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      HTML5 – A Brief History
     HTML5 Browser Support
     HTML5 Features/Demos
     The Road Ahead
A Brief History

       WHAT : Next generation HTML
       WHO : WHATG, W3C, IETF
       WHEN : 2004, 2008, May 2011, 2014
       All vendors support it ! (Is that true?)
       A lot of stuff – you can use today!
Browser Support

     Widespread
     Support is increasing with every browser release
     IE included
     For older browsers, polyfills can fill the gap
     Use tools like ,,

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Information resources – IBM WebSphere Portal
Information resources – IBM WebSphere PortalInformation resources – IBM WebSphere Portal
Information resources – IBM WebSphere Portal

This document provides information on various resources for IBM WebSphere Portal support. It lists documentation, technical articles, discussion forums, education and certification resources for learning about WebSphere Portal. It also provides links for downloading WebSphere Portal, finding fixes and support tools, opening service requests to report problems, and getting assistance from the IBM Support Assistant.

Integrate any Angular Project into WebSphere Portal
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Integrate any Angular Project into WebSphere Portal

Integrate any Angular project with WebSphere Portal without script portlet. #HCLDX #WebSpherePortal #IBM #HCL

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Android Development...Using Web Technologies
Android Development...Using Web TechnologiesAndroid Development...Using Web Technologies
Android Development...Using Web Technologies

from the Rich Web Experience 2010 conference, an overview of options for building Android applications using Web technologies

HTML5 Features

       Keep it simple (Example doctype)
       Structural meaning
       Richer Set of Tags
       Eliminated Several Tags too
       Microdata
Simplified DOCTYPE

    •    HTML 4.01 Strict
    •    HTML 4.01 Transitional
    •    HTML 4.01 Frameset
    •    XHTML 1.0 Strict
    •    XHTML 1.0 Transitional
    •    XHTML 1.0 Frameset
    •    XHTML 1.1

        <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01


                                      <!DOCTYPE html>
Simplified Character Set


      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


                    <meta charset=utf-8>

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Slides from my talk at #digiday at EAAA. Contains a lot of links for more detailed information on the topics.

Develop a Quick and Dirty Web interface to your database: for the DBA and oth...
Develop a Quick and Dirty Web interface to your database: for the DBA and oth...Develop a Quick and Dirty Web interface to your database: for the DBA and oth...
Develop a Quick and Dirty Web interface to your database: for the DBA and oth...

The document introduces ASP.Net MVC and provides resources to help developers build a quick web interface for their database. It explains that ASP.Net MVC uses the model-view-controller pattern to coordinate user inputs and outputs. The document lists the software and tools needed to get started, such as Visual Studio, Entity Framework and version control systems. It also provides links to resources on the .NET framework, database utilities, and getting involved with the open source community.

Discovering Chrome Extensions
Discovering Chrome ExtensionsDiscovering Chrome Extensions
Discovering Chrome Extensions

Presentation done on Barcelonga GDG DevFest 2012 talking about Google Chrome extensions and apps. We talked about everything needed to publish an app up to the Chrome Store. From the manifest to the developer dashboard.

barcelonaextensionsdevfest 2012

       <header>
       <nav>
       <section>
       <article>
       <footer>
       <aside>

      Aims to make development and usage of forms
      easier. No Javascript required.
      Input Types
            email
            phone
            url
            date, datetime, month, week, time, datetime-local)
            color
            search
            number and range

     Screenshots : Courtesy – Mark Pilgrim,

        2D Drawing API
        Functions : line, arcs, rectangle, fills
        Allows styling via CSS
        Allows control via Javascript
        Can be used for:
             Charts, Animation, Images and other complex

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The Status Of Web Interoperability And Activities In China, Japan And Korea

The document discusses web interoperability activities in China, Japan, and Korea. It notes discrepancies between major browsers and efforts to address them, including guidelines on differences and solutions. It provides updates on the status of browsers and support for open standards in each country's websites and communities. Activities include compatibility testing, tools to identify issues, and governments supporting open standards adoption.

