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AI Foundations
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
What you
can expect
in this
01 Introduction
02 What is AI and Why Is It Important Now?
03 The AI Journey & The Keys to Unlock AI
04 AI in Action: Real World Use Cases
05 Summary & What’s Next
Why We Are Here
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Part: 1
AI & ML Foundations
AI Foundations
● Intro to Key AI Concepts
● No prior AI knowledge or
background necessary
● No technical or coding
experience necessary
● Exercises: Non-Technical and
ML Foundations
● Applied AI Concepts
● Some experience with Python
or R would be helpful to
● Exercises: Technical and
In both courses you get access to experts and community makers!
You can earn a badge for AI & ML Foundations by successfully completing the assessments at the
end of each module (not required).
Session: X
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Session 2: Shifting to the Next Step in the AI Transformation Journey
Study Group
Session 3: AI Transformation and Covid-19
Module 2: Demystifying AI
Module 3: Machine Learning Foundations
AI Foundations Overview
You Are Here
Interested in knowing the full
schedule for the AI Foundations
course? View the schedule on
the community learning site
You are in Good Company
Technical Background & Industry
AI Projects & Challenges
Not Currently
Working on an AI
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Part: 2
Artificial intelligence (AI)
• A field of computer science that provides the ability for a computer to
learn and reason like humans using several available techniques.
• It is an important field for those who want to extract meaningful insights
from massive amounts of data in a timely and systematic manner
AI & The Role of Machine Learning
AI today is largely powered by Machine Learning (ML)
• ML happens when a computer can take lots of data (examples) and
learn patterns from it to make predictions on new data based on those
learned patterns.
Expert Systems
AI is more than just Machine Learning
Knowledge and
Graph Systems
Robotics’s AI Glossary
Module: 3
AI Transformation
Why Now?
1950s 1980s
2000s 20202010s
• Math
• Statistics
• Algorithms
• Expensive computing
• Early AI in research
• Expert Systems
• Rules Engines
• CPU and storage
enterprise wide
• Search
• IoT begins
• Big Data (Hadoop)
• Rise of GPUs for AI
• Efficient storage
• Faster compute
• IoT miniaturization
• Networks everywhere
• Data science skills
• Public cloud emerges
Businesses are ready for an AI transformation
Perfect storm
✔ Open source algorithms
& frameworks
✔ High performance and
cost-effective compute
& storage
✔ Advanced data science
skills available
✔ More data than ever before
✔ AI can solve complex
business problems
✔ Fast on ramp & cloud economics
Algorithms, Data and Compute become Commodities
AI Spans Industries and Use Cases
Wholesale / Commercial
• Know Your Customers (KYC)
• Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Card / Payments Business
• Transaction frauds
• Collusion fraud
• Real-time targeting
• Credit risk scoring
• In-context promotion
Retail Banking
• Deposit fraud
• Customer churn prediction
• Auto-loan
Financial Services
• Early cancer detection
• Product recommendations
• Personalized prescription
• Medical claim fraud detection
• Flu season prediction
• Drug discovery
• ER and hospital management
• Remote patient monitoring
• Medical test predictions
Healthcare and
Life Science
• Predictive maintenance
• Avoidable truck-rolls
• Customer churn prediction
• Improved customer viewing
• Master data management
• In-context promotions
• Intelligent ad placements
• Personalized program
• Funnel predictions
• Personalized ads
• Fraud detection
• Next best offer
• Next best action
• Customer segmentation
• Customer churn
• Customer recommendations
• Ad predictions and fraud
Marketing and RetailMarketing and Retail
Examples of the impact of AI Transformations
…real-time individualized experience
…dynamic yield optimizationBreak then fix
…personalized quality of serviceCustomer service silos
…personalized healthcareMass treatment
…real-time trade surveillanceDaily risk analysis
Mass branding
AI allows
organizations to
shift interactions
Post Transaction
Pre Decision
The AI Journey & The Keys to
Unlock AI
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Part: 3
AI Business Value: A Journey in Four Phases
1 2 3 4Potential Operational Strategic Data-Driven
Enterprise AI Journey
Awareness & Interest
Evaluate Business Value
Technical Evaluation
Enterprise Deployment
Enterprise Production
Modern Data Architecture
Industry Leadership
Session: 2
Who is on the team?
