttling occurs
  4. *