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Are you there Page Experience?
It’s me, Dev Tools.
Jamie Indigo, Senior Technical SEO
Rachel Anderson, Senior Technical SEO
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Page Experience Update Components
1. Mobile-Friendly
2. Responsible Interstitials
3. Safe-Browsing
4. HTTPS-Security
5. Core Web Vitals
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Meet Cute
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
What are DevTools?
“Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer
tools built directly into the Google Chrome
AKA: Your way to prep for the update without all
those darn extensions
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021

An introduction into headless websites and the considerations that SEOs and performance marketers should keep in mind when optimising them.

TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...

This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...
TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...
TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...

One of the challenges faced at enterprise SEO level is often the legacy platforms and tech stacks that you inherit. Finding a cost-effective way of implementing international SEO best practice is often a barrier to internationalisation. Edge technology is creating new opportunities to optimise websites independently of the inherited technological barriers. In this session,’s Dan Taylor will explore their findings from implementing Hreflang using cutting edge technology to remove these barriers.

seotechnical seodigital marketing
Use an incognito
window or dedicated
chrome profile for
performance results
How to Open Dev Tools
● Right click the
screen and
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Configuring Network Conditions
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Network Panel > Disabling the Cache
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...
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How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...

Roleplay as a fearless Technical SEO who must pass through Google's Web Rendering Service (WRS), a legendary construct, as part of a mission to protect site visibility. Panel: 'Think like a bot, rank like a boss' from BrightonSEO September 2019

Rachel Costello — The Landscape of Site Speed and Web Vitals
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Rachel Costello — The Landscape of Site Speed and Web Vitals

These slides were presented at the SEMrush webinar "SEO Bytes with Nitin: Conquer web vitals & everything around site speed for great UX/SEO". Video replay and transcript are available at

core web vitalssite speedgoogle
BrightonSEO_How to create harmony between SEOs & Developers
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BrightonSEO_How to create harmony between SEOs & Developers

The document discusses how to create harmony between SEOs and developers to get SEO tickets implemented. It outlines 7 steps: 1) speaking developers' language by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2) knowing how new features are developed using Scrum frameworks, 3) knowing who works on projects, 4) asking for realistic changes, 5) knowing the tools developers use to communicate, 6) knowing preferred communication channels, and 7) publicly thanking developers. An example is provided of using these steps for a Core Web Vitals audit by checking prerequisites like the next sprint dates and constraints before submitting tickets through official and preferred channels.

Network Throttling
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Hands on Test
and Measure
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Mobile Friendly
SEO friend since 2016
Mimic a mobile device
● Device
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020

Want to make 2020 a record-breaking year for your B2B business? Check out our webinar slides to learn how to use SEO to grow traffic and increase qualified leads.

technical seoseob2b marketing
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First IndexSEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

seotechnical seousability
Building, hacking and killing a bespoke CMS - Search Leeds 19
Building, hacking and killing a bespoke CMS - Search Leeds 19Building, hacking and killing a bespoke CMS - Search Leeds 19
Building, hacking and killing a bespoke CMS - Search Leeds 19

This document discusses building a custom content management system (CMS) to drive automated product launches at scale for SEO purposes. It describes starting with a lightweight CMS and adding basic SEO features. APIs were then used to programmatically generate and publish thousands of landing pages, testing ideas faster. The goal is to eventually build fully autonomous products and acquisition systems not dependent on humans manually publishing pages through a CMS.

seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Lighthouse Panel
SEO Ally; Chrome Native
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Intrusive Interstitials
Penalizing the annoying
since January 2017
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Intrusive Interstitials
● Impacts ranking not indexing
Defined by:
● Covering most or all of the content on a page
● Difficult if not impossible to close
● Popping up without
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Use inspect to ensure crawlability
● Elements panel
● Biggest risk: content isn't available until the
interstitial is dismissed.
● Overlays are fine as long as the content is
available without dismissing or agreeing (or any
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Polly Pospelova - How to hack rankings with page speed opt...
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SearchLeeds 2019 - Polly Pospelova - How to hack rankings with page speed opt...

Google first announced that website speed would become a ranking factor way back in 2010, but yet there’s been no evidence of it clearly having an impact. So to find out if speed and performance do indeed affect rankings, Delete’s SEO R&D team ran an experiment. They wanted to know if rankings could be ‘hacked’ by improving speed and performance and if they could, what it would take to do it. In this talk Polly shares exactly what her team did and more importantly what they achieved. From migrating to HTTP2 and advanced image manipulation, to ‘hacks’ for the handling of critical resources, all the crucial tactics involved that were needed to achieve a top performance score will be covered with real examples.

Cut the Crap: Next Level Content Audits with Crawlers - Sam Marsden, SEO & Co...
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Cut the Crap: Next Level Content Audits with Crawlers - Sam Marsden, SEO & Co...

