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Turning ADHD into “Awesome
Dynamic Highly Dependable”
Kellyn Gorman
Sr. Azure Data Engineer, SME for Oracle on Azure
ADHD Force of Nature
My ADHD Brain as an Adult
Three Primary
Types of ADHD
Inattentive Presentation
• Executive dysfunction
• Inattentive to detail
• Difficulty with paying attention
• Unable to follow instructions or remember conversations.
Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation
• Very talkative and may speak very fast. Tendency to interrupt.
• Unable to sit still
• Fidgets
• Restless
• Poor sleep patterns
• Impulsive/lack of control
• Accident prone
Combined Presentation
The Tech Industry has a High Percentage of
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Market Report, 2018-2020 (
ADHD Therapeutics Market Size, Trends & Growth | 2017 to 2020 (

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Time Management, Work Life Balance & Internal Behavior. All the presentation is prepared for In House Training. Criticism will be solicited from my end and propel me to do better.

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This document discusses technology wellness in the nonprofit workplace. It notes that technology use can contribute to burnout among nonprofit professionals due to information overload and constant connectivity. The document provides tips for personal technology wellness, such as protecting sleep, taking breaks from technology, and organizing mobile phones to avoid overuse. It also discusses bringing technology wellness practices into nonprofit organizations through initiatives like walking meetings, movement breaks, and creating a culture that values focus time without distractions.

Time management Talk
Time management TalkTime management Talk
Time management Talk

The document summarizes Randy Pausch's time management presentation. It discusses the importance of managing time like money. It provides tips for setting goals, prioritizing tasks, using to-do lists, managing paperwork and technology, avoiding procrastination, effective delegation, and scheduling meetings and vacations. Pausch emphasizes clarifying goals, making plans, cutting down on interruptions and wasting time, and saying "no" to unnecessary tasks.

randy pauschtime managementpositive
Executive Dysfunction- “Getting Started”
Being on Time/Keeping Appointments
Lack of Attention
Inability to “Transition”
Procrastination/Inability to Complete Tasks
Learning Disorders that may also be present.
Internal Preoccupation
Miscommunication or Incomplete Communication.
Executive Dysfunction
Don’t overthink- Overthinking can be overwhelming. Small
To-do lists, (including email to-do for quick access)
Schedule to begin task and open-end time.
• Remove clutter- If you don’t need
it, then get rid of it.
• Schedule time for designated tasks-
email, daily, quick cleanup, etc. to
keep from becoming
• Consider, (if available) to outsource
weak points, such as
housecleaning, weekly shopping
• Simplify clothing choices.
• Keep copies of important items
with you, (medication, paperwork.)
If you take medication, have some
with you if you forget to take it.

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Time managementtalk
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Time managementtalk

The document summarizes Randy Pausch's time management presentation. It discusses the importance of managing time like money. It provides tips for setting goals, prioritizing tasks, using to-do lists, managing paperwork and technology, avoiding procrastination, effective delegation, and scheduling meetings and vacations. Pausch emphasizes clarifying goals, making plans, cutting down on interruptions and wasting time, and says that managing time well is key to success.

Time Management Talk
Time Management TalkTime Management Talk
Time Management Talk

The document summarizes Randy Pausch's time management presentation. It discusses the importance of managing time like money. It provides tips for setting goals, prioritizing tasks, using to-do lists, managing paperwork and technology, avoiding procrastination, effective delegation, and scheduling meetings and vacations. Pausch emphasizes clarifying goals, making plans, cutting down on interruptions and unnecessary tasks, and learning to say no.

Book Summary - The Last Lecture
Book Summary - The Last LectureBook Summary - The Last Lecture
Book Summary - The Last Lecture

1. The document summarizes key points from Randy Pausch's last lecture before his death from pancreatic cancer. He wanted to lecture one last time to share lessons and advice for living life to the fullest. 2. Some of his advice included challenging kids to build self-esteem, treating the underlying problem not just the symptoms, having honest discussions, showing gratitude, and taking risks like being the "first penguin" to jump in. 3. Pausch believed in working hard, enabling others' dreams, having integrity, and living life earnestly rather than just to impress others. His goal was to impart wisdom gained over years of experiences to help others fulfill their potential.