Business leader, data
scientists, IT professional
Determine the problems you
want to solve with metrics (time,
money, # of customers, etc)
Determine where you have
data, need data, and can
use technology to find
answers and predictions.
Find answers efficiently.
Learn from others in the
data science community
Ask the Right Questions
Data & Technology
Create a Data Culture
Understand and explain the
models. Use leading edge
technologies to guard for
bias, explain a model, and
present this to regulators
Trust in AI
5 Keys
to unlock AI
Machine learning is as much
a cultural transformation as a
business transformation.
1Who’s On
Your Team?
IT Leader
Business Leader
Data Scientist
Find the right talent within.
Data. Data. Data.
Data is the
fuel for AI
• Basing decisions on data rather than intuition
• Data-driven decisions + big data technologies = Improved business
Why Data-Driven Decision Making Is Vital
Discover new
meaning in data
Predictive &
actionable insights
Build confidence in
Communicate data
stories for impact
Create valuable
Data Products
AI Enables Data Products To Be Created That…
Provide insight
Increase revenue
Open Markets
Improve OperationsCreate new features
Saving Lives
Supply Chain
Digital Marketing
Fraud Detection
Customer ChurnModel BuildingDebt Scoring
Propensity to
Bad credit
Effectiveness in
Time Reduction in
Increase in Sepsis
Debit Reduction
Call Center Savings
Time Reduction in
Model Building
Customer Churn
More Accurate
Predictions of Bad
with AI
Confidential23 Confidential23
Talent is Scarce
Needs Reality
Session: 2
AI Teams Can Be Organized Differently
Centralized Decentralized Hybrid
Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed
Centralized Organization – Hub & Spoke model where the data science
team supplies analytics to multiple business units
AI Teams
Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed
Decentralized Organization – Each business unit has its own data science
Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed
Hybrid Organization – Contains both a centralized AI team, but each
business unit has its own AI capabilities
AI Team
Determine the problems you
want to solve with metrics.
2Ask the Right
Want to save time?
Want to save money?
Increase customer base?
Turning Business Questions to ML Problems
How Much
• How much will each
customer invest?
• How much will each
customer invest each
• What will the cost of
stock X be?
• How will the exchange
rate change next week?
Which One
• Who will default on a
• Which customer will
• Which customers can I
• Who will pre-pay their
• Which product is a
customer likely to buy?
• How does a customer
feel about a product or
• How should we
segment customers?
• What topics are in our
customer feedback?
• Based on similar
customers, what is the
next best offer?
Module: 3
Learn from others in the data
science community
Learn from others.
Build or Buy?Open Source?
Cloud on on-prem? Data.
Determine where you have data, need
data, and can use technology to find
answers and predictions. Find answers
Rich AI Ecosystem - Too Many Choices?*j1pqHqSkGg-sS2x4.png
Rich AI Ecosystem - Too Many Choices?
Databases Big Data/Distributed
Cloud Computing
Programming Languages Business Intelligence Data Science/Analytics/AI
• Typical frontline store
of data (relational,
graph, etc)
• May be hosted in
cloud if volume of data
warrants it
• If data is too big to be
useful for accessing it
you can use big data
platforms for
distributed, parallel,
• In terms of accessing,
isolating, cleaning,
transforming data,
these are the big 3.
• Python + R are
consistently used for
DS & modeling
• Most common
resources for
descriptive statistics
and dashboarding
(specialize in
descriptive stats)
• For predictive & advanced analytic
insights use Data Science/AI
platforms (and py+R) to apply the
highest quality methods.
• Cloud computing may be needed
to run heavy math for these
Module: 5
Document. Humans.
5Trust in AI
Understand and explain the
models. Use leading edge
technologies to guard for bias,
explain a model, and present this
to regulators
How Can You Build Trust in AI?
Data Scientist
Why did they do that?
Why not something else?
When will customer churn?
When will customer not churn?
When can I trust you?
What if an attribute changed?
How do I correct an error?
Training Data
Learning Function
Training Model
Output / Scores
Customer Churn
Customer Activity
Module: 6
Why Does Machine Learning Explanation Matter?
I understand why
I understand why not
I know when customer will churn
I know when customer will not churn
I know when to trust ML model
When can I trust you?
I know what influences the prediction
I know why you erred
Training Data
Customer Churn
Customer Activity
Business Analyst
AI In Action: Real World Examples
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Part: 4
AI is a Journey!
