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How to Build a Mobile Site
with Drupal
Andrew Berry, Lullabot
Harris Rashid, Chapter Three
About Us
$20 off 1st month, good until
October 28
We're still figuring out how to "do mobile"

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Drupal 8 for Enterprise: D8 in a Changing Digital Landscape
Drupal 8 for Enterprise: D8 in a Changing Digital LandscapeDrupal 8 for Enterprise: D8 in a Changing Digital Landscape
Drupal 8 for Enterprise: D8 in a Changing Digital Landscape

This document discusses how the digital landscape is changing, with more content consumption occurring on mobile devices and through various multimedia formats. It outlines how content management systems are evolving in response, with a trend toward decoupled architectures and centralized but separate front-end components. Drupal 8 is presented as being well-suited for these new demands, with the ability to reach audiences across channels and integrate with other systems. The document provides advice on evaluating and implementing a new CMS like Drupal 8.

open source cmsenterprise drupalenterprise content management
Google Optimize: How Builds Great Government UX
Google Optimize: How Builds Great Government UXGoogle Optimize: How Builds Great Government UX
Google Optimize: How Builds Great Government UX

Hear how Mediacurrent teams with on a user testing strategy leveraging Drupal 8 and Google Optimize. Watch how to deliver a constituent experience that is discoverable, accessible, and truly “for the people, by the people.” Follow along with our process. Learn tips to user test your way to better website UX. You'll learn - Our approach to testing and gathering user feedback - The A/B testing variants we used to steer site navigation and layout - Deep dive into testing with Google Optimize Watch the recording:

google optimizea/b testinggovernment ux
Riding the Drupal Wave: The Future for Drupal and Open Source Content Manage...
Riding the Drupal Wave:  The Future for Drupal and Open Source Content Manage...Riding the Drupal Wave:  The Future for Drupal and Open Source Content Manage...
Riding the Drupal Wave: The Future for Drupal and Open Source Content Manage...

Drupal is well positioned to accommodate emerging digital trends and the increasing importance of open source software. Drupal 8 will enhance Drupal's capabilities in key areas like omnichannel experiences, front-end design, multilingual support, and content modeling. For Drupal to thrive, the community must continue to grow talent globally and foster a healthy ecosystem and business environment through contributions, partnerships, and investment.

drupaldrupal enterprisedrupal 8
Adaptive and Responsive
Mobile Apps and Mobile Web
● An App is typically something that you distribute to your
users by pointing them to a store
● A website loads in a browser such as Mobile Safari
● Some apps use web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
while some websites can be installed as Apps!
Build an App?
Write for multiple platforms, test on
multiple platforms

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Drupal 8, Don’t Be Late (Enterprise Orgs, We’re Looking at You)
Drupal 8, Don’t Be Late (Enterprise Orgs, We’re Looking at You)Drupal 8, Don’t Be Late (Enterprise Orgs, We’re Looking at You)
Drupal 8, Don’t Be Late (Enterprise Orgs, We’re Looking at You)

After building one of the first enterprise Drupal 8 platforms, we speak from experience when we say: if you are an enterprise organization, you should be seriously considering the move to Drupal 8. For many in the Drupal world, Drupal 8 is still viewed with apprehension. With this panel, we’re here to unveil the D8 mystery. In the changing CMS landscape, enterprises have a lot to gain from the more decoupled, API-focused content repository that Drupal 8 is evolving toward. Drupal’s paradigm shift will vastly improve the way organizations ingest, store, publish, and distribute content through multiple channels. But is the investment worth it? For the enterprise, our answer is an enthusiastic yes. In this session, discover: How Drupal 8’s structure fundamentally changes the way organizations approach platform building The impact of Drupal 8’s configuration management improvements The benefits of integrated front-end tools and external libraries The challenges enterprise organizations will face adopting Drupal 8 (and how to overcome them) How other enterprise organizations are already harnessing the power of Drupal 8 How to get started!

enterprise drupaldrupalconenterprise content management
Zürich Saas Meetup: Software as a Service Architecture
Zürich Saas Meetup: Software as a Service ArchitectureZürich Saas Meetup: Software as a Service Architecture
Zürich Saas Meetup: Software as a Service Architecture

The slides of the first Zürich SaaS Meetup event. Sharing knowledge about software architecture for SaaS products.

