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Using Galera Replication to Create
Geo-distributed Clusters on the WAN
Philip Stoev
Codership Oy
• A very quick overview of Galera Cluster
• What is a geo-distributed database and why use it?
• Galera’s approach
• Configuration considerations
• AWS demo
Galera Cluster Overview
– each transaction is immediately replicated on all nodes at commit
– no stale slaves
– read from and write to any node
– automatic transaction conflict detection
– a copy of the entire dataset is available on all nodes
– new nodes can join automatically
– based on a modified version of MySQL (5.5, 5.6 with 5.7 coming up)
– InnoDB storage engine
And more …
• Recovers from node failures within seconds
• Data consistency protections
– avoids reading stale data
– prevents unsafe data modifications
• Cloud and WAN support

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Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera ) Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera )
Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera )

MySQL Clustering over InnoDB engines has grown a lot over the last decade. Galera began working with InnoDB early and then Group Replication came to the environment later, where the features are now rich and robust. This presentation offers a technical comparison of both of them.

Introduction to Storm
Introduction to Storm Introduction to Storm
Introduction to Storm

Storm is a distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation system. It was created at BackType/Twitter to analyze tweets, links, and users on Twitter in realtime. Storm provides scalability, reliability, and ease of programming. It uses components like Zookeeper, ØMQ, and Thrift. A Storm topology defines the flow of data between spouts that read data and bolts that process data. Storm guarantees processing of all data through its reliability APIs and guarantees no data loss even during failures.

Intro to HBase
Intro to HBaseIntro to HBase
Intro to HBase

This document introduces HBase, an open-source, non-relational, distributed database modeled after Google's BigTable. It describes what HBase is, how it can be used, and when it is applicable. Key points include that HBase stores data in columns and rows accessed by row keys, integrates with Hadoop for MapReduce jobs, and is well-suited for large datasets, fast random access, and write-heavy applications. Common use cases involve log analytics, real-time analytics, and messages-centered systems.

hbase introduction
What is a Geo-distributed
Database Cluster?
• There are database nodes in different physical locations
– multiple data centers, regions, continents …
• Nodes work together as a single entity
– rather than be in some subordinate relationship
Why Have a Geo-Distributed Database?
• Distribute global data globally
• Bring data closer to the users
• Go beyond availability zones and achieve multi-
datacenter redundancy
– multiple availability zones can fail at the same time
• Use multiple cloud providers
Galera’s Approach
Galera’s Approach
• Single logical MySQL database
– behaves as a single entity with multiple connection points
• Each node has a complete replica of the database
– can respond to any read request without delay
– removes latency for many operations
– may reduce the number of caching layers required
• Each node is a master
– no primary/secondary relationship
– no need to promote a secondary to master on master failure

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InnoDb Vs NDB Cluster
InnoDb Vs NDB ClusterInnoDb Vs NDB Cluster
InnoDb Vs NDB Cluster

The document discusses two MySQL high availability solutions: MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL NDB Cluster. MySQL InnoDB Cluster provides easy high availability built into MySQL with write consistency, read scalability, and application failover using MySQL Router. MySQL NDB Cluster is an in-memory database that provides automatic sharding, native access via several APIs, read/write consistency, and read/write scalability using the NDB storage engine. The document compares the two solutions and discusses their architectures and key features.

Introduction to Galera Cluster
Introduction to Galera ClusterIntroduction to Galera Cluster
Introduction to Galera Cluster

- Galera is a MySQL clustering solution that provides true multi-master replication with synchronous replication and no single point of failure. - It allows high availability, data integrity, and elastic scaling of databases across multiple nodes. - Companies like Percona and MariaDB have integrated Galera to provide highly available database clusters.

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How to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScale
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How to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScale

MaxScale is a database proxy that provides load balancing, connection pooling, and replication capabilities for MariaDB and MySQL databases. It can be used to scale databases horizontally across multiple servers for increased performance and availability. The document provides an overview of MaxScale concepts and capabilities such as routing, filtering, security features, and how it can be used for operational tasks like query caching, logging, and data streaming. It also includes instructions on setting up MaxScale with a basic example of configuring read/write splitting between a master and slave database servers.

mariadbmaxscaleopen source
Galera Features for WAN
• Optimized network protocol
– packets exchanged over WAN only at transaction commit time
• Topology-aware replication
– each transaction is sent to each datacenter only once
– if needed, node synchronizes with nearest neighbors
• Traffic encryption
• Detection and automatic eviction of unreliable nodes
– node will be evicted if it repeatedly suffers network issues
– it will not be allowed to rejoin without a manual intervention
What Data Can Take Advantage of
Synchronous WAN Replication?
• Global in nature
– configuration data, authentication databases, SSO, etc.
– e.g. OpenStack's Keystone and Glance databases
• High read-to-write ratio
(in a distributed system, consistent writes require communication)
• Very high consistency requirements
– financial data, payments, bank accounts
• High write availability requirements
– writes must be possible at all times (without violating consistency)
Designing Your Cluster Topology
• Use an odd number of data centers
• If two data centers, run a Galera arbitrator
• Consider multiple nodes per datacenter
Latency Considerations
• Delay at commit time is generally equal to max RTT
– the highest latency dominates the overall response time
• A client can commit a maximum of 1/RTT
– consolidate updates into larger transactions
– larger connection pool may be required
• In multi-master setups, you can successfully update a
given row a maximum of 1/RTT times per second
– or conflicts can occur and an error will be returned to client