For You and For Enterprises
AI Journey at PwC
3. Digital Transformation
Digital Transformations enabled PWC
to generate new, larger insights with
more dynamic data
1. Talent Challenges
PWC needed a rapid & innovative
approach to attrittion and upskilling
2. Manual Limitations
PWC Auditors were stuck doing far too
many repetitive and redundant tasks, that
were prime for automation
4. The Future + AI
PWC wanted to leverage the
foundation built through digital to
identify high-value, innovative use
cases leveraging AI alongside H2O
• Co-innovation with
• Saved months or
even years
pinpointing errors,
reducing risks and
finding fraud
• Enables PWC
experts to work on
high risk
situations, not
mundane tasks
ar AI
2018 to today
• Driving audit quality,
accuracy and reliability
with intelligent
automation and AI
• Pilots are live today
• PwC is re-imagining
• Finds anomalous
behavior in near
Confidential42 Confidential42
Empowering PwC to be an Award-Winning AI Company
“The reason this is such a brilliant tool is
its ability to look at different risks, in
context, at the same time. For example,
it would be uneconomical for an auditor
to look at every single user’s pattern of
activity to decide what’s unusual. With, the algorithms do it for us.”
Gary Rapsy
Global Assurance Disruption and Innovation
Leader at PwC
“Part of the reason for wanting to work
with is the passion and
purpose around advancing finance and
democratizing AI for Finance.”
Laura Needham
Partner, PwC UK
Wells Fargo has an Enterprise-wide AI Initiative Underway
Data Scientists on
Driverless AI across
business units
Using MLI to explain
results to consumers
and regulators
“ has the best and fastest GLM.
They listen to us, and are addressing our
needs. I am very impressed.”
Agus Sudjianto
EVP, Head of Corporate Model Risk
Wells Fargo
Anti-money laundering
Predictive Banking
Consumer 360
Personalized Banking
Financial Decision Making
Consumer spending insights
Credit Card Fraud
Data Quality
Use Cases
“ Time Savings
deployment time
A Decade of Data Science at Nationwide Insurance
Centralized data
science team using
Millions $
Annual savings
“ provides us the power and
flexibility we need to solve business
problems with machine learning. We are
able to do more with less and do it faster.
Our results are proof of the power of AI in
Shannon Terry
Vice President, Predictive Analytics
Customer churn
Customer retention
Call routing
Risk segmentation
Business segmentation
Customer expansion
Customer 360
Use Cases
“ 25 Billion
Scored from 500K
models instantiated
in 10 years
Capital One Transformation Yielding Results
Using AI to streamline customer
calls and answer questions bette
New Business
Established a new revenue
stream with new data
“ worked closely with Capital One
on not only identifying opportunities in
our business, but they were a true
partners in transforming our business
and leading us to the path of data and AI
Karthik Aaravabhoomi
Former Capital One Transformation Leader
Anti-money laundering
Predictive Banking
Consumer 360
Personalized Banking
Financial Decision Making
Consumer spending insights
Credit Card Fraud
Data Quality
Use Cases
“ $ Tens of Millions
Enhanced and personalized
transactions saving millions of
Major US Telecom Creating a Model Factory
Models in production
in a model factory
Using MLI to explain
results to consumers
and regulators
“Driverless AI is giving amazing results
in terms of feature and model
Customer subscriber churn
Recommendation engines
Network anomaly detection
Fraud detection
Campaign optimization
Customer propensity
Next best offer
Tower placements (5G)
Predictive Maintenance
Use Cases
“ Time Savings
Distributed data
science team getting
results faster
Leveraging AI for Bond Pricing
Leverage AI to buy
personal loans for funds
and separate accounts
“H2O Driverless AI speeds up machine learning
by automating our data science workflow. With
the new recipe capability, we can extend and
customize the platform to meet our needs, such
as estimating the prepayment risk of underlying
loans in fixed-income assets like
mortgage-backed securities. Driverless AI is
helping us accelerate our AI journey.”