Sites with any level of content production quickly build up pages that are outdated and left unmanaged, crawl budget can be wasted on low quality pages, penalties may be incurred and organic search visibility can be lost for the pages that matter most on a site. Sam will be sharing a new framework for conducting regular content audits that make use of many data sources but that are time efficient to implement and put you in the best position to make decisions on how to deal with the content on the sites you manage. Sam will examine the different data sources that you can bring together from commonly used tools and how to anchor this with crawl data in unique and original ways to assess onsite engagement and performance in search.

seodeepcrawlsam marsden
Headless CMS – the foundation of modern SEO
Headless CMS – the foundation of modern SEOHeadless CMS – the foundation of modern SEO
Headless CMS – the foundation of modern SEO

In this talk, Cory Schmidt explains the SEO implications of migrating to a headless CMS. He will use the story of his company's recent migration and its challenges, and the huge impact on organic search...

cmsseoheadless cms
Elements Panel
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Safe Browsing &
The fact we went without
this until 2016 is terrifying
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
No excuses! We all need:
● Encryption: encrypting the exchanged data to keep it
secure from eavesdroppers
● Data integrity: data cannot be modified or corrupted
during transfer
● Authentication: proves that your users communicate
with the intended website
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Security Panel >> Cert
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Software Testing for SEO
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Software Testing for SEO

Managing Director of iPullRank, Mike King, talks about how to leverage automated testing to ensure that developers engaged in Continuous Integration don't end up accidentally breaking the optimizations in place for SEO

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SEO Master Class - Steve Wiideman, Wiideman Consulting Group
SEO Master Class - Steve Wiideman, Wiideman Consulting GroupSEO Master Class - Steve Wiideman, Wiideman Consulting Group
SEO Master Class - Steve Wiideman, Wiideman Consulting Group

SEO in a World of AI Presentation Description (150 words max): Author and Adjunct Professor Steve Wiideman presents a holistic masterclass on search engine optimization for the constantly changing search engine results. Learn how to prepare your website for generative AI, increase visibility in social search, and double-down on timeless SEO principles. Disciplines covered include technical SEO, content strategy and webpage optimization, off-page SEO, and optimizing for generative AI search. Key Takeaways: 1. Have a plan to prepare for search generative experience (SGE) 2. Discover techniques to be found in TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for Gen Z and Gen Alpha 3. Get a foundation refresher for core SEO best practices in tech, content, and off-page SEO

digital marketingmarketingsales
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...Keys To World-Class Retail Web Performance - Expert tips for holiday web read...
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As’s former head of Performance and Reliability, Cliff Crocker knows large scale web performance. Now SOASTA’s VP of products, Cliff is pouring his passion and expertise into cloud testing to solve the biggest challenges in mobile and web performance. The holiday rush of mobile and web traffic to your web site has the potential for unprecedented success or spectacular public failure. The world’s leading retailers have turned to the cloud to assure that no matter what load, mobile and web apps will delight customers and protect revenue. Join us as Cliff explores the key criteria for holiday web performance readiness: Closing the gap in front- and back-end web performance and reliability Collecting real user data to define the most realistic test scenarios Preparing properly for the virtual walls of traffic during peak events Leveraging CloudTest technology, as have 6 of 10 leading retailers

load testingretailperformance testing
Security Panel >> Mixed Resources
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
How to Improve
CWV with
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Meet the 3 components of Web Vitals
Loading Interactivity Visual Stability
Images via: The SEO's Guide to Google's Core Web Vitals
Why Web Vitals?
● Real humans want a good web experiences.
● One study found that mobile web users didn’t tend to
keep their attention on the screen for more than 4–8
seconds at a time.
● When a page passes CWVs, users are 24% less likely
to abandon page loads.
Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020

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Conversionista : Conversion manager course - Stockholm 20 march 2013
Conversionista : Conversion manager course  - Stockholm 20 march 2013Conversionista : Conversion manager course  - Stockholm 20 march 2013
Conversionista : Conversion manager course - Stockholm 20 march 2013

The agenda covers various topics related to conversion optimization and user experience including recommended tools, project styles, analytics tips, best practices, and opportunities for site reviews. Key learning points from 6 years of optimization experience will also be discussed. The session will be led by an experienced director of optimization with past experience at several large companies.

croconversion rate optimisationmulti variate testing
Improving frontend performance
Improving frontend performanceImproving frontend performance
Improving frontend performance

The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. More people than ever before are now online. It also means that the ways that people are accessing the web all over the world are changing, too. In this talk, I talk about the different techniques coupled with few case studies on how to improve front-end performance.

awscase studyperfmatters
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San FranciscoStapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco

This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann at ForwardJS in 2015. Heilmann discusses the state of web development technologies and how developers have focused too much on experimental features that are not ready for production use. This has led to a fragmented web where browsers implement features differently. He argues developers should focus on standardizing and improving existing web standards rather than constantly introducing new technologies. ES6 is highlighted as a priority for improving existing JavaScript.