Modern Web Development
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Modern Web Development

Talks about the best practices in web development regarding semantics, accessibility, SEO and performance.

semanticsweb developmentperformance
The Full Stack Web Development
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The Full Stack Web Development

Become a complete developer by learning front-end and back-end technologies in this Full Stack Web Developer Course. These are just a few of the 40 different apps that are part of this brilliant course. With this course, you will not only learn a whole lot of different technologies, but also become a complete developer. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s become a Master Developer with this Full Stack Web Development Bundle Course. For More Info :

full stack web developerfull stack engineerfullstack academy

        Audio and video are first class citizens in the HTML5
        A plug-in free world

        Simple tags : <video>, <audio>
        Even Simpler usage:
         <video src=“demo.mp4”></video>
         <audio src=“song.mp3”></audio>
        Control via APIs
          Play
          Pause
          Stop
Device Access

        Geolocation API
        Drag and Drop
        Filesystem API
        Speech Input
        Device orientation (accelerometer)
        Webcam (bar code, QR code scanning)
        Audio devices (speech input)
        Local data such as contacts & events
Geolocation API

     Determine where the device is. Find it right in
     the browser.
        Useful for providing location based services.
        User should be allowed to opt in.
     API allows for both : one time location and
     continuous location.

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This document provides an overview of CSS Flexbox including why it is useful, examples of its implementation, browser support, and the basics of how to use Flexbox properties like flex-direction, justify-content, and flex-wrap. It also lists additional learning resources for Flexbox including interactive demos and guides on media queries and further references.

Chrome Extension Develop Starts
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Chrome Extension Develop Starts

This document provides an overview of developing Chrome extensions, including the user interface, programming, publishing process, and resources. It discusses the different types of extension pages like browser actions, page actions, options pages, and popup pages. It also covers the directory structure, manifest file, background pages, content scripts, asynchronous APIs, permissions, and internationalization.

Lecture 11 - Web components
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Lecture 11 - Web components

This document discusses web components and package managers. It provides an overview of popular front-end frameworks and libraries from the past like React, Angular, and VueJS. It explains that web components will replace other forms of web development by providing a standard way for code to be reusable while maintaining compatibility. Package managers like NPM are important tools that developers widely use to manage dependencies. The document advocates that web components create a foundation for significant leaps in development capabilities by solving problems around design systems, templates, and libraries.

Offline & Storage

        Web Apps can start faster and work even if there is
         no internet connection, thanks to the HTML5 App
         Cache, as well as the Local Storage, Indexed DB,
         and the File API specifications.
Storage API

        Allows local storage of application data
        5MB – 10MB per domain
        Key component to offline usage
        Types of Storage options:
Other HTML5 features

        Performance & Integration : Web Workers
        Connectivity : WebSockets
        IndexedDB
        ContentEditable
        Cross Document Messaging
        Browser History Management
State of HTML5 – Recommendation

        Differing browser support & behaviour
        Use sites like, to
         understand Browser support for HTML5
        Fallback behaviour is important
        Great time to get started today!
        Be prepared for changes
        All vendors are supporting it

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Web application framework
Web application frameworkWeb application framework
Web application framework

This document discusses web application frameworks. It begins with a brief history of web development and the need for frameworks. It defines what a framework is and distinguishes frameworks from libraries. Popular Java, PHP, and ASP.NET frameworks are described, including Spring, Struts, Hibernate, CakePHP, Zend, and Drupal. The MVC design pattern is explained. Advantages of frameworks include code reuse, support for common tasks, and ability to upgrade features easily. Disadvantages include additional learning curves and potential performance issues.

Web Development, Константин Пелиховский (PM, 111PIX UA)
Web Development, Константин Пелиховский (PM, 111PIX UA)Web Development, Константин Пелиховский (PM, 111PIX UA)
Web Development, Константин Пелиховский (PM, 111PIX UA)

This document provides an overview of the basics of web development, including front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, back-end technologies like PHP, Ruby, and Python, databases like MySQL and MongoDB, web servers like Apache and nginx, version control with Git, and frameworks for HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and backend development. It also briefly mentions HTTP, MVC patterns, and opportunities in web development.

