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How To Tackle Enterprise Sites - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
What we do every day:
Help people to crawl websites
to get insights, no matter how
many URLs they have.
Recommended fixes for a better site.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Tips and tactics for crawling large sites.
Common pitfalls of the biggest brands.
Effectively & Efficiently
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021

This talk will focus on the key considerations that need to be made for technical SEO in new international markets. From choosing the correct domain structure for your needs, to ensuring your new website is setup to start ranking from day one, this talk will cover learnings from successful, and a few unsuccessful, global website launches and what to do to ensure optimal performance once live.

The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
 The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King   The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King

This document discusses the rise of technical SEO due to changes in web technologies like JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS. It notes that search engines are now able to crawl sites rendered with JavaScript through headless browsers. It emphasizes the importance of log file analysis and ensuring sites are crawlable, including through proper prerendering setup. The document argues that technical SEO skills are now essential for SEO professionals due to the increased complexity of modern web development.

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SearchLove Boston 2018 - Tom Anthony - Hacking Google: what you can learn fro...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Tom Anthony - Hacking Google: what you can learn fro...SearchLove Boston 2018 - Tom Anthony - Hacking Google: what you can learn fro...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Tom Anthony - Hacking Google: what you can learn fro...

Tom has long been fascinated with how the web works… and how he could break it. In this presentation, Tom will discuss some of the times that he has discovered security issues in Google, Facebook and Twitter. He will discuss compromising Search Console so that he could look up any penalty in the Manual Action tool, how he took control of tens of thousands of websites, and how he recently discovered a major bug that let him rank brand new sites on the first page with no links at all. Tom will outline how these exploits work, and in doing so share some details about the technical side of the web.

searchlovesearchlove bostonseo
The sheer scale of enterprise sites and
knowing where to start can be daunting.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
That’s why you need to start smaller.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Targeted crawls can run regularly, allowing
even the largest sites to bypass resource
and time constraints.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Good news: you don’t
need to crawl every
URL every time.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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UK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEO
UK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEOUK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEO
UK Top 5,000 Websites; Mobile Site Speed Benchmark - BrightonSEO

At Erudite we like to conduct our own R and D so that we truly understand the competitive landscape. We analysed the Lighthouse speed metrics of 5,000 of the UKs top websites, and categorised them by channel, so that we can better understand mobile site speed in the context of competition.

performanceseotechnical seo
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...

Are you sending mixed messages to Google? There are many different signals that feed into URL selection for search engines, and when these signals aren’t implemented correctly search engines have to make their own assumptions about your website and what’s important. In this talk, Rachel will share examples where a website’s signals can be ignored or overruled, as well as how to test your site setup. Don’t leave anything to chance – be sure that the most important areas of your site are getting the attention the attention they deserve.

seorachel costellodeepcrawl
The Ultimate Pagination for SEO
The Ultimate Pagination for SEOThe Ultimate Pagination for SEO
The Ultimate Pagination for SEO

This document compares different pagination techniques and their effect on SEO. It finds that logarithmic pagination and ghostblock pagination perform best based on metrics like maximum page depth reached, average page rank of pagination vs item pages, and number of relevant pages. The document provides best practices for pagination on category trees, threads/discussions, and chronological content. It recommends stable pagination for content that is constantly updated to avoid unstable page numbers.

technical seoseo
You only need enough
data to validate issues.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Getting the data you need as
quickly as possible.1
Building the bigger picture
from smaller parts.2
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...
Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...
Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...

The document discusses the complexities of JavaScript SEO. It summarizes the results of experiments testing how search engines like Google crawl and index various JavaScript frameworks. The experiments found that while some JavaScript is indexable, frameworks that rely on inline JavaScript are indexed better than those using external JavaScript files or Ajax calls. It also notes that crawlers have limited resources, so JavaScript-heavy sites may not be fully crawled or indexed.

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Moving URLs: Structural Web changes 
without losing rankings #SearchLove
Moving URLs: Structural Web changes 
without losing rankings #SearchLoveMoving URLs: Structural Web changes 
without losing rankings #SearchLove
Moving URLs: Structural Web changes 
without losing rankings #SearchLove

From implementing AMP to moving to HTTPS or doing a rebrand, there are many scenarios in which we need to move our URLs: In this session I'll go through the most common scenarios sharing tips, steps, do's and dont's as well as tools.

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SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...