Chris Pham
Senior VP Data Management and Data Science
Franklin Templeton
Customer segmentation
Next Best Offer
Loan Default Prediction
Buying Pattern Prediction
Exchange Rate Prediction
Investment Prediction
Customer Sentiment
Use Cases
Business Groups
Using AI
Data Scientists
on Driverless AI
Millions $
Using AI to Deliver Fresh Fruit in the Fastest Possible Way
Leverage AI to find the
fastest route to reduce
“We are getting great results with
H2O Driverless AI. What once took
us 3 to 5 months using traditional
data science methods, can now be
done in 3 to 5 weeks without
having to add any additional data
scientists to the team.”
Gonzalo Bustos
Head of Data Analytics
Supply chain transportation
Perishable predictions
Reducing claims
Use Cases
Reduction of modeling
time 3 to 5 months to 3
to 5 weeks
Data Scientists
on Driverless AI
Millions $
Protecting Your Assets with AI
“After evaluating several solutions
in our search for the ideal AI
platform, we chose
because it provides us with the
transparency we needed into our
machine learning processes,
much more flexibility than the
other tools we evaluated, and the
strongest machine learning
explainability capabilities on the
market. provides new
avenues of innovation and allows
us to build quality and insightful
ML tools for our business
Andrew Langsner
Customer experience
Claim evaluations
Inventory stocking
Loss prevention
Lifetime value of a customer
Use Cases
Increased customer
satisfaction (both the
insured and the retailers)
Using MLI to explain
results to consumers
and regulators
$ Millions
Increased insurance
policies with both
consumers and
Improving Leads to Leases with AI
Monthly savings on
marketing expenses
for Real Estate clients
“Driverless AI helped us gain
an edge with our Intelligent
Marketing Cloud for our
clients. AI to do AI, truly is
improving our system on a
daily basis.”
Martin Stein
Chief Product Officer
COVID-19 impact on senior
Sentiment analysis
Customer call center
Use Cases
Level of accuracy of
leads to leases
Leasing agents now
have qualified leads
85% of the time
$1.5M/ month
Driving Marketing Engagement with AI
Model training time
“Driverless AI has made it easy to
try AI solutions in our own
environment and context. It
allowed us to quickly see the
benefits in our domain. Driverless
AI has cut down the overall
model development time in
about half. ”
Scott Pete
Director of Analytics and Insights
Predicting churn
Fraud detection
Next best experience
Brand marketing campaigns
Use Cases
Marketing campaign
cost savings and
ROI on marketing and
loyalty programs
What’s Next?
Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey
Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
Part: 5
• AI is not only ML & doesn’t exist without data
• AI Transformation requires a journey through the phases of maturity:
– Potential
– Operational
– Strategic
– Data-Driven
• Unlocking the value of AI Requires:
– Resources: Data & Talent
– Asking the right question for the problem you are solving
– Communication & Community
– Getting the right technology in place
– Building trust in the use of AI
What We’ve Covered So Far
Recording will be
posted w/in 2
1. The next session Shifting to the Next Step in the AI Transformation Journey will be held on
Thursday July 2, 2020 @ 7:00AM PDT
2. There’s a special session on Monday July 6, 2020 @7:00AM PDT on AI Transformation Stories
related to Covid-19.
Upcoming Sessions
Confidential55 Confidential55
Quizzes & Study Groups
• Each session within a module will have a small quiz to complete and all
quizzes for that module will be due before the next module starts.
• There are 2 options available for you to ask additional questions or get
assistance on AI concepts covered in the sessions:
– A Study Group for each Module will be held on Saturdays @ 7:00AM PDT
– Ask Me Anything will be held on Sundays @7:00AM PDT
• Reminder: Don’t forget to complete Quiz 1: An AI Transformation
Journey by Tuesday July 7, 2020 to earn your badge!
