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Front End Performance
Render a usable version
      as early as possible.

3                             Konstantin Käfer
Firebug’s Net panel

4                         Konstantin Käfer
Waterfall graphs
              ‣   Visualizes load order
              ‣   Rules
                  – descend as fast as possible
                  – as shallow as possible
                  – as narrow as possible

5                                             Konstantin Käfer
    ‣   Rates a webpage based on 13 criteria
    ‣   Determines overall load time
    ‣   Provides optimization suggestions
    ‣   Graphs, Numbers & Figures

6                                              Konstantin Käfer

7           Konstantin Käfer
YSlow is not everything.

8                              Konstantin Käfer
Webpage Test
    ‣   Automated measurement using IE
    ‣   Shows when rendering starts
    ‣   Connection view:

        – or local installation
9                                                        Konstantin Käfer
Other tools
     ‣   IBM Page Detailer
     ‣   Pingdom
     ‣   Episodes
     ‣   Safari’s Web Inspector (Safari 4 and up)
     ‣   Web Debugging Proxies,
10                                                         Konstantin Käfer
Waterfall diagrams

     Start   Connect   First byte   Last byte
11                                     Konstantin Käfer
1. Reduce requests
     ‣   Every file produces an HTTP request


          30s                              Requests
                                           Size (KB)

                0   10     20     30

     ‣   Fewer requests is better than smaller size
     ‣   HTTP 1.1: 2 components per host in parallel
12                                                     Konstantin Käfer
1. Reduce requests
     ‣   Sprites
         – Many images into one file
         – Shift into view with background-position
     ‣   Aggregate scripts and styles
         – Built into Drupal
         – Sophisticated:
     ‣   No redirects

13                                                             Konstantin Käfer
1. Reduce requests
     ‣   Caching (see 3.)
     ‣   Use CSS instead of images
             -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
             border-radius: 4px;

     ‣   data: URLs in style sheets
         –    url(

14                                                                                         Konstantin Käfer
1. Reduce requests
     ‣   Data URLs in Internet Explorer < 8:
         – MHTML:
         – Include encoded images as Multipart HTML
         – url(mhtml:!somestring);

         – Not a proven technology (fails on certain configs)

15                                                               Konstantin Käfer
2. Use a CDN
     ‣   Content Delivery Network
     ‣   Place servers near users to reduce ping time
     ‣   More on that in a bit

16                                                  Konstantin Käfer
3. Caching
     Disabled:     Client                    Server

                                        Full response
      Default:     Client                    Server
                            “Still fresh”
                                      Partial response

     Aggressive:   Client                    Server
17                                                Konstantin Käfer
3. Caching
     ‣   Controlled by HTTP headers
     ‣   Browsers check whether content is fresh
     ‣   Set Expires header to a date in the far future
         – <Location /css>
           	 ExpiresActive On
           	 ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"

     ‣   Drupal default: 2 weeks
     ‣   Change filenames/URLs when updating

18                                                   Konstantin Käfer
4. GZip
     ‣   Compress text content (don’t use for images!)
         – <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
           	 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css application/x-javascript

     ‣   Vastly reduces page size (often halfs)
     ‣   Compress scripts and styles as well

19                                                                   Konstantin Käfer
5. CSS to the top
     ‣   == in <head>
     ‣   Page renders when all header CSS is loaded
     ‣   Loading CSS later causes re-rendering and
         Flash of Unstyled Content
     ‣   Use <link> instead of @import

20                                                                      Konstantin Käfer
21                                               Konstantin Käfer

     ‣   == right before </body>
     ‣   Loading scripts blocks page rendering
     ‣   Scripts are loaded sequentially!
         (At least in most current browsers)

     ‣   Don’t use onfoo handlers in HTML code
     ‣   Graceful degradation

     6. Scripts to the bottom
7. Minify CSS and JS
     ‣   Remove comments and whitespace
     ‣   Still savings, even with GZip
     ‣   Drupal’s aggregator or sf_cache.module