Most marketers know that improving site speed leads to better engagement, conversion rates, and even improved performance in search engines. Still, many marketers don’t get involved in web performance optimization projects, expecting them to be handled entirely by developers. In this talk, you’ll learn about marketing’s critical role in measuring, auditing, and optimizing performance to drive greater impact for your business.

searchlovesearchlove boston
With tactical crawling methods, you can
use segments to give a representative
picture of the whole site.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Learn more about a site by breaking it into
manageable, predictable chunks.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Depending on the vertical, each site should
be able to be split into 5-7 categories:
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Category PagesProduct Pages Blog Pages Vanity Pages
FAQ Pages
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...

This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
Modern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players GuideModern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players Guide

This document discusses various tactics for improving SEO and site performance. It provides tips on keyword research using persona targeting, content strategy, internal linking to distribute link equity, log file analysis to understand crawl budget opportunities, auditing JavaScript sites, gaining real estate in SERPs through featured snippets and domain stacking, speed optimizations like code ordering and preloading/prerendering resources, and using analytics to better predict user behavior.

seoadvanced seomike king
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
This method is about
collecting a percentage
of the whole site.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Start a small crawl and find
areas of crawl waste to
exclude for whole crawl.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021

An introduction into headless websites and the considerations that SEOs and performance marketers should keep in mind when optimising them.

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Introduction to PWAs & New JS Frameworks for Mobile

Emily Grossman's talk about PWAs from BrightonSEO September 2017 Video slides have been replaced by a screenshot with links to the videos or their original sources.

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How to build a scalable content production system.
How to build a scalable content production system.How to build a scalable content production system.
How to build a scalable content production system.

While content is essential to many agencies, creating an efficient content production system can be challenging—so let us show you how. In this presentation, Seeker founder, Gareth Simpson, demonstrates how to scale your content marketing efforts by using smart systems and automation. By taking a process-driven approach, you can scale your creative output and keep creatives happy. It’s a win-win.

@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Category Page
Tracking URLs
Pagination URLs
Product Page Parameter URLs
Social Tag URLs
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Use level limitation to
assess site breadth without
getting lost in the weeds.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Category Page
Category Page Category Page
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Product Page Product Page Product PageLevel 4

Recommended for you and the changing world of Rich Results - SEOEdinburgh Meetup and the changing world of Rich Results - SEOEdinburgh and the changing world of Rich Results - SEOEdinburgh Meetup and the changing world of Rich Results - SEOEdinburgh Meetup

Slide deck to accompany a talk on ' and the changing world of Rich Results' delivered by Geoff Kennedy at the first SEOEdinburgh Meetup on 26th Feb 2020 in Akva, Edinburgh.

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The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...

Battling it out in the SERPs with your competitors is one thing, but battling it out within your own company to get SEO tasks actioned is the real challenge in our industry. Rachel will talk you through how to prioritise and demonstrate the value of your SEO work in order to get tasks moved up the development queue, as well as receiving the buy-in your team deserves. In this session we will cover how to pick your battles for your SEO projects (and win them), building your case for presenting required actions, as well as how to get things done and prove both the results of your projects and the importance of SEO within your company.

brightonseorachel costellodeepcrawl
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...

Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing and websites are going to be affected - but there’s no need to panic. In this talk, Rachel will explain exactly how mobile-first indexing will actually work and what SEOs can do to not only help their websites survive the new indexing change, but thrive and be successful in the mobile space. We’ll cover areas for potential site performance decreases to watch out for, the key checks you need to run on your site, and what you need to do to make sure your site is ready.

seosearchsearch engine optimization
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Crawl a certain number of
examples of each page
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Product Page 4Category Page 4 Blog Post 4
Category Page 3
Category Page 2
Category Page 1
Product Page 3
Product Page 2
Product Page 1
Blog Post 3
Blog Post 2
Blog Post 1
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
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Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...

Rather than chasing after the latest search trends or churning out content just to try and target a wider audience of new customers, you need to take a step back. Instead, start by assessing your website’s onsite journey and the experience it’s currently delivering to the people who are already interested enough in your brand to click through to it. In this talk, Rachel will share her own tried-and-tested methods of improving onsite user experience, conversions and keyword rankings by utilising CRO and UX techniques to get actionable insights into user behaviour and any roadblocks impeding the customer journey. Examples of some of the methods that will be covered are customer feedback collection, website heat mapping, customer journey mapping, website crawling, A/B testing and more. Learn how to reverse the decision-making process and build your retail strategy around the customers you actually have by opening up a dialogue with them, rather than building your business around the types of users you think you have.

uxcroconversion optimization
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

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Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...
Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...
Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...