Confidential57 Confidential57
Additional Resources’s AI Glossary

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AI Foundations Course Module 1 - An AI Transformation Journey

  • 1. AI Foundations Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer
  • 2. 2 What you can expect in this session 01 Introduction 02 What is AI and Why Is It Important Now? 03 The AI Journey & The Keys to Unlock AI 04 AI in Action: Real World Use Cases 05 Summary & What’s Next
  • 3. Why We Are Here Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Part: 1
  • 4. 4 AI & ML Foundations AI Foundations ● Intro to Key AI Concepts ● No prior AI knowledge or background necessary ● No technical or coding experience necessary ● Exercises: Non-Technical and introductory ML Foundations ● Applied AI Concepts ● Some experience with Python or R would be helpful to success ● Exercises: Technical and deeper In both courses you get access to experts and community makers! You can earn a badge for AI & ML Foundations by successfully completing the assessments at the end of each module (not required). Session: X
  • 5. 5 Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Session 2: Shifting to the Next Step in the AI Transformation Journey Study Group Session 3: AI Transformation and Covid-19 Module 2: Demystifying AI Module 3: Machine Learning Foundations AI Foundations Overview You Are Here Interested in knowing the full schedule for the AI Foundations course? View the schedule on the community learning site
  • 6. 6 You are in Good Company
  • 8. 8 AI Projects & Challenges Not Currently Working on an AI Project 59%
  • 9. What is Artificial Intelligence? Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Part: 2
  • 10. 10 Artificial intelligence (AI) • A field of computer science that provides the ability for a computer to learn and reason like humans using several available techniques. • It is an important field for those who want to extract meaningful insights from massive amounts of data in a timely and systematic manner AI & The Role of Machine Learning AI today is largely powered by Machine Learning (ML) • ML happens when a computer can take lots of data (examples) and learn patterns from it to make predictions on new data based on those learned patterns.
  • 11. 11 AI ML NLP Expert Systems RL DL AI is more than just Machine Learning Math Optimizations Grammars Knowledge and Graph Systems Computer Vision Robotics’s AI Glossary Module: 3
  • 12. 1212 AI Transformation Why Now? 1950s 1980s 2000s 20202010s Digital transformation AI transformation • Math • Statistics • Algorithms • Expensive computing • Early AI in research • Expert Systems • Rules Engines • CPU and storage enterprise wide • WWW • Search • IoT begins • Big Data (Hadoop) • Rise of GPUs for AI • Efficient storage • Faster compute • IoT miniaturization • Networks everywhere • Data science skills • Public cloud emerges Businesses are ready for an AI transformation Perfect storm ✔ Open source algorithms & frameworks ✔ High performance and cost-effective compute & storage ✔ Advanced data science skills available ✔ More data than ever before ✔ AI can solve complex business problems ✔ Fast on ramp & cloud economics Algorithms, Data and Compute become Commodities
  • 13. 13 AI Spans Industries and Use Cases Wholesale / Commercial Banking • Know Your Customers (KYC) • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Card / Payments Business • Transaction frauds • Collusion fraud • Real-time targeting • Credit risk scoring • In-context promotion Retail Banking • Deposit fraud • Customer churn prediction • Auto-loan Financial Services • Early cancer detection • Product recommendations • Personalized prescription matching • Medical claim fraud detection • Flu season prediction • Drug discovery • ER and hospital management • Remote patient monitoring • Medical test predictions Healthcare and Life Science • Predictive maintenance • Avoidable truck-rolls • Customer churn prediction • Improved customer viewing experience • Master data management • In-context promotions • Intelligent ad placements • Personalized program recommendations Telecom • Funnel predictions • Personalized ads • Fraud detection • Next best offer • Next best action • Customer segmentation • Customer churn • Customer recommendations • Ad predictions and fraud Marketing and RetailMarketing and Retail
  • 14. Confidential14 Examples of the impact of AI Transformations …real-time individualized experience …dynamic yield optimizationBreak then fix …personalized quality of serviceCustomer service silos …personalized healthcareMass treatment …real-time trade surveillanceDaily risk analysis Mass branding WITH AIPRE-AI AI allows organizations to shift interactions from… Reactive Post Transaction Proactive Pre Decision
  • 15. The AI Journey & The Keys to Unlock AI Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Part: 3
  • 16. Confidential16 AI Business Value: A Journey in Four Phases 1 2 3 4Potential Operational Strategic Data-Driven Enterprise AI Journey Awareness & Interest Evaluate Business Value Technical Evaluation Point Deployment Point Production Enterprise Deployment Enterprise Production Modern Data Architecture Industry Leadership Session: 2
  • 17. 17 Who is on the team? Business leader, data scientists, IT professional Determine the problems you want to solve with metrics (time, money, # of customers, etc) Determine where you have data, need data, and can use technology to find answers and predictions. Find answers efficiently. Learn from others in the data science community Ask the Right Questions Data & Technology Community Create a Data Culture Understand and explain the models. Use leading edge technologies to guard for bias, explain a model, and present this to regulators Trust in AI 2 1 3 4 5 5 Keys to unlock AI
  • 18. Confidential18 Machine learning is as much a cultural transformation as a business transformation. 1Who’s On Your Team? IT Leader Business Leader Data Scientist Find the right talent within. Data. Data. Data.