the amaatra academyshivananda koteshwarbook summary
“That snail is too loud….”
Lack of Attention
Have numerous tasks to transition to and from as attention wanes.
Have hobbies that can assist in train to extend attention, (reading, yoga, meditation, model building, word
games, etc.)
Ensure proper rest and nutrition, including removal of many artificial colors and sweeteners that are suspected
to impact attention.
When attention is waning or an extended focus has not yielded results, consider a short break or distraction to
regain focus.
Limit distractions/noise-cancelling solutions/peaceful surroundings
to Complete Tasks
• Perform small tasks/easily completed tasks immediately.
• Try to group small tasks to complete as many as
possible, (feeling of accomplishment with these, too.)
• Interweave small tasks in the middle of large tasks to
give a break, refresh and offer attention refocus.
• Do something, do anything goal, even if it’s not what
you intended, start and migrate to the intended task.
• Reward yourself once achieved, (When I finish a small
task, may be a walk on the deck, a large task, a ½ hour
of Nintendo Switch game play.)
• Inability to recall a word, a person/name or idea
• Take a deep breath
• Try word association
• Talk it out
• Inability to transition
• Complete task step, then attempt to transition.
• Ask if request can wait till you’ve completed
• Use multiple screens to keep from a transition.
• Racing Thoughts
• Controlled distraction- read, music,
• Talk it through with someone you trust.
• Imagine optimal scenario

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Time management

This document discusses various aspects of time management. It begins by stating that time is more valuable than money and cannot be regained once lost. It then discusses why time management is important to achieve personal and professional goals effectively. Several common myths about time management are debunked. The document also identifies major and minor time wasters like procrastination, inability to delegate tasks, and unnecessary interruptions. It provides tips on tracking time usage, prioritizing tasks, and overcoming challenges like procrastination through better planning. Finally, it discusses models for classifying and prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance.

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Presentation time maanagement bridge it
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This document provides tips on how to stop procrastinating tasks. It discusses that procrastination is the act of delaying tasks that need to be done. Some common reasons for procrastinating include a lack of motivation, poor time management, distractions, and a fear of starting tasks. The document recommends setting goals, using a calendar or to-do list to manage time better, breaking large tasks into smaller steps, and doing short tasks first to build motivation. Overcoming procrastination also involves identifying non-urgent tasks to avoid distraction and focusing on the most important 2-3 tasks each day.

Time management
Time managementTime management
Time management

At this talk, the speaker provides advice on improving time management skills. Some key points include: setting goals and priorities; creating to-do lists; managing paperwork, calls, and meetings efficiently; learning to delegate tasks; overcoming procrastination; and taking breaks to avoid stress and burnout. The overall message is that being organized and intentional with one's use of time leads to greater success and productivity.

• Count to 5 before answering, (help with interruption issue.)
• Focus on the goal of what you want to say. We can easily run-on in conversations.
• If you are hyper-focusing, ask the person if you can come to them later to have the
• If you demonstrate hyperactivity through speed of speech, consider taking more time on
enunciating, not just slowing down your rate of speech.
• Stress/frustration/anger can exasperate ADHD issues, causing you to:
• Blurt out
• Clam up
• Ramble
Consider asking for a better time to speak, whenever possible. Give yourself the time you need before
• Verify if peers or managers feel they must repeat
communication with you. If so, identify if there is a
pattern and produce options to address it.
• Repeat what was said to yourself to ensure you
understood what was said.
• Ask the speaker to clarify or elaborate if you are
having difficulty with retrieval.
• Practice “Active Listening”.
• One-on-one conversations are likely to be more
productive than group or large social events.
• Be aware how much pragmatic conversation you
are privy to with ADHD.
Emotional Toll
Office Space/Open
• Open Space Offices are Everywhere…
• Re-arrange so desk faces a wall.
• Purchase noise-cancelling headphones.
• Locate quiet location for focus time.
• Arrange monitors to build barrier from distractions.
• Incorporate breaks throughout the day.
• Consider a “Do Not Disturb” sign for focus times.
Ask for an opportunity to move to quieter location if
there is an issue.

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Time Managemet Talk
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This document provides advice and techniques for improving time management skills. It discusses the importance of setting goals and priorities, creating to-do lists, managing paperwork and calls efficiently, scheduling time properly, delegating tasks, and overcoming procrastination. Specific tips include keeping a clean desk, handling emails and calls quickly, minimizing distractions, scheduling blocks of creative thinking time, and using a planner or time-tracking tool to plan daily, weekly, and long-term. The document stresses that effective time management is key to achieving success.