Presentation on things to be aware of from an SEO and usability perspective when you use filters and facets on your ecommerce website, including tips for ensuring you don't fall foul of crawl budget issues, thin and duplicate content, aren't blocking important pages etc.

@rachellcostello brightonSEO
This method is about
analysing an isolated
section of the site.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
All of the products but none
of the categories
(horizontal slice).
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Category Page
Category Page Category Page
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Product Page Product Page Product PageLevel 4

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SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - DeepcrawlSearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl
SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl

"How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing" Presentation from SearchStars - Swedens largest search marketing conference.

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Is it easier to be an SEO for a small business or a big business?
Is it easier to be an SEO for a small business or a big business?Is it easier to be an SEO for a small business or a big business?
Is it easier to be an SEO for a small business or a big business?

The document discusses whether it is easier to be an SEO for a small business or a big business. It explores the advantages and challenges of each. For small businesses, SEOs have more flexibility and wear multiple hats, but have smaller budgets. For big businesses, SEOs have higher domain authority and larger budgets but less flexibility. Ultimately, the document concludes that it depends on the individual SEO's skills and that SEOs can learn from each other regardless of business size.

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Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017

Technical SEO for e-commerce at home and abroad. Topics include: Infinite scroll, Faceted navigation, Content and Keywords, Handling 'out of stock' products, Seasonal refreshes of content, Product options and Hreflang tags.

seointernational seoecommerce
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Crawl a distinct section that
serves a separate function
(e.g. blog or separate
mobile site).
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Category Page
Category Page Blog
Blog Category
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Product Page Product Page Blog PostLevel 4
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)
Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)
Making HREFLANG Manageable: Search Marketing Summit (Sydney)

Hreflang is a convoluted solution to a common problem and scaling it can be a nightmare. Even Google's John Mueller agrees "it's one of the most complex aspects of SEO". Having pioneered Hreflang sitemaps in 2011 the Erudite team have supported over 3,000 clients and tool users to complete their Hreflang projects successfully. In this presentation Nichola goes through implementation types and differences. How to manage and scale solutions. How to benchmark and communicate project success with global teams. Common errors and quirks.

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BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check
BrightonSEO 2017  - SEO quick wins from a technical checkBrightonSEO 2017  - SEO quick wins from a technical check
BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check

Actionable advice to drive more traffic and revenue to your site from carrying out a technical check. These slides look at technical issues such as 301 redirects, robots.txt files and crawl budget, sitemaps, canonical tags and optimisation, which can all be found by using the technical SEO tools, Screaming Frog, Deep Crawl, Google Search Console and Google Analytics. What can you expect from these slides? - To learn which key technical issues to look out for. - To learn how these technical issues impact your SEO. - To learn how to fix these technical issues for SEO quick wins.

seodigital marketing
We’ve analysed the SEO of over 100 eCom sites - this is what we’ve learned!
We’ve analysed the SEO of over 100 eCom sites - this is what we’ve learned!We’ve analysed the SEO of over 100 eCom sites - this is what we’ve learned!
We’ve analysed the SEO of over 100 eCom sites - this is what we’ve learned!

Working exclusively with eCommerce websites across a whole range of CMS, we've seen (almost) everything, from accidental overnight noindexing of entire websites, to broken dynamic rendering stopping only poor Bingbot from crawling a site. But what we find most fascinating are the trends that arise most frequently, often transcending the boundaries of website size, niche, and brand: - What opportunities do most eCommerce sites miss? - What problems are frequently holding eCom brands from product goldmines? - What have we found to be the most effective ways of selling the ROI of SEO and getting our recommendations implemented above the inevitable development backlogs? This talk aims to outline what we've learned about the most common issues and opportunities eCommerce websites face, with data-backed examples of what websites can do today to boost SEO and make an immediate difference in organic traffic and revenue.

@rachellcostello brightonSEO
1. A strong history of organic traffic.
2. Consistent levels of customer engagement.
3. Close monitoring of all changes made.
Because when you see the needle move
it will be more meaningful.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Supplement your segments in external data sources too.
Use custom properties,
inclusion rules and
filtered reports to
pre-filter data in:
Analytics tools
Log files
Google Search Console
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...