  • 19. 19 Data is the fuel for AI TEXT IMAGES VIDEO AUDIO
  • 20. 20 • Basing decisions on data rather than intuition • Data-driven decisions + big data technologies = Improved business performance Why Data-Driven Decision Making Is Vital Discover new meaning in data Predictive & actionable insights Build confidence in decision-making Communicate data stories for impact Create valuable Data Products
  • 21. Confidential21 AI Enables Data Products To Be Created That… Provide insight Increase revenue Open Markets Improve OperationsCreate new features Data
  • 22. Confidential22 Saving Lives Supply Chain Optimization Digital Marketing Insurance Underwriting Fraud Detection Customer ChurnModel BuildingDebt Scoring Propensity to Lease Bad credit detection + 700% Marketing Campaign Effectiveness $ 20M/year Savings + 2X Effectiveness in Identification 25% Time Reduction in Planning 10% Increase in Sepsis Detection $ 10M/month Debit Reduction $ 1.5M/month Call Center Savings 50% Time Reduction in Model Building 25% Increase Customer Churn Prediction 8% More Accurate Predictions of Bad Credit Winning with AI
  • 23. Confidential23 Confidential23 Talent is Scarce Needs Reality Session: 2
  • 24. Confidential24 AI Teams Can Be Organized Differently Centralized Decentralized Hybrid
  • 25. Confidential25 Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed Centralized Organization – Hub & Spoke model where the data science team supplies analytics to multiple business units AI Teams
  • 26. Confidential26 Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed Decentralized Organization – Each business unit has its own data science capabilities
  • 27. Confidential27 Executive Sponsorship Needed for AI to Succeed Hybrid Organization – Contains both a centralized AI team, but each business unit has its own AI capabilities AI Team
  • 28. Confidential28 Determine the problems you want to solve with metrics. 2Ask the Right Questions Want to save time? Want to save money? Increase customer base?
  • 29. 29 Turning Business Questions to ML Problems   How Much • How much will each customer invest? • How much will each customer invest each month? • What will the cost of stock X be? • How will the exchange rate change next week? Which One • Who will default on a loan? • Which customer will churn? • Which customers can I upsell? • Who will pre-pay their mortgage? • Which product is a customer likely to buy? • How does a customer feel about a product or company? Grouping • How should we segment customers? • What topics are in our customer feedback? • Based on similar customers, what is the next best offer? Module: 3
  • 30. Confidential30 Learn from others in the data science community 3Communicate. Community. Share. Learn from others. Participate.
  • 31. Confidential31 Build or Buy?Open Source? Cloud on on-prem? Data. 4Technology Considerations Determine where you have data, need data, and can use technology to find answers and predictions. Find answers efficiently.
  • 32. Confidential32 Rich AI Ecosystem - Too Many Choices?*j1pqHqSkGg-sS2x4.png
  • 33. Confidential33 Rich AI Ecosystem - Too Many Choices? Databases Big Data/Distributed Computing Cloud Computing Programming Languages Business Intelligence Data Science/Analytics/AI • Typical frontline store of data (relational, graph, etc) • May be hosted in cloud if volume of data warrants it • If data is too big to be useful for accessing it you can use big data platforms for distributed, parallel, high-performance computing • In terms of accessing, isolating, cleaning, transforming data, these are the big 3. • Python + R are consistently used for DS & modeling • Most common resources for descriptive statistics and dashboarding (specialize in descriptive stats) • For predictive & advanced analytic insights use Data Science/AI platforms (and py+R) to apply the highest quality methods. • Cloud computing may be needed to run heavy math for these models. Module: 5 ML Foundations ML Foundations
  • 34. Confidential34 Regulations.Explain. Document. Humans. 5Trust in AI Understand and explain the models. Use leading edge technologies to guard for bias, explain a model, and present this to regulators
  • 35. Confidential35 How Can You Build Trust in AI? Data Scientist Why did they do that? Why not something else? When will customer churn? When will customer not churn? When can I trust you? What if an attribute changed? How do I correct an error? Training Data Learning Function Training Model Output / Scores Customer Churn Customer Activity Learning Process Module: 6
