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Building for accessibility
The brief:
● Build a website
The brief:
● Build a website
● It must comply with WCAG AA
accessibility standards

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Wordpress: «l’abc per gli sviluppatori» - PHP.TO.START [2012]
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Wordpress: «l’abc per gli sviluppatori» - PHP.TO.START [2012]

This document is a presentation about WordPress by Maurizio Pelizzone. It introduces WordPress, discussing what it is, key statistics like its large number of installations and plugins, and its main features. It also provides an overview of tools for debugging WordPress sites, examples of common WordPress use cases, and links for references and learning more. The presentation aims to provide an introduction to WordPress for developers.

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FEDM Meetup: Introducing MojitoFEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito

Instead of Introducing Mojito, I want to recap on the state of the industry, and specifically on a new trending about frameworks and platforms that are trying to blur the line between server and client. Mojito, MeteorJS, DerbyJS and others are part of that group. I also want to provide more details about the motivations, challenges and the state of the Yahoo! Cocktails platform.

10 things to make you a Great Mobile Web Developer
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10 things to make you a Great Mobile Web Developer

This document provides 10 tips for developing effective mobile web applications: 1) Understand the mobile landscape and technologies; 2) Determine essential content and use cases; 3) Optimize the viewport for mobile screens; 4) Use progressive enhancement; 5) Leverage HTML5 semantics; 6) Utilize CSS3 features; 7) Incorporate AJAX and frameworks; 8) Account for touch gestures; 9) Optimize images; and 10) Support offline usage.

How to build a website... the accessible way
How to build a website... the accessible way
Semantics and structure:
- for code readability!
- help browser build accessibility tree
Screen readers allow you to browse:
- Headings
- Links
- Landmarks

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Joomla wireframing Template - Joomladay Netherlands 2014 #jd14nl

Using a Joostrap template, Philip will be explaining & demoing how you wire frame a website right in your browser and why it will save you load's of time. There are no fancy plugins here! This is wire framing for your client, built directly in your browser & saving you untold hours messing around in other software. It is so hard sometimes, trying to get across to a client with a few drawings how the functionality of something could work. Wire framing directly in the browser gives your client a working wireframe/prototype where they can interact with links, pages & concepts. Not only that, but after client approval, you just have to style your working wireframe/prototype or switch to the template that is using the same module positions... It's a win win situation!

WordPress Navigation in Responsive Design
WordPress Navigation in Responsive DesignWordPress Navigation in Responsive Design
WordPress Navigation in Responsive Design

I gave this presentation at WordCamp Atlanta 2013. It covers one of the biggest challenges in responsive design - navigation. Specifically, it covers a few tips on how to leverage your WordPress theme's navigation to make it more responsive. I also cover some popular patterns in navigation that are best formatted for responsive designs - specifically mobile viewports.

responsive designwordpresswordcamp
Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010
Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010
Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010

HTML5 provides new semantic elements, forms, and multimedia capabilities without plugins. While support is still evolving, HTML5 can be used today with feature detection and polyfills for older browsers. Key features include <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, geolocation, and application cache APIs. HTML5 aims to unify browser support for emerging web standards, but support varies - it is best to use progressive enhancement and have fallback options. Overall HTML5 enhances the web platform, but may not completely replace other technologies like Flash in the near future.

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How to build a website... the accessible way
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Session by Ahmed Masoud ( in WordCamp Egypt 2009, discussing different ways to have a WordPress blog and the installation of a typical WordPress System.

Responsive Design - WordUp Edinburgh 2011
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Responsive Design - WordUp Edinburgh 2011

A video recording of this presentation is now available on YouTube:

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WordPress Multisite Q&A
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WordPress Multisite Q&A

I prepared a set of slides for my Multisite Q&A at the WordPress Winnipeg meetup, in case there weren't enough Qs. I ended up not needing them (though a couple of them came in handy when answering the questions). Anyway, here's the slideshow, if you're interested.

wordpress multisitewordpress
Interactive elements!
- Links
- Buttons
- Inputs
<span onclick=”doSomething();”>
Click me!
<span role=”button” tabindex=”0”
Click me!
<button>Click me!</button>

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English version of a talk given at SAE Alumni Convention 2011 in Berlin, covering modern web development with HTML5 and CSS3

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Basic Plugin Recommendations to get your WordPress Website Started

A WordPress 101 on plugins you might want to use when you first set up WordPress... works for most niche. WordCamp Kansas City 2014.

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HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010
HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010
HTML5 and friends - JISC CETIS Conference 2010 Nottingham 15.11.2010

1) HTML5 provides new semantic elements, forms, and multimedia capabilities without plugins, but browser support is still evolving. 2) Key HTML5 features include new elements <header>, <footer>, <video>, <audio>, improved forms, and the <canvas> element for scriptable drawing. 3) While HTML5 aims to standardize current browser behaviors, some older browsers still require extra code for full support of new features. Feature detection and polyfills can help provide support across browsers.

web designweb standardshtml5
Keyboard navigation is essential
Not only for blind users!
Skip links
How to build a website... the accessible way

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Chris Love is a Chief Mobility Officer who focuses on mobile cloud technologies. He advocates for mobile-first design and HTML5 web applications to reach large consumer markets on personal mobile devices. Some key points he discusses include using meta tags and viewports to optimize the mobile experience, leveraging new HTML5 form inputs and CSS3 features, and considering touch and mobile usability in design. He also discusses options for enterprise mobility including managing devices and data in the cloud.

