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Building Scalable Websites with Perl

          Perrin Harkins
          Plus Three (
Who is doing it?
• Yahoo
  – Overture
• Amazon
  – IMDB
• InterActiveCorp
  – Ticketmaster
  – CitySearch
How are they doing it?
• Not just hardware
• Basic techniques
Things we won't be covering
• mod_perl tuning
• DBI tuning
• hardware
Page-Level Caching
• Best performance
• Pre-generate from batch job

                      cache             data

wget ­­mirror ­­convert­links 
   ­­html­extension ­­reject gif,jpg,png 

             web               app
client                                 data
            server            server


            web     mod_proxy    app
client     server     cache     server
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /dynamic/stuff http://app­
ProxyPassReverse /dynamic/stuff 
CacheRoot "/mnt/proxy­cache"
CacheSize 500000
CacheGcInterval 12
CacheMaxExpire 36
CacheDefaultExpire 2
Intercepting 404 Errors
ErrorDocument 404 /page/generator

              web               page
             server             cache

                      handler           data
Partial-Page Caching

                       2 hours

                       5 minutes

                       24 hours
Mason cache
  my $result = $m­>cache­>get(
  if (!defined($result)) {
      $result = run_search($search_term);
                      '30 min');
  our $Cache = Cache::FastMmap­>new(
                    cache_size  => '500m',
                    expire_time => '30m',

  $Cache­>set($key, $value);
  my $value = $Cache­>get($key);
our $Memd = Cache::Memcached­>new({
    'servers' => [
       [ "", 3 ]
    'debug'   => 0,
    'compress_threshold' => 10_000,
$Memd­>set($key, $value, 5*60 );
my $value = $Memd­>get($key);
Job Queuing
Get in Line
“search in progress”
                      server fork     worker

                          web       done
 client      reload                        worker
                         server     yet?
Spread::Queue client
use Spread::Queue::Sender;
my $sender = Spread::Queue::Sender­>new(

    "myfunc", { name => "value" }

my $response = $sender­>receive();
Spread::Queue worker
use Spread::Queue::Worker;

my $worker = Spread::Queue::Worker­>new("myqueue");
           myfunc => &myfunc,
$SIG{INT} = &signal_handler;
Spread::Queue worker
sub myfunc {
    my ($worker, $originator, $input) = @_;
    my $result = {
        response => "I heard you!",
    $worker­>respond($originator, $result);
• “Computer Science and Perl Programming”
• “Mastering Algorithms with Perl”
• “Patterns of Enterprise Application
  Architecture” by Martin Fowler
• Craig McLane and Adam Sussman of
  Ticketmaster Online
• Zack Steinkamp of Yahoo

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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptxRPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx

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