Lab vs Field Data
An Important Caveat
Field Data
OR: Why don't my tests match the Crux report??
● Field data is the last 28 days averages from real
chrome users on your site
● CrUX data is field data
● CrUX data can be accessed with
Page Speed Insights, in GSC, LightHouse, and the
Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020
Lab Data
● Lab data is performance data collected within a
controlled environment with predefined device
and network settings.
● Lab data can be accessed in LightHouse and the
Dev Tools Performance report
Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020
Opening the Performance Report
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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How to Boost Your SEO With Mobile Performance Optimization
How to Boost Your SEO With Mobile Performance OptimizationHow to Boost Your SEO With Mobile Performance Optimization
How to Boost Your SEO With Mobile Performance Optimization

In this presentation, we'll cover: - The rise in mobile browsing and substantial projected growth - Why site speed is now an important SERP and credibility factor - Important new findings on how perceived and real performance problems impact users' browsing behavior - A three-step system for getting started with performance optimization - How to implement performance techniques and tools to maximize your site's mobile search ranking

performance optimizationperformance techniquesmobile marketing
How to prepare for Google's page experience update
How to prepare for Google's page experience updateHow to prepare for Google's page experience update
How to prepare for Google's page experience update

Google will be launching a page experience update in May 2021 that will favor pages providing a good user experience based on metrics like Core Web Vitals. The document provides guidance on conducting a page experience audit to identify optimization opportunities across largest contentful paint, first input delay, cumulative layout shift, mobile friendliness, security, HTTPS, and interstitials. Key recommendations include preloading resources, image compression, lazy loading, and reserving space for embeds. The audit results can be used to future-proof websites ahead of the upcoming algorithm update.

seopage experiencecore web vitals
Mobile Optimization Tips from Yottaa - MEGMeetup #1
Mobile Optimization Tips from Yottaa - MEGMeetup #1Mobile Optimization Tips from Yottaa - MEGMeetup #1
Mobile Optimization Tips from Yottaa - MEGMeetup #1

Google recently announced that it will be changing the way search results are ranked for mobile browsers. tl;dr to webmasters: stop phoning in your mobile site optimizations if you want to...well, reach people on their phones. Google's announcement makes three main points: first, mobile browsing comprises a significant part of web traffic; second, web performance optimization is critical to end user experience; and finally, end users demand a device-specific and complete mobile browsing experience. In this talk we took a look at the recent and projected growth in mobile browsing, reviewed findings on how perceived and real performance problems impact users' browsing behavior, and provided useful tips and tools to maximize your site's mobile search ranking.

mobile webmobilefront-end optimization
Performance Report: Recording a Page Load
1. Press “record”
2. Refresh the
3. Wait for the
page to load
4. Stop profiling
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
The Performance Report: Metric Markers
● FP
● OL
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Largest Contentful Paint
LCP measures loading
To provide a good user
experience, LCP should
occur within 2.5 seconds
of when the page first
starts loading.
LCP time
(in milliseconds) Color-coding
0–2,500 Green (fast)
2,500-4,000 Orange (moderate)
Over 4,000 Red (slow)
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
The Performance Report: LCP
● Resource Type
● Resource Size
● Related Node!
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Progressive Web Apps – the return of the web?
Progressive Web Apps – the return of the web?Progressive Web Apps – the return of the web?
Progressive Web Apps – the return of the web?

Progressive Web Apps aim to bring the benefits of native mobile apps to the web. They use newer web capabilities like app manifests and service workers to deliver app-like experiences through the browser. App manifests allow web apps to be installed on home screens and launched full screen like native apps. Service workers enable features like offline access and push notifications. Early adopters are seeing increased user engagement through Progressive Web Apps, with metrics like conversions and time spent improving. While browser support is still evolving, Progressive Web Apps provide a promising approach for delivering high-quality mobile experiences through the web.

Plerdy's CRO/UX_Party February 2021 - Dan Taylor - SEO & UX
Plerdy's CRO/UX_Party February 2021 - Dan Taylor - SEO & UXPlerdy's CRO/UX_Party February 2021 - Dan Taylor - SEO & UX
Plerdy's CRO/UX_Party February 2021 - Dan Taylor - SEO & UX

My slides from the Plerdy CRO/UX conference in February 2021, in which I discussed the relationship between SEO and UX, and how we can improve one to benefit the other.

seouser experienceux
Google Mobile Algorithm Change
Google Mobile Algorithm ChangeGoogle Mobile Algorithm Change
Google Mobile Algorithm Change

The document discusses Google's upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update and provides recommendations for websites to prepare. It advises checking if your site is mobile-friendly, optimizing for speed and load times, ensuring proper redirects and image optimization, and monitoring analytics pre- and post-update to understand any effects on traffic. The document also reviews mobile design configurations like responsive design that Google prefers and provides a checklist of actions to take to help websites succeed with the update.