Google conducts 800,000 experiments and improvements to search annually to optimize search results for users. In 2021 alone, Google made 5,000 improvements to search. As of August 2022, 92% of all search queries are handled by Google. The document then provides an in-depth overview of how to conduct a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) analysis, including competitor analysis, entity analysis, sentiment analysis, search intent analysis, language use analysis, and rank analysis. It recommends leveraging tools like Google APIs, Data for SEO, and GPT-3 to automate the analysis and provide classifications. The analysis is intended to guide content and keyword strategy execution rather than replace it.

How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015
How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015
How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015

Connect with me @gianniskarag Getting traction for your startup is not easy, so it's essential to get your SEO strategy right. Search Engine optimization can significantly improve your startups performance and help you get a piece of the market share from established players. This workshop will cover: Crawling and Accessibility Site speed & Performance Advanced Data & Keyword Research Localization & Internationalization Link building techniques

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Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...
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Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...

1. The document discusses optimizing website speed and performance to meet users' expectations. It outlines techniques like prioritizing above-the-fold content, progressive enhancement, and tailoring experiences based on device and connection. 2. Speed testing tools are recommended to analyze performance like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest, Chrome DevTools, and GTmetrix. 3. Future optimizations discussed include using resource hints, the Network Information API, and code improvements like preloading and graceful degradation. Developers should be consulted to learn more.

seosemsearch engine optimization
Tactical crawling allows you to get to know
your website and its structure better.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Establishing patterns means you can crawl
more efficiently in future.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
But, remember to also run annual or
semi-annual full crawls and tech SEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
The takeaways from these are the primary
baselines for planning tactical crawls.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023Hreflang: 
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023

Learn if hreflang annotations are still necessary in Intenational SEO projects in 2023, in which scenarios and how to effectively implement it while minimizing issues and maximizing success and impact.

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Aleyda Solis | Moving URLs
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Aleyda Solis | Moving URLsSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Aleyda Solis | Moving URLs
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Aleyda Solis | Moving URLs

There are many reasons why you might change the URLs for a page, section, or entire site. In this presentation, Aleyda will cover her experiences, and present data for what happens during web migrations, http/https switches, adding rel=canonical or hreflang, creating Accelerated Mobile Pages and more.

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Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...

Hreflang is a common challenge in international SEO, but for a good reason. It can make the difference between success or failure in reaching your target audience around the world.

@rachellcostello brightonSEO
I analysed the most recent audits
we’ve completed using tactical
crawling methods for our biggest
enterprise clients.
Here are the key takeaways of 3...
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
The key overlapping problem
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Improve your Wordpress SEO Strategy
Improve your Wordpress SEO StrategyImprove your Wordpress SEO Strategy
Improve your Wordpress SEO Strategy

This document provides tips and best practices for optimizing a website for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses topics like selecting an SEO-friendly WordPress theme, creating SEO-optimized content and internal links, managing multilingual SEO, improving title tags and meta descriptions, and obtaining external backlinks from relevant websites. The overall message is that SEO requires a holistic approach across both on-page and off-page optimization factors to help a website rank highly and get found online.

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Online SEO Meetup
Online SEO MeetupOnline SEO Meetup
Online SEO Meetup

Discover actionable SEO tips from industry thought leaders at Online SEMrush and the Melbourne SEO Meetup. The presentation covers the following topics: 1. Copywriting for Search Success (Jim Stewart) Jim will dive into a real-world case study and share tips on how to rank in Google's Featured Answer. 2. Basic E-Commerce Site Audit (Tim Capper) Beginners guide to Auditing your E-Commerce site. Tim will cover the most common problems encountered within an E-Commerce site, and how to check for these problems using both free and paid tools. 3. 10 Techniques to Convert Your Search Visits (Frederic Chanut) Frederic will share his tips on how to increase profits to online business by understanding what exactly makes audience become customers. 4. WordPress SEO Tips and Tricks (Chris Burgess) Chris will share the essential steps to creating and optimizing the perfect WordPress website, popular SEO plugins to use and common mistakes marketers make to when working with WordPress. You can find more tips here:

conversionmarketing digitalecommerce
Website Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report SampleWebsite Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report Sample

This is a sample of the website audit reports that my company, S3 Optimization provides. Because of all the recent changes within Google, we're offering these for free (a $500 value) to business owners who are serious about their rankings and being compliant with Google.

mobile websitesgoogle updateppc
5 Mobile
Internal Linking
Site Speed
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Removing URLs
for nonsensical
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Overcoming Technical SEO Challenges for Enterprise Sites | SearchLeeds 2019 |...
Overcoming Technical SEO Challenges for Enterprise Sites | SearchLeeds 2019 |...Overcoming Technical SEO Challenges for Enterprise Sites | SearchLeeds 2019 |...
Overcoming Technical SEO Challenges for Enterprise Sites | SearchLeeds 2019 |...

