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Building Cross-Platform
Mobile Apps
Mobile Dev+Test
14 April 2015 - San Diego CA
Troy Miles
Over 35 years of programming experience
Twitter: @therockncoder
A Quick & Dirty JavaScript Overview
What is PhoneGap?
Building PhoneGap Apps
The Router

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Cordova + Ionic + MobileFirst
Cordova + Ionic + MobileFirstCordova + Ionic + MobileFirst
Cordova + Ionic + MobileFirst

This document discusses Cordova, Ionic, and IBM MobileFirst for developing hybrid mobile apps. It begins with an introduction to Cordova for creating apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ionic is presented as a framework that improves upon Cordova apps. MobileFirst is then introduced as a platform from IBM that further enhances hybrid apps with features like push notifications, security, and integration with backend systems and services.

Universal Windows Platform
Universal Windows PlatformUniversal Windows Platform
Universal Windows Platform

This document discusses the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). It defines a UWP app as an application that runs on the UWP and targets device families rather than a specific OS. Key points are that UWP apps are packaged using the .AppX format, there is a common API across devices, and they can be adapted for different screen sizes using responsive design techniques. The document also covers how to develop UWP apps in Visual Studio 2015, how to convert existing apps to the UWP format, and considerations for porting a specific app called BranchApp.

PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS
PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JSPhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS
PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS

An overview of PhoneGap. Covers the basics about what PhoneGap is, how to get started, how to use the device APIs, and how to debug it along with some other things to consider when building mobile applications with HTML/JS/CSS.

htmlmobile application developmentjavascript
Chocolate Chip
Look and Feel
The End of HTML5 as a
Facebook mobile apps on iOS and Android were
originally using HTML5
Users complained about speed and style
In 2012, Facebook switch to native apps
The pundits announced the end of HTML5 as a mobile
platform and the end of PhoneGap too
JavaScript Best Practices
Avoid sloppy JavaScript
Avoid the Global Space
Encapsulate Code into Objects
Use Design Patterns
Avoid Sloppy JavaScript
Use “strict” mode
Always use ‘===’ & ‘!==’
Code in JavaScript not C#, Java, Ruby, etc.
Use JSLint or JSHint

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Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...

A quick rampup through the learning curve of PhoneGap, by way of walking through an App Development.

chennaiphonegaptouch tour
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem. SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.

Introductory slide set on the new client side framework on SharePoint platform which introduces by Microsoft. This slide-deck has been used by me in the local user group speak-up had in the year 2016. @kushanlahiru

typescriptnodejsoffice development
Workshop on Hybrid App Development with Ionic Framework
Workshop on Hybrid App Development with Ionic FrameworkWorkshop on Hybrid App Development with Ionic Framework
Workshop on Hybrid App Development with Ionic Framework

Presentation materials for workshop on Hybrid App Development with Ionic Framework. Organized by Women Leaders in Technology, Nepal. Workshop conducted by Aayush Shrestha.

programminghybrid app developmentionicframework
Avoid the Global Space
Minimize use of global variables
Use Name-spacing
Use anonymous/immediate functions when appropriate
Functions are a first class type
Like other types they can be passed and assigned
Anonymous functions are used frequently
Objects are some what like Key/Value dictionaries in
other languages
The Key can be anything when wrapped in quotes
The Value can be any type including a function
Events allow for excellent separation of concerns
You can listen for system events or
Trigger and respond to your own
Many external libraries will communicate via events

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Developing Hybrid Applications with IONIC
Developing Hybrid Applications with IONICDeveloping Hybrid Applications with IONIC
Developing Hybrid Applications with IONIC

> Mobile world > Hybrid Apps vs Native Apps > Cordova and Its Architecture > What and Why IONIC ? > What Techniologies IONIC does it use ? > Ionicon and Its usage > IONIC CLI > IONIC and Packed Android Project File Structure. > Example To Do List

angularjsionicnative vs hybrid apps
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile ApplicationsDeveloping Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications

The document discusses trends in mobile operating systems and platforms. It notes that Android's market share has grown significantly in the past year while RIM has declined. It also provides details on developing apps for platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry. The document recommends approaches for writing enterprise mobile apps, including using mobile web frameworks or hybrid apps to target multiple platforms. It outlines how mobile devices can increase employee productivity and access to enterprise data and applications.

androidmobile developmentiphone
Mobile applications development - why should you start learning it right now?
Mobile applications development - why should you start learning it right now?Mobile applications development - why should you start learning it right now?
Mobile applications development - why should you start learning it right now?