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Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison
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Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison

Galera Cluster for MySQL, Percona XtraDB Cluster and MariaDB Cluster (the three “flavours” of Galera Cluster) make use of the Galera WSREP libraries to handle synchronous replication.MySQL Cluster is the official clustering solution from Oracle, while Galera Cluster for MySQL is slowly but surely establishing itself as the de-facto clustering solution in the wider MySQL eco-system. In this webinar, we will look at all these alternatives and present an unbiased view on their strengths/weaknesses and the use cases that fit each alternative. This webinar will cover the following: MySQL Cluster architecture: strengths and limitations Galera Architecture: strengths and limitations Deployment scenarios Data migration Read and write workloads (Optimistic/pessimistic locking) WAN/Geographical replication Schema changes Management and monitoring

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Cassandra Introduction & Features
Cassandra Introduction & FeaturesCassandra Introduction & Features
Cassandra Introduction & Features

This presentation shortly describes key features of Apache Cassandra. It was held at the Apache Cassandra Meetup in Vienna in January 2014. You can access the meetup here:

Zookeeper Architecture
Zookeeper ArchitectureZookeeper Architecture
Zookeeper Architecture

A coordination service like Zookeeper helps distributed applications coordinate by providing common services like synchronization, configuration sharing, naming, and leader election. Zookeeper uses an ensemble of servers running as a cluster. It stores data in a hierarchical namespace of znodes. Clients can read and write znodes, set watches on znodes to get notified of changes, and rely on Zookeeper to handle session and server failures in a transparent way. Some common usage recipes for Zookeeper include barriers for synchronization, cluster management using ephemeral znodes, queues using sequential znodes, locks for mutual exclusion, and leader election.

zookeeperapachedistributed systems
Bandwidth/Throughput Considerations
• All links between nodes are important for overall
• Galera slows down commits to what the network is able
to handle
• Full snapshot transfers (SST) across WAN are
– have more than one node at each location
• Configure gmcast.segment = ID
– each location should have a separate ID
• Review default values for:
– evs.inactive_timeout (15 seconds); evs.suspect_timeout (5 seconds)
• Size gcache appropriately
– to avoid snapshot transfers (SST) over WAN
• Set up optional auto-eviction
• Set up optional encryption
– SST encryption is configured separately
Network Configuration
• Use static/reserved public IPs
• Open firewall ports: 3306, 4567, 4568, 4444
– but not to the entire world
• Settings that use the public IPs:
– wsrep_cluster_address
– wsrep_node_address
• Settings that use the private IPs:
– ist.recv_bind
Performance Configuration
• wsrep_provider_options:
– gcs.max_packet_size=1048576
– evs.send_window=512; evs.user_send_window=256
– gcs.fc_limit=128
• wsrep_slave_threads
• binlog_row_event_max_size, binlog_cache_size=2M
• at the TCP level:
– net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
– net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
– net.core.rmem_default = 16777216
– net.core.wmem_default = 16777216
– net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
– net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
– net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle = 0

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Nowadays, people are creating, sharing and storing data at a faster pace than ever before, effective data compression / decompression could significantly reduce the cost of data usage. Apache Spark is a general distributed computing engine for big data analytics, and it has large amount of data storing and shuffling across cluster in runtime, the data compression/decompression codecs can impact the end to end application performance in many ways. However, there’s a trade-off between the storage size and compression/decompression throughput (CPU computation). Balancing the data compress speed and ratio is a very interesting topic, particularly while both software algorithms and the CPU instruction set keep evolving. Apache Spark provides a very flexible compression codecs interface with default implementations like GZip, Snappy, LZ4, ZSTD etc. and Intel Big Data Technologies team also implemented more codecs based on latest Intel platform like ISA-L(igzip), LZ4-IPP, Zlib-IPP and ZSTD for Apache Spark; in this session, we’d like to compare the characteristics of those algorithms and implementations, by running different micro workloads as well as end to end workloads, based on different generations of Intel x86 platform and disk. It’s supposedly to be the best practice for big data software engineers to choose the proper compression/decompression codecs for their applications, and we also will present the methodologies of measuring and tuning the performance bottlenecks for typical Apache Spark workloads.

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Apache Kafka
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Apache Kafka

This document provides an overview of Apache Kafka. It begins with defining Kafka as a distributed streaming platform and messaging system. It then lists the agenda which includes what Kafka is, why it is used, common use cases, major companies that use it, how it achieves high performance, and core concepts. Core concepts explained include topics, partitions, brokers, replication, leaders, and producers and consumers. The document also provides examples to illustrate these concepts.