This document discusses technical SEO challenges for large enterprise sites and provides solutions. It addresses issues related to the scale and complexity of large sites including: conducting tactical crawls to gain insights while managing resources; prioritizing technical issues based on effort and impact; creating reporting dashboards to monitor key metrics and issues across many domains; and gaining approval for SEO initiatives in large organizations with multiple stakeholders. Tactics for addressing these challenges include segmented crawls, prioritizing recommendations, enterprise-level dashboards, and building influence within organizations.

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Creating Killer Dashboards That Inform & Persuade - SMX Advanced 2019 - Sam M...
Creating Killer Dashboards That Inform & Persuade - SMX Advanced 2019 - Sam M...Creating Killer Dashboards That Inform & Persuade - SMX Advanced 2019 - Sam M...
Creating Killer Dashboards That Inform & Persuade - SMX Advanced 2019 - Sam M...

This document discusses how Data Studio helps the author work more efficiently as an SEO manager. It provides examples of dashboards created in Data Studio to streamline reporting for management, content teams, and junior SEOs. Benefits include saving time on repetitive tasks, encouraging focus on goals, and providing an easy starting point for new staff to investigate performance. The author advocates using Data Studio to expand influence by automating workflows, sharing dashboards, and contributing to the community.

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Owning Enterprise SEO with Effective & Scalable Dashboards - Nick Wilsdon, Pr...
Owning Enterprise SEO with Effective & Scalable Dashboards - Nick Wilsdon, Pr...Owning Enterprise SEO with Effective & Scalable Dashboards - Nick Wilsdon, Pr...
Owning Enterprise SEO with Effective & Scalable Dashboards - Nick Wilsdon, Pr...

Managing and monitoring SEO effectively is a massive challenge for enterprise businesses, not least because of the sheer scale of their websites. For this reason, we’ve invited Vodafone’s Search Product Owner, Nick Wilsdon, to enlighten us with a webinar on the topic. Nick will cover the importance of using dashboards to monitor SEO issues and uncover insights for large websites, as well as providing you with actionable next steps to help you create your own dashboards.

seoseo servicessearch engine optimization
Removing URLs
for nonsensical
Use location to
show relevant
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Removing URLs
for nonsensical
Use location to
show relevant
Allow users to
toggle between
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Removing URLs
for nonsensical
Use location to
show relevant
Allow users to
toggle between
Add x-default
for non-
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Removing URLs
for nonsensical
Use location to
show relevant
Allow users to
toggle between
Add x-default
for non-
Translate all
titles and
descriptions to
the correct
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019

Find out how to create Google Data Studio dashboards using Analytics, Search Console and CrUX data to create persuasive dashboards.

data studioseogoogle
The State of Pagination & Infinite Scroll - BrightonSEO April 2019 - Adam Gent
The State of Pagination & Infinite Scroll - BrightonSEO   April 2019 - Adam GentThe State of Pagination & Infinite Scroll - BrightonSEO   April 2019 - Adam Gent
The State of Pagination & Infinite Scroll - BrightonSEO April 2019 - Adam Gent

The State of Pagination and Infinite Scroll on the Web by Adam Gent A deep dive into the current implementations of pagination and infinite scroll across the web, and how sites can achieve technical excellence when creating a paginated series on mobile and desktop websites.

brightonseodeepcrawlsearch engine optimization
The Business Value of SEO - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Director, DeepCrawl
The Business Value of SEO - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Director, DeepCrawlThe Business Value of SEO - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Director, DeepCrawl
The Business Value of SEO - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Director, DeepCrawl

In this presentation, Jennifer Hoffman highlights a few areas responsible for the disconnect between those SEOs asking for budget and their Executive Leadership team who hold the purse strings. Furthermore, she shows how to connect the dots, translating the data you have at your fingertips into metrics that will get you the buy-in and resource you deserve.

seoseo servicesmarketing
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Replace 302
redirects with
301 redirects.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Replace 302
redirects with
301 redirects.
Fix any server
errors in Google
Search Console
‘Crawl Errors’
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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How To Survive & Thrive After Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How To Survive & Thrive After Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...How To Survive & Thrive After Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How To Survive & Thrive After Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...

Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing, and websites are going to be affected. However, there’s no need to panic. In this talk, Rachel will explain exactly how mobile-first indexing will actually work, and what SEOs can do to not only help their websites survive the new indexing change, but thrive and be successful in the mobile space. We’ll cover areas for potential site performance decreases to watch out for, the key checks you need to run on your site, and what you need to do to make sure your site is ready.

deepcrawldigital marketingmarketing
Efficient AF: Automating SEO Reporting With Google Data Studio - Sam Marsden,...
Efficient AF: Automating SEO Reporting With Google Data Studio - Sam Marsden,...Efficient AF: Automating SEO Reporting With Google Data Studio - Sam Marsden,...
Efficient AF: Automating SEO Reporting With Google Data Studio - Sam Marsden,...

How much time do you waste pulling reports and stats from individual tools and platforms? If the answer is too much then you need to get automating your SEO reporting to get yourself out of manual and inefficient workflows that waste your precious time. Everybody’s heard of Google Data Studio now, but are you using to join up and automate reporting as much as you could? Sam will show you how so you can set up Google Data Studio dashboards so you can become a more efficient marketer.

deepcrawldigital marketinginternal seo
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...

Are you sending mixed messages to Google? There are many different signals that feed into URL selection for search engines, and when these signals aren’t implemented correctly search engines have to make their own assumptions about your website and what’s important. In this talk, Rachel will share examples where a website’s signals can be ignored or overruled, as well as how to test your site setup. Don’t leave anything to chance – be sure that the most important areas of your site are getting the attention the attention they deserve.

seosemsearch engine optimization
Replace 302
redirects with
301 redirects.
Fix any server
errors in Google
Search Console
‘Crawl Errors’
Ensure all
elements are
unique and
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Replace 302
redirects with
301 redirects.
Fix any server
errors in Google
Search Console
‘Crawl Errors’
Ensure all
elements are
unique and
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
pagination to
show more
results per
Replace 302
redirects with
301 redirects.
Fix any server
errors in Google
Search Console
‘Crawl Errors’
Ensure all
elements are
unique and
pagination to
show more
results per
orphaned URLs
in the sitemaps.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...
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URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...

In his talk, DeepCrawl CEO, Michal Magdziarz breaks down the disconnect between SEOs and CEOs. He explains why he believes SEOs are still fighting to justify more budget and resource and provides actionable insights as to how they can prove the impact they have on the wider business.

seoseo servicesmichal magdziarz
How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...

Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing, and websites are going to be affected. However, there’s no need to panic. In this talk Rachel explains exactly how mobile-first indexing will actually impact work, and what SEOs can do to not only help their websites survive the new indexing system, but thrive. We’ll cover areas for potential site performance decreases to watch out for, the key checks you need to run on your site, and more.

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Cut the Crap: Next Level Content Audits with Crawlers - Sam Marsden, SEO & Co...
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Cut the Crap: Next Level Content Audits with Crawlers - Sam Marsden, SEO & Co...

Sites with any level of content production quickly build up pages that are outdated and left unmanaged, crawl budget can be wasted on low quality pages, penalties may be incurred and organic search visibility can be lost for the pages that matter most on a site. Sam will be sharing a new framework for conducting regular content audits that make use of many data sources but that are time efficient to implement and put you in the best position to make decisions on how to deal with the content on the sites you manage. Sam will examine the different data sources that you can bring together from commonly used tools and how to anchor this with crawl data in unique and original ways to assess onsite engagement and performance in search.

seodeepcrawlsam marsden
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Eliminate use of
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Eliminate use of
Remove unused
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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What's the Business Value of Search Data - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Direct...
What's the Business Value of Search Data - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Direct...What's the Business Value of Search Data - Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Direct...
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For Search Marketers, when requesting budget and resource of your executive leadership team, remember: Speak their language, use terminology that resonates with them, show the value in the numbers and show the upside and always remember it's about the customer and sending them through a positive customer journey in order to get them to convert. Positive Customer Journey = Happy Customer = Conversion = Revenue

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Cut The Crap: Running Content Audits With Crawlers - Sam Marsden, Technical S...
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Cut The Crap: Running Content Audits With Crawlers - Sam Marsden, Technical S...