seomobile websitegoogle
Cumulative Layout Shift
Cumulative Layout Shift
(CLS): measures visual
To provide a good user
experience, pages should
maintain a CLS of less
than 0.1.
CLS calculated score Color-coding
0–0.10 Green (fast)
0.11-0.24 Orange (moderate)
>= 0.25 Red (slow)
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
CLS Layout Score = impact fraction * distance fraction
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
The Performance Report: CLS
● CLS is marked in
the experience row
as “layout shift”
● Details appear in
the summary
● There can be
multiple layout
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
First Input Delay
(FID) measures interactivity.
To provide a good user experience, pages should
have a FID of less than 100 milliseconds.
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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The document discusses Google's upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update and provides recommendations for websites to prepare. It recommends checking if your site is mobile-friendly, optimizing for speed and load times, ensuring proper redirects and image optimization, and monitoring analytics pre- and post-update to understand any impacts on traffic. The document also provides resources on mobile-friendly design configurations, common mistakes to avoid, and measuring success.

Optimizing Websites for Great User Experiences and Increased Conversions
Optimizing Websites for Great User Experiences and Increased ConversionsOptimizing Websites for Great User Experiences and Increased Conversions
Optimizing Websites for Great User Experiences and Increased Conversions

Webinar featuring Google, Launch Digital Marketing and Xtreme Xperience who will share why site optimization is important, how to do it and business results associated with optimization. Watch on-demand webinar:

web designoptimizationuser experience
Demystifying Mobile SEO - 2014 Search Engine Strategies Atlanta Session
Demystifying Mobile SEO - 2014 Search Engine Strategies Atlanta SessionDemystifying Mobile SEO - 2014 Search Engine Strategies Atlanta Session
Demystifying Mobile SEO - 2014 Search Engine Strategies Atlanta Session

The document discusses various methods for enabling websites for mobile, including dedicated mobile sites, responsive design, and adaptive/dynamic serving. It provides advantages and considerations for each approach. It also covers frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation that can be used to implement responsive design. The document discusses SEO and performance best practices for responsive design, such as crawlability, architecture, load times, and image/file optimization.

search engine optimizationinternet marketingmobile
First Input Delay vs Total Blocking Time
There is no FID in lab data - TBT is the closest substitute
The Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric measures the total
amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and
Time to Interactive (TTI) where the main thread was blocked
for long enough to prevent input responsiveness.
(in milliseconds)
(in milliseconds) Color-coding
0-100 0–300 Green (fast)
101-299 301-599 Orange (moderate)
>= 300 Over 600 Red (slow)
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Causes of Poor FID
▪ Heavy JavaScript execution
const heavy = true;
While (heavy) {
console.log("FID fail")
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Performance Report: Long Tasks
Long tasks (which are
added together for TBT)
are labeled in the Main
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
The Performance Report: TBT
TBT is at the bottom of
the summary panel
(don’t be like Rachel who
manually added TBT from long
tasks for a month before
realizing this)
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)
Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)
Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)

In this talk from DevCon TLV we covered: ● The power of HTML5 APIs and how you can use them in your next modern Web Apps. ● On the server side how you can use: Google Cloud Endpoints to scale your API and gain more productivity. ● We did some live Demos and talked about Big Query interfaces.

webbig databig query
Big Trouble in Little Networks, new and improved
Big Trouble in Little Networks, new and improvedBig Trouble in Little Networks, new and improved
Big Trouble in Little Networks, new and improved

View this presentation here on Android Developers: This is a rehashed version of: with NEW content and merged example code!

Modern Web Applications
Modern Web ApplicationsModern Web Applications
Modern Web Applications

Todays web front-end applications architecture. All resources shared at the end of presentation. Full sources on:

Finding Unused JavaScript
This is nice but what are
these scripts?
How much unused
JavaScript is there anyway?
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Coverage Report: Unused Bytes
● You can identify
which scripts are
the most wasteful
and exactly which
lines are not
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
What we know
ranking signal
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Launching May 2021
● Page-level factor
● Score may be a mix of origin summary and
page specific
● The signal will use mobile CWV data
● AMP pages are included in the signal
● Noindexed pages are included in the
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...

App-like websites can improve page speed and user engagement, but they also rely heavily on JavaScript and JS frameworks that can make many ‘SEO basics’ more technically complex. Emily will walk you through often-missed tactics to make web-apps indexable, optimised, and performant on mobile devices.

marketingdigital marketingprogressive web apps
Measure camp tools of the cro rabble
Measure camp   tools of the cro rabbleMeasure camp   tools of the cro rabble
Measure camp tools of the cro rabble

The tools used by the CRO masters round the world to optimise analytics, UX, VOC,insight and testing - all to optimise your insight or conversion figures.