The last lecture
The last lectureThe last lecture
The last lecture

Randy Pausch gave a famous last lecture at Carnegie Mellon University after being diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. He was given 3-6 months to live but survived for nearly a year after the lecture, dying at age 47. The lecture, entitled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams", was about living intentionally and achieving goals. It became a bestselling book translated into 48 languages. Pausch shared lessons about pursuing your dreams through passion, knowledge, leadership, and orchestrating change in your life.

How to Eat an Ugly Frog and Love It: Practical Advice on Managing Workplace P...
How to Eat an Ugly Frog and Love It: Practical Advice on Managing Workplace P...How to Eat an Ugly Frog and Love It: Practical Advice on Managing Workplace P...
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Presented at GaCOMO14 by Linda Marie Golian-Lui, Sandra Barclay, Alan Lebish, Jennifer Young, Kennesaw State University. Additional information at

southeastern library association (sela)gacomo14career advice
Work With,
Not Against
Load up your plate with more tasks than you think you can
accomplish, allows for easier transition and ability to keep busy.
Multi-task when able.
Keeps notes/data in a single locations vs. multiple and accessible from
all devices.
Use your impulsiveness to take risks that might end up opportunities
Persistence- The difference between failure and success is often
trying one more time.
Let your manager know how he can make you successful, (what works
for you.)
Find other neurodiverse individuals who may be able to help you find
opportunities for success.
Team up with individual that is meticulous, detail oriented and
balances out your ADHD mindset.
• Organizers
• Smart Phones, (along with smart
watches- discuss benefits)
• Timers
• Routines
• Smart Home Devices
• Bill Pay/Auto Pay
• Online Automation
• Meal/Grocery Delivery
• Simplify EVERYTHING.
My Own Tips To Success
Identify and OWN your ADHD. Find your superpower!
Find what you’re passionate about and build it into your job and hobbies.
Your job is only as good as your boss.
Train your boss to be good at managing YOU.
Set yourself up for success.
Rid yourself or silence the “negative noise”- people, places and things.
Automate or “Auto-pilot” everything and anything to free up focus resources.
Essential notifications from smartphone to Apple watch keeps me dependable and on-time.
Small tasks I do immediately, and “pepper” transitioned between larger tasks when focus wanes.
Consider ADHD Groups
ADHD groups | Meetup

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Time management is about achieving goals efficiently within time constraints. It involves assessing how time is currently spent, identifying time wasters, prioritizing tasks, and developing organizational techniques. The key aspects discussed are setting SMART objectives, breaking large tasks into smaller ones, delegating when appropriate, minimizing interruptions and distractions, and focusing on the highest priority tasks to maximize productivity and effectiveness. Regular assessment of time usage allows for continual improvement in managing this precious resource.

Time Management & Schedule Building
Time Management & Schedule BuildingTime Management & Schedule Building
Time Management & Schedule Building

This document provides guidance on effective time management strategies for college students. It discusses identifying priorities, building a schedule, making the schedule visible and accessible, creating action plans, getting organized, and managing stress. Specific tips include starting with fixed commitments like classes, adding study times of 1-1.5 hours, including meals and breaks, using a paper planner, phone, or app, and creating semester, monthly, weekly, and daily schedules.

Planning, prioritising and efficiency: a Time Management Workshop
Planning, prioritising and efficiency: a Time Management WorkshopPlanning, prioritising and efficiency: a Time Management Workshop
Planning, prioritising and efficiency: a Time Management Workshop

Explore: The difference between “important” and “urgent”, and how to deal with each The “time stealers” – what they are and how to avoid them What is “quality time” and how you can create it Dealing with the e-mail mountain – the 4 Ds