Mobile apps development- why should you start learning it right now? - 7 reasons why should you start learning how to develop a mobile app? - How much do mobile apps developers earn? - 10 main instruments of a mobile app developer - 5 technologies you should learn to be able to develop mobile - 7 advices to start learning mobile apps development - 5 industries which need mobile apps developers

mobile application developmentinformation technologyandroid
A rather new JavaScript concept
Used to handle asynchronous callbacks
The app uses jQuery’s version
PhoneGap/Cordova History
2009: 1st developed at an
iPhoneDevCamp event
2009: Developers form a
company, Nitobi
2011: Adobe acquires Nitobi
2011: Adobe open sources
PhoneGap project to Apache
2012: Apache gives the
project the name Cordova
Cordova Forks
Adobe PhoneGap
IBM Worklight
Telerik Platform
Intel XDK
BlackBerry WebWorks
The Ionic Framework
Target Platforms
Amazon FireOS
Google Android
BlackBerry 10
Firefox OS
Apple iOS
Ubuntu Linux
Microsoft Windows Phone 8

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Publishing API documentation -- Workshop
Publishing API documentation -- WorkshopPublishing API documentation -- Workshop
Publishing API documentation -- Workshop

These slides are from the REST API documentation workshop that I gave at the STC Summit 2015. For more details, see

api documentation
Publishing API documentation -- Presentation
Publishing API documentation -- PresentationPublishing API documentation -- Presentation
Publishing API documentation -- Presentation

The document discusses various strategies for publishing API documentation, including different types of documentation like guides, tutorials, and reference docs. It also covers tools for generating documentation from code, hosting platforms, design patterns, and questions to consider regarding developer contributions, security, hosting budgets, and customization needs.

api documentation
Documenting REST APIs
Documenting REST APIsDocumenting REST APIs
Documenting REST APIs

This presentation covers how to document REST APIs. For accompanying notes, see This presentation is geared towards technical writers. The focus is with REST APIs, not platform-specific APIs such as Java.

api documentation
Development Platforms
All except Windows Phone / Windows
All except iOS
All except Windows Phone and iOS
Current release is 4.2
Node.js is a hard requirement since version 3.0
It is all command line instead of IDE
Recommend not upgrading your app to a new version
right away
How PhoneGap works?
Most device APIs include an internal web browser
PhoneGap uses this internal web browser as its app
It adds more features to the navigator via software
which bridges the gap between the internal web and
the device
The Hard Things
Knowing the difference between PhoneGap & Cordova
Deciding what to do past hello, world

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JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload
JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) uploadJavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload
JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload

Russ Fustino is the Head of Developer Evangelism at ComponentOne. He discusses how ASP.NET developers can use JavaScript and HTML5 to build mobile-ready websites. He explains key JavaScript technologies like jQuery, jQuery UI, and Wijmo that simplify Ajax and widget development. He also demonstrates how to use Knockout.js to add MVVM support and data binding to Wijmo widgets.

Top java script frameworks ppt
Top java script frameworks pptTop java script frameworks ppt
Top java script frameworks ppt

1. The document discusses several popular JavaScript frameworks including AngularJS, Node.js, Agility.js, and Backbone.js. It provides overviews of each framework and their architectures. 2. AngularJS is an open-source framework maintained by Google that assists with single-page applications. Node.js is a platform for scalable server-side applications. Agility.js is a lightweight MVC library, and Backbone.js helps organize code for single-page apps. 3. Each framework has advantages like reusability, testability and being lightweight, though some have disadvantages like learning curves or added complexity. The document provides examples of applications that use each framework.

web application developmentjavascript arraysjavascript frameworks
REST API for Joomla
REST API for JoomlaREST API for Joomla
REST API for Joomla

This document discusses a REST API that was developed for Joomla. It introduces Techjoomla, the company that created the API, and describes their products and experience with Joomla. The presentation defines REST and how it applies to Joomla, outlines the current capabilities of the REST API including user management and JomSocial integration, and proposes future extensions. Implementation scenarios for using the API with applications, mobile, and e-commerce are presented, and a demo is provided.