Mastering Mobile Web with 8 Key Rules
Mastering Mobile Web with 8 Key RulesMastering Mobile Web with 8 Key Rules
Mastering Mobile Web with 8 Key Rules

When it comes to mobile web design and testing, mobility plays by a far different set of rules than the desktops of years past. We are challenged by the variety and multitude of browsers, devices, OS types and OS versions at consumers’ disposal. Simply put: the rules of mobility are not easy to master. In this eBook, we discuss the following topics: - Testing mobile websites in adverse operating conditions - Scripting Reactively - Prioritizing devices and browsers when testing - Embracing hybrid mobile app models - Preventing browser compatibility issues - Avoiding hidden problems - Verifying UI actions - Using a different design for mobile

mobile testingmobile application developmentmobile apps
Top Stories - AMP No
Longer Required
The change for non-AMP content to
become eligible to appear in the mobile Top
Stories feature in Search will also roll out in
May 2021.
Any page that meets the Google News
content policies will be eligible and we will
prioritize pages with great page experience,
whether implemented using AMP or any
other web technology, as we rank the results.
Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Expect Core Web Vitals to evolve
● Google intends to update the page
experience signals on an annual basis
● Future CWV metrics will be documented
similarly to the initial signal rollout.
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
The future of SEO is collaborative
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
There’s SO Much More
● Need more DevTools
in your life?
Watch Chris Johnson’s
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Rendering strategies: Measuring the devil's details in core web vitals - Jam...
Rendering strategies:  Measuring the devil's details in core web vitals - Jam...Rendering strategies:  Measuring the devil's details in core web vitals - Jam...
Rendering strategies: Measuring the devil's details in core web vitals - Jam...

Core Web Vital are the results of how we render a page. For all this buzz, the battlefield fits in your pocket. The battle field for CWV is the initial viewport AKA above the fold CWV are diagnostic output, the result of how quick we complete the critical rendering path. How we render affects how quickly we achieve the critical rendering path.

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Crafting Expertise, Authority and Trust with Entity-Based Content Strategy - ...
Crafting Expertise, Authority and Trust with Entity-Based Content Strategy - ...Crafting Expertise, Authority and Trust with Entity-Based Content Strategy - ...
Crafting Expertise, Authority and Trust with Entity-Based Content Strategy - ...

At SMXL, I presented a talk about crafting effective, authoritative content by understanding entities. People, places, objects, and ideas have facets. Human users have unique perspectives and their language changes as their relationship to an entity changes. It's time we stop chasing keywords-- a byproduct of search intent-- in favor of strategic entity-based strategy. This deck includes insights into how to access the data behind Google's knowledge graph, use external links to boost the search engine's understanding, and ways to become an authoritative and trusted source.

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Tech SEO + Site Migrations - SMX Munich
Tech SEO + Site Migrations - SMX MunichTech SEO + Site Migrations - SMX Munich
Tech SEO + Site Migrations - SMX Munich

The document provides a detailed checklist for SEO best practices when conducting a website migration. It outlines numerous steps to take during pre-migration planning such as conducting content inventories, setting key performance indicators, and establishing analytics and technical baselines. It also lists critical steps for go-live including verifying domain preferences, checking server logs and CDNs, and submitting sitemaps. Post-migration activities include monitoring redirects and ongoing site defense. The comprehensive checklist is intended to help SEOs effectively plan and execute a migration while minimizing negative impacts to organic traffic.

@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
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(__/) ||
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▪ Performance panel updates, Google
▪ A Technical SEO Guide to Lighthouse
Performance Metrics
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Mobile-Friendly Resources
▪ Helping users find mobile-friendly pages Webmaster Blog, November 2014
▪ Finding more mobile-friendly search results Webmaster Blog, February 2015
▪ Mobile Friendliness Overview | Google Search Central
▪ Choose a mobile configuration | Google Search Central
▪ Customize your website software | Google Search Central
▪ Our Mobile Planet: US Infographic, Think with Google
▪ Mobile Path to Purchase: Five Key Findings
▪ Mobile Search Moments Study
▪ What to know when building a site for mobile devices | Google Search Central
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Mobile-Friendly Guides by CMS
▪ WordPress
▪ Joomla!
▪ Drupal
▪ vBulletin
▪ Tumblr
▪ DataLife Engine
▪ Prestashop
▪ Google Sites
▪ Typepad
▪ Squarespace
▪ Wix
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Technical Foundations of Successful Internationalization - SMX MunichTechnical Foundations of Successful Internationalization - SMX Munich
Technical Foundations of Successful Internationalization - SMX Munich

Reaching the next billion users means breaking out of the high-speed, desktop-focused, Google-centric experience. In order to take the idea of going global from c-suite vision board to tactical reality, you’ll need to get technical. From servers to CDNs, hreflangs to JavaScript, Jamie will share the real-life lessons you'll need to identify, launch, and successfully monitor your growing international market. In this session Jamie will talk about server stability, location, and parity (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the world's trickiest game of telephone), the real cost of ccTLDs vs subfolders vs subdomains and shrinking screens and the rising costs of JavaScript.

seointernationaldigital marketing
Render v Rank SEO for JavaScript - SEMPDX EngagePDX 2019
Render v Rank  SEO for JavaScript - SEMPDX EngagePDX 2019Render v Rank  SEO for JavaScript - SEMPDX EngagePDX 2019
Render v Rank SEO for JavaScript - SEMPDX EngagePDX 2019

Today, Jamie will go into one of the most valuable topics in technical SEO – rendering and JavaScript. 95% of sites use JS— so many that Google has had to reconsider how they crawl and index JavaScript generated. Let’s look at the new rules for a dynamically generated web.