22                                                Konstantin Käfer
8. Parallelization
     ‣   “A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain
         more than 2 connections with any server
         or proxy.” (RFC 2616, 8.1.4)
     ‣   Use multiple host names ➔ higher
         (Don’t overdo it)
     ‣   Most current browsers use > 2 connections

23                                                   Konstantin Käfer
8. Parallelization
     ‣   Ensure proper distribution
     ‣   Webpage Test graphs:

24                                    Konstantin Käfer
9. Reduce image weight
     ‣   OptiPNG, PNGCrush, ...
         – Removes invisible content by lossless recompression

     ‣   JPEGtran/ImageMagick: Lossless JPEG operations
         – Remove color profiles, meta data, …
     ‣   ImageOptim: Batch compression
     ‣ – now integrated into YSlow
     ‣ – supposedly more efficient

25                                                        Konstantin Käfer
10. Lazy initialization
     ‣   JavaScript takes time to initialize
         – Libraries such as jQuery also count
         – Defer setup work
     ‣   Only load content above the fold
         – jQuery plugin:
         – Useful on image-heavy sites
     ‣   Don’t load invisible content (tabs) on page load

26                                                   Konstantin Käfer
11. Other optimizations
     ‣   “Premature optimization is the root of all evil”
                                                    —Donald Knuth

     ‣   Only if you have optimized everything else

     ‣   Strategies
         – Move components to cookieless host
         – Remove ETags
         – Load order (see

27                                                           Konstantin Käfer
Render a usable version
       as early as possible.

           Konstantin Käfer
 — @kkaefer

28                                      Konstantin Käfer
     – High Performance Websites, Steve Souders, 2007.
29                                                             Konstantin Käfer

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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 202420240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024