Cloudify 6 Webinar
Cloudify 6 WebinarCloudify 6 Webinar
Cloudify 6 Webinar

1) Cloudify Version 6 aims to turn "glue code" into certified environments and simplify DevOps workflows by providing environment automation as a service. 2) Traditional CI/CD approaches have led to a proliferation of automation silos and tools, overloading DevOps teams. Cloudify Version 6 integrates with various tools to provide a unified approach. 3) The presentation demonstrated Cloudify's environment as a service capabilities through a live demo, showing how it can optimize infrastructure costs and improve development efficiency through standardized, certified environments.

Build a website?
Write one website, but test in
multiple browsers
Why not just target Webkit?
There is no "one" Webkit
The Great WebKit Comparison

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Rob Edmonds - SRIC-BI
Rob Edmonds - SRIC-BIRob Edmonds - SRIC-BI
Rob Edmonds - SRIC-BI

This document summarizes how new software is adopted in enterprises and discusses virtual worlds being used in business. It outlines three phases of adoption: exploration with little budget, piloting with a small budget, and mainstream deployment with a large budget. The document also reviews some early business uses of virtual worlds like meetings, training, collaboration, and data visualization. Finally, it discusses the increasing competition among virtual world platforms and scenarios for interoperability between platforms.

Drupal content management system (cms) based e commerce portal
Drupal content management system (cms) based e commerce portalDrupal content management system (cms) based e commerce portal
Drupal content management system (cms) based e commerce portal

A content management system is computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content. CMSs are typically used for enterprise content management and web content management. Here we will see the Drupal content management system (cms) based e commerce portal.

Reasons why collaboration works for elearning
Reasons why collaboration works for elearningReasons why collaboration works for elearning
Reasons why collaboration works for elearning

Collaboration is and will be a hot topic in business for a while. In the eLearning industry, collaboration works when the act of collaboration simplifies the life of the stakeholders involved.

starting with elearningelearning implementationcollaborative tools
Developing for Mobile
(with HTML and JavaScript)
Let your website join the party
A Mobile Web App Is:
1. An name and icon for the home screen or launcher
2. An indication that the application should run in full-screen
mode (iOS only)
3. The size of the viewport
4. A startup image (iOS only as well)
5. A list of the files needed for offline use (not just mobile, but
need a fallback for IE)
1. Set your site name!
drush -y vset site_name for the

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Jenkins World 2019 - Integrating jenkins x with your businessJenkins World 2019 - Integrating jenkins x with your business
Jenkins World 2019 - Integrating jenkins x with your business

For more information visit:

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infoSeS 2021-22

This document provides information about the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University. It introduces the community leaders and faculty advisor. It summarizes the accomplishments of GDSC in the previous year. It then describes the benefits of joining GDSC such as learning skills, accessing Google resources, networking opportunities, and completing milestones to earn schwags. The document outlines the 30 Days of Google Cloud program that GDSC will run, including the two tracks of Cloud Engineering and Data Science & Machine Learning. It lists the topics that will be covered in each track and the timeline for student registration, the campaign, and rewards distribution. Completing one track earns participants

Engaging With Web 2.0 Technologies : implementing enterprise content manageme...
Engaging With Web 2.0 Technologies : implementing enterprise content manageme...Engaging With Web 2.0 Technologies : implementing enterprise content manageme...
Engaging With Web 2.0 Technologies : implementing enterprise content manageme...

The document discusses Bond University's implementation of an enterprise content management system (ECMS) to improve their publishing model and engage users. Some key objectives were an efficient publishing workflow, easy content contribution methods, and an engaging information environment. When selecting a content management system, they addressed how to incorporate web 2.0 features like blogs, wikis, commenting and RSS feeds. The goals are to launch a new website in June 2009 and further develop the website and new intranet through December 2009, then measure the effectiveness of the new systems.

Home Screen Icon
2. iOS Enhancements
3. Ω Rocks
(it set the <viewport> for us)
4. More iOS Enhancements

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Project one assessments submission
Project one assessments submissionProject one assessments submission
Project one assessments submission

Google Drive and Microsoft Project both offer tools for project management. Google Drive is free, allows collaboration across devices, but has storage limits. Microsoft Project provides detailed Gantt charts and statistics but has costs for licensing. For a small student group, Google Drive would be more suitable due to its ease of use and free cost, while Project may be better for larger organizations needing complex task management.