#111pixua #111pix
Web Development
Web DevelopmentWeb Development
Web Development

This document provides an overview of the basics of web development, including front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, back-end technologies like PHP, Ruby, and Python, databases like MySQL and MongoDB, web servers like Apache and nginx, version control with Git, and frameworks for HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and backend development. It also briefly mentions HTTP, MVC patterns, and opportunities in web development.

web devkitit

      W3C    :
      HTML5 Rocks:
      Mark Pilgrim :
      Remy Sharp :
      HTML5 Tech Spec :
      Modernizr :
      Caniuse :
      HTML5Test :
Thank You

      Q&A
      Twitter : @iRomin
      Upcoming 2-Day HTML5 Hands On Workshop from
      Mind Storm Software in Mumbai
      Write me an email !

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HTML5 Webinar - Mind Storm Software

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Agenda 2  HTML5 – A Brief History  HTML5 Browser Support  HTML5 Features/Demos  The Road Ahead
  • 3. A Brief History 3  WHAT : Next generation HTML  WHO : WHATG, W3C, IETF  WHEN : 2004, 2008, May 2011, 2014  All vendors support it ! (Is that true?)  A lot of stuff – you can use today!
  • 4. Browser Support 4  Widespread  Support is increasing with every browser release  IE included  For older browsers, polyfills can fill the gap  Use tools like ,, Modernizr
  • 6. 6  Keep it simple (Example doctype)  Structural meaning  Richer Set of Tags  Eliminated Several Tags too  Microdata
  • 7. Simplified DOCTYPE 7 HTML4/XHTML • HTML 4.01 Strict • HTML 4.01 Transitional • HTML 4.01 Frameset • XHTML 1.0 Strict • XHTML 1.0 Transitional • XHTML 1.0 Frameset • XHTML 1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> HTML5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  • 8. Simplified Character Set 8 HTML4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> HTML5 <meta charset=utf-8>
  • 9. Semantics 9  <header>  <nav>  <section>  <article>  <footer>  <aside>
  • 10. Forms 10  Aims to make development and usage of forms easier. No Javascript required.  Input Types  email  phone  url  date, datetime, month, week, time, datetime-local)  color  search  number and range
  • 11. Forms 11 Screenshots : Courtesy – Mark Pilgrim,
  • 12. 12  2D Drawing API  Functions : line, arcs, rectangle, fills  Allows styling via CSS  Allows control via Javascript  Can be used for:  Charts, Animation, Images and other complex rendering.
  • 13. 13  Audio and video are first class citizens in the HTML5 web  A plug-in free world
  • 14. 14  Simple tags : <video>, <audio>  Even Simpler usage: <video src=“demo.mp4”></video> <audio src=“song.mp3”></audio>  Control via APIs  Play  Pause  Stop
  • 15. Device Access 15  Geolocation API  Drag and Drop  Filesystem API  Speech Input  Device orientation (accelerometer)  Webcam (bar code, QR code scanning)  Audio devices (speech input)  Local data such as contacts & events
  • 16. Geolocation API 16 Determine where the device is. Find it right in the browser.  Useful for providing location based services.  User should be allowed to opt in. API allows for both : one time location and continuous location.
  • 17. Offline & Storage 17  Web Apps can start faster and work even if there is no internet connection, thanks to the HTML5 App Cache, as well as the Local Storage, Indexed DB, and the File API specifications.
  • 18. Storage API 18  Allows local storage of application data  5MB – 10MB per domain  Key component to offline usage  Types of Storage options:
  • 19. Other HTML5 features 19  Performance & Integration : Web Workers  Connectivity : WebSockets  IndexedDB  ContentEditable  Cross Document Messaging  Browser History Management
  • 20. State of HTML5 – Recommendation 20  Differing browser support & behaviour  Use sites like, to understand Browser support for HTML5  Fallback behaviour is important  Great time to get started today!  Be prepared for changes  All vendors are supporting it
  • 21. References 21  W3C :  HTML5 Rocks:  Mark Pilgrim :  Remy Sharp :  HTML5 Tech Spec :  Modernizr :  Caniuse :  HTML5Test : 
  • 22. Thank You 22  Q&A    Twitter : @iRomin  Upcoming 2-Day HTML5 Hands On Workshop from Mind Storm Software in Mumbai  Write me an email !