Node Package Manager
npm is very popular in the open source community
coding standard
storage site + discovery mechanism
delivery mechanism
used by phonegap/cordova
Let’s build an app, part 1a
Hello, world
cordova create hello com.rnc.hello Hello
cd hello
cordova platform add browser --usegit
cordova run browser
Allows you to execute code at defined points in the
Cordova application build process
Example minify your JavaScript

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Application innovation & Developer Productivity
Application innovation & Developer ProductivityApplication innovation & Developer Productivity
Application innovation & Developer Productivity

Focus on business changes based on the requirements in cloud first and mobile first world. Innovate applications to align with business always required in rapid phase.

productivityinnovationsoftware development
Developing ionic apps for android and ios
Developing ionic apps for android and iosDeveloping ionic apps for android and ios
Developing ionic apps for android and ios

This document provides an introduction to developing Ionic apps for Android and iOS. It discusses how Apache Cordova allows using web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for cross-platform mobile development. The document outlines what will be learned, including building Ionic projects, using Cordova APIs, and handling mobile challenges. Requirements are a code editor, modern browser, and internet connection. The course contents include an overview of Ionic and AngularJS, setting up the development environment, using Ionic components and navigation, integrating Sass, directives and services, and building a sample app.

trainingapp developmentionic
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGapGetting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap

An overview of developing mobile applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using PhoneGap, node.js, Brackets and related tools.

One directory for each device framework you support
Because of the complexity involved in getting individual
machines setup, we will demonstrate this but not
actually work through it as an excercise
Modular pieces of native code which give your app increased
Familiar Plugins
Your app's root directory
laid out as a set of sub-directories
Defines a widget
Must be in root directory
Actually defined by the W3C

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Phone gap
Phone gapPhone gap
Phone gap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open source framework that allows developers to create mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can be used to build apps for platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry and more. The presentation provides an overview of PhoneGap and its capabilities, demonstrates how to build an Android app with PhoneGap, discusses built-in plugins for camera, contacts, geo-location and other device functions, and lists pros and cons around performance and skills required compared to native mobile development.

[JavaLand 2015] Developing JavaScript Mobile Apps Using Apache Cordova
[JavaLand 2015] Developing JavaScript Mobile Apps Using Apache Cordova[JavaLand 2015] Developing JavaScript Mobile Apps Using Apache Cordova
[JavaLand 2015] Developing JavaScript Mobile Apps Using Apache Cordova

The document discusses how to develop JavaScript mobile apps using Apache Cordova, an open-source framework that allows developers to create mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and access native device functions. It provides an overview of Cordova, how to configure and use Cordova commands, the Cordova APIs, and tips for integrating jQuery Mobile with Cordova apps. Code samples and links are included to help developers get started building Cordova apps.

JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch
JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha TouchJQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch
JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch

During this briefing for developers and I.T. managers, you'll get an in-depth review of the three most popular javascript-based mobile application development platforms - jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Appcelerator Titanium! You'll review the development tools, hear about the developer and debugging experience, and participate in a brief code review in order to determine which framework is the most appropriate for your next mobile project! We'll demonstrate how each framework can be used to develop the same mobile app, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Note that the full 2.5 hour video of this presentation is available at

sencha touchjquery mobileappcelerator titanium
Let’s build an app, part 1b
Adding a plugin
Two important pieces of information
how to install a plugin
how to make it work
cordova plugin add, onFail, { quality: 50,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL});
function onSuccess(imageData) {
var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;}
function onFail(message) {
alert('Failed because: ' + message);}
Using the browser while developing
Chrome remote for Android devices
Safari remote for iOS devices
Windows Phone winre

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Hybrid Mobile App
Hybrid Mobile AppHybrid Mobile App
Hybrid Mobile App

The document discusses hybrid mobile applications. It begins by defining a mobile application and the different types, including native, web, and hybrid. It then provides an overview of hybrid apps, explaining that they are developed with web technologies but can access device capabilities like a native app. The document outlines the development process for hybrid apps, including choosing a framework like Cordova, writing the code, testing on devices, and deploying to app stores. It provides guidance on coding practices, using plugins to access device features, and deployment procedures for Android and iOS.

Hybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile appHybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile app

We can know about what is mobile application. Especially we can know about Hybrid Mobile Application. Hybrid mobile Application's Overview information and few thing about Native and Web mobile applications.

mobilehybrid mobile appoverview of mobile applications
Intro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGapIntro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGap

The document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap, which allows creating cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap uses a native web view to render the application, while also providing access to device APIs through a JavaScript library. This allows building apps that can be deployed to various mobile platforms like iOS and Android from a single codebase. The document covers getting started, debugging techniques, extending apps through plugins, and deploying finished apps through services like PhoneGap Build.

mobile application developmentmobile phonephonegap
UI Options
Roll Your Own
jQuery / jQuery UI
jQuery Mobile
Chocolate Chip UI
Framework Options
Roll Your Own
A utility belt library for JavaScript
Excellent at manipulating objects and collections
About 6kb minified and compressed
Required for Backbone apps
A MV* Framework
Note: There are no controllers hence no ‘C’
More lightweight than Angular, Ember, or Knockout
Requires jQuery and Underscore

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Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) is an open-source mobile development framework that allows developers to use standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build applications for mobile devices. It works by wrapping web-based apps in a native container, enabling access to native device capabilities like the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript code. Cordova supports developing for major platforms including iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry. Apps are built once using web standards and then deployed across platforms by wrapping the code with the Cordova framework. While this allows for cross-platform development with one codebase, hybrid apps may have poorer performance than those built fully with native languages and lack access to all native device APIs and UI elements.

apache cordova
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile AppBest Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App

By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this hands-on webinar, you will: - learn the differences between native and web apps. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile web apps. - gain hands-on experience using jQuery Mobile to develop a fully functional mobile-optimized web app. - have access to a free Web server so you can continue to work/test your project live on the Web. - continue to work with Jason and Chad so you can have a mentor during and after your project.

web developmentlibrariesmobile
Flex multi-screen development
Flex multi-screen developmentFlex multi-screen development
Flex multi-screen development

This document provides an overview of developing mobile applications with Adobe AIR and Flash Builder. It discusses the mobile platforms that can be targeted (iOS, Android, Blackberry), how to set up your development environment, optimizing applications for mobile, monetizing through developer programs, and resources for learning more. The key advantages highlighted are writing code once in Flash/Flex and deploying to multiple platforms, and eliminating the need to learn platform-specific languages like Objective-C or Java.

The base object in Backbone
Essentially a wrapper around a JavaScript object
Use get and set command to access properties
A collection of models
Can associate a URL with a collection
Backbone native support of RESTful API
Can also use third party API
Backbone’s UI layer
Also does much of what a controller would do in typical
The Router
The router controls application state
In a web site it would control what is in the URL bar
PhoneGap apps may lack a visible URL bar, but it still

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Android Web app
Android Web app Android Web app
Android Web app

This document outlines the major project of building a web app. It discusses that a web app is an app that runs in a web browser and acts like a native mobile app. It then discusses features of Android studio, the differences between web and native apps, requirements for building the app like hardware, software and SDK requirements. It also discusses key attributes like activities, layouts and views used in building the app. Finally, it provides screenshots of the installation, user interface and references used.

web application android web app
Developing Native Mobile Apps Using JavaScript, ApacheCon NA 2014
Developing Native Mobile Apps Using JavaScript, ApacheCon NA 2014Developing Native Mobile Apps Using JavaScript, ApacheCon NA 2014
Developing Native Mobile Apps Using JavaScript, ApacheCon NA 2014

This document provides an overview of developing native mobile apps using Apache Cordova. Cordova allows developing apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that can be deployed across platforms. It introduces Cordova, discusses its advantages over native development, and covers Cordova commands, APIs and integration with jQuery Mobile. An example Memo app demo is also presented.