Front End Performance

  • 1. Front End Performance Konstantin Käfer
  • 3. Render a usable version as early as possible. 3 Konstantin Käfer
  • 4. Firebug’s Net panel 4 Konstantin Käfer
  • 5. Waterfall graphs ‣ Visualizes load order ‣ Rules – descend as fast as possible – as shallow as possible – as narrow as possible 5 Konstantin Käfer
  • 6. YSlow ‣ Rates a webpage based on 13 criteria ‣ Determines overall load time ‣ Provides optimization suggestions ‣ Graphs, Numbers & Figures 6 Konstantin Käfer
  • 7. YSlow 7 Konstantin Käfer
  • 8. YSlow is not everything. 8 Konstantin Käfer
  • 9. Webpage Test ‣ Automated measurement using IE ‣ Shows when rendering starts ‣ Connection view: – or local installation 9 Konstantin Käfer
  • 10. Other tools ‣ IBM Page Detailer ‣ Pingdom ‣ Episodes ‣ Safari’s Web Inspector (Safari 4 and up) ‣ Web Debugging Proxies, 10 Konstantin Käfer
  • 11. Waterfall diagrams Start Connect First byte Last byte 11 Konstantin Käfer
  • 12. 1. Reduce requests ‣ Every file produces an HTTP request 60s 45s 30s Requests Size (KB) 15s 0s 0 10 20 30 ‣ Fewer requests is better than smaller size ‣ HTTP 1.1: 2 components per host in parallel 12 Konstantin Käfer
  • 13. 1. Reduce requests ‣ Sprites – Many images into one file – Shift into view with background-position ‣ Aggregate scripts and styles – Built into Drupal – Sophisticated: ‣ No redirects 13 Konstantin Käfer
  • 14. 1. Reduce requests ‣ Caching (see 3.) ‣ Use CSS instead of images -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; ‣ data: URLs in style sheets – url( 0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAR9JREFUeNrEk02ORUAUhRVNJEgYsgdGbIHFsSGmhhjZAzFCR CLx906io3UROu8N+g7vPR9V95wi67oy79bXuTXP8zAMfdP48jzvCRJoihyHPcA4xRd1+V5HoZhmqZ1XWuaZ tu267qWZSmKQghhKGCrZVmqqgqCQNd16g/ooI8pNOuhfuC2bX3fFwTh8nroYwrNBTxNUxzHhmHcrAf/hwb KHWa3ATYURVFRFDdwWZbYBZR75xvGbpMkefQmyzIoaRiuNE3zCGP/UNIw/FRV9RGGBkoaRhLg5yPsOA6U tM/vbfuXz0jCjc+YXvu8JwxJOCcMJ9oShtgfYXJ8VedsY0O4p+d5pmnKssyy7PGj5Pwk//6qyCfvmWU+qP+DXw IMADReKA+zC0X8AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC); 14 Konstantin Käfer
  • 15. 1. Reduce requests ‣ Data URLs in Internet Explorer < 8: – MHTML: need-data-uris-in-ie7-and-under/ – Include encoded images as Multipart HTML – url(mhtml:!somestring); – Not a proven technology (fails on certain configs) 15 Konstantin Käfer
  • 16. 2. Use a CDN ‣ Content Delivery Network ‣ Place servers near users to reduce ping time ‣ More on that in a bit 16 Konstantin Käfer
  • 17. 3. Caching ? Disabled: Client Server Cache Full response ? Default: Client Server “Still fresh” Cache Partial response Aggressive: Client Server Cache 17 Konstantin Käfer
  • 18. 3. Caching ‣ Controlled by HTTP headers ‣ Browsers check whether content is fresh ‣ Set Expires header to a date in the far future – <Location /css> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year" </Location> ‣ Drupal default: 2 weeks ‣ Change filenames/URLs when updating 18 Konstantin Käfer
  • 19. 4. GZip ‣ Compress text content (don’t use for images!) – <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css application/x-javascript </IfModule> ‣ Vastly reduces page size (often halfs) ‣ Compress scripts and styles as well 19 Konstantin Käfer
  • 20. 5. CSS to the top ‣ == in <head> ‣ Page renders when all header CSS is loaded ‣ Loading CSS later causes re-rendering and Flash of Unstyled Content ‣ Use <link> instead of @import 20 Konstantin Käfer
  • 21. 21 Konstantin Käfer ‣ == right before </body> ‣ Loading scripts blocks page rendering ‣ Scripts are loaded sequentially! (At least in most current browsers) ‣ Don’t use onfoo handlers in HTML code ‣ Graceful degradation 6. Scripts to the bottom
  • 22. 7. Minify CSS and JS ‣ Remove comments and whitespace ‣ Still savings, even with GZip ‣ Drupal’s aggregator or sf_cache.module 22 Konstantin Käfer
  • 23. 8. Parallelization ‣ “A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy.” (RFC 2616, 8.1.4) ‣ Use multiple host names ➔ higher parallelization (Don’t overdo it) ‣ Most current browsers use > 2 connections ‣ 23 Konstantin Käfer
  • 24. 8. Parallelization ‣ Ensure proper distribution ‣ Webpage Test graphs: 24 Konstantin Käfer
  • 25. 9. Reduce image weight ‣ OptiPNG, PNGCrush, ... – Removes invisible content by lossless recompression ‣ JPEGtran/ImageMagick: Lossless JPEG operations – Remove color profiles, meta data, … ‣ ImageOptim: Batch compression ‣ – now integrated into YSlow ‣ – supposedly more efficient 25 Konstantin Käfer
  • 26. 10. Lazy initialization ‣ JavaScript takes time to initialize – Libraries such as jQuery also count – Defer setup work ‣ Only load content above the fold – jQuery plugin: – Useful on image-heavy sites ‣ Don’t load invisible content (tabs) on page load 26 Konstantin Käfer
  • 27. 11. Other optimizations ‣ “Premature optimization is the root of all evil” —Donald Knuth ‣ Only if you have optimized everything else ‣ Strategies – Move components to cookieless host – Remove ETags – Load order (see 27 Konstantin Käfer
  • 28. Render a usable version as early as possible. Konstantin Käfer — @kkaefer 28 Konstantin Käfer
  • 29. Resources – High Performance Websites, Steve Souders, 2007. – – – – – in-browsers – use-import/ 29 Konstantin Käfer