Kellyn Gorman
Learn the 8 Superpowers of Highly Successful ADHD Leaders |
• CHADD - Improving the lives of people affected by ADHD
• ADHD Support for Parents of ADD, ADHD Children | HealthyPlace
• Learn the 8 Superpowers of Highly Successful ADHD Leaders |
• Difference Between ADHD and Executive Function Disorder
• 12 Things to do for Coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• Home | ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Associationer (ADHD or ADD) Successfully
• The Queen of Distraction: How Women with ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus, and Get More Done: Terry
Matlen, Sari Solden: 9781626250895: Books
• Fast Minds: How to Thrive If You Have ADHD (Or Think You Might): Surman, Craig, Bilkey, Tim, Weintraub,
Karen: 9780425274064: Books
• Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder: Hallowell M.D.,
Edward M., Ratey M.D., John J.: 2015307743152: Books

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Being Successful with ADHD

  • 1. Turning ADHD into “Awesome Dynamic Highly Dependable” Kellyn Gorman Sr. Azure Data Engineer, SME for Oracle on Azure ADHD Force of Nature Microsoft
  • 2. My ADHD Brain as an Adult
  • 3. Three Primary Types of ADHD Inattentive Presentation • Executive dysfunction • Inattentive to detail • Difficulty with paying attention • Unable to follow instructions or remember conversations. Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation • Very talkative and may speak very fast. Tendency to interrupt. • Unable to sit still • Fidgets • Restless • Poor sleep patterns • Impulsive/lack of control • Accident prone Combined Presentation
  • 4. The Tech Industry has a High Percentage of ADHD… Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Market Report, 2018-2020 ( ADHD Therapeutics Market Size, Trends & Growth | 2017 to 2020 (
  • 5. Biggest Complaints of ADHD Executive Dysfunction- “Getting Started” Disorganized Being on Time/Keeping Appointments Lack of Attention Inability to “Transition” Procrastination/Inability to Complete Tasks Learning Disorders that may also be present. Internal Preoccupation Miscommunication or Incomplete Communication.
  • 6. Executive Dysfunction Don’t overthink- Overthinking can be overwhelming. Small goals. To-do lists, (including email to-do for quick access) Schedule to begin task and open-end time.
  • 7. Disorganization • Remove clutter- If you don’t need it, then get rid of it. • Schedule time for designated tasks- email, daily, quick cleanup, etc. to keep from becoming overwhelming. • Consider, (if available) to outsource weak points, such as housecleaning, weekly shopping • Simplify clothing choices. • Keep copies of important items with you, (medication, paperwork.) If you take medication, have some with you if you forget to take it.
  • 9. Distracted “That snail is too loud….”
  • 10. Lack of Attention Have numerous tasks to transition to and from as attention wanes. Have Have hobbies that can assist in train to extend attention, (reading, yoga, meditation, model building, word games, etc.) Hobbies Ensure proper rest and nutrition, including removal of many artificial colors and sweeteners that are suspected to impact attention. Ensure When attention is waning or an extended focus has not yielded results, consider a short break or distraction to regain focus. Consider Limit distractions/noise-cancelling solutions/peaceful surroundings Limit
  • 11. Procrastination/Inability to Complete Tasks • Perform small tasks/easily completed tasks immediately. • Try to group small tasks to complete as many as possible, (feeling of accomplishment with these, too.) • Interweave small tasks in the middle of large tasks to give a break, refresh and offer attention refocus. • Do something, do anything goal, even if it’s not what you intended, start and migrate to the intended task. • Reward yourself once achieved, (When I finish a small task, may be a walk on the deck, a large task, a ½ hour of Nintendo Switch game play.)
  • 12. Internal Preoccupation and Transitioning • Inability to recall a word, a person/name or idea • Take a deep breath • Try word association • Talk it out • Inability to transition • Complete task step, then attempt to transition. • Ask if request can wait till you’ve completed task • Use multiple screens to keep from a transition. • Racing Thoughts • Controlled distraction- read, music, tv/movie/game • Talk it through with someone you trust. • Imagine optimal scenario
  • 13. Speaking • Count to 5 before answering, (help with interruption issue.) • Focus on the goal of what you want to say. We can easily run-on in conversations. • If you are hyper-focusing, ask the person if you can come to them later to have the conversation. • If you demonstrate hyperactivity through speed of speech, consider taking more time on enunciating, not just slowing down your rate of speech. • Stress/frustration/anger can exasperate ADHD issues, causing you to: • Blurt out • Clam up • Ramble Consider asking for a better time to speak, whenever possible. Give yourself the time you need before speaking.
  • 14. Listening • Verify if peers or managers feel they must repeat communication with you. If so, identify if there is a pattern and produce options to address it. • Repeat what was said to yourself to ensure you understood what was said. • Ask the speaker to clarify or elaborate if you are having difficulty with retrieval. • Practice “Active Listening”. • One-on-one conversations are likely to be more productive than group or large social events. • Be aware how much pragmatic conversation you are privy to with ADHD.
  • 16. Office Space/Open Space • Open Space Offices are Everywhere… • Re-arrange so desk faces a wall. • Purchase noise-cancelling headphones. • Locate quiet location for focus time. • Arrange monitors to build barrier from distractions. • Incorporate breaks throughout the day. • Consider a “Do Not Disturb” sign for focus times. Ask for an opportunity to move to quieter location if there is an issue.
  • 17. Work With, Not Against ADHD Load up your plate with more tasks than you think you can accomplish, allows for easier transition and ability to keep busy. Multi-task when able. Keeps notes/data in a single locations vs. multiple and accessible from all devices. Use your impulsiveness to take risks that might end up opportunities lost. Persistence- The difference between failure and success is often trying one more time. Let your manager know how he can make you successful, (what works for you.) Find other neurodiverse individuals who may be able to help you find opportunities for success. Team up with individual that is meticulous, detail oriented and balances out your ADHD mindset.
  • 18. Tools • Organizers • Smart Phones, (along with smart watches- discuss benefits) • Timers • Routines • Smart Home Devices • Bill Pay/Auto Pay • Online Automation • Meal/Grocery Delivery • Simplify EVERYTHING.
  • 19. My Own Tips To Success Identify and OWN your ADHD. Find your superpower! Find what you’re passionate about and build it into your job and hobbies. Your job is only as good as your boss. Train your boss to be good at managing YOU. Set yourself up for success. Rid yourself or silence the “negative noise”- people, places and things. Automate or “Auto-pilot” everything and anything to free up focus resources. Essential notifications from smartphone to Apple watch keeps me dependable and on-time. Small tasks I do immediately, and “pepper” transitioned between larger tasks when focus wanes.
  • 20. Consider ADHD Groups ADHD groups | Meetup
  • 22. References Learn the 8 Superpowers of Highly Successful ADHD Leaders | • CHADD - Improving the lives of people affected by ADHD • ADHD Support for Parents of ADD, ADHD Children | HealthyPlace • Learn the 8 Superpowers of Highly Successful ADHD Leaders | • Difference Between ADHD and Executive Function Disorder • 12 Things to do for Coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder • Home | ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Associationer (ADHD or ADD) Successfully • The Queen of Distraction: How Women with ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus, and Get More Done: Terry Matlen, Sari Solden: 9781626250895: Books • Fast Minds: How to Thrive If You Have ADHD (Or Think You Might): Surman, Craig, Bilkey, Tim, Weintraub, Karen: 9780425274064: Books • Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder: Hallowell M.D., Edward M., Ratey M.D., John J.: 2015307743152: Books