Apache Cordova In Action
Apache Cordova In ActionApache Cordova In Action
Apache Cordova In Action

1) Apache Cordova allows developers to use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build mobile apps that can access native device features and be deployed to app stores. 2) Cordova uses a command line interface for creating projects, adding platforms, and building apps. It also provides APIs for accessing device features through plugins. 3) jQuery Mobile is a popular framework for building the user interface of Cordova apps, though other frameworks can also be used. Special considerations are needed for each mobile platform.

Templates render markup to the DOM in a cookie
cutter fashion
Especially good for render collections to a view
Make it easier to create single page apps
Chocolate Chip UI
A UI Framework akin to jQuery Mobile or even
Does a great job of impersonating iOS, Android, and
Windows Phone 8
You will work a lot with lists in mobile apps
In CC, lists will have the look and feel of the device
Lists typically will need a bit of code to make them fully
Lists have classes which enhance their looks
Classes exists to indicate:
Navigation to another page
Navigation to a details page

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State ofappdevelopment
State ofappdevelopmentState ofappdevelopment
State ofappdevelopment

A presentation I gave at the March 2013 Tokyo iOS Meetup. It covers some of the trends I see emerging in App Development.

An introduction to Titanium
An introduction to TitaniumAn introduction to Titanium
An introduction to Titanium

This document provides an introduction and overview of building mobile applications using Appcelerator Titanium. It discusses key aspects of Titanium like abstraction layers, supported programming languages, UI structures, and APIs for common mobile tasks. Titanium allows developing apps using JavaScript that can be deployed to platforms like iOS and Android, simplifying cross-platform development. The document demonstrates Titanium's capabilities and encourages exploring further documentation and open source resources.

Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using CordovaBuilding Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova

This is the slide deck used in the "Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using PhoneGap and Cordova" lecture I gave at the WDC.IL User Group in July 2014. The talk briefly shows how to get started with Cordova, discusses some of the differences between Cordova, Adobe PhoneGap and the Telerik Platform, and demonstrates using the Telerik Platform to build and LiveSync Android, iOS and Windows Phone apps. It also explains the role of plugins in building hybrid mobile apps that can utilize native APIs.

cordovatelerik platformhybrid apps
CC uses a combo of its own stuff with HTML5
For example the Range Slider is simply an HTML5
input type=range
But a switch is a combination of HTML, CSS3, and
Look & Feel
Switching the look and feel is easy, just change CSS
PhoneGap version 3+ automates the process
Look & Feel
iOS: chui-ios-3.8.4.min.css
Android 4+: chui-android-3.8.4.min.css
Windows Phone 8: chui-win-3.8.4.min.css
Look & Feel
PhoneGap’s merges folder
one directory for each supported device
Its contents will be copied and overwrite during the
build command
Name all of the css files identically
Place in each appropriate folder

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Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic FrameworkCross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework

What happens when you combine Google's AngularJS, the super cool JavaScript MVC Framework with Apache Cordova, the cross platform mobile framework using web technology? You get the Ionic Framework, the super sexy love child of two great frameworks. With Ionic you build mobile apps using the web technology you already know and love. Think the apps will be slow and clunky? Think again, Ionic comes out of the box with well design CSS3 classes to make beautiful and fluid apps. Using Cordova and jQuery Mobile already? Well, with Ionic you will learn to love mobile development again. No more write-only spaghetti code, Ionic makes it easy to create clean, testable, logical mobile apps. Need to support tablet and phone in the same app? Ionic has you covered. You can create one app which will use responsive design to change its look based on the device's screen dimensions. In this talk, I will show how easy it is to create a mobile with Ionic by building a simple but feature full app live. We will start at the command line, with one command, Ionic creates the skeleton of our app. Then using a text editor and the Chrome browser we begin building out our app. We can get it all up and running without the need for a mobile device. We will use live reload so we see our changes as soon as we make them. Once we finish, a few commands deploys our app to a simulated device. Want to get started but heard what a pain it is to install a mobile development environment? Never fear, the Vagrant Ionic Box provides a complete Android development in a virtual environment for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. You will be up and coding in no time.

rockncoderangularjsionic framework
Cross platform-mobile-applications
Cross platform-mobile-applicationsCross platform-mobile-applications
Cross platform-mobile-applications

This document compares two cross-platform mobile app development frameworks: PhoneGap and Titanium. It provides an overview of each framework, how they allow developing apps across platforms, and their advantages and limitations. Code examples are shown to illustrate app development in each.

Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic FrameworkCross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework
Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework

What happens when you combine Google's AngularJS, the super cool JavaScript MVC Framework with Apache Cordova, the cross platform mobile framework using web technology? You get the Ionic Framework. With Ionic you build mobile apps using the web technology you already know. Think the apps will be slow and clunky? Think again, Ionic comes out of the box with well design CSS3 classes to make beautiful and fluid apps. Using Cordova and jQuery Mobile already? Well, with Ionic you will learn to love mobile development again. No more write-only spaghetti code, Ionic makes it easy to create clean, testable, logical mobile apps. Need to support tablet and phone in the same app? Ionic has you covered. You can create one app which uses responsive design to change its look based on the device's screen dimensions. In this session, we will build an app together to show many of Ionic's major features including CollectionRepeat, UI Widgets, Modals, and Slide Boxes. We will also discuss development workflow, debugging and which tools we use.

ionic frameworkphonegapmobile
Let’s build an app, part 2
cordova create pg-twitter com.rnc.pgtwitter pg-twitter
cd pg-twitter
cordova platform add browser --usegit
cordova run browser
merges directory
Must be created by hand
named after support platforms
contents of the merge directory will be written to the
www during build
files/directories with the same name will be overwritten
Two Things Really Quick
PhoneGap Build
PhoneGap Developer App

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Phone gap
Phone gapPhone gap
Phone gap

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It works by using a bridge that allows JavaScript access to device capabilities. Apps developed with PhoneGap are hybrid apps, with the UI logic in web technologies and device integration in native code. To develop Android apps with PhoneGap, developers set up the Cordova plugin in Eclipse, create a new Android project linking to Cordova files, and code the app using HTML, CSS, JS files that interface with device APIs through Cordova.

Fast C++ Web Servers
Fast C++ Web ServersFast C++ Web Servers
Fast C++ Web Servers

Build a fast web site using C++, Crow, and Docker. Deploy to Heroku for free. Server supports web sockets too.

c++httpweb server
Node Boot Camp
Node Boot CampNode Boot Camp
Node Boot Camp

The fundamentals and advance application of Node will be covered. We will explore the design choices that make Node.js unique, how this changes the way applications are built and how systems of applications work most effectively in this model. You will learn how to create modular code that’s robust, expressive and clear. Understand when to use callbacks, event emitters and streams.

nodev8version 8
The Rockncoder
Speed of development
Ease of development
Cross-platform by design

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AWS Lambda Function with Kotlin
AWS Lambda Function with KotlinAWS Lambda Function with Kotlin
AWS Lambda Function with Kotlin

Kotlin is a language from the tool gurus at JetBrains. In 2016, after about six years of development, Kotlin reached version 1.0. In 2017 it won the hearts of developers and became an officially supported language for Android. Kotlin, like Java, is for more than creating Android applications. It can replace or enhance Java most places it is used today including on AWS. AWS Lambda functions sometimes called Serverless Computing, is a service which lets us developers build web services without worrying about configuring servers. In this session, we will create a lambda service on AWS using Kotlin. Along the way, we will learn what a makes Kotlin an excellent replacement for Java and how simple it is to construct an AWS Lambda function.

React Native One Day
React Native One DayReact Native One Day
React Native One Day

This full day course will give you a hands-on, deep dive into React Native. In this course, you will learn how to build cross-platform mobile applications from scratch using Facebook's React Native.

React Native Evening
React Native EveningReact Native Evening
React Native Evening

He will start you at the beginning and cover prerequisites; setting up your development environment first. Afterward, you will use npm to install react-native-cli. The CLI is our go to tool. We use it to create and deploy our app. Next, you will explore the code. React Native will look familiar to all React developers since it is React. The main difference between React on the browser and a mobile device is the lack of a DOM. We take a look a many of the different UI components that are available. With React Native you have access to all of the devices hardware features like cameras, GPS, fingerprint reader and more. So we'll show some JavaScript code samples demonstrating it. We will wrap up the evening by deploying our app to both iOS and Android devices and with tips on getting ready for both devices stores.

Please rate this talk!

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