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Wordpress #2 : customisation
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WordPress allows users to customize their sites through themes and plugins. Themes control the look and feel of a site without changing content, and every site requires a theme. Plugins extend WordPress features and there are over 30,000 available, ranging from search optimization to content display. The document provides information on finding, installing, and creating themes and plugins, and recommends some essential plugins for site customization.
How to build a website... the accessible way
Visible focus styles

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On 23.03.2013 I visited The Netherlands to give the keynote speak about Joomla! web security. I talked about the most common 8 ways a Joomla! website can get hacked. So you should check the presentation if you are a Joomla! hacker that knows less than 8 ways :) It will be useful for you. However, if you are a Joomla user that doesn’t know anything about how to hack a Joomla!, or even worse, how to protect your Joomla! from being hacked, you should definitely check the slides! Because there is a way to protect yourself from each of the common Joomla hacks that I revealed them in the presentation. I went through the following scenarios and what should be done to prevent each of them: - Hacked through outdated Joomla!/extensions/themes. - Hacked through a vulnerable extensions/themes, that is not outdated - Hacked with the help of stolen/weak login details - Hacked through outdated/vulnerable server software - Apache, PHP, MySQL. - Hacked through incorrectly configured web server - A completely healthy site hacked through another vulnerable Joomla that is hosted on the same server - Hacked because of incorrect Joomla permissions - Hacked through malware on local PC which allows attackers to access a healthy site

FITC Spotlight HTML5 - The state of the web
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FITC Spotlight HTML5 - The state of the web

The document discusses HTML5 and provides information on its features and uses. It outlines the main components of HTML5 including multimedia, styling, connectivity and more. It provides examples of HTML5 markup for video, semantics, fonts and responsive design. It also discusses the HTML5 standards process and offers resources for learning more about HTML5.

How to create accessible websites - WordCamp New York
How to create accessible websites - WordCamp New YorkHow to create accessible websites - WordCamp New York
How to create accessible websites - WordCamp New York

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities. When your website is inaccessible, research shows you could be excluding up to 20 percent of your visitors and customers. When your website is accessible, everyone can consume your information and interact with you and your services. Visually-impaired users can visit your website using a screen reader. Those who can’t use a mouse can navigate your site using a keyboard or other input device. Designing with accessibility in mind will also improve your SEO. Join my workshop to learn more about accessibility, the importance of universal design, and how to create a high-quality user experience that is inclusive and beneficial to all.

accessibilityinclusiveinclusive design
How to build a website... the accessible way
WP Resources
Theme review a11y guidelines:
Theme handbook a11y chapter:
Underscores starter theme:
Other Resources
How to build a website... the accessible way

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How to engineer accessible websitesHow to engineer accessible websites
How to engineer accessible websites

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities. When your website is inaccessible, research shows you could be excluding up to 20 percent of your visitors from interacting with your content and functionality. If your university website is inaccessible, you could be preventing access to education, student services, and more. When your website is accessible, everyone can consume your information freely. Visually-impaired users can visit your website using a screen reader. Those who can’t use a mouse can navigate your site using a keyboard or other input device. While creating accessible websites involves every step, including design and content, the foundation for good accessibility starts with good markup. Join my workshop to learn more about accessibility and how to program a high-quality user experience that is inclusive and beneficial to all.

Lab#10 navigation, links and hover rollovers
Lab#10 navigation, links and hover rolloversLab#10 navigation, links and hover rollovers
Lab#10 navigation, links and hover rollovers

Navigation refers to the links and menus on a website that allow users to move between different pages and sections. Effective navigation should be easy to use, learnable, and indicate the user's current location. When designing a navigation menu, it is important to start with information architecture and use simple, intuitive labeling. Navigation menus can be vertical lists or horizontal bars, and different link states like visited, hovered, and active can be customized with CSS. The document provides examples of code for different types of navigation menus and links.

webweb design technologycss
How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit
How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility SummitHow to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit
How to create accessible websites - Web Accessibility Summit

This workshop was presented on May 30, 2018 at the Web Accessibility Summit on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri.

accessibilityhigher educationweb design and development

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2023. Archive - Gigabajtos selfpublisher homepage
Common Challenges in UI UX Design and How Services Can Help.pdf
Common Challenges in UI UX Design and How Services Can Help.pdfCommon Challenges in UI UX Design and How Services Can Help.pdf
Common Challenges in UI UX Design and How Services Can Help.pdf
About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...
About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...
About Alibaba company and brief general information regarding how to trade on...

How to build a website... the accessible way