Directions on microsoft_web_and_cloud_development
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Directions on microsoft_web_and_cloud_development

This document provides guidance on developing web and cloud applications using Microsoft technologies like Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET, and Windows Azure. It discusses building modern user experiences with HTML5, delivering applications using the internet application model, and developing applications that can evolve over time through technologies like Windows Azure. The document also includes demonstrations of these concepts.

"Jclays, A global solution for application design and automatic GWT code gene...
"Jclays, A global solution for application design and automatic GWT code gene..."Jclays, A global solution for application design and automatic GWT code gene...
"Jclays, A global solution for application design and automatic GWT code gene...

"Jclays, A global solution for application design and automatic GWT code generator" By Y. Nakoula and T. Houimel #GWTcon2017 Florence September 28-29th 2017

5. A Cache Manifest
● A plain text file
● <html manifest="/cache.manifest">
○ Might need to have your server admin add the content
type to Apache
● First line is CACHE MANIFEST
Danger! Caveats abound!
HTML5 Web Storage
● Supported by all major mobile browsers!
○ (still a W3C draft)
● Two types of storage: localStorage and sessionStorage
● localStorage is permanent unless the user clears it
● sessionStorage is temporary, and per tab or window of the
● Use Web Storage to store data and save on HTTP requests
and page size, at the expense of local CPU resources

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All Team Communication in One Place
All Team Communication in One PlaceAll Team Communication in One Place
All Team Communication in One Place

The document describes a collaboration platform that aims to solve challenges of managing multiple tools by providing an all-in-one solution for tasks boards, workspaces, forums, file sharing, search, and more. It has seen strong market growth and has over 5,000 customers including NATO and Liaison International who praise its ability to communicate and collaborate across teams. The platform is accessible on any device, offers flexible deployment options, and competes favorably compared to tools like Confluence, Podio, and SharePoint on features and total cost of ownership.


This document is a resume for Matt Lucas, a creative and industrious Javascript-centric web developer. It outlines his work experience including as Director of Operations for Brooklyn Outfitters where he coordinated marketing efforts and managed an outdoor adventures team, and roles at Christie's Auction House and Cowles Gallery where he maintained websites and digital assets. It also lists his education, skills in web development languages and tools, consulting projects, and teaching experience as a front end web development instructor.

Business goes social
Business goes socialBusiness goes social
Business goes social

This document discusses how businesses are increasingly using social technologies to engage employees, customers, and partners. It argues that social platforms fit existing business cultures by allowing knowledge to be shared openly through conversations and collaboration, rather than requiring top-down documentation. Such platforms expose an organization's entire network and knowledge, including both explicit knowledge stored in documents and tacit knowledge shared in real-time interactions. They provide value both for individuals through improved collaboration and efficiency, and for businesses through increased innovation, engagement, and faster onboarding of new employees.

Web Storage...
... is key-value pairs only
... and is strings only
User searches your site
How to build_a_mobile_site_with_drupal
How to build_a_mobile_site_with_drupal

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Fire phone case
Fire phone caseFire phone case
Fire phone case

This document describes a phone case design for the Amazon Fire Phone that consists of two parts: a phone case with a cross-shaped decoration that can attach to a handgun-shaped phone stand. The design considerations discussed include the machine constraints of 3D printing the parts, using a transparent material, adding support material for overhangs and adhesion, ensuring proper wall thickness and fitting of parts, and reducing manufacturing costs through 3D printing.

Spartups Meeting Template
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Spartups Meeting Template

Spartups is looking to form strategic partnerships with student organizations, networking groups, businesses, and other incubators and accelerators. They are also seeking mentors, advisers, and guest speakers. The document provides details on a new pitch format for applicants and current Spartups members, and information on how to contact Spartups or follow them on social media.