Optimizing with Server Logs | Jamie Alberico @ #TechSEO Boost 2018
Optimizing with Server Logs | Jamie Alberico @ #TechSEO Boost 2018Optimizing with Server Logs | Jamie Alberico @ #TechSEO Boost 2018
Optimizing with Server Logs | Jamie Alberico @ #TechSEO Boost 2018

We've all spent hours listening and researching how Google says they interact with our sites. Server logs are a critical view into how Googlebot actually interacts with your sites. Learn how to identify different Googlebot behaviors, crawl waste, and optimization opportunities.

seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Mobile-Friendly Testing Resources
▪ In Chrome using device emulation & Lighthouse panel
▪ Check your pages with the Mobile-Friendly Test
▪ Monitor your site with GSC’s Mobile Usability Report
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Interstitial Resources
▪ Helping users easily access content on mobile Webmaster Blog, August
▪ English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout Youtube @15:33,
October 2016
▪ Page-to-page interstitial @schachin Twitter, January 2017
▪ Geo location pop-in @johnmu Twitter May 2017
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Safe Browsing Resources
▪ More Safe Browsing Help for Webmasters Webmaster Blog, August 2016
▪ Safe Browsing protection from even more deceptive attacks Webmaster Blog, November
▪ Google Online Security Blog: More Protection from Unwanted Software Security Blog, February
▪ Google Safe Browsing
▪ Security tips | Google Safety Center
▪ Help, I think I've been hacked! | Web Fundamentals
▪ Social Engineering (Phishing and Deceptive Sites)
▪ Malware and unwanted software | Google Search Central
▪ Malware and unwanted software | Google Search Central
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
HTTPS Resources
▪ Secure your site with HTTPS | Google Search Central
▪ HTTPS as a ranking signal Webmaster Blog, August 2014
▪ Here's to more HTTPS on the web! Webmaster Blog, November 2016
▪ Why HTTPS matters, April 2020
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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Creating Effective Ecommerce Information Architecture #SearchLove 2018
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Creating Effective Ecommerce Information Architecture #SearchLove 2018

Users come to your site on a quest. When they feel smart and sophisticated on your website, they tend to stick around. Information architecture focuses on organizing content and functionality so that your site presents the best user experience it can. Delve into how information architecture can help your website level up with this #SearchLove 2018 presentation from Jamie Alberico

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Site structure is a vital part of any successful site. Crafting an optimal site architecture that provides logical navigation for visitors and enables Google to understand how your site is connected, is one the best ways to significantly increase your performance in search.

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We're in a cross-device mobile-first world. Here are detailed steps on how to lift and shift your desktop design to meet user needs on the new (and much smaller) default experience.

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Page Experience Ranking Signal Resources
▪ Evaluating page experience for a better web Google Search Central
▪ Understanding page experience in Google Search results Google Search
▪ Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search Google Search
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Core Web Vitals Resources
▪ The SEO's Guide to Google's Core Web Vitals DeepCrawl
▪ Core Web Vitals report Search Console Help
▪ Lighthouse Largest Contentful Paint
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Core Web Vitals Testing Tools
▪ GoogleChrome/lighthouse, Github
▪ Google PageSpeed Insights page
▪ Chrome DevTools
▪ Google Search Console
▪ Measure
▪ Web Vitals - Chrome Web Store
▪ Chrome User Experience Report | Chrome UX Report
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
LCP Resources
▪ Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
▪ Optimize Largest Contentful Paint
▪ Lighthouse Largest Contentful Paint
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts

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SEO for Angular - BrightonSEO 2018
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Guys. Don't be scared. Javascript can be wonderful. Angular is a powerful framework. The devil is in the execution.

Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...
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In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, yesterday's strategies simply won't suffice. Join us for a groundbreaking session on revenue based marketing where we'll explore cutting-edge approaches and the latest strategies that can supercharge your digital marketing plans. Discover how to leverage performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing to drive revenue, optimize your campaigns, and achieve measurable results. We'll dive into effective methods for building brand awareness, cultivating deep engagement, driving conversions, and fostering lasting customer loyalty. Prepare to gain fresh ideas, valuable insights, and innovative methodologies designed to elevate your digital marketing efforts to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your strategy and stay ahead of the curve! Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Revenue-Driven Strategies: Learn how performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can drive revenue and optimize your marketing efforts. 2. Building and Engaging Your Audience: Discover effective methods for increasing brand awareness and cultivating deep engagement with your target audience. 3. Driving Conversions and Loyalty: Gain insights into strategies for driving conversions and fostering lasting customer loyalty to sustain your brand's growth.

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Digital Marketing Trends Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge -...