Sites with any level of content production quickly build up pages that are outdated, no longer relevant and poor performers. Left unmanaged crawl budget may be wasted on low quality pages, penalties may be lost. In this presentation, Sam wants to show you how to do it in a way that saves you time.

marketingcrawl dataaudits
Increase Conversions with Crawl Data - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl
Increase Conversions with Crawl Data - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawlIncrease Conversions with Crawl Data - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl
Increase Conversions with Crawl Data - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, DeepCrawl

In this talk by Rachel Costello, Technical SEO at DeepCrawl, she will explore the true value of crawl data and how it can help you stay on top of your e commerce site health, enhance the user journey and drive revenue. From this presentation you'll gain insights into how customers and sales can slip through the net across your digital marketing campaigns, and why leveraging crawl data is the best way to address this. Discover the 5 key elements for optimising your website and the foundation of your digital marketing strategy: indexing, content, site speed, back links and mobile-first.

affiliate summitafiliateconversion rate optimisation
Eliminate use of
Remove unused
Reduce page
size for high
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Eliminate use of
Remove unused
Reduce page
size for high
caching time for
static pages
from minutes to
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Big Site Migrations- Michal Magdziarz, CEO of DeepCrawl
Big Site Migrations- Michal Magdziarz, CEO of DeepCrawl Big Site Migrations- Michal Magdziarz, CEO of DeepCrawl
Big Site Migrations- Michal Magdziarz, CEO of DeepCrawl

HOW TO PAINLESSLY MIGRATE LARGE PAGES WITH MILLIONS OF PAGES. The methodology and technical aspects of the migration of large parties: The process of technical configuration, tools, examples of traps, and more.

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[Webinar - VWO] AI-First Strategies to Drive Traffic and Conversions for 2024...
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Discover how Eric Siu’s agency, Single Grain, drove over 1 million new website visitors at a +59% higher conversion rate in 90 days by integrating innovative AI-driven strategies into their CRO and SEO practices, known as programmatic CRO (pCRO) and SEO (pSEO). Imagine: At the click of a button, your landing pages dynamically adapt to feature content and elements specific to the keywords and products they are targeting. That’s the power of pCRO, transforming generic pages into highly personalized experiences. With pSEO, generate quality pages at scale that rank at the top of search results for relevant long-tail keywords, driving traffic that then converts. Excited? In this session, Eric will guide you through how to implement these game-changing techniques for your own business, enhancing your digital strategy and maximizing your ROI.

by VWO
How Can German Auto Repair Shops Benefit From Digital Marketing
How Can German Auto Repair Shops Benefit From Digital MarketingHow Can German Auto Repair Shops Benefit From Digital Marketing
How Can German Auto Repair Shops Benefit From Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, German auto repair shops can leverage digital marketing to enhance visibility, engage customers through personalized interactions, and reach targeted demographics effectively. By optimizing online presence, managing reputation, and analyzing performance data, shops can achieve cost-efficient growth and competitive advantage in the market.

marketingdigital marketingsocial media
redirect loops
and chains.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
redirect loops
and chains.
Reinstate links
to pages with
10+ impressions
and/or visits.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
redirect loops
and chains.
Reinstate links
to pages with
10+ impressions
and/or visits.
internal links to
nofollow pages.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
redirect loops
and chains.
Reinstate links
to pages with
10+ impressions
and/or visits.
internal links to
nofollow pages.
Avoid using
parameter URLs
for tracking.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Toortizi  -  Rationale  ( SALTY SNACKS )Toortizi  -  Rationale  ( SALTY SNACKS )
Toortizi - Rationale ( SALTY SNACKS )


KODA Digital Marketing Agency Profile Services.pdf
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Digital Solutions Content Craftsmanship Demand/Lead Gen Design Offerings

Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR - A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...
Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR -  A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR -  A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...
Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR - A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...

Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

digital marketingmarketingsales
redirect loops
and chains.
Reinstate links
to pages with
10+ impressions
and/or visits.
internal links to
nofollow pages.
Avoid using
parameter URLs
for tracking.
internal links to
search pages.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Avoid using
=1’ in viewport
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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Know about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptxKnow about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptx

Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

digital marketingseoppc
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin LundPPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund

Top 7 PPC and SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions. Most companies already own the data, let's share the data and boost the performance of both channels. Key Takeaways: Why PPC and SEO teams should strategize together7 ways PPC and SEO can work together to drive even more conversions

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10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 2024
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10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 2024

Explore the dynamic landscape of social media marketing in 2024 with our comprehensive presentation. Delve into the top 10 advantages and disadvantages that digital marketers face in leveraging social media platforms. Understand the opportunities for growth, engagement, and brand visibility, as well as the challenges and potential pitfalls that come with navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing while mitigating its drawbacks, tailored specifically for the needs of Markonik.

social media marketinglead gbest digital marketing agency
Avoid using
=1’ in viewport
no’ to ‘yes’ in
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Avoid using
=1’ in viewport
no’ to ‘yes’ in
Migrate all
pages to
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Avoid using
=1’ in viewport
no’ to ‘yes’ in
Migrate all
pages to
Ensure each
URL pair has
200 status.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Avoid using
=1’ in viewport
no’ to ‘yes’ in
Migrate all
pages to
Ensure each
URL pair has
200 status.
Fix content
mobile and
desktop URLs.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO

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The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024

The "Digital Marketing Metrics" PDF by Digital Scape provides a detailed guide to essential metrics used in digital marketing. It explains the importance of metrics in tracking and optimizing marketing efforts, offering definitions, formulas, and examples for each metric. The document covers metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Cost of Acquisition (COA), Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), Cost Per Sale (CPS), Bounce Rate, and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR). The aim is to equip marketers with the knowledge needed to make data-driven decisions and enhance campaign performance. Learn what is metrics, difference in metrics, different types of metrics and calculation.

digitdigital marketingdigital strategy
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiverAn Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver

Much like Odysseus's fabled journey, the venture of an organization into creating compelling websites, easy-to-use digital solutions, and flawless user experience is laden with trials and triumphs. This session explores a BizStream customer case study that demonstrates how crafting composable digital solutions with headless CMS and headless commerce is possible. The result now serves as a modern-day Athena, navigating the customer through the stormy seas of digital transformation. Attendees can expect to learn how to embrace modern composable solutions, understand the benefits they bring, and identify which of Odysseus's conflicts to avoid. Key Takeaways: What makes up a composable digital solution. Why content is still king in a composable world. How Headless CMS and Headless Commerce are different.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Luckily, there are already
resources on these topics!
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Internationalisation -
Indexing -
Site Speed -
Internal Linking -
Mobile -
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Run targeted, agile crawls on smaller sections
of your site.
Better understand internationalisation, indexing,
site speed, internal linking and mobile.
Use the findings to deliver quicker and more
impactful insights into site health.
@rachellcostello brightonSEO
Any questions? Send me a tweet:

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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar
Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick MattarCreate Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar
Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar

Nick will present his "best of" findings from reviewing and testing more than 200 generative AI platforms over the last three years. While some programs will save you more than half the time, you can bet to save at least 50% of your time creating content if you begin using these tools. Key Takeaways: Attendees will walk away with a comprehensive list of generative AI programs that will make their lives easier. From blogging to video production and even AI marketing assistants, you will learn about nearly 20 AI platforms that are guaranteed to make your life easier in some way.

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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Healthcare professionals
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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Medical Practices and Healthcare professionals in USA!

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Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet MarketingChandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing

CIIM (Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing) – ISO:9001 Certified & Google Partner Digital Marketing institute in Chandigarh — was founded by Surjeet Thakur in the year 2010. We specialize in training aspirants in various digital marketing domains such as Google Ads, PPC, SEO, SMM, SEM, Video Marketing, Amazon Marketing etc.

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How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
Rachel Costello
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Jordyn Gingrich

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The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive After Mobile-first Indexing | Rachel Costello, Techni...
Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...
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SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl
SearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - DeepcrawlSearchStars 2018: Rachel Costello - Deepcrawl
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Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
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BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check
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We’ve analysed the SEO of over 100 eCom sites - this is what we’ve learned!
How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
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how to use it successfully in 2023
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how to use it successfully in 2023Hreflang: 
Is it really still necessary and 
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Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
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Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Improve your Wordpress SEO Strategy
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Improve your Wordpress SEO Strategy
Online SEO Meetup
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Website Audit Report Sample
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