Market Research Report
Market Research Report Market Research Report
Market Research Report

Katie Creegan conducted market research through a survey on SurveyMonkey to determine the target audience for a music magazine. She surveyed 10 people of varying ages on their musical interests, how they listen to music, and how much they would be willing to pay for a music magazine. Based on the results, the target audience for the magazine is 16-25 year olds who listen to indie, rock, and electronic music. Both males and females would read the magazine. Most respondents listen to music on YouTube and would pay £1-£2.50 for the magazine. The magazine should include musical trends, exclusive interviews, and posters to attract readers.

How to build_a_mobile_site_with_drupal
HTML5 Local Storage Example
(who designed this mess?)
Theming for Mobile

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Mobile Horizons Istanbul 2013 - Deniz Güven
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Mobile Horizons Istanbul 2013 - Deniz Güven

Mobile Horizons Istanbul Digital Banking Channels Deniz Güven, SVP Digital Channels, Garanti Bank This presentation was made on June 4, 2013 at the Mobile Horizons Istanbul conference. This thought-leadership forum was a unique conference about the disruptive changes caused by mobile technologies: Wearable Technologies, New interfaces, Mobile Retail, Big Data, Connected Life, and more! Featuring international mobile visionaries and Turkish business leaders Mobile Horizons Istanbul was held at an exclusive venue on the shores of the Bosphorus For more information, please visit the website at or facebook at

mobile futureistanbulmobile horizons
What Makes Singapore Tickle on Facebook?
What Makes Singapore Tickle on Facebook?What Makes Singapore Tickle on Facebook?
What Makes Singapore Tickle on Facebook?

This document provides insights and statistics about Facebook usage in Singapore based on data from April 2013. It finds that the number of monthly active Facebook users in Singapore grew 3.7% from the previous year. Most Singaporeans like an average of 37,000 fan pages, and local brand fan pages in Singapore post more content per day than global averages, though they are less responsive to queries. The top fan pages in Singapore belong to media channels and brands like Singapore Airlines and NTUC FairPrice. The document also shares the most engaging brands and most socially devoted brands on Facebook in Singapore.

market researchfacebook singaporedigital marketing
Marvin Liao E-commerce Trends
Marvin Liao E-commerce TrendsMarvin Liao E-commerce Trends
Marvin Liao E-commerce Trends

Ecommerce is growing rapidly worldwide, increasing by over 17% annually between 2012 and 2017. Offline retail is declining as more shopping moves online. Niche and specialized retailers are finding opportunities by targeting specific customer interests. Subscription commerce is increasing in popularity again, allowing automatic recurring deliveries. Last-mile delivery is improving with same-day delivery now available in many cities. Ecommerce has also become a global phenomenon with international shipping and mobile payments expanding options for customers worldwide. New digital channels like social media, mobile apps, and content are also driving more sales as customers spend more time on their devices.

Two approaches
1) Create a mobile version for an existing site
2) Build a new site with a mobile first approach
(responsive web design)
Mobile Tools Module
Mobile Tools Module
● Redirection to a mobile domain
● User-Agent Detection
● Theme Switching
● Integration with Panels and Context
Mobile Tools Module
Redirection to a mobile domain

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Reverse engineering the semantic web
Reverse engineering the semantic webReverse engineering the semantic web
Reverse engineering the semantic web

The document discusses reverse engineering the semantic web by taking a bottom-up approach of writing a converter from the existing web to the semantic web. It proposes using natural language processing and computer vision to automatically generate summaries when sharing links, format websites for mobile and tablets, crawl government contract bids, monitor privacy policies, and watch politician platform statements. The document also mentions the Open Graph API is now available for developers and encourages checking out the documentation.

Bill Hutchison - Waterfront Toronto - Tomorrow's Connected Communities: ICT S...
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Bill Hutchison - Waterfront Toronto - Tomorrow's Connected Communities: ICT S...

The document discusses plans to transform the waterfront area of Toronto into a connected, sustainable community called i-Waterfront. It will include 40,000 residential units and office/retail space for 100,000 residents. A key strategy is to develop an "intelligent community" with ultra-broadband infrastructure and open access to digital services and content for residents and businesses. This aims to promote economic prosperity through industries like digital media and also enable social innovation through connectivity.