  • 36. Confidential36 Why Does Machine Learning Explanation Matter? I understand why I understand why not I know when customer will churn I know when customer will not churn I know when to trust ML model When can I trust you? I know what influences the prediction I know why you erred Training Data explainable model Explanation Interface Customer Churn Customer Activity New Learning Process Business Analyst
  • 37. AI In Action: Real World Examples Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Part: 4
  • 38. Confidential38 AI is a Journey! For You and For Enterprises
  • 39. Confidential39 AI Journey at PwC 3. Digital Transformation Digital Transformations enabled PWC to generate new, larger insights with more dynamic data 1. Talent Challenges PWC needed a rapid & innovative approach to attrittion and upskilling 2. Manual Limitations PWC Auditors were stuck doing far too many repetitive and redundant tasks, that were prime for automation 4. The Future + AI PWC wanted to leverage the foundation built through digital to identify high-value, innovative use cases leveraging AI alongside H2O
  • 40. Confidential40 2015-2017 • Co-innovation with • Saved months or even years pinpointing errors, reducing risks and finding fraud immediately • Enables PWC experts to work on high risk situations, not mundane tasks A Multi-Ye ar AI Journey
  • 41. Confidential41 2018 to today A Multi-Year AI Journey • Driving audit quality, accuracy and reliability with intelligent automation and AI • Pilots are live today • PwC is re-imagining audit • Finds anomalous behavior in near real-time
  • 42. Confidential42 Confidential42 Empowering PwC to be an Award-Winning AI Company “The reason this is such a brilliant tool is its ability to look at different risks, in context, at the same time. For example, it would be uneconomical for an auditor to look at every single user’s pattern of activity to decide what’s unusual. With, the algorithms do it for us.” “ Gary Rapsy Global Assurance Disruption and Innovation Leader at PwC “Part of the reason for wanting to work with is the passion and purpose around advancing finance and democratizing AI for Finance.” “ Laura Needham Partner, PwC UK
  • 43. Confidential43 Wells Fargo has an Enterprise-wide AI Initiative Underway 100+ Data Scientists on Driverless AI across business units Trust Using MLI to explain results to consumers and regulators “ has the best and fastest GLM. They listen to us, and are addressing our needs. I am very impressed.” Agus Sudjianto EVP, Head of Corporate Model Risk Wells Fargo Anti-money laundering Predictive Banking Consumer 360 Personalized Banking Transactions Financial Decision Making Consumer spending insights Credit Card Fraud Data Quality Use Cases “ Time Savings Decreased deployment time
  • 44. Confidential44 A Decade of Data Science at Nationwide Insurance 45+ Centralized data science team using Millions $ Annual savings “ provides us the power and flexibility we need to solve business problems with machine learning. We are able to do more with less and do it faster. Our results are proof of the power of AI in action.” Shannon Terry Vice President, Predictive Analytics Customer churn Customer retention Call routing Risk segmentation Business segmentation Fraud Underwriting Customer expansion Customer 360 Use Cases “ 25 Billion Scored from 500K models instantiated in 10 years
  • 45. Confidential45 Capital One Transformation Yielding Results Customer Satisfaction Using AI to streamline customer calls and answer questions bette New Business Established a new revenue stream with new data products “ worked closely with Capital One on not only identifying opportunities in our business, but they were a true partners in transforming our business and leading us to the path of data and AI transformation.” Karthik Aaravabhoomi Former Capital One Transformation Leader Cybersecurity Anti-money laundering Predictive Banking Consumer 360 Personalized Banking Transactions Financial Decision Making Consumer spending insights Credit Card Fraud Data Quality Use Cases “ $ Tens of Millions Enhanced and personalized transactions saving millions of dollars
  • 46. Confidential46 Major US Telecom Creating a Model Factory 100+ Models in production in a model factory Trust Using MLI to explain results to consumers and regulators “Driverless AI is giving amazing results in terms of feature and model performance.” Customer subscriber churn Recommendation engines Network anomaly detection Fraud detection Campaign optimization Customer propensity Next best offer Tower placements (5G) Predictive Maintenance Use Cases “ Time Savings Distributed data science team getting results faster