Editor's Notes

  1. Attention Deficit [Hyperactivity] Disorder Most common neurodevelopmental conditions in human beings. Often diagnosed in childhood Although 3-7 types identified, common issues are: Inattentiveness Lack of self-control, (impulsiveness) Hyperactivity Hyper-focus, (for some) Lack of detail Anxiety Emotional Difficult to diagnose and no one set of tests exist. Significant stigma around ADHD Obsessive itching, tics, picking or scratching at self. Hyper-sensitivity to clothing seams, tags or even colors. Hoarding/sloppy/messy Addictive behavior: food, shopping, drugs, sex, etc. Hyperactivity can be demonstrated more than in physical activity- finger tapping, leg shaking, talking fast, eye movement, aggressive, physical outbursts, etc. Working memory deficit- A small detail will be forgotten or a word you just discussed can’t be recalled.
  2. 9.4% of American children diagnosed with ADHD and 7.2% globally 62/47% choice of medication or behavioral treatment 83% embraced coping mechanisms to address challenges 23% received no treatment 4.4% of adults have ADHD, (60% of children diagnosed)
  3. Hormone connection in women The forgetful professor, the oblivious genius, he’s just a big kid, the spaz
  4. Talk about copies of meds, duplicates of everything for travel vs. at home, my mobile office.
  5. I love the ignore conversation and decline on anything that isn’t important to me.
  6. Bait and switch