The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

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FID/TBT Resources
▪ First Input Delay (FID)
▪ Total Blocking Time (TBT)
▪ Optimize First Input Delay
▪ Lighthouse: Total Blocking Time
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
CLS Resources
▪ Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift
▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in AMP – The AMP Blog AMP blog, April 2020
▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Calculator
@rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
Thanks for Watching!

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Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools

  • 1. Are you there Page Experience? It’s me, Dev Tools. Jamie Indigo, Senior Technical SEO Rachel Anderson, Senior Technical SEO @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 2. Page Experience Update Components 1. Mobile-Friendly 2. Responsible Interstitials 3. Safe-Browsing 4. HTTPS-Security 5. Core Web Vitals @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 4. What are DevTools? “Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser.” AKA: Your way to prep for the update without all those darn extensions @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 5. 5 Use an incognito window or dedicated chrome profile for accurate performance results
  • 6. How to Open Dev Tools ● Right click the screen and select “inspect” @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 8. Network Panel > Disabling the Cache @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 10. Hands on Test and Measure @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 12. Mimic a mobile device ● Device emulation @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 13. Lighthouse Panel SEO Ally; Chrome Native @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 14. Intrusive Interstitials Penalizing the annoying since January 2017 @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 15. Intrusive Interstitials ● Impacts ranking not indexing Defined by: ● Covering most or all of the content on a page ● Difficult if not impossible to close ● Popping up without prompting @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 16. Use inspect to ensure crawlability ● Elements panel ● Biggest risk: content isn't available until the interstitial is dismissed. ● Overlays are fine as long as the content is available without dismissing or agreeing (or any interaction) @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 18. Safe Browsing & HTTPS-Security The fact we went without this until 2016 is terrifying @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 19. HTTPS-Security No excuses! We all need: ● Encryption: encrypting the exchanged data to keep it secure from eavesdroppers ● Data integrity: data cannot be modified or corrupted during transfer ● Authentication: proves that your users communicate with the intended website @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 20. Security Panel >> Cert @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 21. Security Panel >> Mixed Resources @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 22. How to Improve CWV with DevTools @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 23. Meet the 3 components of Web Vitals Loading Interactivity Visual Stability � � ⏳ Images via: The SEO's Guide to Google's Core Web Vitals
  • 24. Why Web Vitals? ● Real humans want a good web experiences. ● One study found that mobile web users didn’t tend to keep their attention on the screen for more than 4–8 seconds at a time. ● When a page passes CWVs, users are 24% less likely to abandon page loads. OO:OO:O8 Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020
  • 25. Lab vs Field Data An Important Caveat
  • 26. Field Data OR: Why don't my tests match the Crux report?? ● Field data is the last 28 days averages from real chrome users on your site ● CrUX data is field data ● CrUX data can be accessed with Page Speed Insights, in GSC, LightHouse, and the CrUX API Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020
  • 27. Lab Data ● Lab data is performance data collected within a controlled environment with predefined device and network settings. ● Lab data can be accessed in LightHouse and the Dev Tools Performance report Source: The Science Behind Web Vitals, Chromium Blog May 2020
  • 28. Opening the Performance Report @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 29. Performance Report: Recording a Page Load 1. Press “record” 2. Refresh the browser 3. Wait for the page to load 4. Stop profiling @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 30. The Performance Report: Metric Markers ● LCP ● FCP ● FP ● DCL ● OL @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 31. Largest Contentful Paint LCP measures loading performance. To provide a good user experience, LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading. LCP time (in milliseconds) Color-coding 0–2,500 Green (fast) 2,500-4,000 Orange (moderate) Over 4,000 Red (slow) @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 32. The Performance Report: LCP ● Resource Type ● Resource Size ● Related Node! @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 33. Cumulative Layout Shift Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): measures visual stability. To provide a good user experience, pages should maintain a CLS of less than 0.1. CLS calculated score Color-coding 0–0.10 Green (fast) 0.11-0.24 Orange (moderate) >= 0.25 Red (slow) @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 34. CLS Layout Score = impact fraction * distance fraction * @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 35. The Performance Report: CLS ● CLS is marked in the experience row as “layout shift” ● Details appear in the summary section ● There can be multiple layout shifts @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 36. First Input Delay (FID) measures interactivity. To provide a good user experience, pages should have a FID of less than 100 milliseconds. @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 37. First Input Delay vs Total Blocking Time There is no FID in lab data - TBT is the closest substitute The Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric measures the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) where the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. FID (in milliseconds) TBT (in milliseconds) Color-coding 0-100 0–300 Green (fast) 101-299 301-599 