  • 47. Confidential47 Leveraging AI for Bond Pricing 5 50+ Leverage AI to buy personal loans for funds and separate accounts “H2O Driverless AI speeds up machine learning by automating our data science workflow. With the new recipe capability, we can extend and customize the platform to meet our needs, such as estimating the prepayment risk of underlying loans in fixed-income assets like mortgage-backed securities. Driverless AI is helping us accelerate our AI journey.” “ Chris Pham Senior VP Data Management and Data Science Franklin Templeton Customer segmentation Next Best Offer Loan Default Prediction Buying Pattern Prediction Exchange Rate Prediction Investment Prediction Customer Sentiment Use Cases Business Groups Using AI Data Scientists on Driverless AI Millions $
  • 48. Confidential48 Using AI to Deliver Fresh Fruit in the Fastest Possible Way Speed 2 Leverage AI to find the fastest route to reduce spoilage “We are getting great results with H2O Driverless AI. What once took us 3 to 5 months using traditional data science methods, can now be done in 3 to 5 weeks without having to add any additional data scientists to the team.” “ Gonzalo Bustos Head of Data Analytics Hortifrut Supply chain transportation optimization Perishable predictions Reducing claims Use Cases Reduction of modeling time 3 to 5 months to 3 to 5 weeks Data Scientists on Driverless AI Millions $ PRODUCER AND DISTRIBUTOR OF 25% OF THE WORLD’S BERRIES
  • 49. Confidential49 Protecting Your Assets with AI “After evaluating several solutions in our search for the ideal AI platform, we chose because it provides us with the transparency we needed into our machine learning processes, much more flexibility than the other tools we evaluated, and the strongest machine learning explainability capabilities on the market. provides new avenues of innovation and allows us to build quality and insightful ML tools for our business stakeholders.” “ Andrew Langsner Underwriting Customer experience Claim evaluations Inventory stocking Loss prevention Lifetime value of a customer Use Cases Engagement Increased customer satisfaction (both the insured and the retailers) Trust Using MLI to explain results to consumers and regulators $ Millions Increased insurance policies with both consumers and retailers
  • 50. Confidential50 Improving Leads to Leases with AI 95% 85% Monthly savings on marketing expenses for Real Estate clients “Driverless AI helped us gain an edge with our Intelligent Marketing Cloud for our clients. AI to do AI, truly is improving our system on a daily basis.” “ Martin Stein Chief Product Officer G5 COVID-19 impact on senior housing Sentiment analysis Customer call center predictions Use Cases Level of accuracy of leads to leases Leasing agents now have qualified leads 85% of the time $1.5M/ month REAL ESTATE MARKETING
  • 51. Confidential51 Driving Marketing Engagement with AI 700% 11% Model training time savings “Driverless AI has made it easy to try AI solutions in our own environment and context. It allowed us to quickly see the benefits in our domain. Driverless AI has cut down the overall model development time in about half. ” “ Scott Pete Director of Analytics and Insights Predicting churn Fraud detection Next best experience Brand marketing campaigns Use Cases Marketing campaign cost savings and effectiveness ROI on marketing and loyalty programs 25-30% BRAND LOYALTY AND MARKETING
  • 52. What’s Next? Module 1: An AI Transformation Journey Session 1: An AI Transformation Journey Primer Part: 5
  • 53. Confidential53 • AI is not only ML & doesn’t exist without data • AI Transformation requires a journey through the phases of maturity: – Potential – Operational – Strategic – Data-Driven • Unlocking the value of AI Requires: – Resources: Data & Talent – Asking the right question for the problem you are solving – Communication & Community – Getting the right technology in place – Building trust in the use of AI What We’ve Covered So Far Recording will be posted w/in 2 days
  • 54. Confidential54 1. The next session Shifting to the Next Step in the AI Transformation Journey will be held on Thursday July 2, 2020 @ 7:00AM PDT 2. There’s a special session on Monday July 6, 2020 @7:00AM PDT on AI Transformation Stories related to Covid-19. Upcoming Sessions
  • 55. Confidential55 Confidential55 Quizzes & Study Groups • Each session within a module will have a small quiz to complete and all quizzes for that module will be due before the next module starts. • There are 2 options available for you to ask additional questions or get assistance on AI concepts covered in the sessions: – A Study Group for each Module will be held on Saturdays @ 7:00AM PDT – Ask Me Anything will be held on Sundays @7:00AM PDT • Reminder: Don’t forget to complete Quiz 1: An AI Transformation Journey by Tuesday July 7, 2020 to earn your badge!