Mobile Tools Module
User-Agent Detection
Mobile Tools Module
Theme Switching
Mobile Tools Module
Integration with Panels
CSS Media Queries
Detect a device screen size and load a stylsheet
media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="style.css" />

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Open source, open knowledge - from Cambodia
Open source, open knowledge - from CambodiaOpen source, open knowledge - from Cambodia
Open source, open knowledge - from Cambodia

The document discusses the history of open source and open knowledge in Cambodia. It describes early efforts in the 1990s to provide access to knowledge through email and dealing with font compatibility issues. It then discusses the struggle to develop a Khmer language encoding standard and applications. It highlights Cambodia's commitment to open systems and interoperability. Finally, it describes how open source has expanded to open knowledge and sharing through blogging and community events, empowering Cambodians and changing communication.

Facebook users in top 20 cities
Facebook users in top 20 citiesFacebook users in top 20 cities
Facebook users in top 20 cities

V-Empower is a political technology company with 13 years of experience developing solutions to engage voters for political parties and candidates. They have built comprehensive online marketing platforms, including websites, for political campaigns in the US and India. This document provides statistics on Facebook users in the top 20 cities in India, breaking users down by gender and age group, to help political clients run targeted campaigns.

Vizitand Hattusha / A trip to Hattusha
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Vizitand Hattusha / A trip to Hattusha

O prezentare a capitalei hititilor si a drumului pana acolo / A presentation of the Hittite capital and of the way to get there

CSS Media Queries
Portrait vs. Landscape
/* Portrait */
@media screen and (orientation:portrait) {
/* Portrait styles */
/* Landscape */
@media screen and (orientation:landscape) {
/* Landscape styles */
Google Bookmark Bubble
Create your own:
Responsive Web Design
One Site & Theme for any device
Responsive Drupal Themes
Omega Adaptive

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Santim Et Alii
Santim Et AliiSantim Et Alii
Santim Et Alii

1. O documento descreve o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para gerenciamento quantitativo dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos em ambientes urbanizados. 2. A ferramenta foi aplicada em uma sub-bacia urbana de Ilha Solteira-SP, quantificando a alteração da taxa de infiltração com o crescimento urbano entre 1970-2005 usando o método do balanço de massas. 3. Os resultados obtidos com a ferramenta podem orientar as tomadas de decisão dos órgãos

bacias hidrogrficasdrenagem urbana
View of reality expressed in the abrahamic religions
View of reality expressed in the abrahamic religionsView of reality expressed in the abrahamic religions
View of reality expressed in the abrahamic religions

Zoroastrianism is an ancient Iranian religion founded by Zoroaster. It has around 2.6 million followers. Zoroastrians believe in one supreme god, Ahura Mazda, and that people should perform good deeds to achieve happiness. They use fire and water in important rituals, with fire representing spiritual insight and water representing wisdom. While there are some differences between Zoroastrianism and other major religions like Christianity and Judaism, they share many core beliefs around judgment after death, creation myths, and the roles of good and evil forces.



Responsive jQuery Plugins
Fittext FitVids http://fitvids.js
Responsive jQuery Code Snippets
Elastislide Image Gallery
Testing Tools
Firefox User Agent Add-on
Supports iPad and iPhone
Great for testing mobile browser detection,
url and theme switching

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Plan de estudio civil
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Plan de estudio civil

Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil de una facultad, dividido en 10 semestres. Incluye los códigos, nombres, créditos y horas de teoría, práctica y laboratorio de los 62 cursos requeridos, con un total de 202 créditos obligatorios y 49 electivos, sumando 251 créditos en total para completar la carrera.

Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile appsHybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile apps

This document discusses hybrid mobile apps, which are native apps that use an embedded browser to run some or all of their user interface. Hybrid apps combine the advantages of native apps like being downloaded from app stores with the advantages of web apps like being able to write code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Frameworks exist that allow hybrid apps to access native device capabilities like the camera from JavaScript. The document argues that with frameworks, hybrid apps can provide rich experiences comparable to native apps.

html5 javascript mobile ios android phone tablet
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile AppBest Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App

By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this hands-on webinar, you will: - learn the differences between native and web apps. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile web apps. - gain hands-on experience using jQuery Mobile to develop a fully functional mobile-optimized web app. - have access to a free Web server so you can continue to work/test your project live on the Web. - continue to work with Jason and Chad so you can have a mentor during and after your project.

web developmentlibrariesmobile
Apple XCode iOS Simulator
Awesome Resources

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