Orange (moderate) >= 300 Over 600 Red (slow) @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 38. Causes of Poor FID ▪ Heavy JavaScript execution const heavy = true; While (heavy) { console.log("FID fail") } @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 39. Performance Report: Long Tasks Long tasks (which are added together for TBT) are labeled in the Main thread @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 40. The Performance Report: TBT TBT is at the bottom of the summary panel (don’t be like Rachel who manually added TBT from long tasks for a month before realizing this) @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 41. Finding Unused JavaScript This is nice but what are these scripts? How much unused JavaScript is there anyway? @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 42. Coverage Report: Unused Bytes ● You can identify which scripts are the most wasteful and exactly which lines are not executed @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 43. What we know ranking signal mechanics @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 44. Launching May 2021 ● Page-level factor ● Score may be a mix of origin summary and page specific ● The signal will use mobile CWV data ● AMP pages are included in the signal ● Noindexed pages are included in the signal @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 45. Top Stories - AMP No Longer Required The change for non-AMP content to become eligible to appear in the mobile Top Stories feature in Search will also roll out in May 2021. Any page that meets the Google News content policies will be eligible and we will prioritize pages with great page experience, whether implemented using AMP or any other web technology, as we rank the results. Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 46. Expect Core Web Vitals to evolve ● Google intends to update the page experience signals on an annual basis ● Future CWV metrics will be documented similarly to the initial signal rollout. @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 47. The future of SEO is collaborative Dev UX Product Search Engines SEO @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 48. There’s SO Much More ● Need more DevTools in your life? Watch Chris Johnson’s talk! @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 49. @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| DON'T BE AFRAID TO LEARN IN PUBLIC |___________| (__/) || (•ㅅ•) || /   づ
  • 50. Resources ▪ Performance panel updates, Google Developers ▪ A Technical SEO Guide to Lighthouse Performance Metrics @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 51. Mobile-Friendly Resources ▪ Helping users find mobile-friendly pages Webmaster Blog, November 2014 ▪ Finding more mobile-friendly search results Webmaster Blog, February 2015 ▪ Mobile Friendliness Overview | Google Search Central ▪ Choose a mobile configuration | Google Search Central ▪ Customize your website software | Google Search Central ▪ Our Mobile Planet: US Infographic, Think with Google ▪ Mobile Path to Purchase: Five Key Findings ▪ Mobile Search Moments Study ▪ What to know when building a site for mobile devices | Google Search Central @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 52. Mobile-Friendly Guides by CMS ▪ WordPress ▪ Joomla! ▪ Drupal ▪ vBulletin ▪ Tumblr ▪ DataLife Engine ▪ Prestashop ▪ Google Sites ▪ Typepad ▪ Squarespace ▪ Wix @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 53. Mobile-Friendly Testing Resources ▪ In Chrome using device emulation & Lighthouse panel ▪ Check your pages with the Mobile-Friendly Test ▪ Monitor your site with GSC’s Mobile Usability Report @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 54. Interstitial Resources ▪ Helping users easily access content on mobile Webmaster Blog, August 2016 ▪ English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout Youtube @15:33, October 2016 ▪ Page-to-page interstitial @schachin Twitter, January 2017 ▪ Geo location pop-in @johnmu Twitter May 2017 @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 55. Safe Browsing Resources ▪ More Safe Browsing Help for Webmasters Webmaster Blog, August 2016 ▪ Safe Browsing protection from even more deceptive attacks Webmaster Blog, November 2015 ▪ Google Online Security Blog: More Protection from Unwanted Software Security Blog, February 2015 ▪ Google Safe Browsing ▪ Security tips | Google Safety Center ▪ Help, I think I've been hacked! | Web Fundamentals ▪ Social Engineering (Phishing and Deceptive Sites) ▪ Malware and unwanted software | Google Search Central ▪ ▪ Malware and unwanted software | Google Search Central @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 56. HTTPS Resources ▪ Secure your site with HTTPS | Google Search Central ▪ HTTPS as a ranking signal Webmaster Blog, August 2014 ▪ Here's to more HTTPS on the web! Webmaster Blog, November 2016 ▪ Why HTTPS matters, April 2020 @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 57. Page Experience Ranking Signal Resources ▪ Evaluating page experience for a better web Google Search Central ▪ Understanding page experience in Google Search results Google Search Central ▪ Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search Google Search Central @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 58. Core Web Vitals Resources ▪ The SEO's Guide to Google's Core Web Vitals DeepCrawl ▪ Core Web Vitals report Search Console Help ▪ Lighthouse Largest Contentful Paint @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 59. Core Web Vitals Testing Tools ▪ GoogleChrome/lighthouse, Github ▪ Google PageSpeed Insights page ▪ Chrome DevTools ▪ Google Search Console ▪ Measure ▪ Web Vitals - Chrome Web Store ▪ Chrome User Experience Report | Chrome UX Report @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 60. LCP Resources ▪ Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) ▪ Optimize Largest Contentful Paint ▪ Lighthouse Largest Contentful Paint @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 61. FID/TBT Resources ▪ First Input Delay (FID) ▪ Total Blocking Time (TBT) ▪ Optimize First Input Delay ▪ Lighthouse: Total Blocking Time @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts
  • 62. CLS Resources ▪ Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift ▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) ▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in AMP – The AMP Blog AMP blog, April 2020 ▪ Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Calculator @rachelleighrva @jammer_volts