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• EC2 nodes in US East, Brazil and Australia
– m4.large instances (2 virtual CPUs, 8GB RAM, $0.12/hour)
– latencies:
Sao Paulo
US East
119 ms
• Please use the Question/Chat box in the GoToWebinar
Thank You
Discussion group:

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Galera Cluster 3.0 Features
Codership Oy - Creators of Galera Cluster
Zero Downtime Schema Changes in Galera Cluster
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Zero Downtime Schema Changes in Galera Cluster
Codership Oy - Creators of Galera Cluster
Introducing Galera 3.0
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Galera Cluster 4 for MySQL 8 Release Webinar slides
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Using galera replication to create geo distributed clusters on the wan

  • 1. Using Galera Replication to Create Geo-distributed Clusters on the WAN Philip Stoev Codership Oy
  • 2. Agenda • A very quick overview of Galera Cluster • What is a geo-distributed database and why use it? • Galera’s approach • Configuration considerations • AWS demo
  • 3. Galera Cluster Overview Synchronous – each transaction is immediately replicated on all nodes at commit – no stale slaves Multi-Master – read from and write to any node – automatic transaction conflict detection Replication – a copy of the entire dataset is available on all nodes – new nodes can join automatically For MySQL – based on a modified version of MySQL (5.5, 5.6 with 5.7 coming up) – InnoDB storage engine
  • 4. And more … • Recovers from node failures within seconds • Data consistency protections – avoids reading stale data – prevents unsafe data modifications • Cloud and WAN support
  • 5. What is a Geo-distributed Database Cluster? • There are database nodes in different physical locations – multiple data centers, regions, continents … • Nodes work together as a single entity – rather than be in some subordinate relationship
  • 6. Why Have a Geo-Distributed Database? • Distribute global data globally • Bring data closer to the users • Go beyond availability zones and achieve multi- datacenter redundancy – multiple availability zones can fail at the same time • Use multiple cloud providers
  • 8. Galera’s Approach • Single logical MySQL database – behaves as a single entity with multiple connection points • Each node has a complete replica of the database – can respond to any read request without delay – removes latency for many operations – may reduce the number of caching layers required • Each node is a master – no primary/secondary relationship – no need to promote a secondary to master on master failure
  • 9. Galera Features for WAN • Optimized network protocol – packets exchanged over WAN only at transaction commit time • Topology-aware replication – each transaction is sent to each datacenter only once – if needed, node synchronizes with nearest neighbors • Traffic encryption • Detection and automatic eviction of unreliable nodes – node will be evicted if it repeatedly suffers network issues – it will not be allowed to rejoin without a manual intervention
  • 10. What Data Can Take Advantage of Synchronous WAN Replication? • Global in nature – configuration data, authentication databases, SSO, etc. – e.g. OpenStack's Keystone and Glance databases • High read-to-write ratio (in a distributed system, consistent writes require communication) • Very high consistency requirements – financial data, payments, bank accounts • High write availability requirements – writes must be possible at all times (without violating consistency)
  • 11. Designing Your Cluster Topology • Use an odd number of data centers • If two data centers, run a Galera arbitrator • Consider multiple nodes per datacenter
  • 12. Latency Considerations • Delay at commit time is generally equal to max RTT – the highest latency dominates the overall response time • A client can commit a maximum of 1/RTT transactions/second – consolidate updates into larger transactions – larger connection pool may be required • In multi-master setups, you can successfully update a given row a maximum of 1/RTT times per second – or conflicts can occur and an error will be returned to client
  • 13. Bandwidth/Throughput Considerations • All links between nodes are important for overall performance • Galera slows down commits to what the network is able to handle • Full snapshot transfers (SST) across WAN are bandwidth-intensive – have more than one node at each location
  • 14. Configuration • Configure gmcast.segment = ID – each location should have a separate ID • Review default values for: – evs.inactive_timeout (15 seconds); evs.suspect_timeout (5 seconds) • Size gcache appropriately – to avoid snapshot transfers (SST) over WAN • Set up optional auto-eviction • Set up optional encryption – SST encryption is configured separately
  • 15. Network Configuration • Use static/reserved public IPs • Open firewall ports: 3306, 4567, 4568, 4444 – but not to the entire world • Settings that use the public IPs: – wsrep_cluster_address – wsrep_node_address • Settings that use the private IPs: – ist.recv_bind
  • 16. Performance Configuration • wsrep_provider_options: – gcs.max_packet_size=1048576 – evs.send_window=512; evs.user_send_window=256 – gcs.fc_limit=128 • wsrep_slave_threads • binlog_row_event_max_size, binlog_cache_size=2M • at the TCP level: – net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 – net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 – net.core.rmem_default = 16777216 – net.core.wmem_default = 16777216 – net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 – net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216 – net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle = 0
  • 17. Demo • EC2 nodes in US East, Brazil and Australia – m4.large instances (2 virtual CPUs, 8GB RAM, $0.12/hour) – latencies: Brazil Sao Paulo Australia Sydney US East Virginia 319 229 119 ms
  • 18. Questions • Please use the Question/Chat box in the GoToWebinar panel